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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I'm monitoring a subdirectory of my site on SEOMOZ but with catastrophic results. It's finding infinite duplicate content so on... The website is running on Drupal. Do you have any ideas on how I can solve this?

    | dresults

  • Hi There! Ive seen so many times in the Basic SERP report, that pages/domains with low values are at the TOP of the SERP report, and i dont really understand that why can this be? I also have the same low values but i cant move higher for a keyword and i thought there is no question, i should improve my content/site, etc... But still dont understand why i see so many times that other domain/pages with lower values are at the top? On the attached screenshot, i am in the 12th position... Thx E. serp_report.jpg

    | Neckermann

  • Hey Everyone -  I have a site that is being treated strangely by google (at least strange to me) The site has 24 pages in the sitemap - submitted to WMT'S over 30 days ago I've manually triggered google to crawl the homepage and all connecting links as well and submitted a couple individually. Google has been parked the indexing at 14 of the 24 pages. None of the unindexed URL's have Noindex or follow tags on them - they are clearly and easily linked to from other places on the site. The site is a brand new domain, has no manual penalty history and in my research has no reason to be considered spammy. 100% unique handwritten content I cannot figure out why google isn't indexing these pages. Has anyone encountered this before? Know any solutions? Thanks in advance.

    | CRO_first

  • We currently have a a series of help pages that we would like to disallow from our robots txt. The thing is that these help pages are located in our old website, which now has a 301 redirect to current site. Which is the proper way to go around? 1- Add the pages we want to disallow to the robots.txt of the new website? 2- Break the redirect momentarily and add the pages to the robots.txt of the old one? Thanks

    | Kilgray

  • I have a page on my site that is showing in search results at #9. I created another page on my site with the search term in the url. Wondering if I 301 or rel=canonical. Thank you, Kerry

    | Hydraulicgirl

  • Hello, My client wants to launch a redesign early, problem is they want to do this without a majority of their product pages, since the bulk of their sales aren't from these missing categories, will the resulting 404s hurt them? What is up, is the major pages structured around their primary keyword, most of their sales isn't from the product pages, but from the quotes turned into sales. Big ticket items aren't sold through the cart, they are call or email for quotes and normally those quotes are turned into sales once they realize the price is better. We will be adding these missing categories and products, just one section at a time. Since 404s don't hurt, and we don't rank very well from the products missing, should I be concerned about any thing else? Thank you

    | Deacyde

  • Hello, I have many strange parameters in my search console that make many 404 pages, for example: Can someone tell me how to solve it?

    | JohnPalmer

  • The following question is in regards to  This site is not getting indexed with google(googlebot) This only happens when the user agent is set googlebot. This is a recent issue.  We are using DNN as CMS. Are there any suggestion to help resolve this issue?

    | bcmull

  • Hey Moz Does anchor text with punctuation effect anything, does google even read it? I know matching exact anchor text to high volume keywords doesn't matter as much any more - but it still definitely makes a different as our reports show. Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • For our site, Google is suddenly reporting hundreds of 404 errors, but the pages they are reporting never existed. The links Google shows are clearly spam style,  but the website hasn't been hacked. This happened a few weeks ago, and after a couple days they disappeared from WMT. What's the deal? Screen-Shot-2016-02-29-at-9.35.18-AM.png

    | MichaelGregory

  • Hi, trying to dig into Google News for a large site, mostly containing news.
    The structure of the site network is, and each subdomain has it's own brand with it's own news:
    etc... Each brand/subdomain is more or less to equate with its own subjectfield/section. In Google News every subdomain is configured with it's own Site Source url, but also having the set up with one section with the same url. It seems like they're getting conflicts in Google News, Google can't always figure out which news article to which brand. Example: an article owned by brand A, but it is sometimes happens that articles getting labeled as brand B in the news SERP, though the link takes you correctly to brand A. I am thinking that this config in News Publisher Center may be a problem? Anyone having any thoughts if that would be better if we delete all source urls except for and then put all the other subdomains as sections? Any smart thoughts on this one? Or anything else that could make this wrong labeling (all content included images are hosted in same domain for example). Regards,

    | m.m

  • A client had a member of the team leave on bad terms. This wasn't something that was conveyed to us at all, but recently it came up when the distraught former employee took control of the domain and locked everyone out. At first, this was assumed to be a hack, but eventually it was revealed that one of the company starters who unhappily left the team owned the domain all along and is now holding it hostage. Here's the breakdown: -Every page aside from the homepage is now gone and serving a 404 response code -The site is out of our control -The former employee is asking for a $1 million ransom to sell the domain back -The homepage is a "countdown clock" that isn't actively counting down, but claims that something exciting is happening in 3 days and lists a contact email. The question is how we can save the client's traffic through all this turmoil. Whether buying a similar domain and starting from square one and hoping we can later redirect the old site's pages after getting it back. Or maybe we have a legal claim here that we do not see even though the individual is now the owner of the site. Perhaps there's a way to redirect the now defunct pages to a new site somehow? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

    | FPD_NYC

  • Thirteen months ago we removed a large number of non-corporate URLs from our web server.  We created 301 redirects and in some cases, we simply removed the content as there was no place to redirect to. Unfortunately, all these pages still appear in Google's SERPs (not Bings) for both the 301'd pages and the pages we removed without redirecting.  When you click on the pages in the SERPs that have been redirected - you do get redirected - so we have ruled out any problems with the 301s. We have already resubmitted our XML sitemap and when we run a crawl using Screaming Frog we do not see any of these old pages being linked to at our domain. We have a few different approaches we're considering to get Google to remove these pages from the SERPs and would welcome your input. Remove the 301 redirect entirely so that visits to those pages return a 404 (much easier) or a 410 (would require some setup/configuration via Wordpress).  This of course means that anyone visiting those URLs won't be forwarded along, but Google may not drop those redirects from the SERPs otherwise. Request that Google temporarily block those pages (done via GWMT), which lasts for 90 days. Update robots.txt to block access to the redirecting directories. Thank you. Rosemary One year ago I removed a whole lot of junk that was on my web server but it is still appearing in the SERPs.

    | RosemaryB

  • Here's an interesting conundrum. Here are three sites with their respective ranking for "dental implants [city]:" - 9 (on - 2 (on - 7 (on These markets are not particularly competitive, however, all of these sites suffer from: Duplicate content, both internally and across sites (all of this company's implant sites have the same exact content, minus the bio pages and the local modifier). Average speed score. No structured data No links And these sites are ranking relatively quickly. The Vaughan site went live 3 months ago. But, what's boggling my mind is that they rank on the first page at all. It seems they're doing the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do, yet they rank relatively well.

    | nowmedia1

  • My Google search console shows HTML parameters such as div, class, img, src, gif, align as content keywords, but why google crawls HTML parameters as keywords? because of this, I would be losing traffic for my on-page content keywords. Please let me know how to solve this. Thanks, Jenifer

    | Jenifer30

  • Hi guy's, I came across webshops that put images, CSS and Javascript on different websites or subdomains. Does this boost SEO results? On our Wordpress webshop all the sourcescodes are placed after our own domainname:' Examples of other website: Website 1: Sourcecode: Website 2: Sourcecode:
    // Website 3: Sourcecode:

    | Happy-SEO

  • Hi, How do you determine whether trailing slashes are creating duplicate pages? Search Console is showing both /about and about/ for example but how do I know whether this is a problem? Thanks James

    | CamperConnect14

  • I'm working on a site that has implemented hreflang. The site is all in English but has slight differences and breaks down to separate domains, so the hreflang implementation targets specific countries per domain. This was tested using but Webmaster Tools has thrown up errors.  For example, **URLs for your site and alternative URLs in 'en_GB' that do not have return tags.  **But every page refers back.Any ideas what's going wrong?

    | MickEdwards

  • On one of the websites I manage SEO for, the developers are changing how our graphical links are coded. They're basically coding in such away where there is no anchor text and no alt tag, so for example: So there's no anchor nor alt context for Google's crawler. How badly will this affect SEO, or is it extremely minimal and I shouldn't worry about? Thanks in advance.

    | JimLynch

  • Hi everyone! I've noticed that many of our clients have pages addressing specific queries related to specific services on their websites, but that the Home Page is increasingly showing as the "ranking" page. For example, a plastic surgeon we work with has a page specifically talking about his breast augmentation procedure for Miami, FL but instead of THAT page showing in the search results, Google is using his home page. Noticing this across the board. Any insights? Should we still be optimizing these specific service pages? Should I be spending time trying to make sure Google ranks the page specifically addressing that query because it SHOULD perform better? Thanks for the help. Confused SEO :/, Ricky Shockley

    | RickyShockley

  • Currently I have for our big keyword and clicking on a material type will be Our competition has ** **and when you click on their material type ** ** The also have 20 some pages, while we have around 652 as a eCommerce site as well, not sure why they jumped so high in rankings, while their backlink structure is so small still and they have a DA half of ours. I'm in the middle of a site redesign and very close to restructuring the urls the way they have it, since it really seems to have worked well. How do you feel about that?

    | Deacyde

  • Hi There! (i am beginner in seo) I have dynamic and static pages on our site. I created a static page for a specific keyword. Fully optimized it, (h1, alt, metas, etc.....maybe too optimized). My problem is that this page is alive for weeks, checked it in GWT and it is in robots.txt, google sees it, and indexed it. BUT whenewer i do a search for that keyword, we still appear with the dynamically created link in the google listings. How could i "redirect" google, if sy make a search for that keyword than shows our optimized page? Is there a tool for that? I cant delete the dynamic page... Any ideas? Thx Andrew

    | Neckermann

  • Hi I'm currently updating an old (8 years old) html site to wordpress and about a month ago I redirected some url's to the new site (which is in a directory) like this... Redirect 301 /article1.htm
    Redirect 301 /article2.htm
    Redirect 301 /article3.htm Google has indexed these new url's and they are showing in search results. I'm almost finished the new version of site and it is currently in a directory /wordpress  I intend to move all the files from the directory to the root so new url when this is done will be  etc My question is - what to I do about the redirects which are in place - do I delete them and replace with something like this? Redirect 301 /wordpress/article1/
    Redirect 301 /wordpress/article2/
    Redirect 301 /wordpress/article3/ Appreciate any help with this

    | briandee

  • Organic seems to be down YoY on one of the categories of a large ecommerce website that I work on. This particular category has multiple landing pages set up for PPC consisting of filtered products. So these landing pages are prone to duplicate content due to the products listed. e.g. Blue Thingamajigs White Thingamajigs Black Thingamajigs High Gloss Thingamajigs Oak Thingamajigs Glass Thingamajigs etc These landing pages do well for PPC, but are nowhere to be seen in organic (51+). The main category page however ranks quite well for quite a variety of root and longtail keywords, though not as well as it used to. For example, it does rank for "thingamajigs", "white thingamajigs", "white gloss thingamajigs" and "white gloss thingamajigs with cherries on top". Would it benefit the main category page if the PPC landing pages were noindexed? Or, despite Google's preference for the main category, work on further optimising the landing pages for SEO? Or is there another solution that I'm completely overlooking? (It is a Friday afternoon after all...)

    | Ria_

  • Hello MOZ friends! We recently changed servers and subsequently had a change in IP. It's a better and faster server but have seen a significant drop in SERPS. Could this be a result of moving the site? Thanks!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi, We use an industry-specific CMS and I'm struggling to figure out how we can fix duplicate content issues. Thankfully, the vendor has agreed to work on 301 vs 302 redirects. However, they aren't currently able to give us the ability to add rel=canonical tags to page headers (we've put it in their "suggestion box" which tends to take a long time, if ever, to materialize). My understanding is that the tag will not be recognized if it's in the body code, correct? (aka the part of the page we can edit from the CMS) Is there anything else I can do?

    | combska

  • Link juice being split between trailing slash and non versions.  ie. and Initially asked in here and was told to do a rewrite in the htaccess file. I don't have access to this with squarespace, nor can I add canonical tags on a page by page basis. 301 redirect from scentsy-uk to scentsy-uk/ didn't work either...said that the redirect wasn't completing in an error message on the browser. Squarespace hasn't been very helpful at all. My question there another way to fix this? or should I just call it a day with squarespace and move to wordpress?

    | cmjolley

  • Hello,
    I would love to find out how this is implemented. I do not know this function's name but it basically is a horizontal scroll which loads on top of a SERP. What is it called? How can I implement this. Is it special tags? What? How? Any tips would be very helpful. Thanks qJMLCCF

    | Koki.Mourao

  • Hi ....we are getting allot of "site search" pages showing up in wmt as soft 404's and wanted to know what the best would be to stop this. All search pages are already noindex follow but maybe we should block them in robots txt as well. Would the below help to solve this ? User-agent: *
    Disallow: /?s=
    Disallow: /search/ Any other suggestions or direction would be appreciated to prevent these pages showing up as soft 404's tks

    | nomad-202323

  • Hello Mozzers We have two pages showing on page 1 of  Google for the search term 'inset day sessions' This url is the correct page which we want site visitors to see. The other page page seems to be a strange hybrid of how the page used to look and the new content we have included. It's a mess and we don't want visitors clicking on this link. There is no menu link to this page on the site, but it is showing as a link In SH404sef What is the best way to deal with this? Thanks Ian nKOHYbn

    | Substance-create

  • We changed all of our product titles to be way shorter and less keyword stuffed last week. Short of dropping a few places in rank for most keywords (we assume temporarily) that all went fine.  What we didn't expect was to loose all the schema data in our google listings from product pages. Price, and review stars are missing. Has anyone seen this before?

    | monkeyevil

  • We are in the process of a website migration and need to submit a site map for our website and blog. What are the steps to follow for submitting a site map for the blog? Can we submit with just the /blog URL or do we need to include each category?

    | Sable_Group

  • Hi, This might seem silly. What is the correct syntax for the meta tag used when noindexing webpages? I have "".  I have seen it both with and without the forward slash before the greater than sign.  Does it make any difference if the forward slash is present or not? Cheers

    | McCaldin

  • Hello all,
    I am working on a site that has a bizarre page load system. All pages get loaded trough the same Javascript snippet, for example: Changing the values in the form changes the page that is loaded. The most incredible thing is that, against my expectations, pages do get indexed by Google.
    My question is: "Does loading pages dynamically using JavaScript affect the overall SEO performance?" Why are pages getting indexed? Thank you for shedding light on this.

    | Lvet

  • Hey Everyone, Here is the situation : Currently, a website's sub domain is being redirected to the main website home page. We're having issues getting the sub domain pages indexed. Just want to confirm that it is because of the redirect on the sub domain URL. Should we kill the sub domain redirect and set it up as it's own page? Will that solve the indexing issue for the sub domain pages. More explanation below: currently redirects to We're having issues indexing pages belonging to the sub domain ( or Appreciate your input in advance. Cheers,

    | SEO5Team

  • Hello, Google index all my subpages, but not the homepage, how is this possible ? He index the homepage of the neigbour country in the same language How possible ? Gr Marcel

    | Bossie72

  • Hi, I noticed that some websites host their images to a different url than the one their actually website is hosted but in the end google link to the one that the site is hosted. Here is an example: This is a page of a hotel in When I try a search for this hotel in google images it shows up one of the images of the slideshow. When I click on the image on Google search, if I choose the Visit Page button it links to the url above but the actual image is located in a totally different url: My question is can you host your images to one site but show it to another site and in the end google will lead to the second one?

    | Tz_Seo

  • Hello all, Something strange happened with my blog site. I recently signed to MOZ tools. Initially everything was fine, but during my last crawl I got loads of 404
    pages. Few days ago I was tweaking some settings in SEO plugin according to this post What I noticed was that 404 pages were coming from my blog posts, but for
    some reason category was missing in those posts. For example this link is 404 The one with category is So basically for some reason category was missing. Please let me know how can I fix this instead of doing hundreds of
    redirects now. Thank you,

    | A_Fotografy

  • Hello, Two the same websites, two countries, same language / The main keyword "relatiegeschenken" in top 10 of netherlands (steady position for 2 years) and in ** belgium** not in top 15****0 the main keyword "relatiegeschenken| but other keywords good positions, thats so strange I didn't understand and now every thing turned around suddenly: Now the main keyword "relatiegeschenken suddenly " not anymore in top 10 in the netherslandsits gone and other kewyords still good positions , now **main keyword suddenly in top 10 of belgium 2 years was not **other pages still ok. It are exactly the same websites and the same language. So double content But my programmer told me in google webmaster tools settings are right, so no problem with double content ? I really dont understand first main keyword in netherland in top 10 and in belgium not, now changed, now in belgium top 10 and not findable in the netherland on the main keyword. Maybe problem in code ? Maybe problems in code because  websites are identical and active in two different countries wit same language ? No message about a  penalty message in WMT, no spam links week i delete two strong but according to Linkdetox a bad links. I can not find a solution but its really important keyword that my customer want back in top 10 in netherland, like it was. All other positions and visitors are the same. Befor i have had this with belgium site, also main keyword google not index homepage. But suddenly no google show in belgium in top 10 Its turned around Kind regards, Marcel

    | Bossie72

  • Does anybody have an explanation why this is showing up in the SERP? Ju3VYsW.png

    | jmueller

  • Wondered the best URL structure, to include a major keyword phrase.  Our clients' case is that their domain name is not the main keyword.  So should we include the keyword phrase in the URL structure to list all their office locations: A -
    B - Would this be considered keyword stuffing?  We'd like "A" above to rank for keyword phrases related to "anxiety treatment denver", etc.

    | ErnieB

  • I created a one page blogger with listing of several affiliated websites.It gained some visibility on google but it was very plain so i decided to create a wordpress more complex and fancy and to reach the top of search positions. At the moment i decided to keep the listing on blogger and add some links on the page saying "i've moved to a new website. click for more info" and it redirects to my page. But i dont get many clicks to my new site so i was thinking to maybe create a full redirect from my blogger to my wordpress or a iframe to fetch the wordpress but im afraid it may hurt my seo on my blogger. what should i do? thanks in advance

    | cardealpt

  • I have an ecommerce website which sells a product that has many different variations based on a vehicle’s make, model, and year. Currently, we sell this product on one page “” and we show a modal to sort through each make, model, and year. This is important because based on the make, model, and year, we have different prices/configurations for each. For example, for the Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Cherokee, we might have different products: Ultimate Pet Liner - Jeep Wrangler 2011-2013 - $350 Ultimate Pet Liner - Jeep Wrangler 2014 - 2015 - $350 Utlimate Pet Liner - Jeep Cherokee 2011-2015  - $400 Although the typical consumer might think we have 1 product (the Ultimate Pet Liner), we look at these as many different types of products, each with a different configuration and different variants. We do NOT have unique content for each make, model, and year. We have the same content and images for each. When the customer selects their make, model, and year, we just search and replace the text to make it look like the make, model, and year. For example, when a custom selects 2015 Jeep Wrangler from the modal, we do a search and replace so the page will have the same url ( but the product title will say “2015 Jeep Wrangler”. Here’s my problem: We want all of these individual products to have their own unique urls ( so we can reference them in emails to customers and ideally we start creating unique content for them. Our only problem is that there will be hundreds of them and they don’t have unique content other than us switching in the product title and change of variants. Also, we don’t want our url to lose its link juice. Here’s my question(s): My assumption is that I should just keep my url: and be able to sort through the products on that page. Then I should go ahead and make individual urls for each of these products (i.e. but just add a “nofollow noindex” to the page. Is this what I should do? How secure is a “no-follow noindex” on a webpage? Does Google still index? Am I at risk for duplicate content penalties? Thanks!

    | kirbyfike

  • We recently relaunched our website and after running multiple page speed tests (GT Metrix, Google, etc.) our results aren't great. We would love any suggestions on how to improve our site as we are not experts in what exactly these results mean - Thanks!

    | carlystemmer

  • Hi all, I'm new to Moz, but hoping to learn a lot from it in hopes of growing my business. I have a pretty specific question and hope to get some feedback on how to proceed with some changes to my website. First off, I'm a landscape and travel photographer. My website is at - you can see that the navigation quickly spreads out to different photo galleries based on location. So if a user was looking for photos from California, they would find galleries for Lake Tahoe, Big Sur, the Redwoods and San Francisco. At this point, there are probably 600-800 photos on my website. At last half of these are either older or just not quite up to par with the quality I'm starting to feel like I should produce. I've been contemplating dumbing down the galleries, and not having it break down so far. So instead of four sub-galleries of California, there would just be one California gallery. In some cases, where there are lots of good images in a location, I would probably keep the sub-galleries, but only if there were dozens of images to work with. In the description of each photo, the exact location is already mentioned, so I'm not sure there's a huge need for these sub-galleries except where there's still tons of good photos to work with. I've been contemplating building a sort of search archive. Where the best of my photos would live in the main galleries, and if a user didn't find what they were looking for, they could go and search the archives for older photos. That way they're still around for licensing purposes, etc. while the best of the best are pushed to the front for those buying fine art prints, etc. These pages for these search archives would probably need to be de-valued somehow, so that the main galleries would be more important SEO-wise. So for the California galleries, four sub-galleries of perhaps 10 images each would become one main California gallery with perhaps 15 images. The other 25 images would be thrown in the search archive and could be searched by keyword. The question I have - does this sound like a good plan, or will I really be killing my site when it comes to SEO by making such a large change? My end goal would be to push my better content to the front, while scaling back a lot of the excess. Hopefully I explained this question well. If not, I can try to elaborate further! Thanks, Mickey

    | msphotography

  • Hi All, I had a quick look online but couldn't find any information regarding this so thought I would ask. Please point me in the right direction if it has been asked before of if there are any useful articles online. We are currently in the process of switching one of our clients old sites from http to https, we have done all of the steps except from making the https version the main domain, or 301ing the http version to the https version. If we were to do this would we expect to see a drop in domain authority? a drop in keyword rankings? or is there anything else we should be worried about? Thanks Mozzers

    | O2C

  • It there a benefit to using and absolute url in my sitemap vs relative?

    | brianvest

  • Greetings, hope you're doing awesome today! I have a current client in an industry niche, I got them to do a site redesign, based on the many factors needing correction on the current site. I have a good 40 some items still to address, from my frequent manual site audit / proofreading. Reason I am here, is that I'm seeking fresh eyes to address anything I may have missed, of course at a glance, I don't expect a site audit, but do have some concerns about url structure and page titles as you move from category to category. It's a bigcommerce site, so some things that are normal SEO actions aren't as simply implemented. Also, since this is a client, and I'm sure they have competitors using sites like this, I need to keep the url private as well as any specifics, of course for readers in the future, I can or you can mention general issues and solutions. Thank you and please, if interested, will send url at request, can send both the live and dev urls.

    | Deacyde

  • HiI found few errors in Google webmaster tools under structure data. The error shows "Missing: name' but when I click 'Test Live Data' it shows 'All good'. Currently we are using Drupal CMS and please find attached error screenshot.Please advice on this issue.Thanks,SatlaqlGEyp7

    | TrulyTravel

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