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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • One of my sites got hit with duplicate content a while ago because Google seemed to be considering hhtp, https, www, and non ww versions of the site all different sites. We thought we fixed it, but for some reason https://www and just https:// are giving us duplicate content again. I can't seem to figure out why it keeps doing this. The url is if any of you want to see if you can figure out why I am still having this issue.

    | Michael4g

  • Our company site has hundreds of thousands of pages. Yet no matter how big or small the total page count, I have found that the "URLs Indexed" in GWMT has never matched "URLS in Sitemap". When we were small and now that we have a LOT more pages, there is always a discrepancy of ~10% or so missing from the index. It's difficult to know which pages are not indexed, but I have found some that I can verify are in the Sitemap.xml file but not at all in the index.  When I go to GWMT I can "Fetch and Render" missing pages fine - it's not as though it's blocked or inaccessible. Any ideas on why this is? Is this type of discrepancy typical?

    | Mase

  • What happened to My website Meta description?

    | bondhoward

  • We recently changed our domain from http to https. When a user enters any URL on http, there is an global 301 redirect to the same page on https. I cannot find instructions about what to do with robots.txt. Now that https is the canonical version, should I block the http-Version with robots.txt? Strangely, I cannot find a single ressource about this...

    | zeepartner

  • I have some pages marked as duplicates, so I want to do what I can to solve the issues concerned. One issue concerns duplicates where the page content is indeed the same except for the language that the content is offered in. The URL for example of the documentation page of the site, in English is as follows: We then have the same content in German, French, Russian using the following URLs. Each page has links to PDFs which are all in fact in English so the links to the docs are the same. Moz is flagging up all these pages as being duplicate content (which it is when translated back into English, but is not if you just consider that they are using completely different languages!) Has anyone any thoughts on how to solve this? Or is this something not to worry about / disregard? Many thanks Simon

    | PulseAnalytics

  • Hi Depending what terms I put into Google I am seeing a different meta description for exactly the same page. I have checked Umbraco CMS and everything seems in working order. Is there a reason this would be happening? Anyone else had trouble like this?

    | TheZenAgency

  • I am wandering if anyone can offer any suggestions, we have a page on our site this page is optimised to rank for liquidation however no matter how many links or how optimised the page is it just will not show in the SERPS. Moz gives it a page score of A we have built relevant links directly to the page using appropriate anchor text, have social likes and concentrated of getting more google+ likes. We run a detailed Moz SERP report comparing the above url to the top 10 ranked pages and we are looking competitive if not better on all ranking factors. This is now really frustrating that we arnt even in the top 100 and cant understand why. we have the https version of the site also submitted to webmaster tools and www is set to be the prefered. Has anyone got any ideas as to why google just dosnt like our site, we have no crawl errors we use all best practices.

    | Wilson_Field

  • I'd like to be able to easily track blog posts by month but in Google reports when you set a date range obviously older blog post still appear and with amount of blog posts we generate without seeing the date in the title it's not obvious what was published and when it was published. For example if a Blog Title was "/dangers-of-sharing-KM-knowledge-01-11-15 would it hurt SEO? The reason is I'd like to have a quick way to know how new posts do each month compared to older content

    | inhouseninja

  • Hi Mozzers! In December '14 I have execute a 301 redirect in the 'old' page in the admin of my Magento store. Now I was surprised to see that the Page Authority is still 0 of the new page 6 weeks after the execution. should I have seen the update of the PA on the new page already after 6 weeks of time? If yes, then I assume that my Magento didn't execute this properly? Old url:
    New page: you will be redirected to the new page after clicking the old page Mm4uBEl

    | aznventure

  • I am new to a SMB and someone bought the plural version of our domain back in 2005 and has yet to let it expire. The domain was just renewed for another year so we finally decided to contact a lawyer and go through the domain name dispute process. This seems like a pretty cut an dry case and the lawyer is very confident that we'll have the domain within 30-40 days. Currently the plural version domain 303s to spammy web pages, shows shady ads and is just a malicious looking page in general. I am not savvy enough to know the exact complexities of what's happening on the backend but it's spammy. Knowing the history of the plural version domain, how would you treat it after we acquire it? Obviously, I wouldn't want to put our site in jeopardy by 301ing the plural version of our URL to our current healthy site but at the same time many customers might go to that domain by accident so eventually I'd like to 301 it. If it's any help, the plural version has a robots.txt that prevent G from crawling it..thank you in advance for your guidance!

    | ssimarketing

  • Part 1
    We wrote an article and submitted it to the Daily Business Review. They published the article on their website. We want to also post the article on our website for our users but we want to make sure we are doing this properly. We don't want to be penalized for duplicating content. Is this the correct way to handle this scenario written below? We added a rel="canonical" to the blog post (on our website). The rel="canonical" is set to the Daily Business Review URL where the article was originally published. At the end of the blog post we wrote. "This article was originally posted on The Daily Business Review." and we link to the original post on the Daily Business Review. Should we be setting the blog post (on our website) to be a "noindex" or rel="canonical" ? Part 2 Our company was mentioned in a number of articles. We DID NOT write those articles, we were only mentioned. We have also posted those same articles on our website (verbatim from the original article). We want to show our users that we have been mentioned in highly credited articles. All of these articles were posted on our website and are set to be a "noindex". Is that the correct thing to do? Should we be using a rel="canonical" instead and pointing to the original article URL? Thanks in advance MOZ community for your assistance! We tried to do the leg work of our own research for the answers but couldn't find the exact same scenario that we are encountering**.**

    | peteboyd

  • I wanted to know some opinions on breadcrumbs and left hand menus on a page. Take a traditional two column page, you have the left hand navigation on the left, and page copy on the right. The introduction of breadcrumbs serves two things Navigation for the user, shows structurally how the page fits SEO benefit - include breadcrumbs, use schema and you potentially provided more page links on a single search result. Thinking about this, isn't the left hand navigation and breadcrumbs the same? The left hand navigation shows where the page fits, which is precisely what the breadcrumbs do. You are doubling the links, left hand menu and breadcrumbs Sure you can get rid of the breadcrumbs, but from an SEO stand point, won't you lose the ability to have breadcrumbs via schema on search results Do you see breadcrumbs and menu differently, should breadcrumbs only exist on single column pages (say an ecommerce page) and left hand menu on two column pages like an article page? Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi there Mozers, So far I have been building my webshop over the course of several weeks while studying the awesome educational content here on Moz and other SEO-related sites. I think I have done an OK job so far, and I have managed to rank #1 on several long tail keywords after a couple of weeks. Problem is - there are more long tail keywords I want to rank #1 for as well! **What I have done so far: ** I have taken the strongest keywords that can generate conversion and added them in page titles, title heads, main anvigation titles, in my alt text in images and so forth. The page is not screaming "SEO!" and I am happy with that. Nevertheless, I think the SEO measures here are done in an effective way. If you bothered to click on my page, you can see that the home page has only 5 posts (posts, not pages). They redirect visitors to other important parts of my site, and I change the image and/or the title once every 3 weeks to not keep the page too static. In a /magazine subfolder, I have a blog that ranks pretty good for several keywords, but the content here is not directly related to my products, but rather articles that fits the interests of my potential buyers (lifestyle, culture, etc). **What I need - but not sure how - to do: ** I basically want to rank for way more long tail keywords that relate to my products, but I don't want to continue setting up posts that have these keywords, because the content on the main page will be too heavy on the SEO, and therefore lose value for my visitors. How can I rank for more keywords without having to pepper my site with posts full of these keywords? I do not want to write articles on my blog that focuses on different combinations of long tail keywords neither, because it will get too spammy and make my visitors not return. I need help! I hope I have managed to explain my problem clearly. If there are any Whiteboard Fridays or posts on this subject that I have missed, please link me directly. If not, I would be tremendously happy and appreciative for any tips and tricks 🙂

    | Fernando_

  • It has been over a month since we have switch
    to Yet Google is still ranking the old domain name in their search results. extensions Are we doing something wrong or does it take Google more than a month to update their results for this type of change? We have 301 redirected the old url to the new one and submitted a domain name change in GWT. Let me know your thoughts!

    | lsujoe

  • Hello SEO community: I have this problem, and I don't know exactly what to do. I recently changed my domain from to was a free classified ads for USA in spanish, and was my most affortable site, so I wanted to convert it to .com because I thought it could get more popular with the .com domain. was before a free classified ads website for Colombia, but was not very popular and had poor traffic so I moved the Colombian content to Since I changed my domain from to I have lost a lot of ranking, and l my traffic every day is getting lower. I have already checked the 301 redirections and they are working correctly, but even thought I keep getting less traffic and less money. I have also checked with moz tools both sites link juice, and it says that have better reputation. So I was wondering if I change it back and redirect to but I worrie that if I do that, maybe I can make things worse. What do you recommend me?

    | capmartin85

  • Hello Guys, what are your experiences? How accurate is google analytics data regarding page load times? I know that one of my sites has trouble with pageload times, especially in India and USA. We are based in middle Europe and regarding to the GA data we have here in middle europe of about 2 seconds page load time. Moreover we have of about 4 seconds in USA and 10 seconds in India. Therefore I decided to test for a few sides a CDN (on these pages all static files are served over the CDN). However, first GA data indicates, that the page load times are even getting worse!!! But when I test it for example with pingdom ( and compare it with an old landing page without CDN implementation, the tool says it's faster. The CDN provider (maxcdn) send me also some reports, which indicate, that the page load time should be faster...That's the reason why I ask about your experience with the GA page load time data, because personally I get the impression you cannot trust the data... Thanks for your help! Cheers

    | _Heiko_

  • Hello all, I've been scratching my head about this one for a while now... Let me explain the situation. I'm working on a multi-lingual website. Visitors are redirected (301) when they visit the homepage to the correct,, or based on browser language. I have doubts about the impact on the ability for Google to index the website because of that, but that's a problem for another day. The problem I'm having right now, is that, and are all indexed. When I search for the URL in Google I get the correct page on number one so I'm pretty sure those are indexed correctly. When I search for domain/en/default.html though, the homepage appears without /en/default.html extension. Does this mean Google assumes the page is the same as even though the redirect that's in place? Would be great if someone could shed some light on this. Thanks in advance!

    | buiserik

  • Hi all, When googling our company, I see our main page pop up with 2 different meta descriptions, depending on the search query. The situation
    The search query 'nha' (on returns the main page with a meta description that looks like a random grab from the code by Google itself, starting with 'Ik volg een cursus bij de NHA...' The search query '' (on returns the main page with the proper meta description, starting with 'Aanbieder van thuisstudies met onder meer MBO-opleidingen...'. So yeah, I'd like to have the main page only appear with the proper meta description, the latter one. We did have a redirect issue (duplicate homepages) a few weeks ago and programming fixed it. Could this have something to do with a redirect? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

    | NHA_DistanceLearning

  • After watching this interesting whiteboard friday on pogo-stick: I am left with a question... When users bounce back to search results and click elsewhere is a pogo-stick situation, ok. But if the user spend 2 minutes on the page before to go back, is that still pogo-stick?

    | max.favilli

  • I feel like I've thought about this so much that now I'm thinking in circles and can't figure this out, so I hope someone can help! We have a group of physicians who currently practice privately, but are going to become one entity with one website. However, they are going to look like sub-entities, if this makes sense - instead of every practice being "One Practice Medical Group" they'll be "Lakeside Primary Care - A One Practice Medical Group Company," and then the other guy will be "Red Mountain Primary Care - A One Practice Medical Group Company" and so on for about a half dozen practices. They all have personal sites already, and many are concerned that they will lose any history for their personal sites and will not rank as well in Google as they do right now. One doctor really wants to keep his own site, and then just have a link on his profile page of the new entity's website. Isn't this counterproductive? Also, if we do redirect all the personal websites to the new entity's domain, it will pass any page rank they already have, correct? Should these be 301 redirects, or 302 redirects? None of the current sites really have a lot of "link juice" but we're working with several strong personalities who want the benefits of the big entity but the autonomy of a private practice.

    | RachelEm

  • Hi there, I have a couple of related questions about the crawl report finding duplicate content: We have a number of pages that feature mostly media - just a picture or just a slideshow - with very little text. These pages are rarely viewed and they are identified as duplicate content even though the pages are indeed unique to the user. Does anyone have an opinion about whether or not we'd be better off to just remove them since we do not have the time to add enough text at this point to make them unique to the bots? The other question is we have a redirect for any 404 on our site that follows the pattern* - the redirect merely sends the user back to However, Moz's crawl seems to be reading this as duplicate content as well. I'm not sure why that is, but is there anything we can do about this? These pages do not exist, they just come from someone typing in the wrong url or from someone clicking on a bad link. But we want the traffic - after all the users are landing on a page that has a lot of content. Any help would be great! Thanks very much! George

    | canadageorge

  • Hi, im working on my webstore SEO. I got descriptions from official seller like "Bosch". I got more than 15.000 items so i cant create unique content for each product. Can i use nofollow tag for each product and create great content on category pages? I dont wanna lose rankings because duplicated content. Thank you for help!

    | pejtupizdo

  • Hey guys! We run a tour company in Barcelona. Our company name is Barcelona Experience. We're customizing our URL's to include keywords which can be found in all the important areas on the page (title tage, meta descp., etc).
    We want to change "" to ""
    We're worried the repetition of "barcelona" could be a bad thing. True, or not true? Thanks!

    | BarcelonaExperience

  • I have changed my domain from to .com and tried to submit a change of address form in Google Webmaster Tools. However it seems because I redirect my home page onto I cannot submit the form as it is not a domain name. Is there a way round this? It is not currently an option to move away from Thanks in advance

    | TheHutGroup

  • Hi. really struggling with the robots.txt file
    this is it: User-agent: *
    Disallow: /product/ #old sitemap
    Disallow: /media/name.xml When testing in everything looks good, testing is okay, but when uploading it to the server, Google webmaster tools gives 3 errors. Checked it with my collegue we both don't know what's wrong. Can someone take a look at this and give me the solution.
    Thanx in advance! Leonie

    | Leonie-Kramer

  • Hi everyone. I have a client who really wants to add a 1min html5 video to the background of their homepage. I have managed to reduce the size of the video to 20MB and I have tested the page in pingdom. The results are 1.85 s to load, and weighed in at 21.2 MB. My question is does Google factor page load speed or size in it's ranking factors? I am also mindful of the negative effect this could have on bounce rate. Thanks.

    | WillWatrous

  • Hy guys, I have two questions and one might be a dumb question but there it goes. I just want to be sure that I understand: IF I tell webmaster tools to ignore an URL Parameter, will google still index and rank my url? IS it ok if I don't append in the url structure the brand filter?, will I still rank for that brand? Thanks, PS: ok 3 questions :)...

    | catalinmoraru

  • Hi Guys, I posted on another post here about an issue I am hleping out on with a client about migrating between Joomla and Wordpress. He wants to keep some of the old links live on the Joomla installation (I have advised that Google won't be able to crawl these) he wants the new wordpress installation to run on (a subdirectory) I have researched this and can't see any issues with indexing or page authority as it's just like having an index.php on the end of every URL. So basically if you go to it will be redirected to Will there be any issues, will go frown upon this in anway? Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Is it worth creating an image sitemap? I read an image sitemap can only have 1k entries would I need to make 50 different ones?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi A subdomain for our admin site has been indexed and it has caused over 2000 instances of duplicate content. To fix this issue, is a 301 redirect or canoncial tag the best option? Really appreciate your advice J

    | Metricly-Marketing

  • I am working on fixing accessibility issues on client's site, and they have contracted with a vendor who provides both tools to monitor the site and consulting to help us fix issues that are found. When there are spatial relationships between elements on a page that would be not be evident to someone listening via a screen reader, a strategy that they recommended to us to is to add text helpers that are not visible, but still read by the screen readers. An example: Directions to our Fifth Avenue Store I have seen this technique used on a major brand site but I am concerned that their brand strength insulates them from a hidden text penalty far more than my client's brand would. Also, their implementation uses class names like "ada_hidden" which may help search engines understand the intent, or may not at all. I am looking for opinions regarding the use of this technique. Normally I wouldn't use it for risk of penalty, but here the intent is to improve the user experience of the pages. Anyone used similar techniques for ADA/WCAG, or solved the problem in a more SEO-friendly way? Thanks, Will

    | WillW

  • Should mobile pages get their own unique meta title? The meta I see on mobile search results is pulled from my desktop page and the mobile page does not include the title meta tag.

    | Mr.bfz

  • Prior to doing a little work cleaning up broken links and keyword stuffing Google only indexed 23/333 pages. I realize it may not be because of the work but now we have around 300/333. My question is is this a big deal? cheers,

    | Billboard2012

  • Hi! I need to add in my .htaccess a way to redirect URL that don't end with / to the one thats end wth /.For example, I need to redirect to And, of course, this redirection should be only for URLs that don't end with /, so I don't get double // at the end. I already have the code to redirect the non-www to the www, but can't find a way to do the slash thing. Thanks!

    | arielbortz

  • We recently redesigned our website and we are finding a lot of issues. In particular, our inner pages are not recieving any links.. This did not happen before.. How can I solve this issue? Example: Regards, Cecilia

    | ceci2710

  • I'm currently working on a recrutiment website.  One of the things we do to drive traffic to the site is post our job listings out to a number of job boards eg. Indeed. These sites replicate our own job listings which means that for every job there are at least 5-10 exact duplicates on the web.  By nature the job boards have good domain authority so they always rank above us but I would still expect to see more in the way of long-tail traffic. Is it necessary for me to claim our own job listings as the original source and if so, how do I go about doing it? Thanks

    | shr109

  • Hi! So we recently (a month ago) lunched a new website, we have great content that updates everyday, we're active on social platforms, and we did all that's possible, at the moment, when it comes to on site optimization (a web developer will join our team this month and help us fix all the rest). When I search for our brand name all our social profiles come up first, after them we have a few inner pages from our different news sections, but our homepage is somewhere in the 2nd search page... What may be the reason for that? Is it just a matter of time or is there a problem with our homepage I'm unable to find? Thanks!

    | Orly-PP

  • Hi There, I have a technical question about migrating CMS's but not servers. My client has site A on Joomla install, He want's ot migrate to Wordpress and we will call this site B. As he has a lot of old content on site A he doesn't want to lose, he has put site B (wordpress install) on a subdirectory (for example). and will use a htaccess to forward the root domain to this wordpress site. Therefore anyone going to will see the new wordpress site and the old content and joomla install will sit on the root of the server. Will Google have an issue with this? Will it even find the old content? what are the issues for the new site and new content? Look forward getting your guys input

    | nezona

  • Howdy Mozers! It's a long story, but I have Wordpress installed on my root domain "" and in "" as well. Will this affect my SEO? Should I delete WP from my folder, and build my pages from a folder on the root domain, like ""? Hope I've managed to properly explain myself 🙂 Thanks!

    | Fernando_

  • We have a relationship built through a service we offer to universities to be issued a .edu subdomain that we could redirect to our landing page relevant to that school. The other option is having a link from their website to that same page. My first question is, what would be more valuable? Can you pass domain authority by redirecting a subdomain to a subdirectory in my root domain? Or would simply passing the link equity from a page in their root domain to our page pass enough value? My second question is, if creating a subdomain with a redirect is much more valuable, what is the best process for this? Would we simply have their webmaster create the subdomain for us an have them put a 301 redirect to our page? Is this getting in the greyer hat area? Thanks guys!

    | Dom441

  • I have the little yellow exclamation point under my robots.txt fetch as you can see here- This version shows no errors or warnings- Under the tester I can currently see the latest version. This site hasn't changed URLs recently, and we haven't made any changes to the robots.txt file for two years. This problem just started in the last month. Should I worry?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi all, A week ago I had 66 sitemap errors related to href langs in my GWT. Now, all the errors are gone, and it shows no errors. We have not done any work to fix the errors. I wonder if anybody has experienced the same thing, of Google suddenly changing the criteria or the way they report on errors in Google Webmaster Tools. I would appreciate any insights from the community! Best regards Peru

    | SMVSEO

  • I have noticed something odd about how Google ranks social media pages, and was hoping someone would have a good explanation. When I search for a particular name in Google, the first two results are Twitter pages of two people who share the same name. #1 is an older account with more Tweets, but it has fewer followers, no external backlinks, and the URL is unrelated to the name #2 is a newer account, but it has more followers, a few external backlinks, and the name itself is in the URL.  It has fewer overall Tweets, but has Tweeted more frequently over the past several months.  #2 is also happens to be in the same City as I am. Given my understanding of Google's ranking factors, I would not have expected #1 to outrank #2.  In fact, I would not have expected #1 to even be on the first page. What could be causing #1 to rank so highly?  Does it make sense that the age of the account or the number of Tweets would affect SEO at all?  Really, I am just trying to understand what are the main factors that determine the ranking of social media profile pages. Thanks

    | timsegraves

  • We launched a subdirectory site about two months ago for our client. What's happening is searches for the topic covered by the subdirectory are yielding search results for the old site and not the new site. We'd like to change this. Are there best practices for the subdirectory site Specifically we're looking for things we can do using sitemapping and Webmaster tools. Are there other technical things we can do? Thanks you.

    | IVSeoTeam12

  • Any issues with 301 redirecting a site's homepage to the English version subdirectory? Example: Original homepage: New homepage: The site is very old and very authoritative and trusted with lots of traffic.

    | SoulSurfer8

  • Hello Mozzers, A friend has a business website and the on-page stuff is done really bad. He wants to rank for: conference room furnishing, video conference, digital signage. (Don't worry about the keywords, it's just made up for an example.) For these three services he has a page: AV stands for audio and video and is the h1. If you click on one of the service, the url doesn't change. Like if you click on video conference, just the text changes, the url stays /av. All his targeted pages got an F Grade, I am not surprised, the services titles are in . Wouldn't it be a lot better to make an own page for every service with a targeted keyword, like All this stuff is on /av, how will a 301 resirect work to all the service pages, does this make sense? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    | grobro

  • Hi What is everyone's preferred method of generating an XML sitemap? Just wondering if one piece of software is better than others?

    | TheZenAgency

  • I am designing a new category for my website. Instead of a grid or list view there is an additional (default) view that implements Owl Carousel. What this means for SEO is that there is going to be a lot of dynamically loaded content and I am not quite sure how to handle that. By default all the user (and Google) will see is product images. Once the product image is clicked more details are shown about the product. Are there any articles that any of you can refer me to on Googles recommendation for handling dynamic content? My initial thought was that with a decent site map and the other available views this wouldn't be a big deal, especially since my categories tend to bog down SEO with links and repetitive terms in the product name (i.e. Flavored This, Flavored That, Flavored Other Term) as well as I'm unsure if I need the "juice" passed through my category product links.. but I'll leave it to the community to confirm that.

    | bearpaw

  • Moz is showing us that we have a HUGE amount of 302 redirects. These are coming from our community forum. Forum URL: Example thread URL: Example URL that points to a specific reply: The above link 302 redirects to this URL: My two questions would be: Do you think we should we add rel=nofollow to the specific reply URLs? If possible, should we make those redirects 301 vs. 302? Screencast attached. nofollow_302.mp4

    | Bjork

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