Hi there
I think you're asking: "I am doing competitor research. I pulled links for a competitor's site, and I want to know which ones are worth going after without having to do a bunch of manual clicking. How do I do that?"
Truthfully, this should be a manual process. When you are link building, you aren't looking for just links that "work". You want links that truly add value to your link profile and offer those users that click said link a great experience.
I would use this data set as a guide, find citation or listing links (this could be local SEO too) that are common sense "I need these links because they are business and industry related", and then look at high metric and quality links, and analyze how your site adds value to that particular site enough to link to you. Otherwise, it's not going to happen.
I answered a similiar question here earlier with some tips. Check that out.
I hope this helps and I understood - if I didn't, let me know so I can be more useful to you! Good luck!