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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • In an interesting article from January on content cannibalisation: there is the following paragraph: "When the same keyword is used across a number of pages of a single website, Google’s spiders automatically get directed to a page with low-grade quality which in turn results in the low ranking of all the pages on the website." Is this true? The suggestion here is that they automatically get directed there as a form of penalty. This seems like quite an extraordinary claim! Can anyone verify?

    | Ad-Rank

  • Hey guys, Our site targets multiple territories. We use subfolders and hreflang tags on the site (built in WordPress) at a page level. We've added our hreflang tags manually in the section of each page. We're just re-doing the blog and we want to know if we need to add these tags to each individual blog post and if we do, how we would do it? Our developers have put them in at blog landing page level and told us that this will be fine. E.g.: /de/blog/ /gb/blog/ /uc/blog/ They have a slight tendency to push back on things though, and we just want to be sure we're doing this right. Hreflang tags are sooooo complicated so hoping you fine people can shed some light on the issue. Cheers!

    | Twetman

  • Hi All, Hypothetically, let’s say a brand established in the UK created the following URL for the Italian market, (Ticket watch the made up brand) In this scenario, Ticket Watch is used across multiple services and domains in the UK such as: Essentially, could you point multiple ticket watch pages that live on different domains so that could potentially have 4 or 5 tags from the same country (UK), but the self-referencing pages will only have one hreflang tag: canonical and hreflang meta information to be included on But the hreflang meta information to be included on will only have one tag I’ve only in included 2 hreflang tags for the for the first example but let’s say there were an additional 2 or 3 GB based ticket watch hreflang tags. Will these tags still be validated? Thanks,

    | SEONOW123

  • My rank has dropped quite a lot this past week and I can see from the Moz tools that there is an unconfirmed Google update responsible. Is there any information from Moz on this?

    | moon-boots

  • My client has an ecommerce website with approx. 300,000 URLs (a lot of these are parameters blocked by the spiders thru meta robots tag). There are 9,000 "true" URLs being submitted to Google Search Console, Google says they are indexing 8,000 of them. Here's the weird part - When I do a "site:website" function search in Google, it says Google is indexing 2.2 million pages on the URL, but I am unable to view past page 14 of the SERPs. It just stops showing results and I don't even get a "the next results are duplicate results" message." What is happening? Why does Google say they are indexing 2.2 million URLs, but then won't show me more than 140 pages they are indexing? Thank you so much for your help, I tried looking for the answer and I know this is the best place to ask!

    | accpar

  • I have a client who has a lot of domain variations, which have all been set up in Google Search Console. I requested that the client use the COA feature in GSC for the domains that are now redirecting to other domains that they own (which are set up in GSC). The problem is that we're not redirecting the homepages to the homepages of the destination domains. So, GSC is giving us this error message: fails redirection test: The old site redirects to, which does not correspond to the new site you chose. Is our only way to use GSC COA for these domains to change the homepage redirect to go to the homepage of the destination domain? We don't really want that since the domain we're redirecting is a "" subdomain and we want to redirect it to "". Any help appreciated! Thanks,

    | kernmedia

  • Last December we started losing traffic to our website (This is in Lithuanian).
    The thing we did was to every single company page we added QR Code. For example: (at the bottom of this page). We added some text that goes with it. As you can see here
    The only difference between those texts is the company name. Can this be the reason why google reduced our positions ? (We didn't lose any of traffic in categories/search/articles - only in company pages). A lot of companies that are new or bancrupt have little to no text at all. Except for this text about QR code, like here for example - Can this be the reason? Or any other on page errors that you see.
    Thank you

    | anonimas

  • Hi again, We recently had a technical search audit done by a specialist agency and they discovered a number of internal links that caused redirects to happen. The agency has recommended we update all of these links to link directly to the destination so we don't lose out on link equity. We'd just like to know if you think this would be a worthwhile use of our time. Our web team seem to think that returning a 301 to a crawler means that the crawler will stop indexing the original URL and instead index the redirected destination? Thanks all. Clair

    | iescape

  • Picture this - if you have a spirit for adventure! Client builds Alpha**** Then builds a number of backlinks to Alpha**** Client also creates a number of 301 redirects from several older domains to Client then changes Alpha**** to Beta**** They create 301 redirects from Alpha**** to Beta**** But then... they 'park' Alpha**** (ie. no longer accessible)! About one year later, client changes a whole bunch of URLs on Beta**** without keeping track of changes. Thankfully, the hosting service (Shopify) automatically creates some redirects, but it's more by accident than design! Questions: After step 6 above, are the 301 redirects created in steps 3 and 5 now totally redundant and broken? If no longer exists, surely all redirects to and from this domain are broken? Or can they be recovered? What happens to all the backlinks originally created in step 2? Finally, can anything be done to recover lost URLs in step 7? Yes. What a mess!

    | muzzmoz

  • I have been sourcing content from a news publisher who is my partner for publishing content online. My website deals with sourcing content from a couple of websites. I did use a canonical tag pointing towards the respective syndicated source but I have not seen traffic for those articles. I did some research and found out that Google does have a tag for news publishers which is the "original-source" tag which helps news publishers to give proper credit for their work. Here's a link to the official word by Google" Although Google has officially stated that the "syndication-source" tag has been replaced by the "canonical" tag. However, there is no mention about the "original-source" tag.
    Can I still use the "original-source" tag to syndicate content from my partner site instead of the "canonical" tag? P.S.: The reason why I am not convinced with the use of the canonical tag is because:
    1. As per what Google says, duplicate content won't harm my website unless it is spam. (And since we are rightfully content from our partner'website and showcasing it to a larger audience by hosting it on our website as well, we are thereby not indulging in any unethical practices) 2. The canonical tag could possibly hamper my crawl bandwidth issues as it would essentially need the crawler to crawl the whole page to figure out that the canonical is present, post which any possible valuation that my site could have garnered gets lost.3. Moreover, since I am from the news, media and publication industry, content republication is a widely accepted practice and in such cases simply including a link to the original source of the article or using the original source tag should suffice, That being mentioned, I do not want to go ahead without taking a second opinion about this. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

    | Starcom_Search

  • I find that the advice for multi-language sites is always tied with multi-region, but what about US only sites that want to be multi-lingual? What are the best practice recommendations there? HREFLANG tags necessary? TLDs? Do you need to purchase , yoursite.sp , etc.. or would suffice? Should the extensions be region based even if the language is the only difference?

    | emilydavidson

  • I have installed AMP Plugin in my WordPress website but when I check pages with /amp/ it shows 404 error. But for blog pages, for the example it shows amp version of the particular page. Also, nothing is showing in search console Accelerate Moile pages.

    | SEO-Stephanie

  • I have about 20,000 items on my Magento Site. I used a plugin to add structured data. If I use the Webmaster Tools Structured Data Tester everything shows up perfect. There are no errors on any page that I have spot checked. My total items increased to about 2500, but has now started dropping. The numbers have dropped to about 725 over the last few weeks. What can I check?

    | Tylerj

  • Hi Moz communtity, Let's say a website has multiple sub-domains with hundreds and thousands of pages. Generally we will be mentioning "primary keyword & "brand name" on every page of website. Can we do same on all pages of sub-domains to increase the authority of website for this primary keyword in Google? Or it gonna end up as negative impact if Google consider as duplicate content being mentioned same keyword and brand name on every page even on website and all pages of sub domains? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • I monitor our positions for a few keywords but they are very unstable. One day they will be at position 1, 2 or 3 and then all of a sudden not even on Google. We use an IP redirect to guide users to the correct site and I suspect this may be a cause. Could anybody shed some light? Thanks

    | JordanRowlands

  • We took on a client who is under penalty (various reasons).  The solution was a ground up new website with fresh content, domain, everything. This client has everything "right" in Google.  Everything you would want a client to do, he's done.  Great reviews, great offsite engagement, video, etc. Recently we updated his SSL and for about 1 week he came off penalty, only to come back on penalty  (top three for every major term in a very competitive market back to around page three).  Do you have any experience with this and if so, I'd love to hear your advice/rational of why this occurred and what it means?

    | mgordon

  • Hi everyone, Here's a duplicate content challenge I'm facing: Let's assume that we sell brown, blue, white and black 'Nike Shoes model 2017'. Because of technical reasons, we really need four urls to properly show these variations on our website. We find substantial search volume on 'Nike Shoes model 2017', but none on any of the color variants. Would it be theoretically possible to show page A, B, C and D on the website and: Give each page a canonical to page X, which is the 'default' page that we want to rank in Google (a product page that has a color selector) but is not directly linked from the site Mention page X in the sitemap.xml. (And not A, B, C or D). So the 'clean' urls get indexed and the color variations do not? In other words: Is it possible to rank a page that is only discovered via sitemap and canonicals?

    | Adriaan.Multiply

  • We have a glossary section on our website with hundreds of terms. At the moment we have it split into letters, e.g. there one page with all the terms starting with A, another for B etc.. I am conscious that this is not the best way to do things as not all of these pages are being indexed, and the traffic we get to these pages is very low. Any suggestions on what would be the best way to improve this? The 2 ideas I have at the moment are Have every term on a separate page, but ensuring there is enough copy for that term Leave as is, but have the URL change once a user scrolls down the page. E.g. the first page would be then once the user scrolls past this terms and onto the next one the URL would change to

    | brian-madden

  • Hi all, I was wondering if it is possible for Google to diregard the canonical tag, if for example they decide it is wrongly put based on behavioural data. On the Natviscript Blog's individual blog posts there is a canonical tag for the (printscreen - In my opinion it should not be there, and I've put request to our Engineering team for removal some time ago. Interestingly, all blog posts are indexed and got decent amount of organic traffic despite the tag. What do you think? Could it be that Google would disregard the tag based on usage data from let's say GA? Thanks, Lily

    | lgrozeva

  • Hey, guys, We are using the tool to automate our sitemaps on our properties, but some of them give this error "This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location" for all the urls. Strange thing is that not all of them are with the error and most have all the urls indexed already. Do you have any experience with the tool and what is your opinion? Thanks

    | lgrozeva

  • We are thinking about using our Google+ brand page to curate relevant news from different sources and organize them in Collections. We are confident that we can generate backlinks, followers, and engagement with this strategy. My fear is to suffer some penalty due to the fact that will not be sharing our own content. We will be redirecting the clicks to the website of the owner of the content; using Start a Fire tracking links ( Since I am not aware of any Google+ brand page that executed this curated news strategy with success, I decided to post this question. Our goal is to get high ranks for our Google+ brand page for searches to our brand name and for the name of the Collections. BTW, our curated news posts will be automated.

    | grinseo

  • Hi Mozers, I was wondering what do you guys think about indexing Google Docs files as Documents or Spreadsheets? Can you do that and is it any help if you what to get some content on the firs page of Google. And also can Google see that content and links, because when I deactivate the javascript on chrome I couldn't see anything from the content Thanks

    | VeeamSoftware

  • We are creating a new website and got stuck while deciding the URL structure. Our concern is which url is better in terms of SEO i.e. or and why. Also which one would rank faster if someone searches for **spas in pune if both **pages are same.

    | fabogo_marketing

  • While defining the site structure we thought of having all pages at second level only. i.e. please let us know the pros and cons of having this as architecture.

    | fabogo_marketing

  • I need to know if clicks on GSC are unique or not? thanks

    | Binary_SEO

  • I changed the domain of my website from to at the end of December and yet my DA for carissamay is still 1. As advised, I set up a 301 redirect from VC to CM which seems to be working fine. However when I check on redirect detective it tells me I also have a 302 set up. Could this be confusing things? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks

    | Carissamay

  • Hi Experts In a Single VPS with 1 IP, I have 2 domains. two months ago, one of them was in top 10 of high Competitive Keyword but from beginning of 2017 when I use the title of main page replaced by another domain on the VPS Is it a Google penalty?

    | siteBaNa

  • Hi guys, One site we have been working on which is: Homepage seems to be deindexed by Google Australia. From initial perspective it seems it could be high velocity of links too soon, but not 100% sure as there are no messages in GWT. It could be duplicate content issues as we found duplication of the homepage e.g. which is the exact same as the homepage. However, don't think this would cause the homepage to be indexed which had strong rankings before it was deindexed (ranking for 100 keywords). Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Good afternoon. I recently got hired as an SEO for a site, and it appears that they have been stuck at a 1DA for almost a year. I've been working on them for 3 months now with no improvements. I'm not sure if this is related but they do not have a traditional ".com" address. There URL ends with ".kitchen" If you have any idea why this might be happening, please let me know. 
    It would be much appreciated. 

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • I am trying to rank this page for keyword on At first it went really well, and I was on first page, ranking as number 8. Then it fell to second page. But then it totally dissapeared. If I go to now and search for, its not on any of the pages, I have looked through them all. I have used moz and other seo tools to analyze, and try to understand what has happened. But I simply cant understand it. And I cant get rankings back. I've been fighting with this for a long time. However - other pages on the site is ranking for the same keyword. If anyone has an answer leading to me solving this, they will be my hero of the day!

    | contenting

  • Hi everyone, thanks for reading i have a website "" and have the following pages listed in google site: command & however when a user searches for "garden landscaping Edinburgh" or "garden maintenance Edinburgh" we are in the rankings but google search links these phrases to the home page not to their targeted pages. the site is about a year old have checked the robots.txt, sitemap.xml & .htaccess files but can see anything wrong there. any ideas out there?

    | livingphilosophy

  • Hello, We are currently researching the case of a client that suffered greatly after a campaign of reverse SEO. In a short spam of time (about 6 months) thousands of foul links were created pointing at this site, and as a consequence, it got an algorithmic penalization, and organic traffic dropped almost by half. Does anyone has any experience with this kind of situations we could learn from? Obviously, we are already proceeding to disavow such bad links, but we'd also love to get to know who is behind this. Is there any way of finding out who or what company originated these links. Many bad sites were specifically created to harm this client's reputation, but the registrant is privacy protected. We could at best find out where these sites are hosted. Is there any way we could progress further in finding out more about this? We are talking of a campaing carried out by someone who knows their way around SEO, and which took at least 6 months to a 1 years of constant spammy bombing. Any leads will be greatly appreciated. Regards 5yFVjCI

    | ClaudioHeilborn

  • Hello all, Interested to hear your thoughts on this. What's best practice re server IP location. Is it OK for that to be in the US if your company is in Europe? Any potential issues? John Mueller says server location is irrelevant, but some developer I work with thinks IP address of the server is a factor. I can't see how it would be in this day and age. Many thanks, Gill.

    | Cannetastic

  • Hi Our Domain Authority has dropped recently from 29 > 23 - which is really low. I wondered if anyone had any ideas of why this might be? I'm seeing ranking/traffic improvements for SEO & I'm not currently building any bad backlinks, I did a sweep to Disavow any bad ones last Oct. I am planning to add good quality links, but is there anything else I can do to improve the authority?

    | BeckyKey

  • UPDATE* I temporarily removed the images from the page to check if rankings would come back and they did. So Google made a recent update in the Netherlands where they look at your page for adult content (pictures). For us it was breast augmentations, before and after pics. END Hey Guys, We have a site for plastic surgery in the Netherlands. We ranked on number 2 if someone searched for breast augmentation. But sinds 31 of januari our ranking dropped outside the top 50. I did not get a warning or an other message in Search Console. We have a lot of pictures on the website displaying before and after pictures. So you see breasts. Does anybody know if google rolled out an update where they look at photo's with audult content? We didnt do any linkbuilding or other black hat stuff. Kind regards, Ruud

    | equipezorgbedrijven

  • Hello! Can anyone see any glaring reasons why this post: "98 Book Marketing Ideas That Can Help Authors Increase Sales" isn't on page one of Google — or even page 10! — for the term "book marketing ideas"? Many other sites with lower domain and page authority — even ones linking to this article — are ranking on the first ten pages for this term, and I can't figure out why we're not appearing anywhere. The same thing is happening for ALL of our other blog posts, and the keywords they're optimized for. According to GA, the only terms we're getting clicks from are branded keywords. This subdomain is now 2 years old, and the domain has been around for 5 years. Our domain authority is 61. We have the Yoast SEO plugin installed and are following all the standard SEO best practices. We have enough external links to at least be ranking within the first 10 pages of this Google search. I feel like there's something technically wrong, maybe in the code or backend, but nobody here can figure it out, and our hosting provider WP Engine has no ideas. Moz is returning crawl errors on our site, mainly "Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered" and "Error Code 803: Incomplete HTTP Response Received." I have confirmed with WP Engine that everything is set up correctly on our end, and that this is a known Moz issue. I've reached out to Moz's support team about this, and am awaiting a response. But what else am I missing? There's got to be something — I've been blogging for 10 years for different companies and my own personal websites, and I've never come across anything like this before. I'm completely stuck! I'd appreciate any insights you can offer. Thanks in advance! 🙂 EDIT: I heard back from Moz on those errors. The 804 errors are a Moz-side issue — their crawler isn't equipped to be able to handle SNI. They're looking into a resolution, and this wouldn't affect search engine crawlers. Regarding the 803 error: "When you see an 803 error, that means your site closed its TCP connection to our crawler before our crawler could read a complete HTTP response. You don't see this error when you go to the page in your browser because content-length is an outdated component for modern browsers and they will disregard this error, but the intention of our crawler is to report any errors that might be occurring. So the crawler is configured to detect and report such errors." The only thing I can think to do here is go back to WP Engine with this information, but other than that, I'm not sure what this could mean or how to fix it, or if this might be the underlying technical issue keeping us from ranking.

    | bookbubpartners

  • We are having a few issues with blog integration into an Angular2 website and would love an SEO referral. Thanks

    | vinadvisor

  • I have been doing some digging in to this today essentially triggered off by looking at the secure certificate on my site and comparing it to others as i have been seeing some security warnings on a random basis.  I noticed that on all instances none of the other sites IP addresses re-direct to the website, whereas on my site it does. is re-directing the IP address to the website a big no-no?

    | WAWKA

  • While defining the site structure we thought of having all pages at second level only. i.e. please let us know the pros and cons of having this as architecture.

    | fabogo_marketing

  • Hi guys, Has anyone seen any cheaper alternatives to Bright Edge. Looking for SEO tools which can track keyword rankings, optimization changes, add notes and other data to ensure constant improvements in optimisation. Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi, Is there any ratio between dofollow and nofollow back-links of a website? Do a website really need some nofollow back-links? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • We make a product in a category of products -- let's say "donuts". There are really only 4 major donut companies (lots of artisanal donuts out there, but they're not really competitive yet). One of our competitors has systematically achieved top rank for "donut" and lots of adjacent keywords like "donuts" and "buy donuts". My question is, does their success ranking for the product category keyword "donut" influence their success ranking for long-tail keywords like "powdered donuts" and "tastiest donuts"? Or, to flip that question, should we try to compete for "donut" before worrying about "decadent delicious donuts"? Other factors: In terms of search volume, as you would expect, "donut" sees 10 to 1000 times as many searches as most of the other keywords adjacent to it. We can definitely compete for "donut" -- just trying to figure out if doing so should be our top priority.

    | hoosteeno

  • [Moderator deleted question.]

    | missionunpossible

  • Hi All, So this is a obvious question now. We can see sudden fall or rise of rankings; heavy fluctuations. New backlinks are contributing enough. Google claims it'll take care of any low quality backlinks without passing pagerank to website. Other end we can many scenarios where websites improved ranking and out of penalty using disavow tool. Google's statement and Disavow tool, both are opposite concepts. So when some unknown low quality backlinks are pointing and been increasing to a website? What's the ideal measure to be taken?

    | vtmoz

  • We are in the process of re-platforming our eCommerce site to Magento 2. For the most part, the majority of site content will remain the same. Unfortunately on our current platform, we have been inconsistent with the use of .html as a URL suffix. As a result, our category and product pages are half and half - /stainless-steel-hardware.html
    /stainless-steel-hardware We are considering taking the opportunity to clean up and standardize our URLs. (Drop the .html from all URLs on the new site and 301 redirect these to the same URL without the .html) Our concern is that many of the .html pages are good categories with strong page rank and I've read many articles about page rank loss from 301 redirects. We are debating internally if it really makes sense to take an SEO hit for something is seemingly small as dropping the .html from the URL. It would be a no-brainer if we were taking the opportunity to change to more SEO friendly natural language URLs. However currently our URL's appear acceptable with the exception of the inconsistent suffix. Thanks in advance for any insight on how you would approach this!

    | BoatOutfitters

  • Our company having multiple domain aliases (DIfferent TLD) like, .net, .org, .club, .win to one site (Same Content). We do this because our country ISP is blocking a few of the domain aliases. Question: Does this hurt the SEO rank? What approach is the best for us to gain SEO Rank?

    | missionunpossible

  • Hi all! For a healthcare website we have setup AMP. Google Search Console suggests to use article markup for several pages and I am not sure if this is correct. There are two kind of pages:
    1. News pages
    2. Information pages, for example: symptoms alcohol addiction  or Binge Eating Disorder There's no doubt the article markup will be correct for the news pages but I am not sure about the information pages. Do you guys suggest to implement article markup on these pages as well or only use this for real news/blog posts? Hope you can help me out. Thank you in advance and happy holidays! Regards, Anouk van de Velde

    | DeptAgency

  • Hi All, We want to change some of the linking structure on our website. I think we are repeating some non-important pages at footer menu. So I want to move them as second hierarchy level pages and bring some important pages at footer menu. But I have confusion which pages will get more influence: Top menu or bottom menu or normal pages? What is the best place to link non-important pages; so the link juice will not get diluted by passing through these. And what is the right place for "keyword-pages" which must influence our rankings for such keywords? Again one thing to notice here is we cannot highlight pages which are created in keyword perspective in top menu. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi all, I know historically tabbed content has been devalued, what's the situation currently? I've heard a lot about mobile first changing this. This is a design that has been produced by our designers: Each tab contains approx 1000 words and previously has been a unique article. Would love to know your thoughts on this design and the benefits/losses of doing it like this. Thanks, Tom

    | ThomasHarvey

  • Hey there, A client rents all kinds of party articles, like plates, bowles, etc. Currently, al his article pages have canonicals to their parent category pages, supposedly to have any pagevalue flow to these category pages, (which are much more relevant for SEO). Is there anyone who agrees with this method? I think a noindex,follow would be a better measure to prevent Google from accessing all these 'low value' article pages. Besides, a canonical should indicate that page A and B are (almost) identical, which they most certainly are not in this case. What are your thoughts?

    | Adriaan.Multiply

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