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  • Hey Guys, **My site is ** Goal: I am checking if there is an HTTPS version of my site (duplication issue) What I did: 1. I went to Screaming Frog and run The result is that it is 200 OK (the HTTPS version exists - possible duplication) 2. Next, I opened a browser and manually replace HTTP with HTTPS, the result is "Image 1" which doesn't indicate a duplication. But if we go deeper in Advanced > Proceed to (unsafe) "Image 2", it displays the content (Image 3). Question: 1. Is there an HTTP vs HTTPs duplication here? 2. Do I need to implement 301 redirection/canonical tags on HTTPS pointing to HTTP to solve duplication? Please help! Cheers! uIgJv DsNrA El7aI

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | gamajunova

  • Hi, is posible to colaborate in MOZ post, i´m spanish i so probably i had to check muy post lots lots of times, but is it posible? Thanks

    Content Development | | Agenciaseomadrid

  • Hi Mozzer... so, i keep thinking of this... what is the bad effect of submitting the sitemap frequently? is it something like google would smell something suspicious and begin to decrease my website's authority? and is there any supporting articles for it? my website is an e-commerce website by the way... so please, help me with this.. Thank you 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ricoplaza

  • Hi there! We are in the process of transitioning to a faster platform, and we recently moved a subset of URLs over. The subset that moved over saw a drop. We didn't change the URL pattern, or the content. The only thing that is different is the new platform. Here's a link to one of the URLs that is currently served from the new platform: And, here is an example of a URL currently served from the older platform: Any ideas why the newer platform is seeing a decline in organic traffic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Recently, Rand suggested posting a transcript of all videos. We have a video on our homepage and want to post the transcript, but posting it as text on our homepage itself isn't practical. Where do you suggest we post the video transcript in lieu of adding it to our homepage? Thank you!  Rick

    Whiteboard Friday | | Knockleigh

  • I'm wondering what version of my website I need to use on Google My Business and link building etc.. I have setup https and am using a 301 redirect for all http traffic. My question now is, do I need to go to all of my current citations/links and update them to https? I would think the citations/links in-place will hit the 301 and it won't matter what I set. Duplicate content isn't a problem since the canonical version of the page is https. I can't get a clear answer on the web and can't find anything on Google's site that suggests one way or the other. I'd just like to have some feedback from my fellow Moziopians 🙂 -fencepencil

    Local Listings | | fencepencil

  • I'm using static Schema for each language subfolder in my website, Should i use the same "URL, description" for every language? or i have to use the URL and description according to the language? I'm using that schema for english should i change URL and description in the other languages? for example

    International SEO | | MTBE

  • Hi SEO Masters, Google is indexing this parameter URLs - 1- 2- I have handled by Google parameter like this - jewelry_styles= Narrows  Let Googlebot decide mode= None  Representative URL p= Paginates  Let Googlebot decide filterable_stone_shapes= Narrows  Let Googlebot decide filterable_metal_types= Narrows  Let Googlebot decide and Canonical for both pages - So can you suggest me why Google indexed all related pages with this - But I have no issue with first page - (with any parameter). Cononical of first page is working perfectly. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Rajesh.Prajapati

  • Migrating all of our pages from HTTP to HTTPS. I am listing few of my concerns regarding the same: Currently, all HTTPS traffic to our Homepage and SEO page is 301 Redirected to HTTP equivalent. So, when we enable HTTPS on all our pages and 301 all HTTP traffic to HTTPS and stop current 301 Redirection to HTTP, will it still cause a loop during Google crawl due to old indexing? Will we move whole SEO facing site to HTTPS at once or will it be in phases? Which of the two approach is better keeping SEO in mind? what all SEO changes will be required on all pages.(eg. Canonical URLs on our website as well as affiliate websites), sitemaps etc.

    Technical SEO | | RobinJA

  • This is quite advanced so maybe Rand can give me an answer? I often have seen questions surrounding a 301 chain where only 85% of the link juice is passed on to the first target and 85% of that to the next one, up to three targets. But how about a canonical chain? What do I mean by this:? I have a client who sells lighting so I will use a real example (sans domain) I don't want 'new-product' pages appearing in SERPS. They dilute link equity for the categories they replicate and often contain identical products to the main categories and subcategories. I don't want to no index them all together I'd rather tell Google they are the same as the higher category/sub category. (discussion whether a noindex/follow tag would be better?) If I canonicalize new-products/ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17/kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 to /ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17/kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 I then subsequently discover that everything in kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217 is already in /kitchen-lighting-c17 and I decide to canonicalize those two - so I place a /kitchen-lighting-c17 canonical on /kitchen-ceiling-lights-c217. Then what happens to the new-products canonical? Is it the same rule - does it pass 85% of link equity back to the non new-product URL and 85% of that back to the category? does it just not work? or should I do noindexi/follow Now before you jump in: Let's assume these are done over a period of time because the obvious answer is: Canonicalize both back to /ceiling-lights-c1/kitchen-lighting-c17 I know that and that is not what I am asking. What if they are done in a sequence what is the real result? I don't want to patronise anyone but please read this carefully before giving an answer. Regards Nigel Carousel Projects.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nigel_Carr

  • Hello, I have a website that has been existing for years. How long does it take if I have a good content on a page for it to rank ? I read here and that that it can take 4 to 6 months but it never says if it is for a brand new website or a old website that has an authority and some links. I also read that some people publish content and rank within a week on competitive keywords. So who is right, what is there to read in between the lines ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • On Agust 2 or 3.. I'm not sure about the exact date... 
    The main URL of my website had been completely removed from Google search results! without getting any messages or Manual Actions on search console ?? but I'm still can find some of my site subpages in search results and on Google local maps results when I tried to check it on google >> no results >> only now I can see the main URL in results because I had submitted it again and again to google but it might be deleted again today or tomorrow as that happen before last few days
    100% of all ranked keywords >> my site URL had been completely removed from all results! but I'm still can see it on maps on some results I never get any penalties to my site on Google search console. I noticed some drops on some keywords before that happens (in June and July) but it all of it was related to web design keywords for local Qatar, but all other keywords that related to SEO and digital marketing were not have any changes and been on top My site was ranked number 1 on google search results for "digital marketing qatar" and some other keywords, but the main URL had been removed from 100% of all search results. but you can still see it on the map only. I just tried to submit it again to Google and to index it through google search console tool but still not get any results, Recently, based on google console, I found some new links but I have no idea how it been added to links of my website: - 9,710 - 252 - 48 - 44 - 2 - 1 - 1 the problem is that all my high PR real links deleted from google console as well although it still have my site link and it could be recognized by MOZ and other sites! Can any one help to know what is the reason?? and how can I solve this issue without losing my previous ranked keywords? Can I submit a direct message to google support or customer service to know the reason or get help on this issue? Thanks & Regards

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | newwaves

  • Hi Wondering if anyone can help, my site has flagged up with duplicate content on almost every page, i think this is because the person who set up the site created a lot of template pages which are using the same code but have slightly different features on. How would I go about resolving this? Would I need to recode every template page they have created?

    Technical SEO | | Alix_SEO

  • Hi We've recently had a product launch for one of our clients. Historically speaking Google has been quick to respond, i.e when the page for the product goes live it's indexed and performing for branded terms within 10 minutes (without 'Fetch and Render'). This time however, we found that it took Google over an hour to index the pages. we found initially that press coverage ranked until we were indexed. Nothing major had changed in terms of the page structure, content, internal linking etc; these were brand new pages, with new product content. Has anyone ever experienced Google having an 'off' day or being uncharacteristically slow with indexing? We do have a few ideas what could have caused this, but we were interested to see if anyone else had experienced this sort of change in Google's behaviour, either recently or previously? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | punchseo

  • Hi there, I was wondering if somebody is seeying the same problem. Since a couple of days i got a new keyword insights in my mail and i've seen some strange things for two accounts. The branded keywords are dropped lower then position 51. The thing is that i got an insight, i checked it in my private mode and the branded keywords are still there. Other keywords are still ranking, and there is no effect on my traffic. There is no connection between the sites. One has a couple of links and the other a lot. One has a very good page with nice optimalisation and the other has no text. So it couldn't be over-optimalisation and incoming links...
    Does anybody have the same problem? Greetings,

    Moz Bar | | NielsVos

  • Hi everyone, I'm trying to optimize this page for the keyword "sedie design" in Google It (italy). I was gaining positions the month of july. After july I've lost 15 positions and I don't know why. Can someone help me and give me any suggestions? Thank you

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vanGoGh-creative

  • Hi, As per Google analytics, we are loosing around 15% of new sessions every year comparing to the previous. But the sessions are increasing. Good that sessions increased; but new sessions are getting reduced. What exactly we can understand from this scenario? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, I just published a blog page a few days ago and it currently ranks on 3 rd page for the keyword "loire valley bike tours". Something I haven't managed to do for years with my page that talks about tours in the loire valley. My guess is that I have better content on it. Now my question is : will it continue climbing (if so at what rate) or will it stay there unless I improve my content and get links to it or will google calculate its PR and have it slowly climb over time...without changing anything. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi - I was just wondering whether a URL with extra trailing slashes should actuall redirect to the version without the extra trailing slashes... e.g. should automatically resolve to - what is your opinion on this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • Hello, We have a wordpress blog attached to our magento website located at Moz was coming back showing we had multiple page versions on show (http and https) So i updated the htaccess file to what is below. This has fixed most of the errors, however the homepage is being a little tricky. Moz is now saying that the page is redirecting and redirecting again   to   to BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/</ifmodule> RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L] END WordPress Within wordpress settings the urls are set up as follows Wordpress Address URL: Site Address URL: i tried to add a trailing / to these but it gets automatically removed. So i am assuming that wordpress is serving up **RewriteBase /blog/  **is re-directing it to / then my https rewrite is re-directing it again I am not sure where exactly to fix this, could anybody advise? Many thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | ATP

  • Hi, Wondering if anyone can recommend how to track B2B conversions when the searcher isn't the one who transacts? I am looking at my Adwords campaigns and I don't think the conversion is 100% right. In our industry, the eventual end user (and the person who does the search) does not have the authority to purchase the product. It is usually the purchasing department who eventually get in contact and purchase the product. Sometimes it is another company on behalf of the original company who purchase the part as we might not be on the vendor list. So, in this case, the order goes from the original searcher to their purchasing department to another company who then purchase from us. Just wondering how to track this on AdWords? Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | DavidLenehan

  • Hi I am managing a website, that in May was indexed at 67 i DA - then we installed SSL and we dropped to 26 and we're still there - I do not now, how I can change my site, so that I can regain some of the DA. It is a wordpress site and we used a free SSL certificate and I have detected no problem with the 301 redirects. Do you have any insights or tips?

    Moz Pro | | Stine-Dahl

  • Hi all, We had our help articles on sub-domain Then we moved it to sub directory We expected ranking improvement of as there is a wide saying of benefiting from sub domain to sub directory migration. We have noticed that ranking improvement of new sub directory pages ( but not for any main website pages ( I presume that link juice from main website has benefited new sub directory pages but main website lost ranking due to the page rank dilution. Do you agree? Any ideas? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi, i want to ask a question. Does this kind of internal links will affect the SEO post quality? Please open the attachment (image) KskOg3U

    On-Page Optimization | | joshuaong

  • Hello I am new here. When I search my brand name "amazingbeautyhair" in google it shows like this,I have meta description,why it shows like this?how to fix please? sdWx6

    On-Page Optimization | | yitong

  • Hello, I'm looking to coach local business owners on how to run an Ecommerce business. Charging $400/hour Will entail everything someone needs to know to be good at Ecommerce I need to be better at Facebook to do this. What do you suggest to get better at Ecommerce Facebook on a strict budget? Thanks, Bob

    Social Media | | BobGW

  • We purchased a keyword rich domain name to use with an existing website. What is the best way to use this domain? Below are some thoughts, I welcome any input. Use this domain as an add-on to the main domain, but only have it load one page off the main domain? Would that cause duplicate content issues? Create a single static page of content for the domain (separate from main domain) Redirect domain to page on master domain, would we loose any benefits of the keyword rich domain? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | idlwebinc

  • Hi Gurus, I understand that it is a good practice is to use 50-60 characters for the a page title length. Google appends my brand name to the end of each title (15 characters including spaces) it index. Do I need to count what google adds as part of the maximum recommended length? i.e.  
    is the maximum 50-60 characters + the 15 characters brand name Google adds to the end of the title or 50-60 including the addition? Many thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | SunnyMay

  • I've got an FAQ plugin (Ultimate FAQ) for a Wordpress site with tons of content (like 30 questions each with a page full, multi-paragraphs, of answers with good info -- stuff Google LOVES.) Right now, I have a main FAQ page that has 3 categories and about 10 questions under each category and each question is collapsed by default. You click an arrow to expand it to reveal the answer.I then have a single category's questions also displayed at the bottom of an appropriate related page.  So the questions appear in two places on the site, always collapsed by default.Each question has a permalink that links to an individual page with only that question and answer.I know Google discounts (doesn't ignore) content that is hidden by default and requires a click (via js function) to reveal it.So what I'm wondering is if the way I have it setup is optimal for SEO?  How is Google going to handle the questions being in essentially three places: it's own standalone page, in a list on a category page, and in a list on a page showing all questions for all categories.  Should I make the questions not collapsed by default (which will make the master FAQ page SUPER long!)Does Google not mind the duplicate content within the site?What's the best strategy?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SeoJaz

  • What do you do when Facebook won't spend your ad budget, no matter what you do or how high you bid? We've tested a large audience (2.2 million reach) under a single ad set versus many smaller ad sets with tighter targeting (50-150k reach). We've tested auto bidding versus manual bidding with bids as high as 1000% higher than Facebook's recommended bid. We've tested many versions of creative with and without text overlay and our relevance scores are high. Nothing seems to work. Our Facebook rep and Facebook technical support keep recommending to stay with one ad set and one ad, but that's not spending either. Most days we are getting less than 20% budget utilization. Has anyone experienced this situation before? Does anyone have any recommendations?

    Social Media | | Liggins

  • I was wondering if anyone knows when the previous month is available in the custom reports for a campaign. Specifically, on the 'Add Modules' page my date drop-down has Weekly (Aug 22 - 28) and Monthly (July 2017). I just need to know when Monthly (August 2017) would be available. Thanks.

    Getting Started | | VandalsSmile

  • Hi, we are running a site which is a directory consisting of numbers of phone spammers. It contains descriptions, comments and so on. We are currently present in 9 countries. The websites all have the same structure, but, of course, the spam numbers in each country are different ones. If I want to tell Google that our website is available is several locations/languages, do I only put my hreflang tag on the start page then? Thanks 

    International SEO | | Roverandom

  • Hi, We have a forum where users create different threads like any other community...ex..Moz. Thousands of pages are getting created. New threads and comments are Okay as they have relevant content. We are planning to "Disallow" all profile pages as they do not help with content relevancy and may dilute the link juice with thousands of such profile pages. Is this right way to proceed? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I submitted each language URL as a separated website to google webmasters, I've submitted Hreflang sitemap which has language codes only(without countries codes) each page in my website has hreflang language and country code. Should i use international target option for each language to target the countries? will that hurt the language targeting? or I have to leave international targeting option unchecked for each language? My Goal to target by languages, not countries.

    International SEO | | MTBE

  • There's a discussion going on in our office about sitemaps. I thought it'd be a good idea to get the thoughts of the Moz community in on it, too. What are your thoughts? is the User Sitemap still an effective tool to utilize?

    Web Design | | TaylorRHawkins

  • I cannot find hard and fast direction about the following issue: It looks like the Robots.txt file on my server has been set up to disallow "account" and "search" pages within my site, so I am receiving warnings from the Google Search console that URLs are being blocked by Robots.txt. (Disallow: /Account/ and Disallow: /?search=). Do you recommend unblocking these URLs? I'm getting a warning that over 18,000 Urls are blocked by robots.txt. ("Sitemap contains urls which are blocked by robots.txt"). Seems that I wouldn't want that many urls blocked. ? Thank you!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jamiegriz

  • I searched the boards here and I couldn't find a question about one of my most persistent issues with Moz Local. As an SEO at a small agency, I'm typically managing between 5-6 different Moz Local campaigns from one dashboard. I have found the Foursquare syncing process to be extremely troublesome. Has anyone cracked it? I was only able to get 1 of my 5 current campaigns to sync. And I did it a while ago so I've forgotten how I did it. Here's how the process has been going for me. This is going to be lengthy (sorry) but I want you all to have all the deets. I see an alert in the Foursquare sync box on my left hand menu. I click it. It takes me to this page: I see a message that reads "4 Listings need access to Foursquare". I click the button in this message that says "+ Foursquare account". I add a personal Foursquare account because apparently you need a pesonal account before you can set up a business account (a la Facebook?). I successfully go through steps to add a Foursquare account. If I click the little gear in the "4 Listings need access to Foursquare" box it shows that I have 3 connected Foursquare accounts. But this appears to be as far as I can go. What's next? Above the "4 Listings need access to Foursquare" box there's another box that says "2 Foursquare account have no matching listings." This box isn't clickable. There appears to be no next step here. I'm super frustrated by this user experience. Am I supposed to creating Foursquare Accounts with the business name some how?

    Moz Local | | TheKatzMeow

  • Hi there: I'm seeing a steady decline in organic traffic, but at the same time and increase in pageviews and direct traffic. My site has about 3,000 crawl errors!! Errors are duplicate content, missing description tags, and description too long. Most of these issues are related to events that are being imported from Google calendars via ical and the pages created from these events. Should we block calendar events from being crawled by using the disallow directive in the robots.txt file? Here's the site:

    Reporting & Analytics | | BGR

  • One of our client's Youtube video is showing a competitor's meta data on the Google search results page? It looks like it is pulling from videos in the right-hand rail of the Youtube page. Is there any way this can be controlled/changed? If so, how? The client is Deep South Crane. When you perform a search for "Deep South Heavy Hitters", the correct video appears in the search results. However, the meta-description is pulling from a competitor's Youtube. Any insight as to why this is happening and how I can change it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | JaredBroussard

  • I want an alternative to Bitly (because we must change our short domain (BSD) and Bitly Support for its free service is excruciatingly bad; I'd gladly pay). Rebrandly appears to be a good alternative at $100. per year. Can anyone recommend Rebrandly and speak to its strengths and weaknesses vs. Bitly? Thank you.  Rick

    Branding | | Knockleigh

  • Hello All, Can anyone suggest be best technique to load responsive images? We are developing responsive site so looking for good ideas from your side so that it load very fast. Thanks!

    Web Design | | micey123

  • Seems like some of the big sides only give no-follow links now are they still useful for building link authority? Do you have any experience? Thanks

    Link Building | | seoman10

  • Hi Guys,  This is my first post so hopefully I'm using the forum correctly. MOZ crawl tells me that I have 35 pages with a temporary redirect The URL column displays 302 Found along with the http:// URL Redirection Location column shows the corresponding https:// URL This all seems pretty self explanatory. However, I’ve checked my .htaccess file and I can’t see any 302 references in it. I'm trying to figure out where the 302 redirects are from and how I can make them permanent Please can anyone help me out? My .htaccess looks like it needs a little tidy (there are 2 if blocks) <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]</ifmodule> BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]</ifmodule> END WordPress

    Web Design | | ianalannash

  • Hi guys, Have a large e-commerce site 10,000 pages as a client and they are currently not getting much organic traffic to their level 3 sub-category pages, the URLs are like: These pages have been on-page optimised, category content added, yet hardly any traffic. However the site level 1, level 2 pages do quite well. So this suggests this might be an internal linking issue? The site is definitely not penalized and as enough authority for these level 3 pages to rank. Any ideas would be very much appreciated! Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bridhard8

  • We face a seo problem of losing traffic after 301 redirect.We have used 301 redirect from a sub-domain url to main domain, after a few month, we discovered that the traffic in google is dropped 40% as well as yahoo dropped 50% without reason, we have updated sitemap already, but we cannot find any reason for the traffic dropped till now..The original url (more then 5000 links) Redirected Url you for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yukung

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