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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • I am researching new SEO recommendations in lieu of Google's controversial "3-Pack" update.   I am noticing very different results in the Google 3-Pack on a android mobile browser when I do a local search query versus a query in apple mobile browser.  For example if I do a Google search for "Seattle Sporting Goods" I am able to see direction links and full address numbers for businesses in the 3-Pack.   However the same query on a Android phone provides only "teaser" street name results, no direction links but still shows business reviews. Is it possible that the 3-Pack update is still in flux?  Shouldn't the Google 3-Pack show uniform results across all different mobile browsers?  This could impact my SEO recommendations.

    | RosemaryB

  • Dear all, I have already asked few questions like that but its some different. it is videos portal. All videos are on server side like on JWS server. when page is loaded after that my video is loaded on loading time dynamically. But Google is unable to read all content of my videos. I have done all the things in sitemap as well. Can Google fetch the video content which is pure dynamic? Please have a look my issue.  than only static few pages are coming in Google and two three videos. Please help me anyone regard this. Please guys...........

    | docbeans

  • When it comes to creating the alternate text for images, what is the character length that I need stay under to rank well?

    | Ytellsocial

  • Hello, Can anybody give any other advice for image optimization except keyword use in file name and alt tag, which would effect the item to be ranking higher on google images, I have searched google on this, but did not find any reallyuseful tips other than those mentioned above... Should I mention my main keywords that I try to rank in as many image files and different pages as possible, but without stuffing and relevant to the content? Thanks a lot

    | bidilover

  • Hello Folks at MOZ, I am new here and I am glad there's this section of the site where newbies can get help for SEO. I have a specific keyword which needs to rank as well as possible, and all other keywords, well they are automatically in the description text alt tags and in couple of page titles. So my keyword which I would need to rank as high as possible is "24k gold iphone 6" and it has quite lot's of searches per month, and my site is now one second page of google results. My question is: I don't care much about other keywords right now, so would it make sense to make on one or two pages which sell the 24k gold iphone of my website the title, the page url, headers, alt tags, image names, to be exactly "24k gold iphone 6" and /24k-gold-iphone-6.html etc. without any other text. I believe there is a difference in having exact same page title name etc as the keyword, without any additional text is good for ranking? Also I guess there is limit on how much this naming of files, titles etc can be used before google might give a penalty for it... so I guess I have to be careful. Many thanks for anybody who takes time to respond.

    | bidilover

  • We sell high end products and we try to educate the consumer as much as possible. Since the attention span is short, we try and break up the features/functions into 5-6 videos. We post everything to Youtube and we have been adding it to our blog as well. I am currently tasked with rebuilding our blog from the ground up. This means getting rid of all the thin content, updating content, etc. We have many videos up there and Just trying to figure out what the best practice should be. The blog is wordpress based and I have the videos now set up in a category structure. Should I just add each video as a video custom post type? Should I have each video posted with a transcript? Or should I post each video with sub background text of the video? We have about 120 videos in all and adding more, but making them longer to reduce the amount of videos per product going forward. Thank you.

    | RevCom

  • Someone told me it is a legal requirement for a website to have alt tags on all of their images. Is this right? Or is this bad for SEO?

    | RachelBev

  • Can anyone list me the best video editing tools. I am currently using camtasia studio but the quality is poor. Any tutorials and list of equipments to create a good quality video,Any help is appreciated.

    | sobanadevi

  • I do not really have experience in SEO, in fact this is the first program that I am using to really do anything SEO. My question is what do I need to do in order to really have a firm grasp and understanding of what I need to do in order to really take my website to the top? Thank you. Diego

    | DiegoSpanish

  • Search for keywords like criminal defense lawyer detroit or criminal defense lawyer detroit mi and Google knowledge graph is highlighting one competitor. No maps results are shown. How have others dealt with this situation? I know others have noticed this too:

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi guys, I would love to hear your opinion about which video hoster is recommendable for embedding videos on a website and why? So far, I can't decide between Youtube, Vimeo and Wistia. Youtube: + large community, snippets in Google  - advertisements Vimeo: + appealing look  - small audience Wistia: + easy to customize, statistics  - no community, no snippets in Google Thanks in advance for any input! Benjamin

    | ghostwriter

  • Hello all, I've got a few quick questions about optimization for Google Image search. Would be great if someone could help me out with these. Is it possible to track and seperate visitors that reach my website through the images presented in the SERP's? Should we avoid changing high ranking pictures on important keywords? If we need to change the pictures what would the best strategy be? Replace the original filename and alt tag of the picture? Keep the orignal pictures but change the location of the pictures to a new post on our website? Thanks in advance!

    | buiserik

  • What are the thing we ca do to increase our organic traffic for website: Please suggest best possible activities to promote our website organically apart from On-page SEO.

    | Obbserv

  • If you search for locksmith Phoenix, this Google+ page is ranked #3 in the local results: The phone number is a VOIP number, they don't appear to have many/any citations, no reviews, etc. They've listed the Yelp search results page as their website. Strange. How are they ranking so well? Is Google ranking them well because it's associating them with Any thoughts?

    | AdamThompson

  • For sever work- load enhancements we are planning to move our images to a sub-domain. so the files would be located at something like Rather than We are a large Ecommerce site so we have a lot of images. These will be self hosted so we are not using a CDN. I'm hoping someone has done the same and if there were any steps they had wished they had taken before making the move/ if they noticed any traffic impacts things like that.


  • I'm in a bit of a conundrum. My client uses BigCommerce for their E-Commerce shop. Basically you are only allowed to either have: 1) Same alt and title IMG tags. 2) Only alt IMG tags. 3) Only title IMG tags. So far I understand that the hierarchy is alt > file name > caption > title? In this case should I get rid of the title tag and use only alt? Or if I use both should I make the tag like an alt or title tag? It's not ideal but I need to come up with the best solution possible.

    | TheFlyingSweetPotato

  • Hey guys, I'd like to get going with video marketing and our product best matched with video. I have these things that I am not sure on what direction to take... 1. We have youtube, vimeo and our website. *What goes to what? Or vimeo embedded in website and youtube as is? *A video transcription should be done in the website to help search engines right? *Isnt it duplicate if its in youtube and another one embedded in the site from vimeo? Your thoughts and rationale will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Jac

    | jacreyes

  • I have the wistia site map on my robots.txt file and I also manually submit the site map to google. It shows that my videos were submitted successfully but they are not being indexed.  Thanks

    | bedbugsupply

  • Hi All,I have a page with the titleFunny charactersanother page as Funny Characters/VideosAlmost all data is same in both URL's except the videos page will have 20+ video thumbnailsHow can i set Google not to index the images only on this page and consider both pages as identical and not create any issues but yet scan the videos.Thanks

    | jomin74

  • I work in the real estate vertical. My clients possess significant content. Though it's not written. They have tons of images and plenty of videos. They have content in the form of descriptions of homes etc... They don't have written content that would be valuable in an attempt to rank. Most traffic in real estate vertical is [city] real estate and [city] homes for sale. Agents rarely ever use those phrases. Certainly not when doing what they do, promoting their listings. I am thinking I need to build a link building strategy around their videos and photos. There are tons of high domain sources to get links from. With video I could do youtube, vimeo, veoh, daily motion, hulu, etc... All of these sites are DA 90+. None of the links are follow. They would all be no follow. I could have a profile back link, and a back link on each video. So one video distributed to 10 sites would be worth 10 back links. So a client would build hundreds of backlinks a year. All of value. I could deep link all the back links to appropriate subdivision landing pages (long tail). The same strategy is applicable with photos. There are dozens of high DA sites that syndicate images. All would result in a lot of links that are high DA with no-follow. Please discuss this strategy. Also, if you can think of another strategy to build back links for real estate then please share it. I want to discuss real ground level back link building. Not "just build content and they will come."  I need the sites to rank. I don't know if no-follows will even help them rank for long tail keywords.

    | AFW1179

  • My store currently has 2 location and will soon have 3.  I was wondering what the best practice for listing your address information on a website. I currently have all 3 listings on one page, but would like to have a separate page for each location (to include managers and specific location info). My question is what is the best practice for listing locations on a website (for SEO)?  Should I have a landing page with all 3 and their NAP info then have a link to the specific page with the same NAP info.  Would having that info twice be a negative?

    | nat88han

  • Hello everyone, I have a client who is obsessed with his videos being indexed directly under his site. We've already labeled his videos with his names, enhanced the meta data to the video to include his name, have added his website to his YouTube Channel, and also have synced his Google Plus Business Page with his YouTube Channel. Any other tips to further optimize his videos with his name? This is a new channel, with an age of only 2 weeks- but this client is being quite loud, and thought I would see if any Moz'ers have any other tips/ suggestions? Thanks Everyone! -Kristin

    | Red_Spot_Interactive

  • I have never seen this before, but I recently took over a client that for all intents and purposes is considered to be in Metro A. They're just south of the border and everyone (customers, etc.) consider them in Metro A. The problem is their physical address puts them in Small Town B. For whatever reason, this client has decided that they are going to put their address as follows: Street 
    Metro A, Zip Code Small Town B They've mismatched the city and zip code in attempts to have a stronger showing in Metro A organically. I've never seen this strategy before, my gut tells me bad, bad, bad. So I'm looking for a better strategy, advice, etc.

    | EEE3

  • Hi, Do you think the use of image data URI is SEO friendly? I got 20 JPG icons on each site, but use too many HTTP requests. So can i use base64 (URI) images for my small icons? Thank you for answer!

    | Termex

  • Hi, I haven't done much Youtube optimization yet, and now I have a Youtube project. I was wondering if one can "force" Google to display a video on an organic SERP that originally did not include any videos at all? Thanks for thoughts!

    | Valdo2222

  • Hi I am new to SEO.  I am the photographer and blogger behind the photography blog ShootTokyo.   I am looking to make sure my site is optimized the best it can be for SEO.  My site is a hobby for me but has really grown.  I am looking make sure I have best practices implemented. I am not looking for quick fixes or try to cheat the system but to make sure I have a good solid foundation in place for SEO. I don't have a lot of experience nor a lot of free time so I want to make sure whatever free time I spend on this is really productive.  I am looking to initially hire someone to do a technical assessment of my site and identify any fundamental issues I should address first.   Once I have the assessment I am looking for advice on putting together a work plan on what I need to do and the best way to approach it.   How can I best use the tools Moz is offering me?  Which things are higher value that I should work on first, specific to my site?  For more technical things I might hire this person to implement them or teach me how to implement them. If this is your business can you please let me know what your qualifications, experience, a link to your site and give me a range of what you might charge for something like this (you can email me details if you don't want to post here).  If this isn't your business but have a recommendation I would love one. I am Tokyo based so ideally someone either in Asia, Europe or West Coast of US as it makes it easier to connect live if needed. Thanks Dave

    | ShootTokyo

  • Hi Guys, I have a hypothetical question for you. Let's say I live in a town that has two pizza places and in the maps section of a Google SERP the other place outranks my client when I type in "Pizza Place Smalltown NY." What would be a list of things that I could do to make "Pizza Place Smalltown, NY" rank better in that portion? Thanks!

    | oomdomarketing

  • Ive finally got a site quite high in the relevant Google places listings, after a year or so of trying. What ive noticed is that the auto generated street view image of the business is showing a row of garages round the back of the building, rather than the building entrance. Is there a way i can update the auto generated street view images of the business without risking the google places ranking / need to submit a move of address. Has any one had any experience with doing this in the past ?

    | Sam-P

  • Hello Fellow Mozers! Just curious... can or does Google read PDFs linked on sites? I always assumed they would be "read" much like images are...that is, the bots can't "see" the image they just read the link and title tag. I am doing SEO for a site that has many PDF forms and it just occurred to me that I have no idea about the relationship between PDFs and SEO Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    | adamxj2

  • Hello, We want to add video to our website.
    We are not sure if to embed it from YouTube or Vimeo. Do you guys know whats best that will not hurt the pagespeed of the site ? Thank you

    | WayneRooney

  • Hi, I recently noticed that after a specific name search, Google images on the 'Web' SERP are no longer showing up.  About a month ago, there were atleast 4-5 headshots of this particular person showing up whenever his name was searched.  Now no images are showing, just the ten organic links and two links from adwords campaign we have going.  The images are still optimized and some are even from editorial sites. Does anyone know what may have caused the images to disappear and what we can do to bring them back to the main SERP? (Not sure if it matters but we are in Canada) Thanks

    | Lorne_Marr

  • Is it possible to do SEO for images in Sliders and Banner modules in Joomla? I would like to add ALT tags and Titles for those, if possible.

    | ArthurRadtke

  • Hey all, I plan on making some awesome short, informational (and not overtly promotional) videos for my business. The basic idea is an expert talking and demonstrating how to perform different topics with tools and equipment (related to solar energy). We have a quality film crew and a really knowledgeable and engaging presenter, but does anybody have any awesome examples of this type of video (in any industry). Just trying to get a sense of how I want it to look and feel for maximum engagement. Thanks!

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • My client is a public banking software company and recently many of their videos are unavailable to those browsers with "Safety Mode" turned on.  What elements within these innocuous videos could be triggering the safety filter?   Is there anything we can do about it? I've already reviewed titles/descriptions and reviewed the transcripts for words like 'sex" but I can't find anything that could be inappropriate.   Is there any way around this?  Is there a process for having this status changed? Thank you

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi! If I integrate a video to my website (vimeo or youtube) the pagespeed slows down. Now I integrate my video in wordpress with special plugins. These plugins shows only the thumbnail, only if the user clicks on these thumbnail, the video is loading. So is my pagespeed perfect ... .. buuut now my question: Google loves tables, images, video ... Sees google these thumbnail still as a video or now only as a image? Thanks!

    | Operi

  • On an ecommerce website with tens of thousands of products, product image file names are auto generated by your system, and are often just a string of numbers and letters. We optimize our callout images and heroes but I'm questioning if we are missing a big opportunity with our product image names not being optimized. Does anyone have any insight on a smarter way to automate batch naming for thousands of product images?

    | WebLincon

  • I'm asking this question due to the following scenario: When we have videos produced by Third Party video companies they upload the video to their YouTube account before us (the customer), has chance to upload it to ours. If this was an article that was uploaded to the web then the website uploading it first would be classed as the original piece and all other website uploading the article would be considered duplicates and not rank (As I believe). Hence my question, does YouTube work in the same way and hence our videos when searched in YouTube be secondary to our Third Party video companies as they are posting them first? Regards, Tom

    | CoGri

  • I have been contacted by TV stations,,, rumble,com and many more groups taht want to market my video but I don't want to give away exlusive rights. I still want to be able to market it myself as well.  Any consultants out there please email me a proposal or any suggestions on what I should do?  I have already been referred to wisteria. com Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Hi for example i wrote some content for my front page and putting all key words in one paragraph for example phone case, phone x, phone life, phone battery, phone charger. does it affect my seo by putting all these keywords in one sentence?

    | andzon

  • My business covers a service area, but we would still like to have a precise listing on Google Maps for SEO purposes. Is it possible to edit maps to set up a specific address listing, or is that something we can only do when establishing the Google+ listing? I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that when you set up a service area in your plus/places account, Google limits how much of your address is shown in maps. Feedback appreciated!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Now that Universal Search has disappeared is it preferable to host videos on YouTube? What would be the benefits of self hosting and using a service such as wistia?

    | theLotter

  • I'm trying to find (and evaluate) blogs in my area, but searching for them via google has been pretty tedious so far. Does anyone know of a website where I can locate blogs in my area? For example, ideally, I'd like to go to something like, type in Tampa and get a list of all the blogs dedicated to this area. Anyone know of anything like that? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I need to decrease our campaigns to 1,000 crawls we are currently at 10000 per

    | JoshAsteteWebFullCircle

  • <label class="setting" data-setting="title">Hi</label> When adding an image to a post or page using wordpress I have complete 4 fields: Title
    Alt Text
    Description If the image is of an orange campervan in Cornwall, UK then how best would I complete these fields? Can Title and Alt be the same and can Caption and description be the same? Thank you for this! James

    | Curran

  • Hi, we are looking for some free video analytics tools.  We want to be able to provide our clients or prospective client some stats on how much reach (views, distribution, sites appearing on, etc.) their videos have.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance.

    | JohnWeb12

  • I launched a daycare website a few months ago. For some reason Google does not like my home page. I know there is a lot more I can do to promote the website in general, but I can't figure out why, when I search for the brand name, the about page shows up followed by a few external listings, but no result for the home page anywhere. It is indeed indexed (checked site: and tried searching for an exact phrase in quotes and ran all the tests in webmaster tools), but it just isn't showing up. Can anyone see anything I'm missing? If you google "hello world daycare" (in victoria bc, canada) you'll see the about page for Any help you can provide to solve this mystery would be much appretiated!

    | PlusROI

  • Hey Moz Community, Question about Local SEO authority and how it applies to a domain vs. landing page. Let me elaborate... Company is launching a new local out reach sales channel and merging it with our inbound sales channel under one brand. The plan thus far is to create a targeted landing page for local customers/leads. I have been tasked with creating the written content and making sure we are optimized as much as possible for this landing page to show up for our city. Funny enough for a lot of relevant terms we are already in the top 10 with little optimization (Also due to low competition for most of these terms) Two questions: 1. Should the whole site be optimized for local - appropriate schema markup, G+ business local set up, contact page with correct address formatting, building citations/local links etc.? To accompany our targeted page? 2. Will taking a local first initiative hurt reaching our non-local target market? If so will a very targeted landing page for local customers do the trick minus rest of local optimizations ? I guess what the question really boils down to is will optimizing for local hurt our broader inbound search reach/ranks in the long run? I want to be sure we are competitive to our broader audience and local audience on the same site with trying to get into sub-domains or considering re branding what is essentially the same department but for local purposes. Responses and sharing previous experience would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    | paul-bold

  • My company has a G+ page for each of our 60 locations. Do we need a branding page as well?

    | SSFCU

  • My test for this specific example is This client is trying to reach out for the local terms such as garage door repair for Temecula and other cities in riverside county. I build the following page. What am I doing wrong? Is there some plugin's or other type things that would help my rank locally? If you solve this you've solved one of the main problems I'm having with my business. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | Smallbusinessdoctor

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