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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I've been having detailed discussions with a CMS provider on behalf of a client. Long URLs are the least of their problems however, the developer is arguing that Google has amended their algorithm and will now read URLs that are up to 255 characters long. I have stated that as far as I am aware, Google will still not read URLs over 115 characters... Before I stamp my feet, can someone confirm what is actually happening? SEOmoz still classes URLs >115 characters long as an amber issue. Thanks

    | Switch_Digital

  • We have over 20 websites that sell property. Each website is targeted to a different country. People advertise to sell their property. The websites are not getting to page 1 for the terms we want probably because of duplication issues. If we compare one website with another country website on we find it is nearly 70% between one and the other. So we trying to understand why this is. If someone wanted to sell a property in Spain we would create an advert for them but rather than putting this on the back-end of the Spain website it goes on a separate website that does on all countries. We have tried to put nofollow tags so that the country specific website gets acknowledgement of being the original website but the rankings for key-terms will not rise and the duplication % remains nearly 70%. Can anyone suggest the best way forward?

    | Feily

  • SeoMoz reports over 70 4xx client server errors on my site, but Google Web Master Tools does not report any broken links. There are not any broken links on any of the pages that it is reporting. Could there be another reason for the 4xx errors besides broken links?

    | AndyHawkins

  • Hi Guys, Here is a thought. Google gives more weight to links in content, less to navigation etc.. Therefore if they say give 50% of a pages rank to a link within content and 50% to the the other elements. What happens to the total pagerank from a page if you have not utilized in page content links? (is it lost) If this is the case, and you have a site that does not use content links on every page, are you loosing value (and hard earned) pagerank.  Google did mention sometime back about pagerank being exstinguished  with the nofollow tag. I would be interested to hear what others think? Cheers Scott

    | Jurnii

  • How important is word count? I am using seomoz to make sure I get an A, but it does not include word count.  I am in the middle of restructuring my website and I did not know if the word count is way too low. I am using the key phrase the recommended amount of times What is your formula that works?

    | sansonj

  • Regard today's White Board, I'm wondering how quickly one should start changing title tags, page content, footer links, etc. on sites? I operate a few different sites and some of them definitely have things that need to be changed. Would it be weird or trigger something in Google if all the sites were changed in 24 - 48 hours? Thanks for your help!

    | jdrrocks

  • Hi everybody, At the moment i'm creating several webshops and websites with the same layout, so visitors can recognize the websites are from the same company. But i was wondering: Does google look at the layout of a webpage that it's not a copy of another website? This because loads of website have the same wordpress/joomla templates etc, or doesn't this effect rankingpositions? Thank you,

    | iwebdevnl

  • I just finished watching WBF where Rand took a moment to identify some of the potentially harmful SEO practices that could be penalized in the upcoming algo update targeting over-optimization. (Great post BTW!) One of which was using low contrast, exact match footer links to inner pages. But I couldn't help but notice something similar being done on the SEOmoz site. In the attached image, I compare this to a site I've done using a similar practice. What are your thoughts on footer links found in this example and how should we, as SEOs, handle footer links in the future? footer-links.gif

    | AlexanderAvery

  • In the initial review of my site, I have 38 warnings of title tags to long. It also says these warnings are often penalized by search engines. In Google webmaster tools, It says I have no problems with long title tags. So am I getting penalized and do I need to shorten them? I would already have shortened them but in the past, everytime I have changed my title tag I have been penalized by the search engines. I usually get my rankings back but it can take up to a month and a half to get back to where I was.

    | tkobrien

  • This may be a very basic question, but with all this talk about overoptimization I just want to make sure we get this right. We run a webshop for a manufacturer of leather products. Billfolds, iPhone sleeves, briefcases etc. Their company name (also the domain name at which the webshop is active) does not include 'leather'. Obviously, leather is an important keyword for these products, but having a category page with 'leather X', 'leather Y', 'leather Z' not only looks weird, it might even look spammy. The same, though to a lesser extent, is true for the category names. Do we really want to have 'leather billfolds', 'leather ipad sleeves' etc. at the top of every category? Can anyone give some tips, pointers, best practices perhaps for when an important keyword is basically true for every category/product/page of your site? How do you include it without overoptimizing?

    | DocdataCommerce

  • I am currently going through my site and re-doing the page titles to try and optimize each specific product's page. I know that having the part number as the first piece of text in the title is the best practice. My question is, if i add a bunch of terms to the title, after the part number, is that taking away from the important part (the product number)? For example, my product is Audi A4.  The term i want to optimize for is Audi A4. Which would be the better title for ranking purposes? A) Audi A4 | Automobile or B) Audi A4 | Automobile | 4 Cylinder | Made in Germany Thanks for the advice!

    | Prime85

  • Hello: I know this is long - but I kept it as succinct as I could to explain the situation - but everyone of the brilliant people on here insight is so greatly appreciated in advance. There has been more than a 30% decline in traffic mostly from Google on a site with an 11 year presence on the web, 5 page rank (historically 6), fairly good quality backlinks (but they are old). I cannot pinpoint a smoking gun (such as a specific penalty) - if it's just not attrition in demand for the product itself which there is plenty of evidence for. But I practice only white hat, so I don't know what it is. I do not engage right now in link building because my time to work on SEO is very limited. We have a few common keywords that cannot be avoided (because there are no good synonyms) so there is a high density for one word especially all over the site. From some websites (like tidbits) we have in Google Webmaster account tens of thousands of backlinks. How serious is this (FYI - they're not new though) Because of some unflattering reviews from sites with strong authority, the number of click throughs vs. impression in Google Search has dropped dramatically - I think a big part of it is that because the reviews drove down CT ratio. Interestingly, the number of CTs from Adwords has also dropped off significantly, and I was told by Adwords specialist that declining organic traffic does affect the Adwords traffic to - in fact, they're not even using our daily budget for Adwords as they used to. The site also doesn't pick up quality organic backlinks as it used to, and the anchor link text is almost always the same - a product name. Plus, the site was banned in 2008 by Google (from a black hat keyword stuffing that I discovered happened in another dept.) and only after really working hard was it reinstated by reconsideration request. Site traffic from Google has never fully reached it's potential since then. Also, text prices were removed from Buy Now buttons even though the prices were textually part of the buttons for years (could this be some penalty?) **Is it possible that Google is taking the ban history, the poor reviews, the decline in CTs to impressions on the site, the huge decline (75% over four years) in "search volume" or "search interest" (according to Google Trends) for the site's main product name and just using all of this to keep downgrading the site? If true, wouldn't the page rank be diving down to anywhere from 0 to 2 (or is that not relevant at all?) ** There are no messages of a penalty or anything else in the official Webmaster account for this site. Any insight anyone is able to provide is much appreciated.

    | holdtheonion

  • Hi Everyone he company I work for has  just built a new website  with approximately 87 pages/sub pages. Should i be looking to add keywords and descriptions  to all of these pages, via the allocated areas in the back end of the site?  I am using "google's key words" tool  to generate relevant key words. If any one has any advice it would be much appreciated. Thanks for you help Regards Pete

    | dawsonski

  • We get tons of FB comments, but it's all in iframe, so Google doesn't give us any credit for it. We found a solution - turn all the comments into HTML and hide it from readers with <noscript>. </p> <p> </p> <p>Will this help? I heard that Google considers <noscript> a scammy practice. Is that true?</p> <p>How do you guys make your FB comments SEO friendly?</p> <p> </p></noscript>

    | Alexey_mindvalley

  • I have a client using the following construct throuout the site: linktext
    linktext3 This is obviously wrong, but does it work? Does Google / bing recognize all links in the paragraph as nofollow? Any ideas / opinions?

    | Sebes

  • If a home page has no content will it hurt the sites ability to rank?  The interior pages will have content but not the home page. (See attached image) My client does not want content on the home page as he feels it will take away from the look and feel he wants to achieve. This website is actually 10 sites or locations in one as we intend to market each location (a total of 10) separately. In reality the home page is a doorway page to each separate location. I'd like feedback if possible as to the necessity or not, of content on the Home Page of this or any website. Will the lack of content hurt on the Homer Page hurt with SEO? Thanks
    Gary Downey bobby-vans.jpg

    | fun52dig

  • I have been trying to test my site through the on page report card using our primary keyword phrase, however, I keep getting the following error message: We were unable to grade that page. The page did not load. Got a 410 response code from server If I try the same search and keyword phrase on other sites, it does work. Am I doing something wrong?

    | duesoon

  • We have several links showing up as 404 errors because of the way our site is set up. I want to know if this is hurting our ranking because Google sees it as 404 errors or is it just something I can ignore because it works for the user? If it is hurting our quality and therefore our rankings, how can I correct it so that best practices are used? I have attached an image of the links and here is an example page --> The links in the description section have anchor text "All 3 Choices" and result in a popup information page.  If you cut and paste the URL's that they are redirecting to end in a 404 but if you use the link on the page it results in a popup information window. Hope I explained that well.  Thanks for your help! wrEmQnwWQo

    | BenRWoodard

  • Hello...I have written a bunch of content for my site using a useful tool called Scribe SEO which recommends keyword density at 5% if I remember correctly. So all my my newly written content is below this level but I am left wondering if by adding alt tags with my chosen keywords I will be considered to be over the limit and cause a red flag? Can anyone clarify this for me please?

    | Wallander

  • Do you think its "bad" SEO or maybe google might penalize if we encourage users to like or pages or give us +1 for google?

    | cbielich

  • Hi, I just read if you are targeting a location specific term, it can help SEO if the registered address of the domain is in the same location as the location term your going after. erm, Really?

    | activitysuper

  • I have a client that I work with that is a real estate business. They aren't in need or don't want to pay for full seo services at this time, but would like to do some basic page analysis and correction to make sure their pages are at least somewhat properly target for their keywords. The SEOMOZ tools that I have access to as a PRO are overkill for their needs. Do you all know of any basic tools that can just handle something like the page analysis feature of seomoz? Thanks for your help. Steven

    | sfmatthews

  • How do you folks approach adding some SEO value to the standard "every site has them" pages like "About Us", "Contact Us" and such? I struggle trying to find some relevant non-branded content. We normally cover all the customers relevant services and product offerings in pages specfiically tailored to that content, but don't want to waste pages if they could have some value in drawing traffic. Any great ideas, Mozworld? Thanks, Mark

    | DenverKelly

  • Hi! First post here. Would be great if someone could help me out with a few questions: 1. When I search a brand-name, there are 6 pages in 2 columns listed right below the brand in the SERPS. Is it possible to choose which pages in the "category list" that Google shows? 2. From what I've understood, the keywords being included early in the content is of much higher importance than using them in a perfectly structured tag hierarchy. Instead of using a hierarchy like this: I could use something like this (which reads much better): ****Would this make any difference? 3. My category pages show up in the search listings. Is this a bad thing? Should I nofollow or noindex? 4. Category and author pages triggers duplicate content in seomoz. Should I do anything about it? Should i make all the excerpts unique to avoid this? 4. Is the title tag recommendation of 66 characters with or without the brand name? Am I good as long as the post part of the title is less than 66? Remove the brand name from the title all together?****

    | mathiasppc

  • Looking for a few opinions on this please...Trying to reduce the number of pages I have to seo to rank on my websites and at the same time avoid the google over optimisation issues. Previously on our ecomerce websites we would have a category page for, say, 12 times, we would then seo that page for generic terms related to the page; ie, blue dress, cheap blue dress, blue party dress etc. The individual product pages would then be seoed with the title and h1 tags containing the exact product name and the url containing the product name too. This worked fine but we are suffering from some duplicate content issues of late (the products are mixture of few unique items and probably 95% imported affiliate datafeeds) as we have an average of 80,000 products per store we have neither the time nor the staff to rewrite everything (the products update daily directly from the merchants so would need to be done daily) What we are planning on moving toward is blocking the individual product pages from Google and instead putting all efforts into the category pages. The category page will contain plenty of quality unique content related to the category so the only duplicate content would be a line of the product name and price. Whilst we would still rank the category page for broad keywords we also would like to now rank the category page for 16 individual product names as there is a good profit to make made by the sheer volume of product names we plan on ranking for. Obviously we could not get all the products into the url and the page title as that would be silly but would it be acceptable to have multiple h2 tags on the page, each with a different entry, the product names  (H1 will be saved for the category name). We can easily bold these keywords to help in the optimisation as per the seo moz onsite analysis tool and we can add image text to ensure the product name is featured at least twice on the page. As so few sites actually seo for the long tail product names, most retailers rank by virtue of their domain quality alone, our onsite seo doesn't have to be 100% but getting the best we can out of the page will help the efforts. Many thanks Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hello - I'm looking for one tool that does the following and was wondering if anyone knew of such a tool? In a perfect world I would like to enter in one domain name and have a report generated that shows All Internal links, link titles, and anchor text All internal broken links / redirects All images, image size and image alt, if the image alt is missing. I'd love to be about to export these reports to excel and quickly run my on page optimization. The goal is to produce a checklist for a developer to execute quickly. Thanks for your help Gabe

    | Gabe

  • i have only the index.html page. my domain has a permanent 301 to the root. why am i getting duplicate problems? i only have one page the index .html???

    | one4u2see

  • Hello, I apologize in advance because the question must have already been posted, but 90% of my searches in "Search for a Question" drive me to a "no questions found" (i would be nice to improve this aspect of the Pro Q&A Forum  😉 So, a friend of mine asked to me what he should put for the meta description of automatically generated pages for his project. He has no tool to set a customized meta description for every page (and does not want to find one !) but he asked me the following : what is the less worse between : put the first words of the content (150 characters) put nothing and let google find what will be the better parts of the content for the user request put the whole content (600 characters) in order to avoid having just the begining of the content, which is not always useful in that case Did anyone try these options, what would be the less unproductive ? Thanks Loïc

    | mandinga

  • Is there any benefit whatsoever to having the www. in the URL? My domain is quite long therefore I've not been using the www. however a few people have mentioned it's good practice to include it. The www. forwards to the main URL (non www.) and I've set my preferred domain name in webmaster tools to the non www.  so I'm thinking that should all be ok. Just hoping I could get  some of the experts views to make sure this is all ok.  The site is a year old and I'm just starting to really get going on the link building so it's not too late to change if I'm wrong. If others link to my site and include the www. will the link juice be passed, as I suspect many will include it without any thought?

    | Optimise

  • Let's say I have a post where I show 25 different wood textures. I start the post with a small paragraph and then I show several images of wood textures linked to an internal or external page. Since I don't use a text link, then I have to rely on alt tags. It would be very difficult to assign a different alt tag to so many similar images, and I guess there would be a risk of keyword stuffing (walnut wood, oak wood, etc). On the other side, if I assign the same tag to all images, then that clearly is keyword stuffing (alt=wood textures). This is just an example, but it applies to most of my posts. What do you think I should do with the alt tags? Thanks!

    | enriquef

  • Hi Newbie SEO here.... I converted quite a massive site to wordpress ( For a number of reasons, over 1000 pages were not converted and the URLs could not easily be preserved in any event I am now going to add these pages back by importing a large CSV into wordpress. However what is the best way to tell google that the pages are now back and at new addresses? Is it to submit a site map and get the site recrawled from scratch?

    | JamesKirkyBCtv

  • I have a site, (despite the name, a non-com site), that for reasons I don't know took a hit with Panda, and has been drifting down ever since.  What can someone do to stop an overall slow drift down?  (PS: it just came off a predictable seasonal high; I'm talking of an overall picture.)

    | BobLongman

  • If I have in my meta-title e.g Holidays Ireland, but i have in my description for grammer purposes Holidays in Ireland will google see these as 2 separate keywords and will SEOMoz grade me lower for doing this? Or is holidays Ireland included in Holidays in Ireland because google doesnt pick up on "in" ?? I would appreciate your help on this.

    | Louise99

  • I've been working diligently to remove page errors that appear after each scan of my website. I was down to 3 or 4 errors after the last crawl, now this week I'm getting 80 plus. I haven't changed anything since last week (page titles, etc.) so what's up?

    | janettapp

  • Shows great in on Page Report Card for Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical No More Than One Canonical URL Tag Then POW Canonical URL Tag Usage ....           it says there is none ....?? HUH ? Searched forum but it is not discussed . Thanks !

    | SEOJunkie67

  • HI, I have a client that I recently took on and I run a SEOmoz crawl on the website and a minor error was that .. 1. web pages have more than 200+ interlinks, reason for this is becuase the client offers a service to every place in the world and then has links to contact us/about us etc those kind of pages. is this something we need to strongly avoid? 2. The title tags are all over the suggested amount by 1/2 letters. - again is this really bad?

    | Prestige-SEO

  • I am wondering, what effect does geo-targeted "cookie cutter" content have on SEO. For example, one might have a list of "Top US Comedians", which appears as "Top UK Comedians" for users from the United Kingdom. The data would be populated with information from a database in both cases, but would be completely different for each region, with the exception of a few words. Is this essentially giving Google's (US-based) crawler different content to users? I know that plenty of sites do it, but is it legitimate? Would it be better to redirect to a unique page, based on location, rather than change the content of one static page? I know what the logical SEO answer is here, but even some of the big players use the "wrong" tactic. I am very interested to hear your thoughts.

    | HalogenDigital

  • I am a web designer but a bit of an SEO noob (trying to get better at both). I am working with one particular client on a site I inherited with existing structure.  This client has about 10 products on 2 pages.  On every page there is a product list that is basically the same list sorted in 2 ways: 1st by product, 2nd by usage.  These all link to internal anchors so this might be an example on Cleaner X1 - links to
    Cleaner X2 - links to
    Cleaner X3 - links to
    Cleaner For Brick - links to
    Cleaner For Marble - links to
    Cleaner For Stone - links to Obviously this adds about 20 links on every page on the site (including the actual pages these products are on). What are your thoughts on this?  Good idea or bad to have on the site?  Should I remove the redundant links on the actual page that product falls on...or is this bad and should be removed altogether?

    | mparry9

  • Hi There, Our company provides training courses and I am looking to provide the Spanish version of a course that we already provide in English.  As it is an e-commerce site, our landing page for the English version gives the full description of the course and all related details. Once the course is purchased, a flash based course launches within a player window and the student begins the course. For the Spanish version of the course, my target customers are English speaking supervisors purchasing the course for their Spanish speaking workers.  So the landing page will still be in English (just like the English version of the course) with the same basic description, with the only content differences on that page being the inclusion of the fact that this course is in Spanish and a few details around that. The majority of the content on these two separate landing pages will be exactly the same, as the description for the overall course is the same, just that it's presented in a different language, so it needs to be 2 separate products. My fear is that Google will read this as duplicate content and I will be penalized for it.  Is this a possibility or will Google know why I set it up this way and not penalize me?  If that is a possibility, how should I go about doing this correctly? Thanks!

    | NiallTom

  • Hello. My website has recently switched to a new CMS system. Over the last 10 years or so, we've used 3 different CMS systems on our current domain. As expected, this has resulted in lots of urls. Up until this most recent iteration, we were unable to 301 redirect or use any page-level indexation techniques like rel 'canonical' Using SEOmoz's tools and GWMT, I've been able to locate and redirect all pertinent, page-rank bearing, "older" urls to their new counterparts..however, according to Google Webmaster tools 'Not Found' report, there are literally over 100,000 additional urls out there it's trying to find. My question is, is there an advantage to using robots.txt to stop search engines from looking for some of these older directories? Currently, we allow everything - only using page level robots tags to disallow where necessary. Thanks!

    | Blenny

  • 3 days ago our main page('/') has stopped appear in google results. Rest of pages works fine. Even our main page from canadian version of site with similar content works fine. Some times canadian page appears for key word where we had our com version before. But I think this is just result of disappearing com version. Any suggestion were to look? Messages box in google webmastertools is empty. Could this be the question too long page title? PS: Does any way exist to check if we were punished by Google and reason of this? For Bing and Yahoo everything works fine. PPS: We have just found that "" and "" returns in google So this should be reason of problem. So now we are looking how to fix this.

    | ctam

  • Is there any benefit in internally linking back to the same page? I have no other relevant pages in the site I can link to so wondering if it's worthwhile to use anchor text to link back to the same page?

    | Will_Craig

  • I wonder how much characters in a page title so it can be characterized for Googleas duplicate content?
    Sorry for the English, I used Google Translator. 
    I'm from Brazil 😄

    | imoveiscamposdojordao

  • On my site, I have a subdirectory. It posts articles from a bunch of websites that my readers are interested in & links back to all of those sites.  There is no original content in it. There are over 1700 indexed pages in this subdirectory.  The rest of my site has about 500 (all original content). The search engine traffic for this subdirectory only accounts for 3.9% of my sites overall visits. Should I consider removing this subdirectory?  Could all the duplicate content be hurting the rankings of my legit pages? What do you all think?

    | PedroAndJobu

  • Hi Does our little friend at SEOmoz follow the same rules as the search engine bots when he crawls my site? He has sent thousands of errors back to me with duplicate content issues, but I thought I had removed these with nofollow etc. Can you advise please.

    | JamieHibbert

  • So we've got a secondary site that has quite a bit of authority & links that used to have all types of info on parasailing. All those pages are gone and homepage is now a salespage (management decision, not mine) Our main site sells a wide range of tours and activities and does have a page for parasailing. The secondary site uses the same template/navigation as our main site (again, not my decision). Do you think that's an effective way to send link juice to our main site? The secondary site has some pretty awesome high authority sites linking to it. I've considered 301'ing the whole site to our main site but it's got a really solid domain name and I'd like to take up 2 SERP listings (main and secondary site) Is there a better way to have double listings but still send a good amount of link juice?

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Why does SeoMoz tell me I have duplicate content issues and show me these two URLs? What does the slash matter and why is that considered duplicate content?

    | shawn81

  • A client has a too many link warning being flagged in SEOmoz. The problem is that most of the pages on the site are lists of tickets for an event etc. Is there a good way to fix the site from having too many links on pages like this when the user experience requires a long list of links so people can find an event?

    | TimFlint

  • Hi, We are an online furniture retailer in Ireland and have been going for about 4 years, there is about 1000 visitors onto the site everyday. We have been thinking of new ways to interact with the customer and build the sites online content and constantly working to improve rankings. Have been toying with the idea of a user/customer forum and was wondering what the general consensus was with that as an idea, I appreciate that there could be negative aspects for the brand and was wondering if anyone had experience of similar and how that was perceived by the user and in what way did people interact with the forum. I assume differently to how they would interact with an "independent" furniture forum. My hope would be that the forum would be used for discussing general home improvements, asking questions relating to the home for community feedback and assistance and other similar home related topics. All thoughts and feed back welcome. Cheers. Eunan.

    | eunaneunan

  • I just ran a grade report for one of my niche websites and I can't seem to fix the following issue: Avoid Keyword Self-Cannibalization
    Easy fix Cannibalizing link "Buikspieroefeningen voor thuis en een lager gewicht" and "Buikspieroefeningen voor thuis" Explanation It's a best practice in SEO to target each keyword with a single page on your site (sometimes two if you've already achieved high rankings and are seeking a second, indented listing). To prevent engines from potentially seeing a signal that this page is not the intended ranking target and creating additional competition for your page, we suggest staying away from linking internally to another page with the target keyword(s) as the exact anchor text. Note that using modified versions is sometimes fine (for example, if this page targeted the word 'elephants', using 'baby elephants' in anchor text would be just fine). Recommendation Unless there is intent to rank multiple pages for the target keyword, it may be wise to modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match. -- Well, I've tried really everything (I believe) but this issue is not going away.
    Could anyone help me out with this? My site = Thanks!

    | severtservice

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