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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We used to use this page to rank for the words vinyl banner and PVC banner but we have tried to focus the page only on PVC banners and move the vinyl banners word to yet for some reason even though they have both been spidered google has now chosen to rank this page for the vinyl banner words- how do I stop this from happening I thought the home page would be powerful enough to rank for the word with a title inclusion and a spread of the word on the page. Also if anyone can give their opinion on why they think does not rank very well I would be truly appreciative.

    | BobAnderson

  • I have currently completed onsite optimization for my ecom site. Now i am focusing towards offpage. I like get the experts from where to start. I like to get help on where to start getting the quality backlinks for my site. Thanks in advance.

    | nsale

  • Hi, we are a South African insurance company. We have a page which has a 301 redirect to Problem is that the former page is ranking in the index rather than the latter. The latter page does index occasionally in the same position, but rarely. This is primarily for search phrases like "car insurance" and "car insurance quotes". The ranking was knocked down the index with Penquin 2.0. It was not ranking at all but we have managed to recover to 12/13. This abnormally has only been occurring since the recovery. The correct page does index for other search terms like "insurance for car". Your help would be appreciated, thanks!

    | miway

  • Hi, we have a client who currently has a lot of duplicate content with their UK and US website. Both websites are geographically targeted (via google webmaster tools) to their specific location and have the appropriate local domain extension. Is having duplicate content a major issue, since they are in two different countries and geographic regions of the world? Any statement from Google about this? Regards, Bill

    | MBASydney

  • I'm writing this question just to insure that we are implementing the responsive design correctly.Example of pages: : we show different pages(Enhanced for mobile users) to mobile/Tablets visitors (sure same content) but with new icons that enhance the User experience for mobile/tablet users , while hiding these items to PC, laptop users?.Thanks


  • Hi, Changing the spellings of titles and URl changes We identifies 500+ titles with some issues like spellings and punctuations and short or too long. We want to change them, but the titles are connected with the URL's when we change the titles the URl's change as well. My questions are 1. Is it a good way to change them all in one shot or do few daily 2. As the URl's change will Google index drop the old pages as they would be 404 and index new ones? 3. Will we have chances to have drop in traffic due to this? 4. Any way to redirect? as we have a Drupal website Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • When doing keyword research and trying to rank for a keyword. I am wondering if we need to localize the query by adding a city to it. For example Phoenix Web Design vs. just targeting web design since Google is localizing search results now. Then when creating content and optimizing the site do we just put the keyword in the title and page content or do we also add the region/city to the keyword phrase? Any insight would be appreciated.

    | hireawizseo

  • How long do links show for in software such as Majestic ect once the link has been removed.

    | BobAnderson

  • Hey Guys, I've done quite a bit of research on this but still can't decide what the correct answer is, so was hoping the Moz community might be able to give some clarification. Say I have a URL ** **is there any benefit in changing my site's backend structure (a relatively lengthly process) so the URL can read ** **without the 'product' slug? I understand keywords in the URL can have a small impact on SEO, but does the positioning to this degree play any part? Any advice would be great.

    | paragongroup

  • Hi All, I'm new to evaluating backlinks, but I just saw I got over 50,000 links from a backlink that was added on ONE page at this site here: http://www.netnewspublisherDOTcom. I presume this is not a good thing, and if I contact them to remove the one link on the one page, it won't solve the other 49,999 links that Google is seeing pointing to us, so what do I do??. Should I contact them and ask to remove it and see if they don't and then disavow?  Or would you just tell Google to disavow the whole site? Thanks!

    | mlm12

  • Can anyone tellme how to know my author rank. Is better to gain authority on my author rank +dariopropdental And if it is better to gain authority as author or as page +propdental And if a do a new post on my web every day should i place every link to the post on my profile and my page. Doenst it look spammy. Should all post have a link from my profile.

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi there Would really appreciate your help in dealing with the following scenario: My client is an authority brand in their sector. They were bought end 2011, and a new website was launched under the new owner's brand. For whatever reason no 301 redirects were put in place from the old site to the new site. I am now auditing the new site and the traffic is pitifully low, way lower than they used to enjoy on the old site. The old site is defunct and Google is no longer indexing it. However OSE shows that the link profile of the old site was very good with thousands of good quality links, whilst it is non-existent for the new site. I am thinking that even though Google does not index the old site, we should try and get access and put 301s in place on the old pages to help transfer across all the link juice to boost the new site. Do you agree or am I missing something here? Will page rank be transferred across even though the old site is dead? What else could we do? Would change of domain in WMT help? Although how would that work for a defunct site? We should probably 301 anyway as it would be good to ensure that folk following all those links can find my client's new site, but it would be great if page rank flowed too! All ideas appreciated! Many thanks

    | Chammy

  • I've ended up with two sites which have similar content (but not duplicate) and target similar keywords, rather than trying to maintain two sites I would like to merge the sites together. The old site is more of a traditional niche site and targets a particular set of keywords on its homepage, the new site is more of an authority site with a magazine type homepage and targets the same set of keywords from an internal page. My question is: Should I redirect the old site's homepage to the relevant internal page on the new website...
    ...or should I redirect the old site's homepage to the new site's homepage? (the old site's homepage backlinks are a mixture of partial match keyword anchor text, naked URLs and branded anchor text) I am in two minds (a & b!) (a) Redirecting to the internal page would be great for ranking as there are some decent backlinks and the content is similar (b) But usually when you do a 301 redirect the homepage usually directs to the new homepage and some of the old site's links are related to the domain rather than the keyword (e.g. and some people will be looking for the site's homepage. What do you think? Your help is much appreciated (and hope this makes sense...!)

    | lara_dar

  • What would be the best way to temporarily shut down a site the right way and not have a negative impact on SEO?

    | LibertyTax

  • It is common the B2B world to have 3rd parties host your whitepapers for added exposure. Is this a bad practice from an SEO point of view? Is the expectation that the 3rd parties use rel=canonical tags? I doubt most of them do . . .

    | BlueLinkERP

  • What would be a perfect robots.txt file my site is Can i just place: User-agent: * Or should i write something more???

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Assuming all the following websites content is of the same value to google's eyes (or assume duplicate content isnt penalized and they are all the same) and they all go to the same landing page (assuming the above rules) in what order do you think these would rank in a US google search for 'shoes'. A) B) C) D) E) (if you have the time) Repeat B),C) and D) for .net

    | howiex1

  • Hello I would be grateful for any input on this. I'm the webmaster of the site.. -> Before May 22, 2013, penguin 2 updates, i was getting around 700 - 800 Unique hits per day After pengin 2 Updates, There is no difference In ranking... But my traffic has halved Saturday for example the only received 66 hits. Please check my ranking stats Total Keywords 300 Rankings 220 In Top 3 288 On First Page 6. But traffic stats is Week ending: 6/16 Change 6/23 6/16 Change 6/23 6/16 Change 6/23
    Organic Search Visits
    Total number of organic (unpaid) visits to your site from search engines.
    1,782 -11% 1,589 37 -16% 31 1,745 -11% 1,558
    URLs Receiving Entrances Via Search
    The number of distinct URLs on your site that receive one or more organic (unpaid) visits from a search engine.
    370 -4% 354 8 13% 9 362 -5% 345
    Non-Paid Keywords Sending Search Visits
    The number of distinct keywords that send one or more organic (unpaid) visits to your site.
    886 -2% 865 8 0% 8 878 -2% 857 My questions are 1. Why is there a major decline in traffic when ranking is more orless same 2. What is the possible solution? 3. Am I targeting wrong keywords? If so, what would the alternatives be? Please note the 300 I have inserted were simply cut and pasted from a list of 1103 targeted kws. I would be grateful for any suggestions, so I may get traffic back to where it was before. Thanks

    | JaffeyApple

  • I'm curious about the relationship (or lack of ) between Google rankings and Bing rankings. We took a huge hit last winter with Google and have since gotten back up to the top 3 and have been holding steady on all our most important terms. Most of our losses since regaining Google, have been with Bing. This week, we dropped 44 points on Bing and Yahoo! for our most important term. Are there known factors for Bing ranking? If so, can anyone please enlighten me? And does anyone think Bing rankings even matter these days?

    | gfiedel

  • On July 10th my site was migrated from Drupal to Google. The site contains approximately 400 pages. 301 permanent redirects were used. The site contains maybe 50 pages of new content. Many of the new pages have not been indexed and many pages show as duplicate content. Is it possible that there is a site map issue that is causing this problem? My developer believes the map is formatted correctly, but I am not convinced. The sitemap address is [^] I am completely non technical so if anyone could take a brief look I would appreciate it immensely. Thanks,
    Alan |   |

    | Kingalan1

  • I've been trying to block out a few URLs using robots.txt, but I can't seem to get the specific one I'm trying to block. Here is an example. I'm trying to block but not block It seems if it setup my robots.txt as so.. Disallow: /cats It's blocking both urls. When I crawl the site with screaming flog, that Disallow is causing both urls to be blocked.  How can I set up my robots.txt to specifically block /cats? I thought it was by doing it the way I was, but that doesn't seem to solve it. Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.

    | Whebb

  • We're working on a website built in WooCommerce that has 12 products. Each of the products have URLs like this We're thinking about removing the /products/ so that they keyword is as close to the left as possible, but came across this page from WooCommerce saying that it could be a bad thing: Your thoughts? Thanks for the help!

    | Stryde

  • Hi, We're working with a local service provider with a location specific keyword (not a real example: "orlando plumbing contractors"). Background:
    In recent history the client updated a new site design and upgraded from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5.  Of course there were duplicate content issues which have been resolved with the help of AceSEF. Duplicate content, title tags, and other content issues are handled as soon as they appear in GWT or MOZ. Additionally, a high number of backlinks were lost when the latest Google update hit.  Many of these sites were of sites that no longer existed or were spammy and flushed out.  Some were lost due to the previous SEO firm literally removing backlinks and switching them to their new client (seo firm was putting all of the work the client paid for under their name to control everything). Current Situation: The backlink loss seems to have been stopped (hopefully) because we are using a new strategy that relies solely on the quality of the links, surrounding text, varied anchor text, relevancy, etc.)  However, we tried an experiment on just one of the clients keywords.  That experiment seems to have blown up in our faces evidently. The landing page for the location specific keyword  has dropped from the index completely (it seems), but only when searching broad.  When using exact match with quotes like the example quoted above ("orlando plumbing contractors") the landing page appears, but several ranks lower.  We were ranked yesterday 6/23/13, but as of today 6/24/13 are no longer ranked. On broad matches, non-relevant sites and even a site that shows only a broken server configuration is outranking the client (they appear for the broad search, but the client does not). What Was Done
    We recently created a press release for and posted it on a press release site.  We then created a link back to the landing page (exact match anchor text).  We posted the PR article to several social sites (Google plus, folkd, delicious, twitter, stumble upon, diigo). We also created a blog article (on-site) on site for that, creating links back to the landing page (the links all had exact anchor text).  We posted that blog article to social news sites (facebook, stumble, delicious) and included a ping.  The PR article was manually rewritten and posted to the PR site (we had to make 2 versions of the PR; one for the blog and one for the PR site). The Result
    The client ending up dropping off the broad search rankings, but only slipped a few for "exact match" (with quotes).  The PR article that was created is now ranked on page 3 for the board keyword and is still beat by non working sites. We suspect that the exact anchor text could be causing this problem.  Anyone else have an idea (we're scratching our heads and trying not to freak out at the same time).

    | AaronHenry

  • I have a website, that I rewrote great content for, but I recently found that there are many, many links going to the subdomain that may be pulling it down. Has anyone had experience taking down a site and then moving the content to a new site? Will it be considered duplicate content if you completely take the old site down and use rel="canonical" on new site pages? I don't want to lose the good content, but I cannot have it on the current URL with all the bad backlinking (it's a complicated situation, as I need to keep those backlinks which are affiliates). Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • Hi All, If you're not familiar with Skimlinks, what they do is turn organic links into affiliates links so that publishers can earn commission through our affiliate program. Pretty much every SEO's nightmare. anchor text "Floppy straw hat" Looking at the source code the link looks clean, but as soon you click on it you get redirected via a 302 to our site. My questions is; is it just users that get redirect or is it the same for search engines? Screaming frog recognises the link as a 200. Are we losing all the link juice, or is it fine? I've have half a mind to kick them out of the program. Cheers

    | Carlos-R

  • Hi All, I wondered if some could help me as I am at my wits end. Our website was hit with a manual penalty back in April 26th 2012 for over optomizing our inbound links and after 9 reconciliation request later and over a year and many links removed the penalty was revoked. Yay I hear you cry! During the year was banned we built .com yet did not build any links to it. The purpose of the .com site was to attract an American audience for our products. .com was hosted on a US server and Geo Targeting set to United States in WMT. So here is my problem after the ban was revoke we expected to spring back to some reasonable positions. Nope that is not the case Google now is ranking our .com site where our should be for powerdull keywords in position 1st to 10th .com has Zero link equity and is very reasonable, So how can I rectify this balls ups and get listed back where it should be…. I am not bothered where .com ranks. Note: To the best of my knowledge there are NO cross domain 301 or the like only an image link between the two sites. I have posted this on WMT forum and it has fallen on deaf ears! me MOZ members you’re my only hope! Thanks in advance Richard PS: If anyone would like the URL’s in question PM me and I will let you know.

    | Tricky-40

  • Hello All Mozers, Quick question on URL.  I know URL is important and should include keywords and all that but my question is does including numbers (not date or page numbers but numbers for internal use) in the URL affect SEO? For example,,12,1,23345.htm  Is that any better or worse than I understand that this is not user friendly but in SEO stand point does it hurt ranking?  What's your opinion on this? Thank you!

    | TommyTan

  • For six months or so, my team and I have been trying to get our blog to rank on page one in Google for the term "Instabill." The URL,, is a sub-domain of our company website and they both use the same IP address. Three pages on our site rank in the top three spots when searching our brand name in Google. However, our blog ranks 100+. For our blog, we are currently using b2evolution and nginx. We have tried adding static content on the home page, static content in the sidebar, static content on an About Instabill page, and optimizing blog posts for the keyword Instabill, but nothing seems to work. We appreciate any advice you can provide to us. Thank you!

    | Instabill

  • I have been guest blogging on various websites. The web pages that display my guest posts have zero page authority but a great domain authority of 60/100 or more. 2 links I developed are noted below as examples:  Am I wasting my time with this?
    Thank you!

    | superZj

  • Hello, I have a website with 1k+ links pointed directly to an inner page and home page from blogspot domains. There are 3 links in the footer that points to different locations. 1st anchor text points to the person who designed the page template and links to their website (this doesn't affect us) 2nd anchor text uses a direct keyword that I am trying to rank for and links to the inner page. 3rd anchor text uses my website name and links to the home page I know that these are not good links and the content inside the pages are irrelevant to my own website. The links are embedded into the template on the footer and is site wide.I have already contacted the designer and have the links removed but those that have downloaded the templates still have the footer link. What would be the best way to remove all these footer links? Trying to contact each individual person who is using the template is not working out as most have not responded and some of the websites have not seen an update in years! Any thoughts? If you need additional information feel free to send me a direct message so I can send you an exact link.

    | Shawn124

  • Hi, How can i stop such links being indexed The first link is what i want to stop indexed. We have 1,000's of people writing articles and the below URl shows how many articles each did But this is the URl which shows the exact article both start as this can i set noindex? Should we set for each URL manually one by oneThanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Even if I put the URL into Google it doesn't show up....

    | howlusa

  • Hello everyone, Looking to hire someone to help me out with a project in the flight tickets industry. Someone who's worked with similar industry and can provide some assistance with SEO strategy.

    | NickMacario

  • Quick question - Are links on charity websites with a small mention about what your company does good links to go for?

    | BobAnderson

  • Right, I'm struggling and could really do with a different perspective on a website I am working on This is an Analytics image for March through to July of organic unique visitors The page for concrete repair is struggling in the rankings and is currently residing somewhere like page 15 on Goooooogle. Is there anyway back??? Y2zaekP

    | Hughescov

  • Hello everybody ! My client has a blog for 2 years with many posts on overblog, a French blog host like Blogger. Now we are currently building a new website with a new blog within the site. Those posts are valuable content that bring some traffic to the old blog. My idea was to re-publish those posts on the new blog to start with some good content. Unfortunately, the blog host don't let me use 301 redirects or re=canonical tags to tell search engines that the post is now in the new website and avoid duplicate content. What is the best SEO solution in this case ? Can we delete the posts on the old blog and publish them in the new one ? Thanks for your help! Bruno

    | Buddyweb

  • I read an article yesterday that said blogging comes under the heading of social media, which is at the top of the so called SEO pyramid.  I have taken this to mean less time should be spent in social media compared to other areas of SEO. Yet content creation was at the bottom of the pyramid (more time allocation here).  Isn't blogging part of content creation? I would have thought there is a limit to what can be done for service/product & landing pages.  Whereas blogs are a great way to produce more unique content for a website. Any clarification would be appreciated. Thanks - Christina

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • Hi All, Where is the best place to position the keyword / keyphrase within a heading? i.e. for keyphrase Red Shoes Which of the below would yield better SEO results whilst ensuring readability to us humans. Latest fashions in red shoes.
    or Red shoes at an affordable price. Thanks Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Hi, I am running an ecommerce store - cookware, bakeware, knives etc... I have someone I know personally that is a writer and one of her blogs is about cooking - lots of well established articles with keywords througout. Is there any harm in getting some inbound links from her blog on certain keywords? If so, should I limit the number of outgoing links per article she has? Any guidelines? Thanks!

    | bjs2010

  • A website of mine has about 4,000 backlinks of which 2,500 of them are coming from one website to the homepage and about 6 internal pages.  These have been built up over about 5 years, mainly via article posts. The site was recently hit via penguin 2.0 but has only had natural links built so i'm wondering if the sitewide links are in fact the issue? The website linking to mine is an authority source within its niche but the concern is the amount of backlinks coming from this one site and if it may now be seen as having a negative impact.  When ive reviewed the links from this one site via a backlink removal tool about 80% seem fine and suggestions are to remove about 20% of the backlinks. Would you keep all the sitewide backlinks or remove them?
    Have you come across a similar situation and how did it affect ranking/traffic?

    | jazavide

  • In an attempt to not feel bad for not blogging, I set up a new subdomain on my site to have a "coming soon" style page and "best of" section for my blog and video show properties. All the pages on the relaunch subdomain are done in Unbounce. The idea was that I would then take the pages on my regular domain, and one by one create landing pages that test out new design ideas (instead of going into full production web design) and redirect the traffic from the top ranked pages to the new, redesigned pages. At first, I set up the 301 through a plugin in wordpress and for the first week or so it was great. As far as I know, I did set my canonical tags up properly on that page too. However, just a couple days ago, I wasn't getting the same traffic, and my top ranked keyword that accounts for over half my traffic is nowhere to be found in at least the first 15 pages of search results. Which stinks, because I've maintained that rank for well over 2 years 😞 Clearly, something I did wasn't liked by Google, and I wonder, what did I do "wrong" and is there anything I could do to get that rank back?

    | Thomas_m_walker

  • HI Seomoz, Yes, this question is to you :-), but it might come in handy for the rest of us. With the revamp of your service and website, you guys also decided to change your web address to Myself and perhaps others here consider to do the same. Yet I fear loss in the SERP's. Did you guys experience any loss in the SERP's for your most valuable keywords? What was your plan of action?

    | wellnesswooz

  • We are in the process of detemining how to handle URLs that are completely removed from our website? Think of these as listings that have an expiration date (i.e. What is the best practice for removing these listings (assuming not many people are linking to them externally). 301 to a general page (i.e. Do nothing and leave them up but remove from the site map (as they are no longer useful from a user perspective) return a 404 or 410?

    | abargmann

  • I added a Google custom search box to my pages, that's doing an advanced Google search. A lot of people are using it. So users are coming to my site from a Google search, and then often performing another Google search on my site. Should I be worried that Google may interpret the resultant user behavior as a bounce or pogo-stick? Or will the fact that the second search occurred on my site, using custom search, and with advanced parameters signal to Google that this is not a dissatisfied user returning to Google? Thanks

    | GilReich

  • Hi Guys, Refering back to my original post I would first like to thank you guys for all the advice. We implemented canonical url's all over the site and noindexed some url's with robots.txt and the site already went from 100.000+ url's indexed to 87.000 urls indexed in GWT. My question: Is there way to speed this up? 
    I do know about the way to remove url's from index (with noindex of robots.txt condition) but this is a very intensive way to do so. I was hoping you guys maybe have a solution for this.. 🙂

    | ssiebn7

  • Dear Mozzers, I intend to block some certain countries from viewing my website (including proxy), will it affect my Google ranking? Thank you for your help. BR/Tran

    | SteveTran2013

  • Hi! I'm trying to do a 301 from to I know I need to use the request command to avoid an infinite loop, but I can't quite figure out the correct code. Here's the first part of the htaccess file. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule .*.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ - [F,NC] Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    | Blink-SEO

  • I have a company that works in multiple locations but only has a physical address in one location. Is it possible to get this type of business listed in multiple locations? What is the most ethical way of doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Christina

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • I launched a content branch of over 1200 guides for my company's website one year ago.  This content branch now receives 180,000 visits per month.  Unfortunately, my company has needed to cut back on several of the vertical services that it offers. As a result, many of the top article search results accounting for the majority of the traffic to this branch are now obsolete. Are there any feasible ways to shift the authority of these obsolete top rated pages (located in the top 20 results) to other articles that cover services that we still do offer?  For reference, please see the attached image containing an overview of the top 20x results accounting for 40% of all traffic to this content branch. Green are still valid content and but all other colors are not.  Does anyone have suggestions for moving more green articles up and into the top 20x results while pushing the other ones down without loosing out on overall site traffic? Appreciate any and all feedback!  Thanks!!! 1qMyYEJ.jpg

    | TQContent

  • Hi there I have a new client who has two websites: They are the same in every regard apart from the domain extension ( & which is likely to be causing them issues with Google ranking given the huge amount of duplicate content. What is the best practice approach to fixing this? Normally, if I was starting from scratch, I would set one of the extensions as an alias which redirects to the main domain. Thanks in advance. Laurie

    | turnbullholdingsltd

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