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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Can you please tell me what I can do to improve the SEO of this page. I feel like I am seeing the forest and not the trees or the other way around. I just want to learn from the errors of this page, so I can just simply learn Thank you,

    | sansonj

  • Why a page with an On Page A grade is ranked 17 in Google when the home page with a F grade is ranked 9 ? Thanks

    | Amadeus_eBC

  • Hi all, One of our clients needs to redefine their meta title and description tags. They publish very similar information almost every day, so the structure they propose is the following: Structure 1: Type of Analysis + periodicity + data + brand name Examples 1: Monthly Market Analysis, 1/5/2012 - Brand Name Weekly Technical Analysis, 7/5/2012 - Brand Name Structure 2: Company Name + investment recommendation + periodicity Example 2: Iberdrola + investment recommendation (this text doesn't vary) + 2T12 (wich means 2012, 2nd trimestrer) Regarding meta description they want to follow a similar approach, replicating every time the same info with a slight variation for each publication. I'm afraid this may cause a duplicate content problem because of the resemblance of every "Market Analysis" done or every "Investment recommendation" done in the future. My initial suggestion for them is to define specific and unique meta data for each page, but this is not possible for them given the time it takes to do it for every page. Finally, I ask them to specify the data in each meta title of content published, in order to add something different each time and avoid duplicate content penalty. Will this be enough to avoid duplicate content issues? Thanks in advance for your help folks! Alex

    | elisainteractive

  • Hi I have a business that has two offices each servicing a different local area. On my website I have both address locations on one page.
    Is it better to have each office on a separate page for local seo and Thanks Arthur

    | VivaArturo

  • is a real estate search site and many of our content pages are "search result" - ish in that a page often provides all the listings that are available and this may go on for multiple pages. For example, this is a primary page about a building: Because of the number of listings, the listings paginate to a second page: Both pages have the same Page Title.  Is this a concern?  If so is there a "best practice" for giving paginated content different titles? Thanks! Nate

    | nate123

  • Just getting started and had a question regarding one of the reports. It is telling me that I have duplicate pages but I'm not sure how to resolve that.

    | KeylimeSocial

  • Hello, I see there's a full-stop (.) in the title of SEOMOZ's home page. Why is it so? Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi all, I hope you can help advise me of the best way to change the page that is ranking for a particular keyword/term.  Is it just a case of on-page optimizing the term/keyword on the new-page and getting good links/traffic to that page and leaving the old one as it is, or is some sort of "de-optimization" of the old page a something that could help? Thanks.

    | bunac1

  • We do not use header tags in our website.  I understand bolding or emphsising words can be equally as effective but if done so in css will the google crawlers and spiders etc be able to put a weighted value on this style of code???

    | gsbureau

  • Hi, my fist question, trying to understand how seomoz pro works. I have about 680 crawl erros, but when I check the details, I found this: 1. many 403 errors ( I think from all links). > I have tested my web site ( in other tools and all says OK 200 response. 2. many title and content duplicates, but the system is showing as duplicated pages with and without the www. > I have a 301 redirect from non www to with www and it is working ok. Do I have false errors? What am I doing wrong? thanks.

    | hugoaf

  • I have a client that gets great ranking in a certain city mainly because that is their main corporate office and the address and city name is all over the place in their content.  I am about to embark on getting them higher ranking in other cities as well and am looking for the best approach to make that possible. My thoughts... 1- create seperate content for the other locations, but the body information would probably end up looking duplicate, but I could be more specific with title, description and content realting to that specific city. 2- add the additional cities to the current content??? Need some expert advice. Thanks

    | brantwadz

  • Working on a site for a client and the CMS provider has all variants of their domain ( & .com and / and http:// etc) temp redirecting to the /default.aspx homepage. I know in theory that this means no Google Juice is being passed to the final location page, does this mean that all backlinks that point to their domain are not actually passing Juice onto the homepage? Thanks

    | Switch_Digital

  • Hey there, Would anyone be kind enough to share their experience of using keyword rich hyphenated domains. Are they as effective at tanking as non hyphenated domains? i.e would it be better to get a lesser non-hyphenated TLD such as .org for example rather than a hyphenated

    | Wallander

  • Hey there, In the absence of getting a keyword rich .com or domain am wondering how influential .info, .org, .net domains (or any others) are in comparison? Does anyone have any comparison info to share please?

    | Wallander

  • I am having a site with more than 1,500 visits per day and I have suffered from two "blackouts" of one day each with my actual hosting Provider. I would like to change the Hosting Provider, but I am afraid of losing lots of visitors if I do the change. The change will be to a dedicated IP and the location of the IP will be in the same country. Will my site be affected on SEO results as a consecuence of this change? Thanks and regards Maria

    | goperformancelabs

  • Hi, I have a sub-page on my website with a lot of spam links pointing on it. I was wondering if Google will ignore that spam links on my site if i go and hide this page using the robots.txt Does that will get me out of Google's randar on that page or its useless?

    | Lakiscy

  • We have all read about the dangers of over optimizing our sites. Specially in regards to the latest google update. Every time we created a new landing-page we typically made sure that the page get an A-grade using the SEOmoz On-Page Optimization tool. Does this mean its not a good idea to do this? Maybe aim for a less perfect score? Hope to hear from you Fredrik

    | Resultify

  • I follow the recommended things from the Page Analyzer or Grader, and I am like position #40, so how do I get to page #1 as a minimum.

    | sansonj

  • Good day guys, We have been following strict SEO strategies for the past 6 months, all sites have been improving incredibly well, all except one. The site in question is . The site is regarding automotive spray booth equipment. We were ranking on the first page for the keyword "spray booth" (which is the most important one), at place #4 for weeks on end. However since half-way last week, the site has been dropped to half-way the second page (#17). There are barely any crawler errors listed for our campaign on SEOMoz. There were several pages of which the meta description was missing, but that has been fixed earlier this week. When it comes to link building, I looked at what the top competitors were doing, and was looking for unique link building opportunities myself. We have received 0 webmaster tools warnings as well. I do not believe we are penalized due to the "penguin" update. After all, if you search for for the company's name in Google, it is still listed on there (# 2). Nor have we been part of dodgy link networks at all. So my question is, what do you guys believe made us drop the rankings? Is there some on-page issues I am overlooking? Any recommendations to restore out previous rankings? Kind Regards, Roderic

    | Michael-Goode

  • I thought I saw this somewhere on SEOmoz before but I was so busy by the time I got around to work on my SEO on my site, I realized I have this happening and can't recall if it is a problem which takes away from my ranking. If my is ranking well but I have internal menu links pointing to instead of will that take away from my rankings? Should I change all my menu links that point to /index.html to the full website url path ?

    | Twinbytes

  • Hi, I see lots of EMD's currently ranking very well in Google, which is ok because in general the content is very close to the EMD term. But how long do you think Google will keep giving this boost? Do you think if a EMD's will still be used in 5 years time?

    | activitysuper

  • So I realize that Google will split link equity between all links on any given page.  Example, if a landing page has 10 links then the authority from the landing page is split into 10 and each link given its own smaller amount of equity from that landing page.  My question is if I were to turn 9 of the 10 links on this page to NoFollow links would the equity still remain split 10 ways or would it simply pass all of it to the one DoFollow link left on the page?

    | PageOnePowerGang

  • I am getting Crawl errors. It shows multiple pages as. I know this is more of a technical question however, I cannot find the answer anywhere. I'm using wordpress WHAT IS THIS?!

    | ChristineWeinbrecht

  • Hey guys so I was reviewing my website to make sure there are no exact anchor texts repeated throughout the site. But I was wondering what are your thoughts about the common (and useless) anchor text like "read more", "learn more", "see more information", "contact us", and things of that nature. These are usually repeated across the majority of sites out there, how does Google differentiate between over optimized anchor text and these common anchor texts?

    | nrv

  • Hi,  we put up a page 2 years ago (available from our home page) that is currently ranking in top 5 for a few of the key words we built it for.  The challenge is we did this quickly and know we can (and actually have) built out a better quality, informative page. The content while similar is completely rewritten.  Does anyone have experience in rewriting low quality pages that are ranking well? Essentially we are trying to step up our game and build up our quality from a human perspective, but unsure what/if any would happen with our SEO and keywords we are currently ranking for. Thanks!

    | redfishking

  • One of the first things I remember reading about SEO and URLs, a long time ago, is that keywords are important, and hierarchy is important, for search engines and for users. Hierarchy in URLs would give the search engines an idea of the structure of the site, and users would be able to edit the URLs to continue navigating. I'm wondering about URLs, hierarchy and usability lately, since I've seen that ASOS uses a new URL structure on their site. At first glance, I thought it was brilliant, so I would like to get all of your opinions as well. For those of you that haven't seen the URLs: for categories, ASOS uses a structure as you would expect it, but for products they don't insert the category in the URL. Instead they insert the brand name as the first part of the URL, followed by the product title. Some examples: Category: Product: I can see the importance of brand name for a site like ASOS, and like how they stressed this by inserting not the category but the brand for products. I don't know how much ASOS still relies on organic non-ASOS related keyword traffic, but still. Now, for hierarchy, I guess a good internal linking structure will tell the search engines about the hierarchy of a site as well, right? So perhaps hierarchy in the URL isn't that important? Perhaps something like this would be just as good as anything, given a good internal link structure? Now, I understand that if you use this structure, you wouldn't be able to have men/shirts and women/shirts, but let's say that you don't have subcategories that use the same names. In this case, how important is hierarchy? And, what do you think about this URL structure for an ecommerce site for which brands are important?

    | DocdataCommerce

  • Today, I have read very interesting blog post about meta description:Improve snippets with a meta description makeover I have developed meta description on my eCommerce website. [Vista Stores] Home page, category page, static page and blog post contain user generated meta description but, product page have auto-generated meta description. What is best method to develop meta description on product pages for eCommerce website?

    | CommercePundit

  • I have an e-commerce site and in order to receive a listing for each size and color in Google Merchant, I've created a new product for each size and color. The problem is that since I did this, the canonical tags aren't correct and there isn't a way to change them manually with the platform I'm on. I feel like this is one of the main reasons I've been dropping in the rankings. Should I delete all duplicate products? The system will take care of canonical tags automatically when creating a new size/color within the system (how it's supposed to be created) but the canonical tags become messy when I duplicate a product and edit the size/color to create a "whole new product". Here is an example of what I'm referring to: (this problem actually isn't mine, it's a friend's but for the sake of simplicity and gaining a second opinion to be sure before he redoes all of his products, I'm asking as though it were my issue)

    | EmdeS

  • Our site has a large Business Directory with millions of pages.  For examples' sake, let's say it's a directory of Restaurants. Each Restaurant has 4 pages on the site, each tied together through a row of tabs across the top of the page: Tab 1 -  Basic super 7 info - name, location, contact info Tab 2 -  Restaurant menu Tab 3 - Restaurant reviews Tab 4 - Photos of food The Tab 1 page generates 95% of our traffic, and 90% of conversions. The conversion rate on Tab 2 - Tab 4 pages is 6 - 10x greater than Tab 1 conversions. Total Conversions from search queries on menus, reviews and food are 20% higher than are conversions resulting from searches on restaurant name & info alone. We're working with a consultant on a redesign, who wants to consolidate the 4 pages into one. Their advice is to focus on making a better page, featuring all of the content, sacrifice a little organic traffic but make up any losses by improving conversion. My counterpoint is that we shouldn't scrap the Tab 2-4 pages just because they have lower traffic - we should make the pages BETTER.    The content we display is thin, and we have plenty of data we could expose to make the pages more robust.    By consolidating it will also be hard to optimize a page for people searching for name/location AND menu AND reviews AND photos.  We're asking that one page to do too much, and it's likely we will see diminished search volume for queries on menu, reviews and food.  I think the decline will be much more significant than the consultant estimates. The consultant says there will be little change to organic traffic. since Tab 1 already generates 95% of traffic.   Through basic math, they're saying the risk is a 5% decline in organic traffic.   Further, they see little chance of queries for menu, reviews, and food declining because most of those queries tend to send people too the home page or Tab 1 page anyway. Finally, the designer of the new wireframes admitted that potential organic traffic risks were not taken into consideration when they recommended consolidating the pages. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts and consideration! Trisha

    | lzhao

  • I've placed in my head tag on duplicate content pages, but do i need to place it on  the target page such as too?

    | CaliB

  • Unique and effective product descriptions can be one of the most expensive investments that go into building a retail website.  I would consider them part of the "intellectual property" of a company. These descriptions are also one of the most often pirated types of content.  Some product descriptions have been grabbed and used by hundreds of pirates. When people grab your product descriptions it creates a duplicate content problem, it also starts cutting off your long-tail traffic. The discussion topic here is.... Have you heard of anyone using rel="author" on product pages with substantive content? Do you think there is any value in doing that? Is this an abuse of rel="author" Thank you!

    | EGOL

  • "Inspiration" blog posts are a good example. The one below has 80 pictures as part of a logo inspiration page.  But each picture has an outbound url. Bad or doesn't matter?

    | seo_f2012

  • Hi I have setup a news site giving young writers a (paid) place to write but I want to promote it. there is no specific keyword apart from the top of the individual article should I  choose some or just let each article do its own thing any advice would be greatly appreciated

    | jimsterg164

  • Could anyone let me know how long it takes for a NEW site to be indexed in Google please? Am having some robots.txt issues and am keen to see if it got indexed. Thanks!

    | Wallander

  • Last week my Campaign "De Prevención"  crawled many pages, and sudenly, only crawled one???? Canyou help me.

    | ClaritaMurcia

  • My company's website has earned industry "authority" over the years and ranks well for a number of keywords. For reasons not worth explaining, we've moved the entire site (all pages) to be secured (https from http). When we launch our completely new website in 5 months from now, we will launch it as "http:" For the next 5 months, we're stuck with using site-wide "https". Is it better to 301 or 302 all pages (from http -> https), with the intent to move back to 301 in 5 months from now? Obviously, this situation is not ideal, but we'd like to preserve as much authority/presence as possible. What should we do and why? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

    | WhiteCap

  • HI Guys, We have just developed a new website and I'm looking to add meta descriptions with relevant key words to the pages . As the site has over 80 pages it is quite an undertaking and i was wandering if pages, such as  the shopping cart  and FAQ's etc,  need meta  descriptions as well? Thanks in advance : ) Pete

    | dawsonski

  • When you are in Error status for Duplicate Page Titles - but it is because of the root domain: and How to you go about changing the title of the same page without looking un-natural. My client has built his site with the - index file pulling to the root - but the crawlers are seeing TWO separate pages - when in reality they are the same. Riddle me this batman?

    | Chenzo

  • Hello all mozzers - has anyone used nitrosell? we use them only because their inventory connects to ours epos point but because they have thousands of 301s on our domain we are getting duplicate content because different sizes of products (we sell womenswear) are creating seperate URLS so we are duplicating both content and URLS - im curious as to whether anyone has experienced simillar problems that have affected their SERPS? Best wishes, Chris

    | DaWillow

  • I have just run up the link explorer on my site and discovered that every page home page link points back with the text home - I assume this is bad in terms of SEO , my site name is ccie and I assumed that it put the site wide link of ccie to the entire site, however it seems to be the breadcrumb default of home which is doing it/. Should I be looking to change this so my top keyword points back from each page to the home page. I am running wordpress and assumed the site name was the home link on all pages. Can anyone advise the best practice? Thanks

    | rogerp007

  • you link out to wikipedia? I feel there are always benefits to linking out to authority sites like this

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hello Guys, First of all, I wanna say that I just have some 1-2 years experience in SEO, I´m not a GURU or expert ok? So, take it easy... I have one costumer which wanna develop a E-COMMERCE focusing SEO and best pratices of web development. What care should I have? I mean the most important issues... From the coice of domain name to very specific point. What is the main mistakes SEO made at develop a E-COMMERCE? Thanks so much 😃

    | augustos

  • Question: I am using a wordpress multisite and I enabled the crawl options yesterday <-original but i find that is good enough I checked the but I find that my pages in the /subfolder has been crawled before. Can I just change it to or it will raise duplicate content issue?

    | joony2008

  • We have a pretty user friendly footer with almost an entire site-map on it. It's similar to many e-commerce company footers, and I think it's useful to the user. SEO professionals have recommended that to reduce the number of links on any given page on our site we should compress our footer and only show the headers, thus removing many links. This in my opinion is a disservice to the user and makes the site not look as good, but maybe it's a good idea for SEO to get rid of so many links per page? What do you think? (pic attached) Screen_shot_2011-08-05_at_3.54.53_PM.png

    | aran088

  • I have encountered this weird problem about duplicate page content. My site got 3 duplicate content similar on the link structure below. If I'm going to use rel canonical does it help to resolve the duplication problem? Thanks

    | mattvectorbpo

  • Hey, I've read that adding the company name to the title tag was a waste of space since the more words the less weight each one has, with all this over optimization preventive measures, should I rewrite the title tags format with company names? and if so should it be (company name): (naturally organized keywords) (naturally organized keyword) | (Company name). or can I keep it just naturally organized keywords Also I used to do (keyphrase) - (keyphrase) instead of commas, should I fix this? I asked this question on Randy's post but didn't really get an answer. Thanks!

    | nrv

  • I was wondering what you guys might recommend for a browser extension or plugin that would help developers optimize each page for specific keywords.  I'm looking for a tool that will give me a grade on how well it's optimized with a recommendation checklist.  I would use SEOMoz's onpage analysis tool but it doesn't have access to my private development environment (hence the need for a plugin.)  Recommendations? Thanks!

    | net32SEO

  • Hello... I am creating a new website and i was wondering how you guys would define duplicate content? If my new site had the same page titles and descriptions as my existing site, would that be duplicate content?  Or does duplicate content mean same titles and descriptions in the same site? I'm wondering if i can upload the same database (with page titles and descriptions and alt tags) to my new site or if that would be looked at as duplicate... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • I show 272 missing Meta Description Tags after the crawl completed on my website.  Pretty much all of those are from my website hosted wordpress blog.  Should I be concerned about this?

    | webestate

  • Hi Has anybody else ever recieved this message from Google in Google Webmaster Tools and what action did you take to overcome the problem and get your position back - Dear site owner or webmaster of............... We've detected that some of your site's pages may be using techniques that are outside Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have any questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team

    | AMG100

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