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  • My search visibility on here went from 3.5% to 3.7% to 0% to 0.03% and now 0.05% in a matter of 1 month and I do not know why. I make changes every week to see if I can get higher on google results. I do well with one website which is for a medical office that has been open for years. This new one where the office has only been open a few months I am having trouble. We aren't getting calls like I am hoping we would. In fact the only one we did receive I believe is because we were closest to him in proximity on google maps. I am also having some trouble with the "Links" aspect of SEO.  Everywhere I see to get linked it seems you have to pay. We are a medical office we aren't selling products so not many Blogs would want to talk about us. Any help that could assist me with getting a higher rank on google would be greatly appreciated. Also any help with getting the search visibility up would be great as well.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | benjaminleemd

  • Re: Inbound Links. If another website links to my website, does it make a difference to my inbound link count if they use http or https? Basically, my site redirects to, so if another website uses the link, will still benefit from the inbound links count? I'm unsure if I should reach out to all my inbound links to tell them to use my https URL instead...which would be rather time consuming so just checking http and https counts all the same. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | premieresales

  • After only 5 days of use. For some reason I now see some sort of extension of my account. Can I expect to see any charges to my credit card? I would like to cancel my account completely, how do I do this?

    Product Support | | SizzlePro

  • As we've been refining our metrics for gauging whether or not a blog is effective -- if people are engaging with it -- one of the strategies we've seen (e.g. NYT, WaPo, Yahoo!) is "Read More." I've read a few articles with some who advocate using it and others who discourage it. Does anyone have any history adding "Read More" to their content and the effect it had?

    Content Development | | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi all, We have recently added the meta descriptions for more than 50 pages of our website. It's been more than a week and all the pages have been indexed. But still I can see most of the pages in Google results didn't show up with recently added meta description, but the content from page like how it used to be. I wonder what's wrong with this scenario. Please guide of someone aware of this. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • 1)      What point of day readers read news on Google News generally? 2)      Are there any special tags to rank higher in Google News? Is standout tag still relevant? 3)      Is there any special way to rank in “Featured”, “In-Depth”, “Most Referenced” etc. categories in Google News? 4)      How much traffic do big sized media publishing companies get from Google News? 5)      To how much extent Social Media is responsible for rankings in Google News? 6)      Even when the website has articles which are centered about trending topics or top Google News and are posted timely, why they are not able to rank in Google News? 7)      What are ranking factors in Apple News? 😎      Best practices for stories to be on top list of Apple News? 9)      How much traffic do big sized media publishing companies get from Apple News? 10)   What point of day readers read news on Apple News generally? 11)   Are there any special tags to rank higher in Apple News?

    SERP Trends | | Prag

  • I created and verified a new Google My Business page for a client and found that there won't be any more Google+ created automatically. I spoke to Google Support and they confirmed this is the case because apparently, the two Google products confuse people. Now, if we want a G+ page created for our client, we have to go and 'Apply' for one here - We're not sure how to go moving forward with new clients. Has anyone tried to apply for a G+ account successfully using the above link? If we create a new Gmail account, don't we get a G+ account anyway (or is that not the case as well)?

    Local Listings | | nhhernandez

  • I used some SEO tools for my site: These tools said that need to integrate social networks, such as facebook, twitter... I used addthis plugin to integrate social networks. When I test some tools didn't recognize the social integration. So I want to know how to test social integration with Moz? I used addthis plugin, so if Moz also didn't recognize, what need I do?

    Moz Pro | | micheal9000

  • Hi, I'm an SEO Intern for a third party wine delivery company and I'm trying to fix the following issue with the site regarding duplicate content on our product pages: Just to give you a picture of what I'm dealing with, the duplicate product pages that are being flagged have URLs that have different Geo-variations and Product-Key Variations. This is what Moz's Site Crawler is seeing as Duplicate content for the URL We have loads of product pages with dozens of duplicate content and I'm coming to the conclusion that its the product keys that are confusing google. So we had the web development team put the canonical tag on the pages but still they were being flagged by google. I checked the of the pages and found that all the pages that had 2 canonical tags I understand we should only have one canonical tag in the so I wanted to know if I could just easily remove the second canonical tag and will it solve the duplicate content issue we're currently having? Any suggestions? Thanks -Drew

    Algorithm Updates | | drewstorys

  • This is a fun one - Example:  Mercedes Benz is pushing to have all of there vehicle models to coincide with the world branding such as the "C300" is supposed to be "C 300" and the "E300"  is supposed to be "E 300"...  I have a few issues here as when I use Voice Search for "Mercedes Benz C 300"  there is no way (that I know of) to add a space between the number and letter.  In addition, when searching for the "C 300 for sale" Google corrects the text with "Did you mean:  C300 for sale".  I am seeking a way to accommodate both versions of the models WITHOUT adding the both C300 and C 300...etc. to the text on web pages.  OR will Google eventually change the model names over time as Mercedes-Benz regulates the new U.S. naming convention.  Tough question - any thoughts? Thank you for your help -

    Local SEO | | MBS-MBA

  • A client of mine is being held hostage by their facebook managers and refusing to give access to their ads - any way to get facebook support on this?

    Social Media | | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi Moz community, A few businesses that we work with are asking if they can leverage our content such as blogs by basically copying it and post it on their site. They will give us credit for the content though. My concern is that going to cause duplicate content issue and hurt us with our SEO? We'd like to provide it to them in a way that would benefit us or at least doesn't hurt us. I can think of a few possible options... 1. Have them only copy part of the content and link back to our site with a link "Read the original article" or something similar 2. Have them implement rel=canonical back to our site 3. Have them just copy the whole thing (because it doesn't really hurt us?). In that case, do we have them link back to us or no? Is there anything I missed? What's the best option for us? Thank you for the help in advance!

    Content Development | | aphoontrakul

  • Hi - I'm new to Moz and this forum. After getting a bunch of odd alerts about 803 errors, I signed up for the Site Crawl v2 Beta. Now, I'm not getting any 803 errors, but I am getting alerts that say I'm missing H1 tags on numerous pages. However, there are H1 tags on all pages of our website, and when I search the source code, the H1 tags show up. If someone could help me figure out why I'm getting these alerts, and what I can do to "fix" them, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

    Getting Started | | AppliedMarketingScience

  • I thought I knew what it meant but am finding instances where the value in the column, "Linking Root Domains" is greater than the value in the column, "External Links?" Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hi Moz Community, I have a client using relative links for their canonicals (vs. absolute) Google appears to be following this just fine, but bing, etc. are still sending organic traffic to the non-canonical links. It's a drupal setup. Anyone have advice?  Should I recommend that all canonical links be absolute?  They are strapped for resources, so this would be a PITA if it won't make a difference. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SimpleSearch

  • Hello, all! I have a client who's Fortune 500 - has all the good "stuff" that is associated with pulling in proper info into the knowledge graph/company information box - Wikipedia, strong citations, etc., but the card is showing the wrong company type! Has anyone had experience with influencing this via Schema or anything else clever? Note that the correct company type is referenced in all the usual spots. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SimpleSearch

  • I'm about to acquire a domain with a lot of great/highly authoritative backlinks.  The links pointing to the domain are quite powerful and the domain is an exact match TLD. I have two options (that I know of 😞 1. I could redirect all the links to their new home(s) on my new site which offers the same resources the old site used to offer. or 2. I could rebuild the tools/content on this site. Ideally, I'd transfer to my new site as all those powerful links could help all my rankings. However, I'm worried that some of the powerful links will de-link once they see the site redirects elsewhere, even though it's offering the same content. Also, option one isn't an exact match domain. Which, I know, shouldn't make a difference now-a-days but regardless of what people say, it still seems to help out some sites in less competitive niches. One more thing to note: The domain that I'm purchasing is about 25 years old. I'm leaning toward option one. I want to make sure I put my best foot forward on this investment and thought it wise to consult the SEO gods.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ninel_P

  • Hi there! I am currently combining several sites (corporate brochure site and ecommerce site) for a client into one central website. All of the content and structure on the new site is set up and relevant pages have 301 redirects ready. My main concern is that the old website has an SSL certificate and will be pointing to the new pages on the new .com website (with new SSL in place). Will this cause connection privacy issues? And if so, what's the best way to resolve them? Many thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Daniel_GlueMedia

  • Hi!
    I'm dealing with a big client who's site has a big (approx. 39 000) duplication of the "same" page (same content) but each page has a different URL. The duplicated page is a "become a member"-page.
    I've checked the backlinks in Google Search Console and there are no sites linking to any of the duplicated pages.
    The developers have no clue where or how the pages came to be duplicated, but my guess is that every time a new customer sets up an account the page becomes duplicated. The customer want us to just remove the pages and sort out the duplication, but removing the pages might cause a big drop in back links/traffic and what not. I would much rather redirect the duplicated pages to the original page, but given that there are 39 000 pages it might mess with the site speed. Looking for ideas and suggestions of what the next step should be, remove or redirect.
    Thanks so much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jennisprints

  • Hi I'm working on an SEO campaign in relation to vacuum cleaners. I'm working on some outreach and as we focus on B2B I'm finding it difficult to find blogs which are B2B focused. We would ideally want customers who are buying a number of vacuums for their business - but it could be any industry. Instead of B2B blogs, I have gone with the angle of cleaning/organising blogs, with lots of followers on social. However, does anyone know of any good B2B blogs they could recommend? I'm looking for something written by facilities/buildings managers - if blogs like this exist 🙂 Thank you

    Branding | | BeckyKey

  • Does anyone have suggestions on which date tag(s) are most important to use and how to use them on the frontend? (i.e. dateModified, dateCreated, and datePublished). The Structured Data Testing Tool is coming up with errors for my article pages, but I'm a bit confused which ones should be in the code vs. showing on the frontend.

    Algorithm Updates | | ElsaT

  • In the past month, I've received referrals from, coming from both Ireland and Germany - it made me a bit suspicious as I haven't seen before and I can't find much online about it. I'm a little reluctant to click through to the website in case it is suspicious... Does anyone know anything about this and should I be concerned? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | RayflexGroup

  • Hi all, We can see many website page titles are filled with "brand name & primary keyword" at suffix. Just wondering how much this gonna help. Or can we remove "primary keyword" from other non-relevant pages and limit the same to important pages to rank well? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, Recently We have a taken a project " " and are responsible for the Digital Marketing for the website. FYI, we have been following the best On-Page SEO practices ever since we took the project: Performing Keyword Research, Finalizing the Keywords,Using those in the Page-Title, Meta-Descriptions, Heading Tags and of course in the Content as per MOZ suggestions & SEO standards. But, we are unable to rank in first page; which is a serious matter of concern for us. We have also checked whether the Domain / URL has been blacklisted, but it's not (Not even by Google). We are therefore unable to figure out what is going wrong even after following so many best practices to get the keywords a good ranking (1st & 2nd page of SERPs). Therefore I would like to request you to provide your expert opinions in this regard by checking what is it that we are not getting right. The website url is As this is a high-priority issue for us & the client is a prestigious one of course, please help. Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Thanks & Regards,

    Technical SEO | | Harini.M

  • Hi all, We have recently migrated a sub-domain to sub-directory to claim it's traffic in our website. Like to We have also set a redirect for same which is working fine; but still old subdomain is showing in google search results and new directory haven't been indexed. We have submitted the new sub-directory in search console multiple times and it got partially indexed as per the status. We have allowed crawlers. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, We have noticed recently soft 404s are increasing day by day; which are landing on our custom 404 page created a month back. Other 404 pages are NOT landing on custom 404 page. Does this custom 404 page hurting us by causing an increase in soft 404s? Our CMS is WordPress. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, Just wondering what would be better in this instance: finding an old post (with good authority) and getting a link from that old article or creating a brand new article and adding the link to that. Finding an old post (with good authority) and getting a link from that old article Creating a brand new article and adding the link to that. Both naturally link out to the page you want a link too. To me, number 1 as the page already has authority but then again number 2 since Google might place some weight to recency. Any thoughts? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | spyaccounts14

  • Hello, I'd like to start a discussion on link building outreach techniques vs. just building a good website with good 10X content. I don't like to receive unsolicited emails in my inbox, so why should the people in my industry? Also, I've seen plenty of evidence of 10X content soaring without link building outreach. But link building isn't dead of course, so can you tell me your personal experiences either way and the ethics of what you do? I especially want to hear if you've had luck with just building good websites and being successful based on the content itself, but an open discussion of either side is welcome. Leaning towards just building good websites and letting the Google algo do it's thing. Would love to hear your experiences either way. Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW

  • Hello Folks, Moz Local is not verifying my Google My Business Listing nor is it verifying the manual CSV upload.  My Google My Business Listing and my manual CSV upload correctly display all of the same information as my Google My Business Listing and Facebook Page using the following Moz Local guidelines.  The only thing that I can think of is that Moz Local is currently pulling up and older listing with a toll free number; however that has been corrected and the feed is real time, so I'm at a loss. Facebook The name, address, and phone number (NAP) listed on the page must be an exact match with the listing in Moz Local. The primary phone number listed must be a unique local number or a toll-free number. The primary page category must be “local business”. A minimum of 2 visitor check-ins are required. Not sure what to do here? Head to Facebook's resources to see how to let people check in and how you can check in. The page must be fully accessible to all potential visitors, so any restrictions based on age, location, etc. must be disabled. This can be easily checked by attempting to view the Facebook page in a Chrome incognito browser while not logged into a Facebook account; if you can view the page normally in these conditions, the accessibility should be in good shape! Google My Business The name, address, and phone number (NAP) listed on the page must be an exact match with the listing in Moz Local. The primary phone number listed must be a unique local number or a toll-free number. The business must not be listed as a “service area business”. A service area business displays with the street address being hidden, as well as the listing not being surfaced through the Google Places API (which is where we pull the listing details from). The listing must be verified by postcard. As a note, it may take a couple days after the postcard verification process for the listing to be available through the Google Places API. The listing must be completely searchable through Google Maps, with the full NAP listed correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

    Moz Local | | Kodiiac

  • Hello, HTML validator brings "Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point" for all my meta tags. Yet, as I understand, it is essential to keep meta-description for SEO, for example. I read a couple of articles on how to fix that and one of them suggests considering  HTML5 custom data attribute instead of name: Do you think I should try   to validate my page? And     instead of ? I will appreciate your advise very much!

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • Hello Everyone, So this is not really my strong suit but I’m going to do my best to explain the full scope of the issue and really hope someone has any insight. We have an e-commerce client (can't really share the domain) that uses Shopify; they have a large number of products categorized by Collections. The issue is when we do a site:search of our Collection Pages ( they don’t seem to be indexed. Also, not sure if it’s relevant but we also recently did an over-hall of our design. Because we haven’t been able to identify the issue here’s everything we know/have done so far: Moz Crawl Check and the Collection Pages came up. Checked Organic Landing Page Analytics (source/medium: Google) and the pages are getting traffic. Submitted the pages to Google Search Console. The URLs are listed on the sitemap.xml but when we tried to submit the Collections sitemap.xml to Google Search Console 99 were submitted but nothing came back as being indexed (like our other pages and products). We tested the URL in GSC’s robots.txt tester and it came up as being “allowed” but just in case below is the language used in our robots:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /admin
    Disallow: /cart
    Disallow: /orders
    Disallow: /checkout
    Disallow: /9545580/checkouts
    Disallow: /carts
    Disallow: /account
    Disallow: /collections/+
    Disallow: /collections/%2B
    Disallow: /collections/%2b
    Disallow: /blogs/+
    Disallow: /blogs/%2B
    Disallow: /blogs/%2b
    Disallow: /design_theme_id
    Disallow: /preview_theme_id
    Disallow: /preview_script_id
    Disallow: /apple-app-site-association
    Sitemap: A Google Cache:Search currently shows a collections/all page we have up that lists all of our products. Please let us know if there’s any other details we could provide that might help. Any insight or suggestions would be very much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing all of your thoughts! Thank you in advance. Best,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ben-R

  • Hi guys first of all i am really thankful for such an opportunity to test such a wonderful app and i didnt know there is a Q&A community here 🙂 i was actually searching on google about google plus and end up here but the thread i bumped into is a bit outdated anyway a little background on what i am doing. Our company have a 15 local branches, its a service that we provide on our local clients. I am totally new to SEO like 6 months and i am really learning a lot and i am now learning on how to build my own backlinks and my 1st struggle is on google+ actually i am dismayed that its too confusing (at first) but somehow i manage to understand but still unsure please correct me. So google+ has 2 type 1 is for personal and 1 is for brand am i correct? So since we have 15 local branches what i did is create a personal page and make it as our business page and then claimed all the 15 branches on google maps and all is verified now. You think im correct on creating a personal page and make it as our main business page? I asked because i want to create brands page on each branch or do I even need brand pages for my branches? Was thinking of this custom URLS for our main page (which is our personal page) +OurBusiness for the branch brand page +OurBusinessCity you think it would be cool? 🙂 then on about sections (brand page) where i can add links on tag line description i will put the dedicate branch page of our website, then on that website page i will also put our google plus brand page +OurBusinessCity so its a 2 way link. Please bare with me as i am fairly new to this and i am not really sure if my ideas are stupid so please dont laugh 🙂 By the way my another question is about the ABOUT ME section of google+ personal page, when i add link on the description its a nofollow, i know cause i have this extension on my browser that detects do/nofollow links but on the link section its a dofollow. On the other hand google+ brand page has no links section so if you have a link and want to include it on your google+ brand page easy way to do it is put it on description and i just found out its a do follow HOWEVER it seems like the links on both pages (personal, brand) are not seen by search engines i tried it on several google search simulator and also checked the source code of the pages and i cant seem to find the links so my question is, is google really that useful when it comes to backlink building? Another question is that when i build brand pages i have to use our brand name and so all the branches have the same brand names includes our personal page so all of those 16 pages have the same name, will it be ok? Another question is that is there anyway that i can edit its meta description? 🙂 please i am really new to google so bare with me. Thank you so much in advance and hope to hear from the gurus 😉

    Social Media | | Bamservices

  • Hello members. I have a question that I am seeking to confirm whether or not I am on the right track. I am interested in purchasing a .ly domain which is the ccTLD for Libya. The purpose of the .ly domain would be for branding purposes however at the same time I do not want to kill the websites ability to rank in (United States searches) because of this domain. Google does not consider .ly to be one of those generic ccTLDs like. io, .cc, .co, etc. that can rank and Bitly has also moved away from the .ly extension to a .com extension. Back in 2011 when there was unrest in Lybia, a few well known sites that utilized the .ly extension had their domains confiscated such as, and I think Bitly may have been on that list too however with the unrest behind us it is possible to purchase a .ly so being able to obtain one is not an issue. From what I can tell, I should be able to specify in Google Search Console that the website utilizing the .ly extension is a US based website. I can also do this with Google My Business and I will keep the Whois info public so the whois data can been seen as a US based website. Based on everything I just said do any of you think I will be OK if I were to register and use the .ly domain extension and still be able to rank in (US Searches). Confirmation would help me sleep better. Thanks in advance everyone and have a great day!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joemaresca

  • I choose the overwrite option but it keeps adding the costs to the existing costs. When i select that radio button and click done, that option does not appear on the summary screen. That section next to Import Behavior is blank.

    Reporting & Analytics | | JGB555

  • Hi all, There are some old images (non-existing now) from our website which have backlinks. We would like to redirect them to some live images to reclaim the backlinks. Is this Okay or sounds suspicious to Google? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, I want to identify whether organic landing pages in Google Analytics month on month (over 6 month period) have increased or decreased in traffic and whether the traffic trend is positive or negative. See attachment of the data. In total there are 500 pages, so it's just not feasible to review each organic chart for each organic landing page to view the trend. I’m sure there is some way to view this in Google Analytics, but just not sure how. Any suggestions? Cheers. 0Bnv85G.jpg

    Reporting & Analytics | | spyaccounts14

  • I was looking into my website backlinks and noticed that a link Huffington Post post has only one page authority while the other post has high page authority like 30 or 40. Please suggest what can be the issue. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | 1MS

  • We have a client who carries 4 product lines from different manufacturers under a singular domain name (, and last fall, one of their manufacturers indicated that they needed to move to separate out one of those product lines from the rest, so we redesigned and relaunched as two separate sites - and (a newly-purchased domain). Since that time, their manufacturer has reneged their requirement to separate the product lines, but the client has been running both sites separately since they launched at the beginning of December 2016. Since that time, they have cannibalized their content strategy (effective February 2017) and hacked apart their PPC budget from both sites (effective April 2017), and are upset that their organic and paid traffic has correspondingly dropped from the original domain, and that the new domain hasn't continued to grow at the rate they would like it to (we did warn them, and they made the decision to move forward with the changes anyway). This past week, they decided to hire an in-house marketing manager, who is insisting that we move the newer domain ( to become a subdomain on their original site ( Our team has argued that making this change back 6 months into the life of the new site will hurt their SEO (especially if we have to 301 redirect all of the old content back again, without any new content regularly being added), which was corroborated with this article. We'd also have to kill the separate AdWords account and quality score associated with the ads in that account to move them back. We're currently looking for any extra insight or literature that we might be able to find that helps explain this to the client better - even if it is a little technical. (We're also open to finding out if this method of thinking is incorrect if things have changed!)

    Local Website Optimization | | mkbeesto

  • Hi We have 4 websites - 1 for company and 3 for each products. Currently all our blog posts are located on the company website We will be separating out the blog so that product blogs will be in each product website. i.e. from to: This is with the aim of helping SEO for each of the product websites; and improving user experience so users can easily navigate around the product pages if they are reading a blog post on the product. So now we have to consider migration. We will migrate/copy over all blog posts to each of the relevant product websites, but should we: A. keep the old blog posts on and do a rel=canonical B. only show blog preview on which will link to the new (and using 301 redirect) C. 301 redirect all blog posts from altogether Any suggestions on which of the above options to take would be greatly appreciated in terms of SEO and other considerations

    Content Development | | bnulab

  • Hello Fellow Mozzers! I am pretty new the SEO world and have been tasked with improving our companies SEO with no prior knowledge of anything to do with SEO as of about 5 months ago. So far, I have been fairly successful (May be luck). There is a product page on our website that has moved from Rank 8-9 all the way up to Rank 3, on a high volume keyword, which increased our traffic to that URL by 500%! I was very proud of this accomplishment until tragedy struck... We suddenly dropped to Rank 6. It doesn't look like we've lost any Backlinks to this URL. My suspicion is that we got penalized for Keyword Stuffing since we recently changed from have multiple pages for a specific product's reviews to having them all on one page (To decrease the number of URLs our Site has). Many of these product reviews have the Keyword in them making us have over 30 of this specific keyword on our page. Could this be a valid suspicion? Should we go back to having different URLs for reviews and Disallow them for Robots?

    On-Page Optimization | | LaceyVapeWild

  • I am looking for some clarity on what exactly you need to spell out for google in the exact match and what google understands in terms of using keywords in your meta title which I am trying to rank for. For example if my category page is for women's top, with both printed and solid color options, would it be ok to write- "Women's Tops: Printed & Solid Shirts & Tunics" and be able to rank for women's tops, women's printed tops, women's solid shirts etc. or would I have to be more specific and use women's as the keyword modifier before each term and  write- "Women's Tops, Women's Printed & Solid Shirts, Women's Tunics"?

    On-Page Optimization | | whiteonlySEO

  • Hey all, We have two different websites, one is a Chinese version of the site with a different URL ( The language is all Chinese however, I've noticed there's nohreflang tag on the html. Is this an issue? Presumably, if they type in our Chinese website URL then it should be fine, but if they just search our company name, will the lack of hreflang cause issues? Cheers, Rhys

    Technical SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • How can I get a list of all the pages on my site with their page authority?

    Moz Bar | | joshuaboyes

  • Hi I have 2 websites, 1) DA 20 PA 29 RD 6 Total Links 226 and 2) DA35 PA 46 RD 34 Total links 11,075 Every post i published on my 1st website shown in Just discovered links, whereas in 2nd website, it is not appeared. Now, my question is, what i do to have my all posts shown in just discovered links for my second website. From every aspect my second website is stronger than first one. Awaiting answer.

    Link Explorer | | Abdul_Majid

  • Hi all, Google picks up a non-homepage to rank for primary keyword where homepage is actually optimised to rank for same keyword. This means Google is ignoring the actual page and ranking other page. Does this scenario means that we are ranking lower as the homepage is not considered here? We may rank much better if homepage is preferred by Google? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Here is the situation. Our website for our primary product ( has received a penalty by Google. Not long ago we had excellent rankings; (1st page) for some of our primary keywords, like "tablet stand". Now we are not in the index at all. Here is what happened (or at least what seems to have happened in my non-SEO opinion). Around October 2016, we had the "bright" idea to try and emulate a campaign that Eat 24 did, utilizing inexpensive traffic from advertisements on porn websites. The idea was a play on a joke we often hear about our product being perfect for certain activities where one needs to free one's hands while watching a screen. Of course this is not how we market our product (it is a best selling mainstream product), but we wanted to see if we could emulate the success of another mainstream brand that utilized this kind of non-mainstream advertising. The immediate result was a whole lot of traffic, but obviously the wrong kind, as it did not convert. So we pulled the plug after about 3 days. Flash forward several months later and we not only lost our great SEO rankings, but we were removed from Google's index entirely. I assume the reason for this is that somehow the website got dinged for being somehow related to porn. But of course it has nothing to do with that. So the question is: how do we go about getting un-penalized by Google? We had build up some solid SEO over the previous couple of years, and I'd like to get back to where we were, if possible. Oh, and this may or may not be relevant, but we also switched from to a few months before we did this campaign. However, we used permanent redirects and did a textbook changeover, so I don't think that had any bearing. But I can't be sure. What are the steps to reverse this damage, if any? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | csblev

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