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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi I have a clients nicely optimised webpage not ranking for its target keyword so just did a fetch & render in GWT to look for probs and  could only do a partial fetch with the below robots.text related messages: Googlebot couldn't get all resources for this page Some boiler plate js plugins not found & some js comments reply blocked by robots (file below): User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Disallow: /wp-includes/ As far as i understand it the above is how it should be but just posting here to ask if anyone can confirm whether this could be causing any prrobs or not so i can rule it out or not. Pages targeting other more competitive keywords are ranking well and are almost identically optimised so cant think why this one is not ranking. Does fetch and render get Google to re-crawl the page ? so if i do this then press submit to index should know within a few days if still problem or not ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi guys, I have an established site that currently serves the same content to all regions - west and east - in a single country with the same language. We are now looking to vary the content across west and east regions - not dramatically, but the products offered will be slightly different. From what i gather, modifying the url is best for countries, so feels like overkill for regions within the same country. I'm also unlikely to have very unique content, outside of the varied products, so I'm mindful of duplicate/similar content, but I know I can use canonical tags to address. I have a fairly modern CMS that can target content based on region, but mindful of upsetting Google re; showing different content to what the bot might encounter, assuming this is still a thing. So, three questions from an SEO perspective - Do i need to really focus on changing my url structure, especially as I'm already established in a competitive market, or will I do more harm than good? Is the region in the URL a strong signal? If I should make some changes to the url and/or metadata, what are the best bang for buck changes you would make? How does Google Local fit into this? Is it a separate process via webmaster tools, or does it align to the above changes? Cheers!!! Jez

    | jez000

  • Quick question - Have a real estate site focused on "apartments", but apartments in not part of my company name. That being said, should which of the following URL structures should I use? OR

    | ChaseH

  • Hi, Can we use images from the internet of celebrities? We have a Indian celebrity website. Can we use images from other websites? Would that be legal? as 100's of sites use them? Should i have them no index ? or no follow pages? Thanks

    | jomin74

  • SEO newbie here, I'm thinking about creating a blog post about a collection of useful tools and web resources for my specific niche. It'd be 300 links or more, but with comments, and categorized nicely. It'd be a useful resource for my target audience to bookmark, and share. Will google see this as a negative? If so, what's the best way to do such a blog post? Thanks

    | ericzou

  • Hi We have a few pages within our website which were at one time a focus for us, but due to developing the other areas of the website, they are now defunct (better content elsewhere) and in some ways slightly duplicate so we're merging two areas into one. We have removed the links to the main hub page from our navigation, and were going to 301 this main page to the main hub page of the section which replaces it. However I've just noticed the page due to be removed has a PA of 69 and 15,000 incoming links from 300 root domains. So not bad! It's actually stronger than the page we are 301'ing it to (but not really an option to swap as the URL structure will look messy) With this in mind, is the strategy to redirect still the best or should we keep the page and turn it into a landing page, with links off to the other section? It just feels as though we would be doing this just for the sake of google, im not sure how much decent content we could put on it as we've already done that on the destination page. The incoming links to that page will still be relevant to the new section (they are both v similar hence the merging) Any suggestions welcome, thanks

    | benseb

  • Google says one to discover whether my pages is index in Google is site:domain name of my website: mention in web page above so basically according to that i can know totally pages indexed for my website right:it shows me when type (site:domain name ) 300 but it says in Google web master that i have 100000so which is the real number of index page 300 or 1000000 as web master says and why i get 300 when using site:domain name even Google mention that it is way to discover index paged

    | Jamalon

  • Hello, I have a website and earlier today I got an emil from webmaster tools saying "Googlebot cannot access your site" Wondering what the problem could be and how to fix it.

    | Rank-and-Grow

  • To create a better customer experience, rather then remove discontinued product from a site, we remove many links from the page, and remove it from the navigation of the site, but we keep the url and show that the product can no longer be purchased. This keeps the links, keeps the content, and gives customers the opportunity to find other products we have. But I often wonder if we should allow this items to just 404 and be done with them. Here is an example. Any advice?

    | dianeb152

  • when i type  to discover number of pages indexed it gives me different result  from google web master tools

    | Jamalon

  • We have a client that just did a redesign and development and the new design didn't really match their current structure.  They said they didn't want to worry about matching site structure and never put any effort into SEO. Here is the situation: They had a blog located on a subdomain such as - now there blog is located like They want to create redirects for all the old the blog urls that used to be on the subdomain and not point to the What is the best way of doing that - Through .htaccess?

    | Beardo

  • Hello all great to be apart of this community, My question is: I am trying to rank for two separate "two keyword" searches which are "BBB boost" and "ZZZ boost" I am planning to put "ZZZ boost" on my homepage/landing, and "BBB boost" on my second page where the end user actually purchases said product. "ZZZ boost" - receives around 22,000 monthly searches and "BBB boost" - around 5000 monthly searches Because each of these share the one keyword "boost" in them, will it affect my ability to rank for even one page on the "two keyword" phrase? Or will it cause both pages to come up in the google search results on either "two keyword" phrase because they share the same word "boost" in them? If so does that affect the ability to rank 1 page since they share the same domain name, will it divide page ranking/serp ranking?

    | zerk89

  • Starting on December 16 time spent downloading a page increased sharply. We tried to find the problem, but without success. We did not changed the server and we did not changed anything on the site. - here you can see performance test results.

    | adabe

  • My company has switched to a new ecommerce platform that we are not totally familiar with yet. As we've worked with it, we've had a couple situations where both the front and back ends of our site crashed simultaneously (always after installing a third party module). The platform's built-in backup solution hasn't been an option in those situations so we've been coming up with alternatives. We now have a duplicate of the site on our server for such emergencies. The plan is to have pages on the broken site point to the backup site using 302 redirects until the broken site is fixed. Is this correct usage of the 302 redirect? I often see people recommend to never use 302 redirects, but I thought this might be the kind of situation where they'd be appropriate. If so, are there other SEO considerations we should keep in mind? For example, I'm wondering if we should put canonical tags on the temporary site that point to the broken site so the broken site stays in the SE indexes.

    | Kyle_M

  • Wordpress website. The client's website is The URL that we purchase so that we could setup the hosting account is, which shows 1 page indexed in Google when I search for site: On there is <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href=""> But on it says the same thing, <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="" /> Is this how it should be setup, assuming that we want everything to point to Maybe we should do a 301 redirect to be 100% Sure? Hopefully I explained this well enough. Please let me know if anyone has any thoughts, thanks!

    | georgetsn

  • Hi guys, Just struggling to get a definitive answer on this one. If say I disavow 55 domains, then upload a brand new disavow file with on 35 domains in it, does this mean the original disavow file will be overwritten and those original domains will be forgotten about? Kind regards!

    | WCR

  • There seems to be a few schools of thought as to how the title templates in the yoast plugin. currently mine are set with the default templates posts title template (%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%) page title template (%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%) What are the best options here for proper SEO. I am learning as much as i can but i have searched for a concrete answer here on the net, but found many different responses. What do you all think?  What is my best option?

    | donsilvernail

  • We sell food products that, of course, can be used in recipes. As a convenience to our customer we have made a large database of recipes available. We have far more recipes than products. My concern is that Google may start viewing us as a recipe website rather than a food product website. My initial thought was to subdomain the recipes ( but that seems silly given that you aren't really leaving our website and the layout of the website doesn't change with the subdomain. Currently our URL structure is... We do rank well for our products in general searches but I want to be sure that our recipe setup isn't detrimental.

    | bearpaw

  • Hello I've recently asked the community which urls would be best for a company with a variety of wood flooring products. This question relates to "keywords" within the url which relates to each and every product. Which would you choose,     1.  a or b?          2. a or b? 1. - Product: CIRO a.  - Keyword Match, YES. "Rustic Oak Flooring" b.  - Keyword Match, NO. "Rustic Oak Flooring" 2. - Product: VOGUE a.  - Keyword Match, YES. "Pr_efinished Oak Flooring"_ b.  - Keyword Match, NO. "Pr_efinished Oak Flooring"_ Although seemingly a basic part of SEO, I find myself revisiting this question time and time again - what is really better for SEO? Shorter URL's or "slightly" longer to achieve keyword match? _After researching many keywords which we have chosen to use as part of this project, it seems to have any chance of ranking on the first page, the key word (or part of the keyword) must appear within the url. _ I would like to get some "extra" clarification. Thanks for your help!

    | GaryVictory

  • Hello, I have two websites within a similar niche...some of the top organic traffic driving pages on Website B I'd like to redirect to a similar page on Website A. The reason is Website A is a bigger and better and is monetized much better as well. I only want to redirect a few of the main URLS on Website A and also only those that I have similar content on my main Website B. Is this process safe for SEO? What is the best way to go about this process. I am not really concerned with Website B and what happens to it's rankings, but in the meantime, I'd like to redirect the traffic from some of it's main organic traffic driving pages to my main website A and to it's similar pages. I am also concerned with making sure my main website A stays white hat and doesn't receive any negativity from these redirects. Thanks.

    | juicyresults

  • I've only just noticed that the Moz' blog categories have been moved within a pull down menu. See it underneath : 'Explore Posts by Category' on any blog page. This means that the whole list of categories under that pull-down is not crawlable by bots, and therefore no link-juice flows down onto those category pages. I imagine that the main drive behind that move is to sculpt page rank so that the business/money pages or areas of the website get greater link equity as opposed to just wasting it all throwing it down to the many categories ?  it'd be good to hear about more from Rand or anyone in his team as to how they came onto engineering this and why. One of the things I wonder is: with the sheer amount of content that Moz produces, is it possible to contemplate an effective technical architecture such as that? I know they do a great job at interlinking content from one post onto another, so effectively one can argue that that kind of supersedes the need for hierarchical page rank distribution via categories... but I wonder : "is it working better this way vs having crawlable blog category links on the blog section?  have they performed tests"   some insights or further info on this from Moz would be very welcome. thanks in advance

    | carralon

  • Hi, We're running a rather new website at and we sell mainly sticker products. I would just like to clarify on something that is bugging me and I just can't go forward with other products until I know the answers. I'd appreciate the help so much. We sell for example license plate products for different European countries. I have figured out the best title for the page would be for example "Custom Catalonia License Plate" and the primary keyword in this is Catalonia license plate since that's what actually gets some searches from Google and therefore I have used that without the word "custom" in the product description text. I guess it's a good idea to write totally different description texts for all of these license plate pages so that's what I've been doing. Now the question is - does google accept the fact that I have different product titles like Custom Catalonia License Plate, Custom Germany License Plate etc so just the country name differs on all of these pages? Or should I play around with the titles and word orders also? There is one part on the product page where we describe for example the temperature ranges and other specifications about the sticker material as you can see here: Is it ok to copy-paste that text to all of the pages if the short descriptions on top of the product page are different?

    | speedbird1229

  • I recently setup Cloudflare so I can see how much my site is being crawled. It looks like Bing is crawling me about 3 times as much as Google. Any ideas on why that would be or what I should check?

    | EcommerceSite

  • My client has a fairly new site and we were agressively building content to the website. It is an ecommerce store and we have got a blog as well. We guest blogged in a few places and wrote 3-5 articles a day. Last few days, i noticed 3-4 pages that we were building links to got deindexed. What could be the reason? We weren't using any bots to build links, only a couple of it around 5-10 links to a page. Google WMT is not showing any messages and no manual action is seen. What could be the reason? I've submitted those URL for reindex and so far nothing seems to work. Any idea? Please help.

    | WayneRooney

  • I have conducted some highly technical SEO such as Link building, Social Media Promotion, On-page technical SEO, High quality Content, Superb Site architecture, responsive theme for good user experience, keyword analysis, title tags, description tags,etc. But currently not yet ranking even in top 5 of my critical keyword "Bulk sms kenya" or "bulk sms in kenya", my site is at am based in Nairobi, Kenya. Any advise, tips etc? As especially the keyword is not that highly competitive with a Difficulty Score of only 24%, what might I be missing?

    | ConnectMedia

  • We are creating a new corporate "marketing site" on Hubspot and connecting our existing product site to that as a sub-domain.  Our existing site ranks very well for all of our targeted keywords. The existing product site will now be behind a login, so how do we transfer juice to the new site in Hubspot?  Or can we?

    | Reis_Inc.

  • OK, Title tag, no problem, it's the SEO juice, appears on SERP, etc.  Got it. But I'm reading up on H1 and getting conflicting bits of information ... Only use H1 once? H1 is crucial for SERP Use H1s for subheads Google almost never looks past H2 for relevance So say I've got a blog post with three sections ... do I use H1 three times (or does Google think you're playing them ...) Or do I create a "big" H1 subhead and then use H2s? Or just use all H2s because H1s are scary?  🙂 I frequently use subheads, it would seem weird to me to have one a font size bigger than another, but of course I can adjust that in settings ... Thoughts? Lisa

    | ChristianRubio

  • Hello, Somehow a website I'm working on has lost it's verification in Webmaster Tools. I have absolutely no clue why... The Google Analytics code is still working, the verification meta tag is in place, both are not working. I get an error message about Google not being able to connect to the server. I asked about any possible changes to server settings or stuff about that, but apparently nothing has changed there. The URL in question is Does someone has any other ideas what I could be looking for. Thanks, Kind regards, Erik

    | buiserik

  • Hello , 
    I am getting 404 error in some pages of my wordpress site .
    Those pages are permanently removed. Is there any plugin to fix this prob or anyway so that google will not crawl these pages.

    | mayankebabu

  • Hello! I've noticed a drop in organic Google traffic to our ecommerce site. The drop started on the 1st December 2014. The difference compared with last year is around -25%. I've taken a look at landing pages for the organic Google traffic: Homepage: -40%
    Product pages: -31%
    Category pages: -7%
    Blog pages: -7% On the 1st December our site was down for a few hours in the early morning for some scheduled maintenance.  I got a couple of emails from Google Webmaster Tools letting me know that there was an "Increase in server errors" and "Googlebot can't access your site". Once the site maintenance was complete there haven't been any further emails from Google about this.  I doubt the site being down is the cause of the drop in traffic. I suspect it may have been caused by the latest Penguin updates around the end of November 2014. Can anyone advise if this sounds like it is the cause, and why the homepage and products pages have been hit so severely? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

    | Bike_Co-op_Webmaster

  • Hi, I'm part of an organization running a classifieds platform in Spain. ( We are hit by Google penalties since a few weeks, possibly caused by numerous errors we are experiencing. Most frequent errors are 404's and duplicate content (titles tags etc) since the nature of our website is dynamic. Many ads change daily, are added or removed, causing Googlebots (and others) to flag us and not being able to see our more unique content.  Until what part of our platform should we be indexed? Since we have +34,000 pages indexed (mostly due to internal filter pages) I would need a systematic solution for us to display relevant and unique content, with enough usage of keywords that can bring us back up - we are actually ranked <50 on google for most of our main keywords. It is costing us precious time and money since we can only aquire our visitors (adwords etc) and not being to attract any organically. I can go in more detail with someone who can give me a bit more direction. Your answer is much appreciated! Ivor

    | ivordg

  • I am adding translated versions of my sites to a subdomain for example Will I add each subdomain into Google Webmaster Tools? Will each need its own sitemap?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi All, I have a site that has articles and a side block that shows interesting articles in a column block. While we google for a keyword i can see the page but the meta description is picked from the side block "interesting articles" and not the actual article in the page. How can i deny indexing that block alone Thanks

    | jomin74

  • So this is a little complicated (at least for me...) We have a client who is having us rebuild and optimize about 350 pages of their website in our CMS.  However, the rest of the website will not be on our CMS.  We wanted to build these pages on a sub-domain that is pointed to our IPs so it could remain on our CMS--which the client wants.  However, they want the content on a sub-directory.  This would be fine but they will not point the main domain to us and for whatever reason this becomes impossible per their Dev team. They have proposed using a Colo Load Balancer to deliver the content from our system (which will be on the sub domain) to their sub directory. This seems very sketchy to me.  Possible duplicate content?  Would this be a sort of URL masking?  How would Google see this?  Has anyone ever even heard of doing anything like this?

    | Vizergy

  • Hello Mozzers, I am using wordpress and I have a small problem. I have two sites, I don't want but the dev of the theme told me I can't delete them. /portfolio-items/ /faq-items/ The dev said he can't find a way to delete it because these pages just list faqs/portfolio posts. I don't have any of these posts so basically what I have are two sites with just the title "Portfolio items" and "FAQ Items". Furthermore the dev said these sites are auto-generated so he can't find a way to remove them. I mean I don't believe that it's impossible, but if it is how should I handle them? They are indexed by search engines, should I remove them from the index and block them from robots.txt? Thanks in advance.

    | grobro

  • Do you guys mind sharing your steps on what you do on your research? Semrush does not have my countries google so Sadly i have to skip that. I been using open site explore to check out on my competitors to see what they are ranking. Any more suggestions?

    | andrewwatson92
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi community, Let's say I have a men's/women's clothing website. Would it be better to do and OR and I understand Moz's stance on blogs that it should be, but wanted to ask for this different circumstance. Thanks for your help!

    | IceIcebaby

  • Hi Folks, Any ideas why Google Webmaster Tools is indicating that my robots.txt is blocking URL's linked in my sitemap.xml, when in fact it isn't? I have checked the current robots.txt declarations and they are fine and I've also tested it in the 'robots.txt Tester' tool, which indicates for the URL's it's suggesting are blocked in the sitemap, in fact work fine. Is this a temporary issue that will be resolved over a few days or should I be concerned. I have recently removed the declaration from the robots.txt that would have been blocking them and then uploaded a new updated sitemap.xml. I'm assuming this issue is due to some sort of crossover. Thanks Gaz

    | PurpleGriffon

  • I just ran drawl diagnostics and trying to delete pages such as "oops that page can't be found" or "404 (not found_ error response pages.  Can anyone help?

    | sawedding

  • Hello Mozzers, I am sure a lot of people here are using wordpress. How do you handle Categories & Tags? I came across that they produce a lot of duplicate content in the google index. My website is brand new so I don't have any traffic yet, how would you handle it? noindex, follow? Or block /categories/ and /tags/ from robots.txt? Probably I am completely wrong with both ways? I am grateful for your answers! Best regards!

    | grobro

  • Is it better to use 301 redirects or canonical page? I suspect canonical is easier. The question is, which is the best canonical page, or I assume, since there will be many other pages such as,, etc.

    | Nanook1

  • Dear All, According to Mozz crawling report our site (www.rijwielcashencarry.n) have a few medium priority problems. There are 302 temporarly direct which i would like to redirect to 301 (because of the linkjuice). What is the proper way to do this?
    I keep looking for it, but i can't seem to find the right solution. Thanks for your help!

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hello All, I'm currently working on a website with different folders for different country. For now I have defined the href lang implementation as below:"/>
    Language: English - Country: United Kingdom"/>
    Language: English - Country: United States"/>
    Language: Dutch - Country: Netherlands"/>
    Language: Dutch - Country: Belgium"/>
    Language: French - Country: All french speaking countries"/>
    Language: German - Country: All german speaking countries"/>
    Language: Spanish - Country: Spain" />
    Language: English - Country: All other countries Does this make any sense? Furthermore, how do I implement this on underlying pages. Do I fill out the URL dynamically according to the URL the tags are found on? Or do I use these tags mentioning the homepage on all underlying pages? If so, how do I avoid duplicate content issues between NL and NL-BE and EN-GB, EN-US and EN? Canonicals? Besides the whole hreflang implementation I was wondering if it's worthwhile or advisable to implement lang="en" xml:lang="en_"_ in the HTML tag and http-equiv="content-language" content="en_"_ in the META tags?

    | buiserik

  • I am getting ready to move a clients site from another company. They have like 35 tempory redirects according to MOZ. Question is, how can I find out then current redirects so I can update everything for the new site? Do I need access to the current htaccess file to do this?

    | scott315

  • Hello there, I have found that when crawling my site I have errors regarding the meta description and it says it is missing from few pages. I checked these pages but there is a meta description. I also ran the same report with other tools and it comes up the same issues. What should I do?

    | PremioOscar

  • Hi Mozzers, I hope everyone is well. I'm having a problem with my website and 403 errors shown in Google Webmaster Tools. The problem comes because we "unpublish" one of the thousands of listings on the site every few days - this then creates a link that gives a 403. At the same time we also run some code that takes away any links to these pages. So far so good. Unfortunately Google doesn't notice that we have removed these internal links and so tries to access these pages again. This results in a 403. These errors show up in Google Webmaster Tools and when I click on "Linked From" I can verify that that there are no links to the 403 page - it's just Google's Cache being slow. My question is a) How much is this hurting me? b) Can I fix it? All suggestions welcome and thanks for any answers!

    | HireSpace

  • I notice that many sites have sub headings appearing below their google results.
    See image for example. Q: what are these called? and how do we get them? A5JxMKD.png

    | kevinbp

  • Are there any SEO benefits of hosting on-site videos using LimeLight? I know the various benefits of using YouTube but before going forward with a site redesign I want to hear what others have to say. Thanks, Jake

    | JakeMatulewicz

  • I work with a number of ecommerce sites that have dynamically-created urls based off of product attributes we've assigned in our cms. I am updating a handful of these attributes to more seo-friendly terms because they are outdated but am not certain how to go about redirecting all the urls that each attribute is in/could be in. For example: If I had the attributes hoagie and beanie and changed them to sandwich and headwear, a dynamic url might change like this: .com/hoagie/french-bread ---> .com/sandwich/french-bread .com/beanie/hoagie/novelty ----> .com/headwear/sandwich/novelty Since the urls are dynamically created, I am not sure how I go about redirecting all of them, or if I need to redirect all of them at all (instead just redirecting the urls indexed by Google, etc.) I also have a number of links within copy on each of the sites that contain linked anchor text using attributes that will be changing. I am assuming I will need to 301 each of these or update them manually to reflect the new attributes. I am new to the seo field and would appreciate any and all advice or direction to guides and tutorials that could aid me with this project.  Thanks!

    | OfficeFurn

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