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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi , I want to achieve Featured Snippets for my client ( Could you anyone help me on this ?

    | ananyab

  • Hi, Is there any positive or negative SEO impact if I link product categories on the description of the products? Ex: At the product page of the Passenger Car Blue, a link to the Passenger Car category of the website on the product description. Or this is more a UX question?
    The product page already has a breadcrumb on top. Thanks!

    | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • Hi We have lots of alt tags missing, I know they'e recommended by Google, so moving forward we will ensure we add them to product images, but should we go back and update the ones we have missing? How important is it for SEO? Has anyone tested this? Thanks

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey everyone, Has anyone seen a drastic change in clients Google Rankings, we have one which has dropped from 9.5% visibility to 5.4% in one month.. It's extremely worrying as I have never seen a drop like this before since I've managed the account, in fact rankings have increased month on month since we took over the account. I've also looked at google, no penalty showing, I've started removing spammy sites who link to us and also added no follow to some of the links on the site which linked out to try and keep some link juice in the site. Anything else I can try / do?

    | Unbranded_Lee

  • We have a website [domain name removed] that is not being properly found in Google. When we run it through Screaming Frog, it indicates that there is a problem with the robot.txt file. However, I am unsure exactly what this problem is, and why this site is no longer properly being found. Any help here on how to resolve this would be appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • I have a site that wants to change their URL, It's a very basic site with hardly any backlinks. The only change they want to make is taking out the 'and'.. so it would be they already own the domain. What should I do?? Thanks

    | MissThumann

  • Hi looking to launch in a new market, currently we have a domain which is geo-targeted to Australia. We want to launch in New Zealand which is ends with If i duplicate the Australian based site completely on the new domain name, would i face duplicate content issues from a SEO standpoint?
    Even though it's on a completely separate country code. Or is it still advised tosetup hreflang tag across both of the domains? Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • I've read a number of articles that have been helpful, but most of them are specifically still just trying to prove the value of the snippets and more recently show you how to find what search terms to rank for. What I'm really struggling with is exactly 'How do we rank for them, when we already have the #1 position and the featured snippet is going to another site'? Let me break this down a bit more: 1. We are measuring the 'SERP Features' within Moz Pro Tools and I've identified ~300 pages where there is a 'Featured Snippet' but I don't have the feature. 2. In a good portion of these, I'm outranking the site that has the 'Featured Snippet'. So I can compare my site, side by side to the 'Featured Snippet'. Now that I have the question, my ranking and the competition all in front of me. What changes are recommended I implement on our page? Is there a recommended process to follow?

    | fabfrug

  • Hello all. I'm looking for ideas for displacing a Quora Q&A as the featured snippet in google search results. I rank organically for the target term (it's a branded term, "urban airship pricing") in results 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Quora Q&A ranks 5, but is still getting the featured snippet. The Quora question, which is from 2013, is negative - essentially "why does Urban Airship cost so much." It was posed / someone answered the question before we restructured pricing, and added a free starter edition, so the information in the answer is incorrect. It's causing issues for our sales teams, there's a fair amount of volume around this term for us, and worst of all, it's making me mad 😉 I've considered the tactics listed below, but would love to know if anyone's done this, and what free or low-lost tactics work/where to focus efforts. Thanks in advance for help! -Jessica Tactics I'm Considering (Are some or all worth doing? Better ideas?) Create a pricing FAQ page on my website to try give Google a short answer to a query related to pricing that it might feature instead of the Quora Q&A Get a lot of folks to downvote the Quora question (and upvote the short answer we added). Although I'm worried that "activity" on the question might actually make things worse not better in terms of its visibility. Buy paid Google Adwords for the term so the featured snippet isn't quite so starkly featured (we were buying for this term, looking into why our ads aren't showing up at the moment) Talk about pricing on sites like Product Hunt or others (other ideas?) to see if they'll rank highly enough to add more/better content to page 1 results. Contact Quora and let them know that this outdated question is being pulled into a featured snippet and see if they'll do something about it (remove it, etc.) Provide feedback to Google (using the link under the snippet) that "something is wrong" or "this isn't useful"

    | jpoundstone

  • Hello, Thanks for taking the time to have a read of this, I'm not quite sure of the best way to address this issue. I have a WooCommerce site with Products and Subscriptions, i.e subscribe to buy the product monthly. Because of the way WooCommerce works these are effectively two different pages, for example: and Since the second is just a Subscription of the first (Product) it's basically exactly the same content. I'm not sure if I should make the canonical link of the Subscription point to the Product? I would prefer that customers find the Product first and don't want Google to think this is duplicate content. On the other hand it's not strictly duplicate content as they are two different things? Is there any advice or best practice on how to handle this? Many thanks, Damian

    | damo_form

  • I have a blog that received a Webmaster Tools message about a guidelines violation because of "unnatural outbound links" back in August. We added a plugin to make all external links 'NoFollow' links and Google removed the penalty fairly quickly. My question, how do we start changing links to 'follow' again? Or at least being able to add 'follow' links in posts going forward? I'm confused by the penalty because the blog has literally never done anything SEO-related, they have done everything via social and email. I only started working with them recently to help with their organic presence. We don't want them to hurt themselves at all, but 'follow' links are more NATURAL than having everything as 'NoFollow' links, and it helps with their own SEO by having clean external 'follow' links. Not sure if there is a perfect answer to this question because it is Google we're dealing with here, but I'm hoping someone else has some tips that I may not have thought about. Thanks!

    | HashtagJeff

  • Hello, I have a quick question about our Sitemap Web Pages Indexed status in Google Search Console. Because of the drastic drop I can't tell if this is a glitch or a serious issue. When you look at the attached image you can see that under Sitemaps Web Pages Indexed has dropped suddenly on 3/12/17 from 6029 to 540. Our Index status shows 7K+ indexed. Other than product updates/additions and homepage layout updates there have been no significant changes to this website.  If it helps we are operating on the Volusion platform. Thanks for your help! -Ryan rou1zMs

    | rrhansen

  • In Moz, I am receiving multiple messages saying that there is duplicate page content on my website. For example, these pages are being highlighted as duplicated: and As you can see, both pages are different products, therefore I can't apply a 301 redirect or canonical tag. What do you suggest?

    | e3creative

  • We're busy with adding a German version of our webshop. Right now we're quit successful in The Netherlands with our webshop and SEO. I wonder if Google minds the location of the website (VPS) and IP address concerning SEO for our German webshop. If I Google on this subject I can not find a clear answer. Can somebody help me?

    | Makelmail

  • I manage a number of Shopify stores for ecommerce clients. MOZ keeps kindly telling me the URLs are too long. However, this is largely due to the structure of Shopify, which has to include 'collections' and 'products'. For example: MOZ recommends no more than 75 characters. This means we have 25-30 characters for both the collection name and product name. VERY challenging! Questions: Anyone know how big an issue URLs are as a ranking factor? I thought pretty low. If it's not an issue, how can we turn off this alert from MOZ? If it is an issue, anyone got any ideas how to fix it on Shopify sites?

    | muzzmoz

  • OK, so we've lost pagerank and I think it's because of the way our site works (and we operate it). We have a videofolio, which shows on most of our pages, showcasing our work. Over time, we have tended to unpublish these pages and created new videofolio pages to show on our home page and relevant pages. The videofolio is a set of pages, each with a title, body text and a place to insert a link to the video, which is played through a videofolio showcase on our website ( Each is set a category, e.g. film, and when the user clicks the tab for 'film', the thumbnails pop up and the user can play the video. We have to work it this way as it's the only way to remove the videos from showing on our home page and to show new content instead. Simply deselecting a category still allows the videos to be seen when the 'all' category is selected by the user. Last week, I found a way of bringing back these unpublished pages by removing the 'all' tab from the videofolio. Then I turned each one into a blog like structure instead. Essentially, instead of the video link being played through the videofolio, we deselected a category (e.g. animation, film etc) and left the page floating. The only way you can access it without being attached to a videofolio category is through the direct link. By turning off the 'all' category and deselecting the page from any other categories, we were able to properly SEO these pages. NB: If they are created for use with the videofolio, you can have only extremely limited body text and no H2, as this is the text that appears when you hover over the video thumbnail. That's just the nature of the template. What I didn't anticipate is that now the code on the home page shows all these now (un)published pages and their corresponding H2 tags. Without a category selected, there is no way to get to these pages unless I create a direct link. I plan to do this through a blog post. In the home page code, the entire videofolio page shows, including the body text and link to the video. **This text doesn't show on the home page though, i.e. the user never sees this text. ** 1. Is it an issue to have so many similar H2 tags on the homepage? 2. Is it an issue that the code has text which is essentially invisible on the home page? 3. Is it an issue that the content is not linked to through the home page visibly? Thanks!

    | curveballmedia

  • Hello Mozzers - Just wondering what this robots.txt instruction means: Disallow: /french-wines/?* Does it stop Googlebot crawling and indexing URLs in that "French Wines" folder - specifically the URLs that include a question mark? Would it stop the crawling of deeper folders - e.g. /french-wines/rhone-region/ that include a question mark in their URL? I think this has been done to block URLs containing query strings. Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Is it advisable to use only one H2 tag? The template designs for some reason is ended up with multiple H2 tags, I realise if any think it's that each one is that are important and it is all relative. Just trying to assess if it's worth the time and effort to rehash the template. Has anyone done any testing or got any experience? Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Hi everyone, I need the community opinion on something. I am webmarketer and SEO for a pure player who runs a couple of e-commerce sites. On one side we have It makes all our revenue. I have been in charge for years. Results are good. We have It is starting. But small revenues for the moment. We have a new SEO working on this. My question is : We always had a banner on's homepage, sending valuable traffic to he new SEO, has footer sitewide links from to homepage. Considering both sites share same ssl, server and company name, I am quite sure this is out of google's guide lines and would hurt Do you agree that this is wrong from the new SEO, and that it could hurt my work and the search results for and, as well as team work ? Thanks

    | Kepass

  • Hello ! I am facing a problem concerning a client's website that has been developped using filters that create parameters - there are no categories. This means that, no matter what I choose as a filter, the page title, desc and my H1 stays the same. In a beautiful, unicorn rainbow filled world - I could just tell them to restructure their site with new categories/sub categories AND with filters. For SEO purposes and to find a temporary solution until we can change the architecture, what would be the best choice? Should we create individual pages that serves the same content as the catalog, but with rewritten URL, Title, Description and canonical?
    ie: http:/ canonical to http:/ ? I noticed does that ( vs Should we dynamise the content depending on which filters has been selected? Of course, some filters are real filters that wouldn't attract or add any value (such as order by) Thanks for your input!

    | Charles-O

  • My company is Squatty Potty (yes, of magic unicorn fame) and I recently redid our website's navigation. We're overhauling it currently to rebuild the whole thing, but what is there should give a good idea of site hierarchy to Google I would think. The funny thing is, when you Google [squatty potty website] we do have sitelinks. But when you Google just [squatty potty] we don't. Any ideas on why sitelinks would appear on one search but not the other? I see they appear with [squatty potty logo] as well. I can't figure out how to get them to appear for my brand name search, any help appreciated!

    | DanDeceuster

  • Our has been a sub-directory since 2 years as Now we have blog posts with URLs This blog is located at different place technically, away from website. Now my doubt is whether the blog-posts have equal weightage at Google just like other 3rd hierarchy level pages of website like Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi, some more general question here: How important would you rate it to have a sitemap? Would you rate it fundamentally important or just something you can add as bonus? Thanks in advance

    | brainfruit

  • Hi all, I'm looking for some tips on best practices for FAQ pages. In particular, is it better to have all questions and answers listed on one page, or should each question have its own page - given that there's enough content for it Thanks

    | brian-madden

  • Hi all, we handle our product pages no with rel canonical now, we have 1 url that is indexed the other colours have different urls like which canonicalize to the indexed page. Google still crawls all those pages. For crawl budget reasons we want to use "no index, no follow" instead on these pages (the pages for the other colours)? Google would then crawl fewer pages more often? Does this make sense? Are their any downsides doing it? Thanks in advance Dieter

    | Storesco

  • Anyway, I've seen these pop up for certain searches (not all). I'm curious as to how these truncated sitelinks appear. When searching for a company, the full sitelinks appear with descriptions and the like, but these little ones are a little new to me (apologies, I don't know if they have an official name). Is there a way to get them to appear for our page? Or more importantly, does it matter? iZlJZ

    | Parker818

  • Do you guys know of any tools where if I have a list of Url's it can help find blog and news pages and let me know which ones have these.

    | BobAnderson

  • I'm working with a site that needs a whole bunch of old pages that were deleted 301'd to new pages. My main goal is to capture any external links that right now go off to a 404 page and cleaning up the index. In dealing with this, I may end up 301ing pages that didn't have incoming links or may not have ever even really existed in the first place. These links are a mix of http and https. Is there any potential downside to just 301ing a list of several hundred possible old urls that currently trigger the 404 page? Thanks! Best... Mike

    | 94501

  • Hi all, I'm working with a client who has various URL variations to display their content in High Contrast and Low Contrast. It feels like quite an old way of doing things. The URLs look like this: - Default URL - High Contrast page - Low Contrast page My questions are: Surely this content is duplicate content according to a search engine Should the different versions have a meta noindex directive in the header? Is there a better way of serving these pages? Thanks.

    | Bee159

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm thinking republishing content from my own website's blog on platforms like LinkedIn and Medium. These sites are able to reach a far bigger (relevant) audience than I can through my own website, so there's strategic reasoning for doing this. However, with SEO being a key activity on my own website, I don't want to be at risk of any penalties for duplicate content. However, I've just read this on Search Engine Journal: "there is confirmation from Google... Gary Illyes has stated that republishing articles won’t cause a penalty, and that it’s simply a filter they use when evaluating sites. Most sites are only penalized for duplicate content if the site is 100% copied content." So, what do people think - is republishing blog content, on LinkedIn and Medium safe? And is it a sound tactic to increase reach?

    | Zoope

  • Hello Mozzers Would you use rel=canonical, robots.txt, or Google Webmaster Tools to stop the search engines indexing URLs that include query strings/parameters. Or perhaps a combination? I guess it would be a good idea to stop the search engines crawling these URLs because the content they display will tend to be duplicate content  and of low value to users. I would be tempted to use a combination of canonicalization and robots.txt for every page I do not want crawled or indexed, yet perhaps Google Webmaster Tools is the best way to go / just as effective??? And I suppose some use meta robots tags too. Does Google take a position on being blocked from web pages. Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • As we found out via Alexa we are hosting our website on a server that has been used under the same IP heavily mostly for pornsites. Will this become a problem for our webproject? By the way: We are not in the porn-sector. We are an NGO with an alternative social media project for a better world. Thanks for your help.

    | RWW

  • This is regarding the domain: We got a new client about 5 months back who had a website that was hacked. It took several months, but we've cleaned up most of the spammy links and completely rebuilt their website. We have been successful with every other client that we have ever done getting our customers to rank well organically, but we just can't figure this one out. I'm willing to offer a REWARD to the single person who can figure this out for us. (Let's not get carried away, a small reward).  This customer has great quality links to their site too. We are looking for answers other than: 1. Backlinks 2. Content 3. Malware 4. Domain or Page authority 5. 404 errors 6. We have utilized Googles Webmaster tools endlessly It is something else and we can not identify it! Let me know what you think! I will give a public shout out to the person who helps us identify this issue!

    | Tosten

  • Hi all, How does Yelp (or other sites) go about creating URLs for just about every service and city possible ending with the search? in the URL like this They clearly aren't creating all of these pages, so how do you go about setting a meta title/optimization formula that allows these pages to exist AND to be crawled by search engines and indexed?

    | RickyShockley

  • Quick question. Is it possible to 301 redirect a non-www to www. (properly in terms of SEO) with DNS (C Name, A name, or other) ..have searched around and found conflicting information. Would like to know a definite answer. I usually implement all 301 redirects with htaccess. However have a client situation where we only have access to the CMS, but which does have DNS settings. thanks in advance, Greg

    | GregDixson

  • When creating a redirect map for a site re-build or domain change, it is necessary to include .PDFs or any other non-HTML URLs? Do PDFs even carry "seo juice" over? When switching CMS, does it even matter to include them? Thanks!

    | emilydavidson

  • I'm not sure but my website looks like is not getting it's juice as supposed to be. As we already know, google preferred https sites and this is what happened to mine, it was been crawling as https but when the time came to move my domain to new domain, I used 301 or domain forwarding service, unfortunately they didn't have a way to forward from https to new https, they only had regular http to https, when users clicked to my old domain from google search my site was returned to "site does not exist", I used hreflang at least that google would detect my new domain been forwarding and yes it worked but now I'm wondering, for how much time should I keep the forwarding the old domain to the new one, my site looks like is not going up, I have changed all the external links, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | Fulanito

  • URLs of my web pages are based on the titles of pages. For sampel, if a title page is called "product ABC", then the URL for this page is /product-abc. Google and all other search engines have indexed all pages. Now I want to change the titles of some sites. Should I change the URLs accordingly, or should I rather leave URLs as they are. SEO Best Practice says that keywords must be placed both in the title, and in the URL. I think that Google will think that pages have douplicate content with diffrent titles, and it comes to many 404 error, if I change the URLs. What do you recommend in this case?

    | kian_moz

  • Can anyone recommend a good WordPress SEO plug-in?

    | seoman10

  • I have a client who has reported a drop in Domain Authority from 16 to 1 in a matter of a few weeks. Also, MOZ was reporting links, but now none! I know there were some issues with the recent MOZ index update. However, this sounds like something else. Anyone got ideas on where we should start looking?

    | muzzmoz

  • Hello, We need to temporarily remove our entire blog from one of our sites. They rely very heavily on the blog content; as the rest of the site does not have much. Is there a 'best' process for going about this? – Should we put a 302 redirect on the entire blog and if so should it be to the homepage or an under-construction type page? Any extra insight or suggestions would be helpful and appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you in advance for the help. Best,

    | Ben-R

  • Hi All, I noticed that our website has lot of 403 errors across different pages using the tool Do these errors hurt website rankings? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hey there, My website shows Wrong Search Queries in Google Search Console, Also Shows URLS which are not there in my website, Which Shows in crawl Errors. here i have attached Screenshot  . Please Help me out how i can Deindex This type of URLs From Google index, & make My main pages crawl First in Google Search. because of this my website Ranking Also lost, Please any Expert can help out.. Thanx in advance.

    | pooja.verify03

  • Hi mozzers and members, I am having issues, why my website: crawl by Google? let me share more clearly when this starts happening. A month or around 45 days back our website is being indexed and crawled quite well without any issues with having .html extension pages with static built website.
    We finally thought to change to .php version and make whole website and its pages to be treated dynamically.
    Once we changed all changes, thereafter this issues started. It has been more than 45 days, our website isn't being crawled since then. I didn't know what are the things preventing this to? Please help. Thanks in Advance Capture1.PNG

    | SEOOOOOoooooooo

  • We are engaging a vendor to host our LMS and the process for purchasing access to the LMS (product pages/checkout). The vendor can only accomplish this by domain masking (redirecting to a subdomain on their domain). Our concern is the SEO implication. Obviously we would prefer the content hosted in a subfolder on our domain for the best SEO outcome, but this isn't an option. The vendor's domain authority is considerably lower than our own, but they recommend moving our product pages, which are currently hosted on our primary domain, to their subdomain so the checkout process is fully integrated using their product. Several of our product pages rank in the top 10 on Google and we don't want to lose that. Does anyone have any experience with domain masking and maintaining page rank? My inclination is that moving these high-ranking pages will 1) Hurt our primary domain, and 2) Negatively effect the rank of our product pages. Thanks in advance, Beth

    | bethkmac

  • I work for Here is the story:We used to be and we enjoyed strong rankings and a healthy organic presence. We changed our name, our website, and expanded upon on our product offerings and launched A lot of content was very similar from We had 11 of our big keywords ranking in the top 3 positions. We launched the new website in early October of 2016.Here is what we have done: We setup a network of 301 redirects for the homepage, company pages, events page, blog posts, and each and every long tail page. Everything from the old site had a new place to live on the new site with very similar content. This list was then passed to our server/it folk to implement (we run a StaticPress site so we don't control those from within WordPress). Both the old and new site are WordPress websites. Setup a site domain move through Google Search Console Combed through to take care of SEO issues using various tools. We know there are still some issues (speed, etc.) that aren't helping us, but we are in a good state overall in terms of technical SEO. Deep dive into the domain name history, backlinks, internal linking (which could be better). Developed more long-tail content (more coming). Here is what is weird: We have almost no organic traffic (or traction) since our rebrand. We understood we would be hit hard as the domain name was changed, the content changed, and the CMS was revamped. The only real organic search traffic we get is branded to our old name (which is luckily the name of one of our products): Eventboard. We rank well for this and see high conversion from this keyword. We rank very well for "conference room displays" on Bing for our long tail and home page, but we show up at position 23 for our iTunes app page on Google and 33 for the long tail page. We dominate in bing for our company name "Teem" and finally show up Google for our Facebook page in position 13th. Our website is way way down the list (beyond page 5) for the exact company name with super low competition. Site performance has been good, user feedback has been good, site uptime has been great. No red flags here. No blaring errors in search console besides maybe a few 404 pages that are cleaned up every few weeks. We have no idea what to do. Have engaged with multiple SEO agencies. Been told over and over to be patient because of the changes we have made, but we still see no progress 6 months later.We think the issue might be related to something misfiring with our 301 redirects, based on some referral information.Any insight would be greatly, greatly appreciated. We are stumped. Thanks for any help!

    | brycedmorgan

  • We are creating a new website and got stuck while deciding the URL structure. Our concern is which url is better in terms of SEO i.e. or and why. Also which one would rank faster if someone searches for spas in pune if both pages are same.

    | fabogo_marketing

  • I recently watched a webmaster video that said that town focused landing pages are seen as doorway pages if they only exist to capture search traffic. And then I read that just because you can sell your product/service in a certain area, doesn't mean you can have a page for it on your website. Is it possible to create town focused landing pages for a website without breaking Google guidelines?

    | Silkstream

  • Hi Guys, I have mixed http and https content on my ecommerce store. My server people is telling me force all to https as it is better for ssl certificate. All versions of the site are declared on search console. Can forcing https and not having more mixed content impact my site badly ? Thanks.

    | Kepass

  • I see that the gap uses, and  Wouldn't a better approach for SEO to have, and all separate?  Is there any benefit to using the approach of, etc?  What are the pros and cons to each?

    | kcb8178

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