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  • Hi All Our company is looking to expand into Europe (we are a UK based company) and we are planning to copy over our current site to a .com one and create 301 redirects to maintain our SEO rankings. With the .com domain we were looking to use this as our main ecommerce site and then create sites for different countries in Europe. What we are unsure about is the best way to execute this in terms of the domain. Would it be best to have it setup as a domain structure such as: UK =
    Ireland =
    France – and so on. Or would we be better served creating sub domains for each country, example Our main concerned is what is the best way to do this without hurting our SEO rankings. Thanks for the help.

    International SEO | | MartinJC

  • Hi All I am creating Custom Report for clients since its that time of the month but when I try to click open the rankings stats so I can add them to the report it breaks. I do not know what to do? Am I the only one experiencing this problem today?? Please help... KcGXseG

    API | | Starbright

  • If a link gets deleted for few days and re-appears... Will Google treat it as a "new link" or give it the same old link-age.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Akshayshr

  • Hi Guys. A quick one about duplicate content... So we have a lot of pages that are very similar on our site, but are actually different products. e.g)  Our Fortnight view refills and our week to view refills. Our MOZ report defines this as duplicate content. Question:  Would a canonical tag be the way to go to 'remove' this duplicate content? And if so, which page should it point back to?  Just picking one of the products?  Or the higher level Landing page? Many thanks in advance... Isaac.

    On-Page Optimization | | isaac663

  • When clicking on messenger (bottom right hand corner) I am getting an error.  Is it only my account or is anyone else experiencing this today?

    Product Support | | NisbetsUK

  • Hi all, We have released our next version of product called like "software 11", which have thousands of searches every month. So we have just added this same keyword "software 11" as page title suffix to one of the top ranking pages. Obviously this is the page has been added suddenly with "software 11" at page title, multiple header tags and 1 mention in paragraph. Google ranked it for 2 days and suddenly stopped showing this page in entire results for the same keyword we optimised the page for. Why does it happened? Does Google think that we are overdoing with this page and ignoring it? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • I have been told by a a few different SEO and Marketing Agency friends that by putting your address and phone number in the top section of your navbar is great for SEO. Does this myth have any merit or is it just misguided? Tksac28

    On-Page Optimization | | UndergrndMarketing

  • I'm a little perplexed and hope someone technically savvy can help. Wordpress site. Our page: Redirects to: I cannot see any reason for this. No 301s, nothing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | curveballmedia

  • I have a resource page on my website: an admin on the google webmaster forum said I should get rid of it. That google might look at it as spammy and gaming the system. Either that or greatly expand on it and make it more complete. I haven't updated it in a while and its far from complete. What do you think? Boot it or grow it?

    Link Building | | joebordersmft

  • I need to know which tool gives me more accurate data, for example in Keyword Explorer, how accurate is the number of searches performed by search engine?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jorgesep

  • I need to know if I can add more than 2 equal links on the same page, for example 1 link in the header, another in the body and one in the footer

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jorgesep

  • I've been off the grid for about a month but just came to find I am now unranked in the Moz Community. Anybody know why this happens or how long it takes to get back? I was inside the circle of trust, now I am outside. It's cold out here, please let me back in! Any feedback or help with this is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance Mozzers 😃

    Product Support | | Bryan_Loconto

  • Is it possible that Google is penalising a specific page and in the same time it shows unrelated page in the search results? "rent luxury car florence" shows the 2nd page (that's Munich, Germany) and in the same time completely ignores the related page How I can figure out if the specific page has been trashed and why? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Regarding my client _Driveway Call Frank  - _Google is showing up a "no listing found".  We do have a google account and have had it for a few years.  What do I need to do?

    Product Support | | WalkieTalkie

  • Hi there, Although we do plan to migrate our entire site to https, we currently have only one page on our site which we want to migrate to https, as it has passwords and wotnot on it. Lets say it is httpS:// I am not really sure how to go about migrating just one page though.
    I am guessing that we need to: make sure that httpS:// is the only page that exists on httpS:// replace any link to the httpS:// version on the http:// version remove httpS:// from the create a httpS:// on httpS:// which only references the one page (httpS:// 301 to submit both sitemaps to Google so they know whats up. fetch so that google finds the redirect. Anything else?? :S Not too sure about this one. Many thanks for your help.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | unirmk

  • We have a lot of subdomains that we are switching to subfolders and need to 301 redirect all the pages from those subdomains to the new URL. We have over 1000 that need to be implemented. So, will 301 redirects slow the page speed regardless of which URL the user comes through? Or, as the old urls are dropped from Google's index and bypassed as the new URLs take over in the SERPs, will those redirects then have no effect on page speed? Trying to find a clear answer to this and have yet to find a good answer

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • I'm putting together a link building strategy and while researching our competitors saw that one of them has over 1.8 million internal links when most of the other have between 10k to 150k. Are all these links genuine? How would you go about creating this volume of internal links? yHarp

    Link Building | | etienneb

  • Hi guys, We have a question. In Google Analytics, there are 2 types of identifying organic searches: through Acquisition and through Default Channel Grouping. On our website, we have some differences between the number of organic sessions. Which one do you think is more relevant? Which one do you use? Many thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | RIDGID_Europe

  • Hi all, We decided to give importance to one of our top pages as it has "keyword" in it's slug like So we internally linked even from different sub-domain pages more than homepage to rank for that "keyword". But this page didn't show up in Google results for that "keyword"; neither homepage, but our login page is ranking. We wonder why login page is ranking. Has our internal linking plan confused Google to ignore homepage to rank for that primary keyword? And generally do we need to internally link homepage more than anyother page? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I make a site This site is about YouTube Video Effects. I want to know how to defind the most important keyword, such as: youtube, youtube video, youtube effects.

    Moz Bar | | micheal9000

  • Hi all, I need clarification on this. I have noticed we have given "Disallow: /" in one of our sub-directory beside homepage. So, how it going to work now? Will this "Disallow: /" at sub-directory level going to disallow only that directory or entire website? If it is going to work for entire website; we have already given one more Disallow: / at homepage level blocking few folders. How it is going to handle with two Disallow: / commands? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • I was doing research on keywords and found significant discrepancies between the search volumes on Moz and sites such as Spyfu and Semrush. What could be the reason behind these differences?

    Moz Pro | | arjun9797

  • After adding the suburb of my business to each title tag on my website, I've noticed their rankings have dropped from page one to page four in a lot of cases. Should I wait it out and expect to see them improve in the future? Should I revert them back to their old title tags? I'm a little concerned!

    On-Page Optimization | | thomaslutrov

  • We have a site,, and another site, The most visited pages on were redesigned; the redesign landed May 8. I would expect this change to have some effect on organic rank and conversions. But what I see is surprising; I can't believe it's related, but I mention this just in case. Between April 30 and May 7, Google stopped indexing roughly 1,000 pages on, and roughly 3,000 pages on In both cases the number of pages that fell out of the index represents appx. 15% of the overall number of pages. What would cause Google to suddenly stop indexing thousands of pages on two different subdomains? I'm just looking for ideas to dig into; no suggestion would be too basic. FWIW, the site is localized into dozens of languages.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hoosteeno

  • I work for a large organization with a number of locations. There is a Google My Business listing for us, under our umbrella name, that lists an old address (building we no longer occupy) and says that we are "permanently closed". I believe this is an unverified listing because there is an "own this listing?" link in it. In order to take control of the listing, Google gives us three options: call, text or snail mail. The number is an automated line so calling and texting aren't going to work and snail mail wouldn't work b/c we're no longer in the building. Anyone know how we can take control of this listing so that it doesn't look like we're "permanently closed?"

    Local Listings | | yaelslater

  • I asked the question originally on webmaster central. I tried RickRoll's solutions (but it doesn't seem to have solved the issue). Problem below: I've been noticing for some time that certain pages of our site ( have been deindexed locally (or very low ranked), but indexed nationally (well ranked). In fact, it seems that the actual page isn't ranking (but the blog is). This huge mismatch between national vs local rankings seem to only happen for Boston & Chicago. Other parts of the country seem unaffected (and the national & local rankings are very similar). A bit of a background (and my personal theory as to what's happening). We use to have subdomains: & for the site. These subdomains stopped working, though, as we moved the site to the directory format ( These subdomain URLs were inactive / broken for roughly 4 months. After the 4 months, we did a 301 from the subdomain to the main page (because these subdomains had inbound external links). However, this seems to have caused the directory pages to exhibit the national/local mismatch effect instead of helping. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I'm not sure if the mismatch is natural, if the pages are getting algo penalized on a local level (I'm negative SEOing myself), or if it's stuck in some weird state because of what happened with bad sub-domain move). Some things I've tried: I've created webmaster console (verified) accounts for both the subdomains. I've asked Google to crawl those links. I've done a 1-1 mapping between individual page on the old site vs the new directory format I've tried both doing a 301, 302 and meta-refresh redirect from the subdomains to the directory pages. I've made sure the robots.txt on the subdomain is working properly I've made sure that the robots.txt on the directory pages are working properly. See below for a screenshot of the mismatch & deindexing in local search results (this is using SERPS - but can be replicated with any location changer). Note the difference between the ranking (and the page) when the search is done nationally vs in the actual location (Boston, MA). I'd really appreciate any help.. I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure this out (as well as experimenting). renthop%2Bboston.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lzhou

  • A client currently has a site that ranks well for a number of queries. They recently created a new site for a spin-off brand/company that they now want to focus on ranking for some of the keywords their original site already ranked for. What would be the best way to go about this without throwing away the existing authority and traffic the original site has for those queries?

    On-Page Optimization | | P1WS_Sully

  • The addition of a new grid type navigation within the body of our page could mean that the keyword phrase the page is optimized for could be pushed below the fold. Is this a bad thing?

    On-Page Optimization | | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hi all, I am new to SEO. I work for a ratings and review website, like TripAdvisor and LinkedIn. How would one go about setting up SEO strategy for national directories that have local suggested pages? What can be a good practice. For example, Tripadvisor has many different restaurants across the UK. What would they do to improve their SEO? How do they target correct links? How do they go about building their Moz Score? Would really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks! 

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Eric_S

  • Hey guys, just wondering if we can refine results to Australia only with the fresh web explorer?

    Link Explorer | | thinkLukeSEO

  • Hi all, I have gone through some articles where less pages are suggested and they claim that they will be favoured by Google. I'm not sure as with limited pages, we can only target limited keywords. There might be threat from Google in-terms of doorway pages for more pages. But one of our competitor has many pages like dedicated page for every keyword. And their website ranks high and good for all keywords. I can see three pages created with differnet phrases for same on keyword. If less pages are good, how come this works for our competitor? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Does it help SEO to post comments with link on blog? Thank you

    Link Building | | melvinwu

  • Hi Moz Community! I run marketing for a DA 43 website. We've been consistently blogging 4-5 times per week for the past 7 years, and its become ingrained in company culture. Due to limited resources, I want to decrease publishing frequency on the blog and focus on other marketing activities (content promotion, higher value content, link outreach, CRO etc). However, our team is worried that decreasing frequency might negatively affect our SEO (organic search is by far our most important acquisition channel, is the main revenue driver for the whole company). When I look at metrics, a couple of things stand out: 1) a very small % of our blog posts get meaningful organic traffic, 2) the majority of organic traffic that produces customers actually goes through the homepage, not the blog, 3) the vast majority of our blog posts are not earning links as we have not focused much on promotion. Anybody have thoughts on specifically whether decreasing blogging frequency might have an impact? (I know Moz and Hubspot have both done frequency experiments, but those were on high-DA, high-engagement sites where every post had a chance to earn links, etc.) so I'm wanting to isolate the case where publishing frequency is decreased on a site where most posts aren't getting links/much engagement. Thanks!

    Content Development | | paulz999

  • My site: has started to drop Domain Authority in the past weeks, however less quality sites like are rising... I am not sure why? Is there someway I can understand why my site would suddenly start dropping authority?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | thinkLukeSEO

  • I have been using MOZ a lot, in the past I have always been able to optimise a website enough to rank well in my local areas, but lately every time I optimise a website based on MOZ recommendations the rankings are just dropping and dropping... I haven't focused any efforts on backlinks, but a few sites have gone from the first page of SERP to 2nd and continue to drop... I have 2 example sites: - optimised for "Document Management Software" - was initially ranked no.7 in google AU, now it is no.16 after my efforts. - optimised for "canberra physiotherapy" - was no.6 now it is dropping to no.9 after 'optimisation' Any help or insights would be extremely helpful as I feel hopeless!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | thinkLukeSEO

  • We had a lot of external links (2.5K, which was good compared to our competition), but in the last few weeks, it dropped 1.1K. I obviously did something wrong. What are the causes of such a dramatic drop like that? Questions, suggestions, ideas, anything is welcome at this point. Thanks!

    Link Building | | brandon_lee

  • Hey Friends, I can't seem to figure out why isn't ranking on Google for it's branded term (Feello). It's ranking in 1st position on Bing and Yahoo but on page 2 (16th or so) on Google. Going through the list and can't come up with an answer. Metadata: Yes Indexed to Webmaster: Yes, Fetched pages: Yes Google cache on May 27, 2017: Check Using canonical and redirecting for non-www and HTTPS version: Yes & Yes Feello in domain name: Yes Set up social profiles and GMB: Yes Driving traffic: Yes, some email and ads Checked robots.txt: Yes, not created yet Created and Submitted Sitemap: Yes - https version Checked for blocked resources: None. The list goes on...Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GarrettDenham

  • My website: is hosted with a service called jigsy: I'm losing my mind trying to figure out if I should stay or not. Lol. I am positive I have done waaaayyy more work on my seo than many people ranking above me. I used to be on the first page, but over the last year I've slowly dropped in rankings. I've checked everything! I need to do some work on my blog, but I'm really thinking now that it might have something to do with my host. Some concerns I've identified: 1) I can't give pages individual h1 tags. The same one is blanketed across the site. 2) I'm told there are a lot of .css and JavaScript. 3) i cant redirect blog moz is tagging me with 250 critical issues because my posts are on both www and http versions of my site .But that's all I know. I've talked with squarespace and WordPress and they have no way of transferring my site. It would probably take me a good 30 hours to set everything up....should i move? Please help 😞

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joebordersmft

  • I've recently been cracking down on some spammy listings. How do I measure the success? Can I only do so with a third party tool like Moz? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | DigitalMarketingSEO

  • My reports used to show 'monthly keyword volume' but now all keywords show 'no data' (48 keywords) Is there something that is not loading properly? Is there are way to re-set this data? Or is there something wrong with data reporting?

    Product Support | | traveltime

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a non-profit client that defends wildlife and public lands in the western US. The huge website is currently not responsive so we are working on that. In the meantime, we will be making the Action pages (such as Donations, Sign Petition, Get Newsletter) pages responsive. This will be housed under a new domain. My question is, what are SEO best practices for doing this? Does it negatively impact SEO to have a visitor "booted" from a site to a second secure site? Does Google know that the Donation site is in fact fulfillment and is linked to the original site? Also, what about domain implications? Is it best to have the name of the non-profit in the domain or sub, like this: Thanks everyone!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CalamityJane77

  • I've been working on figuring out if my site host (jigsy) is hindering my seo. The site editor doesn't allow me to assign individual h1 tags for each page, it just blankets one across the whole site as part of a this normal?...would it be better to have individual h1s? that a thing? Or should I work on making a better one since all my pages should technically be related to counseling/therapy? Site:

    Technical SEO | | joebordersmft

  • My company currently owns five different websites and every day we download a list of for Google crawl errors.I then crawl the downloaded list with screaming frog to double check the redirects to make sure the pages are not 404s. We have two websites that have similar identical content and used to cross-check each and used to redirect to the parent page by our bread crumbs. (404 error) (working Site) we then redirect (404 error) to the last parent page or similar page. Is there a faster way to compare two websites beside opening 200 windows all at once?  Is there a program that would allow us to compare two websites?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | petmkt

  • Hi there, I know Domain Authority is not a KPI, it's a relative metric but we saw a huge dropped down in our domain authority this week and I got worried. I am trying to understand why this happened? Any idea? Our website link is here Is it something related to Moz update or with our website? Regards,

    Moz Pro | | ahmetkul

  • Hi all, We have product feature pages at 3rd tier like We have the help guides for each of these features on a different subdirectory like We are linking these help guides from every page of features. So, will it hurts us anywhere just because we are encouraging 4th tier pages in website, moreover they are from different sub-directory. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • I'm constantly getting the 'Oops something went wrong!" notification when using fresh web explorer - I can usually get a handful of searches before this error pops up but when it does I find I can't search for anything for a couple of hours. This happens more frequently when I use "keyword". Any suggestions on how to resolve?

    Moz Bar | | RayflexGroup

  • Hello, I'm no Wordpress developer so need a little help please. I have manually created a video sitemap. It needs to be uploaded to the website. Where should the .xml file be uploaded onto Wordpress?  Which directory? Is it Ok to add the code to a notepad file and upload? I'm trying to avoid the plugin route if possible. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AL123al

  • Hi everyone, could anyone please help me understand what to do next with the xml sitemap after making on page changes? For example, a website has an already existing xml sitemap and it's submitted to Google search console. We make changes to the website - URL structure, content, added new pages, 301 redirected broken links etc. for optimisation. Is there anything that we should do to change/update their current xml sitemap? Does it automatically update itself? Do we have to resubmit their xml sitemap to search console? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | nhhernandez

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