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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi all, This morning I have seen a new backlink coming to one of our client's website. I have checked the link and it is a page full of social network feeds. I guess when i tweet something related to their subject it came up on their page and that has became a back link for me . Here is the link for the page that i get back link: I don't think this page has a pure link coming to my site but My questions is that does twitter or facebook feeds give back links? If they are backlinks then are they considered as spam links? I am also trying to recover from penguin update, I was wondering if this could be the reason for my Penguin hit or not. Thanks for any input in advance, Seda

    | Rubix

  • Hi my website's Keywords Ranking are going down, i am very new to SEO, i dont know whats a reason please help me website is Thanks

    | unibiz

  • I am currently getting links to my site where the anchor text is, say, However, my website's url is - the anchor text is the url of another website. Is this hurting my website in the SERPS, or making my link building look unnatural? The link is on the blog roll of another website, so it has produced hundreds, maybe thousands of copies of this anchor text link. Does that have any impact on my ranking as well?

    | redfishking

  • Experts Please advise if there is any impact on Keyword rankings due to high or low Domain authority?

    | INN

  • A 2nd question we have about another site we're working with... Currently if a visitor to their site accesses a page that has no content in a section, it shows a message saying that there is no information currently available and the page shows 200 for the user, but shows 404 for Google. They are asking us if it would be better to change the pages to 200's for Google and what impact that might have considering there would be different pages displaying the same 'no information here' message.

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • We're working with another site that unfortunately due to how their website has been programmed creates a bit of a mess. Whenever an employee removes a page from their site through their homegrown 'content management system', rather than 301'ing to another location on their site, the page is deleted and results in a 404. The interim question until they implement a better solution in managing their website is: Should they first add noindex,nofollow to the pages that are scheduled to be removed. Then once they are removed, they become 404's? Of note, it is possible that some of these pages will be used again in the future, and I would imagine they could submit them to Google through Webmaster Tools and adding the pages to their sitemap.

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Hello, we have 4 sites, in which 1 is a main site and rest 3 are niche sites All these 3 sites have dofollow links to main site from home page We got a high quality backlink - through which all 3 niche sites have got it from that domain Is it worth to add backlink from that domain to main site too, despite the fact the 3 sites already have recvd it and they all link to main site many thanks

    | Modi

  • Hi, We currently have 2 URL's pointing to the same website (long story why we have it) - A & B.  A is our main website but we set up B as a rewrite URL to use for our Pay Per Click campaign.  Now because its the same site, but B is just a URL rewrite, Google Webmaster Tools is seeing that we have thousands of links coming in from site B to site A.  I want to tell Google to ignore site B url but worried it might affect site A. I can't add a no follow link on site B as its the same content so will also be applicable on Site A.  I'm also worried about using Google Disavow as it might impact on site A! Can anyone make any suggestions on what to do, as I would like to hear from anyone with experience with this or can recommend a safe option. Thanks for your time!

    | Party_Experts

  • Hi All, How Google will react with the websites having condition as mentioned below: Two websites, Same owner, same business, same IP, Interlinking with each other ? Two websites, Same owner, same business, different IP, Interlinking with each other ? Also please elaborate best practices(Such as IP address, Physical address, look and feel etc.) if someone wants to run same business through more than one website?

    | RuchiPardal

  • I have an e-commerce website that is built using Wordpress and the WP E-commerce plug-in, the products have always worked fine and the pages when you view them in a browser work fine and people can purchase the products with no problems. However in the Google merchant feed and in the Moz crawl diagnostics certain product pages are returning a 404 error message and I can't work out why, especially as the pages load fine in the browser. I had a look at the page headers and can see when the page does load the initial request does return a 404 error message, then every other request goes through and loads fine. Can anyone help me as to why this is happening? A link to the product I have been using to test is: Here is a part of the header dump that I did:
    GET /organic-clothing/lounge-wear/organic-tunic-top/ HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Cookie: __utma=159840937.1804930013.1369831087.1373619597.1373622660.4; __utmz=159840937.1369831087.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); wp-settings-1=imgsize%3Dmedium%26hidetb%3D1%26editor%3Dhtml%26urlbutton%3Dnone%26mfold%3Do%26align%3Dcenter%26ed_size%3D160%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse; wp-settings-time-1=1370438004; __utmb=159840937.3.10.1373622660; PHPSESSID=e6f3b379d54c1471a8c662bf52c24543; __utmc=159840937
    Connection: keep-alive
    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 09:58:33 GMT
    Server: Apache
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.17
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
    Pragma: no-cache
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Content-Encoding: gzip
    Content-Length: 6653
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    | leapSEO

  • Hi all I am having some issues rearding url rewrites and 301 redirects with 1 and 1 hosting and am unsure of the best approach. The website is a custom made shopping cart system with categories and products. The current urls for categories are : index.php?l=product_list&c=1      The new url format required is : /banner-stands The current urls for products are : index.php?l=product_detail&c=1&p=1      The new url format required is : /banner-stands/banner-stand Thanks

    | vividwebdesign

  • Hello, I posted abou this a few days ago but didn't really get anywhere and now have new information after looking into it more. This is my site - My page indexing has been falling steadily daily currently from thousands of pages indexed to just a couple of hundred. My search queries don't seem to be currently affected, I have done crawl tests to see if the site can be crawled and put the into Google and had 12,000 results come back when goole has said it has indexed 133 and falling. However all pages indexed on the search seem to be stories with just two words in the title? I am sure I am missing out on traffic here but can't work out what the issue is and how to fix it. I have no alerts on my dashboard and when I submit sitemaps to webmaster tools I get 15,115 URLs submitted 12,088 URLs indexedwhich cant be bad?Any help/suggestions really appreciated.

    | luwhosjack

  • I know webmasters shouldn't focus on link building but unfortunately there are some types of content that doesn't get shared as much as other. And for content to go viral, it ain't that easy and it's almost impossible in some smaller niches where you don't have the volume to go "viral". That said I know about the common link building techniques. I know I can submit guest posts but when you're competing with websites that have over 10,000 backlinks, there is no way I'm going to get close to this with guest posting and commenting on other blogs. One way I found for getting backlinks is to publish interviews. Most of the time, people/businesses you interview like to link to this type of content. Publishing value-added content about other businesses' products or services may get some backlinks in return but not that often. So other than that, can some of you share some "out-of-the-box" link building strategies? Thank you in advance!

    | sbrault74

  • I'm trying to find SEO companies to partner with. Are they any you can recommend that are near San Diego?

    | RoniHicksAssociates

  • We've got a site that continuously like clockwork encounters server errors with when Google crawls it.  Since the end of last year it will go a week fine, then it will have two straight weeks of 70%-100% error rate when Google tries to crawl it.  During this time you can still put the URL in and go to the site, but spider simulators return a 404 error.  Just this morning we had another error message, I did a fetch and resubmit, and magically now it's back.  We changed servers on it in Jan to Go Daddy because the previous server (Tronics) kept getting hacked.  IIt's built in html so I'm wondering if it's something in the code maybe?

    | GregWalt

  • I have used Get Listed and a few other services to update my profiles for my company Health Care Associates (its a home health care agency). I have added pictures, categories, descriptions, key words, etc. and it doesn't seem to help. We are still not ranking in the search engines for "home care grand rapids", "home health care" etc. What else can I do to optimize the local search? Todd

    | t1kuslik

  • I use two subdomains on my website ( and - I know is not really a subdomain... That said, both subdomains are linking to each other through menus and sometimes articles. Can this cause any problem? Does Google perceive this as links from different domains / websites?

    | sbrault74

  • (Sorry for my english!) A quick background: I had a website at which had been slapped left and right by Google (both Panda & Penguin). It also had a manual penalty for unnatural links which had been lifted in late april / early may this year. I also had another domain,, which was redirecting to When I realized I would be better off starting a new website than trying to salvage, I removed the redirection from and started building a new website. I waited about 5 or 6 weeks before putting any content on so Google had time to notice that the domain wasn't redirecting anymore. So about a month ago, I launched with 100% new content but I left online because it still brings a little (necessary) income. There are no links between the websites except on one page ( which is set to "noindex,nofollow" and is disallowed to search engines in robots.txt. I made sure the web page was deindexed before adding a "nofollow" link from => Since the new website launch, I've been publishing new content (from 2 to 5 posts) daily. It's getting some traction from social networks but it gets barely any clicks from Google search. It seems to take at least a week before Google indexes new posts and not all posts are indexed. The cached copy of the homepage is 12 days old. In Google Webmaster Tools, it looks like Google isn't getting the latest sitemap version unless I resubmit it manually. It's always 4 or 5 days old. So is my website just too young or could it have some kind of penalty related to the old website? The domain has 4 or 5 really old spammy links from the previous domain owner which I couldn't get rid of but otherwise I don't think there's anything tragic.

    | sbrault74

  • Hi Mozzers, My company recently took over a website for a client and moved them onto our CMS. We are having some issues right now with sitelinks. A few things have happened to cause this: 1. Our IT department didn't put in the proper 301 redirects from their old subdirectory pages to the new corresponding subdirectory pages. (Insert head smack here.) 2. In addition to taking over the client's desktop domain, we've also taken over the client's mobile site. The mobile site has changed from to Again, there was a missing 301 between the two (head smacking ensues). As a result, Google has selected the following pesky sitelink for one of the sitelinks returned during a brand search for the client. The brand search is returning a sitelink under as:
    IIS7 IIS7 When you click on the sitelink for IIS7, it's a link to which NOW redirects to My question is how long until the IIS7 sitelink goes away and is there anything we can do to speed it up? What we've been doing to fix this: 1. Demoting sitelinks in GWT for that have the old subdirectory structure while the 301 redirects are being implemented. I can't demote this as a sitelink for because it's a different subdomain, and GWT will only allow me to demote subfolder pages or the itself 2. We've verified and demoted its homepage as a sitelink. Still not sure how this could stop it from showing up for a brand search that returns Thanks in advance!

    | EEE3

  • Hi All, As a brand new user to Wordpress and having read articles and forum posts I have purchased Studiopress Genesis Enterprise Theme. QuestionWordpress like any traditional bespoke site can be written to incorporate variations of columns structures.
    What is the best column strategy or page layout strategy for SEO? Thanks Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  •  has an invalid cert guys This Connection is Untrusted You have asked Firefox to connect
    securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
              Normally, when you try to connect securely,
    sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
    going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified. What Should I Do? If you usually connect to
    this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
    trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue. uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain) If you understand what's going on, you
    can tell Firefox to start trusting this site's identification.
    Even if you trust the site, this error could mean that someone is
    tampering with your connection.
              Don't add an exception unless
    you know there's a good reason why this site doesn't use trusted identification.

    | irvingw

  • Dear Friends I hope you can answer my questions. We are launching a new site and on the footer (sidewide) we list all new blog posts (limit 5 links - blog title), do you think we have any problems with that part of the website? I am concerned because all new blog post title will appear on all pages' footer and it will be marked as spammed. We just want visitors to be noticed about new blogs post on our site. Thank you,Tran

    | SteveTran2013

  • Hi folks, We have noticed that our site has been directly duplicated by another site. They have copied the entire code, including the JS, CSS and most of the HTML and have simply switched their own text and images onto the template.  (We discovered it because they even copied over our analytics tracking and were appearing in our reports - duh!) Does anyone know if there are potential SEO issues in copying the code like that, or do duplicate content issues only apply to indexable HTML content? Thanks!  Matthew (I didn't want to out them by sharing their URL because it could have been an external contractor that built the site and they probably had no idea.)

    | MattBarker

  • Hi, I'm working with a new client who has a main product website. This client has representatives who also sells the same products but all those reps have a copy of the same website on another domain name. The best thing would probably be to shut down the other (same) websites and redirect 301 them to the main, but that's impossible in the minding of the client. First choice : Implement a conical meta for all the URL on all the other domain names. Second choice : Robots.txt with disallow for all the other websites. Third choice : I'm really open to other suggestions 😉 Thank you very much! 🙂

    | Louis-Philippe_Dea

  • We have a huge database of companies in the baltic region ( the page is completely yellow pages with no unique texts or anything. How would you improve the Search Engine Rankings for a website like this? And how do you do a link building for a page like this?

    | MarkasKR

  • So yesterday google webmaster tools has over 5,000 links linking to my site.  I get in this morniing and now i have 16 links linking to my site and no rankings minus brand terms.  I do not believe that I have been penalized but I might have been. After digging further into this it seems that my and are separated and webmaster tools is tracking and majority of links are to  Is this possible or am I wishing to see something that is not there. Any help and recommendations would be absolutely appreciated.

    | Asher

  • Our site is over 10 years old and has consistently ranked highly in for over 100 key phrases. Until the middle of April, we were 7th for 'nuts and bolts' and 5th for 'bolts and nuts' - we have been around these positions for 5-6 years easily now. Our rankings dropped mid-April, but now (presumably as a result of Penguin 2.0), we've seen larger decreases across the board. We are now 5th page on 'nuts and bolts', and second page on 'bolts and nuts'.  Can anyone please shed any light on this? Although we'd fallen some before Penguin 2.0, we've fallen quite a bit further since. So I'm wondering if it's that.  We do still rank well on our more specialised terms though - 'imperial bolts', 'bsw bolts', 'bsf bolts', we're still top 5.  We've lost out with the more generic terms. In the past we did a bit of (relevant) blog commenting and obtained some business directory links, before realising the gain was tiny if at all.  Are those likely to be the issue?  I'm guessing so.  It's hard to know which to get rid of though!  Now, I use social media sparingly, just Facebook, Twitter and G+.  The only linkbuilding I do now is by sending polite emails to people who run classic car clubs that would use our bolts, stuff like that.  I've had a decent response from that, and a few have become customers directly. Here's our link profile if anyone would be kind enough as to have a look: Also, SEOMOZ says we have too many links on our homepage (107) - the dropdown navigation is the culprit here.  Should I simply get rid of the dropdown and take users to the categories?  Any advice here would be appreciated before I make changes!  If anyone wants to take a look at the site, the URL is in the link profile above - I'm terrified of posting links anywhere now! Thanks for your time, and I'd be very grateful for any advice. Best Regards, Stephen

    | stephenshone

  • Its seems that at lot of or competitors are using PR site to place articles with links. They are using the same article across many sites with the same anchor text link - But they seem to be doing very well in the rankings.... I have steered away from this type of linking as I assumed Google wouldn't be keen on this type of activity but I seem to be wrong.... Any views on this?

    | jj3434

  • I just ran the wordtracker tool and noticed something interesting. The tool didn't pick up our meta description. It's strange as our meta descriptions appear in organic search results and Moz never reported missing meta descriptions.After reviewing other pages,  I noticed our meta description tag is written as the following: name="Description" content=" I never thought about this, but are meta tags case sensitive? Should it be written as: name="description" content=" Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi. I've been working on for a number of months. All was fine, but then we had a site migration which involved a huge number of redirects. There's been a couple of similar moves in the past. As a result, rankings have plummeted. To resolve this, we're considering letting all the old pages 404 by turning of the redirects, and removing all links to them where we can. Some key pages could have canonicals added, but basically we're looking to purge as much as possible. Does this sound like a reasonable tactic?

    | neooptic

  • Hi all, We've been running an eCommerce marketplace for more than 2.5 years now. Most of our traffic and revenue have been from organic traffic, which have been growing steadily with our inventory and brand, peaking at March this year. From there, we started losing organic traffic (and revenue) each month, at a rate of about 15-20% - for no reason we can understand. In addition, some of our older pages no longer appear in search results (unless we add the name of the site to the search query). We launched a redesign on the end of May, which seemed to initially improve engagement, but didn't affect this trend of lower organic traffic. Our webmaster tools doesn't show anything special - if anything, we made an effort to clean-up every 404 that appears there and other small issues. We did make the following changes very recently, but it did not seem to have a positive effect (so far): We have deep pagination for some categories of the site, and we just added rel=prev,next in the head of every paginated series on the site. We started generating a dynamic sitemap and submitted it to google. For some reason only about a fourth of the pages on the sitemap are indexed. In addition, the "index status" as reported by webmaster tools shows some weird numbers. First, the number there is way bigger than the amount of pages we have - possibly all the combinations of our listing categories and pagination. That number was constant for a while, before taking a deep earlier this year, rising back up and declining again for the last couple of months. Screenshot of the graph What would be the first steps you'd take to understand the core of the problem? we're really at a loss here.

    | erangalp

  • My client asks me a valid question: "Can we tie Authorship to YouTube?" My response was: "Great Question. Authorship shows a thumbnail of your headshot in the SERPs. Regarding universal search results, YouTube videos are displayed with a thumbnail of the video. What may be of benefit here is attributing authorship to a video in order to build AuthorRank. I think what could be done to signal Google would be to link with the rel=author attribute to your Google + profile from the description ..  [profile_url]?rel=author. The only hangup is determining if the rel=author attribute is applied in the YouTube description link or not, and If Google recognizes the attribute because Youtube pushes the link through a redirect before connecting with the Google + profile." Can anyone speak further to this?

    | Rich_Coffman

  • Hi all, The current roadmap for our Eng team has us performing a site migration (redirecting one subfolder to another subfolder) and then a domain migration shortly after. The way I see it, I have 2 scenarios (the 1st involves the site migration THEN the domain migration and the 2nd is the site migration and domain migration being done simultaneously): to THEN to AND to to I also understand that there are two best practices for a domain migration and they are 1) keep everything the same that you can to help Google understand it is the same page, just on a different domain and 2) avoid chain redirects. As you can imagine, scenario 1 requires more Eng costs than scenario 2. So, my question is, is scenario 2 a perfectly viable option or should I make the push to go for scenario 1? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    | brad-causes

  • we have a couple of pages displaying a dot in the URL path like It displays fine in chrome, firefox and IE and for the user it may actually look better than replacing it by _ or -. Did this ever cause problems to anybody?
    Any statement from google about it?
    Should I change existing URLs? If so, which other characters can I use in the URL instead of underscore and dash, since in our system dash and underscore are already used for rewriting other characters. Thanks

    | lcourse

  • My site,, isn't ranking well in google SERPs. For some good content and matching keyword, my pages are ranking 200+ whereas other sites that have similar or lower authority are ranking in top 10. I must be doing something fundamentally wrong but can't seem to figure out what. I am not looking at ranking 1 on google right now but my pages don't appear even on page 2-4. Sample Keyword- "Samsung galaxy s4 price in india" . Matching page - Please help.

    | namansr

  • Hi folks, Curious to hear what people know about the TLA situation since reports surfaced that they'd been de-indexed.  It looks like it's all been quiet since those early reports. Not many people admit to using TLA so perhaps you've heard something on the grapevine... nudge nudge wink wink.

    | MattBarker

  • We developed and maintain a microsite (example: for a non-profit that lives outside their main domain name ( and features content related to a particular offering of theirs. They are utilizing a Google Grant to run AdWords campaigns related to awareness.  They currently drive traffic from the AdWords campaigns to both the microsite ( and their main site (  Google recently announced a change in their policy regarding what domains a Google Grant recipient can send traffic to via AdWords:  The ads must all resolve to one root domain name ( If we were to subdomain the microsite (example: and keep serving the same content via the microsite domain ( is there a risk of being penalized for duplicate content? Are there other things we should be considering?

    | marketing-iq

  • I work with a company that has way too many domains. Over the last year or so I have been working on consolidating them, and removing duplicate content. Yesterday I did Google search for a couple terms that we are normally number one for, and we don't show up anywhere in the first 300 results. I see no warnings in Webmaster, and I can see that this happend a couple days ago. Here are the domains that have gone missing:
      Desc: Tons of good info about Gaso Pumps
      Tems: Gaso, Gaso Pumps
      Desc: Part Lists for specific Gaso Pumps
      Terms: Gaso Pump Parts
      Desc: Company Website
      Terms: IEQ Industries Here are some domins that still show up:
      Desc: Searchable Pump Catalog with pump specs
      Desc: Used to be a "duplicate", but mostly has links to now.
      Desc: An old incomplete site We also own a bunch parked domains that we created a generic landing page for, like: Many of the sites are on the same VPS server, not sure if that is causing a problem. To me it shouldn't matter, we are not trying hide anything. The sites with content serve different purposes, but we are working at consolidating them to simplfy things. The landing pages are mainly meant to park the extra domains we have. I am not terrible concerned as we are offering legitimate products and services, and we are trying to do the right things, but my client is very concerned. My question is this, what is your best guess as to what happened, and what should I change? Thanks in advance!

    | ToreyHeinz

  • My company is about to complete an upgrade to our website but part of this will be changing the URLs slightly. Mainly the .aspx suffix will be dropped off the pages that we're most worried about. The current URLs will automatically redirect to the new pages, will this be enough or will there be an SEO impact? If it helps the site is and the product pages are the ones we want to keep ranked. For instance if someone searches for "plastic gift cards" our page '<cite></cite>' is #3 and we want to make sure it stays that way once we change it to ''. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

    | Andrea.G

  • Hi, Will Google AdSense those are running above the fold of the website, impact the keywords rankings?

    | RuchiPardal

  • Hi,
    we are a Belgian company running .be websites and our current hosting company is based in Norway.
    Is there any SEO benefit in transferring our .be websites to a hosting company based in Belgium?

    | TruvoDirectories

  • Hello all, I had some links that i didn't want them to appear under search results (under my main domain) . Using websmaster 'sitelinks' i demoted those links and it has been almost a month and i can see those unwanted links on SERPS. Those pages don't even have high traffic, I am not quite sure why even they appear on Google. Is there anything else i can do to remove them under main domain search results. Thanks Seda

    | Rubix

  • A client just contacted me saying a competitor is threatening legal action threatened against a page description in a Google sitelink (just double checked and its in the serps results too). I checked the site and the content doesn't appear on that page or anywhere else on the site. I also added a Meta description to that page to see if that will have an effect. The page is the home page and I don't really want to demote it. Is there anything else I can/should do?

    | agua

  • Our client has a high powered site with tons of authority.  They dominate in the eastern united states for multiple keyterms that relate to their service based company.  However their closest competitor, a site with literally HALF of their authority, ranks ahead of them all over the world in markets outside of NYC. The client is using the terms "NYC and New York" all over their site, is it possible that they are giving themselves a local limitation by doing so when their competitors dont? The keyword itself doesn't necessarily lend itself to a local geo-based search result, but are we artificially CREATING that situation ourselves?

    | Fueled

  • A new client has a domain which has been hammered by bad links, updates etc and it's basically on its arse because of previous SEO guys. They have various domains for their business (, and want to use a fresh domain and take it from there. Their current domain is (the ruined one). They're not bothered about the rankings for but they want to redirect to so that previous clients can find them easily. Would a 302 redirect work for this? I don't want to set up a 301 redirect as I don't want any of the crappy links pointing across. Thanks!

    | jasonwdexter

  • How is best to mass redirect old domains - Listing the URL's in htaccess? We are looking to use Joomla as a CMS - transferring a blog from a sub-domain to the main site and want to 301 all the sub domain blog posts - any ideas?

    | JohnW-UK

  • Hi all, We have different offices in UK in different cities. Until last month our main office was appearing on Google results but lately i noticed that our other office is appearing on serps when i search with brand name. We have 3 addresses registered with Google Places. Any ideas how we can get head office to appear on serps under our brand name? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • This is going to be a long question, but, in a nutshell, I am asking if anyone knows how to remove video thumbnails from Google's search result pages? We have had video thumbnails show up next to many of our organic listings in Google's search result pages for several months.  To be clear, these are organic listings for our site, not results from performing a video search.  When you click on the thumbnail or our listing title, you go to the same page on our site - a list of products or the product page. Although it was initially believed that these thumbnails drew the eye to our listings and that we would receive more traffic, we are actually seeing severe year over year declines in traffic to our category pages with thumbnails vs. category pages without thumbnails (where average rank remained relatively constant). We believe this decline is due to several things: An old date stamp that makes our listing look outdated (despite the fact that we can prove Google has spidered and updated their cache of these pages as recent as 2 days ago).  We have no idea where Google is getting this datestamp from. An unrelated thumbnail to the page title, etc. - sometimes a picture of a man's face when the category is for women's handbags A difference in intent - user intends to shop or browse, not watch a video.  They skip our listing because it looks like a video even though both the thumbnail and our listing click through to a category page of products. So we want to remove these video thumbnails from Google's search results without removing our pages from the index.  Does anyone know how to do this? We believed that this connection between category page and video was happening in our video sitemap.  We have removed all reference to video and category pages in the sitemap.  After making this change and resubmitting the sitemap in Webmaster Tools, we have not seen any changes in the search results (it's been over 2 weeks). I've been reading and it appears many believe that Google can identify video embedded in pages.  That makes sense.  We can certainly remove videos from our category pages to truly remove the connection between category page URL and video thumbnail.  However, I don't believe this is enough because in some cases you can find video thumbnails next to listings where the page has not had a video thumbnail in months (example: search for "leather handbags" and find - that video does not exist on that page and has not for months.  Similarly, do a search for "handbags" and find  That video has not been on that page since 2010. Any ideas?

    | SharieBags

  • I´ve several clientes with magento, wp and brazilian Vtex....  usually when a product is out of stock the system allow you to delete or desallow but you will create a 404 erros. There is a plugin to redirect disallow products to home os a personalized page... looks good. But I´ve just realized when you edit the name (and url) of a product it creats automatic redirect of the product... Now I´m wondering never delete or disallow a product page anymore.... always edit with a new product so the redirect can send some PR to the new produtc.... Sounds too stupid or make any sense?

    | SeoMartin1

  • For some reason my traffic to [Antique Banknotes] has declined drastically over the past month even while my OSE metrics have gone up.  A typical example is this 1892 five dollar bill.  I used to rank first for this search but now I am 3rd. Worse,  a search for ten dollar bill used to have me near the top which brought a lot of traffic. Now I am way out in the weeds.   Can anyone help me understand what is causing me to drop so much? I know there is a new competitor who outranks me with the url [Antique money]  he is likely the cause of my fall in the ratings.  I don't know why but OSE loves his site even though I seem to beat him in most areas OSE measures.   His Page authority for instance is 45 while mine is 37 but I have higher scores in every category.   I don't understand that. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    | Banknotes

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