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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • howdy people, I had a quick question about keyword stuffing. I am creating a page on my website and on the page i am going to have multiple links, around 15 or so. they all have the word "pickup line" which will be hyperlinked to the respected page. this page is going to serve as a sort of directory to all the various pick up lines, "cheesy", "funny", "dirty" etc. I have written some content on this page as well. I wanted to know that since the keyword "pickup" line will be showing up a lot ( in hyper link form) will this be considered keyword stuffing? for this page

    | david305

  • howdy SEO moz people, I had a quick question about internal linking. I am using the WP platform for my website and on one of the widgets I have a category widget that shows all the pages, (on every page). I wanted to know that when if i make a new post or page does it matter if the internal anchor texts are on the content itself or is it suffice to have it on the side bar within the widget? Basically what im asking is does it matter if i have anchor text links on the content itself or is it ok to have it anywhere on the page. and if it does matter to have it on the content, please help out on any suggestions on where to place them. thanks

    | david305

  • Hi Guys, I was listening to the over optimization penalty Matt Cutts was talking about at SXSW over at Search Engine Land. Looking at my on-page reports through SEOMOZ I have A report cards for each page, will we be OK or do we need to take a look? Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • The backstory: My site has a fantasy sportsbook where users can place "bets" on pretty much anything.  Each game has a unique matchup page, where the odds are displayed and any conversation about the game takes place. Example here. About 95% of the games are automatically graded, but I have to manually grade the rest.  Therefore, as soon as every game starts I check to see if any users have made a pick on it, and if not I delete it because it reduces my workload. The problem: About 15% of my search-driven traffic is queries for games that no longer exist, which makes sense because nobody bets on the super obscure games and these games are very easy to rank for.  I am currently redirecting them to my 404 page but I'm worried that all of these hits are hurting my reputation with the big G. Would it be better to noindex all of these pages at first and take the noindex away as soon as I'm positive that the game will stay?

    | PatrickGriffith

  • we went into our google account and saw about 70 bad links that they found on our site. what's the best thing to do, seo-wise: should we go into the pages that have the bad links and delete them from the html code, or re-direct them in our htaccess script?

    | DerekM88

  • using open site explorer I see that my pages have a ridiculous amount of inbound links. I assume it is recording the same link from every page of the website through the menu somehow? Like the about us page has 200+ inbound links!!! ahh.. Is there a way to prevent this besides like.. no-following your own menu? Or is that what your supposed to do.. ~~Confused.

    | Earthsaver

  • We would like to index a new site on all major search engines. What is the quickest way to do so?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I am using website auditor for my onsite SEO and I am getting a ton of CSS warnings. How important is to fix these issues? Where would you place this in you priority list?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I'm really stuck on how to fix up Rel Canonical errors on a Wordpress site. I went in and changed all the URLs to remove the www and added / to the end. I get this message on page analysis details: <dt>Canonical URL</dt> <dd>"",</dd> <dd>"", and</dd> <dd>""</dd> <dd>Well the first one with the www doesn't exists and the second two urls are the same! (Note that I have removed the actual URL for this post)</dd> <dd>I'm not sure how to read and fix the errors from the reports ether. The only issues I can see is that the 'Tag Value' has the www and the 'Page Title - URL' doesn't have the www. 

    | zapprabbit

  • Where are the best places to put your Domain name in On-Page SEO?  My domain name ends in .net so I would like to put it as many places as possible to brand the .net . On the analysis page I have found out that it is not a good idea to put it in the title page...but that is what the SEO guy I hired told me to do. Thanks, Utah Tiger

    | Boodreaux

  • We will change an old school  HTML drop down navigation for an AJAX drop down one. What's your experience in regards to Google indexing AJAX? I know that Google is now able to read more stuff than in the past, but I need some stories "from the trenches" if you're willing to share. Thanks in advance.

    | gerardoH

  • **Any suggestions for prioritized on-page SEO work? Relative weights of importance? ** **What is most important from highest to lowest? ** MetaTag Descriptions? Titles? Anchor Text? Alt Text - for images? Anything else? We might not be able to do everything at once like I desire ......but I do feel we should at least get the ball moving in the right direction. I am looking for ideas or suggestions on what to prioritize for a little bit of on-page SEO work on our website.  I personally feel that SEO is pretty important but I am a novice.  I have been reading this site the past week and want to convince my webpage guy that on-page SEO is important and that we should at least do a few things and gradually get the work done. Rightfully so our #1 priority is to redesign our landing pages (they are bad) . I also think we should do a little On-Page work concurently. (Lack of on-page SEO is also preventiing me from successfully submitting and being accepted by Dmoz, Yahoo, BOW etc) He is mainly a back engine guy and does a very good job with that. If I were to TELL him to do a few prioritized on-page SEO things what would you suggest?   He did do something on the home page at my suggestion but that is all to this point.  We have over 400 pages indexed with very little on-page SEO on them. Thank you, UtahTiger

    | Boodreaux

  • I have a product listing that allows customers to set a results per page option. This ads a GET variable to the URL. I've added the page number to the title of this page if they go past the first page. If this results per page variable is added to the URL then google see it as a different page. Do I need to change the page title for this?


  • I am looking for some ideas on what best practices are for pages that contain lists similar to this page: Is it better to break up the list into seperate pages of 25 listings or keep everything on the same page?

    | kadesmith

  • What is the most SEO friendly shopping cart?  I have been using zen-cart for 6 years.  Seems Google doesn't like it as much as other carts.  I started a new site about 6 months ago using Magento.  When I build links to this site the terms move.  The terms are very similar.  So I would imagine the competition is the same.  I am curious if anybody has tried with different carts and found anyone to be better than the others.  Also the new site has about one tenth the amount of products but has a lot more pages indexed.

    | kicksetc

  • Our client would like to include a link break so that part of the product name always showed up on a second line.  Would this affect how Google bots crawl the product name?  Would it also affect how Google would show the product name in a search result page?  Thanks!

    | BrandLabs

  • I am managing an online pharmacy website which has thousands of pages. I'm creating title tags for the pages that currently have automated tags.
    I generally choose a word, find the next best alternative and merge them in the title.
    Often this results in repetition of 2-3 words. Examples below:-
    Title:- Skincare Treatment, Buy Skincare Products Discounted at Online Pharmacy Title:- Nebulisers, Buy Nebulisers UK Discounted at Online Pharmacy Title:- Electronic Dictionaries, Buy Best Electronic Dictionaries Discounted at Online Pharmacy Title:- Cat Skin Care, Buy Cat Skin Care Products Discounted at Online Pharmacy Are these OK or would Google penalize us for it?

    | pulseseo

  • what is the best place to go to create a xml sitemap? I have used but it only does 500 pages. Any suggestions? Does a sitemap have value on the SEO front?

    | jgmayes

  • I have a blog post that ranks pretty high for the term "justin bieber tickets". We are running a ticket giveaway and have received tons of responses on Facebook and G+. The responses are often poorly written in they sense that they are from younger fans, but it is a bunch of related content that I thought could be a "good "addition of unique content to the post. Is this a good idea in general? Is it still a good idea if the comments are poorly written and contain lots of slang an exclamation points? Is it bad form to put people's Facebook comments live on the web, even though it is a public page. Here is the post Example of what this would look like in the post > Source of comments > Another less aggressive option would be to curate some of my favorite comments... Thanks for any thoughts.

    | chadburgess

  • I have just set up a campaign - what is the best way to dig into this and start making a difference in my SEO?

    | jgmayes

  • We have multiple pages for our media coverage, and each page has the same title tag. I know it's important to have unique title tags, but if each page is just a listing of your media coverage (page 1 of 9, page 2 of 9, etc) then how do you create unique title tags for each media coverage page?

    | msakakibara

  • I've got a question about localising the website of a nationwide company. We're a small dance school with nationwide (40 cities) coverage for around 40 products. Currently, we have one page for each product (style of dance), and one page for each city; the product pages cover keywords like 'cheerleading dance class' while the city pages target the 'london dance classes'-type keywords. To make 'localised product pages', I feel like we should make a page for every city/product combo 'London cheerleading classes' - but that seems like a nightmare for both writing sexy & original content, and link building/social stats. The other thing I can think of (which I refuse to do because it would look stupid & flag the page as keyword stuffed) is filling the page with the keyword phrases which are appropriate for every city. Is there another way to let google know 'this page is appropriate for these cities...'? We do currently list the cities a product is available in, but it doesn't seem to help local rankings very much. Would this just be a link building job, using hyper-targeted anchor texts (inc. city names) for each product? How do the pro's tackle this problem?

    | AlecPR

  • I've got a site that is all about wood countertops. There are a few ways people can find info on wood tops. (main) wood countertops (main) butcher block butcher block counters wood counters hardwood countertops etc. For the most part I want to rank for the two top key phrases because they pretty much cover all the other basis with google being as smart as it is. So they question is how different should each page title be? Examples: Wood Countertops - Butcher Block Counters | by J. Aaron = index page Wood Counter tops - Butcher Block Counters - About Us | J. Aaron = about us page Cleaning Butcher Block - Wood Countertop Maintenance | J. Aaron = care & maintenance page Would it be OK to use: <title>Wood Countertops - Butcher Block Counters | by J. Aaron</title> as the template for the whole site with the addition of the actual page subject as an additional piece of the sentence, like example 2 or would that be too similar? Also is that a good idea or should I commit to optimizing each page for a different key phrase? If so would you optimize the home page for the most searched for phrase and let the other pages back it up with the other search terms?

    | JAARON

  • Our developers typically have a CSS driven html menu at the top of the page with links to inside pages. They then have the same links in the footer. Does this double navigation cause any SEO issues or does Google disregard the second set of links? Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • my website fluctuates for the search term: web based property management software I have been using SEO Moz for a few months now and have managed to get to the top 5 and jump around between 3 and 5. Does anyone have any suggestions to assist me? Long term goal is also to really target: Property Management Software But I am still very new at this. Thanks in advance for the help!

    | dgruhin

  • How can I fix Duplicate Page Content Issues on my site :  This is a WP site and the diagnostics shows I have 115 errors?  I know this is damaging to my SEO campaign how do I clear these?  Any help is very welcome.

    | shami

  • Howdy everyone! Wish you the best for 2012! We have a client who is ranked #1 for keyword "blue widgets". Their site's homepage title has the keyword "blue widgets" in it and has been the same for 10yrs+. Recently they have added other types of widgets to their offering. Is it safe to change their title by adding more keywords to it? For example: "blue widgets | green widgets | brand x widgets". May our client lose their ranking if we change their title? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | gerardoH

  • I manage this domain name . Right now it is 301 to where I hosted the content for almost 18 months. At this point you are only able to read the 301 script if you use CTRL U at the .com domain. Does Google read the content beyond the script? Is the 301 website getting juice from the targeted domain ? This is the script I´m using <html> <head> <title>Jordan Hundleytitle> head> <frameset rows="100%,*" border="0"> <frame src="[](view-source:" frameborder="0" /> frameset><noframes>noframes> html>

    | mPloria

  • When typing in my website URL  successfully re-directs to as specified in robot. However if you type it brings up a 404 error Is this a potential issue? if so is there a way to fix it? thanks

    | Earthsaver

  • Does a site rank better or is it better to have a blogroll style homepage linking to all of your other post in your website.  Or is it better to have one  homepage post for the main keyword theme of the website, with the other post titles in  a side  column?

    | nyphenom

  • Hi, I have a low PR site (PR 1) that I am starting to work on.  Ingeneral when you make changes to my site how long would it take Google to recognize and index those changes? The reason I am wondering is because the site I am working on had a lot of duplicate content (around 700 pages), I got rid of it all, but I wasn't sure how long it would take Google to spider all these pages and re-index them since the site is low PR. Thanks, Ken

    | Jason_342

  • I'm sure there isn't an easy answer to this, but I know very little about Yelp and we want to be listed and listed well. Any suggestions?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I've read a lot of stuff and I can't get a good answer about this. Now I'm reading Wordpress 3 - Search Engine Optimization, and the writer says that less outbound dofollow links you have, better for you. What is the best practice in this subject? Should I really nofollow more than 80% of all my outbound links? Thank you.

    | izaiasalmeida

  • Hi, When viewed through the Mozbar page analysis tool my Joomla site is always displaying a bullet point and space character before the site. Is this likely to effect search engine reading of my ? - is the site. Please have look and let me know what you think. If you are a Joomla expert your feedback on my website and this issue will be really welcome. Thanks, Fuad

    | Fuad_YK

  • A friend of mine asked me how long it takes before Google shows the right Title in the SERPs. He changed the title of his homepage some weeks ago but Google still shows the old Title in the rankings... I'm a Wordpress user and don't have this problem, when I change something in the title it doesn't take that long to see the changes showing up in SERPs

    | nvs.nim

  • I think I'm getting dinged for this on Term Target because the page is full of products, which have links to their product page, but I'm not sure.

    | PageLogic

  • Hey everyone. So here is what's going on. 1. Built new website. Will be using generally the same URL's as original. 2. Incorporated and expanded on a previously separate informative blog. a. Many articles contain very similar if not the same articles as our blog. 3. The blog will be taken down as soon as new site is put online. So my question is just. Could someone list the like top 5 important things I need to keep in mind before putting this website live? I don't mind searching forums and blogs for the how-to part; I just need to know what I should be thinking about and getting done pre-launch. I believe re-directing the blog articles should be done? Create and submit sitemap? Thanks, Web-creation newb

    | Earthsaver

  • Not sure how to fix this.  I am getting a duplicate page title for my main url, and the index page.  I have attached an image.  Thanks. 0RnG6.jpg

    | pixel83

  • We are redoing our faq page and we were trying to decide on the best format. 1.  Create each question on a separate page 2. Create one page with all the question and have the questions expand 3.  Create different  faq category pages (like 4) and divide the questions between them From my perspective #1 seems the best ---. you can create hyper relevant content for the user and optimize each question really well Any experience with this?

    | Morris77

  • Hi We launched a new website on the12th Feb 2012, it appeared on google page one for the search term "compare travel insurance" . Last week it changed ranking to page 49 of google ranking. my site is Take out the 1234 for my site address, some people have mentioned that it was honeymooned to page 1 due to being a new site with new content. Can anyone tell me if it looks as if I've done something wrong and been penalised by google? If not are there any SEO advice I could use to improve ranking? All comments and advice appreciated. Regards Paul

    | CocoMagenta

  • Hi I have Duplicate content that i do sent understand 1 - 2- I thought i was the same page, whit and without the / Hope someone can help 🙂

    | seopeter29

  • My company/website makes and sells a product that's not that competitive but still has about 20 key words/phrases that people search for. My site is not a huge site maybe 35 pages after you include the blog posts.We sell samples off the site but it's mostly used as a brochure but we also want it to be a successful tool at bringing in leads. Should I optimize for the most popular key word phrases focusing on only one or two per page and forget about the rest or should I try to optimize for as many keywords as possible on all pages or should I optimize for just the few (3-5) heavy hitting keywords but on all pages? Right now I've got it optimized for around 3 keyword phrases for the whole site and only 1 or 2 per page with the most popular phrases on the most important pages.

    | JAARON

  • Can the rel-canonical be used to tell the search engines which page is "preferred" when there are similar pages? For instance, I have an internal page that  Google is showing on the first page of the SERPs that I would prefer the home page be ranked for. Both the home and internal page have been optimized for the same keyword. What is interesting is that the internal page has very few backlinks compared to the home page but Google seems to favor it since the keyword is in the URL. I am afraid a 301 will drop us from the first page of the SERPs.

    | surveygizmo

  • I have been redesigning my website in the last 2 months. I'm almost ready to finally launch it. Now I wonder how it will effect my rankings. I have taken a few measures to avoid problems such as: I kept the page names as they are. I kept the structure of the website Optimized the structure of my pages which should benefit my SEO rather then harm it. Yet, if I would experience a drop in rankings, could I regain my rankings by switching to the previous website?

    | wellnesswooz

  • What is the right way to completely block seo robots from my adword landing pages? Robots.txt does not work really good for that, as far I know. Adding metatags noindex nofollow on the other side will block adwords robot as well. right? Thank you very much, Serge

    | Kotkov

  • We are using your free month trial for optimization of our E-Commerce website. In regards to individual product pages such as this one, would it be more effective to have the page title start with the brand name and then the product (as we have it now) or forgo the brand name and start with just the product. IE: IQAir Healthpro Plus Air Purifier or HealthPro Plus Air Purifier by IQAir. These are commodity type products and are price restricted so all competitive websites advertise at the same pricing and it would be helpful not only to have a keyword phrase that is searched for a lot but also one that is easy to rank for. Please give me a recommendation when possible.

    | youhow

  • howdy, do curse words on your content article hurt SEO in any way or form? and if so is there a "list" of registered curse keywords that should be avoided?

    | david305

  • These days many sites link (often site-wide) to their social profiles on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.... etc Theoretical SEO on-page optimisation might condone adding nofollow to these links, but I have a feeling it might not do much in terms of conserving page authority and indeed might be a bit of an "over-optimisation" signal. Thoughts?

    | Peterdallisomo

  • I have a website I'm tracking But my report is saying that only 1 page is being crawled each update. My campaign is set up for the sub domain, so I'm not sure why I would have this issue. Can you help? Thanks!

    | LeslieVS

  • Hello, I have on a main page over 50 images. The first page i want to optimize it for MAINKW (let's say). Now, if i use in the alt tags "MAINKW KW1", "MAINKW KW2", "MAINKW KW3" ... "MAINKW KW50" then Google may say that i stuff the MAINKW in that page? Those images are reprezentative for main Categories and i have direct links to them from the main page with the anchors KW1, KW2...KW50.

    | VertiStudio

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