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  • I have an ecommerce website with 4 departments, that share the same categories, For example a bicycle shop would have different products for mountain biking and road cycling, but they would both share the same 'tyres' category. I get around this by having the department as a filter, that changes the products on show, and adds a URL parameter of ?department=1. When this filter is applied, i have a canonical link setup to the non-filtered category. Any filter links are nofollowed. My top menu has 4 different sections, one for each department, and links to these URLs with the department parameter already on, these links are set to allow robots to follow. As i am actively pointing Google at these pages, and it is my main navigation, should the page they go to be noindexed? As its the canonical i want to rank. Hopefully this makes sense. Cheers

    Technical SEO | | SEOhmygod

  • Hi All, I have been doing research for a few weeks and I cannot for the life of me figure out why I cannot get my website (Racenet) into the top stories in Google. We are in Google News, have "news article" schema, have AMP pages. Our news articles also perform quite well organically and we typically dominate the Google News section. We have two main competitors (Punters and Just Horse Racing) who are both in top stories and I cannot find anything that we are doing that they aren't. Apparently the AMP "news article" schema is incorrect and that could be the reason why we aren't showing up in Google Top Stories, but I can't find anything wrong with the schema and it looks the same as our competitors. For example: Does anyone have any ideas of why I cannot get my site into Google Top Stories? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 🙂

    Technical SEO | | Saba.Elahi.M.

  • MOZ has identified duplicate titles - one has' www' in the title. - we have a few pieces of content where the same thing is happening. Not sure how this has happened. Should we do something about this? Will it cause problems for ranking? | KETAMINE GUIDE FOR DRUG WORKERS - free | Harm reduction information | 13 | 2 |
    | KETAMINE GUIDE FOR DRUG WORKERS - free | Harm reduction information | 13 | 4 | 1 - 2 of 2

    On-Page Optimization | | Substance-create

  • I have been working on on-page SEO which has involved switching from http to https, and renaming URLs. I am running in to issues with redirect chains. Here is a scenario: Old URL: New URL: Since I already created the redirect addressing the redirecting from http to https for the root domain: ( to, should the redirect for the above be to , or should it be to (and the root domain redirect will take care of going from http to https)

    On-Page Optimization | | BWiseContractors

  • What's best practice regarding changing URLs for SEO? If the page contains great information around a particular term but the URL is not reflective of this and thus the page isn't ranking should the URL be changed? Or is it always a hard and fast no? It would seem to make sense to me if the page didn't have any backlinks already and Organic clicks were minimal. Sam

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Samsam0000

  • Hey everyone! My company has recently migrated to a new domain ( which includes migrating many TLD separate domains to the new. We have structured the website to have multi-language and regions, including regional content, product offerings etc. Our structure is as follows just to give an example. Currently, specifically the homepage version of the USA website is indexing into Canadian Search Engines, and I can't figure out why. It has been roughly 6 weeks since launch. Any thoughts on this? Thank you Dustin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hi Team, I have observed that DA of website is dropped down to 17 from 32 after MOZ 2.0 DA Algorithm Update. Though I can see that there is linear improvement observed on Moz. Please help me know in detail about the drop and how can it be improved further as Moz does not give the option to disavow bad back links. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | insidewebanalytics

  • I have a pretty big directory site using Wordpress with lots of "locations", "features", "listing-category" etc.... Duplicate Content: referring URL is is it a matter of just putting a canonical URL on each location, or just on the main page? Would this be the correct code to put: on the main page? Thanks Everyone!

    Technical SEO | | kay_nguyen

  • In other words, if one of my tracked keywords doesn't currently have a URL associated with it / assigned to it, how do I add a URL to it?

    Getting Started | | AllChargedUp

  • Invalid Microdata - How much of an impact does invalid microdata have on SERPS?? The Low down. We are located in Australia We run our business on the Bigcommerce platform. Problem is Google is crawling our bigcommerce in USD and displaying our micro data (price in USD instead of AUD)   How much of a problem is this in terms of SEO issues?  We have seen a steady decline or many of our top 3 rankings shift down a few pegs to mid-bottom of top 10.    We're also getting google shopping microdata warnings too. Hi, I am just wondering how we fix invalid micro data (Price) is displaying USD where we are located in Australia so it should be AUD. Solutions: Does anyone have a solution for this they can help me out with to resolve this microdata issue on the bigcommerce platform (stencil cornerstone based template)? Are there any other technical elements at first glance you note on our website that may be a potential cause in the SERP decline from top 3's to top 10's?   URL

    Technical SEO | | oceanstorm

  • I was a big fan of Wordpress. I used it for 10 years. However, because I run a very small business, the constant upkeep needed on WP in the end started to frustrate me in the end, so I moved to SquareSpace. However, I am beginning to question my decision, as one of my sites is struggling really badly, and I mean badly. The other sites are okay. So I started asking around, and most people are saying there shouldn't be a difference. A few people have said their Wordpress sites always outranks their SquareSpace sites. Then I read what Rand Fishkin said in the below Twitter thread, now I am even more confused. I am very reluctant to move to Wordpress, its just so much hassle. But at the same time, if a site doesn't get much traffic then it's useless. Please let me know your thoughts and experience.

    Web Design | | RyanUK

  • [How did Moz know that my question was about this?!] I've just completed an audit of nearly 50 websites in the tourism industry and 90% had a slideshow, large image or video taking up more than the initial screen on the fairly large screened Chromebook that I'm using. I'm advising them all to ditch this and am often getting resistance from the site owners and their web developers. I know that these can be better optimized for page load speed, which is poor for most of these sites, especially on mobile devices; but from a usability standpoint, are these affective at drawing in users? Do users take the time to view these? Are they annoyed at always having to scroll down to see if there is anything else useful on the homepage? I think they are like the splash pages of the past: poor for usability and SEO. I've advised to at least make sure that the images are sized so the top of the page fits any screen (some of them do resize well for mobile devices, but maybe not laptops/desktops), include text with calls to action and click through to relevant content. I've been noting that they aren't media businesses selling images or videos, so they need to get their offerings to the top of the page so that users can see and engage more quickly. Anyone have any stats or experience on this? Thanks, Ann

    Web Design | | anndonnelly

  • My Google Analytics always shows visitors on my site that do not show up with a location.  They are always shown as being referred from "".  Our service is exclusively domestic in the U.S., yet my user location map will show 1 domestic visitor, but 19 total visitors.  PLease see attached linked image.   Is there some sort of malware that is being exploited on my pages somewhere that these people are accessing?  Is there some way of blocking them from my site?  Should I?  Aren't they skewing my Google Analytics results?  Are they potentially dangerous?  Thanks in advance for all replies. mKEjs2H.jpg

    Search Behavior | | TTR1

  • My dev was looking into Expires Headers to increase speed, but she don't know the ramifications behind them for SEO. What I found online is really old: What do SEOs think? Thanks in advance! ~Dana

    Technical SEO | | dklarse

  • This is quite technical but I'm hoping a Magento expert can clear this up for me. Currently my company has two websites on separate Opencart platforms. What I'm doing now is building a Magento website and using the multi store function as well as a few modules to combine the two sites, the aim being that the link juice is shared and I can focus my SEO efforts on the one site instead of two, thus reducing my workload while maintaining the benefits. This is the intended layout: I have created a sub-folder (not a subdomain) as this seems to be the best way to share link juice between the new, combined sites (as well as 301s from the old, redundant site). At the moment I have created 2 separate websites, stores and store views (see attached) and have configured it according to the Magento guide, so I know that technically this is correct but I need to make sure that I have done it correctly in relation to SEO. Is the sub-folder set up correctly for instance? Currently the only files to populate that sub-folder are a htaccess, error log and index.php (see attached). Also, is there anything I could be missing in relation to SEO within the parameters of what I am trying to achieve? Additionally, only one store view appears in the "change store view" section of the home page. This is causing me to question if I have set it up correctly, because I had assumed both store views would appear even if they were under different websites (attached). OR do I simply use the same website and create two stores and store views? Do I also need to create a separate database for each website/store/store view? I would very much appreciate if someone could help out here. Thank you. In1Gi7t pyfM03y nUQoMz1

    Web Design | | moon-boots

  • I'd really like to view the difficulty/organic CTR/priority of suggested related keywords without having to click on each individually - is there a way to do this?

    Moz Bar | | avfundstack

  • I have about 25 301 redirects in my Wordpress htaccess file, that look like this: <code>Redirect301/store/index.html</code> At the moment they are at the bottom of my htaccess file, below the usual Wordpress rewrite rules: <code># BEGIN WordPress <ifmodulemod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] # END WordPress</ifmodulemod_rewrite.c></code> So they are below all that. Above my WP rewrite rules I have a number of other rules from plugins (caching, ssl). Are my 301's OK where they are at the very bottom of that file? They are working, and redircting pages correctly. Should they be somewhere else? Many thanks for any help. Thanks for any help.

    Technical SEO | | Benspain

  • Hi there. Anyone know how important Image title attribute is ? Moz is bringing it up saying make sure my images are all title attributed as well as alternative texted but no wedding photographers mention it in SEO posts or blogs. Click on wedding photographers blogs and most don't seem to have it (Image title attribute) either but I don't want to miss anything out that I need to be doing as I am building a new site and if it needs to be done now I have the time to do it. Any advice is appreciated thank you people x

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Howelljones

  • Hi, Our WP website redirects without slash to with slash are not working. When we tried with http mode, they are working. So, not working on https mode. Correct code given at .htaccess file. What might be causing the issue? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi, Th situation is: I've cloned my homepage & added new content to the cloned page I've then updated the WordPress settings to make the cloned page the new homepage Will I lose PA as the new cloned page is in effect a new article?

    Technical SEO | | jasongmcmahon

  • My organization's website currently hosts research databases on a subdomain. We're relatively new to MOZ and when I ran a crawl of my site, it came back with 30K issues.... 98% of which are on this subdomain. I wish I could just remove it and call it a day, however, real and active researchers use it regularly. My question is: Does a subdomain hurt/help a domain? I'm seeing mixed results via Google search and browsing this forum. I'm concerned that I will not be able to fix these 30K issues as I do have access to maintain this database... and just by looking at it you can tell it was built in 2005 and hasn't been updated from an SEO perspective since. Any suggestions?

    Moz Pro | | mlothamer

  • Hey everybody. In Moz when I compare link profiles to my competitors my domain is showing up as only having 4 internal follow links, and 0 nofollow. I know for a fact this is not the case however it is disconcerting. Is there any reason why Moz wouldn't be able to pick up my internal links? Is there a difference when linking internally by "/page_a" vs actually spelling out the entire URL i.e. ""

    International SEO | | HashtagHustler

  • We host static tours on a subdomain that points to the video tour host.  I can not add meta or optimize any of these video pages and there are thousands.   Should I de-index the entire subdomain?  I am seeing errors for no meta, dup content etc in MOZ reporting. If yes, do I add the Disallow: / to the primary domain's website/CMS or in DNS records ?  Our web company is saying the no follow needs to be added in DNS but I feel like it should be added to the robots.txt file if SERP's are going to acknowledge the sub is no longer to be crawled and the primary is no longer to be penalized. Thank you so much in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | masonmorse

  • Hi everyone, Our company sells products in various divisions. While we've been selling Product A and Product B under our original brand, we've recently created a new division with a new domain to focus on a Product B. The new domain has virtually no domain authority (3) while the original domain has some (37). We want customers to arrive on the new domain when they search for key search terms related to Product B instead of the pages that previously existed on our main website. If we create 301 redirects for the pages and content on the main site and add noindex, nofollow tags, will we lose the domain authority that we have from our original domain because the pages now have the noindex, nofollow tags? I read a few blog posts from Moz that said there isn't any domain authority lost with 301 redirects but I'm not sure if that is true if the pages are noindex, nonofollow.   Do you follow?  🙂 Apologies for the lengthy post. Love this community and the great Moz team. Thanks, Joe

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jgoehring-troy

  • I wonder if someone can help me understand clearly page rank flow. If we have a website with a Home page, Services, About and Contact as a very basic website and the page rank will flow to each of those pages from the Home page (i'm not including internal linking between pages or anchor text from the home page content - this is a question purely about home page flow via the main navigation). If the Services page had 3 drop down pages. Would the home page rank also flow to each of these or is it going to the Services page which then distributes it to the three drop down. So instead of Home page rank flowing to 3 pages 33% each - it is flowing to 6 pages 16.6% each. Or is it flowing to 3 pages - 33.3% then the Services pages get a third of 33.3% ->10.1% I know this is simplifying it all a great deal- but it is the basic concept I am trying to grasp on this simple example. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | AL123al

  • Hey Moz folks, I'm in the process of getting a deck together to discuss 'Disruption in search' and I wondered if the community would be able to share any ideas of their own as to what they feel is/has/will be disrupting the search/search marketing industry? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks! Sean

    Paid Search Marketing | | seanginnaw

  • Hi all, We have enabled a plugin which translated our site to subdirectories. We are going to geo target certain language sites to their countires. Like Portuguese site will be targetted to rank in Portugal. I wonder what to do with language sites where the same langauge is spoken in multiple countries. For example, if we target english site to US; will it effects the ranking in other english countires like UK, Australia, Canada, etc....? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi people. I have a client which holds a escort agency website operating in Amsterdam the Netherlands. Please take note that Escort Agency is legal and holland is a liberal country with permit and all, so just trying to point out that it's a perfectly legal crafted business. To the point: we are seeing a 95% drop in traffic (basicly back to barely 10 clicks a day) after 18 to 19 feb. We've inspected the incoming links, and we did see some things going on that where not quite healthy. At first a banner was bought on a dutch advertising website. On their behalf, this sitewide banner got published with a follow on roughly 132k of pages. That was strike 1 (i think). After tossing this in disavow for temporarily basis and informed the advertisal website to put any sitewide link to nofollow in the first place, nothing changed. We found a 2nd site doing the same mistake. Frankly the banner got exposed on roughly 100k of pages on which some of 'm where barely 2 days old. Strike 2. Solved this by putting it in disavow for the time being and asking politely to put the banner again, nofollow. We cleaned out any incoming potential spammy links by using disavow. The data we obtained was a mix of google webmaster itself and moz profiling. However we're one month further now, and the graph is still a big phat flatline. What is going on? I've noted that, one other sites, which share the same brand, but completely different websites / subnets / content and all, has the same threatment going on showing a huge drop from 18th of feb 2019 and is unable to recover. We cannot see anything 'bad' actually going on @ webmasters and there is no manual action taken. So we're kind of stuck now on a site that was my project but now completely fell into oblivion and hurting someone's business. The url is - anyone has a reasonable advice to this issue? full.jpg full.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jvanderlinde

  • I'm submitting my site map via search console and the site map is waiting for approval. I've been taking this error for two or three months. my site is not getting index. Therefore, I have experienced a decline in many words. Can the new search console solve my error? help please . for this site

    Algorithm Updates | | Analizaraclari

  • We currently use geoip detection to present a dialog when customers access one of our country-specific sites other than the one matching their location, asking them to select whether to continue to that requested site, or else click a link to the site matching their IP location's country.The purpose is to diminish the likelihood of users having a bad experience if they accidentally shop a region's site only to discover when they get to checkout that they cannot complete the purchase and need to switch sites. We are considering adding some logic to prevent this dialog from appearing if the user agent is a known search engine bot. The dialog serves no purpose to bots, and we are worried about its impact on crawling of our sites from servers outside the country-site's location. That said, we don't want to incur any negative impact of perceived cloaking. Is user agent-specific logic acceptable practice in this scenario?

    Web Design | | seoelevated

  • Our main website white paper page has an image and brief description of the white paper.  Once you click the white paper you are redirected to a form to access the gated white paper. Once you complete that form you are redirected to the white paper pdf which is housed on a subdomain/Hubspot. Because of this, I do not believe our website is getting "credit" for the keywords/content on these pages. Any suggestions on how we can allow the search engines to crawl this content while still keeping it gated? As I understand it a sub domain cannot hep or hurt (aside from critical crawler issues) the main domain. Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | NikCall

  • Hi there - I have a client that says they'll be "serving content by retrieving it from another URL using loadHTMLFile, performing some manipulations on it, and then pushing the result to the page using saveHTML()." Just wondering what the SEO implications of this will be. Will search engines be able to crawl the retrieved content? Is there a downside (I'm assuming we'll have some duplicate content issues)? Thanks for the help!!

    Technical SEO | | NetStrategies

  • Hi everyone, Recently we've discovered 2-3 sites (which we own the domains names) and these sites seem to automatically create links to our new landing pages on our main site. Those sites also can't be accessed in your browser as it redirects straight to our main website. So, for example, we create a new landing page on our main site, and then Moz has been picking up links to this page from these other domains with text such as "Book now". I think historically someone in the company set up loads of sites with redirects and there must be something automatically happening. Is this likely to be a spammy technique? Ie we seem to be getting "follow" links from other domains every time we create a new page." Also as this could be quite a negative thing we've discovered I can't really give our out business links, but really appreciate your tips and advice. I'm trying to work out what to do if this is a spammy technique and also affecting our trust scores etc and what we should do about it. Thanks for your help and input. 🙂Mike

    Link Building | | Ski-Online-Marketing-Team

  • Hi , What Credit Card Processors does Moz use?  Do they use ?

    Product Support | | stuartcanvas

  • I'm working with on a website for an app called BetterRX. There's a prescription card called BetterRX Card. Our domain is Better and the card is "Better RX" as a brand search is dominated by prescription discount cards, with Good RX being the most dominant. Any suggestions on how to go about mixing optimization for brand as well as the app?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sickle311

  • I am tasked with optimizing an existing sites SEO. I have added meta's to all the menu pages, however they have blog section with over 700 posts. How important are meta descriptions when it comes to a websites blog? Do I need to take the time to go through 700+ blog posts and create unique meta descriptions for each one?

    Algorithm Updates | | rburnett

  • Despite our blog using rel=next and rel=”prev” we’re still finding paginated pages getting impressions in Google, suggesting they are taking up unnecessary crawl budget. An example is: What steps would you recommend I take to most benefit my sites SEO? Thanks, Sam

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sjefferies

  • I have a client who runs a dental office on the outskirts of Racine, WI. His address specifically shows up as being in Racine, however, his GMB profile has always showed with the category of "Dentist in Mount Pleasant, WI" displaying below the photos. (Mount Pleasant is the next town over and his office straddles the line between the two towns in Google's overlay map of the town.) Obviously this is frustrating and I'm concerned that his location is hurting his ability to rank in the larger, more populous town of Racine. Have any other SEOs ever encountered this? And if so, how have you approached the issue? Location pages? Mentions of the location more often on the pages? tsLvH2B

    Local Listings | | formandfunctionagency

  • Dear Moz team, I have subscribed for 1 month free Moz trial account. It was free but to subscribe this account I need to put my credit card details. Now I tried to delete my credit card details from the account but there is no option to delete. Why? Please delete my credit card details from Priya Sharma

    Product Support | | Nobody1556241562683

  • Hello, Moz community! I need to access the old search console in order to submit a change of address. I used to be able to switch from a toggle on the main menu, but I can't seem to find that anymore. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can access it?

    Technical SEO | | eddiewang25

  • Every single day we publish articles that have a high amount of engagement onsite 50-300 comments. We have been running for around 8 years now and have a rather bloated database of old stale posts. We post advice on betting on sports. Not guides as such but tips for events. After the event has started the posts are outdated. What is your advice for these? These articles are not seen as "thin" but rather outdated. There is no way possible for me to update the content as such. Also out right deleting the content would go against our openness and transparency of past selections advised.

    On-Page Optimization | | MrDeeBee

  • Hi everybody, We recently published 31 locations through Moz Local on the Essential plan. We have all 31 locations on Google My Business and they are synced with Moz Local. When I go to look at the reviews, it says that there are no results. My syncing preferences are the same for each location. I have collect insight metrics and collect user reviews checked. I was wondering if the reviews take a little while to start showing up or if there is something possibly wrong. Thanks!

    Moz Local | | Food_Town

  • Hi, On our client sites we have a link in the footer that says the site is maintained and developed by my company. That link takes you to a page that has outbound links to our site. Should these links be nofollow, since in a way they are almost like sponsored links? I feel like I read that somewhere but I can't remember where. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    Branding | | AliMac26

  • Hello, my understanding was that Google reads hyphens in keywords as spaces, but if that's accurate how come keywords with hyphens that I research with Keyword Explorer — for instance, hospital-acquired infections — rank lower when I include the hyphen? If the hyphen hurts SEO, do I have to remove them all from the blog or page in question? Removing hyphens means a blog or page will have punctuation errors, which is irritating to an editor, but I don't want to sacrifice the effectiveness of keywords, either. Thanks, in advance, for your response!

    Keyword Research | | SallieJ

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