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  • Hi Guys, A lot of our pages we updated with new category based content on our e-commerce site I noticed haven't been cached for a while like This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 15 Jun 2017 11:37:52 GMT. Does this mean that google hasn't reviewed this page yet? Could this be due to poor internally linking or something? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bridhard8

  • It says this page amongst alot of others is missing a title tag. But I see it in the source code??

    API | | frankcefalu

  • We have a directory site with multiple listings. Currently, our page structure is fragmented for each of the tabs (about, products, reviews, etc) with canonicals going back to the main listing page. This includes the reviews as well. Review aggregate is marked up and the stars are rendering in the SERPs. We are planning to break out reviews to /reviews and including a paginated series, then all of the tabs (about, products, NOT reviews) will be javascript loading content so no more fragmented URLs. Right now, I suspect that the stars are rendering on the main listing page because the review page that is currently fragmented has a canonical back to the main listing page. The main listing page also is marked up with the review aggregate. if we break out /reviews, all of the reviews will live on /reviews. If we break out /reviews to it's own URL, will we have to have a small amount of reviews on the main listing page to have the stars render in the SERPs for the main listing page?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | imjonny

  • Hello! I have big problems with website promotion. It's been 7 months and the attendance on the site is 1-5 people a day. I do not understand the reason. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Site: Many thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bobic

  • I want to put canonical tags on the homepage of a site. cant figure out the version of URL of the homepage should be with a / at the end or without the /                                  ( of ) if I put into the google the URL with /  I get the URL without the / in my browser, and it isn't showing as a redirect in my moz extension or other tools. But when I copy the URL from browser and paste elsewhere it pastes with a / I have two questions 1 - in general how does it work with URLs of homepages - I see this happening with lots of sites? 2 -  which URL should I set as the canonical version of my homepage? Thanks so much

    Technical SEO | | Ruchy

  • Hey everyone, I have another question regarding duplicate content. We are planning on launching a new sector in our industry to satisfy a niche. Our main site works as a directory with listings with NAP. The new sector that we are launching will be taking all of the content on the main site and duplicating it on a subdomain for the new sector. We still want the subdomain to rank organically, but I'm having struggles between putting a rel=canonical back to main site, or doing a self-referencing canonical, but now I have duplicates. The other idea is to rewrite the content on each listing so that the menu items are still the same, but the listing description is different. Do you think this would be enough differentiating content that it won't be seen as a duplicate? Obviously make this to be part of the main site is the best option, but we can't do that unfortunately. Last question, what are the advantages or disadvantages of doing a subdomain?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | imjonny

  • I'm a Moz member, mostly just lurk, and love the Moz community. I work at a non profit company that does benchmarking data and helps school districts improve process in education. Our building flooded and our site is currently offline, is there anything we can do to stop/lesson any SEO page rank drop between now and when we are back up? We have worked very hard to get these rankings. I know it is minor compared to all tragedy in Houston, but we have worked hard to get these SEO gains (YEAH MOZ!) and I'd hate to lose them because of Harvey. Any suggestions, assistance appreciated! Ralph

    SERP Trends | | inhouseninja

  • I've created a campaign, and realized I left keywords off the list that I want to add. I can't figure out how to get back to the list of keywords I entered to update it.

    Getting Started | | troy.brophy

  • We have a ton of ugly parameter urls that are coming up in google, in semrush, etc. What do we do with them? I know they can cause issues. EX

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | stldanni

  • Hi guys. I've just been watching this whiteboard Friday.   At 2.01 mins Rand mentions something about a penalty that Google gives for certain internal linking practices.  I'm a little confused about it. Something along the lines of... 'stuffing keyword rich anchor text in the footer and nav bar' Does Rand mean repeating keyword rich anchor text in these areas? Or just that it's stuffing by nature... because it's on every page of the site? Hope that makes sense. I've attached a screen shot of our footer.  Could you let me know if this is bad form? Thanks in advance 🙂 CLYGpiI

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | isaac663

  • Hay Moz Community. I really hope you can shed some light as I am going round in circles. If you do a search in google UK for Oak Furniture Land you will see the two result is and then The problem I have is only the UK site should be showing. Both have hreflang implemented and targeting in search console for UK and USA respectively but it seams that google does not want play ball. Any assistance is greatly appreciated Alex Mxdst

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alexcox6

  • Hello Expert, For my ecommerce site every minute I have 500 visitors now when my development team do deployment like minor JS update where site restart not require then what I found is on website (front end) not able to find anything happen that means visitor not event realize page even refresh but in analytic real time it shows minor pageviews down. So can anyone guess here what happen actually in this case as per google? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | micey123

  • Good Morning, All! I work for a home builder - Their site has hundreds of pages and blogs and I'm looking at consolidating many of them as they're older and use an older SEO strategy. Can you take a look at their portfolio? I'm wondering if I should consolidate the various projects into their own pages by house type and city - rather than having all on one page? Both for SEO and for easier searchability. How would you organize this for these? The benefit to setting up city pages is the local SEO rank (St Louis has so many suburbs). The benefit to setting up pages by home style or size would be for user experience. How do I improve this for both? And... how do I optimize for conversions better?

    Local Website Optimization | | stldanni

  • if a blog that is performing well on the first page at an average position of 4 for an informative term. The blog contains a lot of outbound links, adding nofollow tag to all of them affect the current ranking? There are few other same cases. Here is the link - The was a lot of other optimization done on the page but the ranking did not improve at all. Is the issue with my domain authority or is it due to higher backlink to other competitive domains.

    On-Page Optimization | | Web-Engage

  • We have several vanity domains that forward to various pages on our primary domain.
    e.g. (301)--> (200) These forwards have been in place for months or even years and have worked fine.  As of yesterday, we have seen the following problem.  We have made no changes in the forwarding settings. Now, inconsistently, they sometimes resolve and sometimes they do not.  When we load the vanity URL with Chrome Dev Tools (Network Pane) open, it shows the following redirect chains, where xxxxx represents a random 5 character string of lower and upper case letters.  (e.g. VGuTD) EXAMPLE:                                  (302, Found) -->                        (302, Found) -->                        (302, Found) -->               (302, Found) --> (404, Not Found) This is just one example, the amount of redirects, vary wildly.  Sometimes there is only 1 redirect, sometimes there are as many as 5. Sometimes the request will ultimately resolve on the correct, but usually it does not (as in the example above). We have cross-checked across every browser, device, private/non-private, cookies cleared, on and off of our network etc...   This leads us to believe that it is not at the device or host level. Our Registrar is Godaddy.  They have not encountered this issue before, and have no idea what this 5 character string is from.  I tend to believe them because per our analytics, we have determined that this problem only started yesterday. Our primary question is, has anybody else encountered this problem either in the last couple days, or at any time in the past?  We have come up with a solution that works to alleviate the problem, but to implement it across hundreds of vanity domains will take us an inordinate amount of time.  Really hoping to fix the cause of the problem instead of just treating the symptom.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SS.Digital

  • I have run into something i have never seen before. A friend has a website with two country domains, so page titles for the homepages of both websites look like this: Rent your care here | Rent your car here | The thing is, both are perfectly well set-up in Yoast. Yet when googling, the different URL's both appear like this: Rent your car here | How could this happen?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Boostability

  • WP is doing this somehow, and creating URLs for hundreds of pages that don't exist. HOW is this happening, and how do I stop It?  I have many, many URLS like this: Of note,, and are both legit pages on the site. Why they are being concatenated is beyond my limited understanding of WP. Please, somebody, help. Cori

    Technical SEO | | FlyingC

  • I often get push back from our content team about optimizing blogs for organic search. They'll say things like "but this isn't relevant for search" or "well, this is intended for people who come directly to our blog, I don't think it'll matter if it shows up in search." This is especially true when we publish product announcements and customer case studies. As an SEO, my opinion is definitely biased, but I 100% disagree and believe that search is relevant for every piece of content -- it's just that we might approach SEO differently for a product announcement (i.e. looking at branded search queries) vs. a more general "how to create an editorial calendar" type post. Would like to hear thoughts from the Moz community, though: what do you think? Is there ever a time when search isn't relevant for a blog post? Ever a time when we should skip the keyword/phrase research and tracking? Why or why not?

    Keyword Research | | AsanaOps

  • We are launching a product in Australia which is already available in the UK. We currently have the but the .com is not available. How important would it be to get the Australian TLD? I am interested in hearing from people who have knowledge of the Australian market to understand how they would feel about buying from a I know the US market wouldn't be keen to buy from a, so would be interested to know if the same would be true of Australia. The product is a crafty mum to mum product, invented by a UK mum and that is part of the appeal, which may make the UK domain more palatable? The client has a small budget and low profit margins so creating a whole new website could be prohibitative. So I am keen to go down the route of a sub-directory targeting Australia if possible. Thanks in advance

    Local SEO | | Wagada

  • Hello! I have a number of "Duplicate Title Errors" as my website has a long Site Title: Planit NZ: New Zealand Tours, Bus Passes & Travel Planning. Am I better off with a short title that is simply my website/business name: Planit NZ My thought was adding some keywords might help with my rankings. Thanks Matt

    Technical SEO | | mkyhnn

  • Hello, I am wondering how to deal with internal anchor text. I read here and there that it shouldn't be too optimised but I also read that this is how google understands what my page is aout. I have breadcrumbs with my main keyword in the anchor text and can't change that it is automatic. In other words if i have 10 breadcrumb going to my top page with the keyword can I be penalised ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I have a client who is asking for SEO help after renaming their business, getting a new URL, and somehow having an address change (without moving to a new location...weird...I know). This has set them back big time in terms of their domain authority (they went from a 46 to a 15 in DA). The web developers they work with put a 302 redirect in place from their old URL (home page), which had 10,477 links from 52 root domains, to their new URL's home page. Open site explorer shows that they now have 5 links! We can improve some of the local search set backs from the name and address change with a citation audit and clean up, but the domain name change is a killer. So here's my question or questions, really: Do we need to manually rebuild links with partner websites? I know there is debate around the actual link juice passed along from a 302 vs a 301 redirect (despite what has been publicly stated by Google). Or is this just a waiting game while old links get recrawled?

    Moz Pro | | TheKatzMeow

  • Hello, I use to move up my site structure with links in content. I have now installed breadcrumbs, is it is useful to still keep the links in content or isn't there a need to duplicate those links ? and are the breadcrumbs links enough. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi fellow Moz users! I am managing SEO at our company. Perhaps some of you out there also have the problem of wanting to make SEO changes on your website but lack the developer resources to make significant changes? What are some of the things I can do in my power (can't do any backend work) to make SEO better? Currently, I have: Social media (including Moz local tips of business listings) Blog site Refining pictures Google analytics to see where we can improve Internal and external links Please feel free to expand on the above but ideally it will be new things that I could get on with! Many thanks,

    Local SEO | | Eric_S

  • Hello, I have a top menu coded this way with an (it is automatic with my wordpress template). Can google read pass the juice and read the anchor text with this type of code or no ? <nav id="top-menu-nav"> myanchortext </nav>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hey all, Bit of a novice here, so bare with me. We have a page that has a lot of content in a tabular format that struggles to rank. I created a similar page, without the tabular format, which vastly outranks it, despite having a miniscule backlink profile in comparison. Now, I've always been under the impression that anything interactive on a website, like tabs, are the result of JS. However, I can't see any JS in the code (but as mentioned, I'm far from an expert). Code below. Description insert copy here, click on [insert anchor text](/media/MODULES AVAILABLE 2017-18.xlsx)
    more copy here. Anyone able to shed any light? Cheers, Rhys

    Technical SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hello, On my website I have button coded this way (it is automatic in my wordpress template) Can google pass PR and anchor text thru that or would a basic text link be better ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I remember reading that links within the text have more value than breadcrumbs links for example because in context links are surrounded by the right content (words) but google search engine optimisation starter guide says breadcrumbs are good, so which one is recommended ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Moz Crawler is not able to access the robots.txt due to server error. Please advice on how to tackle the server error.

    Technical SEO | | Shanidel

  • Hi, We have 6 sub domains which are forums, guides, etc. They have their own visitors for the related queries. We are planning to divert some of them to the website to promote our product with latest content. We are planning to add a link from every page of sub domain to our website homepage. This makes additional thousands of internal links flowing to website homepage. Will this kind of internal linking structure hurts? Any risks involved? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Is it frowned upon by Google to create 3 different pages with the sames content yet different titles to secure the top three results in SERPs? For example: Luxury Care Homes in Liverpool Care Homes in Liverpool Private Care Homes in Liverpool The page titles are different with slightly different meta data but the user content is exactly the same, would this be considered a cheeky win or negative to rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi all, So we have a sub-domain which has user generated content like forums. Mostly the content is all about our product. Few times some spammy threads get posted and we delete them regularly. I have noticed that a non-relevant thread has been posted which about a movie. But this page got hundreds of clicks. I just wonder will this hurts being off topic and movie torrent thread or helps being receiving hundreds of visitors? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, I just redid my website and suddenly saw a spike in the crawl rate for about 2 weeks and I am now back to where I was on average. Is it normal ? My guess it that this increase was due to the change in site and new links ? However,I just want to make sure it is normal that it is back to a "normal rate" now that it has discovered all the links. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi guys, For a button based link, can you define the anchor text google will use. I have attached screenshot of what i mean. Cheers. geavig

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bridhard8

  • We are working on catching up with some competition, who has done a much better job over the last few years with content creation. We normally publish 1 article a day but are looking at scaling that up to 3 to 4 articles a day so we can get our content out there to compete with the other websites, in keyword space we currently aren't in. Is there a negative impact on publishing too much content at once? Is there a negative impact on publishing too much content at once? Besides the probable inability to market all of it, I don't see any issues since we will be getting our articles indexed and out there for Google to start building value on them. However, some team members are apprehensive about doing too much at once. What are your thoughts Moz Community?

    Content Development | | GoAbroadKP

  • I'm a geologist and Forbes contributor ( I also am the founder of Science Trends ( I recently started Science Trends about a month ago and am wondering if there is benefit or harm in putting a link in my Forbes bio for Science Trends? The link would be on every article I write on Forbes (150+ as of now). I'd like to publicize Science Trends to my Forbes readers but I don't want to jeopardize a bad link profile on Science Trends. Any suggestions/tips?

    Technical SEO | | tnace

  • I have an opportunity to get high value backlinks (from the Emmy's) to a landing page before our new website is live. The backlinks won't be free and they would go live before the website is live. Is it worth spending the money if the landing page will be redirected once the site goes live?

    Link Building | | TimThiel

  • Got an issue sending a Crawl Request to " "804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page."  I have tried to recrawl several times now same issue keeps occurring. I cannot see an error when I access the site am I missing something, if so how can I diagnose the issue and sort the problem? I have reviewed the source and cannot use any http: resources.

    Moz Bar | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi all, We know many factors contribute to make a page rank at (top) position like somewhere in top 5 results. I have seen some of our pages suddenly spike to that positions and locked there. They been receiving clicks too. Will they be dropped if they don't get estimated clicks? I think many factors contribute to make a page rank higher but clicks are the one factor which makes the page consistently rank at its best position. What do you say? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello Experts. My ecommerce site -
    My ecommrece site sitemap
    My subdomain - ( this is blank page but status is 200 which runs from cdn) My ecommerce site sitemap contains only 1 link of subdomain sitemap-
    And this sitemap- contains all category and product links of So my query is :- Above configuration is okay? In search console I will add new property - and add sitemap So Google will able to give errors for my website Purpose - I want to run my xml sitemap from cdn that's why i have created subdomain like Hope you understood my query. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | micey123

  • In Moz my client's site is getting loads of error messages for no follow tags on pages. This is down to the query codes on the E-commerce site so the URLs can look like this Clearly I just want the URL before the ? to be crawled but what can I do in the site to ensure that these errors for nofollow are removed? Is there something I should do in the site to fix this? In the back of my mind I'm thinking rel-conanical tag but I'm not sure. Can you help please?

    Technical SEO | | Marketing_Optimist

  • Hi all, Usually websites rank for their branded keywords. Some times third party websites takeover the websites for branded keywords. If there are more number of such queries where website is not ranking (top) for branded keywords, Google push down website in overall rankings? Any correlation? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • My search query is "façadier bastogne" in which in English would translate as "plasterer" and bastogne being the local city I am targeting. I can't seem to understand why my site would rank higher than our local directory "Pages d'or" (Yellow Pages) which has a high DA and almost always ranks first for similar searches as "peintre bastogne" (painter)? Not to mention my site was created by Pages d'Or. How did they manage to rank this so high whereas if you look at it you'll see that they have not made any SEO work on it whatsoever. Could anyone help me understand this or tell me which way to look in order to get that information? I really need this as I am paying a lot to this directory for my site and was planning to launch my own WordPress website.

    Local Listings | | Thomaspdt

  • Hello, I have my most important pages in my menu. Those pages are present on all my pages because they are on the menu. Are those pages considered to be linking between each other because they are in the menu or should I create links between those pages in my text if I want them to link with each other ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi community, I'm going through the list of crawl errors visible in my MOZ dashboard and there's a few URLs ending in /?s= How should I treat these URLs? Redirects? Thanks for any help

    Moz Pro | | Easigrass

  • Hi Experts, I have follow backlinks from a domain for 6 months, but its not apear in Links to Your Site tools (search console) that domain has 302k indexed pages in google! Could you please explain me why google not showing this type of backlinks?

    Technical SEO | | denakalami

  • Hi, I have some videos on and I notice many of the links show as "Do-Follow" per the Moz Bar. I have a feeling they are not actually "Dofollow"  links because they never show up in Moz Pro, SemRush or any of my other tools. Can some of you people with greater knowledge of YouTube please clarify why the links look like "Do Follow". I am specifically thinking of my own backlinks on the videos and also the links in the "Comments". Best Regards, Bill Dalessi

    Moz Pro | | Dalessi

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