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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • I wanted to implement lazy loading on my whole domain, but was unsure about the effect on the organic image search. Therefore I implemented it some months ago on 3 selected URLs with medium organic image traffic. Unfortunately all 3 pages dropped significantly (roughly 80%) of image impressions and clicks (seach console data). It seems that just images within the fold, that are not loaded via lazy load are still ranking. Does anybody have here more positive experiences?

    | _Heiko_

  • images bing google

    I have uploaded images to our Mozlocal account and they are showing up on Google but when we go to Bing not all the images are showing up and there is a png image of our logo that is not on Google. Wondering why this is happening and if it is possible to be fixed?

    | SCMarCom

  • I'm trying to find out if autoplay videos (muted) on the homepage effect seo in anyway? Currently our site ranks around position four on the first page, but we have noticed one competitor we monitor have long auto playing videos on their sites and were wondering if they are a good or bad factor? Any info you would like to share would be great. Thanks

    | 5TW

  • I've been working on local for a client, and it looks like the partner's name and one review is outranking the firm name and it's 20 reviews. The firm's GMB profile is better, but they're still buried. Any advice?

    | julie-getonthemap

  • As marketing agency we have for each client a Google My Business account. This means that we have more than 100 Google My Business accounts. We know that GA has a limit of 100 analytics accounts (free version),  but is there a limit in Google My Business too? For now, we have created multiple accounts that own different Google My Business accounts of our clients. Can I just change all the different e-mail accounts of  our marketing agency and change it to one? So we can manage all the Google My Business accounts of our clients in one e-mail account?

    | conversal

  • Hi All, I'm a freelancer specialising in marketing and advertising for small businesses Creative Express and I was wondering what I should concentrate on first in terms of SEO? I know that targeting the right keywords are important, as are backlinks, but also TOS etc. I haven't built up much of any, but the time has come to put in significant effort in SEO. Is there something that I should be putting the most effort in to? Is there a list somewhere that shows priorities? Thanks in advance, Dan

    | CreativeExpress

  • Is there a quick and easy way to see how competitive local search terms are?  I am looking at helping my clients show up on the local search results.  Some times all I have to do is claim a listing and they move right to the top.  Sometimes I claim a listing and nothing happens so I get links and I get reviews and it takes awhile.  I want to be able to put an accurate price point on the service I am offering.  I have looked at the search volume and it hasn't been the best indicator because some industries are more competitve than others.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    | jimmyseo

  • coursera udemy google videos

    I work for a website pretty much like Coursera, and google never brings up our videos in the SERP. It has been indexed and Search Console URL Inspection tool identifies it as a video object. is it a technical issue or just google doesn't like to show us in the SERP? Is there any way to fix this?

    | semrtaz

  • Hi Mozzers, I was wondering if anyone is using the Wordpress LMS plug-in 'Learndash'?
    We use Wistia as hostingplatform for our videos, but a client of us prefers to use Learndash.
    Are you happy with this plug-in? Are there any negative consequences for SEO? Thanks in advance! Jens

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • If I place video testimonials as embedded youtube iframes into my webpage - will it improve my visitor retention rate for that page?

    | Lana940

  • I've trying to make one specific page of my personal blog more relevant, and today i recorder a video to improve my content. What is more relevante, host my video and embed with HTML5 (and offer an option for user go to youtube) or embed a video from my youtube channel directly? Have a chance for my video appers on Google SERP? How do i need to encode him to take best position? Thank's for everyone time, and have i nice day 🙂

    | lucassc

  • Hi, We are planning to host videos on our site for the first time.  It looks like YouTube is a bit too over focused on ads these days for commercial use, can anyone recommend any better video hosting services? I also realize that hosting somewhere like YouTube has little SEO benefit, am I better off hosting them on our site if possible? Please share your experiences with the various services and methods of hosting. Thanks

    | Maximise

  • Lets suppose i downloaded a photo from a XYZ website and want to use it on my own website, and also i want to rank for same keyword, and would like to rank just below XYZ site, i know there could be copyright issue. what can be done to avoid this issue. Can i manipulate the picture in a  such way that it is usable. if yes how? How can i use that official websites picture for my website, i mean, can i cite that website as  a source? what is the  best practice in this case? i dont want to use stock photo,i really like xyz sites pics.

    | Sam09schulz

  • if we use low difficulty keywords in our page( url) and that page ranks in google results.will it  help our main page with high difficulty keywords to rank for those difficult keywords , if yes , how?

    | calvinkj

  • I run a website with affiliate links (reviews) and successful YouTube channel. Most of the time we lost the YouTube video review and text review at the same time. I’ve created a couple posts that rank high without a video. But now they are proving to be successful, I’m wondering if it makes sense to now produce a video. If so, do I use the exact keyword? Or a variation? Only about 10% of our YouTube views come from Google Search. Most of our blog traffic is organic.

    | dandoadvisors

  • Hello good people, I've read just about everything on SEOmoz about the value of the Better Business Bureau link and accreditation.   But at some point a business is so small that the ROI calculation doesn't make sense. I'm trying to pinpoint when the BBB accred.  becomes a good deal.  Your input is greatly appreciated. Here are some theoretical businesses based on my local clients.  Which businesses would you recommend BBB accred to for $350/year? *Trial Law Firm - 4 partners.  Doesn't show up anywhere in the serps despite good industry reputation.  Big revenue. *Metropolitan Massage Business - 2 contractors.  100k annual revenue.  1st page for most relevant serps.  But few #1 rankings. *Dog Walking Service - 1 man show.  About 50k in annual revenue.  Has top ranking at hyperlocal level but doesn't show up in the larger metropolitan landscape. *A crafting semipro -  Sells jewelry online about 10k annual revenue.  No presence in search engines. Thanks for your help!

    | JesseCWalker

  • Hello, We own the business BIM Fitness and Performance in Fort Myers, FL. However, when we do a search near us, we are down at the very bottom of the page. Can anyone provide some insight as to why this may be? I know SEO is the long game but is there anyway we can at least appear higher up locally?

    | ash.gray

  • If we add the <track> tag next to a html5 video, with a Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) file for video subtitles / captions will google visit that and index it?

    | ismgadmin

  • Hello, i created my site some months ago i know nothing about SEO , since then i have domain authority 3 only and have almost no visitors on my website . i don't know how to make it rank please someone could help me? or even recommend a site where i can even monthly pay directly so they do the SEO for me. Please contact me on my site chat i'm always online

    | planetdocs

  • Hello everybody, I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to invest time in optimizing my video's to appear in the video carousels on Google. I read that once your video is in the carousel, your normal snippet in the SERPS is removed. Is this still the case? Thank you for helping out!

    | klaver

  • Hi, We all know that you should optimize your images as much as possible. We're talking about filesize, filename, alt tag, etc.... If we take a look at large websites with large listpages (overview pages / categorypages) I wonder, what the best practice is regarding images. What is your view on listpages / overview pages?
    So, I'm talking about a page with 40 products in a certain category, or 25 holiday homes in a certain region. Is it negative / bad for SEO when using background images (which are loaded through CSS and optimizing the seperate elements is not possible) instead of using 'normal' optimized images (for example .jpg images wich do have optimized filenames, alt tags, etc..). Will it negatively impact listpages / overview pages?
    What are your thoughts? Regards,

    | AdenaSEO

  • Our blogs were showing up on "interesting finds" section of mobile search results until about a month ago. What caused this, and how to revise so that they show.

    | bonniee

  • I have a very old youtube channel (10 years maybe) with some low quality videos and a few thousands subscribers. Now I decided to give it go and make good quality videos. But one question keeps coming: maybe the fact that this channel is old and with bad videos with very low retention, this would affect the seo of the new videos ? Is it better to start a new channel from scratch ? even if its more difficult ? Thank you!


  • I have device optimized images for desktop, tablet, and mobile.  Should I put the same description, caption and alt tag for each?  Not sure if this will hurt me or help?

    | ResmanMarketing

  • did google stop indexing images? we had 563 in sept and now we have 1?


  • Hi, for my brand Knowledge Graph is ranking for Brand+Location keyword, but not for Brand name. Do anyone know why?

    | danielax

  • Hey, After a few stumbles upon a variety of services that allows you to manage all your local listings from the one profile (the latest one was It got me thinking - is there an Australian equivalent? My research revealed nothing. Thanks.

    | LukeyJamo

  • We have a lot of nice images and I have been thinking about uploading an image sitemap.  If you would care to share your experience with the questions below, I would appreciate hearing what you have learned.  Thank you. Have you been using an image sitemap? Do you think that it has brought some benefits to your domain's presence in image search? Did you include thumbnail - size images or only the full size images?

    | EGOL

  • I am working on alt texts for my WordPress website. I've done a bit of research and read best practices, but I am a bit confused on how to write some of the alt texts because my entire site includes images. I know this is a big no-no and I am working with my team to get the site SEO-optimized (better text to image ratio). However, in the meantime, I need to make sure that I have some alt texts for my images. Can someone help with the following questions: 1.) I have the same "close" button in 4 locations. Can I use "close" as the alt text four times? Or should I explain where the close button is or what it closes? 2.) If my image is only text and it is more than 125 characters, is this a problem? Should I use longdesc=? If so, how do I input that in a WP site? 3.) If I have my logo in 3 locations, should I differentiate the alt text? 4.) If I have FB icon, do I just state Facebook and don't say icon? 5.) I have some background images and they don't really provide relevancy to my site other than aesthetics so should I not have alt attribute? If so, do I just place alt="" in the alt text field or does it have to be in the code? 6.) In WordPress, do I remove the description under “title,” and just put a description under “alt-text?” 7.) Can I repeat alt texts? For example, I have 4 buy now buttons, should the alt text be “buy now” all 4 times or be specific to what they are buying, such as “Buy now – Teatopia Dream On supplement drink?” 8.) I have 4 nutrition label images so can I just state what each label refers to or is it expected to have a long description with all the text on the label? 9.) I have images for desktop vs. mobile. Can I have similar copy for both. The mobile page is not set-up to index so do I even need alt text for the mobile images? 10.) Can I have characters, such as dashes and commas, in the alt text? Does initial cap matter? 11.) For decorative images or when an alt-text is not needed, do I just place alt=”” in the alt text field in WordPress?

    | JanelleGrkovic

  • So i'm a professional photographer, so my gallery is pretty important, probably more imprtant than the copy supporting it. Right now I have a gallery with supplementary info pushed below. I'm wondering if it would be better to remove the text from the bottom and put it to the top of it's own page, and leave the gallery page as just images, or keep it mixed with both. You can see my site directly HERE if you would like to see what i'm talking about exactly- the lightbox is broken, its a work in progress.

    | JPRichardson

  • As we all know, Google redirected the user based on location automatically.
    e.g., connect to from Korea, google automatically redirected to
    However, for sometimes I noticed that if I connect to, it doesn't redirect to local google anymore. I tested by using VPN, and seems like Google no longer do location redirection. Does anyone have any idea about this?

    | Moojin

  • Hi Mozers, When optimizing videos and infographics does it helps to put the word "video" or "infographic" in the browser title and H1? Any guidance is much appreciated! Yael

    | yaelslater

  • Hello Moz Community, Our team is looking to update a few videos in our Youtube channel but are concerned that doing so will reset the current amount of views to 0 once the change has been made. Would anyone happen to know if this happens or if the views remain the same? Also, how do the updates to the videos affect rank and visibility? Thank you all for your help.

    | PowerhouseMarketing

  • Hi everyone, My coworker recently stumbled across this article that instructs you to not to alt text for "decorative images" as you might get penalized you for over optimization Has anyone heard of this or have any thoughts?

    | AliMac26

  • We are going to create a few 1 - 2 minute instructional videos. I will be creating a blog that will include the video for our main website.  I want to say I read or saw (Whiteboard Friday) that Rand Fishkin mentioned to place the video on your site first for about a month (or weeks). Then, you can publish it on Youtube etc. It sounds like a good plan.  Have Google index your blog with the video and receive organic traffic. Then place it on Youtube. Is that correct? Is that the best practice? Like i said, I think it was Rand that discuss this. Would love to get feedback. Thanks.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hello, Is one of the biggest benefits of a video sitemap that in the search results you will see your video with a link to the website where it is found rather than a link to YouTube? i.e. if the video is hosted on YouTube and embedded in your website, the link in the search results will be to the web page described in the video sitemap? Thanks!

    | AL123al

  • Hello, My company is currently in the process of editing our website's homepage. My creative team wants to add several videos to an already big home page. I would like a more simple and less interactive home page. There has to be close to a half dozen videos already on the page. I know that Google bots have trouble crawling some items like java. I also know that page speed is a huge factor and the mobile first index is quickly approaching. Is it ok to have all of these videos on home page? Could this due harm to the page. All the videos are hosted on Vimeo and typically expand from some sort of icon. Page load time has been an issue and this will probably be our last update before google's mobile first index. I just want to make sure I am giving the correct advice by saying there is no problem with 6+ videos on a home page. Any advice would be great! Thanks!

    | aua

  • I have a client who shares a location with another business. That is, they are both distinct businesses with unique names and phone numbers but they both share space in their suite – i.e. half the desks in the space go to the one business, the other half belong to my client. Can I set them up with Google My Business with this shared address and suite number? Thanks

    | EdmundMansfield

  • I'm getting to grips with the New Keyword Explorer. I've found that one of my top keyword phrases has a 'Featured Snippet' result. However I'm struggling to see it in my own browser. Is there a clean way of viewing SERPs un enhanced by history, location etc? I'd also like to see the other SERPs features - is that possible? I'd like to be able to see the results as Moz clearly can view them! Thank you Mozers C09Fb

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • All my images de-indexed from google as reported in sitemap tab. There are more then 10k+ images that are earlier indexed but suddenly all image are de-indexed. Is that a GWT bug or we have been penalized by google for doing something wrong.Sharing the screenshot. image-deindexed-issue.PNG

    | RaviM

  • Hi, we are a self storage company ( and for every url (500 url's) we use 1 head image containing the keyword of the url, so for instance: the main image on top is self-storage-west-village-sm.jpg. It was uploaded months ago. Now we are adding more images between the content. But we call them: self-storage-west-village-sm.jpg as well and self-storage-west-village-boxie24-storage-sm. But for almost every url we have "duplicate image name". Is that bad and should we fix it or is it ok? It are different images though. I noticed it today, the images have the same name

    | Boxie24TEAM

  • Does anyone know of any resources or have any experience in marketing to people in China? I've built a site that has voice overs of my training courses in Mandarin Chinese. I'm looking for some professional help. Do you or do you know anyone that I could work with? Dan

    | danlovesadobe

  • I am about to launch an infographic campaign for a client. The infographic turned out fantastic, and I believe it's going to be very popular with dog bloggers. Is there anything I need to worry about?  I expect a lot of backlinks from embeds. Once it launches, I'll share it here so you can see how fabulous it turned out. 😉

    | julie-getonthemap

  • Hey - has anyone had any experience in getting their App Store listing page to rank highly in Google for one of their primary keywords? If so, have you been successful and have you any pointers?

    | GrowTraffic

  • I'm having issues on my site with mobile and desktop speeds.  Both are under 35, which is very poor.  This is due mostly from photo's being too large.  My question is, in order to make the site look right the height of the pixel is 750 in all pics, in order to evenly line up.  How do you speed up the pages without changing how things will look on the photos being lined up correctly?  This is a Shopify site.

    | ThreeDrops

  • Hi, We are implementing alt tag's for our website. We are wondering if it is handy to implement alt tag's for thumbinal pictures? Kind regards, Jeroen

    | chalet

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