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  • Hi, We have reciprocal links with our business partners. Their websites have been listed on our website with "nofollow" links and they link to our website with "nofollow" or "dofollow" links. Is this wrong having reciprocal links? And if they are our partners, "nofollow" or "dofollow" is better? I don't think there will be anymore link juice loss with dofollow links from our website?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi folks, We have developed a site that connect local consumers with local businesses (brick and mortar). The keywords that consumers search for are e.g. "plumber san diego" or "hairdresser" + "local area" and so on...good old fashioned local searches. Sometimes even without the location added in the search. But how do we BEST optimize our site to get the most organic traffic from these local searches? We don't have brick and mortar stores or offices but our service is of high value and will save consumers lots of money and even help the local businesses when in need of extra customers. Thanks in advance for all your input. Have a nice day. Chris

    Local Listings | | Henrik_Kruse

  • Hi all, Ours is website's blog is built with wordpress. We used to have the below URL pattern like may other websites: Recently we removed the date and made the URL pattern to just like: All the links have been generated with new URLs across the blog. Still all the old URLs have been reported as crawl errors in search console. I am wondering will there be any auto redirect formula to redirect all the old URLs to new URLs. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hey guys! I'm working to build something to make technical SEO audit less painful and I'd like to hear from other SEO experts. Can I ask you to answer this quick survey: THANKS!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jbrisebois

  • There seems to be very differing opinions on what is good practice (white hat) and what is not (Black hat) and I'm not sure which way to lean (although my inclinations are slightly to the white). I'm starting a business offering a service and see ranking position 1-3 in the serps as my key to success. I'm creating good and useful content on my site and without much effort beyond on page seo have reached page 4 google for a few choice keywords. I feel that with a small number of links to a few of my pages i can reach page 1 and here is where my dilemma begins. With a bit of investment in some software (£400-600 for 3 different products) I can start Tiered linkbuilding (in a black hat way) and get results quickly but potentially risking my site in the eyes of google. I've been doing a little outreach to gain links in a whiter way but not had much success yet. I'm keen to keep with the whiter side but see progress as slower. Am I wrong? Can i build a robust link profile in a white hat way rapidly? Are there any quick wins i can gain to give me confidence? Why is white hat better than black hat? All wisdom, experience, guidance and humour gratefully received.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | roadhaulageservices

  • Hi Moz Community, I am launching a series of new e-commerce websites and wanted to know before I started the content writing what are the TOP 3 strategy/research practices and techniques I should be doing before building my website? Bonus points for those who can give me a Top 5! Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | xlucax

  • Using SEOMoz (or what other tools do you recommend), how can I find the most common key words that my target segment uses in Google search - about any subject? Say my target segment of customers is teens aged 13-18 in Mexico (using Spanish) or in Turkey (using Turkish language). Thank you in advance 🙂

    Moz Pro | | Cenktukel

  • I am using a Mac and use Safari for web.  I am not very familiar with Google Chrome or Firefox. I started my trial with SEOMoz Pro and want to use it (loved it) but do not want to adapt myself to Google Chrome or Firefox - thus my hesitation. What limitations do I have with SEOMoz Pro in safari - e.g. Moz add-on in the toolbar? What would I be missing if I continue using Safari? I would much appreciate an honest and complete answer so that I can decide whether to use Google Chrome of Firefox. Thank you

    Feature Requests | | Cenktukel

  • Hi everyone, quick question I hope someone could help me with: We're representing a client based in the UK. As part of their overall strategy we've been linkbuilding. At the moment, about 80/90% of the links we've gained come from UK-based sites, with 10/20% coming from US-based websites. The US based websites are very good (think New York Times and genuine, relevant blogs with good readerships). An external search analyst/consultant has contacted the client to say that the US links will be harming the site, because the links are from websites in the US and not the UK. We believe that if 80/90% of the links were from the US this could indeed cause harm as it could indicate to search engines that our client is in the US when it's not (which might compromise their chance of ranking in versions of search engines) however because it's only 10/20%, and because the linking sites are very good, we believe that they will getting all of the benefits of the positive metrics without any meaningful negatives. We just wanted to get a few opinions on this to see if people think that we're mistaken, and would be glad to hear any opinions contrary to our own.

    Link Building | | GoUp

  • We'll be uploading a sitemap to google search console for a new site.  We have ~70-80 static pages that don't really chance much (some may change as we modify a couple pages over the course of the year).  But we have a separate blog on the site which we will be adding content to frequently. How can I set up the sitemap to make sure that "future" blog posts will get picked up and indexed. I used a sitemap generator and it picked up the first blog post that's on the site, but am wondering what happens with future ones?  I don't want to resubmit a new sitemap each time that has a link to a new blog post we posted.

    Technical SEO | | vikasnwu

  • Looking at Google Search Analytics page position by device.  The desktop version has seen a dramatic drop in the last 60 days compared to the mobile site.  Could this be caused by mobile first indexing?  Has Google had any releases that might have caused this?

    Algorithm Updates | | merch_zzounds

  • Dear Moz community I would like to hear your advice about our current SEO problems. Our website is This is a website where people can learn the Polish language on our website. This website has been online since 2007. The website got really outdated, so we built and launched a new version on March 1st (one month ago). We have created a salespage that we would like to rank for the keywords 'cursus Pools' (Polish course) first of all and 'pools leren' (learn Polish) secondly. The page is The old website was on rank 4-5 (roughly) for 'cursus Pools' and 'pools leren'. When we launched the new website we were on the top 5 with two of our pages. We were even on rank 1 and our salespage was also showing on the first page and often also in the top 5 (below the 'wrong' page of ours). We got quite a lot of trafic and new clients. However the problem was that the wrong page was ranking higher. We wanted our salespage to rank and not our home page ( and not our free lesson ( So what we did: Read/watched recourses about this problem: and and others. Removed the keywords (cursus pools en Pools leren) from the wrong pages (home and free lesson pages). Optimized the Salespage for these keywords Improved internal linking with these key words to our salespage Worked on link building for our salepage. We got about 5-10 links to our salespage in the first week of March (5 seems to be significant for this competition and we are working on more). These links are not yet in Moz OSE, but Google has indexed these pages and links. For reference, here are some of these links (not all): Shared and promoted our salespage on social media What we expected: Our salespage to show up on top for these keywords Our ranking to improve What happened: Our salespage disappeared all together from the search results for these search terms (it does show up for more specific search queries, for example 'cursus pools leren spreken') Our site seems to keep dropping lower and lower. We are now on the bottom of page 1 or on page 2 for 'cursus Pools' and 'Pools leren' and not with the desired page Questions we have for you to help us: Why do you think our salespage is not showing up anymore for these keywords ('cursus pools' and 'pools leren')? Do you think we got a penalty for over optimization or bad links? What can we more to get our salespage to rank for these keywords? (we are working on building/earning more links) What can we do to restore our rankings and not drop lower anymore? Do we need to give our efforts more time? How long? Any other adivce? Thanks so much in advance!

    Link Building | | rdudkiewicz

  • When I searched for "mapping software", a carousel of images which displayed a variety of different companies appeared above the results list. Does anyone know what this is and how you go about getting your company into this carousel? The attached image displays the carousel. gRjF1

    Technical SEO | | eSpatial

  • Interested to know people strategies for detecting and mitigating negative SEO. Previously I've used link monitoring tool and kept an eye on all new back links coming in to any page on the site.  I have then manually assessed each one again using some tools and actually visiting the website. However, this always leaves me with one dilemma.  Regardless of my assessment how do search engines see that link? I run three lists a white list, grey list and blacklist. White list - very relevant and have a lot of authority.  I.e. leading industry blogs and forums. Grey list - out of topic/industry, directories Blacklist - sites de-indexed by Google, illegal content or absolute spam (i.e. one page filled with hundreds of links to different domains) Do you have any thoughts? How do you assess if link is bad?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • I am a Real Estate Developer.  Once a home goes off market (is sold),  I had been using a 404 for that page. The problem:   When the home goes up on market again,  google will not re-index the new page (same URL) I have also tried to manage it a different way.  Instead of removing the page, I left it as-is.  At some later point time, the house goes back up on the market.  The page is refreshed with new content.  However, google decides to use cached version. Please note in either case,  the property appears on the main page for a period of indexing. I have been doing this for 10 years, the problem is increasing with time.

    Web Design | | Buckey

  • I have a few questions regarding Google Search Console. Google Search Console tells you to add all versions of your website https, http, www, and non-www. 1.) Do I than add ALL the information for ALL versions? Sitemaps, preferred site, etc.? 2.) If yes, when I add sitemaps to each version, do I add the sitemap url of the site version I'm on or my preferred version? - For instance when adding a sitemap to a non-www version of the site, do I use the non-www version of the sitemap? Or since I prefer a do I use it there? 3.) When adding my preferred site (www or non-www) do I use my preferred site on all site versions? (https, http, www, and non-www) Thanks in advance. Answers vary throughout Google!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Mike.Bean

  • I am looking forward to create a solid link building campaign for my affiliate blog. But, what I want is completely GENUINE and effective link building. Could anyone please suggest what strategies should I opt for. I am planning to get Guest Blogging done? But, is it effective anymore. I have read so much about companies posting on Private networks.
    Are there actually companies out there that actually outreach blogs? it would be helpful if somebody could refer based upon personal experience. Much Appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | scott_eastman

  • Hi all, When we search for top tools or software like "top cms systems", we can see Google listing some companies in boxes. What these results are called? I know search snippets are different. Any idea on what basis Google is listing them? I couldn't able to give you screenshot as imgur failed to upload image. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Is there any way to pull data directly from MOZ to Google sheets, like a plug-in for sheets?

    API | | Storfiskaren

  • Can we have rel=canonical across all pages of a wordpress CMS website? I don't know why same page has been as canonical but not for duplicate pages

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I'm in Canada and it's been a while since I checked but I just went on the Moz Local page and saw the CDN flag. Does that mean the service is now available for Canada?

    Moz Local | | waynekolenchuk

  • Since last November we have been receiving a lot of low quality backlinks from over 700 websites. It looks like one of our pages from our website has been copied with the links being kept as they are. I have left a link to an example of this here: Please note, all examples seem to be copied in the same way. We have also started seeing a decrease in the amount of organic traffic (Analytics Picture), As you can see the decrease is not yet so drastically high, but it is still a decrease and this is the third consecutive month we have seen this decrease. Do you think it is worth it to use Disavow tool for all of these bad link or not? uuuLt

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • Hi In March I've seen a lot of keywords go from being ranked, to dropping out completely. We usually get under 1000 drop in and out each month, but 2,500 dropped out this month. Some are not focus keywords I'd be concerned about, but then some are.... I am trying to work out why and could use some help. We haven't changed anything on the pages & here are some examples: - previously ranked for 'Dollies' position 6 now unranked - ranked position 11 for 'Folding Sack Truck' now unranked - ranked position 7 for portable workbenches now unranked. These pages do still rank for other keywords, so aren't out of Google completely. I'm just trying to identify if we have any other issues Thank you 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi, We have moved one of our domain in angular js and after that, i observed the major drop in the number of indexed pages. I crosschecked the coding and other important parameters but didn't find any major issue. What could be the reason behind the drop?

    Technical SEO | | ResultFirst

  • Hi team, I noticed that when I request a desktop rendering in GWT using fetch and render, pages render as the mobile version. Screenshot attached. It's related to the VHS units in our CSS (as far as I'm aware). Does anyone know what the implications of this may be? Does it mean googlebot can only see the mobile version of our website? Any help is appreciated. Jake jgScJ

    Technical SEO | | Jacobsheehan

  • Hi all As everyone, we have seen a decrease of domain authority and external links during the last months. with open site Rand is explaining the reason in this in this post, but I still would like to have a look to the links that in theory I have lost during the last months. I thought Majestic was the best option but I have been trying to get the info and I see nothing clear. When I download the fresh or history links, I only see links that are live (in theory, because in history I get a lot not existing but I can not see it without a manual check). The option of lost links is just giving me 1000 links per day, but after downloading some and checking I see that this lost link report is showing me links that are working (but it looks that majestic couldn't access when they did the crawling and show them as lost). Also the numbers of lost links are totally different if you use fresh or historic... Anyone could recommend me a good way to find out links that I really lost? Thanks

    Link Building | | AutoEurope

  • I've been hired to build a new site for a customer. They were duped by some shady characters at (If you can reach them, tell them they are rats--phone is disconnected, address is a comedy club on Mission in SF). Glupe owns the domain name and would not transfer or give FTP access prior to dropping off the face of the earth. The customer doesn't want to chase after them with lawyers, so we are moving on. New domain, new site with much of the same content as previous site. All that I have access to is the old wordpress site. I plan to build the new site, then remove all pages/posts from the old site. Is there anything I can do to salvage the current page 1 ranking? Obviously, the new domain will take some time to get back there. Just hoping to avoid any pitfalls or penalties if I can. If I had complete access, I would follow all the standard guidelines. But I don't. Any thoughts? Thanks! Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | c_estep_tcbguy

  • We are building a new site on .com and wish to redirect traffic from US to a dedicated US-specific version of the homepage , whereas international traffic will go to the standard homepage. We acknowledge the problems of IP redirection and googlebot crawling from US. So instead we are considering a Javascript pop-up if we recognise a US visitor (based on IP) which asks the user if they wish to view the US version or International version. We will store cookie of preferred selection for future visits. Within the site we will have a US/International selector. Can Moz community members confirm this is the best approach? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bjalc2011

  • We recently launched a new site that doesn't have any ads, but in Webmaster Tools under "Fetch as Google" under the rendering of the page I see: Googlebot couldn't get all resources for this page. Here's a list: URL Type Reason Severity Script Blocked Low robots.txt AJAX Blocked Low robots.txt Not sure where that would be coming from as we don't have any ads running on our site? Also, it's stating the the fetch is a "partial" fetch. Any insight is appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | vikasnwu

  • I'm not sure, but I seem to remember that there was a certain number of API calls that USED to be included with my MOZ Pro level subscription and as I check it now, the API access is a separate subscription. Was there a recent change or has my memory finally started going?

    API | | SWGroves

  • I've had trouble adding keywords to Keyword Lists - specifically when I add a large list of keywords (400+), and only 50 or 75 keywords are analyzed. Is there a reason this happens?

    Moz Bar | | brianglassman

  • Hello Mozers I'm just checking whether it is good practice to 301 the main homepage url to its https version.  Will this have any detrimental effect on ranking and DA?

    Technical SEO | | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hi Moz! I've seen a big drop in Domain Authority 31 > 22 recently. I need a plan of what to sort out first, here are the points I know we need to improve: Page Speed Quality content - guides, blogs, videos Better UX experience to improve page engagement Backlinks - quality earned links & improvement of presence on social media This is our site I am the only SEO, with a small content team - who only really work on adding new products to the site. Our dev team are in France and we can be restricted by them. But I'm worried & I need a plan of what to tackle first to help improve this. We also saw keywords drop out in March - I'm assuming after Fred, some keywords aren't ones I would worry about, but then some are - for example - this page ranked at position 6 for Dollies - now dropped out altogether. Any ideas are welcome - help 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Hi I'm trying to review pages which have previously ranked, but in March have dropped out completely. Some of these pages I can see have dropped to having a Page Authority of 1, we haven't changed anything on these pages, so is there a reason why the authority has dropped? These pages only had around 8 - 10 Page Authority to begin with. I'm trying to identify why we have lost keywords, and if it has anything to do with the Google Updates in March Here are examples of the pages with drops: Thank you!

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, It's a common practice giving the "brand name" or "brand name & primary keyword" as suffix on EVERY page title. Well then it's just we are giving "primary keyword" across all pages and we expect "homepage" to rank better for that "primary keyword". Still Google ranks the pages accordingly? How Google handles it? The default suffix with primary keyword across all pages will be ignored or devalued by Google for ranking certain pages? Or by the ranking of website improves for "primary keyword" just because it has been added to all page titles?

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi Moz I have recently switzed to SSL on, now Moz is not able to crawl anymore. When I look at the crawl report there is just one fault displayed: "403 : Received 403 (Forbidden) error response for page." How can i solve this issue asap? I was not aware that there would be any issues with moz when activating a SSL certificate on the site. The campaign with the problem is: Regards
    Jesper Nielsen

    Moz Bar | | WebBoost

  • Hello Moz Community, I am looking to hire a link builder for SEO purposes. What are the normal rates and what I should expect for my money? Can you guys please share your knowledge with me so I am better prepared when hiring the right person! Bonus point for tips on what to look for when hiring someone and also best places to look for an SEO specialist! I look forward to all your replies!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | xlucax

  • Hello Team, I have a post on my blog which was ranking on #1 in SERP. I always tried to update it with new content.On 31-Mar-2017, I made a big update in it. Like, it was a list of 20 tips and I made it to 50+. I thought it will help me to increase it's CTR. And, I changed its URL and redirect old one to new one.But when I checked today, it was totally disappeared from SERP 😞 it's nowhere. But it is indexed I have checked but not ranking now. I did this thing (Content Upgrade) before and it always gave good results but I don't know what happened now.Any suggestions or help?Old URL: URL: love and respect,Puneet Gogia

    Technical SEO | | ManAPR

  • I have set up a client on Moz Local. They are called Help in Hearing. The Moz Local "Incomplete" listing says "No listing found on Facebook." There is a facebook page for the client, it is this one How do i get this to be visible to Moz Local?

    Moz Local | | mfrgolfgti

  • Hi, Im new to this whole duplicate content issue. I have a website, that I use the portofolio feature in Wordpress as my gallery for all my wedding invitations.  I have a ton of duplicate content issues from this. I don't understand at all how to fix this. I'd appreciate any help! Below is an example of one duplicate content issue. They have slightly different names, different urls, different images and all have no text. But are coming up as duplicates. Would it be as easy as putting a different metadescription for each?? Thanks for the help! Rena | "Treasure" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 3 duplicates "Perennial" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 1 of 3 duplicates "Primrose" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie 1 0 0 0 200 2 of 3 duplicates "Catalina" by Designers Fine Press - Fat Cat Paperie |

    On-Page Optimization | | HonestSEOStudio

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm trying to create a GTM variable for transaction value without tax. There is no datalayer field for this at the moment. e.g. I only have these fields in the datalayer: Revenue (€19.99) Tax (€3.47) Price (€19.99) No field with the price without tax. Is there a way to create a variable? Is it possible to work with a specific function? Or is it standard to implement an extra field in the datalayer? Many thanks,

    Reporting & Analytics | | WeAreDigital_BE

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