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  • Our company wants to remove wordpress from our current windows OS server at provider 1 and move it to a new server at provider 2. Godaddy handles our DNS. I would like to have it on the same domain without masking. I would like to make a DNS entry on godaddy so that our current server and our new server can use the same URL (ie But I only want the DNS to direct traffic to our current server. The goal here is to have the new server using the same URL as the old server so nothing needs to be masked once traffic is redirected with a 301 rule in the htaccess file. But no traffic outside of the 301 rule will end up going to the new server. I would then like to edit the htaccess file on our current server to redirect to the new servers IP address when someone goes to Does this make since and is it possible?

    Technical SEO | | larsonElectronics

  • I've paid a company to add Schema to my website, but they just told me they can't add it to my homepage? Is this correct??

    Reviews and Ratings | | MissThumann

  • I'm working with a new and used furniture client and we're struggling to improve rankings for their site. In the last week, they went from 25th place to 50+ for houston office furniture. Any help would be much appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | pgmorgana

  • Is the meta title written only for google (try to stuff in as many keywords as possible) or is there a user experience aspect as well?

    On-Page Optimization | | whiteonlySEO

  • What would the effect of having too much be? Does google stop crawling after a number and punish more internal links?

    On-Page Optimization | | brainfruit

  • We have a SEO related problem with subpages that all have PA of 1. We are suspecting some technical issues behind, therefore our question: Could the menu that only opens on-klick be responsible and would opening on-hover generally be prefereable? Also the subpages are bundled in categories that do not exist: home/kategorienotexistant/subpagewithPA1 Any help is appreciated. thanks in advance

    On-Page Optimization | | brainfruit

  • Hi, some more general question here: How important would you rate it to have a sitemap? Would you rate it fundamentally important or just something you can add as bonus? Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brainfruit

  • Hi, we have several subpages with PA 1. We try to figure out why. The link metrics show 0 Linking root domains, but shouldnt there be at least the own domain like 1 linking root domain or are we getting it already wrong here? The subpages have following link metrics: 0 External followed Links. 8416 subdomain and 8421 Root Domain, Linking Root Domains 0, 299 Subdomain, 302 Root Domain (From Mozbar). The pages seem to be crawled. We are suspecting techincal reasons. What would be the impact of the linking root domain to the PA 1? Thank you in advance

    Technical SEO | | brainfruit

  • Hi I've seen a couple areas of our site drop in average rankings for some areas since the 'Fred' update. We don't have ads on our site, but I'm wondering if it's 'thin' content - We are an ecommerce site and we have some content on our category pages - which is a bit more generic about the section/products within that section - but how can it not be if it's a category page with products on? I am working on adding topic based content/user guides etc to be more helpful for customers, but I'd love some advice on generating traffic to category pages. Is it better to rank these other topic/user guide pages instead of the category page & then hope the customer clicks through to products? Advice welcome 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • So, I'm running competitor websites through Open Site Explorer and following the link from Moz to where their link is coming from. It has the anchor text 'Christmas Gifts'. When I go to that page there is no mention of this anchor text. No mention of that persons website. No display ad's that could be providing that link. How is this link pointing to their page?

    Link Building | | Byron_Bay_Gifts

  • I use Moz's title tag tool, as I've compared it against titles on Googles and it always correct. But I haven't found a good one for the description. I've tried the two below, but on occasions, they've gotten it wrong. Can anyone suggest a better one?? Thanks:)

    Other SEO Tools | | MissThumann

  • I have a client with a domain. They currently rank #1 in 13 our of 14 keywords for UK. They rank #1 for the majority of the terms in the USA but want to improve on them. What would be the best route?

    International SEO | | TomKelly

  • I have a client whose site was built when they only served one market, and they now have that city in the majority of their URLs. I'm suggesting we redo the URL structure to remove this location from the main URLs (think homepage, about, etc.) since they have now expanded to three markets. They are seeing a lot of great organic traffic in that original market but are struggling in the new ones they've added so I'm helping to optimize their site. How critical do you think that removing that location from the URL is? I know we would need to implement 301 redirects, but wanted to get thoughts on this.

    On-Page Optimization | | maghanlinchpinsales

  • Hi google search console is showing root linking domains at 297 but OSE only shows 19 This was highlighted because OSE dropped from 50 to 19 since last scan Regards Paul

    Link Explorer | | phes

  • What would make a website move from position 14-17 (for the last year or so) to position 1 for a very competitive keyword when there are no obvious site changes?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | OUTsurance

  • I have two listings on same account, i need to cancel just one of my listings. how do i do this? it says delete Facebook and google listing but i can't, the new owner has had them transferred to him. Help!?

    Product Support | | BigLousBouncies

  • I have several pages (~30) that I have plans to overhaul. The URLs will be identical and the theme of the content will be the same (still talking about the same widgets, using the same language) but I will be adding a lot more useful information for users, specifically including things that I think will help with my fairly high bounce rate on these pages. I believe the changes will be significant enough for Google to notice, I was wondering if it goes "this is basically a new page now, I will treat it as such and rank accordingly" or does it go "well this content was rubbish last time I checked so it is probably still not great". My second question is, is there a way I can get Google to specifically crawl a page it already knows about with fresh eyes? I know in the Search Console I can ask Google to index new pages, and I've experimented with if I can ask it to crawl a page I know Google knows (it allows me to) but I couldn't see any evidence of it doing anything with that index. Some background The reason I'm doing this is because I noticed when these pages first ranked, they did very well (almost all first / second page for the terms I wanted). After about two weeks I've noticed them sliding down. It doesn't look like the competition is getting any better so my running theory is they ranked well to begin with because they are well linked internally and the content is good/relevant and one of the main things negatively impacting me (that google couldn't know at the time) is bounce rate.

    Search Behavior | | tosbourn

  • I have a Wordpress site and we are using WPML for making it bilingual. The domain is: and for Spanish Do I have to add to Google search console the /es version? And the no www: and do I have to add the non ssl version? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Trazo

  • My company is Squatty Potty (yes, of magic unicorn fame) and I recently redid our website's navigation. We're overhauling it currently to rebuild the whole thing, but what is there should give a good idea of site hierarchy to Google I would think. The funny thing is, when you Google [squatty potty website] we do have sitelinks. But when you Google just [squatty potty] we don't. Any ideas on why sitelinks would appear on one search but not the other? I see they appear with [squatty potty logo] as well. I can't figure out how to get them to appear for my brand name search, any help appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Hi all, we handle our product pages no with rel canonical now, we have 1 url that is indexed the other colours have different urls like which canonicalize to the indexed page. Google still crawls all those pages. For crawl budget reasons we want to use "no index, no follow" instead on these pages (the pages for the other colours)? Google would then crawl fewer pages more often? Does this make sense? Are their any downsides doing it? Thanks in advance Dieter

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Storesco

  • I've found information on both sides of the topics, so I'd love to get some thoughts and insights from people here. Does a DV SSL Certificate have more SEO benefits than a standard SSL certificate? I understand the "boost" from an SSL is minimal, but is there extra value in the DV? Some have argued that since a DV SSL is "certified", that Google gives it more preference over a standard SSL. While others have argued that a DV SSL is only required for specific types of websites, which is why Google doesn't give them special preference. Thoughts? Opinions? Proof? Thanks everyone!

    Technical SEO | | McFaddenGavender

  • Hi, The company I work for has many store locations across the country. Getting good/quality interior pictures has become very difficult for us. We recently good a Virtual Tour from Google for one of the locations, and they took some really good pictures. According to Google, the "Photos should represent the actual business" and "Represent the real-world business location". My question is: since our stores are VERY similar in the interior, can we use the same pictures for them while we get more pictures? Would Google penalize this? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | SO-MarceloOtero

  • Hi, The company I work for has many store locations across the country. Getting good/quality interior pictures has become very difficult for us. We recently good a Virtual Tour from Google for one of the locations, and they took some really pictures. According to Google, the "Photos should represent the actual business" and "Represent the real-world business location". My question is: since our stores are VERY similar in the interior, can we use the same pictures for them while we get more pictures? Would Google penalize this? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | StantonOptical

  • Our 25 franchisees sell one product of our 7 within the Corporate porfolio. We getting ready to release a brand new corp website employing all the best possible SEO practices. Since the franchisee's barely maintain their 3-page website...we are thinking of killing them off. We will create some market pages on the Corp side and continue to use HubSpot to pass along leads to the individual franchisees.  Corporate has robust Content Marketing strategy in place. Any suggestions? Cases studies?

    Local SEO | | Joseph.Lusso

  • Looking at different backlinks of my competitors and came across a few directories that require a 1 time payment for the year.  Is this considered the same as paying for a link or would this be considered something like getting a listing on your local Chamber of Commerce site? Also, I put the site through Moz's Open Site Explorer and it had PA:22 and DA:20, which is nothing incredible, but also had a spam score of 2. So would a site like this hurt my rankings? I know that's a good spam score, so I am a little confused with what to do. Here is the site: Thanks for any help! Love this site.

    Link Building | | aua

  • I've noticed that Google is not using my Meta description in the SERP results but rather text from my page, it seems to be a similar situation with a couple of the other sites in the same search results. Does anyone know why this would be?

    Technical SEO | | OUTsurance

  • Hi all, I'm looking for some tips on best practices for FAQ pages. In particular, is it better to have all questions and answers listed on one page, or should each question have its own page - given that there's enough content for it Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brian-madden

  • Hello!! I have a health insurance agency located in a small city. I need to reach more area's, and I'm wondering if adding a couple more cities to the Title Tag actually helps? Or should I go the other route and try achieving it with location landing pages? I've seen other websites do it, but I'm hesitant. Any advice welcome 🙂 The site is in Coppell, Tx It currently ranks 3rd on Google. Thank you in advance!! 🙂 xx

    Local SEO | | MissThumann

  • I have just created 6 new location landing pages for my Dallas insurance agency. Each one is for a different city, but I have a feeling I did it wrong 😞 Because my site is rather large, I put two different lines of insurance on each page. Homeowners insurance and business insurance. Now I'm wondering if I should of done 12 different pages? i.e  **1 city + 1 product = 1 page ** Here's one of the new pages: I'm having a guess here, but would it be better if the Navigation was; ??? Thank you so much in advance!!

    Local Website Optimization | | MissThumann

  • Hello, I see three locations for a client. Two legitimate which I have ownership of, the third is  a duplicate of one of the locations. Ithink it is harming rankings and I want to get rid of it. It is  service area business. Things keep changing, but how will I remove it? My client obviously set this up a while ago and it is left with wrong or missing info. When I click on the business under "more listings" on maps there is a chance to "edit it" AND "claim it" but not delete it. When I strart to claim it I go through adding in everything but then I worry I am legitimising the duplicate. How do you get rid of it? Thanks

    Local Listings | | AL123al

  • Yelp has embed code for reviews now - does it count as duplicate content?  Will this hurt or help my SEO?

    Reviews and Ratings | | LindaWolfe

  • Hello, I have a quick question about our Sitemap Web Pages Indexed status in Google Search Console. Because of the drastic drop I can't tell if this is a glitch or a serious issue. When you look at the attached image you can see that under Sitemaps Web Pages Indexed has dropped suddenly on 3/12/17 from 6029 to 540. Our Index status shows 7K+ indexed. Other than product updates/additions and homepage layout updates there have been no significant changes to this website.  If it helps we are operating on the Volusion platform. Thanks for your help! -Ryan rou1zMs

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rrhansen

  • Hi there moz community! My organization is blessed with an extremely high authority TLD (91). Powers-that-be want to start using a lesser authority (though still a respectable 62) TLD in marketing materials because they think it's more memorable/less confusing for users. We currently have a 302 redirect in place from score-62 to score-91, and our situation relative to the engines is strong. However, if they ramp-up a branding campaign using the 62-score TLD, should we change the 302 to a 301? I don't want to risk infecting that 91 score with any juice relative to the score-62 TLD. There isn't a lot written for the best practice in redirecting a lower-authority TLD to a high authority TLD - almost all the literature is about preserving your score/juice when redirecting an old TLD to a new TLD. Thanks for anyone/everyone's help! Brian Alpert; Smithsonian Institution

    Technical SEO | | Smithsonian

  • Good afternoon! I had a quick concern / question that I wanted to ask the community. One of my campaigns hasn't moved at all since we put them into our account. Everything has stayed static: 0.00% Search Visibility, 0 Keywords Ranking, 0 Moved Up, 0 Moved Down, etc., They have been in Moz for roughly a month now. Does anyone know what might be happening? We are trying to get solid data for our client, but we can't seem to get Moz to index it, perhaps? Let me know what you think! 

    Moz Local | | TaylorRHawkins

  • If I have a page* in WordPress that is set as private and is no-indexed with Yoast, will that negatively affect the visibility of other pages that are set as children of that first page? *The context is that I want to organize some of the pages on a business's WordPress site into silos/directories. For example, if the business was a home remodeling company, it'd be convenient to keep all the pages about bathrooms, kitchens, additions, basements, etc. bundled together under a "services" parent page (/services/kitchens/, /services/bathrooms/, etc.). The thing is that the child pages will all be directly accessible from the menus, so there doesn't need to be anything on the parent /services/ page itself. Another such parent page/directory/category might be used to keep different photo gallery pages together (/galleries/kitchen-photos/, /galleries/bathroom-photos/, etc.). So again, would it be safe for pages like /services/kitchens/ and /galleries/addition-photos/ if the /services/ and /galleries/ pages (but not /galleries/* or anything like that) are no-indexed? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | BrianAlpert78

  • I recently filtered query information by week and day. The impression and click totals were different depending on whether I looked at totals by a full weeks or by day. So for example, the impression and click totals when I choose a date range of  monday-sunday are different when I look at impressions and clicks that same week by day and then add up the click and impression numbers to get a weekly total. At first i was expecting a slight difference since I know the data is heavily sampled but the totals were very different. Any explanations for this? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | znotes

  • We have full navigational breadcrumbs on our site for the menu and the brand menu. i.e. Home > Clothing > Jackets Brand > Brand Name > Brand Jackets There's been talk of removing this and having it like Chico's does, where on item pages they just have a link at the top to previous category (i.e. you're on a shirt product page and at the top it says "Back to Tops" instead of listing Home > Clothing > Tops) Is doing something like this detrimental to SEO? From what I've read Breadcrumbs are for user experience but I just want to be sure.

    Technical SEO | | AliMac26

  • We have full navigational breadcrumbs on our site for the menu and the brand menu. i.e. Home > Clothing > Jackets Brand > Brand Name > Brand Jackets There's been talk of removing this and having it like Chico's does, where on item pages they just have a link at the top to previous category (i.e. you're on a shirt product page and at the top it says "Back to Tops" instead of listing Home > Clothing > Tops) Is doing something like this detrimental to SEO? From what I've read Breadcrumbs are for user experience but I just want to be sure.

    Technical SEO | | AliMac26

  • Hello Mozzers - Just wondering what this robots.txt instruction means: Disallow: /french-wines/?* Does it stop Googlebot crawling and indexing URLs in that "French Wines" folder - specifically the URLs that include a question mark? Would it stop the crawling of deeper folders - e.g. /french-wines/rhone-region/ that include a question mark in their URL? I think this has been done to block URLs containing query strings. Thanks, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • Hi Moz community, We can see in many of the page titles; "brand & keyword" go after every topic like..... "best tiles for kitchen | vertigo tiles". Do Google count this suffix as any other word in page title or give low preference just because it has been repeated across every single page? What if the "keyword" is repeated with topic and brand name as well. I mean which one of the below 2 page titles gonna workout better in correlation with keyword and website authority ? best tiles for kitchen | vertigo tiles best tiles for kitchen | vertigo Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Do you guys know of any tools where if I have a list of Url's it can help find blog and news pages and let me know which ones have these.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobAnderson

  • Hi all, I'm working with a client who has various URL variations to display their content in High Contrast and Low Contrast. It feels like quite an old way of doing things. The URLs look like this: - Default URL - High Contrast page - Low Contrast page My questions are: Surely this content is duplicate content according to a search engine Should the different versions have a meta noindex directive in the header? Is there a better way of serving these pages? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bee159

  • Hi there, I want to get the Facebook page of a fashion blogger verified. This blogger has around 28,510 likes on her facebook book at the moment, can this Facebook page be verified? The blogger has been trying to get the FB page verification done for a long time without any luck. Now the blogger wants me to verify her Facebook page. How do I go about the process? It will be great if you can share a step by step process. And how long will it take to get the page verified? Also, I need to get this done soon, so a quick response will be appreciated. If you want any other info please let me know. Regards

    Social Media | | DebashishB

  • If we have duplicate content or pages cached in Google which has been indexed months back, still it hurts the original pages? Old URLs with cache can be seen now in Google when we search for the same URLs.

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Our has been a sub-directory since 2 years as Now we have blog posts with URLs This blog is located at different place technically, away from website. Now my doubt is whether the blog-posts have equal weightage at Google just like other 3rd hierarchy level pages of website like Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • We've been working on a site for the past couple months and going to be launching in a couple weeks. How long does it take for Google to establish a "stabilized" ranking for the site and various pages?  The main homepage will have its targeted keywords and each product page will have its own targeted keywords.  We have about 100 total pages for the site. I know rankings may fluctuate initially but trying to get an idea of when the rankings are stabilized before we start working on the ongoing SEO like earning backlinks, changing on-page optimization, etc to be able to track changes in rankings over time.

    Reporting & Analytics | | vikasnwu

  • Hello Mozzers Would you use rel=canonical, robots.txt, or Google Webmaster Tools to stop the search engines indexing URLs that include query strings/parameters. Or perhaps a combination? I guess it would be a good idea to stop the search engines crawling these URLs because the content they display will tend to be duplicate content  and of low value to users. I would be tempted to use a combination of canonicalization and robots.txt for every page I do not want crawled or indexed, yet perhaps Google Webmaster Tools is the best way to go / just as effective??? And I suppose some use meta robots tags too. Does Google take a position on being blocked from web pages. Thanks in advance, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

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