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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I found a link directory with good PageRank and MozRank. The page I would be featured on has good page authority of about 41. Their editorial guidelines appear sound. However, I just discovered that they have a family of directories (about 7-8) that all look very similar in site appearance. I suspect that they are all hosted on the same servers and run by the same company. Would this family of directories be at risk of being flagged by Google as a link network and have all their links devalued? Thanks Mozzers!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • I'm launching a new blog for my new website. What's the best way to do internal link building for 3D Scanning? Do I link 3D Scanning to another page on my website or on a different website that has high authority for 3D scanning? Thank You in advance! -Nick

    | X2Metrology1

  • Hi all. We've been approached by a client in the online gambling sector about white hat link building. Much of our focus is on guest blogging, but most sites have a no gambling policy. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for link building ethically for tricky niches.

    | Blink-SEO

  • I would like someone to help me decide where should I take resources to do my SEO and where should I start with?  I include 2 graphs to depict my current position versus competitors. Its been now 2 years I market my site and I feel I am so far away from my competitor.  I wonder what they do to get so much links.  I just don't know where to head.  I hired some Indian people who seem like they were very good technically but it was only words.. I pay them for a couple of month to find out what they were doing was not leaded towards quality and they were not doing half of what they promised. I am a small business and I don't have a lot of budget to start but it will grow as SEO proved to be good.  I have 15 years in this business so I'm looking for long terms relationship and or very good advices. ILfWjjB.png vmGGZXd.png

    | groupemedia

  • Hi, I know that every linkbuilder needs to rotate proxies every now and then but then this question seems to bother me and I can't seem to shake it off. Just how many links should one create from a single IP proxy? Is it 1 IP proxy is to 100 links? Is it 1 IP proxy is to 200 links? Please help.  Thanks!

    | LeeAnn30

  • I have a website that is imposed partial action by Google due to unnatural links.  We are in the process to clean up those links.  At the same time, I want to add more content to the same website.  My concern is whether the new content pages will be affected by Google's action as well.  Should I wait until we finish the cleanup and get a green light from Google?  In addition, will it be worth doing some on-page optimization on the pages that are affected by unnatural links and Google's penalty?  Please advise. Thanks. John

    | pianomother

  • I dont know it's allowed to do but I want to know how this guy achieve the first result for asset management solutions.
    It has just only 3 backlinks .

    | atakala

  • Hi everyone,
    I've been trying to find discussions on this topic, but I've only been able to find a couple of posts and they're a couple of years old now, so I'm looking for a more up to date answer. I've been doing some research lately & I'm trying to get a gauge on how many internal links I should have ideally on my website before Google suggests that I'm trying to do the wrong thing. I know previously it was suggested to keep it under 100, but, I did see Matt mention it on this video ( that it's no longer 100 links, but his answer is vague (which is what it might come down to). We're a digital marketing agency & ideally going to try write pages for our services targeted to each of the main cities around Australia & ideally they would all be linked in the footer of the website (with a nice layout, dropdowns, etc...). Looking for other peoples thoughts & opinions.

    | KBB_Digital

  • I have a new website. Several of my inbound links report on open site explorer have (no follow) next to them. I assune this is not optimal-why does it happen? Brooke

    | wianno168

  • Hello, So I may have a simple question- do citations such as yp and manta for an example count as backlinks? So if they do, would this be a natural link so good for seo? or a citation where it may be a backlink, but not very helpful for seo backlink profile? Thank you to all

    | Berner

  • To my surprise, I couldn't find a clear answer to the questions "Do paid directory links violate Google guidelines?" I know Matt Cutt's recently had a video on paid links, but it didn't really cover paid directory links. Are well-curated directory sites that charge for inclusion violate Google's guidelines? A good example would be the directory.

    | RickyShockley

  • Is there a site or app that can identify popular bloggers? I've heard of one before but can't remember the name! This is just to help with a content and backlinking strategy! Thanks in advance all! 🙂 Alex

    | zeroabove

  • How on earth does "" rank No 3 on Google for "Asian travel blog"? It's just a collection of basically PR type travel articles. I have profiled its backlinks using Open Site Explorer and 71% of them are dead. The rest seem to be mostly "run of site" links from his other websites, which aren't particularly travel or Asia related. The highest PA for a live backlink to this site is a link from within his own website (PA 27, DA 15). Most of his backlink anchors are URLs and look fairly EMD to me. The site has few shares (6 FB shares, 7 FB likes, 1 Twitter share). So what makes it rank so highly for this phrase? My site I'm comparing against is "" which is a fairly new domain with a DA 23, PA 31 and about the same amount of shares but far fewer backlinks at this stage because I recently changed URLs to shake off what might have been an algorithm penalty from Google. I am now receiving a growing level of Google search traffic again, but it's a long climb back. I'm looking at strategies, which is why I was checking out the site above.

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • So, I have a link report from Link Detox. And I'm going through all of them and considering what sites need to be removed. and trying to find emails and contact webmasters.  There is just one odd thing i'm starting to see more of.  A lot of links are on websites or webpages that no longer exist. The link no longer exists. Some of the domains are even available for purchase. Why are these links showing on the backlink report and are they really harming my website?  Also, do I need to add these links into the disavow document that I will submit to Google?

    | lightwurx

  • I own an e-commerce website and my primary keyword ranks on page one of Yandex, but page 12 of Google. I have had some (likely less than optimal) links built to my website over the years. Considering Yandex doesn't take links into account, which is more likely? a. My high ranking on Yandex is indicative of where I COULD be ranking on Google if the unnatural links weren't being held against me. b. My page 12 ranking on Google is indicative that because links are still of value in Google, all of the sites above me have more and/or better quality of them. For example, A LOT more big name sites rank highly in Google as opposed to Yandex... presumably because they have a ton of good links that I (and other smaller sites) can't naturally get. Thoughts?

    | riahc

  • Hi My first q on here (hoorah!), and it's about links (boo!). I've got what appears to be a handful (but worryingly, increasing in number) of links pointing to my site like this: I've made contact with the sites concerned, and had only one positive response who flatly denied all knowledge of it. The issue (as far as I can see) is that as in the above example the links (on the bottom right in the grey box) are forever changing so not always visible. Can anyone offer any guidance as to these kinds of nasty links.... I'm right at the v beginning on this "path of seo understanding" so please don't assume prior knowledge! Thanks in advance.... tom

    | T-J-I

  • Hello Moz community. My question today is: if I got great backlinks with anchor text "abc" coming to a deep resource page in my site, will these links help my homepage rank for keyword "xyz"? In other words, are all links (regarless of anchor text) coming to a site helpful for the homepage to rank for its main keyword? Thanks.

    | EduardoRuiz

  • I've got an unusual issue. I set up a new website with new content and moved old (blog) content to the new site. On the old site, most of the blog content wasn't ranking after the Oct update. On the new site it all started ranking again after I redirected old URLs to new URLs. However while all the blog content ranks, the homepage doesn't rank for the new brand term. There are multiple articles in press that refer to the new website using the branded terms as anchor text, but it's still not ranking. Is it possible that the redirected homepage (and only the hompage) from the old site is carrying a penalty? If so, should I not redirect the homepage of the old site but all of it's sub pages?

    | ServiceCrowd_AU

  • Hello, For my niche is hypnosis and weight loss. Most of the traffic is for local terms. Would you consider it useful to go after national traffic in an effort to gain phone clients (long distance) or do you think too many of the terms are going to be served up locally. The local traffic in my area for hypnosis, weight loss, and hypnosis & weight loss are real slow. Looking for strategies (including content strategies) to bring in national clients. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • If you are working on a website which has a history spammy links, but no manual penalty by Google... is it still worthwhile to still go through the link removal and disavow process? Thoughts appreciated.

    | Gavo

  • Press release services like and seem to work, but are they a good idea?

    | aj613

  • i have just had another reconsideration request rejected by Google. In my rejection message they have given me 3 examples of unnatural links, but two of them I have had nothing to do with. My website is Here are the 3 links they mentioned: the 1st one is just a website that republished one of my articles, I never submitted there or anything. Do I need to contact every single website that republished one of my articles and get those removed? Are they not classed as natural? Also, the page is not even cached by Google, why are they telling me to get rid of links that are not even in their index? The 2nd link is a client site and is definitely unnatural, I removed my link from the main part of the site a while ago but the blog footer was not updated, I will take care of that one. The 3rd link is a totally natural blogroll link that I had nothing to do with. What do you think I should do about it? Should I mention to Google on my next reconsideration request that it is in fact natural, or should I just bite the bullet and get it taken down? Also, there are a few pretty decent links out there that I am thinking about getting taken down on good sites, what do you think I should do with these two: 1. 2.

    | Eavesy

  • Hi, could any fellow users lend me their experience please, I feel I may have confused myself!! Cut a long story short, one of the seo techniques I (like many here) employ is guest authority for sites. This is done through a manual process on quality sites. However, many sites are panicking now about Google and are nofollowing the author link back to my site. While the guest blogging wasn't done exclusively for links, a backlink is always nice. This got me onto the topic of co citation. From what I understand, it is essentially google rewarding you but without giving you back link credit. This is no the area where I have confused i right in thinking that if my brand is talked about in content on a quality site about Internet Security, then google can see the mention of my brand and will still award me some benefit from. To gain said benefit from the content is it enough that my brand is mentioned, for example 'Brand X published a paper about keeping kids safe online in 2013' or would the brand x thing need to be an active link to my site (no follow). Does this make sense? I did warn that i have managed to confuse myself hehe Many thanks for firstly talking the time to work out what on earth I have written and for any feedback offered.

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • This question is about one of my ecommerce sites ( which is ranking really well for one of it's money words, and not at all for the other. See the attached screenshot for a quick overview of the riddle we are facing.... Looking at the "Anchor Text" tab in my MOZ Campaign or in Open Site Explorer would lead you to think that I have WAY too many links with my #1 money phrase. (clothes drying rack, or laundry drying rack, as they are synonyms). And since my product page doesn't rank at all for that keyword, that's what I thought too. (My home page does show up on page 3 or 4 when Googling clothes drying rack) On the other hand, my #2 money phrase (umbrella clothesline, or outdoor umbrella clothesline) has it's product page ranking quite well in the middle of the first page of Google results. Digging deeper into the links spreadsheet from Open Site Explorer shows that most of the links are NOFOLLOW (which means they don't really count, right?) As the screenshot shows, here is the breakdown of links that count: FOLLOW links with Brand and URL anchor text totals 17 FOLLOW links with #1 money phrase anchor text totals 10, with only 1 to proper product page FOLLOW links with #2 money phrase anchor text totals 3, with all 3 to proper product page So the riddle is... Can we improve the ranking of the #1 money phrase by just getting a small number of matching anchor text links to the proper page? (making it like #2's situation) Or do we also need to get rid of some of the 9 links with the #1 anchor text that are pointing to the home page? (since the home is outranking the proper product page for this phrase) BDR-anchors-040614.jpg

    | GregB123

  • I have a dude with anchor text in internal links, could be the keyword or should be different as external links? My website is about vouchers codes and i have a blog where i wrote about offers, life style, etc.. and when i can do it, i put the keyword "vouchers codes" as anchor text or "vouchers codes amazon", etc.. Am i doing well or not? Thanks so much.

    | pompero99

  • Hey, I have a problem with a website of mines. Lately, it has been loosing an imortant number of links (like 20-30 % of the while link profile). Those links are good and coming from relevant blogs with PA/DA >25  and majestic seo CF/TF > 20 . My question is: What's the best way to deal with those lost links ? I have 2 alternatives here: 1. I reach out to those bloggers (whith which i have good relationship) and as them to put the links back. (But i fear this can trigger a signal of bought links; smth like, "I didnt pay so i got my links removed the, and now as i paid again, here i get my links live again") or 2. I forget about those link sources and go search for new, fresh opportunities So, which option do you suggest here ? thanks

    | rikano

  • Hello Everyone. I noticed when I added a few links from Google Groups and Google Communities. It has a do follow? Does that mean it help your SERPS? Thanks for you help?


  • Hi all Bit of a strange one....doing a backlink analysis for my client's website (a handmade oak furniture supplier) and noticed there are about 13,000 spam backlinks to the domain from dozens of websites for keywords related to replica watches. Odd! Obviously neither us nor them have made these backlinks. Would a disavow be enough action to take in this case? I would rather the client not see a penalty in WMT for spam backlinks for this. Not sure how, or why, we have acquired this links. I can only think someone has been trying to do a spot of negative seo against the site Thanks Carl

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • When people search for our brand name on Google, the 4th and 5th hits are threads from open forum. The discussions can hurt our image very much and we have to do something to replace it. I need some tips for how i can replace the community and push it down the list.

    | DialectAB

  • Could an abnormal ratio of nofollow links cause a drop in rankings? Our "Followed Linking Root Domains vs. NoFollowed Linking Root Domains" is 50/50... while our competitors have an average ratio of 90/10. The reason for our abnormal ratio is that: A) We're a relatively new site, with a small link profile so far. B) We have a WordPress plugin that allows other publishers to add our content to their site (which has a nofollow backlink included). And, as a followup question... if we removed the nofollow backlink completely, but still left the branded text there... could we potentially still benefit from it (our brand name being near targeted keywords that appear in the plugin content)?

    | JABacchetta

  • I'm currently working on a website that has had a load of spammy links built in the past. From what I can see, it would be most efficient and effective to disavow everything that's there as all work performed previously is low quality, except for some local directory submissions. These local directory submissions are likely "no follow" and therefore, I'm wondering is it OK to disavow everything including these local directory submissions, seeing they are no follow anyway?

    | Gavo

  • Hi All, Just used an agency to run linkdetox on our site and they have uploaded a dissavow file after chopping out quite a few bad links. Our current Moz DA is 27 - Im just wondering how long this takes to kick in and if my DA will rise as a result. The opensite explorer link is here

    | ORS-Group

  • Hi guys, one of our websites has received a partial manual penalty from Google, visible in our webmaster tools panel. That website was SEO-ed poorly via external agency, using very old-fashioned, spammy solutions. We have X keywords that are filtered (drops in rankings such as 2 -> 48), and X keywords that our website still ranks well for (stays top 3, etc). Question: after we remove all the traces of SEO implemented by previous SEO manager (so we remove some bad stuff from the web, and disavow the rest of bad stuff through webmaster tools), we expect drops in positions for keywords that were previously filtered (because not many links, if any, remains). How will that process affect our previously not-filtered main and long tail phrases? We wonder if there's a point in removing that manual penalty. Our website still receives solid portion of organic traffic, because Google didn't penalized all of our phrases supported by bad SEO. Any tips or suggestions as to what path should we take from here? Mind you, this is an e-commerce website. We fear that removing the penalty will result in removing most of the existing organic traffic, and our sales will suffer tremendously.

    | superseopl

  • A little while back a whole heap (around 5000) of exact match anchor text links showed up in my GWT profile. Now over time quite a few of them have dropped away, but according to Remoovem I've still got a 73% link percentage score for this particular anchor text (which is my main keyword), along with a 55% root percentage. Obviously this is a Bad Thing. What would be the best way to combat this over optimised profile?
    Disavow the links? Leave them be and work on more exact match links? When I look at some links listed in GWT, I can't find the link to my page anywhere in the source code. Can I ignore those domains or should they also go into a removal program? I've not received any manual penalty or notice in GWT, though I did see a drop of traffic last year around the early may 'Phantom' update. From which the site has never really recovered.

    | schitz011

  • OSE only shows me as having 24 internal links on my home page.  My internal links and total links are far less than my competitors, some of whom have 1700 on a single page.  My site is and an example of a competitor with far more internal links is  1) How do I get that many internal links on a page and 2) do I even want to?

    | frankdefazio

  • I have a local website. Please let me know, what weekly tasks should be done to get on page One.

    | marknorman

  • For example: On a website there are items in the news listing that point to articles about a company that appear on online news sites; items that point to collateral hosted by vendors we use, etc. What tool can be used to provide a list of these links?

    | Scratch_MM

  • Last year my company hired an SEO company to build backlinks for targeted achor text keywords.  It turns out that they wrote average to below average blog posts that had content related to my business, but that were placed on odd websites, not related to my business.  They did this for about one year before I fired them. Should I try to get each of those blog posts removed and then disavow them?  If the external links back to my site are nofollow then it is my understanding that I don't really need to worry about that accurate? Is it too risky to keep any external backlinked content alive when it is on a site that is unrelated to my business?

    | ajgrossman

  • Following Google's nuking of My Blog Guest, is there any way of doing (high-quality, small-scale) guest posting safely? Specifically, do the tips from Neil Patel here (written Jan 22) still stand up? Only post on relevant blogs – ideally these blogs should also be larger than your website. In other words, do it because it will help with branding, traffic, and sales. Posting on bigger blogs that are also relevant will provide you with more good exposure than posting on small, unknown blogs. Avoid using rich anchor text – rich anchor text will become a huge red flag and will probably cause your site to get penalized eventually, especially if you are building these links through guest posts. Share the love – you won’t be able to link out to your site only. From Wikipedia to your competitors, you’ll have to link out to whichever site benefits the reader the most. Build up your author rank – with Google Plus becoming more popular, it will be easier for Google to determine how good of a writer you are. So, you’ll have to focus on publishing only valuable content as you won’t want crap tied to your author account. Co-citations are valuable – even if you don’t get a link from a guest post, just having your site mentioned in the article can help with rankings. I think Google will place more emphasis on co-citations in 2014.

    | Jeepster

  • Hey Everyone, I was wondering, I ran a website IP address on and the website was on the blacklist on only one place that is on BARRACUDA. **Also the website other than that the site is clean. ** Domain clean by Google Safe Browsing: Domain clean by Norton Safe Web: Domain clean on Phish tank: Domain clean on the Opera browser: Domain clean by SiteAdvisor: Domain clean by the Sucuri Malware Labs blacklist: Domain clean on Yandex (via Sophos): Domain clean by ESET: So I have 2 questions. The site in question is a Classifieds Ad Website
    1. Does your ranking get affected if you are associated with a website who is linked to you and is on the blacklist for spam only on Barracuda?
    **2. If a website has a bad rating on WOT or WEBUTATION. Does that also hurt your ranking? ** Your help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • Hi, I just want to know if i cloak internal link/url and put them in sidebar? Basically i am looking out to cloak below url which contains parameter TO Is it SEO acceptable ? Thanks, Raj

    | RajeshB

  • Hello, I am trying to zone in on a link building strategy for a non-linkable site. What I mean by non-linkable is I have a construction site. It's a family owned and operated small business. Our clients are farmers and older people usually. We go do a job, do it right the first time, and leave. Basically even if a couple of people who link to me for some weird reason, this is no way in the realm of 6,000 that my main competition has. I have tried to get as many quality citation resources as possible by using get listed, and white spark. My domain authority is only 16 though, so I must be able to increase this somehow. I have listed with Google +, Bing, Yahoo and every other major citation I could find. So now with trying too increase links with other ideas. I read somewhere to donate to charitable organizations, but if they link back to me as a donor, in an unrelated field, isn't that spammy like? So a construction site donating to a disease website, and then getting a backlink in return, does that look weird. It just seems like there are so many rules that I do not want to mess something up. I do not want get spammy links, but not sure if citations count as links so I am doing a win-win thing? Thanks for any tips Chris

    | asbchris

  • Hello, i have in Webmasters Tools 66 links to my website and i see many links of forums and blogs that copied the same post from another blogs, etc.. There are 2-3 always, i am not concerned but i don't know if i should use this tools to eliminate some links. What do you think? When should i use this tool? Thanks so much.

    | pompero99

  • I'm still new to SEO, but I have a decent foundation on it. To me, it seems like guest posting and earning PR on quality sites is good for the coverage, but will those one-off links really make a difference? I'd have to assume that SEOs earn their worth when they build scalable links (i.e. tools that people link to, guides, etc) So, while PR is nice, I feel as if I shouldn't focus my time there, but spending time on building a product such as's SEO audit tool, Cappex's college match tool, CNN's budget calculator, Moz's google weather report, etc.

    | BrandonPindulic

  • Every article on SearchEngineLand is self linked by it's title on H1 tag. I want to ask you if there is a SEO ranking benefit from it. I saw another sites that practice this tactic. Ex:

    | fin

  • Hi all, I've purchased a link from a good PR4 website, but they added my link to the bottom of a lengthy page. They offered to up-sell me to get to the top of the page, where I'll be 10 or 12 links down. One of my direct competitors is at the top, so I'm happy with the directory choice (they spank me in rankings). The only reason I'm on this directory is to purely capture link juice. So knowing all of that, my question is, should I go ahead and pay to be on the top, assuming that Google bots crawl a page from the top down? It's important to me for the bot to log this link quickly. Or is paying to be at the top pointless, because the bot will just as quickly crawl to the bottom of the page and pick up the link anyway? Thanks! T

    | 800GoldLaw

  • Who can I hire to help fix all the issue with my site?

    | desiresbymikolay

  • Hello, I'll try to be concise as I can. I run a coupon codes site.
    Today when I loggein in webmaster tools I noticed many new links to my website. And all to a single page. (
    I tend to think that spam was made by the person who owns that company because he/she used achors related to his bussiness rather than the company name + coupon or company name + discounts. Besides the fact that these links have no value and created automatically by software there are also links from pornographic websites. (bet he paid someone on fiverr for link building and made my website tier 1) I was thinking of 2 options:
    1. I remove that page from my website. ( and use disallow. Not sure I can find all the links poiting to that page.
    2. Redirect that page to so he can enjoy his spam. I would appreciate if someone can answer me.

    | affigroup

  • Is this an RSS feed link? How was this page generated? What causes it to show up as a backlink in open site explorer? And how would you go about removing these links? Lots of questions there 🙂 Thank you.

    | ThridHour

  • If I have site A linking to site B, and take down the links - does anyone have any experience in about how long they take to 'fall off', that is stop appearing in Webmaster Tools or Moz? I'm going on three weeks currently. Perhaps this takes months?

    | GFujioka

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