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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi everyone Just out of curiosity, what would happen if in my disavow report I have this line :**/** instead of as recommended by google. I was just wondering if adding a / at the end of a domain would automatically render the line invalid and ignored by Google's disavow backlinks tool. Many thanks for your thoughts

    | LabeliumUSA

  • Hi all, I'm looking to learn more about technical SEO. My background was digital marketing/PR where I learned the importance of links, of anchor text, of page speed, of improving UX signals, of SSL, utilising things like Google My Business etc. However, I find I am chasing my tail when it comes to things like understanding JS/CSS/log file analysis etc. I've tried reading so many articles on the subjects and I just find it so damn confusing. AnugalarJS/BackboneJS. Fetching & rendering, URL parameters...etc. I know from my own experiments that JS pages struggle to rank and I've created two very similar pages, one without JS, one with JS (which had far more links) and the non-JS page ranked far higher. So, I suppose I'm asking for some help with how to begin learning this stuff. I find the articles on Moz, Search Engine Land etc to be a bit confusing...maybe I'm not technically minded enough! Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • I have noticed that the Page Authority for my posts in my blog are all hovering around 1 and the rest of the pages on my website are around 20. The Domain Authority for my website is 16 and I think the page authority of my posts are negatively affecting my Domain Authority as I write more content. Any suggestions or recommendations as to why posts have such low Page Authority compared to similar pages. I have images, links, and great content in my posts, but they are considerably lower in Page Authority*

    | JoeyGedgaud

  • Does Google recognize rel=canonical tag if loaded dynamically via javascript? Here's what we're using to load: <script> //Inject canonical link into page head if (window.location.href.indexOf("/subdirname1") != -1) { canonicalLink = window.location.href.replace("/kapiolani", ""); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("/subdirname2") != -1) { canonicalLink = window.location.href.replace("/straub", ""); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("/subdirname3") != -1) { canonicalLink = window.location.href.replace("/pali-momi", ""); } if (window.location.href.indexOf("/subdirname4") != -1) { canonicalLink = window.location.href.replace("/wilcox", ""); } if (canonicalLink != window.location.href) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'canonical'; link.href = canonicalLink; document.head.appendChild(link); } script>

    | SoulSurfer8

  • My site has this page (URL) that actually exists on my site but somehow I can see the following versions in SERPs (these URLs are not physically available on my site): I even started getting traffic from these URLs that are in Google's index. So, only the first one actually existins on my site:**/rankings-of-rankings-of-**rankings-of-nike-running-shoes**rankings-of-**rankings-of-nike-running-shoes Questions are:
    a. I'm not sure how the latter two - 2) and 3) - got in Google's index.
    b. what do I do with them. My idea is to 301 redirect them to the actual page that exists Do I need to also somehow remove the faulty URLs - 2) and 3) - from Google's index or 301 redirecting is enough?

    | webdesyaug17

  • I have got some idiot bombarding my site with spam links, most likely a negative SEO attempt. It started off very small and has ramped up to between five and 10 spam links per day. I think it may be having a slightly negative affect although difficult to tell. I can do a link cleanup, but I'm not sure that is a long term solution, I'm just going have to do it again in a few weeks time. Does anyone have any experience?

    | seoman10

  • After running a site crawl. I found two 302 redirects. The two redirects go from: to & to How do I fix the 302 redirect and change it to a 301 redirect? I have no clue where to start. Thanks.

    | Ryan_132

  • Do the redirects stop working? Thanks Emily

    | emilyed3

  • I have a question about the right way to not index pages: With a canonical or follow no-index. First we have a blog page: **Blogpage **
    URL: /blog/
    index follow Page 2 blog:
    URL: /blog?=p2  
    index follow
    rel="prev" /blog/ 
    el="next" ?=p3 Nothing strange here i guess. But we also have other pages with chance on duplicate content: /SEO-category/
    /SEO-category/view-more/ Because i don't want the "view-more" items to be indexed i want to set it on: follow no-index (follow to reach pages). But now the "view-more" also have pagination. What is the best way? Option 1: 
    Follow no-index /SEO-category/view-more?=p2
    Follow no-index
    rel="prev" /view-more/
    el="next" ?=p3 Option 2: /SEO-category/view-more/ 
    Canonical: /SEO-category/ /SEO-category/view-more?=p2
    rel="prev" /view-more/
    el="next" ?=p3 Option 3: Other suggests? Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hello Guys, Can you please share in details screen resolution I have to define for my responsive site for desktop, tablet & mobile. Your inputs are very valuable to me. Thanks! Micey

    | micey123

  • Hi Guys! My question isn't too dissimilar to one asked a couple of years ago, regarding Google and image indexing, but having put my web address into a Google image search, I get a return of 15 images, so something isn't right. 5 months ago I submitted our 'new' site to Google webmaster. We have just moved it onto a Shopify platform. They (Shopify) are good at providing places to add titles and Alt tags and likewise we fill them in (so that box ticked!) However I have noticed over the last couple of months that despite 161 images being submitted, only 51 have been indexed. Furthermore and as I said earlier, when you put our site, site: into Google images, it only returns a total of 15 images. Any suggestions and help would be wonderful! Cheers Nick

    | nick_HandCo

  • Hi everyone, One of our websites was changed to non-www to www. The non-www pages were then redirected to avoid duplicate issue. Moz and Screaming Frog flagged a number of these redirected pages as missing canonical tags. Is the canonical tag still required for pages already redirecting? Or is it detecting another possible duplicate page that we haven't redirected yet? Also, the rankings for this website isn't improving despite having us optimising these pages as best as we could. I'm wondering if this canonical tag issue may be affecting it. Thank you.

    | nhhernandez

  • Hi there, First of all, thank you in advance to whoever steps in to help me with this issue! So, I have a new site (launched December 2016) in the investing space and have been able to get page 1 rankings on some of my pages. One of my best ranking pages is for the phrase "what is xiv". The Keyword Explorer has this phrase at a 21 difficulty. My page for this keyword is The post reached the first page almost immediately after being published, though I know I shouldn't expect this for other keywords of similar difficulty. Here is my problem: I just wrote a comprehensive guide (8,000+ words) on a different keyword phrase: "vertical spreads." The Keyword Explorer has this phrase at a 25 difficulty. My page for this topic: However, the page is nowhere to be found in organic Google rankings (not in top 50), and the page has been live for a few weeks now. I've done my best at optimizing the post, but something leads me to believe there are some issues that are beyond my SEO knowledge. For example, maybe the post is too long, and Google can't figure out what the page is about. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time! -Chris

    | cbutler22293

  • I work for a company in the travel industry and we are currently in the process of building out a 360-degree video landing page to inspire travel to our destination. There is some desire from individuals on my team to use the unicode degree symbol ( ° ) after 360 to ensure clarity. We currently have the ° symbol in the Page Title and H1 tag. Does the use of a unicode character adversely affect SEO? Our concern is that it is very unlikely that people are searching for 360-degree videos using the unicode symbol. We also have it fully written out as well. Just want to make sure we won't get dinged for this. Thanks!

    | smontunnas

  • we are planning to create a series of short (<30 sec) videos for landing pages for our clients PPC campaigns. Since our clients all offer the same services (except in different geographical regions of the county) - we were planning to use the SAME script ( approx 85 words) with only the clients business name changed. Our question is :  Would these videos be identified as 'duplicate content' - if we are only planning to use the videos on landing pages and only for PPC?  -in other words  are we in any danger of any kind of consequences from the engines for repeating script text across a series of landing pages featured only at PPC campaigns?

    | Steve_J

  • I seem to have duplicate pages like the examples below: This is happening on 3 pages and I'm not sure why or how to fix it. The first ( is what I want and is what I have all my canonicals set too, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've also setup 301 redirects for each page with "/" to be redirected to the page without it. Doing this didn't seem to fix anything as when I use the ( URL it doesn't redirect to ( like it's supposed to. This issue has been going on for some time, so any help would be much appreciated. I'm using Squarespace as the design/hosting site.

    | granitemountain

  • We're doing a site audit and found "internal" links to a page in search console that appear to be from a subdomain of our site based on our MX record.  We use Google Mail internally.  The links ultimately redirect to our correct preferred subdomain "www", but I am concerned as to why this is happening and if it can have any negative SEO implications. Example of one of the links: Links I did a site operator search, on google and it returns several results.

    | SS.Digital

  • To put you all in context, here is the situation, I have pages that are only accessible via an intern search tool that shows the best results for the request. Let's say i want to see the result on page 2, the page 2 will have a request in the url like this: ?p=2&s=12&lang=1&seed=3688 The situation is that we've disallowed every URL's that contains a "?" in the robots.txt file which means that Google doesn't crawl the page 2,3,4 and so on. If a page is only accessible via page 2, do you think Google will be able to access it? The url of the page is included in the sitemap. Thank you in advance for the help!

    | alexrbrg

  • Hi I'm currently going over old category pages for an ecommerce website, and I'm trying to work out the best way of handling old pages. I will be setting up 301s for the majority of pages, as these are 100% dead and gone. I'm struggling a bit with certain pages though, whereby the category is empty but there is always the possibility that our buyers will purchase these products again in the future (or they might not, there's no way to tell). I know that this isn't what a 302 is for, but I'm wondering which would be better in this case: to create a 302 redirect or to do a full 301 and if the products are repurchased at a later date to create a whole new url. Hope that makes sense. Thanks, Kate

    | Lisaangel

  • Hi there Mozzers! As a newbie, I have a question that what could happen if I write my robots.txt file like this... User-agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /abc-1/ Disallow: /bcd/ Disallow: /agd1/ User-agent: * Disallow: / Hope to hear from you...

    | DenorL

  • When rogerbot tries to craw my site it tries My website then tries to redirect to and is throwing a 404 and ends up not getting crawled. It also throws a 404 when trying to read my robots.txt file for some reason. We allow rogerbot user agent so unsure whats happening here. Is there something weird going on when trying to access my site without the 'www' that is causing the 404? Any insight is helpful here. Thanks,

    | BlakeBooth

  • I have a friend that has a health insurance agency site. He wants to add a new page, for child health care insurance to his existing site. But the issue is, he brought a new URL; and he want's to use it for the new page. Now, I'm not sure I'm right on this, but I don't think that can be done? I'm I wrong? = Thanks in advance.

    | Coppell

  • In Google Search console 4,218,017 URLs submitted 402,035 URLs indexed what is the best way to troubleshoot? What is best guidance for sitemap indexation of large sites with a lot of changing content? view?usp=sharing

    | Hamish_TM

  • I had coded my website's article content with a non-standard tag <cnt>that surrounded other standard tags that contained the article content, I.e.</cnt> , . The whole text was enclosed in a div that used markup to identify the contents of the div as the articleBody. When looking at scraped data for stories in Webmaster Tools, the content of the story was there and identified as the articleBody correctly. It's recently been suggested by someone else that the presence of the non-standard <cnt>tags were actually making the content of the article uncrawlable by the Googlebot, this effectively rendering the content invisible. I did not believe this to be true, since the content appeared to be correctly indexed in Webmaster Tools, but for the sake of a test I agreed to removing them. In the last 6 weeks since they were removed, there have been no changes in impressions or traffic from organic search, which leads me to believe that the removal of the <cnt>tags actually had no effect, since the content was already being indexed successfully and nothing else has changed.</cnt></cnt> My question is whether or not an encapsulating non-standard tag as I've described would actually make the content invisible to Googlebot, or if it should not have made any difference so long as the correct markup was in place? Thank you.

    | dlindsey

  • Hey folks, So, I got two pages. Page A has a lot more content but in a tabular format which uses javascript and a Title Tag which is a synonym for our keyword, but not the actual keyword.  Page B has less content, and the title tag is the exact keyword phrase we want to rank for. Page A has a bigger backlink profile (though not enormous by any extent). Page A ranks in 30th. Page B ranks in 7th. Importance of Title tag? Importance of JS? Both? Discuss! Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hello I have a blog post from 2015 that is ranking very well on Google but I have a terrible bounce rate of more than 98% for this landing page. This post is bringing 4 more visits than the rest of my website pages so I need to make people stay in the site. I don't want to lose my rankings so my question is: Is it better to modify this post or to write a new post and delete the old one? Thank you

    | seoandromedical

  • Hi everyone! I have a few questions - we are running an SEO content audit on our entire website and I am wondering the best FREE way to extract a list of all indexed pages. Would I need to use a mix of Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, AND our XML sitemap or could I just use Webmaster Tools to pull the full list? Just want to make sure I am not missing anything. As well, once the data is pulled and organized (helpful to know the best way to pull detailed info about the pages as well!) I am wondering if it would be a best practice to sort by high trafficked pages in order to rank them for prioritization (ie: pages with most visits will be edited and optimized first). Lastly, I am wondering what constitutes a 'removable' page. For example, when it is appropriate to fully remove a page from our website? I understand that it is best, if you need to remove a page, to redirect the person to another similar page OR the homepage. Is this the best practice? Thank you for the help! If you say it is best to organize by trafficked pages first in order to optimize them - I am wondering if it would be an easier process to use MOZ tools like Keyword Explorer, Page Optimization, and Page Authority to rank pages and find ways to optimize them for best top relevant keywords. Let me know if this option makes MORE sense than going through the entire data extraction process.

    | PowerhouseMarketing

  • My site is built through squarespace and when I ran the campaign in SEOmoz...its come up with all these errors saying duplicate content and duplicate page title for my blog portion. I've heard that canonical tags help with this but with squarespace its hard to add code to page level...only site wide is possible. Was curious if there's someone experienced in squarespace and SEO out there that can give some suggestions on how to resolve this problem? thanks

    | cmjolley

  • So this is what im doing, 301 redirect to my site/allen-webdesign points to main domain Allen is the city i have a page called local-webdesign with all the cities. Will this improve my ranking or should i stop?

    | jsdfw

  • Hello Expert, In search console in Crawl Stats Pages Crawl per day going day by day i.e. from 4 lac pages per day now it is reduce upto 2 lac in last 15 days. So where is the issue? Where I am going wrong or it is issue from google end? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hi Moz Community! Our team is having an internal (and external) debate regarding the extent and implications of duplicate content for a hospitality client that I would love to get some feedback on. I unfortunately cannot divulge the brand/URL, but will give as much info as possible. The brand in question manages dozens of properties in the US and worldwide and has recently rolled up all of the domains under a singular domain. So whereas the properties used to have their own domains (,, etc...), they are now housed in sub-folders (, and so forth). The concern we have is that they launched the new brand site with all of the property sites/content rolled up under the new domain, however all of the individual property sites and their pages are still live as well. All of the canonicals on both as well as (,, etc...) are self-referencing (so the canonicals for and all of its sub-ages do not point to the still live and all of its sub-pages, for example). On the brand side, they believe this is the best path forward as grows and gains some authority, with the later intent on eventually redirecting the individual property domains - but we are unclear of that timeline (though we do think its more months as opposed to days/weeks) So our questions for the community here are: What is the perceived impact in this state of limbo to the individual property sites (ideally they house the original content and have the history, but could Google still give preference to the URLs and/or could both of them suffer in rank/search experience from the duplicate content an non-uniform presentation?) Could be "dinged" so-to-speak due to launching with this much duplicate content? (And if so, could that affect how quickly normalization occurs after the property sites are finally redirected?) Anything else we should consider/Any other feedback from the community? Thank you all for your time and support!

    | imiJoe

  • HI all, Recently, well a couple of months back, I finally got around to switching our sites over to HTTPS://. In terms of rankings etc all looks fine and we have not move about much, only the usual fluctuations of a place or two on a daily basis in a competitive niche. All links have been updated, redirects in place, the usual https domain migration stuff. I am however, troubled by one thing! I cannot for love nor money get Google to fetch my site in GSC. No matter what I have tried it continues to display "Temporarily unreachable". I have checked the robots.txt and it is on a new https:// profile in GSC. Has anyone got a clue as I am stumped! Have I simply become blinded by looking too much??? Site in Q. caravanguard co uk. Cheers and looking forward to your comments.... Tim

    | TimHolmes

  • I've been researching and can't find a clear cut answer. Imagine you have a product category page e.g. domain/jeans You've a lot of options as to how to filter the results domain/jeans?=ladies,skinny,pink,10 or domain/jeans/ladies-skinny-pink-10 or domain/jeans/ladies/skinny?=pink,10 And in this how do you handle titles, breadcrumbs etc. Is the a way you prefer to handle filters and why do you do it that way? I'm trying to make my mind up as some very big names handle this differently e.g. VS✓&[facet_filter][meta.tertiary_category][Skinny]=on&[facet_filter][variants.meta.size][Size+10]=on&[facet_filter][meta.master_colour][Midwash]=on&[facet_filter][min_current_price][gte]=6.0&[facet_filter][min_current_price][lte]=18.0&per=36&sort=

    | RodneyRiley

  • Hello Expert, Do redesign website will affect seo? At initial level drop in visitor, pageviews? Actually I am redesign my ecommerce site but we are not changing 1) url's 2) we are not changing content 3) we are not changing server 4) we are not changing navigation. We are changing display style at homepage, category page, subcategory page, product page, checkout step. So still it will impact on website visitors & pageviews? 2) How google will react on int 3) How visitor will react? Thanks!

    | Johny12345

  • Hi Moz Community, We're an eCommerce site so we have a lot of pagination issues but we were able to fix them using the rel=next and rel=prev tags. However, our pages have an option to view 60 items or 180 items at a time. This is now causing duplicate content problems when for example page 2 of the 180 item view is the same as page 4 of the 60 item view. (URL examples below) Wondering if we should just add a canonical tag going to the the main view all page to every page in the paginated series to get ride of this issue. Thoughts, ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks

    | znotes

  • Hi all, I recently updated some markup on my site about a week ago.  However, when using the structured data testing tool and inserting the URL of the page that was updated with the schema, I see that the schema being recognized does not reflect the updated markup. However, when I use the structured data testing tool again and insert the code I used for the schema, I see no errors and all info was implemented properly. Any idea why my updates (which seem to be correct based on my code) are not reflecting when testing the URL of my site via structured data testing tool?  Is there some delay for this data to update? Any insight would be much appreciated.  Thanks all in advance! Best,

    | hdeg

  • Question says it all I guess. What would your recommend as the best free tool to check internal broken links?

    | RikkiD22

  • Just wondering is anyone had any thoughts on whats the easiest for SEO purposes.  My main focus is to get people to buy our installation services.  We could either a)  Have a full ecommerce website and on every product we can advertise the fact that we install the products.  As well as creatign additinal CMS pages OR b) Create a content driven site promoting our installation services and then having a separate tab at the top which can be very prominent called Shop or Buy online.  The customer can then visit that page for DIY products. Would either option be a better option for SEO purposes/usability for the customer?

    | paulfoz1609

  • Hey all, I am working on SEO for a massive sports website. The information provided will be limited but I will give you as much context as possible. I just started digging into it and have found several on-page SEO issues of which I will fix when I get to the meat of it but this seems like something else could be going on. I have attached an image below. It doesn't seem like it's a GWT bug as reported at one point either as it's been gradually dropping over the past year. Also, there is about a 20% drop in traffic in Google Analytics over this time as well. This website has hundreds of thousands of pages of player profiles, sports team information and more all marked up with JSON-LD. Some of the on-page stuff that needs to be fixed are the h1 and h2, title tags and meta description. Also, some of the descriptions are pulled from wikipedia and linked to a "view more" area. Anchor text has "sign up" language as well. Not looking for a magic bullet but to be pointed in the right direction. Where should I start checking off to ensure I cover my bases besides the on page stuff above? There aren't any serious errors and I don't see any manual penalties. There are 4,300 404's but I have seen plenty of sites with that many 404's all of which still got traffic. It doesn't look like a sitemap was submitted to GWT and when I try submitting sitemap.xml, I get a 504 error (network unreachable). Thanks for reading. I am just getting started on this project but would like to spend as much time sharpening the axe before getting to work. lJWk8Rh

    | ArashG

  • Hi Moz Community! We're doing an audit of our e-commerce site at the moment and have noticed a lot of 404 errors coming from out of stock/discontinued product pages that we've kept 200 in the past. We kept these and added links on them for categories or products that are similar to the discontinued items but many other links of the page like images, blog posts, and even breadcrumbs have broken or are no longer valid causing lots of additional 404s. If the product has been discontinued for a long time and gets no traffic and has no link equity would you recommend adding a noindex robots tag on these pages so we're not wasting time fixing all the broken links on these? Any thoughts?Thanks

    | znotes

  • Is it compulsory to have sitemap.xml at this path - My sitename is Now is it compulsory to have sitemap.xml at this path - only? a) If i take cnd services where path can be like and then this sitemap i can submit in robot file so it is fine? b) What will happen here in webmaster tool as in webmaster tool when we submit sitemap by default it gives us domain name like and we have to just add /sitemap.xml

    | Johny12345

  • Since the deprecation of the AJAX Crawling Scheme back last October I am curious as to when Googlebot actually reads meta tag information from a page. We have a website at that is implemented using emberjs. Part of the site is our results pages (i.e. gu10-led-bulbs). This page updates the meta and link tags in the head of the document for things like canonicalisation and robots, but can only do so after the page finishes loading and the JavaScript has been run.When the AJAX crawling scheme was still in place we were able to prerender these pages (including the modified meta and link tags) and serve these to Googlebot. Now Googlebot no longer uses these prerendered snapshots and instead is sophisticated enough load and run our site.So the question I have is does Googlebot read the meta and links tags downloaded from the original response or does it wait until the page finishes rendering before reading them (including any modifications that have been performed on them)

    | TrueluxGroup

  • MozPro is highlighting some redirect chain issues with our domain that I do not recall ever setting up in our redirect list. In our Moz Pro Campaign I see the Site Crawl has flagged 36 Redirect Chain Issues. I understand how the redirect chain errors can happen but I do not recall ever manually redirecting our domain, yet I have, & all associated in one of our redirect chain errors. When looking at our redirect files I do not see any of these domain redirects and wonder how this has happened and how to fix it. It appears as though our HTTP and HTTPS is causing some redirection. I wonder if this is coming from our DNS settings?

    | StickyLife

  • Sitemap.gz is being indexed and is showing up in SERP instead of actual pages. I recently uploaded my sitemap file - -  via Search Console.  The only record within the XML file is sitemaps.gz.  When I searched for some content on my site - here is the search -  I was shown the following search result, indicating that our GZ file is getting indexed instead of our pages. 1 1 1 1 ... My sitemap is listed at inside the sitemap the only reference is to sitemap.gz.  Should we remove the link the the sitemap.gz within the xml file and just serve the actual page paths?    <sitemapindex< span=""> xmlns=""></sitemapindex<><sitemap></sitemap><lastmod></lastmod>2017-06-12T09:41-04:00

    | pdowling

  • Hi, we need to cut out from the catalog some destinations for our tour operator, so basically we need to deal with destination pages and tour pages not present anymore on the site. What do you think is the best approach to deal with this pages to not loose ranking? Do you think is a good approach to redirect with 301's these pages to the home page or to the general catalog page or do you suggest another approach? tx for your help!

    | Dreamrealemedia

  • I have a business directory site thats been around a long time but has always been split into two parts, a subdomain and the main domain. The subdomain has been used for listings for years but just recently Ive opened up the main domain and started adding listings there. The problem is that none of the listing pages seem to be betting indexed in Google. The main domain is indexed as is the category page and all its pages below that eg /category/travel but the actual business listing pages below that will not index. I can however get them to index if I request Google to crawl them in search console. A few other things: I have nothing blocked in the robots.txt file The site has a DA over 50 and a decent amount of backlinks There is a sitemap setup also any ideas?

    | linklander

  • I want to redirect the following 4 pages to the home page: This is what I am currently using for my Web.config file: <configuration></configuration> <match url=".*"></match> <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^$"></add> <action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}"  <="" span="">redirectType="Permanent" /></action> <location path="pool-repair/pool_repair_arizona.html"></location> <location path="About%20Pool%20Cleaning%20Arizona/About_Page_Pool_Cleaning_Arizona.html"></location> <location path="specials/Pool%20Cleaning%20and%20Pool%20Repair%20Specials.html"></location> <location path="service-areas-in-arizona/Chandler_Gilbert_Mesa_Queen%20Creek_San%20Tan%20Valley.html"></location> Only the first one is actually redirecting and I can't figure out why. What do I need to do to fix this?

    | JordanJudson

  • Is Tag Manager a good option to insert text in websites? When a website doesn't have an administration panel adding text is a very big problem.

    | propertyshark

  • Hello SEO Folks, Wanting to have an expert advice on which one we should give preference. We understand a well put-together site architecture is one of the major factor ranking factor. In the other hand shorter URL also an important factor. Since our site aim to have many pages and destination wise product pages, in order to have shorter URL we avoid to follow the best site structure. in our site a product page do not have the right path to have right architecture, would it hurt our DA ? Thanks in advance John Adventure Emirates

    | Johnauh

  • Hi MOZ community! Could you please help me with the issue? I have implemented Organization Schema on the website. But according to the structure I can not markup data once. So now I have 2 Items for a Organization schema on a page. The questions are: 1. Does Google consider both of them? 2. Is that OK to have a few Items for one type of schema on the page? Thank you

    | juicefromtheraw1

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