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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • One of my sites is getting a ton of spammy 404s with porno-like URLs. All of these 404s are linked from other sites that I assume also got hacked, and when I click on them, they are also 404s. So I'm assuming some spam site is tricking the Googlebot into thinking these URLs exist. But is this going to affect my site & SEO directly? Is it worth disavowing all of the sites linking to me? Is Google even considering these real links? Did these pages ever actually exist anywhere? Don't have a hacker-brain whatsoever so I need some enlightening. I've been told I shouldn't worry but it seems like something I should worry about...Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂 (I've updated to the newest Wordpress and Sucuri).

    | FSCInteractiveLLC

  • I have multiple URLs that all lead to the same website. Years ago they were purchased and were sitting dormant. Currently they are 301 redirects and each of the URLs feed to different areas of my website. Should I be worried about losing authority? And if so, is there a better way to do this?

    | undrdog99

  • Hey Mozzers! I am receiving duplicate title tag errors from Search Console on paginated pages (,, I do not currently have a view all page. If I were to create one, would I add all the content from chlorine-2 and chlorine-3 to the page? Then use the rel=cononical on chlorine-2 and chlorine-3 to If I move forward without the view all page, I could implement the next/prev HTML markups but can I do this without dev help? I am currently using the Yoast SEO plugin and do not see the option. Would I use the text editor to add the markups directly before the content? I think I have a grasp on this, but this will be my first time implementing and I want to double check first! Thanks!

    | localwork

  • We are a printing company and thinking over bringing our products down to 2 - 3 rather than the 10+ we currently have, the pages we will be getting rid of will be pages such as flyers, booklets etc and just concentrating on banners and stickers would you suggest 301ing the pages to the home page or picking pages for them to go to? Also could we expect a decent raise for the pages we are left with? Thanks shaun

    | BobAnderson

  • We have a site, and we split part of the site off into it's own site a couple of years ago as All urls from DomainA were 301 redirected to DomainB, but with a different folder structure. For business reasons, we now shuttering domainB and rolling it back into domainA. For the 301 redirects for urls that were on the original domainA, should I overwrite them to the new folder structure directly from the original urls? In other words: 301 redirect to rather than: Existing 301 redirect to with a new 301 redirect to

    | ang

  • Hi, We are facing a problem with international targeting not being recognized by the Google Search Console. This is the URL to which we added the following tags: URL: TAGS: Flang tool Result: Search Console result: I am a bit lost here, as the tags were validated also from different members of the community. Is this because of the frames? (Yes, the site is built in frames). Thanks for your help!

    | Kilgray

  • Hi everyone, I managed an international site with subfolders for for the countries (us, uk, fr, ...). The homepage has a geoip redirection to the specific user country. I've checked some old posts like this ones but it's not cleared for me if I should do a 301 or a 302 redirection. I know that the best approach it’s avoid automatic redirections but it's  not a possibility for me. So please, can you help me to decide what type of redirection should I use?

    | dMaLasp

  • Hi, I have switched my site from a http site to a https .com site.  I have set a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file pointing all traffic going to the original site to go to the new https: RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "$1" [R=301,L] however when i search in google for keywords the original site is still registering in search, is there something else I am required to do to tell google to use the new https site instead?  Do i need to do redirects for every page, or is what I have done above sufficient? Hope you can help, I am struggling with getting our site to register on google search, any advice greatly welcome Thanks in advance, Ian

    | imoprojects

  • Hello, I have a crawl test with numerous 404 errors ending with my domain name..? Not sure what the cause is. Plugins? Ecommerce? I use Wordpress if that could lead to an answer. Thanks for your time. K

    | Hydraulicgirl

  • Hey Mozzers If I'm updating old content on a site (for example adding some copy and adding some new links in the page) - Is it important to get Google to recrawl with the feature in webmaster tools? If you didn't do this, could you be waiting a long time for google to recrawl the URL? Cheers!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hey Mozzers Just want to make sure I have this right - If a website offers a service, say "digital marketing" - and has this link in a dropdown menu in the header, would this make any link in the body of a page (using different anchor text) pointless in SEO terms?.. e.g. a link with "online marketing" or "digital strategy" Cheers!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi there I wonder if someone can help me out and provide the best solution for a problem with form generated pages. I have blocked the search results pages from being indexed by using the 'no index' tag, and I wondered if I should take this approach for the following pages. I have seen a huge increase in 404 errors since the new site structure and forms being filled in. This is because every time a form is filled in, this generates a new page, which only Google Search Console is reporting as a 404. Whilst some 404's can be explained and resolved, I wondered what is best to prevent Google from crawling these pages, like this: Implement 301 redirect using rules, which will mean that all these pages will redirect to the homepage. Whilst in theory this will protect any linked to pages, it does not resolve this issue of why GSC is recording as 404's in the first place. Also could come across to Google as 100,000+ redirected links, which might look spammy. Place No index tag on these pages too, so they will not get picked up, in the same way the search result pages are not being indexed. Block in robots - this will prevent any 'result' pages being crawled, which will improve the crawl time currently being taken up. However, I'm not entirely sure if the block will be possible? I would need to block anything after the domain/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/TopCategoriesDisplay?. Hopefully this is possible? The no index tag will take time to set up, as needs to be scheduled in with development team, but the robots.txt will be an quicker fix as this can be done in GSC. I really appreciate any feedback on this one. Many thanks

    | Ric_McHale

  • Hello, I recently moved my site in godaddy from cpanel to managed wordpress. I bought this transfer directly from GoDaddy customer service. in this process they accidentally changed my domain from www to non www. I changed it back after the migration, but as a result of this sites craw rate from search console fell to zero and has not risen at all since then. In addition to this website does not display any other errors, i can ask google manually fetch my pages and it works as before, only the crawl rates seems to be dropped permanently. GoDaddy customer service also claims that do not see any errors but I think, however, that in some way they caused this during the migration when the url changed since the timing match perfectly.  also when they accidentally removed the www, crawl rate of my sites  non www version got up but fell back to zero when I changed it back to www version. Now the crawl rate of both www and non www version is zero. How do I get it to rise again? Customer service also said that the problem may be related to ftp-data of search console?  But they were not able to help any more than .Would someone from here be able to help me with this in anyway please?

    | pok3rplay3r

  • Hello Moz Community, Recently, I have found that Google bots has started crawling HTTPs urls of my website which is increasing the number of duplicate pages at our website. Instead of creating a separate robots.txt file for https version of my website, can I use Host directive in the robots.txt to suggest Google bots which is the original version of the website. Host: I was wondering if this method will work and suggest Google bots that HTTPs URLs are the mirror of this website. Thanks for all of the great responses! Regards,


  • Hi Everyone My site received a notification of unnatural links in Webmaster Tools and the site has had a penalty applied. I can see there are a lot of links from a site : .de. nl.  ect ..more than 30k of them! I am not sure where did those links come from!  The suddenly appeared over the weekend. Does anyone has similar experience before and any suggestion? Thanks Ricky

    | SEO-SMB

  • I have 2 sites hosted with Blue Host and was told to put the robots.txt in the root folder and just use the one robots.txt for both sites. Is this right? It seems wrong. I want to block certain things on one site. Thanks for the help, Rena

    | renalynd27

  • In Webmaster Tools I have a ton of pages listed under Structured Data  >> Hentry.  These pages are not on my website and I don't know where they are coming from. I redid the site for someone and perhaps they are from the old site. How do I find and delete these? Thank you Rena

    | renalynd27

  • My site:, is based in Toronto, Canada. It used to rank top 3 in local and national searches for "wedding invitations" and "wedding invitations toronto".  I've now been placed on the dreaded page 2 ;| I didn't keep up with the times and news, and wasn't aware of Google Panda Penalty until earlier this year 😞 So, I've cleaned up most of my site with what I suspect what caused me to drop: a) Cloaking pages - I had PHP script generate about 1000 pages of "cloaked" pages.  This has been removed, and I've used Google webmaster tools to "remove" the directory as well. b) Duplicate Content pages - (not cloaked, but I've done content writing on the majority of my product pages) The 2 items above is what I "assume" caused a Google Penalty...  I started this cleanup endeavour late January, and with the content writing to remove what MOZ tools notices as duplicate pages. I've read online that Panda is now part of the search algorithm.  So does that mean, ideally, I should start seeing "better" ranking results now?  Or is there a process I should be following and submitting my site for "reconsideration"? Thanks all!

    | TysonWong

  • I am working with a website and I ran a Screaming Frog and noticed there are 4,600 301's on the website ( It seems like the issue is between the www. and without it and they aren't working together. Is this something that the website provider should update and what type of impact might this have on the site? Thanks!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi My website is showing 403 error. Please help me to find out the reason & how to fix URL :

    | nlogix

  • Does anyone know where to find a list of SEO best practices for Youtube? Specifically...does anyone have thoughts on the SEO benefits of an login vs login? Or is adding my url to the  "Associated website" channel setting sufficient for SEO purposes?

    | brianvest

  • Hello everyone, I have a case here were I need to decide which steps to take to improve page authority (and thus SEO value) for the German pages on our site. We localized the English version into German at the beginning of 2015. - English - German By October 2015 we implemented href tags so that Google would index the pages according to their language. That implementation has been successful. There is one issue though: At that time, all our localized pages had only "1" point for Page Authority ("PA" in the Moz bar). At the beginning we though that this could be due to the fact that localization was done using subdomains ( rather that subfolders ( However, we decided not to implement changes and to let Google assess the work we had done with the href tags. Its been a while now, and still all our German pages keep having only "1" point for page authority. Plus we have keywords for which we rank in the top 10 in English (US Google Search), but this not the case for the translated version of the keywords for German (Germany Google search). So my question basically is: Is this lack of page authority and SEO value rooted in the fact that we used subdomain instead of subfolder for the URL creation. If so is it likely that Page Authority for German pages and SEO value will increase if I change the structure from subdomains to subfolders? Or is it that the problem in PA is rooted somewhere else that I am missing? I appreciate your feedback.

    | Kilgray

  • I have a client who manages vacation rental properties and those properties get links. If an owner pulls their property off the rental market the current status given is a 410 which I instinctively want turned into a 301. The problem is, often those properties come back online with the same URL so the question is, when a 301 is turned into a 200 - has anyone noticed a significant delay in time for that page to rank?I know technically it should probably be a 410 or maybe a 302 but ... you know ... the link weight. 🙂

    | BeanstalkIM

  • Hi there, I've been asked to audit a new subdomain for a travel company. It's all a bit messy, so it's going to take some time to remedy. However, one thing I couldn't understand was the low number of pages appearing in certain crawlers. The subdomain has many pages. A homepage, category pages then product pages. Unfortunately, tools like Screaming Frog and are only picking up 19 pages and I can't figure out why. Google has so far indexed around 90 pages - this is by no means all of them, but that's probably because of the new domain and lack of sitemap etc. After looking at the crawl results, only the homepage and category (continent pages) are showing. So all the product pages are not. for example, is not appearing in the crawl results. After reviewing the source code, I can't see anything that would prevent this page being crawled. Am I missing something? At the moment, the crawl should be picking up around 400+ product pages, but it's not picking up any. Thanks

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • Hi everyone. I am trying to build up DA for my site and create linking opportunities with my clients sites but I am not seeing any link value. I just did a redesign with another firm and we built out . We have links to our sites in the footer but for some reason it's not being indexed. Can someone help me understand if it is good to put built by a href link in the footer? I've built almost 12 sites in my first 1.5 years of being in business for myself and I thought the links would pass some sort of value. Thanks in advance for the help and education. Regards, Noob Gary

    | gdavey

  • I've been trying to handle URLs from a unfrendly folder format to a semantic one, the thing is by doing so I end up with a longer URL and therefore a longer Title. Right now the format of my classified site for job seeking looks like this (folders): format: Filter/Content where at the end q is the query people are writting My suggestion is the following: Mixing Jobs with location, mixing category and level, and puting the rest of the filters at the end adding "--" between them. And adding 2 parameters, query (q) and pagination (pag) Any thoughts on how to handle URLs over 100 chararcters and titles that go over 65?, or maybe is ok to have "friendly" long URLs and long titles when it comes to classified ad sites since they are based on internal filters to help people find what they are looking for. Sidenote: Is itok to have 2 parameters in the URL (Query and Pagination) Thanks a lot.

    | JoaoCJ

  • Hi, I'm working on a blog which Search Console account advises me about a big bunch of errors on its structured data: Structured data - graphics Structured data - hentry list Structured data - detail But I get to and it tells me "all is ok": Structured data - test Any clue? Thanks in advance, F0NE5lz.png hm7IBtV.png aCRJdJO.jpg 15SRo93.jpg

    | Webicultors

  • Hey all, I'm working on a website that is soon going to launch a video hub that contains over 500 videos. I'm interested in ensuring that the videos show up on the SERPs page in the highest position possible. I know Google recommends that you have on-page schema for your videos as well as an XML sitemap so they can be indexed for SERP. When I look at schema and the XML video sitemap they seem to communicate very similar kinds of information (Title, Description, Thumbnail, Duration). I'm not sure which one to start with; is it more important to have video schema or a video sitemap? Additionally, if anyone knows of any good video sitemap generators (free is best, but cheap is okay too) then please let me know. Cursory google searching has just churned up a number of tools that look sketchy.

    | perfectsearch71

  • Yesterday we were ranking #4 for our main keyword and today we're not even indexed. Not robots.txt issue, we've just added a rel canonical to page and submitted our sitemap again. What else could we do?

    | paulb.credible

  • Hello Everyone, I was really confused with one of my clients search results for a single keyword. One day the home page shows up for the keyword and the other day pricing page shows in search results. I made sure that there is no keyword cannibalization and also more backlinks are pointed towards home page. But still the pricing page shows up for every alternate day. I even checked Google analytics and the most visited page is home page and not the pricing page. Also, when the pricing page shows up it will be there on 2nd page of Google search results and when the home page shows up it is going to the 4th page of search results. Please help me in figuring out this issue. Thanks

    | sandeep.clickdesk

  • I keep getting crawl errors for urls that have email addresses on the end. I have no idea what these are. Here is an example: the-audio-visual-system/ Where would these be coming from, how are they created? How can i fix them? When I try to do a 301 redirect it doesn't work. Thanks for your help,

    | renalynd27

  • When I search for my site via or the are ZERO results except for this  Some results have been removed which goes to We are a total white hat website. What should I do? Is there someone at Bing I can contact? I dont see anyway via Bing Webmaster tools.

    | corlin

  • This is a silly newbie question.  But will posting on with some valuable content and url link back to my site help with "linking"? Or do they put a no-follow on all links on their site? Thanks for answering! Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • Hi there Everyone! I have recently added a www to my wordpress website by going to settings>general and adding "www" to the wordpress address and the site address. After i did that i lost my SEO ranking, and also that MOZ is detecting that im getting site crawl issues stating that i have duplicate pages. an example is below: any ideas on how to fix this?

    | jfactor

  • Some of my website urls are not getting indexed while checking (site: domain) in google

    | nlogix

  • Am I correct in saying that the allow/disallow is only applied to msnbot_mobile? mobile robots file User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-agent: YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2 User-agent: MSNBOT_Mobile Allow: / Disallow: /1 Disallow: /2/ Disallow: /3 Disallow: /4/

    | ThomasHarvey

  • Hi Guys, My client (SaaS company) wants to redirect all the visitors to the dashboard if they have already created an account with them. The redirection would be done at the server level using a cookie. Does the redirection (though done only if user is already registered) affect SEO rankings? They want to be double sure. Thanks.

    | sandeep.clickdesk

  • I’m an SEO for an ecommerce site that sells shoes I have duplicate pages for different colors of the same product (unique URL for each color), Conventionally I have added canonical tags for each page, which direct to a specific product URL My question is what happens when a product which the googlbot is direct to, is out of stock but is still listed in the canonical tag ?

    | shoesonline

  • Anyone know of some good resources on the way to control the meta descriptions in the Google six pack  for a branded search. Google appears to often bypass the meta description and pull random text from the page. We have tested this by adding the brand name to the meta description and this appears to help but doesn't always sort the issue. You often get the same results with the site comand. It not really an SEO issue more a branding one. Anyone get any ideas or resources they can point me at?

    | highwayfive

  • Hi all, I know we all deal with scraped content issues. I have one I could use advice on. I found a site that is posting our blog content on their site verbatim, including the links I added to the posts (which is good) and mention our blog home page in a right sidebar beside the content (also good). However, they aren't linking to the specific posts from their copied versions anywhere and their pages canonical back to their versions, not mine. It's not a very spammy site and has a decent domain authority (though significantly lower than our own). I did a long tail search related to one of posts after discovering it, however, and found their version was outranking the original. I know I can report this one via Webmaster Tools. I wanted to get your opinion on whether asking them to add a link back to the original post on our site might be sufficient, or do I need to ask for that plus a canonical tag update? I know getting both is ideal, but the links and relationship could be valuable, so I want to leave this particular bridge in tact if I can. Just trying to decide if I take an "either/or" approach to my request when I mention those two action items, or if I need be a little firmer and ask them to do both and potentially risk losing a potential outlet for future content? Thanks, Andrew

    | SafeNet_Interactive_Marketing

  • Will it be possible to point diff sitemap to same robots.txt file. 
    Please advice.

    | nlogix

  • Hi According to my latest site crawl, many of my pages are showing up to 50 duplicate urls. However this isn't the case in real life. is showing 31 duplicate URL. Examples include: Obviously these URL's are very similar and I know that Moz judges URLs by 90% of their similarity, but is this affecting my actual raking on google? If so, what can I do? This pages are also very similar in code and content, so they are also showing as duplicate content etc as well. Worried that this is having an affect on my SERP rankings, as this pages arent ranking particularly well. Thanks, Ellie

    | JDadd

  • Do you get penalized in search results when you use a heading tag, but it's not technically a heading? My clients are using heading tags for text they want to emphasize and make stand out. Does this affect search rankings for SEO?

    | jthompson0513

  • Hi had the previous version (wordpress) site in GWT working just fine - now everything seems to have stopped. Do I have to treat this as an entirely new site and now add a new account for the https version? Many thanks,

    | AndreavanEugen

  • I have a customer,  This site has good traffic, low bounce rate (28%), 2:00 min avg time on site, and 45% return visitor rating.  No spam rankings, etc.  Good load time. Another site,, has sent out a request for them to add them as a new link in's primary navigation - using a title such as "abc" (not the name of the company or site of   This second site,, has a bounce rate of 98%, avg time on site is :30, and 10.2% return visitor rate.  No spam flags noted in Open Site explorer.  Plus they are asking other sites similar to to do the same thing. Questions/Concerns and Feedback appreciated: Will's analytics and quality pass back to and cause Google or algorithms to flag or penalize  (It ranks #1 for quite a few things.)  The relevancy between the sites is good -same industry, same business objectives. From a usability standpoint, isn't it more appropriate to place a link to another website in a different way? e.g. a promotional graphic wit a link or anchor text links? Isn't it more appropriate to ask another business for links - not using the primary nav of a site?  (It seems is essentially asking other sites for 'free advertising/promotion.' Thanks!

    | mundsack

  • I have a site where the CMS system have added a canonical URL on my frontpage, pointing to a subpage on my site. Something like on my domain root.Google is still showing as the result in the search engines which is good, but can't this approach hurt my ranking? I mean it's basically telling google that my frontpage content is located far down the hierarki, instead of my domain root, which of course have the most authority.
    Something seems to indicate that this could very well be the case, as we lost several placements after moving to this new CMS system a few months ago.

    | EdmondHong87

  • Hey Moz Squad, So I have kind of  strange case. My website has been around for a couple years. I have had all sorts of pages and blogs that have maybe ranked for a certain location a longtime ago and got deleted so I could speed up the site and consolidate my efforts. I said that because I think that might be part of the problem. When I was crawl reporting my site just three weeks ago on moz I had over 23 crawl report issues. Duplicate pages, missing meta tags the regular stuff. But now all of a sudden when I crawl report on MOZ it comes up with Zero issues. So I did another crawl On google analytic and this is what came up. SO im very confused because none of these url's are even url's on my site. So maybe people are searching for this stuff and clicking on broken links that are still indexed and getting this 404 error? What do you guys think? Thank you guys so much for taking a shot at this one. siS44ug

    | Meier

  • Hello, 1st off, let me explain my client in this case uses BigCommerce, and I don't have access to the backend like most other situations. So I have to rely on BG to handle certain issues. I'm curious if there is much of a difference using as the canonical url while BG currently is redirecting our domain to I've been using consistently for the last 6 months, and since we switches stores on Friday, this issue has popped up and has me a bit worried that we'll loose somehow via link juice or overall indexing since this could confuse crawlers. Now some say that the domain url is fine using / or not, as per - But I also wanted to see what you all felt about this. What says you?

    | Deacyde

  • Hey Mozzers A customer of mine hosts an international web shop on a country domain ( which is automatically targeted to 'Switzerland' by the Google Search Console. So far so good, the shops for Switzerland are all in a subfolders /ch/. However, there are 2 more shops in two more subfolders: /de/ (for Germany) and /row/ (for the rest of the world). Google thinks both /row/ and /de/ are Swiss shops which results in searchers on currently getting /row/ with the wrong currency and language pair. Question: I can't set the targeting for in the search console to Germany, it's set by the domain country to Switzerand. Also, the customer doesn't own How can I still let Google know that is the shop to be displayed only to searchers from Germany, but not to searchers from Switzerland? Thx!

    | ChrisCronimund

  • I submitted my client's site about a week ago. It had 138 links, it's still at 43 links. Should it be taking that long to index? Thanks! Luciana

    | Luciana_BAH

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