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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Do you guys have any suggestions  on  a good XML Sitemaps generator? hopefully free, but if it's good i'd consider paying I am using a MAC so would prefer  a online or mac version

    | kevin4803

  • Hi I have an issue. In my client's profile, I found that the "index.html" are mostly authoritative than non "index.html", and I found that www. version is more authoritative than  non www. The problem is that I find the opposite situation where non "index.html" are more authoritative than "index.html" or non www more authoritative than www. My logic would tell me to still redirect the non"index.html" to "index.html". Am I right? and in the case I find the opposite happening, does it matter if I still redirect the non"index.html" to "index.html"? The same question for www vs non www versions? Thank you

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi everyone, just noticed the default new red button go onto my website. Is there anyway to go back to the blue button or customise it? it doesn't really fit in with our colour sceheme 😞 Thanks, any info much appreciated as always.

    | pauledwards

  • Hi, How/where do I input a 301 redirect for my http site within I am already redirecting my wordpress url to myy new non wordpress domain Thanks Lisa

    | lisamarieCunn

  • Hi, So I have created my first campaign here and I have to say the tools, user interface and the on-page optimization, everything is useful and I am happy with SEOMOZ. However, the crawl report returned thousands of errors and most of them are duplicate content warnings. As we use Drupal as our CMS, the duplicate content is caused by Drupal's pagination problems. Let's say there is a page called "/top5list" , the crawler decided /top5list?page=1" to be duplicate of "/top5list". There is no real solution for pagination problems in Drupal (as far as I know). I don't have any warnings in Google's webmaster tools regarding this and my sitemap I submitted to Google doesn't include those problematic deep pages. (that are detected as duplicate content by SEOMOZ crawler) So my question is, should I be worried about the thousands of error messages in crawler diagnostics? any ideas appreciated

    | Gamer07

  • I have been trying to rank well for the key word "National Currency" forever and can't seem to make it into the top ten.  I would really like to have the URL NationalCurrency but it's taken and can't be bought. My url is nationalcurrencyvalues.  After reading the forums and various other SEO advice it occurred to me that National-Currency is as good or better than NationalCurrency for that keyword because it's seen as two words.  (right) So,  I grabbed that domain name.   Now,  my question...  is there some way to make use of the National-Currency domain name without building an entirely new site? I don't think I want transfer all of my content from nationalcurrencyvalues. Would there be any benefit to my nationalcurrencyvalues if I set up 303's on National-Currency?

    | Banknotes

  • I've successfully migrated new site to new domain ( But I cannot get 301 redirects for pages and blog posts to redirect from the old domain ( And it's my understanding I need to do a 301 for each page to maintain SEO. Here's what I've tried: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^p=975$RewriteRule ^index.php$ [R=301,L] BEGIN WordPress<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule># END WordPress #AND ALSO# Use PHP5 Single php.ini as defaultAddHandler application/x-httpd-php5s .php BEGIN WordPress<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule># END WordPress redirect 301 /top-5-questions-to-ask-an-seo-firm-before-signing-up Any suggestions would be appreciated. _Cindy P.S. Maybe some other issues are in the way: --Old site is  WP-Remix theme no longer supported, and latest WP version is 2.9.1 -- Old domain ( is the primary account on BlueHost …and the new domain ( is an addon, so the new domain's directory is within root of old domain. -- in root domain of old site there are other "handler files" that also have base file rewrites, if this is an issue: name of this file in root directory is:
    .htaccess.addHandlerBak -FrontPage- <limit get="" post="">order deny,allowdeny from allallow from all</limit><limit put="" delete="">order deny,allowdeny from all</limit>AuthUserFile /home/creatjo7/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwdAuthGroupFile /home/creatjo7/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp# BEGIN WordPress<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPressAuthName creativemindsearchmarketing.comIndexIgnore .htaccess /.?? *~ *# /HEADER /README /_vti

    | CeCeBar

  • Hi Mozzers- We started a WordPress blog for one of my clients to help improve the domain authority, increase visits, etc. a few months ago. I ran a crawl report a few days ago and noticed that the /trackback/ pages are getting redirected to the appropriate page using a 302 redirect not a 301 redirect. I've search through the forum looking for other similar questions and found one. The answer suggested that I use the TAC plugin and check for any malicious code. I did this and found nothing. Another response suggested using the Redirection plugin. I haven't tried this yet. Has anyone encountered this and if so, how did you deal with it. Thank you! LHC

    | lhc67

  • Hi guys, Our office has about 15 computers all on the same IP address and about 10 actively search on Google. Recently we have been asked to type in CAPTCHA almost every single time searching on Google and would like to know if you have any suggestions of resolving this. We do use Firefox Rank Checker to check ranking once per week (around 400 keywords) but we use Hide My Ass to hide the IP. No malware or virus detected on computers in the network. Many thanks for your help in advance David

    | sssrpm

  • Hi, I have an italian domain (.it) for an italian hotel, it is an old authoritative domain (1997) and it is well optimized for the keywords that include the city the hotel is in, now the page is decently positioned in Google Italy. There are many problems to have the same rank for German version (in, The German version is in the /de folder. The hotel has another .com domain, much less authoritative (2007), in a German server, but it was and is only a simple redirect 301 (by code) to the German version in the .it domain. (obviously the rank for this domain is almost nonexistent). Do you have any suggestion? Thank you.

    | depi

  • Hi, A long time ago I've added product syntax to my product detail pages. until today there is no evidence for any rich snippet on my serps. needless to say that testing tool is working ok with reviews ratings prices etc... Will adding rich snippet syntax to category pages(product lists) be any better? Thanks, Asaf

    | AsafY

  • Hypothetically speaking, if you wanted your homepage to have 1000 links, how much Page Rank or link authority would you need at a minimum (in order for Google to crawl all the links on the page)? Here is an example:

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi everyone, I'm new to the group and can't find this question answered anywhere else. I have a dynamic site that we aim to rewrite the URLs removing parameters and making it easier for the engines to index us and users to recall URLs. The issue that worries me relates to canonical tags. If I put a canonical tag on a directory.. (index page) and then point all variations of that page to the index page will it stop/pass juice for those pages at the next directory level to the index page rather than properly index and rank those pages appropriately. ie. will it pass any link juice I have for the second level to the first level? It concerns me that it will as I had a conversation with someone who lost all visibility on her site and it turned out to be the canonical tag on the home page that was causing it. Thanks in anticipation

    | VIPvillasdotcom

  • Alright I did something dumb a year a go and I'm still paying for it. I changed my hyphenated URL to the non-hyphenated version when I redesigned my website. I say it was dumb because I lost most of my link juice even though I did 301 redirects (via the htaccess file) for almost all of the pages I could find in Google's index. Here's my problem. My new site took a huge hit in traffic (down 60%) when I made the change and even though I've done thousands of redirects my old site is still showing up in the SERPS and send much if not most of my traffic. I don't want to take the old site down in fear it will kill all of my traffic. What should I do? Is there a better method I should explore then 301 redirects? Could the other site be affecting my current rank since it's still there? (FYI...both sites are built on the WP platform). Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated. Thank you! Joe

    | kaje

  • Unfortunately, Google has taken bits and pieces of my business and combined it with non-existent businesses and other rogue information.  So now my business has 3 locations. One proper listing that I created and manage. One that uses my website address but nothing else is correct in the listing. One that contains my name(incorrectly), but the address and everything else about it is incorrect. I have reported these places many times but they continue to hang around and I am lost/confused on what to do next. Please advise.

    | dignan99

  • Wordpress question here. Can anyone tell me if there is an SEO advantage to creating a page filtered to show results from an individual category as opposed to simply linking to the category archive? The content is identical in both cases.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hello, my domain and when i start the new campaing i get this pronblem: We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here. my domain is in how can i resolve it? many thanks Gonzalo

    | Kuna

  • OK, so I am not going to worry now about being a purist with the htaccess file, I can't seem to redirect the old pages without redirect errors (project is an old WordPress site to a redesigned WP site). And the new site has a new domain name; and none of the pages (except the blog posts) are the same. I installed the Simple 301 redirects plugin on old site and it's working (the Redirection plugin looks very promising too, but I got a warning it may not be compatible with the old non-supported theme and older v. of WP). Now my question using one of the redirect examples (and I need to know this for my client, who is an internet marketing consultant so this is going to be very important to them!): Using Redirect Checker, I see that --- 301 redirects to --- which then 301 redirects to final permanent location of http// How is Google going to perceive this 2-step process? And is there any way to get the "non-www-old-address" and also the "www-old-address" to both redirect to final permanent location without going through this 2-stepper? Any help is much appreciated. _Cindy

    | CeCeBar

  • Anything wrong with a URL structure like: Where the DIR: /process/ is completely empty e.g. you get a 404 if you go to and it has no content within. This URL structure was setup before they knew what SEO was...wondering if it's worth the pain the 301 and restructure new URLs or is it ok to leave as is?

    | SoulSurfer8

  • I have a client that is currently using for their blog.  I don't have much experience with this site as I have mostly used Wordpress in the past.  Are there any good SEO plugins/tools for this site? Thanks!

    | AlightAnalytics

  • Ok. My site has been running as for about 3 years now. I recently switched to a new host (had to say good bye to godaddy). In the change I switched the site to I have,, and set for a 301 redirect to I have recently transferred all of these to the same host now. However, during my first run at OpenExplorer I found that the old site was carrying some good weight. Did I shoot myself in the foot? Should I transfer everything back to .com and redirect to it since it has some history? Will my rankings for .com transfer over to the .net with the 301 redirect? looking for the best advice here before I spend too much time having to rebuild...

    | jgmayes

  • A lot of the time I see companies employing a technique like this: <a target="_blank" href="/external/wcpages/referral.aspx?">xxxxxa> Or similarly with php.  In an attempt to log all the clicks that exit their site from certain locations. When google bot comes along and crawls this page, does it still understand that this page links to

    | adriandg

  • I have a number of 404s happening on my site due to other websites incorrectly linking to my content. Perhaps they typed the word wrong, or their software did. Here are some examples from webmaster tools: learn/ingredie.. shop/accessories_and_extras/professional.. lore/idx.php.. learn/step_by_step_instruc shop/prod shop/product lore/email_ As you can see, none of those are actual pages - but truncated URLs of actual pages. Should I find a way to redirect these pages - or let them 404? Thanks!

    | dreadmichael

  • In a client's blog, you can find each individual article pages as well as aggregate of articles per month or sometimes per day (including each entire article). The problem is that the article appears twice, once in a dedicated page (article page) and once with other articles (in the archive). Is there a specific SEO approach to this type of situation? Is there duplicate content? What page name should I give each archive (if at all), as there are quite a few? Thank you

    | DavidSpivac

  • I realized we don't have a sitemap in place, so we're going to get one built. Once we do, I'll submit it manually to Google via Webmaster tools. However, we have a very dynamic site with content constantly being added. Will I need to keep manually re-submitting the sitemap to Google? Or could we have the continually updating sitemap live on our site at /sitemap and the crawlers will just pick it up from there? I noticed this is what SEOmoz does at

    | askotzko

  • Does anybody know a problem where you can see how your internal linkings look to the search engines?

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • I have taken over the SEO for The way i've inherited the setup is that is 301 redirected to Looking at top pages and linking root domains in Opensiteexplorer I can see that has 1,006 linking root domains has 806 linking root domains. I assume that is passing the value of it's 806 domain links to via the 301 redirect and because of this would expect to be the strongest page on the site and be the url that ranks in the listings for many relevant searches. It appears however that is what is shown in listings and not ?? Can anyone explain why this might be?? If I do a site: search in Google then is indexed and not ??

    | QubaSEO

  • As I was reviewing a client's web pages I noticed that most of the pages have titles that exceed the 70 characters limit. By looking in more details it seems that Google uses all keywords from this long titles. I wanted to reduce the titles under 70 characters but realised that I may cut some important keywords. By reducing to 70 characters, do you think I can damage the performance?.

    | DavidSpivac

  • Hello, A client domains appear sometimes like and sometimes like I would like to place redirects from URLs that contain strings such as /index.aspx?id=42 to the main page but which one should I pick? With or without the "/" ? Thank you

    | DavidSpivac

  • Hello, My client have pages that look like this: Question 1: SEOMoz say they are overly dynamic. Is it really in this case as the numbers indicate the year, month and day and do not change? Question 2: Should we change the URLs to proper SEO friendly URLs such as The pages are already ranking well and we worry that changing the URL may damage the ranking? Do we risk the page to go down in ranking by creating SEO friendly URLs? (and using a 301 to redirect from the old URL)

    | DavidSpivac

  • Hi guys - I have a client who are recently experiencing a great deal of more traffic to their site. As a result, their web development agency have given them a server upgrade to cope with the new demand. One thing they have also done is put all website scripts, CSS files, images, downloadable content (such as PDFs) - onto a 3rd party server (Amazon S3). Apparently this was done so that my clients server just handles the page requests now - and all other elements are then grabbed from the Amazon s3 server. So basically, this means any HTML content and web pages are still hosted through my clients domain - but all other content is accessible through an Amazon s3 server URL. I'm wondering what SEO implications this will have for my clients domain? While all pages and HTML content is still accessible thorugh their domain name, each page is of course now making many server calls to the Amazon s3 server through external URLs ( I imagine this will mean any elements sitting on the Amazon S3 server can no longer contribute value to the clients SEO profile - because that actual content is not physically part of their domain anymore. However what I am more concerned about is whether all of these external server calls are going to have a negative effect on the web pages value overall. Should I be advising my client to ensure all site elements are hosted on their own server, and therefore all elements are accessible through their domain? Hope this makes sense (I'm not the best at explaining things!)

    | zealmedia

  • A few weeks ago my error count went up for Duplicate Page Content and Titles.  4 errors in all.  A week later the errors were gone... But now they are back.  I made changes to the Webconfig over a month ago but nothing since. SEOmoz is telling me the duplicate content is this   and Thanks for any advise! This is the relevant web.config. <rewrite><rules><rule name="CanonicalHostNameRule1"><match url="(.*)"><conditions><add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^$" negate="true"></add></conditions>
              <action type="Redirect" url="<a href=" http:="""" {r:1"="">{R:1}" />
            <rule name="Default Page" enabled="true" stopprocessing="true"><match url="^default.aspx$"><conditions logicalgrouping="MatchAll"><add input="{REQUEST_METHOD}" pattern="GET"></add></conditions>
              <action type="Redirect" url="/"></action></match></rule></rules></rewrite>

    | Banknotes

  • Rel Canonical Found about 16 hours ago <dl> <dt>Tag value</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Description</dt> <dd>Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical.</dd> <dd>We do have rel canonical on some of the pages this report is recommending that we "fix" this issue.</dd> <dd> Rel Canonical Found about 16 hours ago <dl> <dt>Tag value</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Description</dt> <dd>Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical.</dd> </dl> <a class="more expanded">Minimize</a> </dd> </dl>

    | JustinGeeks

  • After we implement canonicals URLs, or make some other significant change to our site that is going to impact our SEO, is there a way to force Google or other search engines to re-index us faster? Would manually re-submitting a sitemap do this?

    | askotzko

  • I am trying to figure out what is going on with my site listings. Google is only displaying my title and url - no description. You can see it when you search for Franchises for Sale. The site is Why could this happen? Also I saw a big drop off in a handful of keyword rankings today. Could this be related?

    | franchisesolutions

  • Hi all, hope you can help. the Magento ecommerce system I'm working with autogenerates sitemap.xml - it's well formed with priority and frequency parameters. However, it has generated lots of URLs that are pointing to broken pages returning fatal erros, duplicate URLs (not canonicals), 404s etc I'm thinking of hand creating sitemap.xml - the site has around 50 main pages including products and categories, and I can get the main page URLs listed by screaming frog or xenu. Then I'll have to get into the hand editing the crud pages with noindex, and useful duplicates with canonicals. Is this the way to go or is there another solution thanks in advance for any advice

    | k3nn3dy3

  • I was going through our site earlier w/ the mozBar (still learning the tools, new here) and saw the attached image. There were far more links to the subdomain (#s on the left) than the root domain (#s on right). This is strange to me, because we are not using any subdomains. All links point to either our root domain or subfolders off our root domain. Is this hurting our ranking for the root domain? Not sure what's up with this. Zz9j0.jpg

    | askotzko

  • We have decided to create a few blogs and will eventually be linking to some of our clients. I have domain privacy and different class C addresses for each of my domains. But the name servers area all the same. Ex: If we create an article for one client on all 5 blogs, will the name servers be a problem?

    | waqid

  • Our webpage performs very bad on some keywords relating to one product. At the SeoMoz-ranking page i can se we are number 9 but we have the highest (higher than our competitors) rating in almost every category (at least 25 of 30) on the keyword difficulty report. How do i find out why this is so, or if we have been penalized by google?On other search-engines (yahoo, bing etc) we are number one! And we have the highest pagerank among the competitors...

    | alsvik

  • We recently (2 months ago) launched RSS feeds for the category pages on our site. Last week we started seeing error pages in Webmaster Tools' Crawl Errors report pop up for feeds of old pages that have been deleted from the site, deleted from the sitemap, and not in Google's index since long before we launched the RSS feeds. Example: I checked and both the URL for the feed and the URL for the actual page are returning 404 statuses. is also showing up in our Crawl Errors. Its been deleted for months but Webmaster Tools is very slow to remove the page from their Crawl Error report. Where is Google finding these feeds that never existed?

    | Hakkasan

  • This is a follow up to the Question I ask: I have decided that I am going to move the articles from (non-commercial) to (commercial) however I was having a think, some of the articles on and ranking well for some keywords, maybe getting around 20,000 visits from natural search, would it be possible when moving this article just to do a 301 redirect from the page with the article to the new website? Hope that makes some sense. Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • The other day I used the Explorer tool to check my links. I checked again today, and the strongest links, which have been on my site for many months, are no longer listed on the report. I'm wondering if there has been some malicious activity. If the links have been removed, how do you get them back?

    | Stol

  • Hi, We have a site with 7 top level sections all of which contain a large number of subsections which may then contain further sub sections. To try and ensure the best user experience we have a top navigation with the 7 top level sections and when hovered a selection of the key sub sections. Although I like this format for the user as it makes it easier for them to find the most important sections / sub sections it does lead to a lot of links within every page on the site. In general each top section has a drop down with approx 10 - 15 subsections. This has therefore lead to SeoMoz's tools issuing its too many internal links warning. Then alongside this I am left wondering if I shouldn’t have to many links to my subsections and whether I would be better off being more selective of when I link to them. For instance I could choose the top 5 sub sections and place a link to them from our homepage and by doing so I would be passing a greater amount of link juice down the line. So I guess my dilemma is between ensuring the user has as easy a time traversing the site as possible whilst I try to keep a close watch on where, and how, our link juice is distributed. One solution I am considering is whether no-follow links could be utilised within the drop down menus? This way I could then have the desired user navigation and I would be in greater control of what pages link to which sub sections. Would that even work? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Regards, Guy

    | guycampbell

  • Hello SEOMozzers, As I embark on yet another client's link campaign I ask myself where best to spend resources(time and money) on link building. Typically I provide a mix of blogroll links, article syndication contextual links, social media posting and high PR one way links. I would like to know if anyone here finds one form of link to carry weight over the rest. I have my suspicion and my own theory on it but I would like to know what the moz concensus is.

    | TheGrid

  • I'm using Wordpress categories to add products. Normally I normally noindex category archives to prevent duplicate content issues, with the blog page serving as the index, but I don't have one with this site Should I index the category archives to ensure that products are indexed, or will Google see them anyway?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • My campaign analysis is predictably listing and as repeated content. I've searched and searched but cannot find a way to force a trailing slash on the end of the domain name unless there's a file or directory after it.. Is there a way to accomplish this using .htaccess

    | JollyBoy

  • This seems like it should be an obvious no, just because of the amount of work that would entail, and then remembering to do it every time I make a post, but since I couldn't find anything on Google about it and have never heard anyone mention it, I figured I'd ask.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I'm using Google webmaster tools and able to see Not found Crawl errors. I have set up custom 404 page for all broken links. You can see my custom 404 page as follow. But, I have question about it. Will it require to set 301 redirect for broken links which found in Google webmaster tools?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hello All,
    In light of Wil Reynold's closing keynote at Portland's Searchfest, I thought I might try posting here to get some advice. We run a family business on the side and we're looking at starting to use for our e-commerce solution. The catch is we currently have a wordpress site running on thesis with great SEO. Ranking #1 & #2 for our highest trafficked terms. Ideally, I'd like to direct to the Volusion store and then to go to our wordpress installation BUT since the volusion site will be hosted with the company and they will not host our wordpress installation we'd have to use a subdomain instead of a subdirectory which I understand will be bad for SEO. Does anyone have any recommendation on how to set this up without totally screwing up our ranking OR any recommendations of an easy to use shopping cart (I've worked on a magento site before and it's too complex for us) that wouldn't require a separate or subdomain? Thank you so much!
    -Cherie Prochaska

    | CherieP

  • When I view my campaign report I'm seeing duplicate content/ meta for and   (with a slash) I already applied a 301 redirect as follows: redirect 301 /index.php/ /index.php Where am I messing up here?

    | cgman

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