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  • multiplelocationsgbp gbp help

    Hi, I'm having trouble finding the option to add multiple locations to an existing GBP account. Can somebody help me?
    I believe it can be done throught Google &/or MOZ.
    Thank you,

    Local Listings | | Trendi

  • domain migration

    So I did a domain migration 4-5 months ago, lost about 70-80% of the traffic and I still couldn't recover the traffic. Redirected everything 1:1 Updated internal links Triggered change of address in GSC Monitoring the server logs (everything is perfect) Uploaded the old sitemap with the old URLs What happened/ what have I noticed so far: Almost all URLs have been indexed on the new domain New content on the new domain is indexed in a matter of few hours There's only one particular page that still appears as "Crawled and indexed" on the old domain and still receives traffic. I tried to request the manual indexing so Google could figure out the page has been redirected but nothing has changed. I think this is a sign Google hasn't finished the domain migration process? Most WEBP images appear as "Crawled - currently not indexed" on the old domain. Shouldn't they appear as "Page with redirect"? The new domain is ranking pretty well on a bunch of keywords (they're like 2-3% of the total page count) while the rest of 97% of pages haven't appeared not even in the top 200 results (these pages don't receive a single impression) Google acts a bit strangely on crawling the old domain. He keeps crawling the category pages over and over again (sometimes I see 20-30 crawls on a single category page in a single day) while the inner pages and images are rarely crawled. Like I see 4-5 crawls on images per day maximum. The traffic and number of rankings keywords haven't changed a bit after the last Google updates. Does this indicate that we haven't been impacted by them? So any suggestions on what else can I do to find out the reason why the website hasn't recovered? My guesses are: The process is still not finished (unlikely since it already passed 4-5 months) There's a technical error that I can't find (again, unlikely since I see nothing strange in the logs that'd indicate Google has problems fetching the site) Someone did something nasty (like blasting the website with backlinks or copying the content) that hindered the process? I see a couple of sites made in a language I can't read that literally copy and translate the content from my website and publish on theirs with the canonical URL my website URL. Also, two sites cloned mine after the migration but I managed to eliminate them in time. I had a lot of spammy backlinks on the old domain that have been automatically generated on the ranking pages over a few years. I haven't disavowed them because Google claimed they can identify and eliminate them. Now all those backlinks have instantly moved to the new domain which could put Google in panic mode and lower its trust in our website. Should I disavow them? Please any help is highly appreciated.

    SEO Tactics | | Anna33212
  • Unsolved

    technical seo google analytics utm parameters

    Does anyone have a tutorial on how to dynamically capture the referring source to be populated in UTM parameters for Google Analytics? We want to syndicate content and be able to see all of the websites that provided referral traffic for this specific objective. We want to set a specific utm_medium and utm_campaign but have the utm_source be dynamic and capture the referring website. If we set a permanent utm_source, it would appear the same for all incoming traffic. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | peteboyd
  • Unsolved

    moz local

    Do listings revert to original state after cancelling Moz Local subscription? I know Yext is a feed that needs to be in place for their listings to show, and when you cancel the subscription, the listings all revert to how they were before you started (if you are lucky). I was told that Moz Local was different by a rep of the underlying platform that Moz white labels. Is this true , or still true? Thanks

    Moz Local | | TroyP

  • www to non www redirect chain classified website

    Recently our free classifieds USA website we move from www to non www format. Now old urls still showing in Google SERP. When click they show 404 error pages due to removed old ads.
    We redirect www to non www version for main domain but still old cache pages affected.
    How to dynamically handle this case, all old www version ads pages auto redirect to relevant category pages?

    Technical SEO | | bcuclassifieds
  • Unsolved

    campaign settings subdomain

    Also, I would like to track a subdomain without the root domain, is that possible?

    Moz Pro | | AndreVa
  • Unsolved

    add services moz local entering location help with location entry

    Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 9.53.40 AM.png When I click the "Add services" link, it takes me to the "Rich Data" page where there isn't a place to list your services. All of the fields in my "Rich Data" page are full and there is not anymore room to name services. What do I do?

    Moz Local | | rdsoapes11mktg

  • serp seo image optimisation

    I have been doing a little on-page SEO on our site today and came across the following images embedded within organic SERPs, please see the screenshot. Obviously the users eye is drawn to these and therefore they are likely to result in more clicks. It would be great to know what they are called and how to go about getting these for our own results? If we managed to implement these across our site it would make a big difference for us, as working in the travel space, images are so strong when painting a picture of the destination. Thanks
    Ben 0073280b-3daa-4558-b5fd-3cbde422d623-image.png

    SEO Tactics | | wildernessscotland
  • Unsolved

    robots.txt crawl disallow subdomain sub-domain

    I need Moz to stop crawling a subdomain of my site, and am just checking what the exact text should be in the file to do this. I assume it would be: User-agent: Moz
    Disallow: / But just checking so I can tell the agency who will apply it, to avoid paying for their time with the incorrect text! Many thanks.

    Getting Started | | Simon-Plan
  • Unsolved

    algorithm updates

    Why does my site rank so low in google results when the whole site was topping. It hit 200,000 impressions per day, and it's down to 1,000 impressions After this update 👇
    Today we released the October 2022 Spam Update. Find out more about spam updates at This is why, and how do I know my site is spam This is a link to my site that you can see and check
    B85CF67D-C76B-42A2-812A-9CCFE016D7FA.jpeg DF49D603-0D03-4A3B-926C-7C0136732804.jpeg

    Moz Tools | | A_h7med.-

  • refunds

    I was charged for a subscription but I’ve tried to cancel several times. I need help with a refund.

    SEO Tactics | | PerceptionDB

  • technical seo ecommerce indexation crawl product page

    Hello! We are an online marketplace that submitted our sitemap through Google Search Console 2 weeks ago. Although the sitemap has been submitted successfully, out of ~10000 links (we have ~10000 product pages), we only have 25 that have been indexed. I've attached images of the reasons given for not indexing the platform. gsc-dashboard-1 gsc-dashboard-2 How would we go about fixing this?

    Technical SEO | | fbcosta

  • canonical

    Error: Missing Canonical Tag
    But URL is not a webpage it is a PDF document, is this fixable?

    Technical SEO | | ahmadmdahshan

  • hreflang

    We want address the search market for USA and UK. Therefore all english pages have small regional variations with similar content. Since a longer time (after a relaunch) Google has problems to identify the right page (/en-gb/) for the right search market (UK) - although we use hreflang and sitemaps from the beginning. We monitor those in moz for our UK campaign (/en-gb/ pages) by jumps in the ranking of individual keywords (>-50 and >+50). -50 means not that the ranking of our website is lost. In this case Google will substitute the ranking of the /en-gb/ page with the variant /en/. One excample:
    This page lost the ranking and the other languag variant is ranking for position 2. In the moment I have no idea what we can change in our html code.

    Technical SEO | | PeterGolze
  • Unsolved

    overview seo 101

    Hello, I'm looking for an overview for how to use some of the MOZ features for teammates that are unfamiliar with the full ins and outs of SEO. Or perhaps a list of tips to share out with them? Is there any sort of webinar or tips that you have available or perhaps a training they could attend? Thanks!

    Getting Started | | Athene

  • seo rankings ranking factors url issue

    We've recently had a redesign of our website and we have both a Dutch and an English version. However, in MOZ for both NL and BE-NL it seems to favor the English URLs. This never used to be the case and I'm wondering why it's happening and whether it could actually be hurting our SEO, as search engines would favor local languages for search queries.

    Local SEO | | Billywig
  • Unsolved

    api planning

    We have questions regarding our subscription and the plan we are on. We are more interested in Mozscape API and not the features that we have access to currently. Will you let us know how we can change. Is there some one that we can chat with. Thanks,

    API | | PatientPop
  • Unsolved

    subscription cancelation cancel cancelation cancelmyaccount

    Is there anyway to cancel moz local? I can not figure it out. I've tried for hours now.

    Getting Started | | SouthBayWebs
  • Unsolved


    HI Moz Team Now I'm interesting to subscription pro ( medium ) plan for 4 months . Could you give me any discount? Sincerely yours

    Product Support | | jakapongjoke991A
  • Unsolved

    moz local


    Moz Local | | ShopSplendor2

  • seo local seo rankings ranking factors

    We've recently had a redesign for our website and it has influenced our rankings a little bit. However, what I mainly noticed is that for some keywords in MOZ the English URL is looked at in terms of ranking, instead of the local URL. It used to be just the local URL ranking, even for keywords that are more English oriented, and I'm wondering if that might be hurting our rankings. And more importantly, why it's happening. An example of a page where it's happening is:

    Local SEO | | Billywig

  • seo seo rankings rankings google

    We recently launched a new design of our website and for SEO purposes we decided to have our website both in English and in Dutch. However, when I look at the rankings in MOZ for many of our keywords, it seems the English pages are being preferred over the Dutch ones. That never used to be the case when we had our website in the old design. It mainly is for pages that have an English keyword attached to them, but even then the Dutch page would just rank. I'm trying to figure out why English pages are being preferred now and whether that could actually damage our rankings, as search engines would prefer copy in the local language. An example is this page: for the keywords "HTML5 player" and "HTML5 video player".

    Local SEO | | Billywig
  • Unsolved

    keyword rankings historical data

    Hello, When I look at the rank history for a particular keyword, there are missing gaps in the data. For example, the keyword was fluctuating around rank 10-20 from Jan 2022 to July 2022. Then suddenly the line on the graph disappears. It starts tracking again in Oct 2022 starting at rank 16. It almost appears as if Moz lost track of the keyword for some time. Other tracked keywords did not experience the same issue during this time. Then as a result, Moz reporting will say the tracked keyword moved up in ranking 40+. What is happening here? I'm unsure how to explain this activity to my clients.

    Moz Pro | | celsiusmarketing
  • Unsolved

    cancel annual

    I signed up for Moz Local with an annual subscription and I don't have a store front, so most of it is not relevant to me.

    Moz Local | | HobbyHack

  • keyword explorer

    Hi I wanted to check the volume of a keyword in German but unfortunately, it shows no data available.?
    Is this actually possible to research German keywords with your tool?

    Keyword Research | | Raymonda

  • amp google analytics hubspot

    Hello, all!
    What impact have you seen if you've used the Hubspot AMP plugin and then disabled it?
    We saw a big jump in sessions, which is weird because GA was tracking AMP pages. I'm trying to wrap my head around why this is happening but my brain isn't working 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | SimpleSearch

  • seo training seo expert

    My boss, alerted me that we have 7k in unspent budget for 2022. If you had extra 7k to spend on SEO tool/software/training or whatever, what would you purchase?

    Other SEO Tools | | inhouseninja

  • migration redirect 301 redirect

    I have this forum with about 2 million posts for 16 years on root of the domain. I am looking to switch softwares but the top ones won’t help setup 301 redirects. But I can still migrate all my members and all my content (threads/posts), would Google still reindex all our content or if we don’t setup redirects would it really kill our entire traffic for a long time or maybe just a month or so? I really want to migrate to software that isn’t forum based but rather something that offers courses, chat, live video streaming, subscription based etc. and this is the only way to do so OR to set it up on an entirely new domain OR subdomain but to me that is like starting all over from scratch? I could archive the forum to read only and set it up on subdomain or another root domain - then on the archived forum setup banners and a pop up linking to the new site or new subdomain? . This is such a hard decision for us as the current forum we have had for so many years has lost members posting from 1k a day to just a handful a day, our fb group though gets 1k a day so I’m trying to revive a site into something more modern and has all the training features we can offer as well.

    Technical SEO | | vbsk

  • seo tactic seo international seo seo rankings seo expert

    I have a website which I want to rank in UK, NZ and AU and I want to keep my domain as .com in all the countries. I have specified the lang=en now what needs to be done to rank one website in 3 different English countries without changing the domain extension i.e. or

    SEO Tactics | | Ravi_Rana

  • url inspection breadcrumbs technical seo seo tactics

    Hello everyone ! I am building an ecom store using wordpress. I have assigned multiple categories to the same product. What should be the URL structure when users are navigating with different product categories? Categories Assigned: tshirt, blue, striped
    Product Name: blue-striped-tshirt Option 01: Matching site navigation breadcrumb to product url URL -
    Breadcrumb - home/tshirt/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (canonical to 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/color/blue/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (canonical to 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/type/striped/blue-striped-tshirt Option 02: Same product urls and different breadcrumbs based on user site navigation URL -
    Breadcrumb - home/tshirt/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (url same as 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/color/blue/blue-striped-tshirt URL - (url same as 1 product page)
    Breadcrumb - home/type/striped/blue-striped-tshirt I have decided to got with Option 01 so that the product in each category can be ranked according to each category keyword. Which option is the best according to your experience or is there any other best practice?

    Technical SEO | | Dingos
  • Unsolved

    moz tool da history

    Hello everyone!
    I want to know how to check the DA history of my website Inkjet Wholesale. Because I don't have any idea about Moz that how to use it. If anyone knows about DA's history check on Moz, please let me know.

    Moz Tools | | ZeonAley
  • Unsolved

    keyword explorer

    Hi, I was supposed to work with researching keywords today. After researching a few queries in the Keyword Explorer, it stopped retrieving keywords and shows the message, “Getting keyword suggestions failed. Please retry your search or refresh this page”. The issue has persisted for a few hours. Thanks in advance.

    Moz Pro | | wp-annalv
  • Unsolved

    site crawl site crawl stuck

    Hi all, It seems like moz has been stuck on crawling our site for a while now - I had a message of 'you will get a notification for when your site crawl is complete' for about 2 weeks now, and it doesn't seem to finish it? Any ideas why this happens and how to fix it? Thank you in advance.

    Moz Tools | | StevenWalley

  • seo tactics content development optimization

    I have quite a long content on my site. By length I mean around 8000-9000 words. I optimized it to cover almost all searches related to a topic. But this length makes me uneasy for some reason. I do not think that users will find what they are looking for in such a long content. However, I don't want to neglect the SEO aspect of the content. I can talk about something like this without sharing the keywords completely: Title + for girls Title + for boys Title + for kids Title + for girlfriend Title + for boyfriend Title + for students As I said, in the current situation, these are all sub-headings (H2) of 8000-9000-word content. When I make a separate content for each of them, I can bring them all closer to 1500-2000 words. However, I am undecided whether this is the right step in terms of SEO and content optimization. What are your views?

    SEO Tactics | | mozasea
  • Unsolved

    orphaned pages unwanted urls technical seo

    I am working on quite an old cms, and there are bunch of urls that don't make any sense.
    For example there are no internal links. And fortunately not much traffic at all. But I can't see in the cms why they are generating? I've tried to check the html code to check why, what's the reason? But all I can think of is the structure....? something odd the cms writes?
    Anyone have any ideas please? And would I redirect all these? Just thinking there could be a better solution/fix, rather than redirects since there are no links or traffic.....Like the devs solve why they are generating.....Unfortunately I get very slow responses from the devs as a 3rd pty company, hence on here ;0). (Some of those are indexed too)... :0) Thanks in advance....

    Technical SEO | | MattHopkins
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