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  • Hypothetical question - Let's say I sell tax preparation software and I want to see the keywords that "" ranks highest for.  Based on that list I might want to optimize for similar keywords on my site. But if I use Keyword Explorer, select "Root Domain", and enter "" as the root domain, the first 200 or so keywords in the list have the word "turbo".  None of those interest me.  Can I exclude certain keywords (like "turbo") from the list? Thanks.

    Feature Requests | | CurtisB

  • Two months ago we launched a new website (same domain) and implemented 301 re-directs for all of the pages.  Two months later we are still seeing old pages in Google's cache index.  So how long should I tell the client this should take for them all to be removed in search?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Liamis

  • Hello,For example if I search for “ Bike Tours in France” I am looking for a page with a list of tours in France.Does it mean that if my html doesn’t have list * in the code but only that apparently doesn’t have any semantic meaning for a search engine my page won’t rank because of that ?Example on this page : According to W3schools: "A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Examples of non-semantic elements: <div> and - Tells nothing about its content. Examples of semanticelements: <form>, , and- Clearly defines its content."Has anyone any experience with something similar ?Thank you, </form>

    Technical SEO | | seoanalytics

  • What's best for SEO: a folder or no folder? For example: or just The website has 100+ pages with "dentist" within the content of the somecontent pages, as well as specific pages for /arizona-dentist/. Also, the breadcrumb for the somecontent page would appear something like follows: Arizona Dentist > Some Content ... you can find the somecontent page from the Arizona Dentist page. I didn't include folders in the path because I did not want the url to be too long. In terms of where it is showing up on google search is within the top 3-4 on the first page when searching Arizona dentist come content. The website is pretty organized even without subfolders because it was made using Umbraco. I am wondering if using folders will increase the SEO ranking, or if it really doesn't and could hurt it if paths become too long; especially since it's not doing too bad in the search ranking right now. -Thanks in advance for any help.

    Algorithm Updates | | bellezze

  • Hi there! Thanks for your time 😉 I have a new cutsomer that bought his domain name via WIX and your know... WIX sucks huge time for SEO. Basically, we want to do SEO outside of WIX. But I am not sure HOW I should proceed. I think I have 2 options: OPTION 1- We transfer the domain name from WIX to a new hoster. But we will lose 7 days during that, lose prospects while the website is in maintenance and we might lose the little bit of ranking we have on the way. BUT! ONCE Everything is done with the transfer, we will be able to operate our SEO campaing with a Domain Name that as 15 domain authority, links, little bit a ranking, etc. OPTION 2- I just buy a new domain name. I build the new Website on it and then use the SEO juice from the old domain name with redirect to push the new domain name. Like this, I won't lose any opportunities. BUT I will have to restart the SEO as new... Any tips or ideas for me? Maybe there is an OPTION 3 that I don't know about.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gab-SEO

  • Hi there, Our site uses a subdirectory for regional and multilingual sites as show below for 200+ countries.
    EX: /en_US/ All sites have ~the same content & are in English. We have hreflang tags but still have crawl issues. Is there another URL structure you would recommend? Are there any other ways to avoid the duplicate page & crawl budget issues outside of the hreflang tag? Appreciate it!

    Local Website Optimization | | erinfalwell

  • Hi guys, The tech department implemented rel="prev"  and rel="next" on this website a long time ago.
    We also added a canonical tag to the 'own' page. We're talking about the following situation: However we still see a situation where a lot of paginated pages are visible in the SERP.
    Is this just a case of rel="prev" and "next" being directives to Google?
    And in this specific case, Google deciding to not only show the 1st page in the SERP, but still show most of the paginated pages in the SERP? Please let me know, what you think. Regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdenaSEO

  • For the past 7 months we have been managing a website for a client For the first 6 months, the client has always had been 30 and 40 keywords ranking on page 1 of Google. This month I log into Moz to prepare a report for February and they now only have 7 keywords ranking on page 1. How could this happen so quickly? Is it to do with the Moz DA changes? Nothing has happened to the site apart from adding a couple of blogs and landing pages and there are no errors reported on Moz or Search Console. It is very depressing. Also their DA has dropped relative to their competitors since last month, again no idea why. If the Moz DA updates are so great, why aren't DAs going up instead of down. This is difficult to explain to clients who associate downward trends with bad news. Please don't refer me to the slide set as none of my clients have the attention span to try and understand this, they just want their rankings to get better, not worse.

    Moz Bar | | mfrgolfgti

  • Does anyone know the factors considered in the new domain authority algorithm other than spam score and complex distributions of links based on quality and traffic? Does anyone know of on-site factors we can use to compare with competitors to try and improve DA? Is having an NA as a spam score a bad thing?

    Moz Bar | | CQMarketing

  • The new Moz errors for missing H1 tags align with the timing of the new Moz DA. We have not changed anything onsite nor are these tags implemented dynamically. Both desktop and AMP version of each page have an H1. Example page: Google Maps Marketing Google Maps Marketing to Promote Your Business Might this be a bug with the new Moz DA rollout?

    Feature Requests | | jessential

  • we are currently in the process of a massive project which involves us migrating our domain, we realised that Google crawlwer has not been crawling our pages Quiet often. i have observed some cases where google crawled these pages about 6 months back and then never visited the pages again
    and we had to manually submit these pages for reindexing in some geographies. can you please help us undertsand the things we need to improve so that google crawler visit us more often to reindex pages from our domain

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bhaskaran

  • Can you help me to understand why my traffic from the US is not increasing for landing pages/product pages whereas for our blog it has grown 2X to 3X past 2 quarters?  I am afraid that I don't get any right answer for this. Could you or someone help me to discover the answer? Also, what should I do to rank in the US for a particular KW, we rank on 2 positions for KW "Hackathon" in India but for the US the no is 56. I don't understand what to do and the best possible way to rank in the US.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Rajnish_HE

  • My company recently rebranded with a new website (and comparatively lower authority). We've built a bunch of backlinks for our old website, which now redirect to the new one, and I was wondering if these still contribute to SEO? Is there a difference in the SEO effect of a direct link versus a redirected one?

    Link Building | | Russell_Chua

  • I have put bad or spam links in disavow file, but still showing in MOZ backlinks. So, I want to know that Why is MOZ not removing the spam links from their system?

    Moz Bar | | insidewebanalytics

  • I have to remove two blog categories from my site which amounts to about 98 pages. I will redirect the URLS to other appropriate pages on my site. Will Google rank my site different if I lose that many pages?

    Link Building | | artsp

  • Hello, I need to know why my website domain authority Drop from 36 to 29 Domain Authority for my this domain was 36 and it is drop to 29 in with in one day . Though i have a very decent and good links going over to all my pages my DA is affected and decreased. and my all links are showing in moz how i can find the solution ...? which links are disturbing or coz of doping Domain authority ....? or how to find the reason of Droping DA

    Moz Bar | | hangnga

  • Hi I read some articles about Wikipedia links but most of them were talking about how to get links from Wikipedia and no one says about its benefits! We all know that Wikipedia backlinks are nofollow and in most of the articles in Wikipedia, users don't click on the link! So it doesn't pass visitors so nofollow links don't pass the authority. But because this website has trustworthy links, might effect on serp. In your experience does Wikipedia links effect on serp? What grade you will give to this kind of links between one and 100? Between edu, gov, wiki and such this important links which one is more important? I will be glad if you share your experience.

    Algorithm Updates | | meysamzare711236541

  • I always thought that internal links should be 'followed' to preserve link-juice.
    I've just been checking my Domain Authority Links overview, and the competitor with the most no-follow internal links has been rewarded with a higher Moz DA score.
    Can anyone explain why this would be the case? JRJ4Dwn

    Moz Bar | | BottleGreenWebsites

  • Dear Moz team Please do let us know why my domain authority ( suddenly dropped over night

    Moz Pro | | experts9

  • My website domain authority was 39 but after the new update, its now 15. Am not happy at all because it took me three years to get that and now it has been reduce to nothing. Please I kindly need explanation as to what happened. Thanks

    Moz Bar | | Amenorhu

  • Hi, A website is not fully secured with a SSL certificate.
    Approx 97% of the pages on the website are secured. A few pages are unfortunately not secured with a SSL certificate, because otherwise some functions on those pages do not work. It's a website where you can play online games. These games do not work with an SSL connection. Is there anything we have to consider or optimize?
    Because, for example when we click on the secure lock icon in the browser, the following notice.
    Your connection to this site is not fully secured Can this harm the Google ranking? Regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdenaSEO

  • Hi, On a webshop we are optimizing, the main navigation consists of the 5 main categories to which all of the products can be assigned. However, the main tabs in the navigation just activate a drop down with all of the subcategories. For example: the tab in the navigation is 'Garden equipment' and when you click on this tab, the drop down is shown with subcategories like 'Lawn mowers', 'Leaf blowers' and so on. Now, the page 'Garden equipment' is one of the main category pages and we want this page to rank of course. This shouldn't be a problem, since there is a separate URL for this page that can be indexed and that can be reached through internal links on the website. However, this page can not be reached when a visitor initially comes on the homepage of the webshop, since the tab in the navigation isn't clickable. This page will only be reached when a subcategory is selected, and then when the visitor goes back to the category page through the breadcrumb or through an internal link. Is it a problem that these important overview category pages can not be reached immediately? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mat_C

  • Hi, We are setting up the URL structure for a big webshop and this raised the following questions regarding the URL's for products that belong to several categories (most of the products do, so the same approach would be used for products that just belong to one category). There are three options in my point of view: Use root-level product page URLs (limits trackability in Analytics software because you can not specify on product types)
    URL: Use product type URL directories for all products (which at least offers minimum trackability of all separate product types in Analytics software)
    URL: Use product URLs built upon category URL structures, but ensure that each product page URL has a single, designated canonical URL.
    URL: with canonical= URL: with canonical= Which option is the preferred one? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Mat_C

  • Hello Moz We are struggling for "canvas prints" ranking in since last 2 years. every time in SERP my webpage has been changed. i want to rank this URL on this particular keyword - "canvas prints" Can you tell me why my page has been fluctuate every time in SERP's. mtwpvf

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | CommercePundit

  • My domain authority was 47 on 4 March 2019 but suddenly it goes down 36 on 6 March 2019 and our competitor is increased suddenly so what is the reason behind it?

    Link Explorer | | Richard_Syme

  • Good Afternoon, A pretty straightforward question: How often does Moz data update when leveraging it through Super-metrics for Data studios? I noticed that the "time last crawled" metric had some URLs not crawled in over 2 months... wondering if there's a way to speed it up on Moz's end.

    Moz Pro | | LoweProfero

  • I'm working on some schema for a client and have a question regarding the use of schema for a high-level category page. This page is merely the main lander for Categories. For example: And all it does is list links to the three main categories (Men's, Women's, Kid's) - it's a clothing store. This is the code I have right now. In short, simply using type @Itemlist and an array that uses @ListItem. Structured Data Testing Tool returns no errors with it, but my main question is this: Is this the _correct _way to do a page like this, or are there better options? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alces

  • When i press export to csv it does not offer to choose how many rows but exports to file only 500 rows. But there is more than 3000. How to export all rows? Thanks

    Moz Bar | | AndrisZigurs

  • Hello, I have a US phone number on my website because all my clients are in the USA  but a Swiss address on my website because I am based in Switzerland. I also registered my website on google my business with a Swiss address. I noticed that I rank fairly well (on the 1 st page for many keywords in Switzerland when searching from my location (Switzerland) on but when I connect to adwords (choosing USA) or with a proxy in the USA to check my ranking I see myself nowhere on the 1 st page.Why is that ? is it because I have a Swiss address ?Is the fact that I have a Swiss address and I am based in Switzerland hurt my ranking in the USA ?Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi community, Ours is a WP hosted website. We have given our site title which reflects across all the website page title suffix. Like "Moz SEO" will be default at the title for pages like "Local SEO - Moz SEO". We have given different page title suffix to our sub-folders' pages like blog and help guides. For blog we have given "Moz blog" as title tag suffix which was working fine. But Google suddenly started showing main website's title as suffix in pages of sub folders. Ex blog: "How to rank better  - Moz blog - Moz SEO". Here we can see "Moz SEO" has been added which is not required. How to handle this? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I want to ask about the search console that webmaster not showing any data about new links or new domains from last month.

    Link Building | | vijay9969

  • Hello, So I have read a lot of articles about duplicate content/ keyword canibalism/ competing with yourself, and so on. But none of these articles really fit to manufacturer website who produces one product. For example, lets say I make ceramic tiles, this means: Homepage: "Our tiles are the best tiles, we have numerous designs of tiles. We make them only from natural ceramic" Product list: "Here is a list of our tiles: Poesia tile, white tile, textured tile, etc" Page for each tile: Gallery: a bunch of images trying to prove that these tiles look best 🙂 Where to buy page: a map From what I understand this page is already doomed - it will not go well against larger retailers who don't focus only on tiles but they sell everything. This page is set to have a lot of duplicate content. But I hope I am wrong, can someone please make some suggestions how to do SEO on such a website where all pages are about the same thing? Any help would be much appreciated! Juris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JurisBBB

  • Hi guys, This is the first time I am posting a question here. I have a website and moz is continously showing 4xx and 5xx error. Now in the URL column it shows the version without www or and in referring section it shows full version of my website URL or My website is a listings website and listings gets expired on regular basis. We redirected the non www version a long time ago to the full version of URL that exists now. Can anyone please tell me if they had the same issue? If more details are needed I can provide snapshots if its allowed here? Thanks in advance!

    Link Explorer | | DubaiRent

  • But what do you do to rank when you sell a product and people don't have questions and none of the companies that rank on your keywords answers questions... Let me give you a few example. Title tag  for example : People want to know what is it and then have question about it What is the maximum number of characters ? How do you write a good one ? Etc... How to remove stains is another example : Please want to know how to remove all the different types of stains, (ketchup, grease etc..) But what about when you are a online business and want to sell usb keys , rent bicycles or even sell a software to do A/B testing on your website Can someone explain me how those people mentioned rank without giving definition or answering questions... because according to me they don't do any of that on the pages that I mentioned. I look forward to your reply. Thank you,

    Web Design | | seoanalytics

  • Hello - We are a nationally available brand based in Denver, CO. Our home page currently ranks #8 (used to be 5) for "real estate photography in Denver" -- I want to improve this ranking, but our home page is generalized and not geared toward Denver, CO but to all of our markets. I'm trying to troubleshoot this and have a few ideas.... I would love advice on the best route, or a different route altogether: Create a Denver-specific page -- _will that page compete with my home page that is already ranked in the top ten? _ Add the keyword phrase in the image alt attribute Add keyword phrase into the content - need to make sure that viewers realize we are national I already updated the meta description to say "real estate photography in Denver and beyond"

    Local Website Optimization | | virtuance_photography

  • I was doing research with Moz's Link Explorer and one of our competitors had almost 50 links coming from sites like this. Mostly nofollow  but we all know that today the nofollow can still help. My question is this: Will links like these help in any shape or matter. The reason I am asking is because Link Explorer is finding them, so I am sure Google will find them as well. Examples of sites:, The sites that I found via analyzing had DA 35-40 I don't want to share all urls but you get the point. Basically these sites are free keyword analyzing sites, once you put in a keyword they will bring up to 20 sites that rank for that keyword. And my research suggests that these pages stay and are crawl-able since Moz has crawled them. For example Moz says: date first seen 09/12/2018   so almost 6 months has passed but that result that was searched I am assuming has stayed. Would it make sense to search on such sites keywords that you know you are ranking for and then your site would be listed below and stay there for Google to crawl and another nofollow link in our link basket. Is my thinking correct or is it waste of time. Frankly it would take 2sec to run a search for each keyword. Any feedback and thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Davit

    Link Building | | Davit1985

  • one modified broad and one exact. ADGR1:
    +red +cat +buy
    +red +cat
    +red +cat for +sale ADGR2:
    [red cat]
    [buy red cat]
    [red cat for sale] Am i bidding agains myself without negative kws?

    Paid Search Marketing | | pupazzoinfame

  • Hi, We have lost the non-slash to slash URL redirection in our WP site. We are using Yoast SEO. All the settings are normal and we have enabled the related code in .htaccess too. Still we couldn't able to find why we lost. Please help. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Goof Day pls Am having S Spam Score Of 33% On my Blog Naijazeal.Com And I Check In my Google webmaster and i analyze all the link i see and i see little with high spam Score But Checking My Spam Score on Moz, It showi Extermal link below but most of the link showing below is not in my Seach console Pls help

    Moz Pro | | DAMIDEZ

  • Hi, I just woke up to find my website had disappeared from search results in Google relevant to my business keywords. Looking back over the past few weeks I realise I went 'keyword heavy' in a few too many back links. I am careful to avoid websites with a high spam score and have varies anchor text well in the past. However, now the website has 86% less search visibility and I am being penalised for all searches apart from my brand name. I have tried to change as many back links with the keyword in question as I can but some links I can't change. My questions: Will this penalty be for good? What else can I do to rectify the situation?

    Link Building | | sebgates

  • Hi there, I am working on a medical recruitment website: I have noticed that our Job Search and Job Listings section of the website is lacking a little bit in terms of SEO optimisation. For example, at the moment this is our search page (with locum work type selected): If you add a location, for example, NSW and then click search again, it updates the URL to:[]=NSW&action_doSearch=Search+jobs I did a check what some competitors and leaders in the recruitment industry were doing and I came across: If you click the different filters/options, it updates the URL to include more clearly defined categories. Some websites would even have a H1 heading tag that would update based on the filters/options you selected. Should I set up a set of URL re-writes and re-structure my website a little bit so that dynamic URLs change to static etc.?  Does anyone have any best practice knowledge in regards to this? I have been referencing the following article:

    On-Page Optimization | | Wavelength_International

  • Hi Moz Community We are in a unique position. We just launched a new site for a client. The site was doing fine before but it wasn't very user friendly. We created a site with almost identical architecture and content as the last one, just new design and layout. Within 5 days, the site dropped off of LOCAL search almost completely, it now ranks on the 9th page in Austin Texas. (reliantplumbingdotcom). Every other location (Dallas, LA, Philadelphia, Houston) all show the site on the first page for relevant keywords (Austin Plumbers, Austin Plumber) I have no idea what to think about this and don't know if we're being penalized somehow (checked GSC and no manual penalty) I have never experienced a site being blacklisted locally but well ranked everywhere else. Thoughts?

    Local Listings | | GrueBleenAgency

  • Hi, I am checking the SEO for a website that has a homepage consisting of the 5 most important categories. These are represented by different images with the category title in clickable text in the image. When I check the alt tags of the images they all have the following structure: brand - activities - locations - category. So for each image alt text the items 'brand - activities - locations' are used and only the category changes. Can this be seen by Google as spamming?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mat_C

  • Hey guys, I have a bizarre situation on my hands. I have a URL that is being wonky. The url is redirecting to another url and the 301 redirect is not in my htaccess. There is a 301 redirect in my htaccess but is being overwritten by something else, i.e. whatever is happening in above. So basically URL A should be redirecting to URL B but instead its going to URL C. I know we were not hacked, it's not redirecting to a strange bizarre domain. I have also disabled all of our plugins that redirect (to my knowledge) Any thoughts would be great!

    Technical SEO | | HashtagHustler

  • how can i check spam score and tf cf of my mygiftcardsite

    Getting Started | | johnvella

  • According to Google Search Console, my pages are being crawled by not indexed.  We use Shopify and about two weeks ago I selected that Traffic from all our domains redirects to our primary domain.  So everything from and and so on, would all redirect to one url.  Have added an attached image from Search Console. 6fzEQg8

    Technical SEO | | HariOmHemp

  • I am looking for a tool that can track ranking position of a YouTube video on SERP and YouTube. An example would be, Suppose I have a video X. I want to know the position of the video for keywords A,B,C on SERP and YouTube. Do let me know your inputs.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SameerBhatia

  • To what extent will posting quality blog posts 2 to 3 times per week have the following effects: 1. Improve ranking for specific keywords?
    2. Create backlinks to our website
    3. Increase MOZ domain authority
    4. Increase  organic search traffic Assume that the blog posts are geared towards answering user inquiries and are also posted on our social media accounts. Would such an approach be better than engaging in a link building campaign, in the sense that the links will be created organically by users that want to link to our site? Thanks, 

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • I've read in a few recent articles that using keyword anchor text in your HTML sitemap is a good idea i.e. important. How important do you think it is? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Example 1: Widgets: View All Colors: Red | Blue | Green | Yellow | Orange | Purple Types: Oversized | Large | Small | Miniature Example 2: Widgets: View All Widgets Colors: Red Widgets | Blue Widgets | Green Widgets | Yellow Widgets | Orange Widgets | Purple Widgets Types: Oversized Widgets | Large Widgets | Small Widgets | Miniature Widgets

    Web Design | | Choice

  • My googlefu is not good enough to put the words together to find an answer for this, but I am sure there is one out there. I am making a review feed for a client's site to submit their product reviews to google merchant center. But one problem we are having is that the reviews are generalized, like how amazon does it. A sample product would be Whey Protein, this product is available in 4 different sizes and has 4 different GTIN's (one for each size). But the reviews we collect are just for the base product of Whey Protein. What I am trying to figure out, is if I can assign a parent GTIN, then correlate the reviews to that GTIN and then let them populate for the child GTIN's some how.

    Paid Search Marketing | | LesleyPaone

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