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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi, I know that linking your sitemap from your robots.txt file is a good practice. Ok, but... may I just send my sitemap to search console and forget about adding ti to my robots.txt? That's my situation: 1 multilang platform which means... ... 2 set of pages. One for each lang, of course But my CMS (magento) only allows me to have 1 robots.txt file So, again: may I have a robots.txt file woth no sitemap AND not suffering any potential SEO loss? Thanks in advance, Juan Vicente Mañanas Abad

    | Webicultors

  • I've noticed a few overseas sites seem to be repurposing content from our blog. The process to report for DMCA seems lengthy. Should I be concerned enough to persue this or just write it off as something that happens? Here's an original - Here's an example - Thanks! f9Wfk2h

    | sprockets

  • I sure hope someone can help me with this. Back in April I migrated my site and did a website redesign. We implemented all the 301 redirect page for page. I lost about 40% of traffic. My main key word is baby headbands that goes to our home page. We were ranking at number two and have fallen down to number 9 and 10 and have recently come back up to number 8. My question is and I am  wondering if there is something wrong with my HTML Code, or something else. All other pages stay lost some rankings but not as much a my home page. This home page is what gets most of my traffic and we are really hurting. I've had to let go of my employees and it's looking really bad for our business. Anyhow I'm trying to figure out what I can do it improve. I migrated to Big Commerce and they did all the 301 redirects. All catagories stayed the same url but the product pages did have 301 redirects.

    | PB2007

  • Here's my question. When I first started my website we started Using keyword anchor building links To my homepage .  Over the years Our business has expanded to more than just baby headbands. I now have a baby headband page. When tracking my rankings. I sometimes see Both pages in Google for the same keyword.  Other days I do not see both of them. My question is Should I continue building links and keyword anchor text for the home page Or should I switch them and start building keyword-rich anchor text for my baby headband page. I'm just wondering if the Search engine is confused by the two. When searching for the keyword baby headbands. I will sometimes show up for eight and nine. 8 is my home page and 9 is for the baby headband page. I have always shown up for the keyword "baby Headbands" for my home page.

    | PB2007

  • I have a site that is not supposed to have a security certificate but if I go to I get the message below Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID_<label>Automatically report details of possible security incidents to Google. </label>_

    | Marketing_Today

  • Parker Dubrule Lawyers' website at seemed to be loading quite slow this morning (>5 Seconds). I added a lazyload plugin, minified JS and CSS, and ensured that the images were optimized---all of this seemed to help and brough it down to under 2 seconds. We are looking at more reliable hosting options for our clients---ones that are inherently faster possibly without these plugins being added to the mix. Does anyone have insight on a safe, secure, and fast hosting/server option to enhance the experience from the get go? All of the websites that we build are in Worpress. Your help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hello Moz Community! I am new to SEO, Moz and this is my first question. My questions; I have a client that is getting flagged for Duplicate Content. He is getting flagged for having two domains that have the same content i.e. & I read into this and set up a 301 redirect through my hosting site. I evaluated which site had a stronger Page Authority and had the weaker site redirect to the stronger site. However, I am still getting hit for Duplicate pages caused by the  & being duplicates. How should I go about resolving this? Is this an example of a Canonical tag needed in the head of the HTML? Any direction is appreciated. Thank You. B/R Will H.

    | MarketingChimp10

  • There seems to be quite a few articles out there that say iframes cause problems with organic search and that the various bots can't/won't crawl them. Most of the articles are a few years old (including Moz's video sitemap article). I'm wondering if this is still the case with YouTube/Vimeo/etc videos, all of which only offer iFrames as an embed option. I have a hard time believing that a Google property (YT) would offer an embed option that it's own bot couldn't crawl. However, let me know if that is in fact the case. Thanks! Jim

    | DigitalAnarchy

  • Hello, I am having problems with marking up my WP posts. I used the All-in-One which seems to be the most user-friendly, except when I denote the aspects of the "article" and update, the markup shows up as a box at the bottom of the post (even though the info is in the text). How do I mark these up for Google without having the unseemly box at the bottom? Thanks so much in advance for any help! Btw, I am not altogether comfortable just yet on manual schematic markup (if you have a really basic manual markup that will let me do so across various platforms, I would also appreciate the recommendation). Thanks!

    | lfrazer

  • Hi mozzers, We're about to migrate 4 domains into 1. Is there a particular way I should generate and submit the sitemap or should I just follow the same protocol as  for one domain?  Should I even worry submitting a sitemap when the site has this drupal module? I have access to the webmaster tools of all domains, should I do something specific on the accounts that are migrating besides submitting a sitemap? Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi Guys, I am helping out an agency who have had a couple of site hacked on their server. I can confirm by correlating increase in not found errors and drop in rankings, that the drop was definitely hack based although the site had no manual action notice from Google. The site looks to have been fixed i.e all not found pages look to have been sorted. Obviously there are some dodgy backlinks to now non existant pages but it looks like two months on no sign of a recovery. Is this normal?, Could the site still be hacked and the web designer is claming it has been cleaned up? I am used to dealing with hacked sites when there has been a manual action listed and then it's quite easy to complete the clean up work, submit a reconsideration and then get the manual action revoked but when you don't receieve a manual notification and the site doesn't recover, what do you do? Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Hi, I had page eg. and I redirect 302 it to > After that I fatch this page (page2) with GSC and this page was index in serp. Can I remove this old redirect page > now? Will this remove harm my page?

    | Tormar

  • I've read about using rel canonical tags for product pages like "blue shorts" vs "red shorts" but if I have two pages with the exact same copy - different URL's - but same copy, can I use a rel canonical tag and be okay for duplicate content purposes? (There is is reason the page is exactly the same, at least for the time being, so I'm just focusing on how not to be get penalized as opposed to rewriting it at the moment). Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We are nearly finished rebuilding a client website, but they want to have a "dark launch" period for 4 days prior to the public site launch. During that 4-day period, we will be converting their server, so they want to take down the old site and instead send users a "coming soon" message. Although we have the old site pages set up to 301 for the public launch, I'm concerned that this dark period is going to hurt the link value on the old site pages. During this 4-day period, should we be setting a 503 status code on the old site that automatically serves the "coming soon" message? Or, should all old site pages be temporarily redirected to the "coming soon" landing page? Any other recommendations are appreciated as well.

    | AHartman

  • I've been creating new content for our site, lots of help related content, so I created a help hub section. Now the more I go through it, and look at url structure and breadcrumbs, I can't help but think I should be using a keyword in there, but also don't want to over do it, since the keyword we are shooting for is also a subsection of our site, complete with url keyword and breadcrumb. So I just don't want to have too many over redundant titles like keyword this and keyword that, so I came here to get some advice from the awesome community of folks. Keep help hub so it's: Url: Breadcrumb: Home > Help-Hub > Help Page 1 or Url: Breadcrumb: Home > Keyword > Help > Help Page 1

    | Deacyde

  • I've never seen this before. I'm assuming that it's not SEO friendly and that these should be 301s or 302s instead?

    | KatherineWatierOng

  • HI, I am planning to launch a new site, and shortly after to move to HTTPS. to save the need to change over 5,000 canonical tags in pages the webmaster suggested we implement inside the rel canonical "//" instead of the absolute path, would that do any damage or be a problem? oranges-south-dakota" />

    | Kung_fu_Panda

  • Hi -- I'm really confused as to why only certain blog categories are not able to be crawled for their descriptions when their source codes look identical to other, crawlable pages on the same site? Specifically, Moz/other tools are not able to pull a meta description from the page (and a few others) - while the source code looks almost identical to ?? Can anyone shed some light into possible issues for me? Thanks in advance!

    | jessicamcdaniel

  • hi i am setting up a new site but have bought two domains to cover those who may type the wrong version.  So i have: and i am just setting up both on my wordpress host with a coming soon page (to include social links and sign up form).  but had a few questions: as the main site is should i just set up a redirect from the .com to the as the root folders on the two will be the same (regionwithchildren) i need to change one as host cant have two identical - what should i change the .com one to? any other considerations for this kind of set up would be much appreciated? thanks neil

    | neilhenderson

  • I would like to make a change to the way our main navigation is currently rendered on our e-commerce site. Currently, all of the content that appears when you click a navigation category is rendering on page load. This is currently a large portion of every page visit’s bandwidth and even the images are downloaded even if a user doesn’t choose to use the navigation. I’d like to change it so the content appears and is downloaded only IF the user clicks on it, I'm planning on using AJAX.  As that is the case it wouldn’t not be automatically on the site(which may or may not mean Google would crawl it). As we already provide a sitemap.xml for Google I want to make sure this change would not adversely affect our SEO. As of October this year the Webmaster AJAX crawling doc. suggestions has been depreciated. While the new version does say that its crawlers are smart enough to render AJAX content, something I've tested, I'm not sure if that only applies to content injected on page load as opposed to in click like I'm planning to do.

    | znotes

  • We are manufacturers of about 15 products and our website provides information about the products. We also offer them for sale on the site. Recently we partnered with a large eCommerce site that sells many of these types of products. They lifted descriptions from our site for theirs and are now selling our products. They have higher DA than us. Will this cause a ranking problem for us? Should we write unique descriptions for them? Thanks!

    | Chris661

  • Hello, I have a small issue on Google with our Meta Description tag not always being properly displayed. If you search for the term: Globe Car (in two words), everything is being displayed properly: Now do the same search for the term GlobeCar (in one word) and the meta tag set into our homepage seems to be totallly ignored and Google is now displaying something that is generated from out of their hat: Anyone has an idea what would cause this? Thanks!

    | GlobeCar

  • Hi All, I have a couple of crawl errors coming up in MOZ that I am trying to fix. They are duplicate page title issues with my blog area. For example we have a URL of and as we have quite a few blog posts they get put onto another page, example both of these urls have the same heading, title, meta description etc. I was just wondering if this was an actual SEO problem or not and if there is a way to fix it. I am using Wordpress for reference but I can't see anywhere to access the settings of these pages. Thanks

    | O2C

  • Hi, A few (almost 8 now) months ago we have added structured data to our website. which according to the testing tool should work.  (Our url: However when searching for our company name, our old local business page from Google+ shows up.  I have reached out to google to tell them that we aren't a local business anymore and want the data from the page to be removed. But this all takes painfully long. I want my search result to be shown like the large businesses (examples: Adroll, Hubspot), including logo, twitter feed etc. etc. Will this all work, if so, is there a way to speed up the process, any suggestions?

    | Niek_Dekker

  • We at Pricebaba, have different price lists for different brands of phones for which we have done pagination. We are worried if we're suffering from the thin text issue. Could you help us check if it's done correctly? Pricelist page link:

    | RuchitaMahimkar

  • duplicate content issue: staging url has been indexed by google ( many pages) and need to know how to remove them from the serps. Bing sees the staging url as moved permanently Google sees the staging urls (240 results) and redirects to the correct url Should I be concerned about duplicate content and request Google to remove the staging url removed Thanks Guys

    | Taiger

  • I am getting high priority issues for our privacy & terms pages that have the same URL. Why would this show up as duplicate content? Thanks!

    | RanvirGujral

  • Hi, I'm developing an accommodation site with a limited number of properties in 8 categories.  I had been looking at making the properties blog posts and then using category function to show lists but its going to require a lot of customisation and I have seo concerns about the dynamic content as the category page is crucial. As I don't have a lot to add and listings will remain the same my latest thought was to create all as pages.  However if I create a page with a list of 12 properties on a category page is there anyway of adding some sorting criteria to that page (would be 7 options - swimming pool, near beach, on site creche, budget, mid-range, luxury) Thanks for any tips Neil

    | neilhenderson

  • Hi there I've just redirected a few of my pages (created in Dreamweaver) using the PHP Redirect function, I am wondering how do I create a manual sitemap to submit to Google to reflect this or will Google pick it up automatically based on the below? Example:
    URL Being redirected: **New URL:  **[ Redirect code:]( Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
    Header( "Location:" );

    | IsaCleanse

  • In order to emulate different locations, I've always done a Google query, then used the "Location" button under "Search Tools" at the top of the SERP to define my preferred location.  It seems to have disappeared in the past few days?  Anyone know where it went, or if it's gone forever?  Thanks!

    | measurableROI

  • We received a message from Google saying we have an extremely high number of URLs that are linking to pages with similar or duplicate content. The main difference between these pages are the Google charts we use. It looks like Google isn't able to see these charts (most of the text are very similar) and the charts (lots of it) are the main differences between these pages. So my question is what is the best approach to allowing Google to see the data that exists in these charts? I read from here that a solution would be to have the text that is displayed on the charts coded into the html and hidden by CSS. I'm not sure but it seems like a bad idea to have it seen by Google but hidden to the user by CSS. It just sounds like a cloaking hack.  Can someone clarify if this is even a solution or is there a better solution?

    | ERICompensationAnalytics

  • Hi, Is there anything wrong with over 100   301 reditects on my wordpress website and how do you go about redirecting a 301 again  for example redirects to now i want to redirect to any problems with this setup? Regards

    | ReSEOlve

  • HI, Just wanted to know if it is important to choose www or non www or let google choose? Regards

    | ReSEOlve

  • Hi all, I have scanned the community forum thoroughly to find a solution to this issue and noticed some detailed and informed responses, but I am not sure which apply to the issue we are currently having. We are receiving a lot of 803 Crawl Attempt Errors on a weekly basis for our site and also our homepage isn't ranking and I can't help but think that the two are linked. We have some rankings for the internal pages and have a couple of other sites that use the same template as that are doing well with no crawl attempt errors and strong homepage rankings. There are a lot of great resources out there on the Moz forum and elsewhere but I am little unsure what applies to our problem or whether to two are linked at all. We have tried rewriting the homepage and developing the internal linking system but to no success as yet. Also, because the site is fairly new so the link profile is quite small at present. Any advice regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

    | FurnitureGeek

  • Hi all, I am changing my hosting for legal and SEO reasons from http://www to https:// . Now I hear different stories on the redirects: 1: should i try and change my backlinks? 2: internally all links will be 301 redirected at first. Than I want to (manually) change them. It;s within Wordpress so there should be a plugin for this. Tips? 3: Will it affect my rankings and for what period? What I now know that at first it will drop little but eventually you will rank higher than before. Thanks so much in advance! Tymen

    | Tymen

  • Hi, I have to do a SEO optimization on a huge e-commerce website, but i don´t know if i have to focus in Schema or meta tags ( page title, meta description) which of them is more important? how can I optimize the website? Thanks

    | AbacoDigital

  • When I check the backlinks for my website on Alexa, I noticed that , there's a backlink from Upwork, and when I clicked that link, I realized that it's the link of my Upwork inbox and I entered my login credentials to access that page. My question is : How it is possible for Alexa to get that link which I need to enter my details to access the page?

    | khayal

  • We use og (open graph) titles in lieu of meta titles. Is there any downside to using just one. Should we be using both og and meta titles on our page. Appreciate any insight. Himanshu

    | patilhimanshu

  • Hi I have 100's of URL's appearing in Search Console for example: ?p=1_1 These go to on to 5_200 etc.. I have tried to do htaccess and the mod rewrite is on as I can redirect directories to the root i.e RewriteRule ^web_example(.*)$ /$1 [R=301,N,L] However I have tried all kinds of variations to redirect ?p= and either it doesn't work at all or it crashes the website. Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this.

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Hello SEO gurus We have an issue here ( is having 200 responses and ( when i ran the crawl test i found this ) We have been advised to do a 301 from non slash to slash ( as our other pages are showing up with slash ) for the consistency we decided to go with this but our devs just couldnt do it. Error is - redirect loop and this site is a wordpress one Can anyone help us with this issue? Help is much appreciated.

    | Pack

  • Hi, Back in September, I added a function that sets an anchor on each subheading (h[2-6]) and creates a Table of content that links to each of those anchors. These anchors did show up in the SERPs as JumpTo Links. Fine. Back then I also changed the canonicals to a slightly different structur and meanwhile there was some massive increase in the number of indexed pages - WAY over the top - which has since been fixed by removing (410) a complete section of the site. However ... there are still ~34.000 pages indexed to what really are more like 4.000 plus (all properly canonicalised). Naturally I am wondering, what google thinks it is indexing. The number is just way of and quite inexplainable. So I was wondering: Does Google save JumpTo links as unique pages? Also, does anybody know any method of actually getting all the pages in the google index? (Not actually existing sites via Screaming Frog etc, but actual pages in the index - all methods I found sadly do not work.) Finally: Does somebody have any other explanation for the incongruency in indexed vs. actual pages? Thanks for your replies! Nico

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hello, 
    We have approx 900 products on our website. Over the coming months we will be replacing the product images. At the moment they have file names like 'green_widget_54eb3a78620be.jpg'
    the random jumble at the end of the filename was apparently to keep file names unique. We have removed the jumble part and will have file names like:
    'black_widget_with_stripe_001.jpg' The CMS removes the old main image when a new main image is uploaded. But we could change this to leave the old image, but not use it. My question is should we: redirect the old file name to the new file name? upload the new image, and leave the old image in place Or do we just ignore.

    | ninjahippo

  • Hi there added a competitors metrics to see what they were doing and to my amazement they seem to have 1000+ links surely this is link farming considering we stay in a very remote area. also why would he be rewarded for this not punished? 18dUqNL 18dUqNL

    | ShauniBROWN

  • Hi guys, I recently did an audit for a client and ran a crawl on the site using RogerBot. We quickly noticed that all but one page was showing as status code 200, but we knew that there were a lot of 301 redirects in place. When our developers checked it, they saw the pages as 301s, as did the Moz toolbar. If page A redirected to page B, our developers and the Moz toolbar saw page A as 301 and page B as 200. However the crawl showed both page A and page B as 200. Does anyone have any idea why the crawl may have been showing the status codes as 200? We've checked and the redirect is definitely in place for the user, but our worry is that there could be an issue with duplicate content if a crawler isn't picking up on the 301 redirect. Thanks!

    | Welford-Media

  • Hi, To rank in Dubai and UK is it just a matter of mentioning it in a blog post or more technical things need to be setup?  we have two sites one empty which i have 301 to the main site would you use the other site for dubia? Regards

    | ReSEOlve

  • Hi I am getting these show up in WMT crawl error any help would be very much appreciated | ?ecaped_fragment=Meditation-find-peace-within/csso/55991bd90cf2efdf74ec3f60 | 404 | 12/5/15 |
    | | 2 | mobile/?escaped_fragment= | 404 | 10/26/15 |
    | | 3 | ?escaped_fragment=Tips-for-a-balanced-lifestyle/csso/1 | 404 | 12/1/15 |
    | | 4 | ?escaped_fragment=My-favorite-yoga-spot/csso/5598e2130cf2585ebcde3b9a | 404 | 12/1/15 |
    | | 5 | ?escaped_fragment=blog/c19s6 | 404 | 11/29/15 |
    | | 6 | ?escaped_fragment=blog/c19s6/Tag/yoga | 404 | 11/30/15 |
    | | 7 | ?escaped_fragment=Inhale-exhale-and-once-again/csso/2 | 404 | 11/27/15 |
    | | 8 | ?escaped_fragment=classes/covl | 404 | 10/29/15 |
    | | 9 | m/?escaped_fragment= | 404 | 10/26/15 |
    | | 10 | ?escaped_fragment=blog/c19s6/Page/1 | 404 | 11/30/15 | |   |

    | ReSEOlve

  • We recently switched over a .com site to a new server. The .com site had a domain redirecting to it previously, but when the switchover happened, the was forgotten about. We have now realised what has happened, but not before taking a hit with our rankings. The is still indexed in Google and now that we have sorted the redirects they are pointing to the right places. My question now; is there anything further I need to do? I know that the will soon be removed from the SERPs, but I just want to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

    | Ben_Malkin_Develo

  • Hello Every one, I have a Wordpress website in which i installed All in SEO plugin and wrote meta titles and descriptions for each and every page and posts and submitted website to index. But after Google crawl the Meta Titles and Descriptions shown by Google are something different that are not found in Content. Even i verified the Cached version of the website and gone through Source code that crawled at that moment. the meta title which i have written is present there. Apart from this, the same URL's are displaying perfect meta titles and descriptions which i wrote in Yahoo and Bing Search Engines. Can anyone explain me how to resolve this issue. Website URL: thenewyou (dot) in Regards,

    | SatishSEOSiren

  • Hello moz community ! I would to make a special 301 redirection through my htaccess file. I am a total noob concerning regexp and 301 redirection. I would like to redirect(301) this url :"></a></p>; yes yes it's in the index of google, this strange url includes the last ; to I have already include a canonical tag by security, i would like to remove url with a 301 redirection and by remove this url through GWT (but the removal tool can't "eat' this kind of URL) Please consider the fact that i am not an expert about 301 redirections and regexps. No 301 redirect generator works properly for such a strange URL (which triggers content duplication corrected anyway with canonical tag). Thanks for your help.

    | LegiPermis

  • I keep getting the above error when I'm trying to look at the page optimization for a new blog page we have uploaded. It was posted over a week ago, so I assumed it would be indexed by now. Any thoughts on why it isn't working? The page is: Thanks

    | Charley_Tangerine

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