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  • When we checked valuable Top pages, we noticed two types of 404 pages listed in our domain Example 1 : Example 2 : But we do not see any such 404 page errors in the Google Webmaster tool. Moz Top Pages Section only shows these as errors So please advise, if these are major errors or not? If these are errors, please help us to fix this as we do not have such URLs in our domain Awaiting your urgent help

    Link Explorer | | Intellect

  • We want to use some movement in our designs, charts etc. what format is the most SEO friendly?

    Technical SEO | | remkoallertz

  • Hello, In Google Search Console under Crawl > Crawl Errors > Not found I have strange URLs like the following: There is no info in Linked From tab. Have you seen this type of error??
    Does anyone know whats causing it??
    How should it be fixed?? Thanks for reading and the help!

    Reporting & Analytics | | chuck-layton

  • Hi guys. So I know external linking is good, as I've seem to have read every article written on the subject from 2007 to 2016, but can't seem to find anything more recent, but does that mean you are better to at least one external link on every page? And if so, would it suffice to link just to our social media profiles even if you are in an industry where social media brings in very little in the way of customer enquiries? I've actually linked to all our social profiles but made them nofollow. However, that said, would it be better to leave them nofollow and link to Government white papers in my sector for example?

    Social Media | | ThorUK

  • I've looked in the robots.txt Tester and I can see 3 warnings: There is a 'syntax not understood' warning for each of these. XML Sitemaps: How do I fix or reformat these to remove the warnings? Many thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | JamesHancocks1

  • My client has multiple local landing pages and it looks a bit spammy opening up the top nav of e.g."Plumbers" to a long list of "plumbers Melbourne", "plumbers Knoxfield", "plumbers Wantirna" etc etc What is the best way of incorporating local landing pages into the site's overall architecture? Thank you.

    Local Website Optimization | | Crystal.w

  • I'm completely rebranding a website but keeping the same domain. All content will be replaced and it will use a different theme and mostly new plugins. I've been building the new site as a different site in Dev mode on WPEngine. This means it currently has a made-up domain that needs to replace the current site. I know I need to somehow redirect the content from the old version of the site. But I'm never going to use that content again. (I could transfer it to be a Dev site for the current domain and automatically replace it with the click of a button - just as another option.) What's the best way to replace with a completely new if I'm not using any of the old content? There are only about 4 URL'st, such as hat will remain the same - with all content replaced. There are about 100 URL's that will no longer be in use or have any part of them ever used again. Can this be done safely?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brickbatmove

  • We're looking to implement structured data for our social profiles and logo, as referenced here: Should we add the markup for these structured data types to multiple pages, the homepage only, or all indexable pages? TIA

    Technical SEO | | Allie_Williams

  • Hi all, I have suddenly noticed a massive jump in indexed pages. After performing a "site:" search, it was revealed that the sudden jump was due to the indexation of many pages beginning with the serp title "Index of /wp-content/uploads/" for many uploaded pieces of content & plugins. This has appeared approximately one month after switching to https. I have also noticed a decline in Bing rankings. Does anyone know what is causing/how to fix this? To be clear, these pages are **not **normal /wp-content/uploads/ but rather "index of" pages, being included in Google. Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • Moz keeps giving us an error showing URL too long, when I investigate the offending url, I get this in the crawl. We can't work out what /essions is or why it's appending to the end of the url. Is this a Moz or website issue? <colgroup><col width="841"></colgroup>
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |
    | https://www.mywebsite/singita-lebombo-lodge/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/essions/ |

    Moz Pro | | NickWillWright

  • Hi, I've been looking at a clients site and Google is pulling the prices of the products (for some not all) and the pages that rank have started to have a lower organic CTR. Does anyone know how I can control what prices show in the SERPs? There is no Schema on the site to display this and the price is not in the meta title or description - it's just appearing on some pages - it's not uniform across the site? Any ideas? Cheers B

    On-Page Optimization | | Bush_JSM

  • I have used Moz to analyses where similar companies to mine have links from. One company has a huge amount of links from (2,704,721) and the domain authority of is 96, also with spam score of 0. This seems to be a great source of link building. My understanding of was that it shortened links. Does anyone know how this company has generated so many links from Thanks!

    Link Building | | wonderdome

  • We are a global brand & have each regional site setup as a sub-domain. I have noticed for branded searches in Australia the SERP is showing the regional site ( as the first listing = great BUT the sitelinks below are showing for the USA site = incorrect Any ideas how to resolve by marking up the code or in Search Console? Chris

    Technical SEO | | surf1234

  • I am stumped and Moz is being terrible to work with. This site has about 40k pages 39,800 of them are item pages roughly. Moz is only finding about 2400 of my pages. So they are missing most but not all of my item pages. I do not know which item pages they are missing. The fact that they are finding about 2k but not the rest leads me to believe the crawler is struggling with pagination. The site is built on Magento 2 and uses the Amasty Layered Navigation extension. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Moz Bar | | Tylerj

  • Hi Mozers, Does having a Google+ page really impact SEO? Thanks, Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Hi, Will Regex expressions work in a disavow file? If i include* will that work or would you recommend just Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • SIte Crawl is flagging multiple entries from my wp-uploads directory as being 'thin content': these are dated folders that contain the images for the site blog, and as such don't have any text/html content at all. Should these directories be crawled at all? How would I go about correcting these warnings?

    Getting Started | | lostmotionassembly

  • Hi All A couple months ago we got an email from google, telling us - Mobile-first indexing enabled for Ran the test on MOZ, Mobile usability shows 100% Last week got an email from google - New Mobile usability issues detected for Top new issues found, ordered by number of affected pages: Content wider than screen Clickable elements too close together I can not seem to figure out what those issues are, as all content is visible. How important are these 2 issues? Since we are now on the mobile first side?

    Algorithm Updates | | samoos

  • Hi, I've noticed repeated low value / high spam backlinks directing to a site that I manage, and despite disavowing, new links showing similar anchor text keep appearing. See sample in the table below: <colgroup><col width="514"> <col width="407"> <col width="364"></colgroup>
    | |   | Get free high quality HD wallpapers vertical blinds for bifold doors |
    | |   | Get free high quality HD wallpapers mould on vertical blinds |
    | |   | Get free high quality HD wallpapers install vertical blinds |
    | |   | Get free high quality HD wallpapers cutting vertical blinds |
    | | HD wallpapers high quality vertical blinds | Get free high quality HD wallpapers high quality vertical blinds |
    | | HD wallpapers mould on vertical blinds | Get free high quality HD wallpapers mould on vertical blinds |
    | | HD wallpapers mould on vertical blinds | Get free high quality HD wallpapers mould on vertical blinds |
    | | HD wallpapers cost vertical blinds | Get free high quality HD wallpapers cost vertical blinds | I also looked across 5 high ranking sites in the same industry and noticed they too have these 'dodgy' links in their backlink profiles. Could this be negative link building? If so, does anyone know a way to trace it or get it stop?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Alexanders

  • my website will index good،and its top on some few keywords but its not top for many keywords . << some time it showed on results but will be hidden after some time >> what you thing??? url is

    Technical SEO | | moztabliq1

  • tldr: we consolidated several of our domains from to over a year ago and lost our highest value keywords, roughly 70% of our traffic. All our links were natural google loved our site up until that point. Things started to go sideways then... Oct 2016: 301 redirect everything from http(s)://(www)* to*, traffic starts to slump Jan 2017: Traffic has slumped 30-40% from normal seasonal levels Apr 2017: We experiment with Rankscience, implementation is botched creating a robots.txt disallow: / which is corrected in a week. traffic slumps even more during this period, but this issue seems to recover over the next month or two (hard to tell since now we have multiple factors and seasonal traffic). Oct 2017: Start an engagement with a seo firm that has experience with migration issues. They find some pages which are not redirecting and claimed that google is confused by that and pages we were redirecting wouldnt pass all the pr value until every page on our old site (including non public ones that google seems to have scraped from emails) was redirected over. Interm: Site audits from the seo form, many minor onsite improvements, link disvow, etc etc, no impact really. Current day: Stumped, and the business is hurting from the lost rankings and cost of seo. Those high value rankings are just gone and I did everything by the book as best I know. Redirects, same content, just punished. Up until the interacting with Rankscience and the seo firm, I handled all the serp related concerns myself. This has left me pretty disillusioned and at my wits end on where to look next.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sonar

  • Hello, I had a question about noindex and Rel=Canonical on category page pagination. On my site, the category page the meta="robots" has "Index,Follow" tags and the rel="canonical" is the main category page, but when a user sorts the page the meta="robots" changes to "NoIndex, Follow." My question is should the sorted page be name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" /> since the  rel="canonical" is pointing to the main page?? Or does it matter that it is NoIndex?? Any thoughts on this topic would be awesome. Thanks. Main Category Page
    name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" />
    rel="canonical" href=""/> Name Sorted Page
    name="robots" content="NOINDEX, FOLLOW" />
    rel="canonical" href="">

    On-Page Optimization | | chuck-layton

  • Hi, My client has a large website and has a navigation with main categories. However, they also have a hamburger type navigation in the top right. If you click it it opens to a massive menu with every category and page visible. Do you know if having a navigation like this bleeds page rank? So if all deep pages are visible from the hamburger navigation this means that page rank is not being conserved to the main categories. If you click a main category in the main navigation (not the hamburger) you can see the sub pages. I think this is the right structure but the client has installed this huge menu to make it easier for people to see what there is. From a technical SEO  is this not bad?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AL123al

  • Hi all. I have a dilemma that I'm trying to work out a solution to and could use some input. We offer a Foreign Qualification (FQ) service for businesses, and thus "foreign qualification" is a strong keyword for which we currently hold great ranking position for our service page. FQ is different in each state, so we have a series of blog posts focusing on the requirements for each state. "Alabama foreign qualification" is one of many long tail keywords (50 states x various phrasings) we're targeting here. The problem is that it's impossible to write 50 blog posts that are not very similar content, since the process is similar, just not identical, in each state. I'm worried about duplicate content penalties here. I'm thinking that I'd want to create a landing page that serves as a hub for each of these blog posts, perhaps with a reference table for the 50 states too, and set the blog post canonicals to this landing page (thereby pushing all state-focused long tail KWs there). However, I don't want to take away ranking strength of the aforementioned service page for the primary keyword. If I do this, and also link the new landing page to the service page using "foreign qualification" as the anchor text, am I more likely to add or take away from the strength of the service page? Thanks for any and all insight!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mkupfer

  • Hi, I am working on plan to divide up mid-number DA website into multiple sites. So the current site's content will be divided up among these new sites. We can't share anything going forward because each site will be independent. The current homepage will change to just link out to the new sites and have minimal content. I am thinking the websites will take a hit in rankings but I don't know how much and how long the drop will last.  I know if you redirect an entire domain to a new domain the impact is negligible but in this case I'm only redirecting parts of a site to a new domain. Say we rank #1 for "blue widget" on the current site. That page is going to be redirected to new site and new domain. How much of a drop can we expect? How hard will it be to rank for other new keywords say "purple widget" that we don't have now? How much link juice can i expect to pass from current website to new websites? Thank you in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | timdavis

  • This is in my robots.txt file, does anyone know what this is supposed to accomplish, it doesn't appear to be blocking URLs with question marks Disallow: /?crawler=1
    Disallow: /?mobile=1 Thank you

    Technical SEO | | AmandaBridge

  • Hi, We are planning to conduct bloggers event for this coming 'Christmas. The purpose of this event would be to build relationship with top bloggers which might helpful so many ways to my website like improve my brand name, increase my social followers, increase my sale and chance to get back links also. Here my question is how Google considered if I get a back links from these types of bloggers event? Please guide me. Here we are not asking any bloggers to link back to my website. If they like they will link to my site. Thanks Satla

    Link Building | | TrulyTravel

  • I am fairly new to Moz. I co-manage a  national website with about 400 common pages and separate location areas for cities in Australia. 1 city starting their own separate website a year ago. A drop in search visibility of the whole national site and my location page started in mid July according to Moz stats.-  8%>12%>$38% consecutive drops per week. In google analytics the organic search has dropped 8% overall & 2% on my location page in last month. I did minor optimisation to the my page and articles using Moz in July - upped H2 to H1 title, tweaked main keyword, wrote slightly different SEO title and included keywords in body copy. The rankings of the target keywords went up but other keyword rankings went down.   The other thing that started in June was Facebook advertising of our blog articles (click-throughs have a high bounce rate of 95%). The office with its own website (with a similar brand name) also started doing Facebook advertising and SEO for it earlier this year. I can see their own website traffic really shot up in June/July, and they also maintained their traffic on the national site. Wondering if any of these are causing the drop, or if this is more an indicator of competitor activity or alogorthms? Any ideas about causes and solutions appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | SueMclean

  • Hi everyone, We are having an issue with this local business. The Google listing isn't immediately appearing on the map. You have to move the map or zoom in and out for the listing to appear. I find this really odd as our competitors - with no reviews and way further in proximity - are appearing with no issues. The listing is only about 4km where I'm doing the search, while competitors with no reviews are about 20km away. We are ranking in the top 5 organically for the search term I used (pool renovations brisbane), but nowhere in local unless the map is moved. When the listing appears, sometimes the pin also looks grey instead of red, while others are red (if that makes sense). On top of this, their organic rankings have also been on a downward trend since June. I'm currently doing a backlink audit to see if it's contributing to the issue. If anyone also has other ideas, could you please let me know? Thanks.

    Local Listings | | nhhernandez

  • I moved my website in May from Wix to Wordpress. Since then the home page authority has dropped from 27 to 16. The old website displayed as, but the new site is set to without the www (this was set by my hosting company). I tried changing the settings in Wordpress to www.etc, and the home page bounces back up to a page authority of 27 - but it messes up the menus and some other elements on the page so that the page is not displayed correctly. Is there any other way I can get that page authority back? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | Photowife

  • Hi all I've very recently started a small chimney sweeping business for which my friend has designed and built a website, Not approaching this from a tech-savvy background I have learnt a lot over the past month but am still an utter novice and as such require some form of help to get me up and running. My main and immediate priority (sweeping season starts soon!) was to have it so when my company name, kembers embers, was googled I would come up at the top of the results. I understand this can take a little time but it has been a month now since I indexed and I have been told my domain authority is 0.1% so I have sought help. I don't want to sign up to a 3/6/12 month contract with a firm so I found an SEO consultant local to me who said they could spend a couple of hours doing the right things to hopefully help jump this initial hurdle. I parted with £120 for this which I deemed to be the going rate and they do/did seem honest and professional enough. Upon meeting the consultant he has since told me that he would like to set the website up under a Wordpress template and has cajouled me into changing my hosting over to one he uses also. He says it will take a couple of hours work to do this (there goes my £120) but without this he would hit walls which would be timely to get past and so will save me money in the long run. Do these kind of suggestions ring an alarm bell to anyone? It didn't seem right that a good SEO couldn't work with what I already have so it leads me to the question is this one to avoid? On a side note I have also received bad advice from friends of friends/family who claim to know SEO but have, for example, put me in the direction of a link scheme through which I understand may have done me more damage than good. I am now more aware of white hat vs black hat and wish to proceed with the development of my online presence in an ethical way growing organically. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | kembosabe

  • Hi, I write long articles 3k and 5k words my question is that I read in Moz article not use your keyword more than 15 times is also apply for 3k articles ??? and if yes than my second question is that I used my targeted keyword in heading also include in 15 times ???

    Whiteboard Friday | | Frozen_Fry

  • Hello, WHAT WE NEED NOW: We need 300 product descriptions done. We have reached the point where we're hiring this done. How would you recommend we go about this. 200 products will be rewriting the supplier's product descriptions (one sentence each) and filling out a quicktable. There's just nothing to do there, no information anywhere. About 100 products will be where the person writing the description and filling out the table will have to google the product's manufacturer and rewrite the information off of that website in an intelligible, interesting, paragraph that is informative. Would you recommend we hire someone local to come work in our office that specializes in our niche, or are there any GOOD services out there for our case, even if it's just for the first 200. OUR FUTURE PLANS: We'll guess at the top few products and do some 10X work ourselves. No hiring needed there. Once we know the top 50 products we will do some more deep hiring for 10X product descriptions, but that can wait. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • After migration of web  application from aws  ec2 instance to Microsoft azure web App service,  we observed that we lost  our 50% traffic. Our site  custom domain is and azure web App has default domain  . Azure  WebApp service has drawback that default domain gets in picture after mapping to my custom domain .We have mapped  azure webAPP host name to our custom domain as CNAME record in DNS Table .  Now same site working with two domains i.e as well ass . As we seen this issues we made 301 redirection from azure default domain to our custom domain, Still no change in traffic.Google is now showing external links from  to . We are totally confused now . We don't know what exactly affected to our search traffic . Please Help us.

    Technical SEO | | DivyaDubey

  • Hi I have recently noticed that by mistake our eCommerce site was incorrectly using the schema mark up featured product sliders, upsells and category pages. Example: Im aware that google is not a fan of misusing the mark ups. Would the above have a negative effect on rankings?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | MikeZur

  • Our parent company is looking to absorb the domain of a brand we are discontinuing. The domain we want to absorb has a thousands of blog posts from 2010 onward. Much of the content is old but still high-converting. We would like to keep as much of the potential traffic as possible, but we don't want the parent website to become too large or lose credibility with too many 301 redirects. Any advice on the best way to do this?

    Technical SEO | | NichGunn

  • I am a total novice at this.  I am taking the tutorial and the first thing she addresses is Keyword Explorer.  It makes sense to me, but what doesn't is that it asks me to look for keywords in USA.  I need to explore keywords on a local level.  Anyone out there who can help me with this?  am I over my head with Moz Pro if I am a complete novice?

    Getting Started | | grettelp

  • Hi all, Recently, got an unusual issue with images in Google index. We have more than 1,500 images in our sitemap, but according to Search Console only 273 of those are indexed. If I check Google image search directly, I find more images in index, but still not all of them. For example this post has 28 images and only 17 are indexed in Google image. This is happening to other posts as well. Checked all possible reasons (missing alt, image as background, file size, fetch and render in Search Console), but none of these are relevant in our case. So, everything looks fine, but not all images are in index. Any ideas on this issue? Your feedback is much appreciated, thanks

    Technical SEO | | flo_seo

  • I moved my website from Wix to Wordpress in May 2018. Since then, it's disappeared from Google searches. The site and pages are indexed, but no longer ranking. I've just started a Moz campaign, and most pages are being flagged as having "thin content" (50 words or less), when I know that there are 300+ words on most of the pages. Looking at the page source I find this bit of code:  page contents Does this mean that Google is finding this and thinks that I have only two words (page contents) on the page? Or is this code to grab the page contents from somewhere else in the code? I'm completely lost with this and would appreciate any insight.

    Technical SEO | | Photowife

  • Hello My duplicate titles report is full of paginated pages eg This would create 5 duplicate titles in the moz report Is there a quick way to filter these out?

    Feature Requests | | Andrew-SEO

  • Let's say I built a directory link and it takes a while to go live. Is there a tool that will crawl the site and notify me when the link goes live?

    Link Building | | Firestarter-SEO

  • Hello all.  For quite some time, both Moz & Ahrefs have indicated to me that I am in first position for several keywords.  However, when I go into my Google Webmaster Tools, it says that I am in 7th or 8th position. Any idea why there is such a discrepancy?

    Keyword Research | | smithcorona

  • We have around 17 pages have underscores in the URL. From the 17 pages, we have changed 3 pages URL for example if the url is test_sample_demo.html, we have changed as test-sample-demo.html After the updates, we have made redirect as follows Redirect 301  test_sample_demo.html test-sample-demo.html Presently google webmaster tool shows as "Pages with duplicate meta descriptions" & "Pages with duplicate title tags" for changed pages How to fix this. Please help us

    Technical SEO | | Intellect

  • So I would like a few opinions. How long should a product description be? Enough to get the point across? 100 words? 800 words? Over detailed? Any advice would be appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | mattl99

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