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  • We have multiple issues with this situation. We rank #1 for "Lace Fabric", #3 for "Lace Trim", and #80 for "Lace". We also rank for "Lace Ribbon", and "Lace Appliques". The Lace Fabric and Lace Trim pages have plenty of backlinks, wherein may lie the problem. We have a similar issue for "Satin". "Silk Satin", "Polyester Satin", "Satin Trim", "Satin Ribbon", etc. This is a very annoying and common pattern. Our backlink profile is sterling, and our competitors with inferior backlink profiles and branded search are outranking us. We outrank them across the board for 2 word terms. Based on my evaluation of TF/CF, PA/DA, Content, etc., we should be on page 1 for "Lace". IMHO, these pages are competing for the head term. Any ideas on how to eliminate this issue to rank for head terms?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GWMSEO

  • If some nofollow links are showing up in Google Search Console, does that mean they are indeed passing link juice?

    Link Building | | BrightonRecoveryCenter

  • Hello, folks! I'm wondering how I optimize a site if it is built on a platform that works based on dynamic content. For example, the page pulls in certain information based on the information it has about the user.  Not every user will see the same page. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Geonetric

  • I noticed in my keyword ranking reports that the heading "Google en-US Mobile Friendly" indicates false for all tracked keywords... Is this information still helpful in the reports? _Cindy

    Moz Bar | | cceebar

  • What's your experience of using robots meta tag v robots.txt when it comes to a stand alone solution to prevent Google indexing? I am pretty sure robots meta tag is more reliable - going on own experiences, I have never experience any probs with robots meta tags but plenty with robots.txt as a stand alone solution. Thanks in advance, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • I'm trying to resolve a number of conversion discrepancies found in Google Analytics. I discovered that Shopify also provides its own 'conversion details'. In some cases they correlate, which is awesome! But in many cases they do not. Anyone know why this is? And which is more reliable (remembering that Shopify is an actual, real order)? Does anybody know how Shopify attributes conversions (ie. last click, first click, or some hybrid of the two)?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | muzzmoz

  • I'm trying to use better keywords on my Squarespace website but can't quite figure out how to plug in my own using the site. I'm trying to improve my ranking on my google listing. Any help would be very much appreciated! (Sorry, I'm new to this!)

    Keyword Research | | CloudJammer

  • Many bloggers use a wysiwyg editor to write posts. Are there any drawbacks to wysiwyg vs plain text? When I write blogs I prefer to hand code my text to be sure everything is optimized. My feeling is that wysiwyg leads to code bloat and generally fewer optimization opportunities. I have no real evidence. Is there any reason not to use the wysiwyg editor?

    On-Page Optimization | | Jason-Rogers

  • I want to Disallow certain dynamic pages in robots.txt and am unsure of the proper syntax. The pages I want to disallow all include the string ?Page= Which is the proper syntax?
    Disallow: ?Page=
    Disallow: ?Page=*
    Disallow: ?Page=
    Or something else?

    Technical SEO | | btreloar

  • I'm planning to set up a subdomain for my Shopify store but I'm not sure if this is the right approach. Should I purchase a separate domain for it? I'm running Wordpress on my website and want to keep it that way. I want to use Shopify for the ecommerce side. I want to link the store from the top nav and of course I'll use CTA's in a variety of ways to point to merchandise and other things on the store side.   Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ims2016

  • One of my clients is moving offices. They want to change the recognized address from: REAL ADDRESS: 4a Normal Road, Normal Area, City, POSTCODE To: MODIFIED ADDRESS: Fancy Name, Normal Road, Normal Area, City, POSTCODE I imagine this may cause issues when one tries to build some citations, with the address not being recognized by the site.  Perhaps there are other issues, can anyone foresee any problems with the change? Local results are very important to this company, would it be better to stick with the real street address?

    Local Listings | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi, Can anyone help me in understanding the results which are appearing above adwords in the screenshot below. These are the knowledge graph results or something else. strip_zpsmxsufx55.png.html

    Algorithm Updates | | SameerBhatia

  • I am not sure how I feel about home service ads so far.  They are supposed to make it easier for home service businesses to connect with clients but the difficulty level seems to be off the charts.  I have my first client scheduled for an interview tomorrow.  We have 2 previous interview schedules and something went wrong on their end. I have a Plumbing client about to do the video interview?  Does anyone have any experience to help my client with the interview?  What questions will they ask?  What does he need to be prepared for to pass the interview? From a manager/consultant standpoint, does the client need an Adwords manager if he is running home service ads?

    Local SEO | | PSLab

  • Hello, A client's first site got penalized by Goolge Penguin. It has recovered through cleaning up backlinks, but not to where it was before. It is 2nd and 3rd for several money keywords, but is far less successful than before penalization. We are starting a second site. Here's the important steps to mention The new site shows up first for it's domain name, and it has 30 pages indexed. It shows up NOWHERE for our leading search term. Out other site has a blog post that is 3rd for that search term. We are using new categories and new organization. We are using a different cart solution We are adding all unique content The home pages and some of the product pages are very thorough. We are adding comprehensive products like nothing else in the industry (10X) We plan on adding a very comprehensive blog, but haven't started yet. We've added the top 100 products so far. Our other store has 500. There's a lot of spam in the industry, so sites are slow to rank. Our category descriptions are 500 words Again, all unique content. No major errors in Moz Campaign tools Just a few categories so far, we're going to add many more. Same Google Analytics account as our other site It looks like we should eventually be on page 3 for our major search term. Again, we're nowhere for anything right now. ... Have you seen that Google will not rank a second site because it's from the same company and Google Analytics account, or does Google let you rank 2 sites in the same industry? We are hoping it's just slow to rank. If you can rank 2 sites, what are your best recommendations to help show up? Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW

  • This might be a dumb question but we had an incident where a new SEO guy thought it would be a good idea to un-publish and republish all of your 200+ blog posts which we carefully scheduled over the last 6 months. He did not update the content and did not change anything. His intention was to send out google a sign to recheck the sites or something. Now, the entire blog looks like it wen't live in one day, which I don't think is good? Should we load a backup and get our old publishing dates back, should we keep it with the new publishing dates? What are the consequences? Will it effect our SEO?

    Technical SEO | | Funlocity

  • I've seen a lot of online articles that are bit outdated when it comes to this question and I wanted to see if Authors on other sites knew of some great sites to post their articles on.

    Local Website Optimization | | InsigniaSEO

  • Hey Guys, We have seen a huge spike in "Access Denied" status in the google search console for our website and I have no idea why that would be the case.  Is there anyone that can shed some light on what is going on or who can point me in the direction of an SEO specialist that we can pay to fix the issue?? Thanks denied.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fbchris

  • We need some of our pages to rank for multiple related keywords. But we cannot optimise one page for multiple keywords which might end up ranking for none of them; at the same time we cannot optimise it for one keyword as we ignore other keywords. I think creating multiple landing pages for very related keywords will confuse users and search engines as well. How to handle this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hey Mozzers, How would you structure the following pages for SEO. The site is a multi-product / multi-topic site, but all pages in this example are based on a single topic - CRM Software: CRM Software product CRM Software related blog post 1 CRM Software related blog post 2 CRM Software related blog post 3 CRM Software downloadable resource 1 CRM Software downloadable resource 2 CRM Software downloadable resource 3 I know building directory pyramids is a bit old hat nowadays, but I still see the odd website organising the above pages, as follows: /crm-software /crm-software/crm-blog-post-1 /crm-software/crm-blog-post-2 /crm-software/crm-blog-post-3 /crm-software/crm-resource-1 /crm-software/crm-resource-2 /crm-software/crm-resource-3 However, I'm more inclined to apply a more logical structure, as follows: /crm-software /blog/crm-blog-post-1 /blog/crm-blog-post-2 /blog/crm-blog-post-3 /resources/crm-resource-1 /resources/crm-resource-2 /resources/crm-resource-3 What would you say is SEO best practice? Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Zoope

  • Hello peeps! I need your collective wisdom to help me deal with something. We manage a website that is doing quite well in its niche, however we have the following problem: Our section landing pages are well established and they rank for a wide range of search terms, including some with a transactional focus. It is obvious that these pages do not cater for users with transactional intent. Our competitors are targeting those transactional keywords with a completely different type of pages, and are winning across the board (annoying but understandable). We have now created a number of pages, which are very similar to the ones that our competitors are using and with an even better on-page SEO score ... WIN! ...well, not so much! Our old section pages are still ranking for the transactional search terms and our new pages are getting very little traction and are having a really slow start. 1. I suspect there is some sort of page cannibalisation going on. How would you address that?
    2. Is there a tried and tested way of telling search engines to rank your new page because it meets the search intent in a better way? Please note that we cannot just redirect the old page to the new one - there are structural and commercial reasons for keeping the old page as it is.
    3. Is there anything else that I am missing? Your help is much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Yordan.Vasilev

  • I am curious to hear from Moz  community about the best keyword tool right now which gives most accurate numbers as Google is hiding the numbers. I have used few tools which allows us to check volume for different countries; but would like to know which tool even has the global search volume & search volume for "multiple" selected countries. Thanks

    Other SEO Tools | | vtmoz

  • Hi looking to launch in a new market, currently we have a domain which is geo-targeted to Australia. We want to launch in New Zealand which is ends with If i duplicate the Australian based site completely on the new domain name, would i face duplicate content issues from a SEO standpoint?
    Even though it's on a completely separate country code. Or is it still advised tosetup hreflang tag across both of the domains? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jayoliverwright

  • Dears, I've use "Site Crawl" tool to find any SEO warnings, and I found 991 duplicated content. The problem is that the pages are not duplicated its all products category pages, please check this exmaple: This page: and this page: It said its duplicated, and it's 991 pages! How to fix this this? what I can do?

    Moz Pro | | jobedu

  • Link reclamation is good activity interms of technical SEO and UX. But I noticed couple of times rank drop post the link reclamation activity. Why does this happen? What might be the cause? Beside redirecting to the most relevant page in contest to the source page content; anything else we must be looking into?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi There, I am promoting an online events website and would like to know adding long tail keywords (4-6 words unique queries) under "People also searched for:" is a good or bad idea on event pages? My intention is not to stuff page with keywords, although I want to let search engine bot know that particular page is relevant for other mentioned queries as well. So Intent is to sent relevancy signal (via content). So the heading "People also searched for" could be changed to something like: Related searches Searches related to Related queries etc. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | jamesinhere

  • I work for a global company which is in the process of launching their US & European websites, (just re-launched Australian site, migrated from an old domain) all with separate domains with the purpose of localising.   However, the US website content will essentially be the same as the Australian one with minor changes (z instead of s, slightly different service offerings etc) but the core information will be the same as the AU site.   Will this be seen as duplicate content and Is there a way we can structure this so that the content won’t be seen as duplicate but is still a separate localised website?  Thank you.

    Local Website Optimization | | PGAUE

  • Hi , I want to achieve Featured Snippets for my client ( Could you anyone help me on this ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ananyab

  • Hello, Thanks for taking the time to have a read of this, I'm not quite sure of the best way to address this issue. I have a WooCommerce site with Products and Subscriptions, i.e subscribe to buy the product monthly. Because of the way WooCommerce works these are effectively two different pages, for example: and Since the second is just a Subscription of the first (Product) it's basically exactly the same content. I'm not sure if I should make the canonical link of the Subscription point to the Product? I would prefer that customers find the Product first and don't want Google to think this is duplicate content. On the other hand it's not strictly duplicate content as they are two different things? Is there any advice or best practice on how to handle this? Many thanks, Damian

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | damo_form

  • I have acquired new a client who wants to migrate to a new platform. He also wants a 100% guarantee we maintain he Google search rankings. How realistic is this? Anyone got a checklist they can recommend?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

  • I have a site that wants to change their URL, It's a very basic site with hardly any backlinks. The only change they want to make is taking out the 'and'.. so it would be they already own the domain. What should I do?? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MissThumann

  • Hello, My website is and is a University project. I need to optimise the website for speed as the bounce rate is fairly quick - I feel this could be due to how long it takes web site to load? Any tips in increasing internet speed. I am willing to higher someone if they feel they can help! Thanks, L

    On-Page Optimization | | xlucax

  • My dev and I are migrating an existing multi page application to a single page application with Does anybody have any experience with doing SEO for single page applications? Any other consequences we should take into account? Anything important to expect. Any insights would be 10/10 appreciated.

    Web Design | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello all. I'm looking for ideas for displacing a Quora Q&A as the featured snippet in google search results. I rank organically for the target term (it's a branded term, "urban airship pricing") in results 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Quora Q&A ranks 5, but is still getting the featured snippet. The Quora question, which is from 2013, is negative - essentially "why does Urban Airship cost so much." It was posed / someone answered the question before we restructured pricing, and added a free starter edition, so the information in the answer is incorrect. It's causing issues for our sales teams, there's a fair amount of volume around this term for us, and worst of all, it's making me mad 😉 I've considered the tactics listed below, but would love to know if anyone's done this, and what free or low-lost tactics work/where to focus efforts. Thanks in advance for help! -Jessica Tactics I'm Considering (Are some or all worth doing? Better ideas?) Create a pricing FAQ page on my website to try give Google a short answer to a query related to pricing that it might feature instead of the Quora Q&A Get a lot of folks to downvote the Quora question (and upvote the short answer we added). Although I'm worried that "activity" on the question might actually make things worse not better in terms of its visibility. Buy paid Google Adwords for the term so the featured snippet isn't quite so starkly featured (we were buying for this term, looking into why our ads aren't showing up at the moment) Talk about pricing on sites like Product Hunt or others (other ideas?) to see if they'll rank highly enough to add more/better content to page 1 results. Contact Quora and let them know that this outdated question is being pulled into a featured snippet and see if they'll do something about it (remove it, etc.) Provide feedback to Google (using the link under the snippet) that "something is wrong" or "this isn't useful"

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jpoundstone

  • We're a business with 5 separate locations across 5 cities in Upstate NY.  While doing some visual ad previews in the adwords interface I noticed that Google is altering my title tag and adding the word "Rochester" to the end of it, cutting short my designated title tag. Rochester is the location of our headquarters so not a big deal for 1/5th of our customers.  But to my dismay, the same thing is happening when searching from the geo locations of my other branches.  So when searching for my business in Buffalo (we have a physical address in Buffalo), the title tag in the results still says our company name and "Rochester". This of course is likely leading to confusion and actively harming our organic CTR in our branch locations.  This is happening in all of the remaining 4 branch locations.  I'm at a loss, I tried lengthening the title tag but it still gets cut off. The term Rochester appears (as do the other branch locations) in my meta description for the homepage as well as in the text of the page itself.  I haven't gone so far as to remove that yet and hopefully don't have to. Does anyone have any ideas?  Thank you in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Doylejg3

  • I have a blog that received a Webmaster Tools message about a guidelines violation because of "unnatural outbound links" back in August. We added a plugin to make all external links 'NoFollow' links and Google removed the penalty fairly quickly. My question, how do we start changing links to 'follow' again? Or at least being able to add 'follow' links in posts going forward? I'm confused by the penalty because the blog has literally never done anything SEO-related, they have done everything via social and email. I only started working with them recently to help with their organic presence. We don't want them to hurt themselves at all, but 'follow' links are more NATURAL than having everything as 'NoFollow' links, and it helps with their own SEO by having clean external 'follow' links. Not sure if there is a perfect answer to this question because it is Google we're dealing with here, but I'm hoping someone else has some tips that I may not have thought about. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HashtagJeff

  • HI, I have a page that is about 5000 lines of code total. I was having difficulty figuring out why the addition of a lot of targeted, quality content to the bottom of the pages was not helping with rankings. Then, when fetching as Google, I noticed that only about 3300 lines were getting indexed for some reason. So naturally, that content wasn't going to have any effect if Google in not seeing it. Has anyone seen this before? Thoughts on what may be happening? I'm not seeing any errors begin thrown by the page....and I'm not aware of a limit of lines of code Google will crawl. Pages load under 5 seconds so loading speed shouldn't be the issue. Thanks, Kevin

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yandl

  • Our e-commerce store is moving away from a set of products. Instead of just redirecting these to an another section of our site, we were considering redirecting them to another site that sells the product. I don't mind losing that traffic, but I don't want it to inadvertently hurt our other product lines. Any thoughts on the impact of 301 redirecting a certain section of traffic to another domain?   Anything I should we on the lookout for or consider?

    Technical SEO | | CPollock

  • Hi everyone, A user is complaining that her name is appearing in google search through our job ads site, so I removed such ads through Search Console, but the problem is not the ads anymore but our internal search results. The ads are no longer live but our searches has been indexed by google back then, We have been manually taking over 500 pages that included such name but more and more keep coming through pagination, we haven't found a pattern yet so pretty much any search result might have contained such name. We might get some legal issues here, did you guys got into anything similar before? We have just set some rules so that this doesn't happen again, but still can't find a way to deal with this one. Thanks in advance. PD: Not sure if this is the right category to fit it.

    Technical SEO | | JoaoCJ

  • If you search 'best games to play for youtube' you get an answer box with answers pulled independently from the article at hand. Here's an image: Here are all the games from my article, in the order in which they appear. Google's chosen games for Answer Box are bolded: Battlefield 1 Bloodborne GTA V FiFA 16 TrackMania Turbo Garry’s Mod League of Legends Call of Duty: Black Ops III Tom Clancy’s The Division Overwatch Just Cause 3 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Brawlhalla Rocket League Dark Souls III Unravel Firewatch GoldenEye 007 (this was put in as a joke, but coded as an H2 nonetheless) Destiny Dead by Daylight Fallout 4 Undertale No Man’s Sky Minecraft As you can see, Google is choosing which games to display to its searchers. My Crazy Egg data shows that these were not picked by click volume (each of these H2s are hyperlinked), which means Google must be using some other popularity metric, such as its own search volume data or external sales data. I wrote this up in a post on my site, for anybody who's curious.

    Algorithm Updates | | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello I am tearing my hair out! I re-launched my site over a month ago and have been working hard on getting good backlinks. I even got one from a daily UK newspaper. But my DA is not budging from 1. Is there something fundamental wrong with my site? I have checked the loads speed and its better than average. I have taken off all duplicate content in the re-launch. The mobile optimisation is good. Everything looks good in the Google Search Console (ie. there are no red flags or warnings) my site is fully https. The only that raises our eyebrows is that there are 179,000 links coming to our site from a client site - however we have checked these are no-follow and it appears to be so. I was also prepared to wait a while to see a change in the DA ranking for my new site (because we only relaunched a month) ago however now I am particularly concerned about it as I launched a new client site last night (I am a web designer) and that site has had NO SEO work done on it all, has hardly any words, is slow to load and it definitely does not have any backlinks BUT this site appears to have a DA of 9 already. This does not make any sense to me at all. I am very concerned and confused. Please help. I just want to know that the work I am doing is the right work and that i am not fundamentally undermining myself in some way that I am unaware of. Thank you in advance for your help. Yours, 

    Getting Started | | Systemyzed

  • Hi Moz community, May be this is an obvious question but as i am not sure about the answer.... I prefer to ask you! If yes, is "keywords" - "BRAND NAME " the good option? If not, is there any rule? Thanks a lot, Amaury

    On-Page Optimization | | adbds1973

  • In Moz, I am receiving multiple messages saying that there is duplicate page content on my website. For example, these pages are being highlighted as duplicated: and As you can see, both pages are different products, therefore I can't apply a 301 redirect or canonical tag. What do you suggest?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | e3creative

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