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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • How many keywords should the home page of a Real Estate site be optimized for?

    | bronxpad

  • Is there someone else out there that obsesses about their rank and check it multiple times a day? Please tell me I am not the only one LOL!

    | cbielich

  • Hi everyone, our site is ranking well for the plural of a key phrase. But very poorly for the singular. Any suggestions?

    | absoauto

  • I run a box-of-the-month subscription club for Japanese candy called "Candy Japan". Users sign up for $24 / month and then I start sending them products to try from Japan. I'm curious about SEO, but lack in imagination for terms I would even want to rank for. I already rank OK for "japanese candy", but people who search for that who click over to the site don't seem to convert. People who search for "candy japan" do convert (obviously), since it's clear they already know they want to subscribe. I started making content pages about specific candies, but those are not working. Firstly no-one knows the name of specific Japanese candies, so there isn't any search traffic for them. And even when I get some clicks, they don't convert because I am not selling those specific products (and am not interested in doing so) but rather my product is the subscription club itself. Any ideas on what kind of terms I might be able to find new converting club members from?

    | Bemmu

  • Ok so i've done all my keyword research and have a good list of keywords and phrases, now what do I do???

    | senreview

  • As an example, I am trying to rank for the term "ice cream". I have site content pages that relate to "chocolate ice cream", "vanilla ice cream", etc.These content pages have been SEO optimized using best practices. Would I be ruining my SEO work if I begin to publish blog posts for the same keywords that my content pages target? Am I basically forced to find alternative keywords and only target one page per keyword?

    | jcph

  • I found some really good resources on here regarding how to optimize for product pages, however I have one question. We carry about 20 different products lines. EX: Cold Saws, Band Saws, Press Brakes etc. For the cold saws product line we have Manual Cold Saws and Automatic Cold Saws. Same for Band Saws. Since the products are very similar and people are technically only search for manual cold saws, manual coldsaws, manual cold saw machines etc. Each product line has between 10 and 50 machines. How do we optimize each product page for 1 keyword phrase.? Can I have about 5 manual cold saw pages target the same keyword phrase or does each page have to be targeting completely different key phrases?  like, manual coldsaws, manual cold saws, affordable manual coldsaws, etc.

    | hfranz

  • Hi I have a dilema that I could do with some help with please. I am working on a site and its home page is ranking on the second page of google position 2 (12) for a term such as [Portrait Photographer London] The title tag I am using for this homepage is "Portrait Photographer | Clients Brand Name" ( which does NOT include the word "photography / photographer") The reason why I used this term for the home page is eventually I would like to rank in the top 3 (I'm ambitious) for [Portrait Photographer] so I left out the location on the home page as I have an about us page where I have the title tag "Portrait Photographer London | Clients Brand Name"  this is currently ranking on page 3 position 3 (33) for a term such as [London Portrait Photographer] I'm wondering if including the location would help move my client up any? So it would be: "Portrait Photographer London | Clients Brand Name" and the keyword I want move up for is [Portrait Photographer London] Hope this makes sense

    | RankStealer

  • Hello I not too old to use seomoz, i am looking for a feature please let me know if i can see this kinda feature in seomoz pro account. I am looking for a keywords for my competitors like i enter my competitors domain name and i get the list of keywords my competitors are ranking in top 50. I searched a lot but i am unable to find the automatic fetching of keywords of my competitor. The same is available in other website In seomoz i have to manually enter the keywords and than it shows ranking of my competitors, i want to fetch the keywords for my competitor directly.

    | DanishWadhwa

  • The keywords report has informed me that my company has dropped significantly for a few keywords that we were doing well for previously. How can we go about increasing our keyword rankings again? We have tried content writing through blogs and articles, neither of which seem to have the same effect as they did before the Panda updates. In addition, we are optimizing our product pages, including the meta titles, meta descriptions, and product descriptions. Should we focus more now on social media, such as using certain keywords in Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr posts? Are there any other ways we can increase our keyword rankings?

    | ConservationM

  • What does it mean when my key word is branded?

    | sheffieldcityguide

  • Hi All I was wondering if it is possible to trace the individual keywords/key-phrases that someone has used to get them to my pages/site and if they came in from PPC or SEO, preferably without having to use a call tracking service, code under number, or multi-telephone line system? Regards Nic

    | KDWeb

  • Hi, I'm looking for a tool that will be able to run a list of keywords 1 by 1 through the Google Adwords keyword tool and place them together in a list, in order to get as much long tail keywords as possible. Thanks for any suggestion!

    | DeptAgency

  • Hi There, I'm currently producing some SEO videos for a friend of mine who has a video website for the driving instructor industry and I'm going to make some videos for him on basic SEO (overview of Google, finding keywords, content, google places, meta titles / descriptions, urls with domain name in etc, link building, etc etc).99.9% of people in this industry dont know much about website and SEO etc, so dont have tools such as SEOMOZ, wordtracker etc. Therefore I cant use these tools to get people finding the best keyword which are not too competitive for them. Does anyone know if there is a keyword difficulty tool equivilent out there to SEOMOZ which is free, as im having trouble finding one (Google keyword tool doesnt do this). (I will be mentioning doing the 30 day trial etc, but some people will not like giving their credit card details and then cancelling). Thanks a lot. Antony

    | Ant71

  • I have a search term that is only used widely for one month of the year (roughly) - that keyword is "ucas clearing" only really used in august. Looking at google's keyword tool it shows a monthly search figure of 22k and apparently this is the average across the year. Now, do google add up 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,264k,0,0,0,0 - divide by 12 and come up with 22k  - or do they see that it isn't steady traffic and just ignore the 0 months and therefore 22k is actually about right? Many THanks for confirmation, Ally

    | UOEWebTeam

  • Does anyone have feedback regarding Inbound Writer? I normally do not use such tools but a new client is presently using the tool so I would like to hear from the community if they have any experiences to share. Thanks!

    | RyanKent

  • Thank you anyway.  My question has been answered

    | APICDA

  • My google keywords has gone down from 100 per day to around 400 words in amonth. Did I get penalize for something. I remember making a local copy of my website on my serer to do a CMS upgrade. I didn't do the met=noindex until a week later. Now I have it passowrd protected. Do you think that could be the reason?

    | anoopbal

  • I am working on a keyword analysis for a range of keywords. I want to target these keywords in the Denver market. I know if you search google for something like "IT Support" and you are located in Denver it knows where you are and caters the results to be more Denver IT Support oriented. I did notice that those results are different than if you search for "Denver IT Support" My pages are optimized for the Denver market and the keyword like "IT Support" but I am  a bit confused on how I should be doing my research into keywords. Should I be putting Denver into all my keyword analysis research even though I still want to rank for just the keyword when they are searching from the Denver area. I hope this all makes sense. I guess I just need some guidance on how to deal with the location specifics of my keywords. Thanks in advance for any help.

    | ZiaTG

  • I seem to be a little confused about how SEO has changed recently and what things should be avoided even though I am still seeing these things impacted on my site. The recent panda and penguin updates have scared many of us SEO'ers into thinking that keyword optimization is now a no-no as apposed to how it used to be necessary. Let me explain Concerning keyword optimization in the past in SEO we would practice placing keywords into our pages to make sure we are properly optimizing for such keywords. For instance bolding keywords, placing them in content, titles and descriptions. With panda Google seems to be negativly impacting the use of over optimization with keywods and it is what is preached about on most SEO blogs now, but I have been experimenting with such things with my sites and have noticed a few things. Before the panda update I used to rank with my main site on a particular keyword in second place. While the panda update effected me negatively with ranking it was not so much the ranking that hurt me as apposed to the adsense revenue. I used to place consistently second place with my keyword, since panda I have dropped on average to 4th - 7th place, almost changing daily. The ranking was not so much a drop but the adsense revenue difference a month is about 2,000 which did impact me. Since then I have been going over panda rules and making the appropriate changes like getting rid of low quality content, to many keywords, ad placement. I am one who likes to experiment all the time so there are a few things that I have discovered with my diligence. I have noticed that when I cross a threshhold of about 5 repeated keywords on a page I am safe, when I begin to add more than 5 I start to notice a drop in ranking. If I go back to 5 and under I tend to rank back up. As well with that I have noticed that the placement of the keywords also impacts my ranking. When I place keywords more spread out over my page I see better rankings, if I tend to optimize my keyword more on the top portion of my page I see a drop in ranking. My question is even though keyword optimization is considered a no-no I still see that it will impact my rankings greatly. Since everything I read kind of goes against this I am wanting to hear your opinions about this. Another issue is relative content and the amount of pages/articles. It seems that to many pages or articles will flag you as a spam site. Now the idea of less is more is the practice we see. If this is the case then what I am questioning is how is it that google can determine a sites quality based on less. With less to use, google would have to have some serious and definitive triggers to determine the quality of the site. Can one simple page really change your ranking that much? How in the world does google determine the quality with just a few pages as apposed to many? My site (and no I am not back linking right now :)) I am a scrabble based site that helps users find words and definitions for scrabble games and other word games. On some of my pages I have articles/pages which give users important info like 2 letter words, high scoring words and other stuff. When I show these words I place a link on every word to my dictionary portion so users can easily click the link and look up the word and its definition. Some of these pages show over a thousand words, so yes I have a thousand links on that page to other pages on my site. I want to keep this feature so users don't have to type in the word to look it up, but I am torn as to if this is hurting me as apposed to helping. I would love some info on this please.

    | cbielich

  • When working on a new client how can we look in to the history of keyword rankings? I would like the last 2 years but they have been tracked by me for only 1 month?

    | dynamic08

  • Hi Guys,Im researching keywords to add to our new website with google key words.  At this stage we are not using any paid searches or any PPC and are solely looking to be optimized for organic searches. With this in mind should I focus on  populating out site with words that rank high under the column " local monthly searches' and not worry about the words that rank high  under CPC and the Competition columns? .

    | dawsonski

  • I'd like have that report show me the top 20 or 30 results -- currently I can only get it to display the top 10. Is this possible?

    | usanarepmanagement

  • What do you think is the most appropriate/efficient amount of keywords to target per page for a website?  Obviously, it may depend on the type/size of the site, but I've noticed different results with different clients.  Early on, I targeted way too many keywords per page, then scaled them back as I learned more.  I'm almost starting to think that you should just target 1-2 keywords per page to be efficient and more natural.  Thoughts?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • In the past I've done fairly well building niche sites for automotive accessories. The problem is, it's hard paying attention to 50+ sites after a while, and the quality ends up going down. Because of this, I've decided to focus on one large site for trucks and their accessories. I have a site called where people can create profile pages for their various trucks. It gets fair traffic for not doing much with it. I recently threw a blog on the site: This will be my area for posting articles on niche, commonly searched, easy to rank for phrases. So my questions are: Is building one massive site better? If so, how should I structure the blog area so that each article ranks well? Would it be better if they were well categorized pages in wordpress instead of blog posts? By posting all the articles on a single site, does that mean it will be harder to rank for any single thing since the topic is so broad? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    | daenterpri

  • I'm familiar with ranking factors and can get a pretty good idea of whether going for a keyword is realistic by looking at the seomoz keyword difficulty tool. As well as the % score it has a lot of useful information. There was an seomoz article a while ago that detailed how 100 or so experts determine a keyword's competitiveness. Does anybody have the link? Or just as good, any useful guides to interpreting the data to gauge how possible it is to compete? Thanks

    | PTMPercy

  • I work for a company that sells vitamins and sports supplements. I'm just looking at the key words in google analytics that people are searching to land on our page and they don’t appear to be using any product names /ailments etc. So with that in mind how does this affect my key word strategy when it comes to adding words to the pages? I had it in mind I would be adding brand names and product types etc? Any feedback would once again be much appreciated Cheers,

    | dawsonski

  • Hi there mozzers, You have been so helpful in the past and we'd really appreciate your insights into our problem... we have two data recovery companies in the UK, one has been established for 11 years ( , the second ( is a subsidiary that's been around for 5 years. Dataclinic has always ranked highly, usually in the top 1-5 on page one for relevant KWs and towards the end of last year we had traffic of approx 1,800 UK visitors/month - now we're down to only 600. Week on week we're falling and I have started to dread the monitoring checks. We're slipping in the rankings too. As our business relies almost 100% on Google rankings our phones just aren't ringing. In contrast our subsidiary company datlabs is climbing up the rankings and drawing more traffic - but unfortunately nothing like enough to compensate for the decline in the main company's traffic. We have used the same kinds of marketing strategies for both but have invested more energy into social for dataclinic, and more energy into local for datlabs. I'd say that our strategies have been less than sparkling clean - we've paid for directory links but not with the really spammy directories. We're at a loss to understand what has happened to have had such a dramatic and devastating effect - please help!! Thanks so much Sue

    | 3Amigos

  • Which one is better  for SEO keywords in keywords difficulty tools,and why ,

    | DanishWadhwa

  • Hi, Is there a UK version of US Google Hot Searches? From my search, it seems like there used to be Hot Topic but it no longer exists. What can I use to find trending topics in the UK? If anyone has tools that work in RU, AU, DE or SW that would also be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I just checked my campaign and ALL of my Google ranks have drop by 2-40 spots for the 10 keywords I track.  I know this is always a tough question to field, but what could cause should a drop across the board?  ...a penalty? ...a late Google April Fools joke? 😉

    | TerryS999

  • I have pages that are low used for example HUD homes for sale in Casa Grande AZ, or a subdivision like Wildwood homes for sale in Casa Grande AZ. If I did a redirect on them to just homes for sale in Casa Grande AZ would I get more than link juice? If somebody actually was looking for Wildwood homes for sale in Casa Grande AZ still be able to find me?

    | sansonj

  • I have  using  Google’s key word tool to generate potential Keywords for our site. I have been focusing mainly on the information in “Local Monthly” searches  (with the country being set to “New Zealand” as we are not looking to sell internationally. With regards to selecting the Key words for our site is it a matter of simply focusing on the ones that rank highest or are there other variables, in the key word tool I need to allow for. Note at this stage we are not looking to under take a PPC campaign. Thanks for you help Pete

    | dawsonski

  • I'm finding the Google tool to be inadequate for our needs. Does anyone have any suggestions of a better tool out there.

    | Xcellimark

  • My company is in the service industry, in particular we create databases for companies to use in house. Therefore, when I think of what we do, I think "database solutions". We have 3 different types of services/approaches we take which I created keywords for those. Through research I found that people don't look for database solutions, instead they look for the type of database i.e. "inventory database" or "database developer" or the technology used.  I understand 'funneling' of a site from general to specific so I understand how to deal with the first type of keyword. But what about the second. Having my general database page optimized for 'database developer' would be awkward. Specially in the anchor text in my menu link. Any suggestions? Common strategies used for this type of scenario? Is it ok to still have the internal link be 'database solutions' but then optimize the page for 'database developer'? I'm a newbie struggling with keyword research/selection so any insight would be much appreciated!

    | emcacace

  • With Fire Fox I get a ranking of 3 for roof coating and get a page 6 with Chrome and IE. Not sure what is going on with that.

    | jimmyboy

  • I need to identify a tool within SEMOZ that can automatically generate Keywords and Meta tags.

    | sherohass

  • Just emailed a domain broker about an EMD, looked like a nice short domain and thought a little site off this domain would work well. Domain was a, gets around 1,600 ems a month but specific to a service so no room to open it up, even still as a little site that would just turn over I was interested. Say average price of service £50. They come back with: Please make an high $X,XXX offer. I reply: I could rank a non-emd (branded) domain using $XXX with guest blogging for the same term. There logic for the price quoted: If you take £25 profit from each sale, you only need to sell 400 to make your money back. This is coming from one of the largest domain brokers in the US. What a silly way of valuing a domain.

    | activitysuper

  • Hey guys, I've always wondered about this. Say I'm targeting the keyword "how to sell your house" but I find it a bit bland or generic and my client actually offers a service more in line with "how to sell your house quickly" - say that's their USP for example. I still want to rank for the broader version however, because far fewer people are searching for the "quickly" version - and it stands to reason that if searchers can solve the same problem quickly, they'll want that version of the solution anyway. So will adding the word "quickly" to the end of the keyword I'm targeting (and using that in my Title, H1, URL, description tags etc) make Google see my client's page/site as less relevant to a broader search term like the more generic "how to sell your house", that I'm trying to rank for? Thanks 🙂

    | makeshiftyy

  • Keyword search How low is too low for choosing to use a key phrase for one of your articles, website pages, etc. I see some with 100 local and global searches. Is this too low to really be spending the time working on this key phrase?

    | sansonj

  • Hi, I got a warning come up today in my Adwords account about exact and phrase match being updated to include misspellings etc Read more here: Now I use the Google keyword tool to research into exact match terms for SEO, gives me an idea of the search volumes I could potentially receive. If Google adds misspellings, singular and plural forms, acronyms, stemmings etc this will change the data in the Keyword tool not giving accurate figures on the EXACT term. Any thoughts?

    | activitysuper

  • I have to examples 21 Cobblestone Farms Maricopa AZ homes for sale 23 maricopa az homes for sale in cobblestone farms They have no local or global results in the analyzer. Just shows the difficult level. How do I choose what one to do, or are they simply not really worth my time?

    | sansonj

  • I know that they are very similar as search signals, but I would like to understand the exact relationship.  My company is in the process of adding local seo services to our seo offerings, and we are trying to hammer out a process for determining optimal categories for businesses based on keywords we are already using for optimizing their sites.  Any insights or suggestions on how best to do this would be much appreciated.

    | CustomCreatives

  • Hi Looking for some advice: Situation: Starting and SEO campaign for the French market. We have extensive keyword data from our adwords account as this has been running for a few months. Questions: What should we be looking out for in relations to keywords to target in the seo campaign? How many keywords is it sensible to target or chase? (one person dedicated to the French seo campaign) Thanks for your help, Andrew

    | fleurya

  • Hi guys, I was looking to create a nice microsite and was using the Keyword Analysis tool to help find some good ideas. The problem is that I didn't know how to spell the item I was curious about. When I typed in the wrong spelling, it gave a pretty good result, so I went ahead and bought the domain and started thinking about content. Now I have a domain with a bad name. The correct spelling domain is ranked through the ozone and there's no chance I can compete with those guys. What do I do? Give up on the domain? I'm thinking to go ahead and continue outlining my site as if the domain had the correct spelling all along. But I confused over whether the home page should rank for the correct or incorrect spelling. Any help would be great.

    | DanielBMarkham

  • I used the keyword research tool to pull data on potential keywords, the report returns a percentage to represent the competition and difficulty of a keyword. Is there an ideal ratio of percent difficulty to search volume

    | AdviceElle

  • Hi, I'm currently writing the meta data for the launch of a new ecommerce site for our company & the way the site is set out means that each product has it's own landing page. The issue with this is that we have a lot of products that either do the same thing or are only a very slight variation of another product. This is causing a bit of a problem writing the page titles because as you can imagine in order to keep it relevant I'm having to pretty much copy other page titles. For example Product A 3/4 Length | Keywords | Company Product A Full Length | Keywords | Company Also as you can imagine it's a bit of an issue for the on-page text due to the only variation being the length (in this example) with only a slight bit of changed content to accomodate. I was wondering if anyone had come across similar problems to this and if so how did they resolve the issue? I don't really want to be penalised by Google for multiple duplicate content/metadata across the site. Should I just target the keyword for one of these products and then target a still relevant keyword, but one that has next to no searches for the other, similar product do you reckon? Cheers

    | TalarMade

  • I’m trying to find some long tail phrases for some competitive products, with reasonable number of local searches per month.  I’ve tried using Google Adword/ keyword tool but I’m not having much luck. Ideally I would like to keep the product name as the first part of the long tail phrase. Which other tools would you recommend I try? K

    | soltec

  • Listing your most "popular" keywords is easy when you have an "old" website, but when you start out, it's not always easy. We obviously have a list of keywords, as well as various versions for each of them, but we have a hard time assessing which ones are the most popular. Also, we may be missing some. It would be handy to know which keywords are bringing the most traffic to our competitors. Is that even possible?

    | jgenesto

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