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  • Hi guys... I've just been working through some issues to give our site a little cleanup.   I'm working through our duplicate content issues (we have some legitimate duplicate pages that need removing, and some of our dynamic content is problematic. Are web developers are going to sort with canonical tags this week.) However... There are some pages that are actually different products, but are very similar pages that are 'triggering' MOZ to say we have duplicate pages. Here an example... and They are very similar refill products, it's just the diary format is different. Question: Should I be worried about this?  I've never seen our rankings change in the past when 'cleaning up' duplicate content. What do you guys think? Isaac.

    On-Page Optimization | | isaac663

  • I run a couple of gadget/technology based blogs, which essentially has news based articles and long form articles such as reviews, tutorials, and tips. Looking for some advice on the strategy for internal links: We have been using internal links in the following ways in articles so far: Links to the category pages at the end of the article (we call it related topics) Links to category pages wherever relevant preferably in the first paragraph. The logic here was that if we can add the link to a category in the first paragraph, which appears on the home page and category page, it will pass the link juice to the category page. Link to relevant articles, mostly by using the full title of the post as we thought that it stands out. Issues with the current strategy: In the case of the 1st strategy, it doesn't seem that natural, so we are not sure if people actually end up clicking them. In case of the 2nd, we have couple of concerns: it could result in linking to a category page twice. One within the article, and the second at the end of the article because of strategy 1. Because the first paragraph also appears on the category pages, it would mean that in some cases we will be linking to the same category page (recursive). In the case of the 3rd strategy, the problem is it does not appear natural so we are sure if it increases the value of the content. I was wondering if we should adopt the following strategy: Get rid of category links at the end of the article. Avoid linking to the category pages in the first paragraph, instead link to the category pages after the first paragraph, so we don't end up with the issue mentioned in b. i. Alternatively, we could remove the excerpts from the category pages so we don't hit the issue of linking to the category page from the category page. Add links more naturally. So have a sentence which talks about the related article and link to it using partial match (keyword phrase) or exact match. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Content Development | | Gautam

  • Hi all, Site: k/w: fascinators (this is the main one I am looking at) About 2 years ago, I redesigned the site. It used to be on first positions in Google Australia. After redesign, positions dropped and never recovered. No matter what I do, I can not get them back. I even involved professional SEO agency for the last 6 month to help build links, but nothing works. (old site used really old non mobile-friendly engine) As far as I know site is technically sound with no issues. In the last few month position for my main keyword 'fascinators' jumps really wildly. From position 9 to not being in Google first 100. And jump can happen overnight. As of today it disappeared from first 100 again. I am really tearing my hair out on what can be wrong. Link building is underway. This is one area I am aware of. Thinking of keyword spamming, i removed lots of 'fascinators' from URL, but that did not seem to help much. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Rudolf

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rudolfl

  • Hi guys, I just got a new SEO job for an e commerce store, the client is asking to rank the site for keywords like where to buy used phone, where to sell my used phone for for best rates and so, the question is how can i achieve that, can anyone help me with some concrete suggestion? Thanks in Advance,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mkhurramali

  • We currently have a site which we found SEM Rush to show that their were duplicate pages for the site. Upon further inspection we realized this was because there existed both http:// and https:// Versions of the site. Is this a problem for Google that the site appears for both http:// and https:// and that there are therefore duplicate versions of the site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavo

  • I'm trying to filter the results of a keyword search in keyword explorer by relevancy first and volume second. But the minute I select volume the relevancy is completely lost. I know I can export them and manipulate it in excel but is there a feature that allows me to do this in Moz?

    Feature Requests | | Anerudh

  • These two URLs are being flagged as 98% similar in the code. We're a large ecommerce site, and while it would be ideal to have unique product descriptions on each page we currently don't have the bandwith. Thoughts on what else might be triggering this duplicate content? Thanks, Natalie

    On-Page Optimization | | eTundra

  • Hi there, I'm currently looking to set up a Facebook Group for an Education Recruitment Business I am working with. We're setting up the Facebook group to foster a sense of community and collaboration with our current teachers. I'm currently in the process of drawing up a list of rules and regulations for our first group. The obvious ones are there such as no profanity, no spamming (can't stand spam - especially those fake Ray Ban ads!) but there I would really love some other group rule suggestions especially when it comes to users promoting our competition as education recruitment is a very competitive sector. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, James Miller - Digital Marketing Executive

    Social Media | | James-Miller

  • Hello, On Moz Local it is showing up an incorrect google listing for the business I work for. In my actual Google account there is only one Google listing and it is correct but this correct version doesn't appear on Moz Local. I have followed the criteria to meet your google listing so I am confused in what to do. Many thanks,

    Moz Local | | SMCCoachHire

  • I've submitted my site to google search console, and only 6 images of 89 images have been indexed in 2 weeks. Should I be worried? My site is Images are a pretty big part of this site's content and SEO value. Thanks for your help!

    Local Website Optimization | | mattchew

  • Hi everyone, I have a problem with a website wherein all URLs (homepage, inner pages) are 302 redirected. This is based on Screaming Frog crawl. But the weird thing is that they are 302 redirected to themselves which doesn't make any sense. Example: is 302 redirected to is 302 redirected to is 302 redirected to Have you encountered this issue? What did you do to fix it? Would be very glad to hear your responses. Cheers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alex_goldman

  • I know these are intended for specifying different language/regional versions of one site, but can they be used to specify just ONE country (eg. "en-au")? Or does it only work to specify an ALTERNATIVE to another language/region variation?

    International SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Hi just wondering i'm using the same image across 20 pages which are optimized for SEO purposes. I was wondering is there issues with this from SEO standpoint? Will Google devalue the page because the same image is being used? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seowork214

  • My SEO ranking has been suffering over the last year despite all my efforts. Do you think my website builder/host could negatively effect my SEO? I'm using something called jigsy. They seem really good in the sense that they are very responsive to requests for help, but I have found them to be limiting at times. 
    I cant:
    -edit H1 and H2 tags on individual pages...the same ones are plastered throughout the site as part of a "theme"
    -Do any link cannonicalization, which Moz Pro is marking me with 282 critical issues for.
    -and I've had numerous times I've had to search out HTML code to paste into my page because they're missing something. ...I may have just answered my question myself, but I'm wondering how much of a problem all of this might be for my SEO? I was looking at switching to something like squarespace recently but it looks like Jigsy has thought of that and doesn't have any way for me to transfer my site to another service..... ugh!

    Technical SEO | | joebordersmft

  • Hello! I'm new here. My moz Pro account is flagging my website for having 282 duplicate pages, which it is saying are critical issues. I looked at this and it seems like the problem is that many of my pages are being indexed like: and and I think this is an issue with link cannonicalization...right? I contacted my website builder/host a while ago and they said they don't have a way to to link this a huge problem?...Is there some way to do it that I'm missing? Should i get a new website builder/host? 😛 for reference, this is what my builder/host said when I asked them about it: "Good question, at the moment we don't offer it, I will add it to our feature request list, as I think it would be a good idea. In a traditional hosting environment this would be using a htaccess file, since we are in ruby on rails environment we would need come up with a custom solution."

    Technical SEO | | joebordersmft

  • I am intrigued by Facebook IA and am thinking that putting some of my company articles on it would be beneficial for marketing. Question is, will it hurt SEO if I take an article that is on  my website and also submit it to Facebook IA? Will it register as duplicate content in Google? Could it have other benefits/risks?

    Social Media | | MJTrevens

  • I own (2) different websites, one an HTML site that has been live for 20 years and a ecommerce site that has been live for 7 years. We sell custom printed (branded) tents for use at trade shows and other indoor and outdoor events. While our ecomm site targets "trade show" tents our HTML site targets "event" tents. I believe that the keyword phrases are dissimilar enough that targeting "trade show tents" on one site and "event tents" on the other should not cause Google to penalize one or the other or both sites for having similar content. The content is different on both sites. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with, or opinions on, my thoughts... either way. Thanks,
    Terry Hepola

    Algorithm Updates | | terry_tradeshowstuff

  • We are in the process of buying some intellectual property, and it's websites are very dated and only have around 5 external links each.  What's the best course of action? Do we close down the sites; then redirect the urls to our current website, or do we leave the sites up, but redirect people to our new site. Reference: current website: Old sites that come with the intellectual property:  plus Thanks, Dan Costigan

    Technical SEO | | dcostigan

  • So, I have major concerns with this plan. My company has hundreds of facilities located all over the country. Each facility has it's own website. We have a third party company working to build a content strategy for us. What they came up with is to create a bank of content specific to each service line. If/when any facility offers that service, they then upload the content for that service line to that facility website. So in theory, you might have 10-12 websites all in different cities, with the same content for a service. They claim "Google is smart, it knows its content all from the same company, and because it's in different local markets, it will still rank." My contention is that duplicate content is duplicate content, and unless it is "localize" it, Google is going to prioritize one page of it and the rest will get very little exposure in the rankings no matter where you are. I could be wrong, but I want to be sure we aren't shooting ourselves in the foot with this strategy, because it is a major major undertaking and too important to go off in the wrong direction. SEO Experts, your help is genuinely appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • I just read a great article on the SEO benefits of external links to relevant authoritative sites. But it didn't state if the benefits still existed if the external links were nofollows.
    The article concluded: “Outgoing relevant links to authoritative sites are considered in the algorithms and do have a positive impact on rankings.” I found this old article on the subject, but opinions on the nofollow issue were mixed: Can anyone shed any light? Thanks! ~Caro

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caro-O

  • I am getting a 902 error, "Network Errors Prevented Crawler from Contacting Server" when requesting a site crawl on my wordpress website, I think the error may be related to site speed and caching, but request a second opinion and potential solutions. Thanks, Rich

    Link Explorer | | rweede

  • Hey Everyone, We have a client (I don't have permission to disclose) that has just attempted to create better URL's for their site, per our direction. In the process, their website platform kind of took over their renaming attempts and instead of creating the clean, short, descriptive URLs we all wanted, they got convoluted, longer URLs. This all happened within the past 3 or 4 days. So, they went out and got an add-on that's going to help them create better URL's. In the meantime, they now have the original page/URL plus two new ones for a total of three. No 301's have been setup yet. When they create the new and (hopefully) improved URL tomorrow, will it hurt their rankings to have three pages redirected to the new one? Is a 301 redirect the right method for this issue or should they do something different? Thanks in advance, Kirk

    On-Page Optimization | | kbates

  • We built a new website for a client. When I do '' in Google it shows some of the real, recently submitted pages. But it also shows many pages of spam url results, like this '' - all of which then go to the sites 404 page. They have page titles and meta descriptions in Chinese or Japanese too. Some of the urls are of real pages, and link to the correct page, despite having the same Chinese page titles and descriptions in the SERPS. When I went to remove all the spammy urls in Search Console (it only allowed me to temporarily hide them), a whole load of new ones popped up in the SERPS after a day or two. The site files itself are all fine, with no errors in the server logs. All the usual stuff...robots.txt, sitemap etc seems ok and the proper pages have all been requested for indexing and are slowly appearing.  The spammy ones continue though. What is going on and how can I fix it?

    Technical SEO | | Digital-Murph

  • Any, and I mean ANY suggestions would be Great and Welcome, Good and Bad. Have a Good site, with what I believe good content, and just stuck at the same level for over 6 months. Please and Thank you for taking a few minute of time out of your day on this. Joe

    Reporting & Analytics | | surecreteproucts

  • Hello, Moz family! I am fairly new to the SEO game, so this question may be irrelevant. Here is a little context to begin; the business I am serving has an overview page (see below), which I have started a campaign for. On the overview page, there are 10 different links that can take the user to a specific page. It is hard to gather rankings for these keywords because there are so many different pages we link to. I guess what I am asking is, is the only way to gauge keywords across multiple pages is to start multiple campaigns? I hope this makes sense, but if I need to clarify more please let me know! Thanks in advance!

    Product Support | | BlakeSmith3

  • I have a client who has an old URL with 3 linking root domains and 4 links, with a PA of 24. This is on the open site explorer. There is a 301 redirect in place to direct this old url to the new url. When he uses the Moz bar on page, it shows that he has a PA of only 1 with no LRDs or inbound links? Can anyone please explain why this is happening and if this could affect further page links across his site? It would be appreciated. Kind regards

    Link Explorer | | lisa_rothery

  • Hi all, We recently received a 1 star rating on GMB. It's just the rating, no review/comment with it. We don't recognise the name so we think it must have been made in error or is spam. We discussed this internally, and it was decided that we should try to have it removed, although I personally didn't think our chances of getting it removed would be very good (because we wouldn't be able to prove it was spam). I flagged it as spam but didn't get a reply (would you even expect to get one?). I also sent GMB a DM on Twitter a couple of days ago, and again no reply. Edit: Google have now replied as I tweeted them again and as expected they won't remove the rating as it doesn't violate their policies. Normally, I wouldn't be so concerned about one individual poor rating (especially as it is just a rating), but we haven't had any reviews on Google before, so now our average is one star which just looks bad when someone googles our company. We use an external review provider for getting reviews from customers, so we don't actively encourage our customers to rate us on Google. I was thinking we should reply to the rating, with a message saying something along the lines of "We can't find your name in our accounts, but if you get in touch with our customer service, we are confident they will be able to help you." It would also help to get more ratings or reviews to even out the one bad one and improve our average. Is there anything else we could do? How would you handle this? Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | ViviCa1

  • Hi all, We have replica of our website with exact pages and content. That website got indexed by mistake and allowed for bots for more than 10 days. Our ranking dropped now and we moved from 2nd page to 5th page. But previously we had this happened and didn't hurt much. We got punished now? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I'm creating a filter for internal IP addresses and the client has sent me this: 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348 Does this mean it is not a fixed IP address? I have only ever seen IP addresses in this format: Can anyone shed any light?

    Reporting & Analytics | | muzzmoz

  • Hi there, We have access to a third party site that has high domain authority and we want to know if anyone has a case study demonstrating what happens when you 301-redirect a high DA site to another high DA site. In particular, we are wondering what kind of lift the site saw from the additional link equity?

    Technical SEO | | nicole.healthline

  • Hey everyone! My company uses a tool called SEOQuake. We are trying to hit all of their "checkmarks" when we run a diagnosis for them. One of the only things we can not figure out how to pass is their section for Site Compliance ---> XML Sitemaps. Our client's websites that we have built are all using .aspx URL structures, and when I view them, it clearly states that it is an XML file. It has this text written at the top of the .aspx page: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." Does anyone know what is happening here? 
    Thank you!

    Web Design | | TaylorRHawkins

  • This might seem like a silly question, but It's one that I would like to get some responses from the SEO community. Do <h>tags need to be staggered according to the numbers? For example: A few of our clients have their h1 tag listed on a mid-way header that is halfway down their page, and there are both h2's and h3's listed before the h1 in the source code. Does this matter? Let me know! 
    Thanks! </h>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TaylorRHawkins

  • Good afternoon everyone! I wanted to ask everyone here a question, one that has been being discussed around my office with a lot of different sides being taken. Does Keyword Density matter? If it does, what percentage do you try to have your keyword hit?

    Local Website Optimization | | TaylorRHawkins

  • Hello, I'm new to SEO and until the last year I was not aware that creating content that target same keywords would make Google choose only one to rank better. Can I leave the best page (highest ranked one) as it is and change the rest that target the same keyword to target similar keywords ? Just a simple example: I have two pages targeting "best supplements to muscle gain" Leave the best one targeting that keyword and now I change the content of the other to target "best supplements for muscle size" This is the smartest move or I'm missing something here and will make things worse ? Ex: maybe some of tthose pages with same keyword arent ranking for the keyword I want but are ranking for another one that I dont know. I'm really insecure about making changes and end up getting worse results.. Thank you (sorry for my bad english)

    On-Page Optimization | | Glinski

  • Hi, I am running a wordpress site and our blog has grown to have a bit of a life of its own. I would like to use a more blog-oriented wordpress theme to take advantage of features that help with content discoverability, which is what the current theme I'm using doesn't really provide. I've seen sites like Canva, Mint and Hubspot put their blog on a subdomain, so the blog is sort of a separate site within a site. Advantages I see to this approach: Use a separate wordpress theme Help the blog feel like its own site and increase user engagement Give the blog its own name and identity My questions are: Are there any other SEO ramifications for taking this approach? For example, is a subdomain ( disadvantageous somehow, or inferior to to Regarding redirects, I read a recent Moz article about how 301s now do not lose page rank. I would also be able to implement https when I redirect, which is a plus. Is this an ok approach? Assuming I have to create redirect rules manually for each post though Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mikequery

  • Hi, I have a category page I want to rank. This page has 24 different products quite similar but not exactly the same.
    I want to use canonical tag in any product to the parent category. 
    Is this a right use of the canonical? 
    Category page I'm talking about is : Finger bits If I understand how to use canonical tags I can improve all my category pages. thanks marco

    Technical SEO | | amastone

  • When checking my domain I receive higher page authority for www vs non-www. I am considering moving to the www url and applying the necessary redirections but wanted to quickly check if this is worth it. The root page authority : PA 40 : PA 35 By redirecting would I just be transferring over negative signals to the www domain, thus voiding the point for doing any redirect at all?

    Technical SEO | | MAGNUMCreative

  • Hi, If the "content" is the same, but is written in different languages, will Google see the articles as duplicate content?
    If google won't see it as duplicate content. What is the profit of implementing the alternate lang tag?Kind regards,Jeroen

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chalet

  • Hi all, We keep on listening and going through the articles that "Google is all about user" and people suggesting to just think about users but not search engine bots. I have gone through the title tags of all our competitors websites. Almost everybody directly targeted primary and secondary keywords and few more even. We have written a very good phrase as definite title tag for users beginning with keyword. But we are not getting ranked well comparing to the less optimised or backlinked websites. Two things here to mention is our title tag is almost 2 years old. Title tag begins with secondary keyword with primary keyword like "seo google" is secondary keyword and "seo" is primary keyword". Do I need to completely focus on only primary keyword to rank for it? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi I'm still stuck on the subject if SEO friendly facets. Firstly, is it worth investing time in over things like SEO campaigns/content marketing as I'm the only one working on SEO and trying to prioritise all tasks 🙂 Can I set up facets so they are SEO friendly - should they simply be blocked? my concern is wasting crawl budget and duplicate pages. Here's an example of a page on the site - Here's an example of a facet URL -,-700000000000001001651484832107103,-700000000000001057452564832109109&productBeginIndex:0&orderBy:5&pageView:list& What would be the best course of action to take to make them SEO friendly? Tips would be appreciated 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hello Moz Community, I am designing my slider for 'SliderRevolution' on Illustrator. I wish to know the optimal resolution for a homepage slider - both for page speed and for resolution quality. I am using a full-width slider and would just like to know any SEO techniques you guys have used when designing your slider. Not reducing page speed is my main priority here. *Bonus points if you can help with SEO techniques and the slider.

    On-Page Optimization | | camille1

  • Hi all, So, I have removed the "primary keyword" from login page, which is most visited page on our website to avoid keywords in non related pages. I noticed our homepage ranking dropped for same "primary keyword". Visitors of this login page directly land without searching with "primary keyword". Then how removing it from such page drops our ranking? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi We have automatically created brand pages based on which brand they have in their attributes. At the moment, developers have restricted the ability to properly optimise these for SEO, but I also wanted to look at how we should handle pagination. Example: Should we do any of the following - which I've found in an article: Put no follow on all links located on pagination pages Should we no index these pages as they are wasting crawl budget? - Don’t show links to page 2, 3, 4, 5… 10, 11, 12… at the end of your content but only a link to the next and previous pages so that you won’t dilute your page authority. Or does anyone else have any tips on how to handle these pages? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi I'm checking the crawl depth report in SEM rush, and looking at pages which are 4+ clicks away. I have a lot of product pages which fall into this category. Does anyone know the impact of this? Will they never be found by Google? If there is anything in there I want to rank, I'm guessing the course of action is to move the page so it takes less clicks to get there? How important is the crawl budget and depth for SEO? I'm just starting to look into this subject Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I am quite new to Moz and SEO in general. Our company has a website at We are using woocommerce / wordpress for an ecommerce store selling custom printed products,. Banners, Posters, stickers etc. We have configured Yoast SEo and Moz is now reporting no errors on the site. However Google has not indexed any pages from the site after around 3-4 weeks. I have submitted through Google search console. It is reporting over 900 pages blocked by robots.txt. There is a folder called Printvent designer that we are blocking via a disallow in robots.txt. I thought this was necessary as this creates a URL for every product for every option that the customer uses to design their own product. These all point to the page printvent designer. (example XXL Blue sweatshirt has its own designer page - My question really is what are we doing wrong ? All meta titles and descriptions are in place, no errors from Moz, Moz reports most product pages as 90% + Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | Printvent

  • hey! Any idea how I can download backlinks via the sear console API? This page from Google has a few commands but not the back links one - Has anyone collected backlinks data in the past? Apprrciate your help! Thanks Arjun

    Link Building | | BaselineTry

  • Hi guys, We have product e-commerce title tags which are over 60 characters - around 80 plus. The reason we added them in there is to incorporate
    more information for Google. The format of these title tags are: Name + Colour + Rug Type + Origin Name = for people searching for the name of the rug
    Color = people searching for a specific color
    Type = The type of rug (e.g. normal or designer)
    Origin = Where the rug is for. So this title will cover people searching for: People searching for designer rugs, the specific colour and also where it comes from. This then results in the title tag going way over 60 characters - around 80-90 characters. -- Would it be wise to try and shrink it down to under 60 characters, and what would be a good approach to do this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seowork214

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