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  • Hello, Can a twitter, facebook, linkedin or instagram business page be considered an influencer Or Does an influencer need to absolutely be a person ? Thank you,

    Branding | | seoanalytics

  • Hello SEO's, Recently some of my VIPs (Very Important Pages) have slipped, and all the pages above them are AMP. I've been waiting to switch to AMP for as long as possible bc I've heard it's a very mixed bag. As of Oct 2018, what do people think? Is it worth doing? Is there a preferred plugin for wordpress? Are things more likely to go right than wrong? The page that has gotten hit the hardest is It used to bring in ~70% of organic traffic. It was #1 and is now often near the bottom of the page. 😞 Thanks all! Remy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | remytennant

  • Hi, We have a new website on We have asked for endless scrolling between our articles, so when we get at the end of one article, the next loads. Looking at the produced html code I saw the articles contain and to other articles. When I asked the development team why this happens, I got a reply that its needed for the endless scroll of the articles.  But to my understanding "prev" and "next" is only used on pagination cases, and endless scroll between articles has nothing to do pagination. Here is an example article If you "view html code" on that article you will see this "next", "prev" declarations to other articles. Can anyone please let me know if the declaration of "prev" and "next" articles should stay or if I should ask the development team to remove it? Thanks

    Branding | | ioannis.anifantakis

  • Hi, I am building a website in Wordpress and when checking the pages through Moz toolbar or Yoast plugin, I notice that these don't recognise the internal links in custom CSS and the images neither. Here some code to clarify how it is built: [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][ultimate_heading main_heading="Veldrijden" alignment="left" main_heading_margin="margin-bottom:20px;"][/ultimate_heading][vc_single_image image="6497" img_size="full" onclick="custom_link" link=""][vc_btn title="Meer info" color="mulled-wine" align="left" link="|||"][/vc_column] The links are embedded in images and in 'More info' buttons. Also the internal links in the main website navigation are not recognised, but the normal a href links are recognised. For the images it is a little different: the alt text from the images gets recognised by Moz, but Yoast says there are no images on the page. The only thing I can think of that there is no 'a href' in the links and for the images that it has something to do with the page builder. Can this effect my SEO results? Thanks.

    Moz Bar | | Mat_C

  • I have seen an issue with GMB that Google Support say is not an issue. I work for an agency and we manage about 50-60 GMB accounts for our clients. Most of our clients are flooring retailers and under our MCC account we also have our agencies listing. When I was searching for my client on Google using their brand name for example Walmart, I noticed my agency listing shows even though my client is over 1000 miles away. I have used multiple browsers in incognito and multiple devices and still see this so I know its not a personalized result. We also link to this client from our website which is the only thing connecting the dots between my agency and the client. - screenshot (hiding phone numbers & business names for obvious reasons) showing 2 locations over 1000 miles apart. My first attempt at contacting Google I was informed of ways to get my listing higher which I quickly told them that isn't my issue. I also asked to speak to a SME (subject matter expert) and was told all of them were on lunch, asked for a supervisor and was told they were too on lunch. Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea why it would show two different companies over 1000 miles apart when searching for a companies name? Did I stumble a way for SEO's to cheat the local map pack?

    Local Listings | | Jacob-Lial

  • I posted a question with links to a website. That question now appears in google search when I search for that website, which I don't want. Can I delete the question I posted on Moz?

    Product Support | | LavM

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers. I would like to hear some thoughts on how to go about review generation for industries, where anonymity is preferred - like plastic surgery, DUI/DWI law, even intimate-related stores etc. Far not everyone would want to have their profile attached to a plastic surgery procedure, especially in private areas; or have their face by a review about them getting out of jail for drunk driving etc. We have clients in those industries and many clients of theirs would love to leave reviews, as long as they don't have to login with Google or other accounts. We sure use those testimonials on the website, but, again, faceless testimonials can look fake. Any advice?

    Reviews and Ratings | | DmitriiK

  • Can anyone take a look at the site and offer suggestions as to what I can do. My visibility went from 13% to 2% over the past two months. I had 800 organic terms prior to this now I am falling off a cliff. Have no idea what happened.  I just switched over to HTTPS 3 weeks ago and it has helped a little.

    Algorithm Updates | | Boodreaux

  • Hello, We are a healthcare company with a strong domain authority and several thousand pages of service related content at We've been operating an ancillary ecommerce store that sells related 3rd party products at for a little over a year. We recently  invested in a platform upgrade and moved our site to a new domain, We implemented page-level 301 redirects including all category pages, product detail pages, canonical and non-canonical URLs, etc.. which the understanding that there would not be any loss in page rank. What we're seeing over the last 2 months is an initial dive in organic traffic, followed by a ramp-up period of if impressions (but not position) in the following weeks, another drop and we've steady at this low for the last 2 weeks. Another area that might have hurt us, the 301 redirects were implemented correctly immediately post launch (on a wednesday), but it was discovered on the following Monday that our .htaccess file had reverted to an old version without the redirect rules. For 3-4 days, all traffic was being redirected from to Can we expect to recover our organic traffic giving the launch screw up with the .htaccess file, or is it more of an issue with us separating from the domain? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eugene_p

  • I’ve been given the task of optimizing a company’s websites (15 in total) that has multiple websites selling the same product. In terms of optimizing them, can I use the same set of meta descriptions, page title tags and key words for them all or do I need to produce a different set for each? The sites are for independently branded companies that are set up in a franchise-like arrangement. They all exclusively sell the parent companies joinery products

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aplnzoctober18

  • Hi everyone! We are ranked #1 for about 30 product pages at and we are wanting to move about 30 of those pages to a new site (new domain and hosting - which we own). What is the best way to do this? I'm confused if you recreate those pages on the new domain vs. ftp move them, 301 re-directs, etc. Looking for the things we must do and the sequence to do it all, etc. Thanks so much!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jamesmcd03

  • A client of mine lost their domain when an ex business partner sold it out from under them. They've filed with WIPO, but in the meantime we're trying to figure out how to help them out. They had two really excellent links - one from the NY Times and one from a .edu website. I'm going to reach out to the authors of those articles (the articles are pretty old, so I doubt they'll change the links), but does anyone have any advice on how to let search engines know the new domain replaces the old without having the ability to do redirects? The content on the site is exactly the same - we were able to get the files over, happily. I've re-submitted the site for indexing, changed the domain links in Moz Local, changed in Analytics, and on all their social sites. Is there anything I'm not thinking of that can be done to let Google know that this new domain replaces the old? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | newwhy

  • I am Cecilia and I work as a marketing officer in Echo parts brand, please ahelp in the use of this program about the keywords categories to improve my ranking, in this moments is to short, i appreciate the help you can give me

    Getting Started | | ceciliaosio

  • I have lots of paginated pages which are being indexed. Should I add the noindex tag to page 2 onwards? The pages currently have previous and next tags in place. Page one also has a self-referencing canonical.

    Technical SEO | | WTH

  • My website has been indexed on google and all of its pages can be found on google except for the product category pages - which are where we want our traffic heading to, so this is a big problem for us. Our website is And an example of a page that isn't being indexed is

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chelseaskirtinguk

  • When writing a meta description is it ok to use keywords that are not on the page or site itself?

    Algorithm Updates | | aplnzoctober18

  • The link profile on our domain is poor and our domain authority is only 18. In April we migrated domains and our domain authority tumbled from 24 to 8 and as of August had recovered to 18. Since August we have engaged in a link building campaign. We are getting 4-5  new links per month. They are good quality. Can we expect to see see an increase in our domain authority? If so, when? The domain is The new links to date are below: <colgroup><col width="114"><col width="252"><col width="377"><col width="296"><col width="97"></colgroup>
    | Status | Anchor text | Final URL | Terget URL | Live date |
    |   |   |   |   |   |
    | Done | office space for rent in Manhattan |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   | /commercial-space/office-space | 9/20/2018 |
    | Done | medical office for rent |   | /commercial-space/medical-space | 9/21/2018 |
    | Done | office space for rent in Manhattan |   | /commercial-space/office-space | 9/23/2018 |
    | Done | office space for rent in NYC |   | /commercial-space/medical-space | 9/24/2018 |
    | Skipped |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   | /commercial-space/medical-space | 10/8/2018 |
    |   |   |   |   |   |
    |   |   |   |   |   |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hi, I have a Wordpress website and want to delete or edit the text that appears when I hover over my navigation tabs. In my case, the text is always the same as the page title, but I don't know where to edit it separately. When I change the title of a page that is in the navigation, the text that appears changes too. So the general setting is that this text is the same as the page title. Does somebody have an idea where to edit this? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Mat_C

  • Hey experts I hope you are all doing great, please have a look at my blog, when I check it with link explorer there are 92% domains with spam score below 20 and only 2.1% of the domains with spam score more than 60. I have compared its backlinks to some other domains, those domains have more than 3 or 4% backlinks with spam scores greater than 60 but have much lower spam score as compared to mine, some even have 1% spam score? I have disavowed many backlinks but its not updated in Moz yet. I know there are 27+ factors which decide your spam score but how can I get the breakdown now as it was shown in the older versions of open site explorer like: No contact information, low domain trust, less internal links? Kind regards...

    Link Explorer | | Jamesdave

  • Hi I have a client that is having two subdomains showing up SERP when you Google their name.  Here are the details. They have two subdomains and is for the US and has completely different products and content than is the site designed for Europe and it is in English. How can I make it so that only the us. version shows up in the search results?  Thanks in advance!

    International SEO | | JohnWeb12

  • IIs there a way to pull bulk data out of my Moz account to get the two reports below? Competitors (all URLs for 15 to 20 domains)
    Keyword - Keywords ranking for URL
    Linking Domains - Domains linking to URL
    Search Volume Similar Keywords (Run the keyword list above)
    Original Keyword
    Similar Keywords - The keyword suggestions available in the keyword explorer
    Search Volume
    Mentions - Also in keyword explorer report

    Moz Bar | | DevWired

  • Hi, We are migrating an old website to a new one built in Wordpress soon. We also added an SSL to change to https:// Most of the url's stay the same. Can we just migrate from http to https on server level, and for the url's that do change just set a 301 redirect? Or are there other things we should take into account?

    Technical SEO | | Mat_C

  • Hi For one of our clients search traffic has stopped tracking and there are no error msgs. For the same client, when you save the report to pdf format, it appears as per below?

    Product Support | | Nikki959

  • Hello Everyone! I'm new here! My husband and I are working on creating a website: .The site is an online therapist directory for the the Sacramento California area. Our problem is this: In wordpress our category system is being used for blog posts. Our theme is using a custom taxonomy system to categorize different therapist specialties, therapeutic approaches, etc. We've found ourselves in a position where our custom taxonomy and categories are near duplicates. for example we have the blog categories: ADHD counseling, Anxiety therapy, and Career counseling our corresponding custom taxonomy/therapist categories are: ADHD, Anxiety, and....(oops) career counseling. My understanding is that google doesn't see a difference between identically named categories and custom taxonomies and will so choose one to rank and disregard the other, effectively leaving you competing against yourself. is this true in a case like this? Can google maybe understand the difference because of the custom taxonomy and/or URL paths? if this is a problem is it ok to have near ADHD vs. ADHD counseling. This has been our solution so far....but now we're questioning it....derp x_x. I thought about tagging the categories with no index, but I think the archive pages would be useful for people. Essentially we have 2 sets of archives for each keyword. One is for blog posts, and one is for therapists who work with that particular issue along with the 6 most recent blog posts in that category.....because we are putting the 6 most recent blog posts at the bottom of the therapist pages I feel like it wouldn't be as terrible of a loss if we had to noindex the category pages. ....what do you think? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | angelamaemae

  • Hi guys, I have a question about adding keywords found directly from a keyword tool onto a webpage. I see a keyword opportunity from Moz's Keyword Explorer, for example, "dog giardia treatment natural" and was wondering if it should be worked into the page exactly in that order? For example, I've modified the question on the page to now read "Are there any other dog Giardia treatments that are natural?" Is this good practice? Should it be exactly in the order of the keyword found in the tool? Is what I've done too spammy? Appreciate any help! Thanks

    Moz Bar | | marktheshark10

  • Hey! I noticed the last few months that a lot of google searches now show an image next to your result when on mobile. i managed to get my listing to show an image before but I made some changes to the image and site and can’t seem to get Google to ahow the new image (or any image). I’ve added the image to schema mark up and still no luck. Wouod ahyone have any advice on how to get the image picked up, or st least help increase the odds? The site is and you can see it on search (for me it shows on the bottom of page 1) for the keyword “Niagara Falls tours“. Thanks again!

    On-Page Optimization | | Originaladam

  • Hi everyone, I've run into a worrying phenomenon in GSC and im wondering if anyone has come across something similar. Since August, I have seen a steady decline in the number of pages that are indexed from my site, from 1.3 million down to about 800,000 in two months. Interestingly, my clicks/impressions continue to increase gradually (on the same pace they have been for months) and I see no other negative side affects resulting from this drop in coverage. In total I have 1.2 million urls that fall into one of three categories, "Crawled - currently not indexed", "Crawl anomaly", and "Discovered - currently not indexed" Some other notes - all of my valid, error, and excluded pages are https://www. , so I don't believe there is an issue with different versions of the same site being submitted. Also, my rankings have not changed so I tentatively believe that this is unrelated to the Medic Update. If anyone else has experienced this or has any insight to the problem I would love to know. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | Jason-Reid

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to optimize a page to improve the chances of it appearing as a rich snippet in a list format (ie. Top 5 tips for...). I'm using the All in One Schema Rich Snippet Plugin in Wordpress and I'm wondering if you manually need to enter the bullets into the schema rich snippet maker or if Google pulls the information from the article and lists it themselves? Appreciate any help. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | marktheshark10

  • Hello! Though I browse MoZ resources every day, I've decided to directly ask you a question despite the numerous questions (and answers!) about this topic as there are few specific variants each time: I've a site serving content (and products) to different countries built using subfolders (1 subfolder per country). Basically, it looks like this:
    etc. The first problem was fairly easy to solve:
    Avoid duplicated content issues across the board considering that both the ecommerce part of the site and the blog bit are being replicated for each subfolders in their own language. Correct me if I'm wrong but using our copywriters to translate the content and adding the right hreflang tags should do. But then comes the second problem: how to deal with duplicated content when it's written in the same language? E.g. /us/, /gb/, /au/ and so on.
    Given the following requirements/constraints, I can't see any positive resolution to this issue:
    1. Need for such structure to be maintained (it's not possible to consolidate same language within one single subfolders for example),
    2. Articles from one subfolder to another can't be canonicalized as it would mess up with our internal tracking tools,
    3. The amount of content being published prevents us to get bespoke content for each region of the world with the same spoken language. Given those constraints, I can't see a way to solve that out and it seems that I'm cursed to live with those duplicated content red flags right up my nose.
    Am I right or can you think about anything to sort that out? Many thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GhillC

  • I've been checking out competitors through the 'link intersect function in my Moz account. Many have got nofollow links from high DA websites. I understand that nofollow links do not count count as a backlink, but will they add towards the trust factor?

    Link Building | | ThorUK

  • What would be the best schema markup to add to a case study? I am somewhere between choosing an 'article' or a 'review'. A review is not really right though, because it's not a customer leaving feedback, it's the company's take on their performance. Any opinions?

    On-Page Optimization | | I-COM

  • New client website has for some key phrase searches the URL for an image showing above or as well as the url for the landing page. I'd be happy for it to show in the image pack but I want to url to rank in the main serp. The site is in WordPress and I'm sure this is just a setting I need to manage. Can you help please?

    Technical SEO | | Marketing_Optimist

  • Hello, For example let say I do hiking tour in different regions and all my pages are presented the same way with the highlights, hotels, what is included, the price, the level and the dates. I guess that across my pages the meta description is going to be the same, the only thing that is going to change is the destination. Is it ok to do it this way ? I know it isn't recommend to do duplicate but in this type of configuration I have no idea on have to do different meta knowing all the pages present the same things. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • We just launched a website about 1 month ago and noticed that Google was indexing, but not displaying, URLs with "?location=" parameters such as: and Instead, Google has only been displaying our root URL in its search results -- which we don't want as the URLs with specific locations are more important and each has its own unique list of houses for sale. We have Yoast setup with all of these ?location values added in our sitemap that has successfully been submitted to Google's Sitemaps: I also tried going into the old Google Search Console and setting the "location" URL Parameter to Crawl Every URL with the Specifies Effect enabled... and I even see the two URLs I mentioned above in Google's list of Parameter Samples... but the pages are still not being added to Google. Even after Requesting Indexing again after making all of these changes a few days ago, these URLs are still displaying as Allowing Indexing, but Not On Google in the Search Console and not showing up on Google when I manually search for the entire URL. Why are these pages not showing up on Google and how can we get them to display? Only solution I can think of would be to set our main /local-house-values/ page to noindex in order to have Google favor all of our other URL parameter versions... but I'm guessing that's probably not a good solution for multiple reasons.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nitruc

  • I've ran it multiple times and changed other things it picked up on so not sure where it's getting the canonical tag is included even though it isn't?

    Moz Bar | | Wana-Ryd

  • Hi, I have to set up a campaign for a webshop. This webshop is a subdomain itself. First question: The two subfolders I need to track are /nl_BE and /fr_BE. What is the best way to handle this? Shall I set up two different campaigns for each subfolder, or shall I just make one campaign and add tags to keywords? **Second question: **it seems like Moz can't crawl enough pages. There are no disallows in the robots.txt. Should I try putting the following at the top into my robots.txt? User-agent: rogerbot
    Disallow: Or is it because I want to crawl only a subdomain that it doesn't work? Thanks

    Getting Started | | Mat_C

  • Hi Guys So we manage a client website doing their seo and ppc The site has become a success so the client has now asked if we would like to create our own site and become an affiliate of theirs The idea is target the same set of keywords etc. My question is - in the world of google is this ok?  I know about google penalising same business owners for having two websites targeting the same keyword.... But in this case - the websites are owned by different owners, different hosting, different domain ownership, different analytics code, different code development, different about us Everything is different but I am just a little paranoid that google knows we SEO the clients website Does anyone have any advice? Thanks Duncan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CayenneRed89

  • Hi Guys So we have a whole load of mystery urls showing in analytics .The urls are completely not relevant and have somehow been created However - when you click on the URLs - they all go to 404 pages - pages not found. The website is a travel website but is showing pages like /overcome-fatigue-during-mesothelioma-treatment/ in analytics. Webmaster is not showing any of these pages - but analytics is showing traffic for them??? My initial thought was that it was a spam URL injection - but they are not pages. They don't exist Our database is fine, WP admin seems fine - none of these supposed pages have been created on WP - so why are they showing on analytics as having driven traffic??? None of the urls are indexed on Google. Its a mystery!!!! Can anyone help?  Has anyone seen this before????

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CayenneRed89

  • Hello, My company is based is Switzerland with a Swiss address and US number but my client are only in the USA. I only have links from US websites and no Swiss website. Can I be penalised by google for that ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

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