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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • This question might seem silly, but I'll ask anyway. We have an eCommerce site with a ton of duplicate content, mostly caused by faceted navigation.  In researching ways to reduce the clutter, I've decided to use Google parameter handling to stop Googlebot from crawling pages with certain parameters, like: sort order, page #, etc... Now my question: If I set all of these parameters so that Googlebot doesn't crawl the grids, how will they ever find the individual product pages?  We do upload a sitemap with all of the product pages.  Does this solve my issue?  Or, should I handle the duplicate content with noindex, follow tag? Or, is there an even better way? Thanks

    | rhoadesjohn

  • Who do you recommend for Conversion Rate Optimization services?

    | AWCthreads

  • We have been attempting to get our blogsite to rank for our business name(Instabill). We are now considering changing the url from to something like I have following concerns about the change; Will changing the domain really be that helpful (i.e. will the change get our blog on page one for the term instabill) We have over 350 pages of content on our blog. Will changing the domain have possible negative effects ( I was thinking of using url updater in webmaster tools and creating a permanent 301 redirect from the older url to the new) Having never changed a url for a site with this much content and seo value for my company I would like to know the following from someone who has made mistakes here before; what not to do what steps you would take to make the transition easier Any help here will be greatly appreciated. cheers, Instabill

    | Instabill

  • How does Google process a product page with description tabs?  For example, lets say the product page has a tab for Overview, Specifications, What's In the Box and so on. Wouldn't that content be better served in one main product description tab with the tab names used as (htags) or highlighted paragraph separators? Or, does all that content get crawled as a single page regardless of the tabs?

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi guys! Was wondering if you can help me out finding training/courses/resources that you could recommend for content marketing for large retail ecommerce sites. Particularly interested in editing product and category pages though open minded for any of your support. Any suggestion is welcomed. In advance I appreciate your time and help! Best, Finn

    | insite360

  • Hi, We would like to start uploading videos for support on our soon to be launched support centre interface. We wanted to know if we should use Youtube or Vimeo for something like this. From an SEO standpoint which video streaming software is better? If these videos get linked on blogs etc which video platform would give us stronger SEO juice? Awaiting your inputs

    | RuchiPardal

  • About Us, FAQ, Site Map, Terms & Privacy - I know rarely viewed by users (at least on my website), so why keep in global footer across all pages, since one could argue it will dilute some link juice to more important pages?Why not just keep on homepage only? What is argument for having links to these pages across all pages on a site? Is there any SEO value?

    | knielsen

  • Hi guys I look after a festival website whose program changes year in and year out. There are a handful of mainstay events in the festival which remain each year, but there are a bunch of other events which change each year around the mainstay programming.This often results in us redoing the website each year (a frustrating experience indeed!) We don't archive our past festivals online, but I'd like to start doing so for a number of reasons 1. These past festivals have historical value - they happened, and they contribute to telling the story of the festival over the years. They can also be used as useful windows into the upcoming festival. 2. The old events (while no longer running) often get many social shares, high quality links and in some instances still drive traffic. We try out best to 301 redirect these high value pages to the new festival website, but it's not always possible to find a similar alternative (so these redirects often go to the homepage) Anyway, I've noticed some festivals archive their content into a subdirectory - i.e. However, I'm thinking it would actually be easier for my team to archive via a subdomain like - and always use the URL for the current year's event. I'm thinking universally redirecting the content would be easier, as would cloning the site / database etc. My question is - is one approach (i.e. directory vs. subdomain) better than the other? Do I need to be mindful of using a subdomain for archival purposes? Hope this all makes sense. Many thanks!

    | cos2030

  • Hi Everyone, One of my clients I am doing marketing consulting for is a big law firm. For the past 3 years they have been paying someone to write blog posts everyday in hopes of improving search traffic to site. The blog did indeed increase traffic to the site, but analyzing the stats, the firm generates no leads (via form or phone) from any of the search traffic that lands in the blog. Furthermore, I'm seeing Google send many search queries that people use to get to the site to blog pages, when it would be much more beneficial to have that traffic go to the main part of the website. In short, the law firm's blog provides little to no value to end users and was written entirely for SEO purposes. Now the law firm's website has 6,000 unique pages, and only 400 pages of the site are NON-blog pages (the good stuff, essentially). About 35% of the site's total site traffic lands on the blog pages from search, but again... this traffic does not convert, has very high bounce rate and I doubt there is any branding benefit either. With all that said, I didn't know if it would be best to delete the blog, redirect blog pages to some other page on the site, etc? The law firm has ceased writing new blog posts upon my recommendation, as well. I am afraid of doing something ill-advised with the blog since it accounts now for 95% of the pages of the website. But again, it's useless drivel in my eyes that adds no value and was simply a misguided SEO effort from another marketer that heard blogs are good for SEO. I would certainly appreciate any guidance or advice on how best to handle this situation. Thank you for your kind help!

    | gbkevin

  • I found an interesting discussion on seoroundtable where Barry Schwartz and others were discussing using robots.txt to block low quality content areas affected by Panda. The article is a bit dated. I was wondering what current opinions are on this. We have some dynamically generated content pages which we tried to improve after panda.  Resources have been limited and alas, they are still there.  Until we can officially remove them I thought it may be a good idea to just block the entire directory.  I would also remove them from my sitemaps and resubmit.  There are links coming in but I could redirect the important ones (was going to do that anyway).  Thoughts?

    | Eric_edvisors

  • I'm considering installing Wordpress for my website. So I have to change the static URL's from /webpage.html to /webpage/. Yet I don't want to lose in the SERP's. What should I expect?

    | wellnesswooz

  • Has anyone used Google Tag Manager and do you feel it is worth it?

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • My client, Comprehensive OBGYN of the Palm Beaches, is being outranked by two sites that have lower DA/PA and seemingly inferior on-page work for the term "palm beach obgyn". Our site is The two sites beating us are "" and "" My only thought is the exact match domain factor may be coming into play a bit, but It doesn't seem like it should make THIS much of a difference. Any thoughts?

    | RickyShockley

  • One of my clients was once in the #1 position for "Philadelphia interior designer" and other related terms, but her site has dropped significantly.  Still it is on the first page, but far from its former glory. is the site. What really confuses me is why in her home turf search of "Bucks County Interior Designer" a competitor,, is above her in the SERPS.  According to OSE her competitor has a PA of 32 vs my client's 39.  My client has 35 Linking Root Domains (and some of high quality) compared to just 11 for the competition.   In all aspects her competitor looks weaker and less relevant to me. Her site has been weak in the SERPs since May/June. We are redesigning her site- she has a high bounce rate compared to my other interior design clients, something like 55%. Any insights from y'all?

    | dfhytrwy

  • Question - Does Google read code as is or as rendered? So for example, with a Facebook Like box, it has all the profile pictures of people...will Google see these as all separate links or ignore them?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hi I'm tidying up my site and had a few questions ref: use of headings. 1. My previous SEO company use to reduce the font size for headings, this seems a bit black hat to me ? Is this okay? For example heading text as font 6 and paragraph text as font 12. 2. If my key search term is 'driving lessons in London' and my second key search term is 'Driving Schools London', Is it better to have my H1 as: Driving Lessons London & H2 as: Driving Schools London OR H1: Quality Driving Lessons in London by driveJohnson's H2: How our driving school in London can help you: In my opinion the 2nd one reads better and i notice other companies doing it the second way, the first way i mentioned seems a bit old school and doesn't read well ? 3. Is it worth using H3 & H4 ? Can you use H2 more than once ? 4. Lastly could i have two key search terms within one heading, as long as the paragraph underneath is about the heading. For example: H1: Our driving school in London offers cheap driving lessons The two keywords search phrases here for me would be driving schools London and driving lessons london. If someone could get back to me, i would be very grateful.

    | Anthony1982

  • Hi, We have an online store, it is up & running since January 1st. Since then we really didn't see any improvements on our organic traffic at all. About 10% of our traffic is coming from organic search, and more than 20% of organic search actually coming from branded keywords. We haven't paid a lot of attention to SEO so far. I mean, we paid attention to the practices, however we focused on a better customer/user experience more than SEO. We improved our product pages, reduced checkout process to one step, used bigger icons / buttons. According to our customers, our website is pretty easy to navigate and shop. We haven't received any major complaint so far. Except couple of products, all the content we have is original, we didn't use any manufacturer product content or copied from another website. However, looks like all these efforts don't mean a lot to Google, unless we have a solid backlinks. Currently i am considering to make category pages NOINDEX and implement microdata from However, Is it good idea to make category pages NOINDEX for an ecommerce website? I would like to hear your comments/recommendations what else we can do to create some organic traffic.

    | serkie

  • I'm doing some housekeeping on my website. Removing old blogs that are out of date (2008) or things have moved on.  The blogs I'm removing are being 301'd to relevant newer blogs. Can this type of clean up cause any problems that affect the optimisation of a site? Looking forward to hearing your views. Christina

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am currently doing SEO for a client’s site, over the past few weeks the keywords have gradually gone up steadily. One of the keywords however continues to jump on and off rankings. For a few days it will jump up to 23<sup>rd</sup> in Google Rankings, but then it will completely drop of the radar, not even in the top 200 anymore. I’ve gone through the site to check if there is anything wrong and stuck to guidelines offered here on SEO Moz but I’m stumped to figure it out. The Keyword has a page that helps target it, there is no stuffing, all I can think is if there are bad back-links coming in to us that Google that continues to push down the rankings. Can anyone help shed some light on the situation for me?

    | Kal-SEO

  • When using the Google Structured Data testing tool I get a message saying....... **Authorship Testing Result - **Authorship is not working for this webpage. Here are the results of the data for the page Authorship Email Verification Please enter a Google+ profile to see if the author has successfully verified an email address on the domain to establish authorship for this webpage. Learn more <form id="email-verification-form" action="" method="GET" data-ved="0CBMQrh8">Verify Authorship</form> Email verification has not established authorship for this webpage.Email address on the domain has been verified on this profile: YesPublic contributor-to link from Google+ profile to YesAutomatically detected author name on webpage: Not Found.Publisher | Publisher markup is verified for this page. |
    | Linked Google+ page: | | Question - Can this company Google plus account "Webjobz" be both the publisher AND the author? Can I use as  the author of this and all other pages on our site? 98emVv7

    | Webjobz

  • We have an online toy store, the domain is old over 10 years and we have some traffic, we are considering to change our domain name. There are two reasons why. First of all, we expand our product category, before we were only a puzzle store now we sell almost any kind of toy. And at this point, our current domain, is not representing our capacity. We also have domain registered, that is also an old domain but there has been no activity with that domain. Our concern is, how do we avoid to lose ranking and keyword authority, are we going to start from the ground? What are the correct procedures to follow during this switch if we prefer to switch? As an alternative scenario, if we decide to keep both and open another e-store with toyzoo domain name and continue operating, with same products, will taht be a duplicate issue? If it is what are the consequences? (Just to add a note here, our  PuzzleZoo is also a small brick and mortar store chain in CA and TX) ToyZoo will only be an online store. Even in this case at the eyes of Google, are we going to have a duplicate store that can potentially be penalized or PuzzleZoo being a brick and mortar store chain might help us to avoid being penalized? Should we switch the domain and redirect PuzzleZoo to ToyZoo, should we keep them both and running separately? We need to give a decision and I was wondering if there are any expert here that can give us a good intelligent advise on which path to go?

    | PuzzleZoo

  • We started using Wistia for our video hosting, and our SERP results for the video pages were showing thumbnails in the results, but somewhere along the line we just stopped getting the thumbnails to show, and I'm not sure why. Anyone have any ideas? Search: Edward Asner Interview by Malcolm Hillgartner We are both and, and yes, I know there are issues with posting the content on both sites, more concerned with why the thumbnails disappeared from both sites.

    | DownPour

  • Hello Mozzers, So I just purchased a new domain and to my surprise it has a domain authority of 13 right out of the box (what luck!).  I needed to investigate.  To make a long story short the domain used to be home to a music blog that had hundreds of pages which of course are all missing now.  I have about 400 pages on my hands that are resulting in a 404.  How or what is the best method for eliminating these pages. Does deleting the Crawl Errors in Google Webmaster Tools do anything? Thanks

    | TheOceanAgency

  • Hi Moz friends, So once in a while I encounter a challenge that I can't figure out so I thought maybe you can help.I would like to enter the top10 in for a specific keyword and Moz's OSE is telling me all my metrics are better than most of my competitors. Als my on-page grade is on level (A) but I miss something .. somewhere. The awkward thing is the competition level is very easy .. Hope you guys can help, Cheers, Mark

    | newtraffic

  • Hi Mozzers, I was hoping i could get some advice/opinions on a website ranking problem i have been working on, in particular one of the pages. This is our German language website which is hosted from Germany and a flaunt German speaking member of staff from our German office moderates the text content of the website for us.Our website seems to get good traffic ,visitor navigation and conversions. One of the keywords i focus building around is Schallpegelmessgerät which is one way of basically saying Sound level meter in German. The keyword uses an umlaut which i cannot use in the URL, but google is picking up and putting into the snippets, but apart from that our on-page optimization is good according to the moz tool. I have been trying to improve our content and we post many blog articles around the topic/keyword but seems to choose not to even display this on the first couple of pages and sometimes ranks our blog articles around the third page. We are even been outranked by some low quality cheap online shop websites some of which with low quality content and low page and domain authorities. I had accepted this but after looking at and doing a search i find our page in the top 5 results, i understand that google and bing's algorhythms are different but just struggling to get my head around it all. Here is our website & page - Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much for reading this James

    | Antony_Towle

  • Example:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&ei=9xUCUuH6DYPePYHSgKgJ&fp=96e0b845c2047734& Look @ the first result:

    | Zanox

  • A customer of ours has a website in Belgium. There two main languages in Belgium: Dutch and French.
    At first there was only a Dutch version with a .be extension. Right now they are implementing the French Belgium version on the URL All of the content and comments will be translated. Also the URL’s will change from Dutch to French, so you've got two URL’s with the same content but in another language. Question: Should you use a canonical tag on translated content in a multi-language country? I think Google will understand this is just for the usability for a Multilanguage country. What do you guys think???

    | Zanox

  • This is about an big affiliate website of an customer of us, running with datafeeds... Bad things about datafeeds: Duplicate Content (product descriptions) Verrryyyy Much (thin) product pages (sometimes better to noindex, i know, but this customer doesn't want to do that)

    | Zanox

  • If you go to, you'll see that m. results are showing as blocked by robots.txt, but we don't have anything in our robots.txt file that specifies to block m. results. Any ideas why these URLs show as blocked?

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hey guys, A client of ours owns an IT company with 20+ locations across the UK. He is looking for a solution to provide each of their 20+ locations with a page or website that they can manage themselves that links directly back to the main site. His idea is to create 20+ one or two page websites that could all link back to the main central site - aiding the possibility of ranking well for locally-based terms. At the moment, we have a page for each of the 20+ locations on the main site. However, the client wants to give his franchisees complete control over their web presence. Would a setup like this work? Would it be logical to have 20+ websites (likely to follow a very similar format) all pointing to one central website? Would we have to "no-follow" links back to main site in order to show we aren't trying to manipulate page rank? Would creating sub folders on the main site be a better option for each of the 20+ locations? Any feedback appreciated!

    | Webrevolve

  • Hi, My client has a number of stores across the country (UK) and ideally I would like them to appear in both the local and organic listings - at the moment I appear more often than not on page one for one or the other - I have noticed however that some pages appear in both. I understand that Google will not place a listing for the same page in both local and organic so I need to optimise a page on the site for organic and point my local listing to a different page (home page?). On some results though I am seeing my local result appearing with the home page URL listed but the actual link points to the internal store page which is the same page that is appearing in the organic listing (both on page one). Other local listings of mine appear with the store page URL showing in the result. I haven't set anything up differently for these stores. Can anyone explain why this is happening? Thanks, Dan

    | SEOBirmingham81

  • Hi, Tool that can retrieve mysite URL's I am not talking about href,open explorer, Majestic etc I have a list of 1000 site URL's where my site name is mentioned. I want to get the exact URL of my site next to the URL i want to query with Example is the URL i have and if this page has mysite name then i need to get the complete URL captured. Any software or tool that can do this? I used one for sure which got me this info but now i don't remember it Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hello Mozzers! This is my first post so hopefully I can explain this in a way that is clear! I just signed up for my PRO membership and wanted to finally start hacking away at this companies site that I work for. I ran my report and noticed my Crawl Diagnostics: 715 Dupliate Page Titles I noticed that a lot those were coming from the customer login in magento. So I added the: User-agent: *Disallow:/customer/    as mentioned in this link: Any suggestions on that? Also, We have a Kunena forum on our site and have noticed all of the nofollow links. People say I should change them to follow links, but other people say leave them or I will get penalized. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • Please see the details below. Site A: is an existing site that is our best site. It is Joomla 3.1 and runs all our ecommerce. Site B: http// is our original and has the best DA but is out of date and pretty clunky.  joomla 1.5 and all bookings (tour site) are redirected to Site A for processing. Instead of redesigning the Site A I'd like to change the domain name of -> So far my reading and research (Thanks MOZ for awesome forum!) has provided me with: 1. Do the SEO groundwork. i.e. remove dead links from both sites. Delete useless content and generally tidy up both sites. 2. Map all pages from site a: -> http://south-africa-holiday/ so that the existing pages that have good ranking will have a home on the new site. 3. When ready do a small sample 301 redirect from: to 4. arghhhh now I'm stuck ..... If I redirect to this site then I lose my domain which is what I want to keep....I just want the .mobi site to move to the site.... I don't consider myself totally thick but this is really confuseing the *$%# out of me PLEASE could you give me some insight here. I'm sure it has been done before without completely losing the sites seo ranking and sending my site into SEO oblivion. If there are any JOOMLA gurus that have done this I'd love to hear from you as well. Many thanks in advance.

    | SoutherlySwell

  • Hi all I am having some issues rearding url rewrites and 301 redirects with 1 and 1 hosting and am unsure of the best approach. The website is a custom made shopping cart system with categories and products. The current urls for categories are : index.php?l=product_list&c=1      The new url format required is : /banner-stands After a little bit of research I added the following into the htaccess file; Options +FollowSymlinks
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^banner-stands/?$ index.php?l=product_list&c=1 [R=301,NC,L] Which works but I have a few questions Question 1: Is this the best approach as there are 55 categories and 179 products to write redirects for Question 2: Or is it better to firstly add id=banner-stands into the url and then create 301 redirects to the new url and then rewrite the url. Thanks

    | vividwebdesign

  • Hi, We set pages with this and i can see in the view source of the page <meta name="robots" content="noindex"/> We had a new page posted in the site and its indexed by Google but now the new post is visible on a page thats shows partial data which we noindexed as above because its duplicate data and search engines dont have to see it But its still crawling Any ideas?

    | mtthompsons

  • I'm building out a specific section of our site and I want to make sure I target it correctly. Is there a rule of thumb when to know how to use "car" vs "cars"? (as an example) Is there a specific way to research the right approach? thank you!

    | JDatSB

  • Hi Mozzers, My question specifically has to do with optimizing a home page for specific keywords, but still keeping the design clean and not cluttered.
    How do you guys prefer to go about it? Currently our home page only really gets traffic for branded keywords (though we do have some rankings for real keywords showing in GWT which I can't really explain). I know how to write content for specific long-tail keywords, but we want to keep our homepage very clean, not filled with gobs of text. Right now my main plan is to display content under a "Read More.." button.
    What do you pros suggest? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • Hi, Can we retrieve all 404 pages of my site? is there any syntax i can use in Google search to list just pages that give 404? Tool/Site that can scan all pages in Google Index and give me this report. Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, Keywords loosing positions whats best can be done? We have 1,000's of keywords we receive traffic each day and new ones added daily and many loose from position 1 to 10 or more What can we do to get back to position1 or the first page? Any tips i could get? Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, Webmaster or analytics can we find pages that are 404 404 landing pages? From which source to what page and from page i get the 404 error when someone accesses my webpage? Need to know which pages are live on sites that are broken in my site Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Can anyone help with how I add a sub domain to webmaster tools? Also do I need to create a seperate sitemap for each sub domain? Any help appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, Login required pages that redirect back to the post get the same description Example title Every post when a non member sees it has links that are as above post title is the only difference in the URL's So these Meta descriptions 1,000's of them are same. What can we do Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Hi, We have 1,000's of Soft links created like this in 1,000's of pages Each page 1 to 2 links that are soft links would this be fine? SEO would this be good or should we remove it Thanks

    | mtthompsons

  • Well, we wrote our own product descriptions for 99% of the products we have. They are all descriptive, has at least 4 bullet points to show best features of the product without reading the all description. So instead using a manufacturer description, we spent $$$$ and worked with a copywriter and still doing the same thing whenever we add a new product to the website. However since we are using a product datafeed and send it to amazon and google, they use our product descriptions too. I always wait couple of days until google crawl our product pages before i send recently added products to amazon or google. I believe if google crawls our product page first, we will be the owner of the content? Am i right? If not i believe amazon is taking advantage of my original content. I am asking it because we are a relatively new ecommerce store (online since feb 1st) while we didn't have a lot of organic traffic in the past, i see that our organic traffic dropped like 50% in April, seems like it was effected latest google update. Since we never bought a link or did black hat link building. Actually we didn't do any link building activity until last month. So google thought that we have a shallow or duplicated content and dropped our rankings? I see that our organic traffic is improving very very slowly since then but basically it is like between 5%-10% of our current daily traffic. What do you guys think? You think all our original content effort is going to trash?

    | serkie

  • Hello fellow Mozzers. I am in need of the support from a knowledgeable community, my brain is hurting over this query and is not providing any answers! So I have got my fingers crossed that someone can spot the issue of why a website I am responsible for has been bumped out of the Google search results. In March this website (www.message me for lost all keyword rankings and also all brand terms. Action was taken to remove unnatural links as you can see from the timeline below these links have been removed. The manual review request has come back from Google and now seems to indicate the reason for the serps removal is due to 'some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines', which makes me think it the website itself as well and links that were causing the issue. So what has happened so far? 9 March - Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links to www.message me for 20 May - All 'unnatural' links that could not be removed by contacting website owners were compiled and added to the disavow tool. 29 May - Manual resubmission request submitted. 6 June - The following message received (see end of post): 18 June - updated disavow request submitted -  roughly 40-50% links removed. 27 June – Manual review requested. 2 July - The following message received (see end of post): So after reviewing thousands of links and removing any poor-quality links, contacting webmaster and when not ale to remove manually I have added to a disavow list. Although their is a chance I have missed something in the link reviews but I am pretty confident that anything that could be considered spammy as been removed or disavowed. I have also used the tech crawl tool and there are no issues showing up there. I am at a lose as to what is cauing this issue. I need some advice on what steps to take next.. Regards, Colin Google message Dear site owner or webmaster of www.message me for, 
    We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. 
    We've reviewed your site and we believe that some or all of your pages still violate our quality guidelines. In order to preserve the quality of our search engine, pages from may not appear or may not rank as highly in Google's search results, or may otherwise be considered to be less trustworthy than sites which follow the quality guidelines. If you wish to be reconsidered again, please correct or remove all pages that are outside our quality guidelines. When such changes have been made, please visit and resubmit your site for reconsideration. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support.

    | TeamSEO

  • My website is We sell t-shirts and use Shopify. We're finding that Google is assigning a higher than normal (normal being "1") page authority ranking on our product tag pages (ie - Products Tagged "knicks"). Would it make sense to do 301 redirects for these product tag pages to the Product pages we want to rank for? (ie - would we do a 301 redirect for a page called "Products Tagged 'Knicks'" to our "New York Knicks Shirts" page?) OR Would it make sense to change these Product Tag Page titles to another key term to have multiple search results (assuming that ordering the products in a different way would eliminate any Duplicate Page Content issues?) For example, renaming the page title from "Products Tagged Knicks" to "TAG NAME | Sportiqe Apparel" Appreciate any insight from the Moz community, Shopify store managers and fellow t-shirt enthusiasts.

    | farmiloe

  • We are new to SEO MOZ, and as we are doing our evaluation, multiple page problems have arisen.  Our domain is and Our blog is wordpress hosted but integrated into our site.  As we ran our analytics from MOZ PRO, we got TONS of Duplicate Page Title and Duplicate Page Content warnings, over 90 each. Most seem to come from our blog and our different products (we are an ecommerce website). Would the canonicalization of the pages be the cause? And couuld someone further explain exactly what canonical/canonicalization is>?  I am very confused, and have a feeling that this is what has hurt our site so much in the last 2-3 weeks


  • I have been struggling with the google updates but recently we started a new project and by using guest blog posts we were able to achieve a top 3 ranking. It delivered traffic and sales so SEO still works. This is my understanding of the current situation - 1. Generic Keywords (forget it) 2. Go niche and long tail (but thats been the case for a while right) 3. Using related searches 4. Incoming links using brands and a wider range of phrases and urls. 5. Content thats sharable 6. Google plus buttons etc This is my current understanding I would love to hear your thoughts.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi, Dummy links in posts. We use 100's of sample/example lnks as below http://<domain name></domain name> http://localhost http:/some site name as example which is not available/sample.html many more is there any tag we can use to show its a sample and not a link and while we scan pages to find broken links they are skipped and not reported as 404 etc? Thanks

    | mtthompsons

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