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  • Hello! I've build 100's of sites. They mostly have site wide footer links pointing back to me. I know this is now frowned on. But does anyone have a good solution to get maximum value back from these? A few have a footer link to a credit page that then links back. I get quite a lot of work back from them. So I don't really fancy removing them. Many thanks in advance.

    Link Building | | SolveWebMedia

  • Hi, everyone Basically I am editing my website page's URL for SEO Optimisation and I am not sure which URL structure is best for SEO. The main different is the sign ( dash or slash ) before the product-code. HERE ARE TWO EXAMPLE To get more idea of my page, here is one of the product from my website : My website is selling my own product, as a result the only keyword can be found was the name of the product and I separated different design by different code. Any experts who are willing help would be very much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chrisyu78

  • On 26 of October 2018 My website have around 1 million pages indexed on google. but after hour when I checked my website was banned from google and all pages were removed. I checked my GWT and I did not receive any message. Can any one tell me what are the possible reasons and how can I recover my website? My website link is

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WhoseNo

  • Hello, I manage htts:// When I search on Google for "Yellow Roses", "Yellow Roses Globalrose", or any search that might bring up one of our pages, sometimes our search results appear with dates right before the description. Does anyone know what this mean? Why they appear on some and not other pages? Here is a search result for example: Example Google Search Can someone please help clarify this for us?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • I'm adding itemprops to data in a table. They are all the same type of data, but each row has different specifications. Is it best to put the data under one tag? Or separate each row into it's own tag?

    Technical SEO | | LK-61

  • Hello- My company has multiple physical locations, but one central toll free admissions line. We have CallRail to track where calls are coming from, however, I am nervous about the dynamic tracking numbers and how I approach NAP. Even if I set up a different toll free number for each of our 9 locations (which would ultimately route to one toll free number), how would I track where the calls were coming from (GMB, website, facebook, etc) without adding more dynamic tracking numbers? We've had calls with CallRail reps, but no one can give us an explanation. My question is how exactly do I approach CallRail with multiple locations and one main toll-free number to make sure we don't mess up NAP? Are there any CallRail experts out there that can tell me exactly what to do in our specific situation? Thank you so much in advance!

    Local Listings | | lfrazer123

  • Hi community, We started showing 10 blog-posts from our blog on our website homepage. Will this hurts us anyway by taking away link juice? Thanks

    Link Building | | vtmoz

  • Just looking for thoughts and opinions on the best way to set up the main nav on a news website that covers a specific professional services sector. There are news items, archived news, blog, events, but also main menu links to the numerous news categories that go to a page listing the news articles under that category (as created in Wordpress when publishing the article). I'm thinking that having these off the main nav is diluting the juice to the more important pages including the events and the news page? Just thinking about how to rearrange and consolidate.  Any thoughts on how people would structure something like this?

    On-Page Optimization | | sam_legmark

  • I work with an organization that is ranking #2 for a branded search term, second to a competitor. They have zero similarity between their names, and we've worked with them to up their SEO game around all major areas (one drawback: SquareSpace is killing their site speed). Their DA is 59, the competitor's DA is 77. What are some smart, specific ways that we can help our client come back out on top?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ogiovetti

  • we implemented our website on the basis of WordPress, then we migrate our website to PHP (YII Framework). after a while, we found out an issue around internal links which they were increasing severely. when we check our landing pages in webmaster (for example Price list), in contains 300 internal links but the reality is that there are no href tags on this page. it seems that webmaster calculate most of our links with the links of a single page and show them to us. is it natural or a mis configuration has been happened? Yh1NzPl

    Technical SEO | | jacelyn_wiren

  • I am creating an SEO Dashboard in Google Data Studio.
    While it's easy to import data from Google Search Console, I have troubles in importing data from Mozzarellas tools. I thought about uploading a CSV file with the ranking to a Google Sheet Document, but I cannot find a way to do this at regular intervals with manual intervention.

    Moz Bar | | Lvet

  • Hi guys, In Google's webmaster tool it says that the URL has been indexed but not submitted to the sitemap. Is it necessary that the URL be submitted to the sitemap if it has already been indexed? Appreciate your help with this. Mark

    Technical SEO | | marktheshark10

  • Hi guys, Just a quick question here - will google penalize a website for having both Canadian and American spelling on a webpage or negatively impact rankings? Appreciate your help with this. Mark

    Content Development | | marktheshark10

  • I have been experimenting a little bit with desc lengths and keyword density. Sometimes MOZ says keyword stuffing and google ranks higher the page with higher density. Obviously, it can't be artificially packed with keywords but putting more than GWT/SEO suggestions sometimes comes with a good result. What is your Experience? if you decide to extend the description to 5000+ characters would you hide this to Javascript or kept it all on the page? Bottom or Top. Does it really matter? (We are talking about e-commerce category page)

    Content Development | | Miniorek

  • Hi all, My website uses relative URLs that has PHP to read a users IP address, and update the page's referenced canonical tag to an region specific absolute URL for ranking / search results. E.g. - relative URL referenced for internal links / external linkbuilding If a US IP address hits this link, the URL is the same, but canonicalisation is updated in the source to reference**/us/**category/product, so all ranking considerations are pointed to that page instead. None of these region specific pages are actually used internally within the site. This decision was done so external links / blog content would fit a user no matter where they were coming from. I'm assuming this is an issue in trying to pass link equity with Googlebot, because it is splitting the strength between different absolute canonical pages depending on what IP it's using to crawl said links (as the relative URL will dynamically alter the canonical reference which is what ranking in SERPs) Any assistance or information no matter how small would be invaluable. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MattBassos

  • I know with the google my business listing that if you have someone provides services at a customer home you can include the radius or specific cities. I just came across a listing that seems to have a different way of showing this on the map - Does anyone know how this is possible?

    Local Listings | | adlev

  • Having a difficult time on our site and looking for some advice. Our site pages are indexed perfectly, however, we have a subdomain where we have all of our images and PDF's. We only have the main domain set-up in Search Console with our sitemap. We can't seem to get any of our images indexed by Google that are in the subdomain however all the PDF's are indexed. My thought is to add the subdomain to SC and create a new sitemap that is just for the subdomain. Assuming we are not blocking any folders or files with our robots.txt can anyone think of any other reasons why the images wouldn't get indexed.

    Technical SEO | | cbathd

  • Our robotics company is in a fast growing, competitive market.  There are an assortment of "market research" companies who are distributing press releases about their research reports (which are of less than dubious quality).  These announcements end up being distributed through channels with high domain authority.  The announcements mention many companies in the space that the purported report covers - including ours.  As a result, our company name and product brand is suffering since the volume of press announcements is swamping our ratings. What would you do? Start writing blog postings on topics and post through inexpensive news feeds? Somehow contact the firms posting the contact and let them know they are in violation of our trademarks by mentioning our name? Other ideas?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | amelanson

  • How long do I wait before redirecting the purchased company's webpages to the equivalent pages on our site? Do I need to keep some sort of announcement about the merger live on their website for a while first?

    Technical SEO | | movingbusinessestothecloud

  • Basically we get a lot of users uploading photos as part of their review, but many photos aren't moderated into our pages and therefore are never displayed. Things like selfies rather than photos of the product or just random google images that are completely unrelated to our products or services. Is there any benefit in cleaning up the gallery since some images we don't use are just sat there in admin?
    when a page loads, would it be quicker if we had less content in the gallery? With our SEO hat on.
    or does it not matter since it's not loading that content (photos) anyway?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • What should and what shouldn't go in the sitemap? In particular, pages like subscribe to our newsletter/ unsubscribe to our newsletter? Is there really any benefit in highlighting those pages to the SEs? Thanks for any advice/ anecdotes 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • Hi guys, Recently won a follow link from a university website. Unfortunately, this isn't showing in Link Explorer. We won this link a few weeks ago now. I'm wondering why it hasn't shown up as of yet? Best, Ross

    Link Building | | JFTwines

  • Hello, I really hope someone can help. We recently moved our website from a shared server with one host to a VPS with another.  At the same time we decided it would be right to switch from the to the .com and also purchase an SSL.  Since the switch we have had zero enquiries (3 weeks ago) when we would normally average one a day.  According to Google Analytics, I cannot see that traffic has been to adversely effected and rankings, though dropping very slightly have not dramatically fallen.  We have tested the site rigirously and there are no issues with it we can see. I ensured at domain level that there was a 301 redirect on the site as well.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this would be the case?  And/or whether switching it all back to where it was with the would be a foolish idea?  Many thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Opus4Marketing

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers, Couple of our clients keep losing rankings, slowly but surely, which seem to correlate to August Google updates. No major changes to the websites have been done - neither code, backlink profile nor content. It seem to affect higher search volume keyphrases, while other longer tail keyphrases are climbing up. The screenshots of the visibility rankings are attached below. Any ideas/news/thought about the Google update itself or what might be happening? I know that the Medic update was overall quality, yet it seems to be that these websites in particular are going down after Birthday update, not Medic itself. Google and da mighty Internets being quite.. Help! Links to screenshots (includes higher volume keyphrases only):

    Algorithm Updates | | DmitriiK

  • I want to automate my competition research process. Right now my competition research is completely manual which is ok if working in a small project. Usually, start looking at Google for the best sites for a specific niche. In an excel sheet insert the URL in a column and start to put information in next columns, information such as DA, PA, backlinks, page speed, schemas validation and stuff like that. As I mentioned for a small project I usually take 10 websites as a reference to analyze how difficult can be rank a website. The problem starts when I have to scale when I have to evaluate 100 or 200 or even more websites in different niches or target location or industry. Does not make sense keep doing manually. So my question is there any way to connect the Moz API to Google Data Studio or Google Sheet

    API | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • Does Bing have paid/organic report same as Google Adwords?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Lei_Zhang

  • I'll start by stating that a brand new responsive site is under development and will be launching early 2019.  Until then, with Mobile First Indexing, we're curious if we should remove our mobile site altogether.  Looking at Google guidelines, it looks like we have Dynamic serving content, so when a mobile device is used, a VERY TRIMMED down version of our site content is presented.  I read that if a mobile version doesn't exist, google will use the MFI indexing on the desktop version still, since that is what is rendered on a mobile device.  If Google starts using our mobile site for its indexing, we're not going to be looking good.  At this point, are there negative affects to removing our mobile site and having the desktop version render on all devices?

    Search Behavior | | Technical_Contact

  • Hi All, I'm trying to find more information on what IP address Googlebot would use when arriving to crawl your site from an external backlink. I'm under the impression Googlebot uses international signals to determine the best IP address to use when crawling (US / non-US) and then carries on with that IP when it arrives to your website? E.g. - Googlebot finds Due to the ccTLD, it decides to crawl the site with a UK IP address rather than a US one. As it crawls this UK site, it finds a subdirectory backlink to your website and continues to crawl your website with the aforementioned UK IP address. Is this a correct assumption, or does Googlebot look at altering the IP address as it enters a backlink / new domain? Also, are ccTLDs the main signals to determine the possibility of Google switching to an international IP address to crawl, rather than the standard US one? Am I right in saying that hreflang tags don't apply here at all, as their purpose is to be used in SERPS and helping Google to determine which page to serve to users based on their IP etc. If anyone has any insight this would be great.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MattBassos

  • Hello! I posted about this a week ago but haven't solidly figured it out yet. I'm building a website that is a directory of local therapists. I have categories for my blog and custom taxonomy to classify therapists. My problem is that my categories and my custom taxonomy overlap by necessity. For example I have the category "anxiety therapy" and the custom taxonomy "anxiety". Will this confuse google?...Do you think google will be able to figure out the differences between my blog archives and my therapist listing archives?...even though their names are similar and in a couple of cases the same? should I noindex my categories because the point of my site is to get customers to the directory....not the blog?.....even though the blog has lots of useful content? I should note here that I have my custom taxonomy pages set up so that they will display the 6 most recent blog posts in the corresponding category at the bottom of the maybe that makes noindexing the categories more ok? Thank you for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | angelamaemae

  • Hi Everyone, I have a lot of Marketo landing pages that I don't want to show in SERP. Adding the noindex meta tag for each page will be too much, I have thousands of pages. Blocking it in roborts.txt could have been an option, BUT, the subdomain homepage is redirected to my main domain (with a 302) so I may confuse search engines ( should they follow the redirect or should they block) is redirected to disallow: / (I think this will be confusing with the redirect) I don't have folders, all pages are under the subdomain, so I can't block folders in Robots.txt also Would anyone had this scenario or any suggestions? I appreciate your thoughts here. Thank you Rachel

    Technical SEO | | RaquelSaiz

  • I Am Trying To Remove A Robots.txt code i put in my root domain a while back because i didn't know what i was doing. everytime i enter my domain ( i get a fatal error message. How do I fix this fatal error message? ipALV2z

    Technical SEO | | icebergsal

  • Hello, Our site is designed to place people in different locations or houses. We have six locations total; each one has its own name, physical address and landing page. We also have a central office for the brand with its own NAP. All addresses fall under the guidelines of Google My Business (i.e. people visit each location and our office...etc.). Unless it’s ideal, we most likely wouldn’t be running a full-scale local campaign for each location due to restrictions on resources and wouldn’t want to spread ourselves too thin. Our question is; would it be best to set up a GMB listing for each location including our central office, only use the central office or just the 6 locations? – We know multiple locations is not an issue for GMB but we weren’t sure if that’s the ideal way to approach it in this case. Essentially, would it be better to focus on our central office for GMB/local efforts and just make sure that our other location landing pages are the highest quality possible or better to use GMB for every location (including the main office) and over time start local work on all of the above. Also, if we do only use just the central office; should we be avoiding listing the other addresses on each landing page to avoid confusing Google as to where we are located? Any help or insight on how to approach this would be very much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you. Best,

    Local Listings | | Ben-R

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone has seen this behaviour before? I haven't! We have around 20 sites and each one has lost all of its rankings (not in index at all) since the medic update apart from specifying a location on the end of a keyword. I set to work trying to identify a common issue on each site, and began by improving speed issues in insights. On one site I realised that after I had improved the speed score and then clicked "fetch as google" the rankings for that site all returned within seconds. I did the same for a different site and exactly the same result. Cue me jumping around the office in delight! The pressure is off, people's jobs are safe, have a cup of tea and relax. Unfortunately this relief only lasted between 6-12 hours and then the rankings go again. To me it seems like what is happening is that the sites are all suffering from some kind of on page penalty which is lifted until the page can be assessed again and when it is the penalty is reapplied. Not one to give up I set about methodically making changes until I found the issue. So far I have completely rewritten a site, reduced over use of keywords, added over 2000 words to homepage. Clicked fetch as google and the site came back - for 6 hours..... So then I gave the site a completely fresh redesign and again clicked fetch as google, and same result. Since doing all that, I have swapped over to https, 301 redirected etc and now the site is completely gone and won't come back after fetching as google. Uh! So before I dig myself even deeper, has anyone any ideas? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | semcheck1

  • Hi all! I rarely work with businesses who target countries outside of the US so I wanted to see if I'm missing anything here on the URL/translation front. I'm no developer, so this is crossing over a bit beyond my realm of expertise... From what I understand (and after briefly review Google's documentation) we should be good to go after having implemented the following two line items... We used a plugin to create different version of our site pages in multiple languages..those live at URLS like this That plugin also implements the hreflang tag and I did check to see that it was actually in the site code Is there anything else we need to do to ensure proper indexing / organization by Google? Should we take the step of creating and adding sitemaps for each language version to our Webmaster account? K6nIhvD

    Technical SEO | | RickyShockley

  • Hi, Dealing with both my duplicated titles and meta descriptions i'm wondering if there's a "quick" win I could potentially implement asap. A bit of background:
    Say I've 4 pages structured that way: for the US the UK for France For Germany At the moment, both my page titles and meta-descriptions are duplicated all over the place for product A.
    Title is reading "Product A - company name"
    MD is a bit better, being translated in all 3 languages (En, Fr, DE). Therefore being the same for the US and for the UK. Ideally, I would get unique page titles and MD all over the place. However, due to time and resource constraints, I can't make it happen overnight. So my questions are pretty simple:
    1. Can I create a rule for page titles to be "Product A - country - company name" or similar? Would that be enough to make the page titles unique? Is there any value doing so?
    2. Can I "localize" duplicate MD by simply naming the country? I assume it is not enough in this case as all the rest would be copy/pasted. Ideally speaking, both my page titles and MD would be completely unique but I can't afford doing so in the short term. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | GhillC

  • Hello, Just wondering if frames are read by google bot and if so how is is different than anything else ? Good or bad for seo ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello everyone! I'm first time here, and glad to be part of Moz community! Jumping right into the question I have. For a type of pages we have on our website, there are multiple tabs on each page. To give an example, let's say a page is for the information about a place called "Ladakh". Now the various urls that the page is accessible from, can take the form of: and so on. To keep the UX smooth when the user switches from one tab to another, we load everything in advance with AJAX but it remains hidden till the user switches to the required tab. Now since the content is actually there in the html, does Google count it as duplicate content? I'm afraid this might be the case as when I Google for a text that's visible only on one of the tabs, I still see all tabs in Google results. I also see internal links on GSC to say a page which is only supposed to be linked from one tab, but GSC telling internal links to this page ( from all those 3 tabs. Also, Moz Pro crawl reports informed me about duplicate content issues, although surprisingly it says the issue exists only on a small fraction of our indexable pages. Is it hurting our SEO? Any suggestions on how we could handle the url structure better to make it optimal for indexing. FWIW, we're using a fully responsive design with the displayed content being exactly same for both desktop and mobile web. Thanks a ton in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | atulgoyal

  • Moz has giving me 702 'No-Indexed Meta-descriptions' warnings. My page has quite a bit of product pages as it is a commercial chemical company which sells cleaning products for restaurants, hospitals, etc. Im wondering if this is effecting my site negatively?

    Moz Pro | | ACSmt

  • Hi, Does hiding elements of the page have a negative effect on SEO? The reason I ask is I am using a Wordpress theme however in options if I disable a certain element of the theme that is printed on the page it simply hides it from the user using CSS but it still exists in the code. Could the search engine see this as bad? E.g. like you are trying to keyword stuff by hiding keywords in the page? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | mdeluk

  • I was looking at the top pages on my website using Link Explorer, it contains 301 pages and image URLs. Is this expected or I should be doing something to fix it? URL with second highest PA in site is a page already 301 redirected more than 6 months back. URL with highest PA in my blog is a random image in the blog, rather than any blog posts. Is this normal? Thanks -Aji

    Moz Bar | | ajiabs

  • Greetings, I have got some references for my blog from an edu site which is of extremely high quality. Its been more than a month now, but it still doesn't show up in the link explorer, how much time does link explorer take to update the linking domains? Moreover, are these references going to help my blog? Thanks a lot in advance 🙂

    Link Explorer | | Jamesdave

  • Hi, i have a website with http but now i moved to https. when i apply 301 redirection from http to https & check in semrush it shows unable to connect with https & similar other tool shows & when i remove redirection all other tools working fine but my https version doesn't get indexed in google. can anybosy help what could be the issue?

    Technical SEO | | dhananjay.kumar1

  • Hi Guys Is REACT SEO friendly? Has anyone used REACT and what was the results? Or do you recommend something else that is better suited for SEO? Many thanks for your help in advance. Cheers Martin

    Algorithm Updates | | martin1970

  • We had a spam injection a few months ago.  We successfully cleaned up the site and resubmitted to google.  I recently received a notification showing a spike in 404 errors. All of the URLS have a common word at the beginning injected via the spam: There's about 100 total URLS with the same syntax with the word "mono" in them.  Based on my research, it seems that it would be best to serve a 410.  I wanted to know what the line of HTACCESS code would be to do that in bulk for any URL that has the word "mono" after the

    Technical SEO | | vikasnwu

  • Hi! I'm currently working with a brand that is well established in the UK and is looking to expand it's reach in US. The UK site has a solid link profile and I think that creating a sub-folder for the US site is by far the best solution. My only concern is that the UK site uses a domain. Would it therefore be counter-productive to use a subfolder that looks like this: In an ideal world I would advise the brand to acquire a location neutral domain (e.g. however the [brandname].com isn't available and options are otherwise very limited! Steps would be taken to ensure all other technical bases are covered (hreflang tags etc) but I'm struggling to find any further insight on this issue. Any feedback from the community would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks, Harrison

    International SEO | | harrycox

  • did google stop indexing images? we had 563 in sept and now we have 1?

    Image & Video Optimization | |

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