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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi there, We ( created our blog at the same time as ( We're both blogs of big brands in switzerland. But there is one big different. The interdiscount blog ranks much better than we do. But they not even optimize the blog for standard SEO points. Now i found the reason i guess. They get the complete page authority of the brand inherited. How is that possible, because we don't..? (Screens in attachment) Best regards Sandro K7zxz ndODO

    | Sandro_Haag

  • Hi We have 2 H1's on this page Our webmaster has put one as display:none - but isn't this just going to look like we're keyword spamming & trying to hide it? OK now I;m looking I am seeing more wrong with this page... The width buttons at the top as h2's...& they link to facet pages? Won't this just waste crawl budget? and every product title/user guide title etc are all H2's.... I just need to put a plan together to give to our dev team on what should be updated Any tips would be great. Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • So glad to be here. Just amazed to see so many discussions over here. I had a quick query. One of our my blog has more than 500 comments on almost 50+ posts (and in some posts, it's even 1000+ comments). This impacts the load time as well as the experience on mobile. So, wanted to understand if I enable pagination of comments, is it SEO friendly. Does it negatively impacts SEO? I do not want to take the route of migrating to Disqus, FB comments, etc.

    | flmgo82

  • Hey guys, I am currently setting up a hotel booking website and I'm not so sure how to structure it. I have landing pages for: 1. Cities
    2. Sights
    3. States The main keywords are mainly "Hotels in Cityname" or "Hotels near Sightname". What would be the best SEO friendly way of structuring the url? or or Or are there better ways of structuring it or am I just overthinking it? I would greatly appreciate any advice and suggestions 🙂 Best, Max

    | baresound

  • I have migrated a client's site to a new domain. I used Yoast tools to add 301 redirects for all active site pages from old domain to new domain in the .htacces files as neither the client nor I have access to hosting server via FTP (long story). Redirects are working as I intended, and we didn't lose too much in our rankings. Unfortunately, as soon as I saved the .htaccess file in Yoast, began redirecting to I can no longer login to the wordpress site on the old domain. I did not enter a redirect for /wp-admin. Any thoughts on how this is happening or if there is some other way to get back in? Without server access, I'm pretty stumped. Thanks!

    | c_estep_tcbguy

  • Our company rebranded, our old domain has pretty good PA and DA. Any way to utilize our old domain to boost PA/DA of our new domain? PS - Both are hosted on the same host (same IP).

    | idlwebinc

  • We host several client sites on our VPS host. We'd like to add a link back to the footer, however cautious as these are all on the same IP. Will this hurt our SEO?
    Will Google ignore these link backs?

    | idlwebinc

  • Hi, We are developing new Products Pages with faceted filters. You can see it here: We have a feature allowing to Order By and Group By, which alters the order of all products. There will also be the option to view Products as a table, which will contain same products but with different design and maybe slightly different content of each product. All this will happen without changing the URL, Is this the best practice? Thanks,

    | viatrading1

  • Hello, One of our clients has a website which sells health products and supplements. All of the products have detailed descriptions that include ingredients information, usage, supplements facts, detailed information on how the products affect you, a detailed guarantee and FAQs. Our client would like to display a more synthesised product description on mobile devices. This would be a shortened description which would make it easier for people to understand what the benefits of the products are. At the moment we still have the previously developed 'Read Product Description' button that expands and reveals more text. We need to remove this and display a different shortened description but still follow Google's best practices. If the content on the mobile differs from the website, will it have a detrimental effect on the website's ranking in Google? If this is so, we face a barrier when trying to create a summarised version of the website for mobiles. Had anyone had a similar experience? If so, please advise on what the best approach would be for this to maintain a high ranking in Google, but display differing content across platforms. Much appreciated,

    | OptimiseWeb

  • My question is sparked by how Moz uses its Whiteboard Friday videos. We are currently capturing video stories from our customers. Its excellent and engaging content we'd love to share with a wider audience. I'm puttting together a strategy for video SEO to drive traffic to our site and Moz's approach intrigues me. As we know, the world of video rich snippets changed in 2014 - their appearance in universal search reduced dramatically and what remained was almost entirely (90%+) YouTube snippets. Useless if you're looking to drive traffic to your own site. Of course, it's still possible to earn SERPs for video in Google video search, but I imagine the search volume is greatly reduced. From what I can see, first Moz host their Whiteboard Friday video on Wistia, complete with transcript and whiteboard capture. Suprisingly, I see no Schema markup for video. Can anyone shed a light as to why this might be a good idea? 3-6 months later the same video is then uploaded to youtube, with the same title and a similar description. The end result is multiple SERPs in universal search, almost always in the following order: the original post on Moz a YouTube result complete with a video rich sippet This has me asking the following questions - I have some theories - but i'd love your input: Why use two platforms to upload and host the video? Why not just YouTube? Why avoid using Schema on the Wistia video hosted on the original post? Surely, this would allow an additional result in Google Video Search? Why wait 3-6 months after the first post to upload the YouTube video?

    | RobertChapman

  • I was just chatting with the person who set up our site on our domain hosting and they said they added in a CNAME record to transfer the www version of my site to the Non-www version. Shouldn't this be set up as a 301 redirect? I have hundreds of links built to the www version and only a few to the non-www version. Or Could I just add in a 301 in addition to the CNAME record? This is not my wheelhouse and need a little advice. Thanks in Advance.

    | photoseo1

  • we are creating a video based off the content on one of our web pages. i know it's probably better for the video to be embedded on the same page as the article but if they aren't, what should we do to make sure that we aren't diluting our ranking power?  Both pages will be going after the same key phrase...

    | yaelslater

  • I have an SSL certificate on our domain but at times some search results still list the HTTP version. Clicking on this then warns the user about security and they leave. To avoid this I am using this in the htaccess file to redirect all HTTP visits to the https version. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L] Is this ok? I notice on Moz toolbar it give a 302 temporary redirect I am thinking this isn't good and needs to be a 301 maybe? What is the best practice in this situation?

    | Gavpeds

  • Interested to know people strategies for detecting and mitigating negative SEO. Previously I've used link monitoring tool and kept an eye on all new back links coming in to any page on the site.  I have then manually assessed each one again using some tools and actually visiting the website. However, this always leaves me with one dilemma.  Regardless of my assessment how do search engines see that link? I run three lists a white list, grey list and blacklist. White list - very relevant and have a lot of authority.  I.e. leading industry blogs and forums. Grey list - out of topic/industry, directories Blacklist - sites de-indexed by Google, illegal content or absolute spam (i.e. one page filled with hundreds of links to different domains) Do you have any thoughts? How do you assess if link is bad?

    | seoman10

  • Late last year, Shopify moved all their sites from http to https. I did an audit of a Shopify site recently and discovered the following... The https version of the site has just 13 backlinks from 5 domains The http version of the site has 568 backlinks from 48 domains So I went into the blog (which is on a different domain - long story) and changed all the backlinks from http to https. One week later... the https version of the site now has 278 backlinks from the same 5 domains. I've been told that Google doesn't worry about this when it comes to rankings. Not sure if this is true or not. But I definitely believe this DOES affect MOZ Domain Authority. Can anybody confirm or deny this? If the backlinks do not change from http to https following a migration, does this impact MOZ Domain Authority and/or Google rankings?

    | muzzmoz

  • In my google webmaster account I'm seeing all the data in other categories except links to my site. When I click links to my site I get a "no data available" message. Does anyone know why this is happening? And if so, what to do to fix it? Thanks.

    | Nicktaylor1

  • I've been hired to build a new site for a customer. They were duped by some shady characters at (If you can reach them, tell them they are rats--phone is disconnected, address is a comedy club on Mission in SF). Glupe owns the domain name and would not transfer or give FTP access prior to dropping off the face of the earth. The customer doesn't want to chase after them with lawyers, so we are moving on. New domain, new site with much of the same content as previous site. All that I have access to is the old wordpress site. I plan to build the new site, then remove all pages/posts from the old site. Is there anything I can do to salvage the current page 1 ranking? Obviously, the new domain will take some time to get back there. Just hoping to avoid any pitfalls or penalties if I can. If I had complete access, I would follow all the standard guidelines. But I don't. Any thoughts? Thanks! Chris

    | c_estep_tcbguy

  • Hi Moz 🙂 I work on an ecommerce site & am getting stuck with how to improve rankings on category pages. I have a competitor who writes loads of content for their category pages under tabs & they perform very well. The content isn't particularly helpful, more about their range and what they offer. I have tested adding similar content under a tab to some of our category pages - with some performing well & others not as well. I know this isn't ideal, and I'd like some help with an alternative. Does anyone have tips on improving rankings on category pages? I don't have much control on the layout, this is controlled by our parent company which restricts us. I am researching writing user guides, but these will be on other pages not directly on the category page & the way we have to add them is a lot of manual work for our webmaster, so I can't get them up as quickly as I'd like. I have seen REI have a small bit of content at the top of their pages that link to guides e.g - But obviously their domain authority is so high already, that they don't need as much help as me 🙂 At the moment I have some new Chair pages I need to rank, these are competitive and any ideas would be great 🙂 Here are some examples: Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, Ours is website's blog is built with wordpress. We used to have the below URL pattern like may other websites: Recently we removed the date and made the URL pattern to just like: All the links have been generated with new URLs across the blog. Still all the old URLs have been reported as crawl errors in search console. I am wondering will there be any auto redirect formula to redirect all the old URLs to new URLs. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi I have recently come across a new issue on our site, where https & http titles are showing as duplicate. I read however, am wondering as https is now a ranking factor, blocked this can't be a good thing? We aren't in a position to roll out https everywhere, so what would be the best thing to do next? I thought about implementing canonicals? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey guys! I'm working to build something to make technical SEO audit less painful and I'd like to hear from other SEO experts. Can I ask you to answer this quick survey: THANKS!

    | jbrisebois

  • Hi Fellow SEO Experts
    We would like to ask for your help in STOPPING some continuous attacks on our website.
    It seems that we are constantly needing to Disavow these URL’S like and as they keep redirecting to our Sitemap. Is there any tool or any clever way to stop these constant and unwanted links to our sitemap please?
    We have tried on MULTIPLE occasions to contact them and ask them to remove the content that has the hyperlinks back to our sitemap but without success ☹
    Any assistance from our global colleagues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks & Regards, Manish

    | leadstar0007

  • I have a few questions regarding Google Search Console. Google Search Console tells you to add all versions of your website https, http, www, and non-www. 1.) Do I than add ALL the information for ALL versions? Sitemaps, preferred site, etc.? 2.) If yes, when I add sitemaps to each version, do I add the sitemap url of the site version I'm on or my preferred version? - For instance when adding a sitemap to a non-www version of the site, do I use the non-www version of the sitemap? Or since I prefer a do I use it there? 3.) When adding my preferred site (www or non-www) do I use my preferred site on all site versions? (https, http, www, and non-www) Thanks in advance. Answers vary throughout Google!

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi In March I've seen a lot of keywords go from being ranked, to dropping out completely. We usually get under 1000 drop in and out each month, but 2,500 dropped out this month. Some are not focus keywords I'd be concerned about, but then some are.... I am trying to work out why and could use some help. We haven't changed anything on the pages & here are some examples: - previously ranked for 'Dollies' position 6 now unranked - ranked position 11 for 'Folding Sack Truck' now unranked - ranked position 7 for portable workbenches now unranked. These pages do still rank for other keywords, so aren't out of Google completely. I'm just trying to identify if we have any other issues Thank you 🙂

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello Moz Community, I am looking to hire a link builder for SEO purposes. What are the normal rates and what I should expect for my money? Can you guys please share your knowledge with me so I am better prepared when hiring the right person! Bonus point for tips on what to look for when hiring someone and also best places to look for an SEO specialist! I look forward to all your replies!

    | xlucax

  • I'm optimizing a site with all new URL`s, categories, titles, descriptions. All URL's will change but I've old URLs with a lot of backlinks, SEO juice. What is better for SEO with them: 1 - Change those URLs and 301 redirect traffic to the new page.
    2 - Keep the URL and work just on new title, description, etc. In option 1 I understand that I'll lose some SEO juice because of the redirect, but the new URL will be correct. In option 2 everything will be strong except from the URL that will make less sense than with option 1. It will not exactly match the product name, title. It`s a reuse of a strong URL.

    | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • We are building a new site on .com and wish to redirect traffic from US to a dedicated US-specific version of the homepage , whereas international traffic will go to the standard homepage. We acknowledge the problems of IP redirection and googlebot crawling from US. So instead we are considering a Javascript pop-up if we recognise a US visitor (based on IP) which asks the user if they wish to view the US version or International version. We will store cookie of preferred selection for future visits. Within the site we will have a US/International selector. Can Moz community members confirm this is the best approach? Thanks

    | bjalc2011

  • Is it possible to use PushState for redirects from one site to another?

    | rgamedia_seo

  • Hi, we are moving our site from http to https and would like to know what should one look out for. What are the things that can go wrong, and what is the best way to go about it. Regards Tai

    | Taiger

  • I have a question that has been stumping me and if someone could help I would gladly buy your coffee for a month. I have a website that used to be www and http a year or two ago.  Now it is https and non www.  A lot of my older links point to the www and http version of my site.  This results in two 301 redirects. I.e. A link on another site to my site points to The network waterfall shows:  301 -> 301 -> (finally) **2 part question.  ** **--Do you think that this two 301 redirect hop would affect SEO performance?  I can see it did affect page authority through Moz. ** --Is there away around this?  I.e. to redirect http:// AND http://www directly to https:// with no hops in between. Thank you!

    | Stodzy

  • Hello, We recently added the review star markup to our website: If you search Esplendido hotel in Google, you'll see us appear: Google appears to be picking up the actual review and using it as the description in SERPs. Is there a way we can revert this back to the old description? Happy to keep as is but it is too long as it is according to Google? Thanks all, Clair

    | iescape

  • If a there is page like; I think this page will be indexed by Google even we don't link it internally from anywhere. Is this true? Will it makes any difference in-terms of "indexability" if we list this page on sitemap? I know page's visibility will increase when link from multiple internal pages. I wonder will there be any noticeable  difference while this page is listed in sitemap.

    | vtmoz

  • Hi there! I've got a question that I'm having trouble answering. My client has one site url essentially has two sites within it. The homepage ( content focuses on her fashion photography services with a specific design and look with almost no mention of weddings unless you click the weddings icon. When you click on weddings, it takes you to a "new" site on the same url ( that has entirely different look and feel. The client would like to improve her visibility for her wedding services and not the fashion photography side. Would it be more beneficial to house the wedding services on an entirely new URL so that homepage content can be wedding focused. Again, with the current homepage, it's all fashion photography focused and not easy to redo. Or could one implement a 301 redirect from the fashion homepage ( to the wedding homepage ( Thanks for your advice! Jessica

    | zigzen

  • Hello, Getting a lot of duplicate title and meta description errors via google webmaster tools. For best SEO practices, do i no-index the page/2's, page/3's...? More importantly, i see how MOZ did it by adding "page 3" to their titles such as  Is that a better way of doing it?  If so, how do i do that on Yoast SEO? Thank you so much!

    | Shawn124

  • We need some of our pages to rank for multiple related keywords. But we cannot optimise one page for multiple keywords which might end up ranking for none of them; at the same time we cannot optimise it for one keyword as we ignore other keywords. I think creating multiple landing pages for very related keywords will confuse users and search engines as well. How to handle this?

    | vtmoz

  • I'm curious to understand roughly how much % of value a no-follow link has in building authority relative to a do-follow link? I understand that Google seems consistently and growingly focused on value - ie. is the link valuable in growing the business, irregardless of SEO - and perhaps therefore the no-follow / do-follow distinction is becoming a more unnecessary dichotomy. How does Google look at do-follow vs no-follow links? And how much weight now is really given to one compared to the other?

    | Gavo

  • Hi - we have a newly built site using Drupal, and Drupal likes to create canonical tags on pretty much everything, from their /node/ url's to the URL Alias we've indicated. Now, when I pull a moz crawl report, I get a huge list of all the /node/ plus other URL's. That's beside the point though... Question: when I directly enter one of the /node/ url's into a google search, a result is found. Clicking on it redirects to the new URL, but should Google even be finding these non-canonical URL's?? I don't feel like I've seen this before.

    | Jenny1

  • I have an attorney that has multiple affiliations that I want to mark up with JSON schema. What is the best way to do this?... Option #1: "affiliation": "Example 1, Example 2", Option #2 "affiliation": "Example 1",
    "affiliation": "Example 2", Or, is there another way to do this that I haven't considered?

    | seo_columbus

  • I have a Page X with lots of unique content. This page has a "Map view" option, which displays some of the info from Page X, but a lot is ommitted. Questions: Should I add canonical even though Map View URL does not display a lot of info from Page X or adding to robots.txt or noindex, follow? I don't see any back links coming to Map View URL Should Map View page have unique H1, title tag, meta des?

    | khi5

  • Hi, we are rebuilding our site which was built on WordPress. The old permalink structure was /%post_id%/%postname%/ The new site is a custom build (not Wordpress), however, we are using WordPress for blog posts. The URL structure is www.customewebsite/blog/ As the custom site is not WordPress, we do not know how to create a redirect to push the WordPress url /%post_id%/ to the /blog section of the new site. What we currently get is page not found. Can anyone help with the htaccess redirect code? Many thanks one and all.

    | Taiger

  • We're a business with 5 separate locations across 5 cities in Upstate NY.  While doing some visual ad previews in the adwords interface I noticed that Google is altering my title tag and adding the word "Rochester" to the end of it, cutting short my designated title tag. Rochester is the location of our headquarters so not a big deal for 1/5th of our customers.  But to my dismay, the same thing is happening when searching from the geo locations of my other branches.  So when searching for my business in Buffalo (we have a physical address in Buffalo), the title tag in the results still says our company name and "Rochester". This of course is likely leading to confusion and actively harming our organic CTR in our branch locations.  This is happening in all of the remaining 4 branch locations.  I'm at a loss, I tried lengthening the title tag but it still gets cut off. The term Rochester appears (as do the other branch locations) in my meta description for the homepage as well as in the text of the page itself.  I haven't gone so far as to remove that yet and hopefully don't have to. Does anyone have any ideas?  Thank you in advance!

    | Doylejg3

  • Hi there! I work with Company A. They've decided to merge with Company B (who we don't work with/doesn't do SEO) under Company B's name. (We would then work on Company B's website.) What would be the impact on SEO if the content from Company A's website is moved to Company B's website, and Company A's website would be deleted? Factors to consider: Both websites have a domain authority of 6 and a homepage authority of 21, and each has less than 5 backlinks. Company A ranks much better than Company B (of the KWs we're tracking, Company A ranked on Page One for 15.3% of them, while Company B ranked for 2.8% of them). So, what I am asking is: If they do the content migration to Company B's website and get rid of Company A's website, what negative impact would that have on SEO? Could we keep both sites, but change the mentions of Company A on their website to Company B? Although the URL would still be Company A's name, could Company B treat this as a microsite and take up more of the search engine real estate since Company A already has rankings? What would be another solution? The companies merging is definitely happening. Thank you in advance.

    | BlueCorona

  • Hello. I have noticed that Yahoo and Bing rankings for all of my clients have significantly tanked as of the beginning of March. Has there been a recent algorithm update for these two search engines and what are some major things I can look for to fix? Thank you,

    | higherimages

  • We have multiple issues with this situation. We rank #1 for "Lace Fabric", #3 for "Lace Trim", and #80 for "Lace". We also rank for "Lace Ribbon", and "Lace Appliques". The Lace Fabric and Lace Trim pages have plenty of backlinks, wherein may lie the problem. We have a similar issue for "Satin". "Silk Satin", "Polyester Satin", "Satin Trim", "Satin Ribbon", etc. This is a very annoying and common pattern. Our backlink profile is sterling, and our competitors with inferior backlink profiles and branded search are outranking us. We outrank them across the board for 2 word terms. Based on my evaluation of TF/CF, PA/DA, Content, etc., we should be on page 1 for "Lace". IMHO, these pages are competing for the head term. Any ideas on how to eliminate this issue to rank for head terms?

    | GWMSEO

  • Hello peeps! I need your collective wisdom to help me deal with something. We manage a website that is doing quite well in its niche, however we have the following problem: Our section landing pages are well established and they rank for a wide range of search terms, including some with a transactional focus. It is obvious that these pages do not cater for users with transactional intent. Our competitors are targeting those transactional keywords with a completely different type of pages, and are winning across the board (annoying but understandable). We have now created a number of pages, which are very similar to the ones that our competitors are using and with an even better on-page SEO score ... WIN! ...well, not so much! Our old section pages are still ranking for the transactional search terms and our new pages are getting very little traction and are having a really slow start. 1. I suspect there is some sort of page cannibalisation going on. How would you address that?
    2. Is there a tried and tested way of telling search engines to rank your new page because it meets the search intent in a better way? Please note that we cannot just redirect the old page to the new one - there are structural and commercial reasons for keeping the old page as it is.
    3. Is there anything else that I am missing? Your help is much appreciated.

    | Yordan.Vasilev

  • A client has just given me a list of redirect URLs as requested of them. However, they're wanting to redirect a bunch of pages to various anchor points within the same page. For example: /pages/about might redirect to: /pages/our-story#our-mission And: /pages/history might redirect to: /pages/our-story#history Is there any problem with this? I've never seen or been asked to redirect like this before.

    | muzzmoz

  • I just went to check my client sites in Google search console and noticed a whole bunch of them no longer 'verified'. They were all previously verified. Why would they suddenly change status to 'not verified'? Does this affect anything (eg. search analytics data flowing through to GA)? Does this mean I have to verify all over again?

    | muzzmoz

  • I have acquired new a client who wants to migrate to a new platform. He also wants a 100% guarantee we maintain he Google search rankings. How realistic is this? Anyone got a checklist they can recommend?

    | muzzmoz

  • I'm planning to set up a subdomain for my Shopify store but I'm not sure if this is the right approach. Should I purchase a separate domain for it? I'm running Wordpress on my website and want to keep it that way. I want to use Shopify for the ecommerce side. I want to link the store from the top nav and of course I'll use CTA's in a variety of ways to point to merchandise and other things on the store side.   Thanks for any help you can offer.

    | ims2016

  • Hey Guys, We have seen a huge spike in "Access Denied" status in the google search console for our website and I have no idea why that would be the case.  Is there anyone that can shed some light on what is going on or who can point me in the direction of an SEO specialist that we can pay to fix the issue?? Thanks denied.png

    | fbchris

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