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Category: Image & Video Optimization

Explore how to optimize your website's images and videos for search.

  • If you're doing SEO for a new local business that currently does not have a Google Places listing (or a Google+ Local page), do you have to set up both for them?  Or do you simply create the Google Places listing and wait for Google to merge it to a Google+ Local page? I am so confused!

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hey everyone, I'm working with a client to get their Yahoo listing all setup. The problem is that they're located in a fairly new industrial complex that looks like it hasn't been added to Yahoo's map data. I'm unable to create a listing for them because Yahoo doesn't recognize the address as valid. How long does it take for Yahoo to update their map data for newly constructed areas? Is there anyway to speed to process along (maybe something similar to Google Map Maker where users can suggest updates)? Does anyone know any workarounds or solutions for a problem like this? Thanks! Tim

    | TimKelsey

  • Do you all think it is best to add your logo/brand (in some small way) to graphics/meme/ etc that you create? I understand that the most important part about creating said content is that it is of high quality and usefulness to our audience, however, after something of that caliber has been created, have any of you noticed any difference by adding or not adding your logo/brand? Any suggestions, stories, resources, etc are always appreciate. Thanks in advance for your time and input, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I'm wondering how to pull it off on-page local SEO for a financial institution website with 70 locations. However, they are broken in down in regions, which would make it easier to get our hands around. Would a viable solution be setting up regional pages? I don't know about our CMS capability, but it seems like it would be beneficial to have on each regional page aggregate local-centric press releases (example: a volunteer event or recognition) and local announcements such as paper shred days. Thoughts? Anyone else posed with a similar challenge?

    | SSFCU

  • I am in the process of finalizing G+ pages for our financial institution's 70 locations. So far, the only things I see in my control (set-up only) are the basics - address, phone number, website, description, categories, etc. I do have some great information for additional information (drive-through hours, products, services, etc.), but I see that there's not a place for those. So aside from ensuring accuracy, choosing the best categories provided by Google, uploading quality pics, writing an effective/optimized description, and making sure my pins are correct, any other tips for making these the best pages the best I can? The only thing in my scope is page set-up. Our social media coordinator will be mitigating reviews and posting content. Thanks!

    | SSFCU

  • I see that the Additional Details I've been inputting in Google Places aren't publishing while everything else is. Why would they offer those fields if they aren't even displayed on the G+ page? Is it recommended to fill them out anyway? dvfWnHP

    | SSFCU

  • Hello, I changed my address midstream in my campaign, from spelling out "Suite H" to now it's #H. Wow, what a cleanup job. I'm in at least 3 dozen directories I've found, and it looks like there are more. I'm adding myself to all the main directories that yext lists here. I've also used whitespark for a couple of months. My site is here. The term I'm targeting is "Boise Weight Loss. I"m on page 3 and not in the local results. Could you guys give me some pointers on how to get up into the top 3 of the local results? I'm planning on cleaning up and adding directories. I don't know how many I'll need, and of course I am looking for pointers on the other factors (besides citations) as well. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Nearly every post I've seen on Carousel states that "the rankings basically stay the same" but that hasn't been the case for one of my hospitality sites. The site went from being in the top 3 of local listings but when Carousel hit the site got bumped. We have high quality images, reviews, citations...we even added some newer, better photos but aside from that I'm a bit stumped as to what steps to take next. Anyone else get bumped by Carousel or have thoughts on any other factors which I might be missing out on?

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • I need to add more photos to our site, since I believe it'd be a better user experience, but I don't want our page speed to slow down. Is there an optimal size or quality photo parameters that work best for this? If so, is there a site or service someone would recommend over photobucket to get them? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We have a number of pages that are divided by locality, but cover the same general topic. For example, we have our Pasco County Divorce Attorney page ( vs our Tampa Divorce Attorney page ( I have changed around the text of the page, so it's not flagged for duplicate content, but I have the same image on both pages. How big of a problem is this or is this a problem at all? Thanks and Happy Friday, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • link here When I started working on this page he had multiple incorrect listings. I removed the incorrect ones and created this page. It has been confirmed via postcard and up for several months now. I have the profile filled out to 100% completion. Yet it does not show up very high in local map results. A ton of the business that do show up higher have profiles that are incomplete. Many of them show their address when they do not serve customers at their location. So it is a bit aggravating. Any suggestions to make this profile rank higher? I have been creating more citations through whitespark and working on the actual site itself.

    | Atomicx

  • What would be the best way to change a web address without loosing google rankings? Currently we have and redirecting to that address. We want to switch that around but I am aware that this will change all the links. Is there any way to do this without killing our site rankings?

    | luwhosjack

  • Hello, Is there a difference between: 111 Streetname #L, City, CA, 84111 and then on facebook it's 111 Streetname #L City, CA 84111 on two different lines? Note on the first one, there is a comma after #L and on the two line facebook page citation, there's no comma after #L. Should I add a comma on facebook after the #L? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Interesting conundrum I've run into with a legal site we've recently started working on. The client didn't initially tell us that their law office shares an address and a phone number with another firm. It didn't take long for us to find this out, but interestingly, it didn't seem to be negatively impacting their first. Then as we got into June we simply fell out of the map listings. We occasionally resurface back to a 1-3 position and then disappear again. My presumption is that Google is having trouble deciding if either of our separate listings are legitimate as there are a lot of citations for each and the on site and off site SEO/link factors are fairly similar (with our site having a bit better link profile). So my thought is get a unique phone number (if I can make the client agree) and add a unique suite number and try to reclaim/edit every existing citation we can get our hands on. Anyone else run into a similar problem and beat it?

    | NetvantageMarketing

  • Hi there I have a client who runs a holiday rental accommodation business in Australia. The business model is: a single brand (+ website) with multiple holiday homes (each with their own physical address). So, I have two questions: 1 - She currently has her Google Places for Business configured where there is one 'brand' Places account with an individual listing for each holiday home. How is it best to link the Google Places account to a (yet to be created) Google+ profile? 2 - Google's quality guidelines are a little grey around 'rental accommodation'. She does not run a real estate company but the properties are technically being rented which I fear contravenes Google's quality guidelines for Google Places. Does anybody experience in this area (the competition is doing it left, right and centre). Thanks in advance! Laurie

    | turnbullholdingsltd

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm working on a client's G+ profile and sub-pages and the competition all have one simple category - 'House Clearance'. When you start typing there is a drop down and this category isn't present for us? Nowhere near.This is what the client does and I can't work out howe to get it in the page? Anyone else had this problem. Thanks Gareth

    | Bush_JSM

  • I understand that Google is in the process of merging Google Places into Google+ Local, but the current state is very confusing.  There are still two separate signup pages, and neither even MENTIONS the other. If someone is establishing a business web presence today, what should we set up?

    | LunaGraphica

  • We were pleasantly surprised when a new skateboarding magazine/blog popped up recently. We have a good working relationship with the guys who run the site and they dropped our logo and a link to our site on the home page of their blog. As a national skateboarding retailer, this is the kind of site we would naturally show up on with link, logo, content, etc. So we feel we gained a highly relevant, potentially valuable link. One question came up, however: by being linked to in an area that's clearly designated for advertisers, is our potential link value diminished? See the site and our placement here (rt column, Tactics logo): Curious what some of you think.

    | websurfer

  • Hi I set up a Google + business Page for a client and we claimed their address (it shows in the Google Maps page fine.  The page has been created for a while now but when you search for this business it does not show the map to the right? Any thoughts? BTW we have two locations and both have separate pages - thought this could be the issue but then when I added the business name + the location still not showing.

    | AllieMc

  • Can I get some feedback on this site's seo efforts? I would like to know what they are doing right and what can be improved, especially the ones under the Locations menu. Link

    | Atomicx

  • Does SEOMoz manually create the video transcription for Whiteboard Friday videos or is there a tool that helps you get the majority of it?

    | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • Hi I wondered whether anyone can give me some guidance on how best to tackle this issue. A client of mine has claimed their spot on google Maps and has created a very basic local page on google + but now has forgotten their password for the gmail account.  A colleague of mine has tried unsuccessfully to retrieve the password and to claim the listing.  Question I have is - would you suggest creating a new gmail account for the client and a completely Google + local and claim the duplicate?  I am so wary of local at the moment as the guidelines seem to be constantly shifting.  Oh and I am based in New Zealand so all the most recent changes announced for the US haven't meandered their way over as far as here yet! Any responses gratefully received

    | AllieMc

  • Hi We currently have 6 showrooms in a geographical area (Scotland,UK) and each showroom covers a specific region within the country encompassing towns and cities.  So for example showroom A based in Edinburgh covers a customer area of Edinburgh, Fife, St Andrews while showroom B located in Glasgow covers Glasgow, Livingston etc  In google places I have drawn the geographical area on the map that each showroom covers making sure that they do not overlap At present some of which are ranking well in local but one is stating that 'google does not support this location' and after following previous advice on the forum this is still the case. Would I be better setting up another google account for this showroom and submit it again into Google Places or would it be better going into Google+ business pages? or are they the same thing? Finally is it worth using the following in Google Places? KML File and Geo Sitemap generation (these files are needed for Google) Address output in format

    | ocelot

  • I'm a geek when it comes to any search results I'm looking for and one that I did brought up the following results: The UK paintball one ranking first, the skirmish one ranking second. Now, I will admit that I look after the Skirmish one (purely design tweaks and CRO, as opposed to ranking) but I can't work out why it's being outranked? Any insight would be mega cheers!

    | jasonwdexter

  • Hello, I'm launching a local campaign. Here's my NAP, I want to make sure that it looks good and that there aren't any new developments in local SEO that will effect my campagin. Here's the address we'll use: 913 S Latah St #H, Boise, ID 83705 where H means suite H Any suggestions before we launch this campaign? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • We found a particular client that was using a 3rd party backlinker to build links (they were outsourced).  The backlinks appeared to be low quality, just basic text and no substantial content surrounding it, usually like a forum profile.  The backlinker was swapped out. However, we've been suffering from a big loss of links.  We anticipated that quite a few of the links the previous crew were managing would be lost, however, we've lost over 1500.  Some of that is due to the former SEO company using as part of their strategy. That site has since removed all listings/links because they were hit by recent algorithm changes.  Every week GWT has fewer and fewer links coming from that site.  We expect this to continue until GWT has removed all links from that site.  We are also losing ground (quickly) on local rankings too.  We believe this is due to the high number of links lost. What is best practice when building links to counter this issue?  Is there anything that can be done to stem the link purge and, if possible, gain ground on rankings again?

    | AaronHenry

  • We are helping a client clean up some past agencies SEO work in G+ and needed to figure out the best way to shut down duplicate G+ pages. The pages were created with post office boxes, household addressed, etc to create a location in multiple cities. What is the most efficient way to shut down 40+ pages in 5+ cites? Do we need to get usernames/passwords for all of these to shut them down? Has anyone had luck getting Google's help on mass cleanup like this? Signed, Exhausted already!

    | AESEO

  • I do not want to piss off our retailers by complaining about copyright infringement for product content, so what are some ways to outrank them using the same content???

    | odegi

  • Should attorneys check the boxes for: 1. My business has service areas where I visit customers at their location and
    2. I serve customers at my business address (within x miles) This is for a law firm that sees clients in the office, as well as making accommodations to visit them at their location when they are unable to come to the office.

    | cgman

  • Hi Folks, The company I work for is based in Kendal in Cumbria in the United Kingdom (that's our head office) but as we are a training company and we have training locations all over the UK, how would I go about updating the local listings to reflect this. I'd like to specifically target our London based venues. Any help much appreciated. Gaz

    | PurpleGriffon

  • I'm using Wisita for video hosting. My strategy is to allow other sites to embed videos to get links - I want the video linking back to my site not wistia or the embeding site. Do I need to use the Wistia CNAME or is a wistia subdomain acceptable?

    | BruceMcG

  • I am currently in the process of ensuring our 70 locations are accurately portrayed in Google. Does the Google Maps update impact my efforts? My efforts being widespread citations spanning the local ecosystem, G+ optimization via Google Places, and in the future checking Google Map Maker for accuracy.

    | SSFCU

  • Buongiorno from 27 degrees C Wetherby UK 🙂 Imagine this scenario... I'm sat in a York Based HQ law office and Google term Langleys and the Local listing is for Lincoln is rendered 😞 The lincoln office is the  smaller sister site 75 miles south of where I'm sitting as illustrated here appears (this is wrong) - I then do the same thing in a wetherby based office and get the York based local listing appears. So my question is please" what is influencing which local listing is rendered?" Confused,

    | Nightwing

  • I checked Moz out on getlisted and found a score of 28%. I believe this is telling me that Moz does not consider this an important piece( to a local marketing strategy. Also(as you can see in the image) getlisted shows missing listings when the listings are actually with these directory providers. (Not just Moz, but other companies I do local marketing for.) Plus I've noticed that at the bottom of the page the "unable to contact", Bing has been there for a long time. Is this going to be fixed? My clients know about and they are looking to me for answers on how to get them a higher listing score. Is this a tool that can assist in showing clients how well their listings are showing in local marketing or not? moz-getlisted.jpg

    | seomn

  • Hi everyone, I have a client who won't be renewing his lease for where he conducts his business. Instead he will be working from home. That being said, he does not wish to have his personal address details showing within his local listing. Is there any other way to still show for Google Local without a personal or business address? Is a PO box possible, other there any other alternatives? Thanks in advance. Leo

    | nimbleo

  • Has anyone found value in building links to Google+ profile for local seo rankings?  My gut tells me that it will, but I am not 100% sure. If it does, then does that mean that all the traditional SEO factors that would go into ranking a site organically also work for ranking locally for certain keywords? So far, I have found that the best thing for moving up rankings is reviews on Google+, but then does that make local SEO (from a high view point) just a race for high reviews and building the most citation? I am feeling like the differentiator for local SEO is UN-structured citations and links to Google+ profiles.  Any thoughts? See you at MozCon!

    | tonyflorespsa

  • Hi guys While logged in to my Google account Ive noticed we have 2 Google plus pages. Both accessed through the same email login. One has different posts than the other!! Is there a way to merge both of these? AmI right in thinking one is a personal profile and the other is a business one? We have multiple authors for our blog and each has their own google plus page and correct authorship set up etc but having these 2 pages is more work to manage. Any ideas? ThanksRobert

    | Trespass

  • Hello all: What is the key to making high ranking videos? Putting your domain name in the title with the keyword?


  • An interesting problem came our way, and I'd love your help in solving it. An individual I'm chatting with owns and manages a number of territories of a service-based Franchise business around Eastern Iowa.**His territory covers multiple cities and zips. He services all of those places, but does not have a physical presence in all. There is one company office. But he has local numbers for each territory.**The corporate franchise's website is dynamic. It shows the 'local' number and information based on the visitor's location. Basically, little microsites for each franchise territory.Three years ago he set up individual Google Places pages for each territory, using a PO box address and the local phone numbers. The Google listings are set up not to display an address. The kick is -- those addresses are now expired. Those Google Local listings still exist, and drive considerable traffic in each target city. As you can imagine, this also causes havoc on his other citations. There are scattered (YP, Yahoo, Yelp, etc) listings for each address. Their name in GetListed brings up all five different addresses, each with a number of web properties already claimed.Now that I've offered to help, I need to determine the best way to move forward. Suspend the verified listings with hidden addresses and move to a single listing for the office location? We could add all of the zips in manually, but it would cover a very wide range, and could lose its rank in local SERPs. Even with a well-optimized description. And the local numbers would likely not show up. Keep the listings. Don't touch them at all. The owner is looking to maintain the look and feel of a local business in each of his territories. That is difficult to do with a single listing. Assuming we decide not to touch the active listings (option 2), what will we do for other listings? Do we claim a local Yahoo listing for each location? Just for the corporate office? Would love to hear how others have attacked the multi-territory franchise problem, or would in this case.Thanks!

    | SocialJosh

  • HI all- I recently finished our first product video, about a candy called Sixlets. It's meant to be an educational video (as compared to linkbait) but of course I would love to get to seo benefit out of it. I am planning on putting the video on the individual product pages for each color sixlet to make sure people get the information they need. I am also planning on putting it on a page I will create that will house all of our videos. When I put together the video sitemap (via Wistia), I was really thinking of only including the video page, not the product pages, as as not to appear to be spammy. Does this make sense or am I going about this all wrong. Just want to make sure, as I am new to video. Thanks, Ken

    | CandymanKen

  • I would like to know If I have a image gallery in my website, what name must I put in the image files? Can I associate with  the my key-word? Ex: Post about pizza buffet, and than... the images can have the name "pizza-buffet-01, pizza-buffet-02"? Is it wrong? Thank you

    | otimizador2013

  • Google Carousel is rolling out for even more topics. How does it affect or change tracking in Google Analytics? For example, if I am in the Carousel and someone clicks my listing, then Google completes a search for my property… then the searcher clicks through to my site organically. Will I know that someone originally clicked the Carousel or will I have no idea and simply see a Google organic click? Should we be optimizing our Google+ Places listings differently? How does this change our own organic keyword targeting? In other words, if I am in the Carousel should I go after a different keyword organically? Does anyone know how many people are clicking into the Carousel vs. the organic listings or even pay per click below? Searchers behavior will be altered because of this change. What say you all? Articles That Relate:

    | Hospitality-SEO

  • Hello. I'm currently updating over 100 places in Google Local Listings They have approximately 300 listings already in the account, with approx. 100 of them already verified. The amount of 'True' locations is around 130. In order to provide maximum,  appropriate NAP data, I need to update the 100 as well. So, my question is in multiple parts - 1. How do I override and update the current locations in bulk? It doesn't appear that there's a way. Every time I upload a datafeed, it gets a new listing. 2. Because of all the listings in various states of verification, (Over 200), is there an easy way just to clear them out that's NOT manual? 3. Is there a way to export all CURRENT locations? The datafeed download only contains items which are trying to be updated..there doesn't appear to be a way to export all current data. Thanks for any help you can provide about a project of this size is appreciated.

    | WebTalent

  • Is anyone else experiencing issues with Yahoo! Local listings when trying to make edits? It seems SUPER buggy right now. Just curious is anyone else is having the same setbacks. Thanks!

    | AmberRobinson

  • Hi, just wondering what peoples' thoughts are on linking from a Google Places listing; where multiple locations are present (and multiple Places listings), do people generally link back to the home page or to the individual location pages? I would be interested to hear anybody's thoughts. Thank you

    | jasarrow

  • When you have reviews of local stores, how can you upload them to Google+ Local (former Google Places) so they will show up on stores/compagnies Google+ Local page? Like this one for example: It says 'Revies from internet:'. So somehow imported there reviews to Google+ Local. How can you add your local reviews?

    | Men4Media

  • We're getting ready to release a free tool to the SEO community that we hope will help marketers better create and optimize/market great video content. Hint: the tool has features built in to help you analyze video rankings in universal search results. 🙂 We'd like to get feedback from a few beta users first, though. If you'd be willing to give us your honest feedback in return for getting to use the tool early (and getting to suggest features you'd like), please PM me. Thanks in advance!

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi we have 15 stores we want to transfer over to our main google places account. We can only claim them with google places bulk uploader. So from what i have read, i have to add each store to the spreadsheet then request bulk upload. Since these google places listings already exist, will the listings i create (via the spreadsheet) simply merge with the old ones? Or could there be a chance of the creation of duplicate listings (how can you avoid this). And is it necessary to add latitude and longitude points (because you don't have to add them)? The goal is to add the old listings into a our Google Places account, and can only use the bulk uploader. Thanks,

    | Mattcarter08

  • Hi,
    Ive been using Rel author recently to get my Google+ photo showing up on Google serps. Can someone enlighten me to when people would and wouldnt see it. It appears on peoples results who live near me, however when someone 60 miles away does the same search he does not see the photo just the serps result. It is not a Google+ places entry, just your normal organic result. Any thoughts welcome 🙂

    | Ant71

  • Hi, i recently added a image to google places listing uploaded via the google places dashboard. It was uploaded about 3-4 weeks ago. The image is exactly 1024x1024 in size. I'm not sure whether google is not displaying it because its too big, or because it takes a while for google to start showing images for places listing. I was reading it can take up to 6 weeks. I don't want to have to wait 6 weeks, then find out the reason why the picture wasn't uploaded was because it was too big. Any suggestions on how i can find out which one is the case? Thanks, Matt

    | Mattcarter08

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