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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I know that a sitemap can help SEs to find and index pages, and also deal with canonicalisation issues, but I have a client who is insisting that we build a sitemap containing links to every possible category on a huge ecommerce site. We already have tabbed modules that allow users to sort by brand, product type, location etc, plus a strong search function that allows them to select multiple options. I'm worried that a sitemap stuffed with keywords like "Product A by brand B in Location C", "Product A by brand B in Location D" etc. will just seem spammy and do more harm than good. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks.

    | gcdtechnologies

  • Hello, I wanted to know what should I put in the image ALT and title text for blogger. I've read so many damn articles about ALT text and Title text for blogger; nothing explained what I put in it though. What am I supposed to put in it that will help me with my on page optimization? (Stuff like do I use spaces or dashes, do I put my keyword in there, how many characters should I not exceed, do I put one word or two words?) If I have a picture of a backpack, what should the alt text be? What if I have 10 different pictures of backpacks on 1 page? How about if I had a backpack next to a tv in an image? A specific answer or a detailed one is nice!

    | 678648631264

  • I wanted to know what do I put in the labels category using blogger. If I do put something in it, does it hurt my on-page SEO or help it?

    | 678648631264

  • I am in the process of building a new website with wordpress to replace my static HTML site but cannot find out where to place my meta data such as meta name (google verification etc) on the home page. Using Yoast SEO plugin and all I can find is place for title and meta description. Anyone have any experience with this SEO problem? thanks

    | casper434

  • Hi i have changed a page layout and first of all would like to know what people think, also i would like to know what font i should be using to make the page better. My website is any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I recently had site downtime of about 10 days for a site I'm working on which is about 6 months old. There were naturally many page not found errors in webmaster tools as google had tried to crawl the site during the downtime but I've noticed that google has now dropped some of the pages. Are they likely to be reindexed? Google has crawled some of my pages today but as yet the ones that have been dropped from the index haven't reappeared. (the site has been live again for a week). Should they reappear when the pages are next crawled?

    | SamCUK

  • How can I fix this issue when crawl diagnosis indicated that my is duplicate with That suppose to be the same page and not duplicate, right?

    | jsevilla

  • Hello,I am going thru the on-page report card produced by SEOMOZ and am stumped as to how to address the first critical factor. It looks like the correct meta tag to get search engines to index the site is at the bottom of the header. And as far as I know, which isn't much, the site returns the HTTP code 200 when I refresh.I am new at this, so please let me know if you have some specific solutions. I am using IWeb and the IWeb SEO Tool to make meta code improvements. I have pasted the head code for my website ( below. Thanks in advance!<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns=""><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><meta content="iWeb 3.0.4" name="Generator"><meta content="local-build-20120619" name="iWeb-Build"><meta content="IE=EmulateIE7" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"><meta content="width=880" name="viewport"><title>Grass to Greens: Asheville Edible Landscapingtitle><link href="Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_Landscaping_files/Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_Landscaping.css" media="screen,print" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css"><script type="text/javascript" async="" src=""><script type="text/javascript" async="" src=""><script src="Scripts/iWebSite.js" type="text/javascript"><script src="Scripts/iWebImage.js" type="text/javascript"><script src="Scripts/iWebMediaGrid.js" type="text/javascript"><script src="Scripts/Widgets/SharedResources/WidgetCommon.js" type="text/javascript"><script src="Scripts/Widgets/HTMLRegion/Paste.js" type="text/javascript"><script src="Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_Landscaping_files/Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_Landscaping.js" type="text/javascript"><script type="text/javascript"><meta content="Grass to Greens offers a range of edible landscape design, consultation, installation, and maintenance services. Free Consultations! We specialize in beautiful and useful vegetable gardens, season extension, tree work, orchards and food forests, stone work, fencing, and rain water catchment. Grass to Greens is an edible landscaping company committed to creating food security and fostering social justice through urban agriculture in the Asheville area. " name="description"><meta content="Landscaping Asheville Edible Gardens" name="keywords"><meta content="follow,index" name="robots"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_Landscaping_files/Grass_to_Greens__Asheville_Edible_LandscapingMoz.css">head> Grass to Greens: Asheville Edible Landscaping

    | dcaudio

  • Apart from rewriting the outbound url to look like a folder '' and blocking the folder 'out' in the robots.txt file, along with also nofollowing the links as well, is there anything else you can do?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi All, I am wondering if you could help me please. I am getting the following result after I run my On-Page Analysis Avoid Multiple Page Title Elements _Easy fix _ <dl style="font-style: normal;"> <dt>Page titles</dt> <dd>"Aquashowers-Shower Repairs Dublin -" and "Aquashowers - Shower Repairs Dublin"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Web pages are meant to have a single title, and for both accessibility and search engine optimization reasons, we strongly recommend following this practice.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Remove all but a single page title element.</dd> </dl> Does this mean that i have 2 pages that are nearly identical or i should only name a page with one word? The reason i ask is because i have 1 page called "Aquashowers-Shower Repairs Dublin" and another called "Aquashowers-Dublin Shower Repair" I don't have a page called "Aquashowers - Shower Repairs Dublin" (with the space inbetween the words and the hyphen) Any help would be great. Thanks again Aidan

    | aidanlawlor

  • I'm using pagination following Google's guidelines to resolve duplication on pages such as: Is it sufficient to apply rel="prev" and rel="next" to search results navigation or is it wise to apply a canonical tag on to Many thanks for your insights!

    | Jacobe

  • For one of my client’s sites, I have several keywords that are ranking in the top 5 positions.  However, they have a high bounce rate.  I believe this is because Google is delivering a different URL than the page we have optimized for the keyword. Any suggestions on ways I can get Google to present our preferred page?

    | TopFloor

  • My website was hacked last November and then again last week. Prior to the hacking we were at number one in for our main search term "nile cruises' for years. After last November's hacking we dropped to about position 4 and after last week we are at position 7. Ima rebuilding the lost data and I am having to create new Title and Description meta data for each of the indexed pages. I am taking the opportunity to try and ensure my titles and descriptions are good and the correct length, etc but wondered about the best title format. I set our home page title over the weekend as: Nile Cruise | Leading ABTA & ATOL Bonded UK Nile Cruise Specialist I was going to try and cover 3 keyphrases in the title like this: Nile Cruise | Nile Cruises | Nile Cruise Bargains But I thought that might look a bit spammy because the 3 phrases are very similar. I wondered what anyone else might suggest? Thanks, Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Now that google merged local into Google+, should we be changing the way we do the reviews on our sites to be out of 3? I had one out of 5 and it showed up in the SERPS, but since the change now nothing shows.

    | netviper

  • In SEOMoz report I have 2 pages showing that are identical in name/URL apart from the fact that one ends with the / symbol and one doesnt'. They are both showing as having too many on-page links. But one shows 106 links and the other shows 106. In clients' admin section I can only find evidence of the page without the /. I wonder if anyone could advise how best to move forward? Colin

    | NileCruises

  • Hello everyone, To input the in a blog, could I input "" in the , once that i just have glob content, that will repeat for every page, and just need that schema? Thanks

    | seomasterbrasil

  • Hello, For those of you who use Magento you will know it is not SEO friendly. When you create a category or product, the name of the product or category then becomes the H1 tag.  We sell mens business shirts.  For example we have a product called 'White poplin classic fit' this is also the H1 tag, nobody is ever going to search for that term so I have had my developer create a new attribute that allows me to keep the product name as it is and let's me create a new SEO friendly H1 tag, for example 'White business shirt'  However, placing 'White business shirt' on the page to be visible by the visitor does not look good on the page. My question is.  Can I place the H1 tag anywhere on the page?  I have some tabs like below.  I am thinking of add a tab in between delivery and returns called more info and placing more seo keywords including the H1 tag in this tab. Will this be OK or will this be seen as black hat technique?

    | mullsey

  • Everyone knows headlines are important, but data speaks louder than opinion. Does anyone know of some studies about engagement metrics & headlines?

    | nicole.healthline

  • I had most of my keywords within the top 10 for this site, some were even ranking in the top 5. For a possible minor boost, more-so to cover all the bases, I decided to add images to all of the pages, and they were uploaded as a gallery with most of the image file names being the same as the keyword. Thus, url's were created with our targeted phrases, extending off of the corresponding sub-page. After that, Google quickly picked up the url's to the images and began indexing them, when that occurred the sub-page which was to be the landing page, quickly tanked. Nothing else on-site changed besides the uploading of the images, so I'm sure they're conflicting and for whatever reason Google can't decide which page to index. The page that contains the images used, or the actual intended landing page. With WP I didn't see a way to not have them link to anything at all, and just be static when using a gallery, stock at least. So, my question is how can I quickly alleviate this problem and what should I do in the future to avoid this? I believe if I change link thumbnails to image file instead of attachment page, that should fix the issue... Then, I'll have dead URL's which I suppose I should 301 to the sub-page. Alternatively, is there a better solution that will work, I was also thinking about no-indexing the attachment URL's, but that doesn't seem to be an option.

    | JayAdams32

  • A client's friend has had a parked domain for over 11 years. He has done nothing with it but throw a couple of ads on it. It has some traffic, most likely from typos: the domain domain is somewhat similar to a leading search engine. But the parked domain has no content, no links, no DA. I can't see the benefit of the redirect.  My client might get a little traffic -- but the parked domain has nothing to do with his niche. Am I missing something? Is there any risk involved in the redirect (beyond unqualified traffic that isn't valuable?)

    | DanielFreedman

  • Our site is, and our products and product catalog are unique in two ways. For one our product is not something that people are generally aware of, and secondly our entire product catalog consists of different variations of the same product. **Catalog Overview: ** Product Example: I keep wondering if it is better to lead the title with "branded keywords" [1] or with "descriptive keywords" [2]? Dolphin HingeHead | Unique Home Decor & Gift Idea | HingeHeads Dolphin Decor Accessories & Unique Gift Ideas | HingeHeads I am currently going with the second solution, but I am always wondering if that's the right/better solution. I am curious to hear feedback from people who have more experience with this than I do. How would you structure the title for our product pages? Thanks! Kai

    | hingeheads

  • Okay so if my website has the keyword 'dog training'. My main page shows one of my posts in which the title is 'dog training'. I cannot change it because the SEOMOZ on page tool tells me to keep the keyword at the front of the title for SEO increase I don't understand... <dl> <dd>Although employing targeted keywords in the H1 tag does not correlate well to high rankings, it does appear to provide some slight value. It's also considered a best practice for accessibility and to describe a page's content, hence our recommendation.
    However, keyword stuffing may be perceived negatively by the search engines and can impact rankings. Thus, we suggest keeping keyword usage in the H1 to 2 or fewer uses.</dd> <dd>If I remove it then this shows up or change the anchor text. It pisses me the hell off because this damn tool doesn't even say how to fix the problem. If I go into one of my posts, the main title of my blog shows up in the top right corner which happens to be my keyword (I cannot change it) so what the f' do I do?????</dd> <dd>If someone could just take a look at my blog and tell me all the wrongs about it and how to fix everything, that would be amazing.
    </dd> </dl>

    | 678648631264

  • Hi all, I'm using Yoast's SEO plugin and when I run a On Page report card here on SEOMOZ it says there are 2 descriptions tags I've been trying to fix this but can't (I'm new!) Anyone any ideas on this? Thanks Elaine

    | elaineryan

  • I'm using the on page report card and it tells me that i have to avoid using meta keywords.I'm a little bit confused. I thought that it's important to use it all the time so search engine can better index the site. if I use SEO Quake it will tell me in the diagnostic test that I need to input keywords.

    | jsevilla

  • I have my site I made 5 days ago with 5 pages of unique content at 500 words each, no backlinks, and non-optimized on page SEO. I just check my SERP ranking for a competition of 49-50% at I am sitting at the bottom of page 1? Will I keep this rank or what?

    | 678648631264

  • I am trying to improve rankings for a national website going after keywords product + state/city. It is a very competitive space and I can't figure out why our competitors are ranking above us (the ever enigmatic Google). Any suggestions for improving ranking for these kind of keywords without going black hat? Thanks!

    | hwade

  • Hi all We followed seomoz advice regarding on-page tweaks for this page: Dropped 10 places by Google UK. Obviously could be a coincidence, but any on-page critique very gladly received. (But also seem to have been dropped by Google across the board in the past week or so. Usual trouble of trying to find causes. But specific page advice would be a start and much appreciated.) Regards P

    | dexm10

  • Im trying to to fix my duplicate content problem with my catagory pages in  my shopping cart. I have read about adding a rel canonical tag to the page so it links back to the main catagory page. So if I add a rel canonical tag to the main catagory page it will show up on every other page for that catagory like page 1 page 2 and so on and it will have the tag linking back to the main cat. That should fix it it right? Now that being said I cant seem to add the tag invetween the head tags. I can add it to the body where I can add content. Will the rel canonical tag work outside the head tags? Any other ideas on this fix? I contacted my people that host the cart to see if they have any features to help this will see what they say.

    | Dataken

  • Hello is there some way to avoid this? <dl> <dt>Occurrences of Keyword</dt> <dd>45</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>We've seen evidence that excessive use of keywords can negatively impact rankings and thus suggest moderation.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Remove instances of the targeted keyword(s) from the document text of this page to bring it below 15</dd> <dd>I don't want to get slapped by the big G, bing, yahoo, ask, aol, etc. I currently show 2 posts on my main webpage.
    </dd> </dl>

    | 678648631264

  • When I'm checking my page on SEOmoz should I use http://www. or http:// or www. or just And I get this for my check Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical Moderate fix <dl> <dt>Canonical URL</dt> <dd>XXX</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply.</dd> <dd>I have absolutely NO idea what this means 😞
    </dd> </dl>

    | 678648631264

  • Is it damaging to have TOO long a title tag these days? i.e. well over character limit. I learned that title tags should be around 70 characters. I am new at this, but have a client that has three times that, with the same three keyword phrases repeating 3-4 times. And then NO h1's or h2's in the text......advice? Rookie here 🙂

    | cschwartzel

  • I own a website called While doing a search no Google, I found that the page authority of the home page (31) is higher than the domain authority (23). I was wondering if it's really possible because my understanding was page authority of a page is determined by its domain authority. Therefore, it the domain authority of a website is 23, none of its page could have a higher page authority. Plus, upon consulting an SEO expert, I was told that neither Domain Authority or Page Authority of a page carries any importance as far as higher ranking of a website is concerned. Is this true? Thanks in advance for the answers. Cheers, Sushant large

    | suskanchan

  • My site index has recently showed up during crawl - with a warning of too many links (885). Should I be adding the no follow tag to this page? Wall Quotes, Vinyl Wall Quotes, Family Sayings, Baby Boy Quotes Thank you!

    | joziepaige

  • I am BRAND new to this, and setting up my first campaign. I choose subdomain, and entered This is the message I receive: We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here.

    | cschwartzel

  • can i submit a sitemap to them, like google?


  • I have a page that has existed on our website for many years, without ever being updated.This is what I would consider an "evergreen" content page, but it is now considered out of date and depreciated. It was never ranking high for any keyword in particular, but it is a page that has existed for many years. We have now created a more up-to-date version of the page, with much more informative content, a new URL, and of course it is SEO optimized. I am puzzled as to what I should do with my old page. Should I add a canononical link pointing it to the new updated page, or should I 301 redirect it to the new page, or should I no-index the old page? What are your thoughts and suggestions? I can give more information if needed. Thank you!!

    | jcph

  • The index page and the targeted landing page for that keyword. They have different content, title, meta but I am competing with myself for the main keyword in the industry. What is the best way to fix this? 301 the keyword page to the index page?

    | Aftermath_SEO

  • Hi, After optimised every single landing pages of the website with keywords and building links made the results worse! Now website is ranking 3rd from 2nd! What would be the reason for that? Thanks,

    | WTGEvents

  • If I purchase a domain name that links to my site with the new domain name being keyword specific....will that help boost rankings in Google? Reason I ask is that a particular website always ranks higher than ours because of their domain name (keyword specific). They are currently not even "open" and they still manage to rank high. I checked for links with the seomoz tools but did not see any high links etc.. Thanks!

    | teachcsg

  • This is based on a clothing retailer, eCommerce site. In an effort to reduce the length of our product names, we are considering removing terms like long-sleeve, short-sleeve, etc., but leaving that information in the URL. Now, the concern is that we would lose some traction in the SERP's if those descriptive words are left out as the product name is also our page title. Then I think keywords as broad as long-sleeve shirt wouldn't serve us well anyways. One idea we have is that the alt tag on the product image could still display the longer product name that would include long-sleeve, etc. thus having the keyword on the product page. Any ideas or suggestions? Hope this is clear. Seems redundant from a user standpoint to state long-sleeve, etc. in every product name. Thanks - your answers are always so helpful!

    | kennyrowe

  • My site is set up with a mobile website and after running the on page SEO report on moz it is returning multiple errors for duplicate title tags and duplicate content all related to the mobile website being a direct reflection of the main site. I want to know if this is really an issue. I'm sure Google actually knows the difference between my main site and the mobile version. Do I really need to go through each individual mobile page and change each page title and modify all the content? I really would like to avoid doing this but at the same time would like to fully optimize my site. Any advice is appreciated.

    | shiftins

  • I have created a site structure like this: domain/for-sale/brand domain/for-sale/brand-model domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg1 domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg2 domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg3 etc.... I cannot understand why the domain/for-sale/brand-model does not seem to be indexed, yet the domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg6 is? This is a new site, but I cannot understand why this URL would be indexed without the others... Any ideas? My home pages has links to the domain/for-sale/brand, this page has links to domain/for-sale/brand-model1, domain/for-sale/brand-model2 etc, each of these pages have links to domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg1, domain/for-sale/brand-model/pg2 etc...

    | MirandaP

  • Hi, I reviewed a site for a client recently and noticed when I produced a crawl report (SEOmoz) that there were thousands of pages with the same content. This is because the developer added a ticket booking system which has a page for each day up to 2017 (5 years). I see in my campaign monitoring that this results in 9,445 duplicate content errors. The site is only 3 months old and has a Google PR of 4 and is ranking reasonable well for main keywords. Just wondering if there is a way to fix this or should I leave it. Is it eventually going to result in problems?. I cant see these pages when I view the server with FTP - perhaps they are dynamically created. Pat

    | Patff

  • I may have over optimized my linkedin a result it only shows up for linkedin + my name (ilya elbert) it does NOT show up for just my name query alone on the first 200 results. I've removed all my jobs and most of the info and am going to gradually re add things when I get it back - is there anything I can do to speed up the process of reconsideration? I guess I'm new to this over optimization penalty.

    | ilyaelbert

  • Please help me with the tagline: Option 1: Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas Real Cruise Expert Option 2: Book Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas with a Real
    Cruise Expert Option 3: No. 1 Cruise Expert: Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the
    Seas Web page title: Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas Thank you!

    | NadiaFL

  • I have been hit by the penguin update. I have found companies who for $300 will evaluate my site for potential problems. Is this possible and is it worth the investment

    | MobileVet

  • My site is optimized for keyword "payment gateway" but it seems for each keyword only one page should be optimized as per good SEO. So if I've a page about Paypal then how should I spread the keywords? Here the main will be Paypal and site keyword will be payment gateway. It means site should have more Paypal than payment gateway. But can payment gateway be in 3rd or 4th position in density? Similarly how should I create other pages? How search engines determine the site authority based on keyword? ( let us ignore the external backlinks, context of them and anchor texts).

    | rag_gupta

  • Hello! I have a client that wants to upload an URL like this: The main problem is that doesn't exist and gives a 404 error so I'd prefer not doing that...... What do you think about this? And if the client wants to go ahead, is there any solution? A 301 to the final page would help? Thank you in advance!

    | Juandbbam

  • We manage brands websites in a very competitive industry that have thousands of affiliate links We see that more and more websites (mainly affiliates websites) are scrapping our brand websites content and it generate many duplicate content (but most of them link to us back with an affiliate link). Our brand websites still rank for any sentence in brackets you search in Google, Will this duplicate content hurt our brand websites ? If yes, should we take some preventive actions ? We are not able to add ongoing UGC or additional text to all our duplicate content and trying to stop those websites of stealing our content is like playing cat and mouse... Thanks for your advices

    | Tit

  • Hello, in on page report card , for a kyeword: armadi portafucili blindati URL: Blindati&codiceSottoCategoriaSel=Linea Legno DeLuxe&codiceMarcaSel=SILMEC i have a Critical Factor that don't undestand. It 's not ok "appropiate Use of Rel Canoncal, but in my page i have <link href=" Blindati&codiceSottoCategoriaSel=Linea Legno DeLuxe&codiceMarcaSel=SILMEC" rel="canonical"> and the link is the same of the url . I don't undestand where is the problem . Who can help me? Best Regards Luca

    | lbecarelli

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