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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hey, Does anyone have any tips for optimizing e-commerce category pages? Looking to add content to each category page but not sure where to put the content i.e. above the footer? Above the search results? In the left hand nav bar? Have a landing page which they click through to see search results? If anyone has any good examples or tips it would be much appreciated. cheers David

    | DavidLenehan

  • I have researched some more effective keywords to change my root category titles to. I am wondering if it would be a bad idea to change these titles considering all the things that could go wrong. From what i'm gathering there are a LOT of things that can go wrong but at the same time these things do need to be changed sometime! Is this a good or a bad idea & why? What could go wrong? Should I try changing the category titles one at a time instead of risking every one of my keywords / category titles not working out in the serps right away?

    | Mike.Bean

  • I know this is a broad question. My site's content has been written more than one year ago and haven't been changed so far. Our main goal is to make the application hosted in the site work better every day, so we don't worry much about writing content. The URL is

    | rpedri

  • I have been experimenting with the number of links on our pages verses the number of hits we get. Success seems to be tied to having hundreds of links on a page verses ease of navigation. We have a research company that sells research on educational topics. Last November I decided to divide our category of literature research topics into 10 different subtopics and redistribute the links to the subtopic pages. The main literature research page had over 800 links on it. It was one of our top performing pages. I was hoping that by spreading the links out in logical categories i could distribute the wealth and have better navigation for the user. Now after 6 months the traffic to that page has dropped 800% and the sub-pages have only gained a very minimal percentage. Overall, the hits in the literature genre have dropped from 560 per month to around 80. Ouch! I thought Google would love this strategy, as it reduced page load time, links on a page and made the navigation logical and easier to see all available options. Not the case. Question is: Should I keep the subpages but go back and put all the links back on the main literature page, putting it back up to 800 links? Should I get rid of the subpages, because the links will all be on the main literature page if I move them? Any advice is appreciated! Karen

    | eworld

  • Hi everyone! Working on a site and the homepage hardly ever updates. Probably 3/4 times per year. The only page on the site which does is the blog page which updates 4 times per week. Is this a bad thing? Is there anything I should attempt to do?

    | RankStealer

  • This might be a silly question, but one important enough for me to ensure that I understand the best practice of URL redirects... I'm thinking of changing my URL's and hierachy of some of my WP subpages around, in order to logically fit the keyword into the url and place the subpage closer to the root domain. My question is, when doing this, can I simply edit the URL and create a redirect after the fact, essentially killing the old URL. Or, do I create the new page with the updated URL and hierarchy, keeping the old page live and intact, but have that 301 redirect to its new corresponding destination? Thanks

    | JayAdams32

  • I'm having a problem on a crawl warning for our main site. The warning is that every one of my pages has to many links, a little over 1,000 on almost all of them. I think this is because our category list on our left hand sidebar has so many categories, and that sidebar appears on every last one of our pages even all the way into our products. Can anyone take a look and tell me if this is the reason why and what I could possibly do about this? Thanks in advance!

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi There, I'm helping a friend of a friend with her business website, which is basically providing health services within a local radius of her home, so we are hoping to get her ranking for phrases such as "massage Battersea" "massage Clapham" etc. (where Battersea & Clapham are two places in London). As i'm a bit new to local work like this my question is what is the best way to do this? I've considered creating a page for each of these terms, however it's hard to work out how they could have unique content as a massage in Clapham is very much the same as one in Battersea, and I don't want to fill the pages with useless information about where Battersea & Clapham are because i'm sure people searching those phrases already know that! The only other thing I can think of would be to just mention the areas on a generic massage page and hope that ranks with a bit of "massage battersea" etc. inbound anchor text. If someone who has experience in this could offer any advice that would be great. Many thanks, Stuart

    | stukerr

  • We're developing several blogs and I was wondering if it would make sense to periodically create blog entries that 'naturally' link to certain pages on the main site. For example we have a large amount of 'partners' across the country, and we wanted to do an interview series on the blog, and insert a link into the interview, such as "partner bob services the Boston area", or something more elegant than that. Would have have any significant impact on the 'boston page aside from the pass through traffic from the blog?"

    | ilyaelbert

  • Due to a site structural problem with our CMS we have alot of duplicate content pages (1 page, with multiple urls).  We are in the process of setting up 301 redirects to correct the problem.  Meanwhile; one of the pages with the "incorrect" URL happens to be the page google favors and also has about 100 FB "likes". The question is:  Are we better off keeping the "incorrect" URL for that particular page and redirect the other url to it? Both have a page rank of 3. Thanks

    | foodsleuth

  • The user bizzer posted the following question on the post (😞 "I've got my above the fold area very light on advertising since Panda.  But reading #4 about the "template" makes me wonder if I should go further and reduce the height of my header area and maybe even remove one of my two sidebars, so as to increase the content-to-template ratio above the fold.  Make sense?" What do you think?

    | rpedri

  • I recently did some SEO optimization to my site and added keywords and meta titles etc..I was ranked #7 and thought I would go up a little but instead I went down to #20. Should I undo what I did to rank high again?

    | teachcsg

  • If I want to target a keyword phrase to a particular phrase, but do not want to change the URL of that page, will that negatively impact my rankings? I am also wondering if I can get around it by creating a new, short URL that 301 redirects to the original URL. Would that be as effective as including the keyword in the original URL?

    | susannajbost

  • Hi all, This is my first post and I really hope someone in here can point me in the right direction. Background:
    I added Rich Snippets code to the footer of my site, tested it on which all looks good. I was attempting to link reviews for our brand rather than specific products as these product reviews aren't available. Result:
    Every page on my site contained the same rich snippets code and within a couple of days all the site pages were indexed including review stars. After another couple of weeks the review stars were removed from every page on the next crawl/index. Next Steps:
    I removed Rich Snippets code from every page except my home page. The rich review stars appeared in the search results for a couple of days but in the past two weeks they have since disappeared again. What next?
    I appreciate that I went about the implementation incorrectly but at this time only the home page contains valid mark up but no review stars in search. Has anyone got experience or advice to help me out in this situation? Many thanks.

    | bfrl

  • Is it possible to exclude specific urls in the crawl that contain certain arguments - like you can do in google webmaster tools?

    | djangojunkie

  • Are To Many Rel Canonical Links A Bad Thing? I had "twin" domains so I redirected my  .com to and now I have a lot of Rel Canonical Links.

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi folks Following Penguin 1.1, I have a client site at number 5 for their primary keyword. (was creeping up page 2 with whitehat link building and tight on-site SEO.) However now the page ranking at No. 5 is for a blog category archive. What do people think the quickest / safest way to get this ranking directed back to the homepage is? Many thanks Simon

    | SCL-SEO

  • Hello SEOmozzer! I have recently joined a large pharmaceutical marketing company as our head SEO guru, and I've encountered a duplicate content related issue here that I'd like some help on. Because there is so much red tape in the pharmaceutical industry, there are A LOT of limitations on website content, medication and drug claims, etc.  Because of this, it is required to have Important Safety Information (ISI) clearly stated on every page of the client's website (including the homepage).  The information is generally pretty lengthy, and in some cases is longer than the non-ISI content on each page. Here is an example: All content under the ISI header is required on each page.   My questions are: How will this duplicated content on each page affect our on-page optimization scores in the eyes of search engines?  Is Google seeing this simply as duplicated content on every page, or are they "smart" enough to understand that because it is a drug website, this is industry standard (and required)? Aside from creating more meaty, non-ISI content for the site, are there any other suggestions you have for handling this potentially harmful SEO situation? And in case you were going to suggest it, we cannot simply have an image of the content, as it may not be visible by all internet users. We've already looked into that 😉 Thanks in advance! Dylan

    | MedThinkCommunications

  • Which SEOmoz tool can analyse our home page and offer optimization advice and compare with competitors?

    | lbohen

  • I have a service for quote comparison for web design, graphic design etc. My main sales page is I am thinking of creating 20 or so product specific pages such as this: Additional pages such as CMS Wbe Design eCommerce Web Design Logo Desing etc Some of the content is repeat, the main content that changes is in the content slider at the bottom. Is this a good idea, or should I be creating more high quality content like the one below? Will the page be considered low quality or get duplicate content penalties?

    | designquotes

  • Just wondering what the best practise is for unique meta desriptions on blogs. When I post a blog on my wordpress, clicking the title takes you to an individual page with that blog on it. I understand how important the title tag is on this page but when I create a meta description: a) is it useful? b) Should it be unique or is it ok to copy part of the post and insert that as the meta tag? Thanks

    | acs111

  • Hi folks! I discovered bit of an issue with a client's site. Primarily, the site consists of static html pages, however, within one page (a car photo gallery), a line of php coding: dynamically generates a 100 or so pages comprising the photo gallery - all with the same page title and meta description. The photo gallery script resides in the /gallery  folder, which I attempted to block via robots.txt - to no avail. My next step will be to include a: within the head section of the html page, but I am wondering if this will stop the bots dead in their tracks or will they still be able to pick-up on the pages generated by the call to the php script residing a bit further down on the page? Dino

    | SCW

  • I am currently hosting a client site on a CMS with both a Canadian and USA version of the website. We have the .com as the primary domain and  the .ca is re-directed from the registrar to the Canadian home page. The problem I am having is that my campaign produces errors for duplicate page content and duplicate page titles. Is there a way to setup the two versions on the CMS so that these errors do not get produced? My concern is getting penalized from search engines. Appreciate any help. Mark Palmer

    | kpreneur

  • I am trying to decided whether to use: Mens Jeans Mens Boots Mens Leathers Mens Footwear OR | Mens Jeans | Mens Boots | Mens Leathers | Mens Footwear as my title?

    | ebowdublin

  • Morning Mozzers, I'm looking at a site ( and making a few recommendations for SEO, one of the things I've spotted is something weird with rel canonical.  It looks (to me) as if they've got almost every single page set with this tag: rel="canonical" href="" /> I'm 99% certain that this means that every page on the site (that has this tag) is pointing all link juice / authority back to the homepage? If someone could please check and just confirm that, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance, James

    | JamesMio

  • I'm posting articles to my e-commerce site and just wondering about the anchor text links within the posts. I don't have relevant static pages but the items do come up in a search query. For example i don't have a specific page for red wine but if a user searched for red wine it would give a search query URL. Should I use that search URL query as my anchor text?

    | acs111

  • is it ok if I just avoide using meta keyword tag.

    | posy

  • I am working with a site with 7500 pages in a sub-domain.  The root site has 650 pages, but I am having difficulty finding and working with those 650 pages due to all the "noise" from the sub-domain pages that are in Ning and can't be fixed. Can i exclude sub-domains from the crawl?

    | robertdonnell

  • Is there a disadvantage/advantage to using commas to separate words in the title tag. Which will be more effective as a title tag: "keyword1 keyword2 - Brand" OR "keyword1, keyword2 - Brand"?

    | Audiohype

  • Hi! One of the fixups that SEOmoz analysis reports is that my main keyword isn't part of the page title. The problema is that the keyrord is there but in uper case while i introduced a lower case keyword for analysis (see the example). BEAUTY (it's in the page title) beauty (that's the keyword i'm analysing) Regards, OV

    | ovieira

  • There are so many conflicting opinions out there, one of which I recently read indicated that if you are putting your keywords in javascript, the new google update would have an issue with this. If you want to keep a page clean looking and have visitors click to read more text, is the opinion here that this is okay or an issue? The main purpose of adding text in javascript would be to have enough content on the page without making it look cluttered. Webmaster tools says that when you have hidden text in javascript, the same content should be placed in a no script tag? Thanks.

    | cakelady

  • I was always taught to place all original articles on site, let them get indexed by Google, then put out for distribution through various press release outlets. With the latest penguin update, how does this practice work out concerning duplicate content? In theory, I wrote the article so I should get credit for it on my site first, then push through various distribution outlets to get it out to my targeted audience in my niche field. Typing out loud I would tend to think if the article is on my site first then I would get credit and any others following would be hit by duplicate content if in fact google considered it a dupe violation. Any input on this? Am I on track or am I heading for a train wreck.

    | anthonytjm

  • Hi All, This is my first (of many I would say) questions. My clients site is in Ireland but the hosting service is in Canada. So when i use the MozBar it states that the IP is in Canada. Will this affect my page ranking in Dublin, Ireland? The company is a plumbing service so we would only want local Dublin customers. Thanks so much and I hope someone can help me out. cheers, Aidan

    | aidanlawlor

  • I've got a site that is under consideration for a domain change, however I have plenty of concerns about our particular situation. I'd love to explain my scenario and then get some feedback! The domain in question is and has been up and running since 1996 (almost 16 years), so it has advantages in that it's a long standing trusted domain. For the majority of that time however, the site was mostly a simple static informational site to accommodate a brick and mortar business. Then starting in 2009 the site underwent the change to become an e-commerce site.  Since then we have been working to compete with other sites in the same industry and attempting to rank well in organic results. In particular our business sells fabric, so "fabric" is one keyword we measure in various way to get an idea where we stand with the competition. Over time we have had ups and downs while ranking for "fabric", specifically. At our peak we ranked 16th in Google in September 2011, and 18th as recent as January 2012. However since that time we have fallen off the map in Google's results. Currently we are around the 100th result! Though in Yahoo! and Bing we continue to show strongly with organic rankings hovering between 15-20. I can only theorize that something in the last few rounds of Google's algorithm updates has punished us and thus far have not been able to identity the issue or find any resolution. So, in response, one of the options on the table is to use a new domain name that specifically incorporates the keyword that is important to us. Unfortunately our current domain does not use "fabric" so we would use something like or what-have you. There is so much potential for disaster in switching domain names that I'm having a hard time considering this as a viable option. But at this point I don't want to close any doors. We want to have the best chance at long term success and if a domain name change would help in that we would do it. I'd love to hear anyone's opinions, recommendations or advice about our situation!

    | dickslee23

  • I have a new customer that is redesigning her website.  The graphic designer has designed a lovely homepage that is mostly an image with some navigation and footer area for text information. My concern is that there isn't any real call to action or anything on the homepage design other than an interesting and fun graphic.  It seems like years ago this was a common practice and then later it was looked down on as not good for the user experience or SEO. What is the latest thinking on this type of design?  Should the homepage ( be allowed to be mostly images? Or should we focus on the optimizing the internal pages and let the homepage be more creative?

    | ChristiMc

  • Is this affecting the overall ranking of the page? (164) (179) If so how can I disallow them? We use Wordpress with the Joost SEO plugin, but I don't see a disallow option there for comments...

    | danielshaw

  • Hello, Our articles are written by a professional in the field, taylored to what we think our ecommerce customers would most want to know about. But there is no traffic to our articles and almost no inbound links. We have 15 articles around 500 words (roughly) each. We've got a right sidebar banner about our FAQ and articles and a rotating banner with one slde about our articles. Also, we have a tab at the top. We've had a good article section for 5 months, and a descent one for a couple of years Could it be our industry, or what can we do?

    | BobGW

  • Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out why the traffic and rankings have been plummeting on It's a collection of both public domain books and books on Amazon's store. If anyone can offer any pointers as to if it's duplicate content or ??? It used to get 300K visits/mo but has slowly been dropping over the last year. I appreciate anyone's expertise!

    | CoBraJones

  • Whats the difference between Keywords vs Tags In Wordpress? Also sine meta keywords don't matter in a website do they matter on a blog?

    | splashmedia

  • I am trying to get an A grade on my webpage and this is one of the critical steps canonical URL tags I cant find much information as to what this even is never mind fixing it. Thanks I am a total newbe at this any advice is appreciated

    | gemfirez

  • On 4/19/12 I began changing the link title tags in an effort to further optimize my website. I thought they were excessively long and it would be beneficial to make them more concise. On 4/26/12 my website traffic began to fall drastically and I'm not sure if it is from google's penguin update or from changing the link title tags. I started looking into the sudden drop of traffic and realized that when I run the site explorer tool on all of the pages I changed, the URL is redirecting. It appears that the backlinks are not passing through to the new URL. Before I Changed the Link Title Tag: **After I Changed the Link Title Tag: ** So my questions are: The above example shows that the old title tag ( has 43 backlinks and the new one ( has 0. Will the links eventually be attributed to the new URL. I understand that the user will still be directed to my website they click the any of the backlinks, but will the link juice pointing the old URL pass through the new one? Would it be better, in the long run, to continue optimizing the link title tags.

    | BeautyStop

  • Hi everybody, I've rarely seen the "revisit after" meta tag during the last 1,5 years. As some of my current client websites are still using it and I'm not sure, if it's still usefull/has any effect, I'd like to hear from the community. Any advices/hints/experiences with the tag? Thanks in advance and cheers from Germany Sven

    | targi42

  • Throughout the years our website kept on growing this has led to product pages that have so much sub-pages that nobody is able to really get a good idea of the product. We are working on a new website where the visitor is central. Together with a usability partner we have down sized the preferred data to fit on one page with a tabular system with a maximum of 4 taps. My question will this affect our find ability if we go from 10 to 15 sub-pages to one main page

    | TiasNimbas

  • We sell 1000s of audio book title, many of which are published in more than one format (abridged, unabridged CD, and/or unabridged MP3) by the same publisher. Currently each title has its own page but the basic description of the title (story) is the same. Here is an example title that is offered in three formats. 44 Charles Street - Danielle Steel - abridged CD audiobook 44 Charles Street - Danielle Steel - MP3 CD audiobook 44 Charles Street - Danielle Steel - CD audiobook Each of the above pages has a different page title, a different URL, a different meta description however much of the body (from [Listen to a FREE Audio Clip] down is the same. Is this duplicate content hurting our SERPs?

    | lbohen

  • Hi, I've just got a crawl report for a new wordpress blog with suffusion theme and yoast wordpress seo module and there is duplicate content for: http:// something .com and http:// something .com/ I just can't figure out how to handle this. Can I add a redirect for .com/  to .com in htaccess? Any help is appreciated! By the way, the tag value for rel canonical is **http:// something .com/ **for both.

    | DanielSndstrm

  • I need to know if one can optimize RSS feeds to a particular Physical Location. As an Example if my website has RSS feeds for Travel. Can I optimize the individual Title tags to Travel in Maryland, Washington DC, New York etc?

    | sherohass

  • All pages on our site as of today are showing current page is not ranked by google, we have been page rank 5 for about 4 years now, we still seem to be showing in google searches. Anyone have any ideas as to why?

    | wcuk

  • I implemented a canonical tag on each product page for my clients ecommerce site and my rankings tanked. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, when can I expect rank to return?

    | DynoSaur

  • I have a packaging product site, and they sell products from various manufacturers. What can we do with the product detail pages? As of now, the client has copy pasted content straight from the "About" sections on the manufacturers' sites. Obviously, those manufacturers want my client to sell their products, and the products need to be described. How much of a no-no is this copy pasting, and how can I fix it?

    | lhc67

  • On my campaign for one of my warnings was "too many on-page links". Is there any thing to do for ecommerce sites? and also, my page is listed as having 744 links but, I count nowhere near that number. And idea where this comes from?

    | JHSpecialty

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