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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • Hello I am trying to add schema to a website that has several locations. Is the best way to do this is by tagging the home page of the website as the business main location and then create a page for each location and then mark them up accordingly? Thank you for your help.

    | edwardfrebow

  • Is it possible, now that statistics for Youtube video is no longer available, to find where videos have been embedded on other platforms and specifically which individual sites?

    | davidbenjamin

  • I just found a duplicate listing for our business. It's under a different name and address but the phone number is the same. The duplicate listing needs to be deleted, BUT, here's the problem: no one verified the listing (it was our old firm). And now, to delete it, we have to verify it first, but we don't have access to the building to get the letter. Also, we can't ask the current tenants to give us the letter, because it's another law firm and they just aren't going to help us out. So, any ideas? Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • This morning, I did a non-personalized search for a keyword phrase with "attorney" in the phrase. No maps were triggered, and we had a good ranking. But, when I substituted "attorney" for "lawyer," a bunch of local map listings popped up and pushed us to the second page. Any idea what attorney wouldn't have any maps, but lawyer would? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello all, had a quick question about the pros and cons of claiming a bunch of local listings and using a tracking # on our business profiles with those listings rather than our actual #. Anyone have any insight into whether this is good or bad practice and why? Thanks in advance!

    | goldbergweismancairo

  • Service area businesses are a little caught in the middle when it comes to local optimisation and can really struggle to So what approaches would your recommend for optimising a service area business: Assuming the following, perhaps obvious, goals: Make sure your site visitors can clearly understand if their location is covered by your service areas Compete for search traffic for service + location searches (including those with an implided location). One common tactic that I see being used is to generate humongous lists of locations, maybe in a footer. Obviously the more areas you want to include the less relevant (and more spammy looking) your targetting looks. And of course, with loads of locations, you're not going to be able to get them all into your titles (even if you wanted to!) Maybe if you've got locations that are more inportant to you you might create specific landing pages for these location? If you've got the kind of business where the locations you target are determined by the locations you can reasonably get to during a working day it's really tough to find a realistic way to target specific location on your site. I'd be really interested to hear how you approach these kinds of sites.

    | DougRoberts

  • Which of these services is the best? Does anyone have experience with all three?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Just wondering what the best way to handle the landing page from a google plus local profile is.  I had changed it to page that I created for the specific location with a citation with correct NAP, but realized that in OSE that my root domain lost almost all its G+'s.  I'm torn and just looking for some advice.  I've done quite a bit of work trying to correct citations, adding citations, and reading reading reading to learn more about Google Local but the results have been pretty rough.

    | jonnyholt

  • As the top competitive difference maker, Quality/Authority of Structured Citations is pretty important. That being said, I spend a good deal of time manually running around to different citation websites and jumping through their hoops to get my clients' websites listed properly. I've been using to check my sites, and a lot of the citation sources out there require phone verification. Now I was wondering how you professionally manage the phone verification step for your own clients. I've found it a bit difficult getting my clients to reliably get the PIN numbers for me. I've even had problems with clients checking the mail for the post cards that get sent! At this point in time, I try to schedule a time (not during business hours preferably) to go into the location and answer the phone to get everything verified in one shot. For remote clients however, I just have to hope that they are on board with answering their phones and getting the PIN numbers back to me. Lastly, how do you manage to reduce the amount of sales calls that your client receives from these listing sites? I currently register accounts under a separate email address, for example, This cuts down on the email marketing spam, and it obviously helps me stay in control of the listings. How do you handle the phone calls though? Especially from some of the more aggressive companies like Yelp? Personally I've just been 'briefing' my clients on how to respond to these sales calls, and I've educated them on the importance of these listings so they aren't too annoyed with the assault of sales reps calling their business constantly. Are there any magic words that my clients can use with these sales reps to make them stop calling? Sorry for the long post, if you've made it this far thank you for reading!

    | IronSummitMedia

  • We have 2 websites that are about 99% similar in content, the only difference being the references to the State (CO and IN) and location information.  Any recommendations on meta information or other ways to make sure we are not penalized for duplicate content?  Thanks in advance!

    | MeghanS

  • Has anyone heard about "Vocus Marketing Suite"? One of my clients sent me an offer he got from Vocus The price ranges from $1995/year up to $3500/year.

    | Elchanan

  • I could go with my Domain Name (/+tallahasseedefense) for simplicity sake and ease of remembering. However, would there be any SEO benefit to using a Google+ with both "Attorney" and "Tallahassee" in the URL (/+Casey&TorresAttorneysatLawTallahassee)? cna4R08

    | DrewR

  • We often get clients asking us what is the best option for getting the most out of their videos. We typically default to this blog post: We have had clients question this information, sending us such links as: Would you consider the information in the Moz blog post to still be accurate. What are your opinions on the perspectives presented in the other posts? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you 🙂

    | Booj

  • Context: A membership site, focused on a Russian market which is known to culturally pirate everything they see. Granted: ultimately you cannot hide video as a person can take a screen-capture/video camera method ultimately. Having said that. Is it still worth going the RTMP S3 route? Vs say Vimeo and Wistia. Will it help a bit or its a technology that is dying? Also with Vimeo PRO vs Wistia generally Vimeo is better value, but how is their analytics compared to Wistia (per user stats) if possible? Vimeo is a very popular, therefore downloaded 3rd party apps exist plentifully, is Wistia's platform unique to Vimeo in terms of its embed format if its same format this means that the commonly available tools as for Vimeo will work for Wistia, how ever if its different, and less popular as RTMP S3 is in this case less tools are available for it. Is that the case for Wistia?

    | vmialik

  • This question is a little bit on the whimsical side. Let's say you have a video on your page, and a transcript of said video.  The speaker has a tendency to repeat a certain (key)word, somewhat excessively.  Maybe it's an important term for a technical video, maybe it's a nervous thing, whatever -- that word is in there a lot.  If you include a video transcript, could you get slapped with a keyword stuffing penalty for excessive use of said word?

    | Oren.

  • My client has been very successful in local for yoga hertford.  Now she wants to do an additional site with five other yogies.  The name of the company is obviously different and as with her original company hertsyoga - the actual venues for the sessions are all over the place but principally at a local venue called the Castle which hires out a studio. My question is what do I do to keep her Nap consistent.  She apparently has friendly neighbours who are happy for her to use their address (one door up), and apparently they wont move!  But I really don't think they will be happy for me to put their address on the site and in citations locally. What should I do?

    | catherine-279388

  • I was curious if an ATM in a building or its own enclosure can be locally optimized as a branch if it has a physical location, it doesn't seem spammy by any means.If anyone has suggestions or an opinion I would love to hear them.

    | kparada

  • Hi We are redesigning our site and going to post how to videos on some of our product pages.
    For SEO purposes I want to post the videos on our site with a video transcription either self hosting or through Wistia. Can we also post the same videos on YouTube or is that duplicate content and will we get hurt somehow? Thanks.

    | klbklb90015

  • I have realized that our images are way to big. I would like to resize them and upload back again but I am afraid to do it as every image in wordpress is uploaded and has own link and then all this links will be not found. Is there some other way how to do it without a plugin. Or it is not a problem that I will delete that old large images and then upload the new smaller? Thank you very much for any advice Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • Hello, First question here on moz.  I live in a small town, and some of my clients do as well.  Some mail is delivered to physical locations, however most mail is delivered to PO Boxes.  I have tried with some success to get the mail workers to flag Google and others post cards.  Otherwise I am not able to verify ownership.  Any ideas or help on how to verify businesses that don't get mail at their location would be great. Dave

    | David-Denning

  • I strongly believe that I have received the most solid Local advice I could from these forums and have started (in just a few days) to make the needed corrections.  At the same time I'm somewhat excited and optimistic that it will be a long journey but that it's a learning process. About 5 days ago, I set my website up with "City landing pages" and I started plundering through google, fixing and claiming and correcting as many citations as I could with correct NAP.  The journey still continues today as I just got my Bing Local card in the mail and verified.  I went to check my rankings on Google Maps, just to see if anything had changed and sure enough it had.  My listing had been holding strong at page 10 (which drives me nuts) and now after 5 days of solid work its on page 18.  I have to assume that because I'm stirring the dust perhaps Google is confused and maybe in a month or so things might start moving the other way?  Thoughts?

    | jonnyholt

  • is there any Mistake for Number of count on Universal Placements Data because in My Campaign i checked Ranking Report and there is available Local result data 34/52 but if i will count manualy than its 24/52 may i know the correct reason?

    | E2LOGY

  • Does anyone know if I can use Amazon Reviews for products that I put on Amazon? I "own" the listing on Amazon because we are the exclusive manufacturers of this product so the review is only referring to products that were sold through our company. Thanks,

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi I added some video using Wisita to my site a couple of weeks ago following the instructions on the Wistia site. Is there any way to check if I have done it correctly and how long will it normally take to show up in search results?

    | AndersDK

  • Sorry for the hypothetical, it's a sticky subject! Suppose I work for a company that offers Online Widget Counseling.  Due to the fragile nature of Widgets, this service is only legal in one state and must be administered by a registered and regulated Widget Counseling company.  Widget counseling is only available online so there is no competition from bricks and mortar stores. Unfortunately the SERPs are dominated by unscrupulous black market outfits offering Widget Counseling illegally. If we were to use intensive and strong local signals, could we expect the SERPs to favor our pages for searches "in or about" the state in which we are registered? Thanks for your help -SEO Newbie

    | bbarber57

  • I wonder if somebody has n experience what would be the best way to embed video on the home page from vimeo. We re using yoast video sitemap. Thank you very much for any tips and advice!

    | Rebeca1

  • I've asked this question before and got some strong advice ( I think ) but the results have been not so strong.  I'm looking for advice on local.  I have this profile: That I need to rank for "austin wedding photographers" and I have yet to figure out a way to get it to move on the map results.  I understand these things take time, but its been a couple of months, and as far as I can tell, its still ranking on page 10 of the "local results" (meaning you search for austin wedding photographers, then click under the map listings to see Google Maps with the listings to the left.)  Furthermore, all my organic competition for the most part is now on the local results and the map is ranking higher than all but one organic.  Suggestions would be a huge plus.  Last time some folks analyzed the google plus local page and gave some tips.  Since then a few things have happened. 1.  I notice most of the Google Local listings that come up on page 1 in the map have a similar page when clicking "more info."  They mostly have a map as their cover photo on their listing. 2.  Google has merged my Google Places and Google Plus Local account so that when you click "more info" on the listing (on page 10) it takes you too the branded Google Plus Local page.  I like this, but it worries me that most of the high ranking pages don't have this. 3.  I have added a Geo Sitemap to Google Webmaster tools but it doesn't show as indexed yet.  I understand this can take up to 6 weeks?  Does this help?  It came when I bought Yoast SEO Local and generated KML files. 4. The address for Google Plus local is real address of a home, so Google doesn't show the specific address.  I used to have a mailbox center as the address but was advised to fix that.  I have sense changed the address on as many sites as I could (Yelp, YP, Superpages, etc.) 5.  Do I need an address on the website?  The client does not want her home address listed anywhere for privacy reasons. Hope this is enough information for someone with knowledge to help.  The website is ranking first page (3 or 4 organically) for the terms I need for the most part but Local seems to be stronger.  Thanks in advance.

    | jonnyholt

  • Hi I was hoping somebody could provide me with some help regarding places pages. If I search 'recruitment agencies Chester' I get this result I am confused as to why certain sites are ranking higher than others for example: The site with the a) ranking has no reviews and the place page doesn't seem particularly optimised. The site ranked at c) has 2 bad reviews The site ranked at g) seems to have a much more optimised places page yet ranks below the other sites. Is this just a strange batch of results or can somebody provide me with more information/ help? I don't understand the ranking system at the moment. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer!

    | onlinechester

  • Hello, I am looking through my backlinks in OSE and i have noticed that there are no inbound links from YouTube.  I absolutely have a Youtube account that has links to my social profiles as well as my website, and all of my videos have links to inner pages of my site.  Still, no links shown from Youtube. Here is my YouTube page, ... Any idea why I don't see any inbound links from either my profile page or the individual videos? Thanks!

    | Prime85

  • I've always stood behind what I thought was Google's policy of not recognizing PO boxes. But it seems like all you have to do now is create one and take 2 seconds to create a low-quality G+ page. The below link is to a screenshot that shows my guy (yay new, high quality site with growing, relevant, authoritative content!) just out of the local results. He's not technically in Athens, so we knew it was an uphill battle. What's annoying though is the low-quality G+ PO box result above him. I know the PO Box result is not great in a vacuum in terms of conversion, but fact is if it's just phone numbers you're after they're at a distinct advantage, with no effort. For my client, we've indicated in G+ that he has a service area that extends into Athens. If Google is now favoring G+ results, I'm wondering if my guy should get a PO box instead? yi1x

    | PerfectPitchConcepts

  • What does this message from google places mean?

    | Atomicx

  • Hi I've just noticed a video uploaded to a clients youtube channel is misinterpreting a spoken word as a swear word, the F word :), will this have negative connotations ? could it result in video being considered 'adult content' ?? Any idea how to get this changed, should i report/flag it or will that likely make matters worse ? Or YT tech support email (chance would be a fine thing) ? Also how do you set a video as the channel trailer ? (i cant find any option to do this) Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I'm adding schema tags for a client with multiple locations/branches of their bar. What's the best way to setup the Schema tags for the different addresses? Something like this: | id="footer-right" itemscope itemtype=""> |
    | ### itemprop="name">Bar Name |
    |   |
    | itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> |
    | itemprop="streetAddress">Street Name • <span < span="">itemprop="streetAddress">2 Street Name</span <> • <span < span="">itemprop="streetAddress">3 Street Name</span <>  |
    | itemprop="addressLocality">New Orleans |
    | itemprop="addressRegion">LA |
    | itemprop="postalCode">Zip Code |
    | |
    | Tel:itemprop="telephone">555-555-555 |
    | | |   |

    | CompucastWeb

  • We want to put images for specific geographic locations on some new pages we are building and I am wondering if: A) What the SEO value of adding these images would be? B) Suggested Sources for the images. Right now we are looking at using panoramio, but would love some MOZ community advice! Thank you for your help MOZ Community!

    | AlyssaN

  • Nevermind, got some good ideas and i'll look into it and report back. thanks anyway

    | Prime85

  • Hey guys! Is there any way to edit a business listing, for the first time, on without paying Yext?!

    | AmberRobinson

  • I got a backlink from (site like slideshare) which is cool but I'm trying to compare its worth vs a link from slideshare. It is extra work to create content in slide + video format and its DA is lower- are there any positives I'm missing? Has anyone analyzed this site, any suggestions?

    | seopc

  • Greetings Mozzers, I'm having a tough time merging my Google+ page with my Google Local page and wanted to see if anyone could give me some additional information/advice for progressing on this. Google+ Profile:  Google Local: Both of them have been verified and "managed" via postcards, however the Local one never seems to get "managed".  I look forward to hearing back on any guidance/advice. Much appreciated,

    | MonsterWeb28

  • So my client red about SEO and now he needs alt tags for each image on website. There is like 200 products and each product has 20 images, i know he will not write alt text for each and there isn't that much to write (them are selling bricks). So can all 20 images with in product page contain the same alt tag (product name)? Example: alt="red brick". Wount google ban website for that? Mybe better way would be alt="red brick 1", alt="red brick 2" and so on.

    | regolv

  • CBS has a service that they offer to their advertisers called CBS Local Pages. Has anyone used this? It's about $1500 a month and basically they send "business data" to local listing platforms, this is similar to UBL and LocalEZE it seems. One of my associates subscribed to this and they're unsure of the value, they are paying $1500/mo for something that can be achieved with $125/year with localeze. Has anyone used this?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • We are planning to make videos for our unique products but we do not have the experience of doing one before. Is there any tutorial online teaches people how to make one without spending alot of money or using expensive equipment? Does anyone have experience outsource their videos and how much am i looking to spend? Where to find talented videos maker with cheap price?

    | ringochan

  • Hi Moz community, I am working on a SEO project (ecommerce) and most of the images on the website are .png and I notice they do not rank but yet the .jpg do. Do you recommend I change all the .png to .jpg? They all have alt text and keyword filenames (no spam 🙂 Here is the website Notice the swimming pool coping tiles are .png and the swimming pool images are .jpg. I cannot get the coping images to rank for some reason Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • How long does it typically take for data to start showing up in search engines when you register on local directories and the yellow pages? For example, outside of google and bing, how long would it take for info to show up in the engines if I registered with the services on Get Listed?

    | netlover

  • If the search "criminal defense attorney" or any number of variants, is performed from a mobile device, like an iPhone, Google maps seems to be inserting many local map listings ahead of the normal search results in the Tallahassee, Florida area. These are great - as they have the Call button and the Directions button. However, for some reason, my clients aren't ranking well here and competitors who are seemingly doing nothing are higher in the list. I have created the Google+ page for attorney and business page for the firm and completed the profile, uploading pictures etc and verified the address. I have the local address (schema-proper, I believe) on the linking home page and their address is actually closer to downtown/midtown than others. I've even gotten some positive reviews and +1s, at least enough to be competitive in this field. This was about 2 months ago. Any advice? On a (perhaps) related note, the competition has category descriptions outside of the Google-allowed categories. I can't save settings without fitting neatly into their "Criminal Justice Attorney" category. Help here would also be appreciated.

    | DrewR

  • Can I get a site that is well optimized and has a good landing page for a business that serves multiple regions with multiple services. For example they may have construction and mold removal services and serve Indianapolis, Columbus Ohio, Louisville Ky.

    | Atomicx

  • We have a large website that targets the whole UK. It has landing pages for every town in the UK. For the towns that this particular business has a bricks and mortar hq, we have set up a local/places page. We then added the corresponding places adress to the appropriate town page on the website. This is just a handful compared to the 3,000,000 towns our site aims to rank for. Question: Would it help or hinder our SEO efforts to add the local addresses to other town pages in close proximity to the original? For instance say we have a places address for croydon in London. Would it hurt to add this address to pages that target towns near croydon, such as Mitcham. All opinions greatly appreciated. Cheers!

    | Silkstream

  • Customer reviews are important for local SEO. The problem is getting people to review your website. What are your ideas for encouraging customers to review? *Give away incentives and ask people to review. E.g. movie tickets, discount on products.
    *Ask people to review in sales process.
    *Have an ipad ready & custom review website for ipad - ask people to review.
    *Page for 'review us' on the site.
    *If you are a 'google favorite places' print out QR code for the page & position in-store.
    *Make a custom  QR printout to a 'review us' page, position in-store.

    | qlkasdjfw

  • can you please tell me some local listing directory services that will do phone verification instead of sending out the post card?

    | netlover

  • Hi, I used the spelled out "Suite" in my local NAP, but sometimes it's been shortened to Ste by citation websites. I'm trying to remain consistent here Should I use Ste H, Suite H, or #H? This is a good article on it: but I'd still like your opinion.

    | BobGW

  • Looking around in Webmaster tools today and I noticed we have hundreds of thousands of impressions in Google Images, but a very low CTR. I understand normal SEO, but what about increasing rank in Google Images? It is hard to get links straight to an image, and we already use proper alt tags. Any other ideas?

    | EcommerceSite

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