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  • So, when I gain a link I always check to see if the page that is linking is in the Google cache. I've noticed recently that more and more pages are actually not showing up in Google's cache, yet still appear in search results. I did read an article from someone whoo works at Google a few weeks back that there is sometimes an error with the cache and occasionally the cache will not display. This week, my own website isn't showing up in the cache yet I'm still ranking in SERP's. I'm not worried about it, mostly whitehat, but has there been any indication that Google are phasing out the ability to check cache's of websites?

    Algorithm Updates | | ThorUK

  • Hi there, I'm hoping someone can help here... I'm new to a company where due to the limitations of their Wordpress instance they've been creating what would ordinarily be considered pages in the standard sitemap as landing pages in their Pardot marketing automation platform. The URL subdomain is slightly different. Just wondering if anybody could quickly outline the SEO implications of doing this externally instead of directly on their site? Hope I'm making some sense... Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | philremington

  • A website I am working on is ranked very well in all tracked keywords at a national level, but not from a local standpoint via google. I find it weird that the site is on the first page if you search from many other states/towns/locations but not locally. Looked on Google Search Console and couldn't see any link to why this is happening. Figured we would clear out the htaccess for any redirect issues and hope it fixes it. Suggestions please? Never seen google do this. It is strange.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | SeobyKP

  • Hi Mozzers, I have conducted some b2c micro influencer marketing campaigns in my previous gig by reaching out to blogger and having them promote some content we created. I am now working in a Fintech company (b2b) and would like to get a few ideas on how can I leverage the influencer marketing channel within the Fintech industry. Can you share some ideas on different b2b influencer marketing strategies? What are good processes to follow besides cold email, meetups, events? Any influencer marketing softwares you have used and recommending it in that space? Thanks!

    SEO Learn Center | | Taysir

  • Hi, I am from Brazil and here the domains finishs with my website finish with .com and is this situation prejudice me in the ranking results of the searchs in Brazil area? Regards, Leandro

    Link Building | | lmoraes

  • There are two issues facing me today. One is that my two e-commerce stores need updating after some 4 years, but I am seriously considering switching from Opencart to Wordpress/Woo. Opencart is a nightmare to work with at the best of times. Whenever I try to edit the footer of my current sites for instance nothing changes, the customisation of pages is sloppy and although the site works fine for perhaps the first 6 months, anytime after that it just slowly falls apart. Wordpress however features incredible customisation, is easy to edit the code but it lacks the backend functionality that Opencart is good at. Does anyone know the downsides of changing to Wordpress/Woo in respect to SEO?

    Web Design | | moon-boots

  • Hi I'm getting crawl errors that MOZ isn't able to access my robots.txt file but it seems completely fine to me? Any chance anyone can help me understand what might be the issue?

    Moz Pro | | brenmcc1

  • Hi, I am performing some backlink updates for a client and would like to know if I can speed the process up. Currently I am contact site owners and asking them to update the links that appear on their website of my clients. As this is tedious work, can I just setup 301 redirects for these products instead of contacting site owners and asking them to change the URL? Is there any benefit to having the proper URL on other websites? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | KarenNelson

  • Hey Guys. I work for a 15 yr old SAAS company which originally started with a country-specific [] domain and later got a [.com] domain as the business grew. The AU website has a DA:56 while the [.com] has as DA: 25. Now we are looking to have everything migrated to the [.com] domain. But, my concern is that we might lose the SEO value of the AU domain. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in this or recommend a case study on this topic. Thanks! Allan

    Algorithm Updates | | allanhenryjohn

  • Will transferring my blog from blogger to wordpress benefit me economically?

    Technical SEO | | nassim19

  • Hi 🙂 I run a small wordpress multisite network where the main site which is an informative portal about the Langhe region in Italy, and the subsites are websites of small local companies in the tourism and wine/food niche. As an additional service for those who build a website with us, I was thinking about giving them the possibility to use some ouf our portal's content (such as sights, events etc) on their website, in an automatic way. Not as an "SEO" plus, but more as a service for their current users/visitors base: so if you have a B&B you can have on your site an "events" section with curated content, or a section about thing to see (monuments, parks, museums, etc) in that area, so that your visitors can enjoy reading some content about the territory. I was wondering if, apart from NOT being benefical, it would be BAD from an SEO point of view... ie: if they could be actually penlized by google. Thanks 🙂 Best

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Enrico_Cassinelli

  • Hi everyone, Too much of anything is not good. In terms of internal linking, how many are too many? I read that the recommended internal links are about 100 links per page otherwise it dilutes the page's link equity. I have a concern about one of our websites - according to search console, the homepage has 923 internal links. All the pages have a corresponding /feed page added to the page URL, which is really weird (is this caused by a plugin?). The site also has an e-com feature, but it is not used as the site is essentially a brochure and customers are encouraged to visit the shop. I assume the e-com feature also increases this number. On the other hand, one of the competitors we are tracking has 1 internal link site-wide. Ours is at 45,000 site-wide. How is it possible to only have 1 internal link? Is this a Moz bug? I know we also need to reduce our internal links badly, however, I'm not sure where to start. I don't know how these internal links are linked together - some aren't in the copy or navigation menu. When I scan the homepage links using 'check my links', the total links identified for the homepage is only 170. kAeYlTM

    On-Page Optimization | | nhhernandez

  • Over the past few weeks, my website pages have been showing as partial in the Google Search Console. There are many resources/ files (js, css, images) that are 'temporarily unreachable'. The website files haven't had any structural changes for about 2 years (it historically has always shows as 'completed' and rendered absolutely fine in the search console). I have checked and the robots.txt is fine as is the sitemap. My host hasn't been very helpful, but has confirmed there are no server issues. My website rankings have now dropped which I think is due to these resources issues and I need to clear this issue up asap - can any one here offer any assistance? It would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Dan

    SERP Trends | | dan_55

  • We've been getting hundreds of new links from unique domains every day - all the domains follow a pattern like this: Hundreds... every day. What techniques exist to deal with a prolonged negative seo attack of this type. By the time we can detect and disvow, the damage is done.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | sonar

  • Hi Mozers, I would like to buy these videos (MozCon Local 2018 video bundle) but I can't find the link. Can you give it to me, please? Thank you for your help. Kind regards, Jonathan

    Moz Bar | | JonathanLeplang

  • What are the effects of changing URL's during a site redesign following all of the important processes (ie: 301 redirects, reindexing in google, submitting a new sitemap) ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jennifer-garcia

  • I am wondering the importance of the Spam Score since it appears to bring backlinks into the equation. In Moz we do not currently have a Spam Score but our competitors do...please advise - thanks!

    Moz Bar | | jennifer-garcia

  • We have a classified website.
    We have started doing SEO for classifieds search pages so I have submitted some pages to Google using sitemap.xml ex:
    If there are any Ads in the Austin location then Google is considering it as soft 404 errors in GWT.
    I am submitting them to Google yet there are no Ads because at some point users may add Ads and by that time my URL need to be in Google. My question is how to handle the page which doesn't have any Ads?
    Please let me know and guide me if I am wrong.

    Local Listings | | SirishaNueve

  • Hello all, I work for a university and I my small team is responsible for the digital marketing, website, etc. We recently had a big initiative on SEO and generating traffic to our website. The issue I am having is that my department only "owns" the www subdomain. There are lots of other subdomains out there. For example, a specific department can have its own subdomain at and students can have their own webpage at, etc. I know the possibilities of domain cannibilization, but has any one run into long term problems with a similar situation or had success in altering the views of a large organization? If I do get the opportunity to help some of these other domains, what is best to help our overall domain authority? Should the focus be on removing similar content to the www subdomain or cleaning up errors? Some of these subdomains have hundreds of 4XX errors.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jeff_Bender

  • ANOTHER mobile first question. Have searched the forum and didn't see something similar. Feel free to passive- aggressively link to an old thread. TL;DR - Some content would just clutter the page on mobile but is worth having on desktop. Will this now be ignored on desktop searches? Long form: We have a few ecommerce websites. We're toying with the idea of placing a lot more text on our collection/category pages. Primarily to try and set the scene for our products and sell the company a bit more effectively. It's also, obviously, an opportunity to include a couple of long tail keywords. Because mobile screens are small (duh) and easily cluttered, we're inclined _not _to display this content on mobile. In this case; will any SEO benefit be lost entirely, even to searchers on desktop? Sorry if I've completely misunderstood mobile-first indexing! Just an in-house marketing manager trying to keep up! cries into keyboard Thanks for your time.

    Technical SEO | | MSGroup

  • Hi everyone! Over the last year and a half, we've ramped up our content generation and have now hit our stride with a steady stream of blogs and videos. Both qualitatively and quantitatively, we are seeing great results. The problem is that the qualitative feedback is always passive. When we see clients, partners, etc. in person, they tell us that they love the content, but no one ever leaves comments or uses the call to actions to submit their info. There are some social shares, but now that LinkedIn no longer has a counter, it's hard to tell how much. I'm looking for advice on strategies to get more active engagement with our content. The ideal outcome would be active conversations and lead generation. Thanks everyone!

    Content Development | | Enertiv

  • The website I'm working on has no canonical tags. There is duplicate content so rel=canonicals need adding to certain pages but is it best practice to have a tag on every page ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ColesNathan

  • Hi all, Rand Fishkin once tweeted about success story of Quickbooks blog as they deleted their old and outdated content to show only high quality content to their audience. We are planning to implement the same strategy to our blog which consists of 800+ blog-posts. I'm just wondering the best way to proceed on this and planning to follow as below. Please correct me if I'm wrong and if there are any better steps of follow: Get the list of blog-posts. Check the traffic of each blog-post. If the blog-post needs to be existed, update any info on the blog. If the blog no more needed, do I need to delete or noindex or redirect? What's the better way to measure the success? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | vtmoz

  • Hi All Currently my site has a mixture of relative and absolute links for internal links. Could I just ask two questions? 1. Is it better for SEO for the site to feature only one method of internal links?
    2. If this is the case, is it better for the links to be absolute? I'm reaching the conclusion that I should review all internal links and set them to be absolute, but wanted to check. Including blog posts, this is a 70-80 page wordpress site, it wouldn't take too long to check the links Many Thanks

    Technical SEO | | ruislip18

  • We are considering to add at the end of alll our 1500 product pages answers to the 9 most frequently asked questions. These questions and answers will be 90% identical for all our products and personalizing them more is not an option and not so necessary since most questions are related to the process of reserving the product. We are convinced this will increase engagement of users with the page, time on page and it will be genuinely useful for the visitor as most visitors will not visit the seperate FAQ page. Also it will add more related keywords/topics to the page.
    On the downside it will reduce the percentage of unique content per page and adds duplication. Any thoughts about wether in terms of google rankings we should go ahead and benefits in form of engagement may outweight downside of duplication of content?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • Hi All, I have 9 different subdirectories for languages in the same domain example: we are implementing hreflang tags for the languages.  I know it is better to translate URLs, but we won't for now, because all the NON-ASCII characters.  But we are thinking to get rid of the dashes on the languages URL: -uk or -es, so it will be: would this be a problem? to have same page names even if they are in different subdirectories? would we need to add canonical tags, at least for the main domain URLs? Thank you, Rachel

    Technical SEO | | RaquelSaiz

  • when would you reccomend using a canonical tag on a large site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cristiana.Solinas

  • Working on an international client, how would you help solve multiple market domains from appearing in the local search rsults?

    Local Website Optimization | | Cristiana.Solinas

  • This is my first post here so forgive me if I made any mistake while posting it. Say I have one category called News on my website, it gets frequently updated with new posts everyday. So the thing is one article that is sitting on first page of the category, will eventually move down to 2nd page, and then 3rd and then 4th and so on. Now bots will see this article on first page, then index this on second page also and then on third also and so on and this goes on for rest of the articles as well. Will this raise a duplicate flag for the website. How should one approach this problem. I would really not want to use noindex tag here as I do want such pages to get indexed but without getting the duplicate content issue.

    On-Page Optimization | | thetelescope

  • Hi! As some of you may be familiar with, there is a giant spam-network with the same design and same page title on all domains: "The Globe - The world's most visited web pages". For example: I've now discovered that over 900 of these spam-domains link to my site. My plan was of course to disavow them all, but Google is explicit on telling me to be careful. «Only disavow if you are certain that the links are damaging to your rankings». And to be honest, I'm not sure. Also: it seems drastic to disavow almost a thousand pages. I'm afraid to mess something up. What would you do?

    Link Building | | Sindre

  • Hi, I have a site about to go online that users can run a free report that connects to their calendar app to get 12 months of statistics for their meetings, and then it shoots out a report. So they go to and they get back a.zom/freereport/report/xxxxxx The content of those reports is different, but the structure is the same as it is a fun way to show off meeting stats to co-workers and friends. I don't see the point of Google indexing those as the traffic to those pages is going to be from social networks and viral, but I do want the backlink credit. Will I get backlink credit if I nofollow that folder? I am having a hard time deciding what to do seo wise and would love some thoughts and advice, what would you recommend? Do nothing fancy. Mark the report folder no follow. Try to do something with rel=cannonical to point those pages to the root page? Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | bwb

  • Subject pretty much says it all... How frequently is the Search Volume update for a given keyword? Is there an API call that would include keyword-specific Search Volume for one or more keywords? Thank you.

    API | | ToddLevy

  • Hello my name is kyo- in japan.
    I saw the information on the elements contributing to the high-level display of GMB.
    The thing I wondered is the following items.
    What does this mean? ・Physical Address in City of Search
    →Is the searched area name entered in GMB? ・Consistency of Citations on the Primary Data Sources
    →whats the" the Primary Data Sources"? ・Consistency of Citations on Tier 1 Citation Sources
    →whats the"Tier 1"?A site that everyone knows? ・GMB Primary Category Matches a Broader Category of the Search Category (e.g. primary category=restaurant & search=pizza)
    →In Japan, the size of the category is not set. Italian restaurants are only Italian restaurants. Should I set a restaurant instead of an Italian restaurant? ・Quantity of Inbound Links to Domain from Locally Relevant Domains
    →Is this an LP inbound link?
    What is the locally relevant domain? ・Quantity of Inbound Links to Domain from Industry-Relevant Domains
    →Is this an LP inbound link?
    What is the Industry-Relevant Domains? ・Quantity of Citations from Locally Relevant Domains
    →What is the Industry-Relevant Domains? Prominence on Key Industry-Relevant Domains
    →I do not know what this means. Quantity of Citations from Industry-Relevant Domains
    →What is the Industry-Relevant Domains? Geographic (City/Neighborhood) Keyword Relevance of Domain Content
    →I do not know what this means. Driving Directions to Business Clicks
    →Driving Directions set? Enhancement/Completeness of Citations
    →I do not know what this means. Proper Category Associations on Aggregators and Tier 1 Citation Sources
    →whats the Aggregators and Tier 1 Citation Sources? Quantity of Inbound Links to GMB Landing Page URL from Locally Relevant Domains
    →How is this measurement done? Overall Velocity of Reviews (Native + Third-Party)
    →How is this measurement done? Proximity of Address to Centroid
    →I do not know what this means.

    Local Listings | | yamayamax

  • You can request re-indexing of a single page via Google Search Console.  It would seem to me you could use this feature to experiment with on-page changes to see the rank change to determine which changes have the most effect.  For the sake of this thread, lets temporarily forget that the relative importance on various on-page factors has already been reverse engineered to a degree so we already have a general idea to som extent. It would seem to me if I were Google, I would introduce either a random delay period, or, temper rank change after reindexing. What I mean by that latter point is say a reindex takes a page from position 20 to 10.  If it is 'tempered' so to speak on Day 2 after reindexing it might be at 18, day 5 it's at 16, day 7 it's at 16 until it reaches the actual "real" rank.  Both the delay and or the tempering of rank change would make it difficult more difficult to reverse engineer relative importance of on-page factors. OR, does Google realize there are large SEO firms doing SEO over several years for many sites that can examine aggregate data to determine these factors so Google doesn't delay (aka sandbox) or temper rank changes due to manual re-indexing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Semush

  • We have followers, following, friends, etc pages for each user who creates account on our website. so when new user sign up, he may have 0 followers, 0 following and 0 friends, but over period of time he can get those lists go up. we have different pages for followers, following and friends which are allowed for google to index. When user don't have any followers/following/friends, those pages looks empty and we get issue of duplicate content and description too short. so is it better that we add  noindex for those pages temporarily and remove noindex tag when there are at least 2 or more people on those pages. What are side effects of adding noindex when there is no data on those page or benefits of it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | swapnil12

  • Howdy folks, excited to be part of the Moz community after lurking for years! I'm a few weeks into my new job (Digital Marketing at Rewind) and about 10 days ago the product team moved our Help Center from Zendesk to Intercom. Apparently the import went smoothly, but it's caused one problem I'm not really sure how to go about solving:***    is where all our articles used to sit***    is where all our articles now are So, for example, the following article has now moved as such: This has created a bunch of broken URLs in places like our Shopify/BigCommerce app listings, in our email drips, and in external resources etc. I've played whackamole cleaning many of these up, but these old URLs are still indexed by Google – we're up to 475 Crawl Errors in Search Console over the past week, all of which are 404s. I reached out to Intercom about this to see if they had something in place to help, but they just said my "best option is tracking down old links and setting up 301 redirects for those particular addressed". Browsing the Zendesk forms turned up some relevant-ish results, with the leading recommendation being to configure javascript redirects in the Zendesk document head (thread 1, thread 2, thread 3) of individual articles. I'm comfortable setting up 301 redirects on our website, but I'm in a bit over my head in trying to determine how I could do this with content that's hosted externally and sitting on a subdomain. I have access to our Zendesk admin, so I can go in and edit stuff there, but don't have experience with javascript redirects and have read that they might not be great for such a large scale redirection. Hopefully this is enough context for someone to provide guidance on how you think I should go about fixing things (or if there's even anything for me to do) but please let me know if there's more info I can provide. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | henrycabrown

  • Hi guys, During the link building strategy, which version should i prefer as a destination between: to the normal version (php page) to the Amp page of the Website to the Amp page of Google Cache The main doubt is between AMP of the website or standard Version. Does the canonical meta equals the situation or there is a better solution? Thank you so mutch!

    Technical SEO | | Dante_Alighieri

  • Hi,
    I was wondering what this would be used for as it's in the Robots.exe of a recruitment agency website that posts jobs. Should it be removed? Disallow: /jobs/?
    Disallow: /jobs/page/*/ Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamesHancocks1

  • Hi,
    I've just inherited a website that I'll be looking after. I've looked in the Search Console in the Crawl errors section and discovered thousands of urls that point to non- existent pages on Desktop. There's 1,128 on Smartphone.
    Some are odd and make no sense. for example: | bdfqgnnl-z3543-qh-i39634-imbbfuceonkqrihpbptd/ | Not sure why these have are occurring but what's the best way to deal with them to improve our SEO? | northeast/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 2 | blog/2016/06/27/top-tips-for-getting-started-with-the-new-computing-curriculum/ | 404 | 8/10/18 |
    | | 3 | eastmidlands | 404 | 8/21/18 |
    | | 4 | eastmidlands/partner-schools/pingle-school/ | 404 | 8/27/18 |
    | | 5 | z3540-hyhyxmw-i18967-fr/ | 404 | 8/19/18 |
    | | 6 | northeast/jobs/maths-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/24/18 |
    | | 7 | qfscmpp-z3539-i967-mw/ | 404 | 8/29/18 |
    | | 8 | manchester/jobs/history-teacher/ | 404 | 8/5/18 |
    | | 9 | eastmidlands/jobs/geography-teacher-4/ | 404 | 8/30/18 |
    | | 10 | resources | 404 | 8/26/18 |
    | | 11 | blog/2016/03/01/world-book-day-how-can-you-get-your-pupils-involved/ | 404 | 8/31/18 |
    | | 12 | onxhtltpudgjhs-z3548-i4967-mnwacunkyaduobb/ | Cheers.
    Thanks in advance,

    Technical SEO | | JamesHancocks1

  • Hi, Our clients are adamant that they have set up 301 permanent redirects on their websites, but when we check using Screaming Frog and various online HTTP status code checkers they are showing as 307 temporary redirects. Examples; Again, the client says they are seeing 301 redirects. Why are we seeing 307's? Who is right? Very puzzling, any theories would be very much appreciated 🙂 Thanks in advance. Lee.

    Technical SEO | | Webpresence

  • moz academy

    I'm looking to learn more about SEO. Has anyone purchased the courses available through MOZ? If so, are they useful?

    Getting Started | | Stevepair

  • About a year ago I rebuilt our website and changed our domain name. We rent villas in Tuscany, we used to be ''. Then I started doing the same in Provence, and in the italian lakes, so i had further sites called and But maintaining them was awkward and I wanted to have one site. So I put them all onto and did 301s from the old domains and sites. Now I'd dropped off organic search results and I've also realised that is far less clear as a business address. My inclination is to go back to  - Tuscany is still 80% of our business and have the other areas in there too - optimised for SEO for Provence etc. I'm being told its a really bad idea to change domain, 301 the old one, and then revert to the original domain. But I'm suffering anyway, so I wonder if I sjhouldn't just bite the bullet. A lot of my old good backlinks still point to (BBC, Sunday Times, etc) and the DA is 33 against 22 on the new one.. All help gratefully received! : )

    Technical SEO | | DanWrightson

  • I think I know the answer but i need to ask anyway in case i am wrong. The www PA is 29. Http version is PA of 21. Should I start using the WWW one? A number of years ago, they hired an agency that built a ton of links to the WWW version. I should also point out that most of the site urls are for the http, so i would have to redirect all the other pages. Advice? Thanks, Nails

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | matt.nails

  • Hi All, I have a main domain and 9 different subdirectories for languages,  example: we are implementing hreflang tags for the languages, but we are thinking to get rid of the dashes on the languages URL: -uk or -es, so it will be: would this be a problem? to have same page names even if they are in different subdirectories? would we need to add canonical tags, at lease for the main domain URLs? Thank you, Rachel

    Technical SEO | | RaquelSaiz

  • So when I go to my client's website, and on the home page, I use the Moz toolbar. From there I then use the "Page Analysis." If you look at the "URL" line there is a Romanian flag next to the site name. Then I scroll down within the page analysis and the "Country" line says Romania. This is a WordPress site, and the company is based in Arizona. Can anyone explain to me if this is code that I can find and change or remove? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Moz Bar | | Striventa

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