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  • Website niche - Animation and 3D Rendering Studios Backlink from - the anchor tag is image URL from one of the many images in that post. Please let me know such types of links were good for bad?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | varunrupal

  • Hello, My site had a 50% decrease in the last 48 hours (9/26/18) and I looking for ideas/reasons what would cause such a dramatic drop. Year to year organic traffic has been up 40% and September was up 30%. The site has a domain authority of 39 according to Moz and keywords positions have been flat for a few months. I made a change to the code and robots.txt file on Monday, pre-drop. The category pagination pages had a "NoIndex" with a rel =canonical and I removed the "NoIdnex" per: I also removed "Disallow" in the robots.txt for stuff like "/?dir" because the pages have the rel =canonical. Could this be the reason for drop?? Other possible reasons:
    1. Google Update: I dont think this is it, but ti looks like the last one was August 1st: "Medic" Core Update  —  August 1, 2018
    2. Site was hacked
    3. All of keyword positions dropped overnight: I dont think this is it because Bing has also dropped at the same percentage. Any help, thoughts or suggestions would be awesome.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chuck-layton

  • We re-launched our new site and put in the re-directs. Our site is When I search for "fico" in Google. I see the privacy policy getting indexed as meta descriptions instead of our actual meta description. I have edited the meta description, requested Google to re-index our site. Not sure what to do next? Thanks for your advise.

    Technical SEO | | gosheen

  • We currently have a database of content across about 100 sites. All of this content is exactly the same on all of them, and it is also found all over the internet in other places. So it's not unique at all and it brings in almost no organic traffic. I want to remove this bloat from our sites. Problem is that this database accounts for almost 60,000 pages on each site and it is all currently indexed. I'm a little bit worried that flat out dumping all of this data at once is going to cause Google to wonder what in the world we are doing and we are going to see some issues from it (at least in the short run). My thought now is to remove this content in stages so it doesn't all get dropped at once. But would deindexing all of this content first be better? That way Google would still be able to crawl it and understand that it is not relevant user content and therefore minimize impact when we do terminate it completely? Any other ideas for minimizing SEO issues?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • Hello, We have a lot of international tracking issues. our site is our blog site is The main site is hosted on Craft CMS, the other is on WordPress. Right now I am not seeing any rankings for blogs on our WordPress site but am seeing that I am winning words in Germany when I use google ad preview. I see good ranking stats for the main site. I am not sure why I cant see any data for the blog site. Any ideas what might be wrong or how I can fix it? Thanks, Amanda

    Product Support | | AvePoint

  • Hey Guys! I'm building links for my page and happened upon the "Hoth" link building page. I tried it out and it built some no follow links and some links on several sub domains. I know that, when back linking via guest posting, no follow links do not juice my site. My question is, does building links on a subdomain from another company juice my site? If it's not helpful, could you explain why? Does it juice my site in any way? If you could link sources, I would really appreciate it. Also, do any of you have input on Hoth or platforms like it? Are they worth it? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | rodv

  • Hi there, We work with a client that has 4 offices with different addresses in 3 different cities. Each of them has a different google my business location. I was wondering what would be the best way to build the citations for them, especially if the website has a ''dofollow'' link. Would it be better to build one citation for each locations? That would mean 4 citations from each website. If so, wouldn't google find it suspicious that a backlink comes 4 times from the same domain? OR, would the best be to build only one citation from one selected offices? Other? Thank you in advance for your response,

    Link Building | | H.M.N.

  • Hi, I have the website and I am working to improve it for grown up in the ranking of searchs engines in Brazil. I made a lot of changes to do it, but about the DA is too low yet, only 2 points. I have some keywords that would like to be found as "ligação internacional", "PABX Virtual", "" Please, how can I improve it... if possible over 10 Regards, Leandro

    Getting Started | | lmoraes

  • Hi, I am responsible for managing a multilingual website. I have two questions regarding SEO, based on the structure of the website. Question 1. At the moment we have one website for UK English and one for US English .com/en-gb/ .com/en-us/ Which would be the pros and cons of merging the two website in one? Question 2. For the German website they moved it under .de dominion, I think it would be better from an SEO perspective to have it as the Italian and French, under .com/de Which would be the pros and cons of migrating German website under .com/de? Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | albertoalchieriefficio

  • Backlink is good or bad? All of the website links were of the same type. Website niche - Animation and 3D Rendering Studios Backlink from - the anchor tag is image URL from one of the many images in that post.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | varunrupal

  • How does google decide which image show up in the image search section ? Is is based on the alt tag of the image or is google able to detect what is image is about using neural nets ? If it is using neural nets are the images you put on your website taken into account to rank a page ? Let's say I do walking tours in Italy and put a picture of the leaning tower of pisa as a top image while I be penalised because even though the picture is in italy, you don't see anyone walking ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello to all our folks who market local businesses! I came across something this week that I felt was important enough to share. Hopefully, if you're a Moz blog reader or a Moz Local customer, you're already well aware of the importance of monitoring your Google My Business reviews on an ongoing basis, responding to them as they come in, whether they're positive or negative. And, you know to be on the lookout for spam reviews. But a strange new form of spam seems to be emerging that might be really easy to overlook at first. We're all familiar with the spammer who leaves you fake 1-star reviews for the purpose of harming your brand. But you might not immediately be suspicious of a 4-star review, or even a string of 4-star reviews until you realize your former 5 star rating has been whittled down by a succession of less-than-perfect, fake reviews. The worst thing, I think, about this tactic, is that it can be overlooked. Jason Brown has captured this phenomenon in his recent post: and I highly recommend reading it and paying extra attention to any 4-star reviews companies you market may be receiving. I'd suggest, if you find this going on with any of the GMB listings you manage, you report it to Jason so that he can continue to track this activity. He's a Google forum TC, and, perhaps, with enough evidence, he might eventually be able to make a case to Google about this practice.

    Reviews and Ratings | | MiriamEllis

  • Here is my situation. 
    I am currently doing backlinks and citations for one of our clients. The title name of the client on "Google my Business" is 75 characters. However, for most citation or back link websites, the limit for the title is 50 characters. Here are my questions: How important is it to have the exact same title in citations and backlinks? If it is, is the only solution to change the name on google to have only 50 characters? Thanks in advance for your help!

    Link Building | | H.M.N.

  • Hi, I'm working on a big website that will have new pages every month. I would like to find a plug-in or something free to generate automatic title and meta description for futur new pages. Thanks you for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | Maely

  • Hi! My Spam Score is indicating 39% on MOZ and I can't identify that many signals from the 27-signal list that could be actually raised in order for the score to show such a high value like this. My website is, Is there anyone who could help me understanding what signals exactly I should pay more attention and eventually fix them so the spam score reduces drastically? Are all these Spam Score signals weighed equally? (for example, I don't have a LinkedIn profile/link for my site, so should I assume that for not having it my spam score increases 3-4% (27/100)? I don't think that's the case, so I would really appreciate if anyone could point me in the right directions in order to help me reducing the spam score. One final question, is this Spam Score updated on a daily/weekly or monthly basis? Regards, Guilherme

    Moz Bar | | guineto

  • Hi, i am getting critical 4xx errors from moz crawler from pages that have a 410 redirect. is there any way i can fix them? i though they were already fixed with the 410 redirections!! many thanks in advance. Jorge

    Moz Local | | Jorginho

  • I recently moved from the US to Israel.  I'm looking for citation opportunities for a client, and I can't seem to access .  Is that because the site is actually gone, or is it just blocked by my ISP?  If it is blocked by my ISP, does anyone know of a workaround? Thanks,

    Local Listings | | aj613

  • Due to some reason my website is not redirecting to my main website domain - so our tech team suggested - we will have the non-www name on a different IP and we'll 301 redirect that to the if it works does it will effect our website from SEO point of view? please let me know.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BPLLC

  • I'm getting two "no canonical tag" errors for the default page of a sub-directory default page (www and root)  - again NOT a subdomain. Since the page is not the root of its own site, I tagged it as -- I have tried without the default.asp, but the error remains. Been doing this for 24 years and don't remember running across this before.

    Moz Pro | | dcmike

  • I'm beginning local search work for a local studio that has two locations in the same city. Do I need to provide two different phone numbers in my NAPs for each studio or can both locations have the same phone number? Thanks! Ann

    Local Listings | | amws24

  • Hello, I would like my website to remain crawlable to bots, but to block my wp content and media. Does the following robots.txt work? I worry that the * user agent may conflict with the others. User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Disallow: /wp-includes/
    Disallow: /wp-content/ User-agent: GoogleBot
    Allow: / User-agent: GoogleBot-Mobile
    Allow: / User-agent: GoogleBot-Image
    Allow: / User-agent: Bingbot
    Allow: / User-agent: Slurp
    Allow: /

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • We've migrated my site from HTTP to HTTPS protocols in Sep 2017 but I noticed after migration soft 404 granularly increasing. Example of soft 404 page: But these soft 404 error pages are real pages but Google still detects them as soft 404. When I checked the Google cache it shows me the cache but with HTTP page. We've tried all possible solutions but unable to figure out why Google is still indexing to HTTP pages and detecting HTTPS pages as soft 404 error. Can someone please suggest a solution or possible cause for this issue or anyone same issue like this in past.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bheard

  • Hi there, Not sure if anyone will have any insight but I have a seasonal business that I am closed for from September to March. I don't want to mark my business as  "permanently closed" through Google My Business as I don't want my customers to think I've gone out of business. I've seen a few times through forums that you can change your business to temporarily closed, but I can't find the specifics on how to do this. Any insight, suggestion or resources would be great! Thanks!

    Local Listings | | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi I used to have an online shop at I have since done a new website and and want to divert all traffic to The old shop was a subdomain but the new site has a shop on the normal domain. In Moz I am getting a lot of errors with missing descriptions and URL too long. so for example one of the urls <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"> are like this. I would like to redirect them all to the new shop page. </dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">The missing descriptions are all similar. </dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">Is there a way I can redirect all these issues without doing them manually?</dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis">Thanks </dd> </dl>

    Moz Pro | | Paul_YAS

  • Google search console tells that only '58 out of the 3553' images in the images sitemap are indexed. But if I search "" in Google images there seem to be lots of images. There are no errors in the sitemap and I am still getting reasonable number of image search hits daily. Are the webmaster tools stats for images indexed accurate? When I click on the Sitemap Errors & Index Errors this is what i get - Error details: No errors found.

    Technical SEO | | 21centuryweb

  • I have a new affiliate website which doesn't have good da pa. which keyword difficulty score did I take?

    Keyword Research | | triknew12

  • Hello Team, I had one question that my website is being indexed and cached with Non-www but with WWW it is not caching it is showing 404 error. Even each and every redirection is proper. Still it is showing an error. Can you please tell me what issue i had with my site?? Here is my links:

    SERP Trends | | CommercePundit

  • Hi everyone, We have more than 20 websites for different region and all the sites have their specific ccTLD. The thing is we are having conflict in SERP for our English sites and almost all the English sites have the same content I would say 70% of the content is duplicating. Despite having a proper hreflang, I see results in (Google US) and not only but also other sites are showing up  (,, tags I'm using are below, if the site is for the US I'm using canonical and hreflang tag :" />" hreflang="en-us" />and for the UK sites" />" hreflang="en-gb" />I know we have ccTLD so we don't have to use hreflang but since we have duplicate content so just to be safe we added hreflang and what I have heard/read that there is no harm if you have hreflang (of course If implemented properly).Am I doing something wrong here?  Or is it conflicting due to canonicals for the same content on different regions and we are confusing Google so (Google showing the most authoritative and relevant results)Really need help with this.Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shahryar89

  • I want to close my account how can I do it?

    Product Support | | kaccatuk

  • Hi I write a json+ld script for star snippet in my website but not work in my first page. you can see it in this URL when I googled my keyword "بلیط هواپیما" my competitor show with star snippet in SERP but my site doesn't show.

    On-Page Optimization | | tohidpolymer

  • Last April we migrated our old domain to a new domain The old domain has been receiving numerous links from very spammy sites such as these: <colgroup><col width="263"></colgroup>
    | | <colgroup><col width="263"></colgroup>
    | | Since the old domain redirects to our new domain we are concerned this could be very detrimental. Oddly enough the 50-100 spammy domains that link to us all are a site called: "" when the linking domain is entered in the browser. What should we do? Should we disavow these links? Is this some kind of an attack? Would very much appreciate some input/advice. Thank, 

    Technical SEO | | Kingalan1

  • I'm in the process of a redesign and upgrade to Drupal 8 and have used Drupal's taxonomy feature to add a fairly large database of Points of Interest, Services etc. initially this was just for a Map/Filter for site users. The developer also wants to use teasers from these content types (such as a scenic vista description) as a way to display the content on relevant pages (such as the scenic vistas page, as well as other relevant pages). Along with the content it shows GPS coordinates and icons related to the description. In short, it looks cool, can be used in multiple relevant locations and creates a great UX. However, many of these teasers would basically be pieces of content from pages with a lot of SEO value, like descriptive paragraphs about scenic viewpoints from the scenic viewpoints page. Below is an example of how the descriptions of the scenic viewpoints would be displayed on the scenic viewpoints pages, as well as other potential relevant pages. HOW WILL THIS AFFECT THE SEO VALUE OF THE CONTENT?? Thanks in advance for any help, I can't find an answer anywhere. About 250 words worth of content about a scenic vista. There’s about 8 scenic vista descriptions like this from the scenic vistas page, so a good chunk of valuable content. There are numerous long form content pages like this that have descriptions and information about sites and points of interest that don't warrant having their own page. For more specific content with a dedicated page, I can just the the intro paragraph as a teaser and link to that specific page of content. Not sure what to do here.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | talltrees

  • Hey Moz Community! We have a eCommerce Store with a ton of articles/products. And we have a lot of Brands/Manufactures for Flavors with different tastes. As example we have a Brand Called "Copy cat" with 60 different flavors, and their product names are "copy cat xyz flavor". Currently we have for each flavor a single product created, so i guess we have a lot of duplicated keywords [copy cat] flavorname [flavor] + generell manufacturer content in the product descriptions. While thinking about it, i thought about to merge all those articles to configurable articles. So we have 1 Copy Cat article with some kind of a dropdown selection for the different flavor. Does anyone have experience with this? How will the User Experience change? (we are using elastic search, it's including the variations of products - so the search wouldnt be affected)

    Branding | | MJClassy

  • Our website is For a while now we've been trying to get a few of our pages on there to get a better rank on google. A local SEO agency told us that some of our pages are not like "the modern standard" for web pages, but our page score for the keywords we want is 90% and higher. Do we really need to completely rebuild the website (it was built in 2014) in order to get better rankings? Or is it sufficient to have the 97% page score and then just get some back links and social media referrals etc. Thanks in advance.

    Moz Pro | | franklin-bell

  • how to fix duplicate meta title issue in amp and non-amp pages? We have set the 'meta title' in desktop version & we don't want to change the title for AMP page as we have more than 10K pages on the website. ----As per SEMRUSH Tool---- ABOUT THIS ISSUE It is a bad idea to duplicate your title tag content in your first-level header. If your page’s <title>and <h1> tags match, the latter may appear over-optimized to search engines. Also, using the same content in titles and headers means a lost opportunity to incorporate other relevant keywords for your page.</p> <p><strong>HOW TO FIX IT</strong></p> <p>Try to create different content for your <title> and <h1> tags.<br /><br />this is what they are recommending, for the above issue we have asked our team to create unique meta and post title for desktop version but what about AMP page?<br /><br />Please help!</p></title>

    On-Page Optimization | | 21centuryweb

  • Hi, I have been researching the best way to migrate six sites into one, since I have never done it, and I am frankly overwhelmed. Some resources say to do it incrementally, and a/b test; but I would prefer not to have to do it, as won't it present a disjointed representation for visitors? The previous sites are older and a bit clumsy compared to the new design and functionality in the new site. Can someone please tell me the right way to approach this? Or tell me the best resource for a step-by-step prep, migrate, and watch process? Thanks so much in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lfrazer123

  • If we were to deploy schema and noindex tags to our website via Google tag manager, would these tags be viewed and respected by other search engines?

    Technical SEO | | GregLB

  • Hello, Wondering if someone can tell me how to make a clean, professional report of the most important SEO metrics for a client, from a month ago. I have MozPro and want to be able to see where we stood in rankings, links, crawl issues, landing page, PA/DA, etc when we began. I am thinking that there has got to be a way I can customize a report in Pro and then, if not all the info I want is there (traffic stats?), I can integrate that info in? Is there an easier way? I should've done it when I signed up and started working on the site, but....I didn't. ;( Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | lfrazer123

  • Hello everyone, I recently implemented some review schema for my website which looked to be successful as my review stars were appearing in organic rankings with no problem! Yay! However... I've just checked in on where we are with these and they have literally dropped off a cliff and I have no idea why. See image attached with the graph that shows our reviews looking great in July/August then dropping off w/c 26th August. I literally have no idea why this has happened. The Schema Markup Tool shows no errors or issues with the markup either. Can anyone advise? 81Rv88Y

    Reviews and Ratings | | Virginia-Girtz

  • I am trying to find every single website that mentions my company name  (attempting to identify some negative posts.)  It is a rather unique name but I suppose that kind of search would be difficult.  Any ideas?

    Moz Bar | | pcthrpy

  • Hi All My Moz Crawl for my domain brings up 7 redirect chain errors. In each case, the original source is our old website. Strangely, only 7 of the pages show up as having redirect chains, as there are many more examples. We have added redirects from the old pages via the redirection tool in wordpress. The redirects themselves are working as expected. The redirects are from the old website, so the address to The chain seems to go from the original site and address to https and then onto the new domain. Screenshot link to the Moz Report Any assistance here would be greatly appreciated. The hosts says there is nothing wrong with the.htaccess file, but I'm thinking this must be the issue. Many Thanks

    Technical SEO | | ruislip18

  • When I am working on a new website I usually spec that the main navigation should work whether JS is on, or off. I always assumed everyone did that - until today - spent a couple of hours analysing menus on websites and noticed many didn't function when JS was disabled - particularly the menus designed for mobile devices. Any thoughts on this from fellow Mozzers would be welcome.

    Web Design | | McTaggart

  • My question is that if I have several links going to different landing pages will the one at the top of the content pass more value than ones at the bottom. Assuming that there are not more than 1 of the same link in the content. The ultimate question is whether or not link position in the content/html code make a difference if it passes more value. This question comes in response to this whiteboard Friday Rand talks about how if there are 2 links going to the same URL from the same content page then google will only inherit the value of the anchor text from the first link on the page and not the both of them. Meaning that google will treat that second link as if it doesn’t exist. There are lots of resources that shows this was true but there isn’t much content newer than 2010 that say this is still true, We all know that things have changed a lot since then  Does that make sense?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 97th_Floor

  • one of my websites is showing a constant drop in rankings. Earlier the website was ranking for major keywords like resume writing services etc. I used Ahrefs site audit to find issues. According to Ahrefs there was a huge issue of duplicate pages, which is now resolved by proper canonical tag insertion. The site is built on Angular. Fetch report in Google shows perfect code and Sitemap is also perfect. Manual action reporting in webmaster shows no warning. Please suggest what steps should I take to fix this issue.

    Technical SEO | | mayyaa4

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