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  • Hi, We have a regional language sub-domain, which has the URI in the regional language characters (Hindi). While looking at the Search Analytics data in GSC, we get all the URLs in ASCII format. To resolve this issue, we even encoded the characters in UTF-8, by adding the following in the of the page: However, we are still getting illegible URLs in search console. It would be really great if someone could help me out with this issue. Thanks!

    International SEO | | Starcom_Search

  • Hi there, We ( created our blog at the same time as ( We're both blogs of big brands in switzerland. But there is one big different. The interdiscount blog ranks much better than we do. But they not even optimize the blog for standard SEO points. Now i found the reason i guess. They get the complete page authority of the brand inherited. How is that possible, because we don't..? (Screens in attachment) Best regards Sandro K7zxz ndODO

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sandro_Haag

  • My question is sparked by how Moz uses its Whiteboard Friday videos. We are currently capturing video stories from our customers. Its excellent and engaging content we'd love to share with a wider audience. I'm puttting together a strategy for video SEO to drive traffic to our site and Moz's approach intrigues me. As we know, the world of video rich snippets changed in 2014 - their appearance in universal search reduced dramatically and what remained was almost entirely (90%+) YouTube snippets. Useless if you're looking to drive traffic to your own site. Of course, it's still possible to earn SERPs for video in Google video search, but I imagine the search volume is greatly reduced. From what I can see, first Moz host their Whiteboard Friday video on Wistia, complete with transcript and whiteboard capture. Suprisingly, I see no Schema markup for video. Can anyone shed a light as to why this might be a good idea? 3-6 months later the same video is then uploaded to youtube, with the same title and a similar description. The end result is multiple SERPs in universal search, almost always in the following order: the original post on Moz a YouTube result complete with a video rich sippet This has me asking the following questions - I have some theories - but i'd love your input: Why use two platforms to upload and host the video? Why not just YouTube? Why avoid using Schema on the Wistia video hosted on the original post? Surely, this would allow an additional result in Google Video Search? Why wait 3-6 months after the first post to upload the YouTube video?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobertChapman

  • Our website cms is WordPress. We have recently changed the URL pattern of our blog pages which resulted in hundreds of crawl errors in Google search console. Even though we don't have any broken links; old pages have been reported at Google. We are trying to redirect the old URLs to new which will be handled by auto redirects or manual redirects. Will so many redirects impact on website? I don't mean about internal redirects. I mean about redirects made for the cause of reclaiming non existing pages referred from external sites

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I am trying to get a handle on how to fix and control a large amount of duplicate content I keep getting on my Moz Reports. The main area where this comes up is for duplicate page content and duplicate title tags   ... thousands of them. I partially understand the source of the problem.  My site mixes free content with content that requires a login. I think if I were to change my crawl settings to eliminate the login and index the paid content it would lower the quantity of duplicate pages and help me identify the true duplicate pages because a large number of duplicates occur at the site login. Unfortunately, it's not simple in my case because last year I encountered a problem when migrating my archives into a new CMS.  The app in the CMS that migrated the data caused a large amount of data truncation Which means that I am piecing together my archives of approximately 5,000 articles.  It also means that much of the piecing together process requires me to keep the former app that manages the articles to find where certain articles were truncated and to copy the text that followed the truncation and complete the articles.   So far, I have restored about half of the archives which is time-consuming tedious work. My question is if anyone knows a more efficient way of identifying and editing duplicate pages and title tags?

    Technical SEO | | Prop65

  • I was just chatting with the person who set up our site on our domain hosting and they said they added in a CNAME record to transfer the www version of my site to the Non-www version. Shouldn't this be set up as a 301 redirect? I have hundreds of links built to the www version and only a few to the non-www version. Or Could I just add in a 301 in addition to the CNAME record? This is not my wheelhouse and need a little advice. Thanks in Advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | photoseo1

  • we are creating a video based off the content on one of our web pages. i know it's probably better for the video to be embedded on the same page as the article but if they aren't, what should we do to make sure that we aren't diluting our ranking power?  Both pages will be going after the same key phrase...

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Howdy fellow Mozzers, We're tracking a client's keyword rankings in one of our campaigns and want to export that data on a regular basis to display in Tableau. Tableau let's us quickly match up different data sources and create visuals with the data. It's useful for marrying different data sources that don't normally talk to each other. We know we can pull keyword tracking data manually, but we're hoping there's an API or scheduler that we can use to download the data automatically. Automating the process would be super helpful. Thank you!

    Feature Requests | | brettmandoes

  • Hello guys, in doing an analysis of our website using SEMRush, we discovered that there are Form Type links from some of the business websites connected to our website with follow attributes. SEMRush has identified them as toxic backlinks. What is the proper HTML code structure for setting Form Type links with nofollow attributes?

    Link Building | | Lovingly

  • I am an attraction and I have just noticed that some of my vendors are using my address, and in some instances my mainline(phone), for their stores which are located on site.  What is your recommendation, or best practice for this scenario as I wish to prevent this from appearing as a duplicate listing.   thank you in advance.

    Local Listings | | setokin

  • Hi - I am trying to get on the Google Knowledge Graph Carousel. I've set up G+, YouTube, Consistent NAP, local business schema, etc. but still have not been featured. Can you please help me figure out why I cannot get a carousel feature. Please help me determine what I am missing.

    Local Listings | | mmmeans

  • I have submitted an xml sitemap to Search Console back in December, and it's been approved, but the moz tool says there's no xml sitemap. Please help!!!

    Moz Bar | | SEO_Tap22

  • Long time user, infrequent poster.... thanks for taking my question... When I go to gather a series of data elements on a company's URL, the data changes (sometime dramatically) depending on whether the 'www.' is added to the URL & it seems related more to Page data than Domain. My question is about which data I should be using to assess the real strength of the site / page? Is there a 'best practice' question here, a personal preference or is there an actual difference in the performance of the www vs the non-www version? aquGYdz

    Moz Pro | | SWGroves

  • Hi guys I have a question about google merchant set up: Products on my website have a single URL with the material option. Each material has a different price for the same product. Ex: A Winter Coat, if it is leather the price is $100 if it is fabric is $80 if it is on Nylon $60. 
    Google Merchant XML dont allow price variations, so I have two options1) Create only one entry for product and chose one price. When the user arrives on the page he can choose other material and prices. MXL ExProduct: Winter Coat, price 60, Product: Create a single entry on the XML for each product/material variant. Ex:Product 1: Winter Coat Leather, price 100, 2: Winter Coat Fabric, price 80, Product 3: Winter Coat Nylon, price 60, one its better for SEO? On option 2 Google can punish me for duplicate products?Thanks

    Reviews and Ratings | | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • So, one of my pages has an optimisation score of 93. The DA of the website is 74 and is lower than many of our competitors, but to rank 12th? Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions? All the images are under 100kb, but the page speed isn't great (not something I'm currently able to change). All alt tags are using variations of our keywords.

    Local Website Optimization | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi, I have a problem with my structured data. a few week's ago, i received this message in search console:
    'the mark on some pages of your website look like techniques that conflict with the Google guidlines for structured markup with spam'
    i checked the guidlines and my website ( but couldn't found any issues that are in conflict with the guidlines from google. So i asked a controle request.
    the request was unfortunately rejected. my question: how can i decect the wrong mark? Kind regards,

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | chalet

  • I have an SSL certificate on our domain but at times some search results still list the HTTP version. Clicking on this then warns the user about security and they leave. To avoid this I am using this in the htaccess file to redirect all HTTP visits to the https version. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L] Is this ok? I notice on Moz toolbar it give a 302 temporary redirect I am thinking this isn't good and needs to be a 301 maybe? What is the best practice in this situation?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavpeds

  • Hello, everyone. I am struggling a little with the vast amounts of information about how best to get a local service area business ranking and the best practice. If I explain what I have been doing and then see how I can improve. I have created a couple of websites for window cleaners. These window cleaners offer several services like window cleaning, gutter cleaning, conservatory cleaning, pressure washing etc. They also cover several towns/cities so it's important for them to be able to target all these areas in search. They don't have multiple offices so only have one home/office address and by the nature of the job provide services at the customer's house/business. What I have been doing is creating a page for each service they provide then to cover the areas I have been doing two things. Creating a page on the site called areas covered with a list of the areas they cover and also adding in the title of the page the main one or two areas that are most important to them. From what I can gather this might not be the best approach?? Google may see the areas in titles as keyword stuffing? Google also doesn't like a list of areas in one go anywhere on a site which can also seem like keyword stuffing? So for an example, this would be a rough title structure of service pages Window cleaners in town/city, town/city and town/city Gutter Cleaners in town/city, town/city and town/city As I said I am not sure this is the best way to do this from what I read. I have read about area specific pages but i struggle to see how i could make each area specific page unique enough as the service is exactly the same in each area. I have also read that putting the most important keywords at the begingin of the the title is better so using the above example would this be better? town/city window cleaners - business name So from what i understand having pages like this might be better Window cleaners town/city1 Window cleaners town/city2 Window cleaners town/city3 Gutter Cleaners town/city1 Gutter Cleaners town/city2 Gutter Cleaners town/city3 and so on but like I say I am aware each of these area specific pages would need to be unique but being that the services are exactly the same in each area I am not sure how I could warrant creating all the pages. Writing about the specific area on the page seems a little odd in that the visitor who lands on that page doesn't want to learn about their area, they live there and know the area. They want to know what the service is and if they do in fact cover their area. In which case how can i best ensure all or most of the areas they cover are targeted and show in search? Some sites i have done cover around 20-30 towns around them so how can best ensure they rank for them? I have also been reading conflicting information about how to structure pages and urls. Some say don't use commas in page titles, some say don't use underscores and only use hyphens. Similarly, I have read that the URL should not contain any hyphens but I am not sure about this seeing as WordPress often adds hyphens between words in URLs. Some say you should always have an H1 on every page others say it's not all that important anymore. With images, i have also been giving them alts the same as the page titles thay are on, is this the wrong thing to do? Id be happy to private messge (if i can do that here) one of the sites I would be eternally grateful if anyone can help in firstly clarifying how I could best improve ranking for areas covered and secondly what best practice is to structure page content like H1's image alts etc. Thanks

    Local Website Optimization | | Gavpeds

  • Hi there I have analyzing a webshop where we sell products for pets, gardening and the like. I am getting a lot of "Duplicate Content" alerts from Moz when doing a site crawl and I am told that the pages for e.g. cat products and gardening tools show duplicate content. Those two pages contain no identical products, so I am guessing that it is just the "set up" of the page (they look almost identical, except for the products). My question is: Is this really a problem? Does it affect my ranking in a negative way, and if so, how can I counter it? Best regards Frederik

    Local SEO | | fhertzp

  • Hi guys, Can anybody shed some light, I'm running a crawl on a client's website but it's failing on the homepage and not crawling any other pages. It appears to be throwing an 804: HTTPS (SSL) error and then terminating the crawl. Now, the page in question was serving up mixed content up until about 4 days ago, but has since been fixed. I read that we should wait at least 48 hours before initiating another crawl to avoid hitting a cached version - which I did, but it still appears to be having issues. Is there anything specific I can do to get around this issue? I'm on a trial account and this feature is one I'm keen to test, so there is a bit of a time constraint. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    Moz Bar | | philipdanielhayton

  • Hello Friends - I am just learning Moz tool via Udacity I was doing some analysis using Moz for the following keyword "digital marketing courses" This is the result what I get. Moz tells me the opportunity is 83. This is a high number and does not reflect what I see when I search in google. The page is full of ads. A organic click is going to be very difficult. 
    Moz potential also says 79 - again a high number which does not seem to be the reality. It is going to be very difficult for a new service to rank higher. I have fundamental doubt on whether SEO will work on keywords which are in high demand by paid ads. more that 30% of the real estate on screen gets taken by paid ads. Even if one searches for long tail key word the story remains same. Does SEO really have a chance to compete with paid ads for business driving keywords? pub

    Moz Pro | | udacity-singhvishu

  • If we get any backlinks from discussions/forums of top websites like wordpress and joomla forums; do they count as valid and authority improving backlinks? I mean about the dofollow links.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Late last year, Shopify moved all their sites from http to https. I did an audit of a Shopify site recently and discovered the following... The https version of the site has just 13 backlinks from 5 domains The http version of the site has 568 backlinks from 48 domains So I went into the blog (which is on a different domain - long story) and changed all the backlinks from http to https. One week later... the https version of the site now has 278 backlinks from the same 5 domains. I've been told that Google doesn't worry about this when it comes to rankings. Not sure if this is true or not. But I definitely believe this DOES affect MOZ Domain Authority. Can anybody confirm or deny this? If the backlinks do not change from http to https following a migration, does this impact MOZ Domain Authority and/or Google rankings?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Hi, I am trying to add 2 verified locations on Moz Local. When connecting GMB account and Moz local, it says that these listings haven't been verified when they are actually verified Thanks for letting me know how can you resolve this issue!

    Moz Local | | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Ok. So I know that you should have your company name in the site title, but is it all that important in the site description? The reason I ask is because I am competing with another company for the #1 position (I was number 1, now #2) that has an 8 character name and mine is 22 taking away from a great deal of real estate in my 150-160 character site description in which I could provide additional information describing my company. Should I remove my name in the site description enabling me to use more descriptive keywords and actionable text such as (Find, research, contact, professional, info) etc. Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | photoseo1

  • Do product tags for ecommerce sites have any benefit to SEO? Or are they redundant? i.e. (tags appear below the product name on the right)

    On-Page Optimization | | moon-boots

  • Hello, Last week I did some work on my website's inner pages linking and some of my highly ranking keywords fell down as a result. I guess I did something wrong, please help me figure out what exactly was wrong! Here is the example of what I did.  I put a link to the page that ranks for 'Thermador repair Brentwood' here: I put exactly same anchor text, 'Thermador repair Brentwood'. For my blog posts, I use Yoast plugin, so when adding the link, I received the message "You are linking to another page with the focus word you want this page rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank." While this one's ranking, 'Thermador repair Brentwood', didn't fall down, others did. Could you please confirm if my understanding is right and I'd better not use the same keywords on two or more pages? If yes, what is the best practice for linking to the pages that are not in the main menu? Let's say, I decided to do blog posts for the areas my appliance repair company serves and to optimize those pages for respective keywords. So, I have pages like "Appliance Repair Service in Brentwood" (which is optimized for "appliance repair brentwood" keyword), "Appliance Repair Service in Beverly Hills" ("appliance repair beverly hills" keyword), etc. I thought that the best way to link to them is to put the same anchor texts: "appliance repair beverly hills", etc. But it looks like the best way would be to use the anchor texts like "Beverly Hills", "appliance servicemen in Beverly Hills". Please tell me if I am right? Any explanation, advise or referral would be much appreciated! Thank you!

    Link Building | | kirupa

  • I've been reviewing the technical audits for my campaign in Moz, and noticed I had a number of duplicate content issues that I'm not really sure how to address. When I click on the links of what the duplicates are, they are all different links that have different content/images. Based on what I was seeing other's wrote in the forum, this could be because the code base is really the same between these pages, and many of these were using query parameters (I'm assuming that is why the code is almost exactly the same across these pages), so example: is a duplicate of I was reading that I can use that URL Parameters area in google search console, but my search console says that the googlebot isn't experiencing issues, so I wasn't sure if that was the right move. I can't do the canonicals because these pages all have different content on them, and I know duplicate content is a big SEO issue, so I really wasn't sure what my next steps should be. Thanks for the help!

    Moz Bar | | amaray403

  • Hi, I'm new to MOZ API, used their sample code and tested by changing some constant values, but it is generating following error when tried to access link metrics sample code. http://localhost/moz/php/complete/examples/ Undefined variable: postParams in C:\wamp64\www\moz\php\complete\services\links_service.php Screenshots attached for reference. ev5f5d ev5fwn ev5gpy ev5h9q

    Getting Started | | Estukune01

  • Without duplicating i'm looking at a similar setup to this thread There is a marine business that has within it 3 distinct departments, Sales & brokerage, marina and shipyard all within the same location but with unique telephone numbers grouped into sections on the website with the unique numbers.  I'm clarifying whether there are genuine distinct customer facing locations for each department.  We want to create department pages because each one has unique opening hours. However looking at this I have some questions i'm unsure about. Each department has a unique landline number that routes through to the main switchboard when called, does that matter? The departments kind make the idea of a core G+ page, map page redundant because there are only 3 areas of the business and the departments handle that.  So can you have just departments, or should we set up the main 'hub' page as the brand page, linking to 3 departments? Where can I find information on how to correctly set up a department so the connection/hierarchy is in place? Looking around I can't find any instructions.

    Local Listings | | MickEdwards

  • This is the 3rd month in succession where the Mozscape index has been delayed. Myself and clients are losing patience with this, as I am sure many others must be. Just what do you suppose we tell clients waiting for that data? We have incomplete and sometimes skewed metrics to report on, delays which then get delayed further, with nothing but the usual 'we are working on it' and 'bear with us'. It's becoming obvious you fudged the index update back in January (see discussion here with some kind of explanation finally from Rand:, and seems you have been fumbling around ever since trying to fix it, with data all over the place, shifting DA scores and missing links from campaign data. Your developers should be working around the clock to fix this, because this is a big part of what you're selling in your service, and as SEO's and marketers we are relying on that data for client retention and satisfaction. Will you refund us all if we should lose clients over this?! .. I don't think so! With reports already sent out the beginning of the month with incomplete data, I told clients the index would refresh April 10th as informed from the API updates page, only to see it fudged again on day of release with the index being rolled back to previous. So again, I have to tell clients there will be more delays, ...with the uncertainty of IF it WILL EVEN get refreshed when you say it will. It's becoming a joke.. really!

    API | | GregDixson

  • Hi Moz 🙂 I work on an ecommerce site & am getting stuck with how to improve rankings on category pages. I have a competitor who writes loads of content for their category pages under tabs & they perform very well. The content isn't particularly helpful, more about their range and what they offer. I have tested adding similar content under a tab to some of our category pages - with some performing well & others not as well. I know this isn't ideal, and I'd like some help with an alternative. Does anyone have tips on improving rankings on category pages? I don't have much control on the layout, this is controlled by our parent company which restricts us. I am researching writing user guides, but these will be on other pages not directly on the category page & the way we have to add them is a lot of manual work for our webmaster, so I can't get them up as quickly as I'd like. I have seen REI have a small bit of content at the top of their pages that link to guides e.g - But obviously their domain authority is so high already, that they don't need as much help as me 🙂 At the moment I have some new Chair pages I need to rank, these are competitive and any ideas would be great 🙂 Here are some examples: Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi Guys, In this video by Brian Dean he talks about how to go about optimising for multiple keywords. He basically said the main factors for optimising a page for multiple keywords are the following: Identify other keywords with same search intent as your primary keyword. Add them to title tag strategically, don't stuff them in there. Add as many of those keywords as h2 tags into the content, again when it makes sense. Are there any other more advanced ways you can use to optimize a page for multiple keywords with same search intent that could be good? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | spyaccounts11

  • Hi, I have a client who has offices that are physically located in one town, but offers its services to a much wider area, like a hundred mile radius. You can see where this is going. In local organic search, they need to establish a verified business location in other towns. My understanding is that virtual offices, even though you can receive mail there and can have offices there, are not an acceptable solution to this problem. Maybe I'm wrong about that though. Any ideas, short of opening up permanent full-time offices in other cities for getting around this? With all due respect, if your answer is only an opinion on the importance of playing by the rules and background on the rationale behind Google's Guidelines, etc, please don't bother posting. I'm looking for actual possible alternatives. Thanks!

    Local Listings | | 94501

  • Hello there guys! My website is dropping comparing to my competitors. My main keyword is: geotextil 
    And my main competitor is: We have better and original content. We have better structure website with better SEO practice (so a i thought). I'm not able to find out what's making the difference between my website dropping and my competitors raking first. This is in google Brazil If anyone could give me any direction i would appreciate. Thanks a lot!! Bruno Nunes

    On-Page Optimization | | ffbrunoff

  • Is anyone else experiencing problems with the display of the MOzcast widget? I am and the Moz support person I spoke with wasn't able to replicate the problem. See and It looks like a file is missing.

    Moz Bar | | DonnaDuncan

  • Hello the MOZ community, My question is simple. I read on the forum that if moz doesn't add your backlinks after quite a while, it's because they are poor value. But in my case, these links are excellent (DA 90-100). Some of the examples (not index after 2 months): I start to desesperate 😞 My website is Do you have an idea why it's not indexed and how I can solve this issue? Thanks in advance 😉

    Link Building | | lytcheetv

  • Hello Moz community, Please check out my website - I'd love to know your thoughts. I have never built links for my website but managed to do pretty well on the rankings organically. Lately, figures have dropped so need to get back up there on Google. Any tips from what you see already would be greatly appreciated! Example ecom product I sell: Thanks

    Content Development | | xlucax

  • Hi I notice today that a few of my clients GSC profiles are devoid of link data (that did have before) Anyone know if this is a bug with Google or other potential issue ? All Best
    Dan Links to Your Site | Total links |
    | No data available. | | Who links the most No data available. |

    Technical SEO | | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, I have a crawl error in my report : 804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page. I check all pages and database to fix wrong url http->https but this one persist. Do you have any ideas, how can i fix it ? Thanks website :

    Feature Requests | | Sitiodev

  • Hi, I have a Product Page, say
    Canonical URL is I want to change its URL to
    Canonical URL is
    Can't do 301 Redirect. Is SEO Juice passed from to ? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | viatrading1

  • Our default eCommerce property ( used to show several dozen External Links and several thousand Internal Links on Google Search Console. As of this Friday both those links are showing "No Data Available". I checked other related properties (, and and all of them are showing the same. Our other statistics (like Search Analytics etc.) remain unchanged. Any idea what might have caused this and how to resolve this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SudipG

  • So, we all "nofollow" most of the external links or all external links to hold back the page rank. Is it correct? As per Google, only non-trusty and paid links must be nofollow. Is it all same about external links and nofollow now?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

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