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  • So I am going to change my entire site from HTTP to HTTPS, but SEMrush shows 21 backlinks on HTTP and 0 on HTTPS. How can I make sure I don't lose them after the switch?

    Link Building | | moon-boots

  • Not sure if this is a new "unit" for Google organic results. Please see the attached image. When searching for "invoice software", the top quarter of the page is a ribbon of products/brands with badly formatted logos. The fact that it's so ugly, and there's nothing marking it as a paid result, leads me to think it's organic. Anyone know what this SERP unit is called; and better still: How do you get included? We rank super high in the normal organic results, but don't appear at all in this product ribbon. y71A9

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RobM416

  • I'm working on a site right now and having an issue with the robots.txt file restricting access to the sitemap - with no web dev to help, I'm wondering how I can fix the issue myself? The robots.txt page shows User-agent: * Disallow: / And then sitemap: with the correct sitemap link

    Technical SEO | | Ad-Rank

  • We have a website for the Belgium market, serving content and products on be/nl (Dutch/Flemmish Belgium) and .be/fr (French Belgium). However, as a Dutch-based company you can see our primary focus and objective is to serve content to Dutch Belgium rather than French Belgium. I wonder if, and so, what are the downsides are of only investing in half of the site?
    Does it hurt my general .be Google rankings if we put a lot of effort in .be/nl but far less in .be/fr ? (we used to have a ccTLD .fr as well, but pulled the plug because it wasn't profitable.
    our belgium website is profitable for Dutch speaking part of Belgium but now we would like to expand, and enhance rankings. We're investing heavily in (local) brand awareness and partnerships, and content marketing for the Dutch part.

    International SEO | | Marketing-Omoda

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm trying to find benchmark channel grouping paths to conversion, or assisted conversion trends, by industry... is anybody aware of any benchmark data out there? Thanks!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Zoope

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm thinking republishing content from my own website's blog on platforms like LinkedIn and Medium. These sites are able to reach a far bigger (relevant) audience than I can through my own website, so there's strategic reasoning for doing this. However, with SEO being a key activity on my own website, I don't want to be at risk of any penalties for duplicate content. However, I've just read this on Search Engine Journal: "there is confirmation from Google... Gary Illyes has stated that republishing articles won’t cause a penalty, and that it’s simply a filter they use when evaluating sites. Most sites are only penalized for duplicate content if the site is 100% copied content." So, what do people think - is republishing blog content, on LinkedIn and Medium safe? And is it a sound tactic to increase reach?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Zoope

  • It's a common understanding that Google treats sub-domains as different websites. Does that mean visits of sub-domain do not impact website in-terms of ranking or visibility or reputation at Google?

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I've been reading some posts on the merits and pitfalls of using rel=prev, rel=next and canonical, but I just wanted to double check the right solution. With a small selection of products on each variation. So at the moment there is a canonical on all of them to the base  The problem is we are having difficulty getting the products within p=* indexed.  I don't think from all I read that rel=prev/rel=next is the way to go.  Would the solution (or best way to go) be to create a "view-all" filter and set that to be the canonical URL, so all product URLs are in clear focus for Google.  The volume of products won't (shouldn't) have too much of an impact on page load.  Or am I wrong and rel=prev/rel=next  is a feasible solution?

    Technical SEO | | MickEdwards

  • Hi All, Is there any way to track apple pay conversion or paypal express conversion in Google Analytics? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Alick300

  • Under site crawl, Moz is reporting weird email address URLs as 'Meta refresh' errors. The URLs are: and Once clicked, they redirect to our homepage. Anyone else ever had this? Is it anything to worry about? I don't think it is, but would be good to get some reassurance.

    Moz Bar | | iHasco

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm having some troubles with implementing a GTM variable for one of my clients. I need to have a variable which takes out the quantity of products. Attached you can find a screen shot of the datalayer push. What's the path I need to setup in order to create a variable for the quantity? Many thanks!
    Sander Wa4HI

    Reporting & Analytics | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi I was just looking at a competitors new site in OSE and it had a DA and PA of 1 which I would expect and also no links, which again I would expect, basically the guy used to design stuff for me and thinks he can do a better job so he is giving it ago. But he has a spam score of 9/17 but no links - how is this even possible. Thanks Andy

    Link Explorer | | Andy-Halliday

  • A client has just given me a list of redirect URLs as requested of them. However, they're wanting to redirect a bunch of pages to various anchor points within the same page. For example: /pages/about might redirect to: /pages/our-story#our-mission And: /pages/history might redirect to: /pages/our-story#history Is there any problem with this? I've never seen or been asked to redirect like this before.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Hi guys, I'm looking to use google analytics google sheets extension to pull data into a google sheet with metrics from other tools e.g. semrush, moz, etc. From my understanding with google analytics google sheet extension its designed to run reports and doesn't really allow you to add other metrics. Basically what i'm trying to do is this: Any suggestions/advice on how to do this would be great. Cheers.

    Reporting & Analytics | | jayoliverwright

  • I'm managing a design blog hosted on WordPress. Each "design project" article includes a slideshow with additional images (and captions) for the project - these are images and text not found in the article itself. Every slide has the same page path as the article, but a different query param at the end. So if the article is /article the first slide would be /article?slide=1 for example. I'm having two issues: The slideshow images don't seem to be getting indexed. Screaming Frog reports duplicate meta descriptions and title tags for each slideshow page (same meta as article). I want to do what's best overall from an SEO perspective. Having the slideshow images show in Google image search is a must. And having the captions indexed might help too? But I want the Google image results linking to the article and not the individual slideshow pages. And I don't want duplicate meta issues. What's the best thing to do? Submit a sitemap that lists both article and slideshow images? "Rel canonical" the param'd slideshow urls to the base article url (not sure this makes total sense, since slide content is different from the article)? Get rid of slideshow altogether and put images in body? Some combo of these? Hopefully this makes sense. Any thoughts appreciated!

    Image & Video Optimization | | theoHP

  • I optimized several pages using Rand's post on Google Answer Box: How long after the page is indexed should it appear? Lastly, how long should I wait before determining it will not get an answer box and reconfigure the page? No bad answers 🙂 TY KJr

    On-Page Optimization | | KevnJr

  • For example, I'm optimizing for multiple industries and services. Should I add location keywords on each industry and service page? Construction CPA, Construction Accountant or Construction CPA, Construction Accountant, location, location, location I'm including location keywords on homepage and will have a unique contact us page for each location.

    Keyword Research | | StacyDr

  • Most of my clients go to the clients home to provide their service.  For example a plumber or a bed bug extermination.  Most of my clients find it hard to ask for and get reviews even though they do a great job.  Is there an app or anything else out there that makes the process easier and gets better results than just asking? Are there any review aggregator applications?  Maybe an application that a client can write a review in one location and the review is pushed out to multiple sites like Google My Business or YP?

    Reviews and Ratings | | PSLab

  • What are everyones best practices to claim a YP listing that has the wrong number listed?  It isn't one of our numbers so we can't answer the verification call?  What have you done?

    Local Listings | | PSLab

  • In the keyword suggestions of Keyword Explorer, is there a way to switch from paginated results back to results loading on one page? I used to be able to scroll down and have additional results load when I reached the end of the page.

    Moz Bar | | watchandlearn

  • What is the best practice? I have a client with 3 locations with an actual address and not virtual.  He has 1 Facebook page with the address and phone number of the main location.  Do I add locations in Facebook on that main FB page or do I create 2 more FB pages to have one for each location?

    Moz Local | | PSLab

  • Hi there. I'm hoping someone may be able to help. We're launching a badge programme to acknowledge our most active members.  I know that google penalises badges and widgets but i was wondering if this is down to implementation i.e. we were intending to approach it much the same way as Houzz currently does here . I caveat this by saying I'm not technical but it looks like Houzz doesn't use REL=NoFollow.  How is this the case?

    Technical SEO | | DanielJR

  • Client has an ecommerce website on Adobe Business Catalyst and they are currently not able to move websites onto https. They have announced this won't be available until late June. What are the expected implications of this in terms of site visibility and conversions etc?

    Technical SEO | | Kerry_Jones

  • We would like to receive a blogging post from guest on our blog which links to their website and vice versa....a link from their blog to our website. Does this affect us in terms of Google's "guest blogging" scenario? We have natural link exchange from our to website from partners page.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Howdy gang, This is my last discussion post in the series on keyword metrics in KW Explorer & Moz Pro (previously on Keyword Difficulty, Opportunity, & Volume). In this one, let's chat about the "Priority Score," a feature you'll find in Keyword Explorer on any lists you build. Priority was conceived to help aggregate all the other metrics - Difficulty, Opportunity, Volume, and (if you choose to use it) Importance. We wanted to create an easy way to sort keywords so the cream would rise to the top -- cream in this case being keywords with low difficulty, high opportunity, strong volume, and high importance (again, if you choose to use it). Thus, when it comes to Priority Score, there's no particular number you should necessarily seek out, but higher is better. When you get into the ranges of 80+ (which is quite rare, Single Malt Scotch is one of the few examples I could find, and only because it's volume is so high and there's only a couple SERP features), you're generally talking about keywords with high demand (lots of monthly searches), the difficulty isn't too crazy (a website in the 55-80 DA range might have a shot), and the CTR Opportunity is decently strong (usually not too many SERP features that take clicks and attention away from the organic web results). Below that score range, you're usually finding keywords where one or more of those isn't true -- there's either lower volume, heavier competition, or lots of SERP features with the accompanying lower estimated CTR. When you're building KW lists, my view is that there's no "good" or "bad" Priority scores, only relative scores. Priority should be used to help you determine which terms and phrases to target first -- it's like a cheat code to unlock the low hanging fruit. If you build large lists of 50-100 or more keywords, Priority is a powerful and easy way to sort. It becomes even more useful if you use the Importance score to help add an estimation of value to you/your business/your client in to the mix. In that case, Importance can cut Priority by up to 2/3rds (if you set it at 1) or raise it by a little more than 3X (if you set it at 10). This is hyper-useful to nudge keywords with middling scores up if they're super-important to your marketing efforts. Look forward to your feedback, and thanks for checking these out!

    Moz Bar | | randfish

  • We've read a lot about the power of updating old content (making it more relevant for today, finding other ways to add value to it) and republishing (Here I mean changing the publish date from the original publish date to today's date - not publishing on other sites). I'm wondering if there is any danger of doing this at scale (designating a few months out of the year where we don't publish brand-new content but instead focus on taking our old blog posts, updating them, and changing the publish date - ~15 posts/month). We have a huge archive of old posts we believe we can add value to and publish anew to benefit our community/organic traffic visitors. It seems like we could add a lot of value to readers by doing this, but I'm a little worried this might somehow be seen by Google as manipulative/spammy/something that could otherwise get us in trouble. Does anyone have experience doing this or have thoughts on whether this might somehow be dangerous to do? Thanks Moz community!

    On-Page Optimization | | paulz999

  • Is it possible to use PushState for redirects from one site to another?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rgamedia_seo

  • I work for Here is the story:We used to be and we enjoyed strong rankings and a healthy organic presence. We changed our name, our website, and expanded upon on our product offerings and launched A lot of content was very similar from We had 11 of our big keywords ranking in the top 3 positions. We launched the new website in early October of 2016.Here is what we have done: We setup a network of 301 redirects for the homepage, company pages, events page, blog posts, and each and every long tail page. Everything from the old site had a new place to live on the new site with very similar content. This list was then passed to our server/it folk to implement (we run a StaticPress site so we don't control those from within WordPress). Both the old and new site are WordPress websites. Setup a site domain move through Google Search Console Combed through to take care of SEO issues using various tools. We know there are still some issues (speed, etc.) that aren't helping us, but we are in a good state overall in terms of technical SEO. Deep dive into the domain name history, backlinks, internal linking (which could be better). Developed more long-tail content (more coming). Here is what is weird: We have almost no organic traffic (or traction) since our rebrand. We understood we would be hit hard as the domain name was changed, the content changed, and the CMS was revamped. The only real organic search traffic we get is branded to our old name (which is luckily the name of one of our products): Eventboard. We rank well for this and see high conversion from this keyword. We rank very well for "conference room displays" on Bing for our long tail and home page, but we show up at position 23 for our iTunes app page on Google and 33 for the long tail page. We dominate in bing for our company name "Teem" and finally show up Google for our Facebook page in position 13th. Our website is way way down the list (beyond page 5) for the exact company name with super low competition. Site performance has been good, user feedback has been good, site uptime has been great. No red flags here. No blaring errors in search console besides maybe a few 404 pages that are cleaned up every few weeks. We have no idea what to do. Have engaged with multiple SEO agencies. Been told over and over to be patient because of the changes we have made, but we still see no progress 6 months later.We think the issue might be related to something misfiring with our 301 redirects, based on some referral information.Any insight would be greatly, greatly appreciated. We are stumped. Thanks for any help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brycedmorgan

  • Hi All! Continuing my series of discussions about the various keyword scores we use here at Moz (previously: Keyword Difficulty & Keyword Opportunity)... Let's move on to Volume. Volume in Moz's tools is expressed in a range, e.g. Bartending Certification has volume of 201-500. These ranges correspond to data we have suggesting that in an average month, that keyword is searched for a minimum of X to a maximum of Y (where X-Y is the volume range). We use clickstream data as well as data from Google AdWords and then some PPC AdWords campaigns we run and have access to when we build the models for our volume data. As such, we've got very high confidence in these numbers -- 95%+ of the time, a given keyword's monthly search volume on Google will fall inside that range. If you want to see all the nitty gritty details, check out Russ Jones post on Moz's Keyword Volume and how we calculate it. As far as a "good" volume score -- higher is usually better, as it means more demand, but lots of keywords with low volume scores can also add up to strong traffic when combined, and they may be more relevant. Capturing exactly the audience you want that also wants you is what SEO is all about. p.s. When Keyword Explorer or Moz Pro gives you a "no data" or "unknown" volume number, it may just mean we haven't collected information from our clickstream providers or AdWords crawls, not that the keyword has no volume (though it sometimes means that, too, we just don't know yet). One way to verify - see if Google Suggest autofills it in when you type in the search box. If it does, that's usually a sign there's at least some volume (even if it's only a few searches a month).

    Moz Bar | | randfish

  • I have a listing in Moz Local associated with a YP listing.  Most items on the listing are correct but the number listed is not one of our numbers.  When I try to claim the listing they want to call the number listed and give them a code.  Of course we can't answer the phone because it doesn't ring on our end.  How do I either change the number or claim the listing in another way?

    Moz Local | | PSLab

  • It seems as though week to week ranking monitoring can be very volatile, and comparing over the course of a month only takes into account the absolute change and not whether the rank has been jumping up and down in the 3 weeks between. What is a good method (Moz tool or not) for tracking a true change in average rank?

    Moz Pro | | ajranzato9

  • We are a UK based company who sell a have a holiday product mainly to the UK and the US markets. We are just reworking the website and hit the wall on whether we should be writing in British English or US English or do we just do both? Any help would be much appreciated.

    On-Page Optimization | | Mutatio_Digital

  • Hello Guys, Google Analytic showing Bounce Rate More than 100% i.e. 2000%, 3000% etc for Many Pages. Can anyone let me know what is the issue? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | dsouzac

  • Hi Guys, I have mixed http and https content on my ecommerce store. My server people is telling me force all to https as it is better for ssl certificate. All versions of the site are declared on search console. Can forcing https and not having more mixed content impact my site badly ? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kepass

  • Hi mozzers and members, I am having issues, why my website: crawl by Google? let me share more clearly when this starts happening. A month or around 45 days back our website is being indexed and crawled quite well without any issues with having .html extension pages with static built website.
    We finally thought to change to .php version and make whole website and its pages to be treated dynamically.
    Once we changed all changes, thereafter this issues started. It has been more than 45 days, our website isn't being crawled since then. I didn't know what are the things preventing this to? Please help. Thanks in Advance Capture1.PNG

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOOOOOoooooooo

  • I'm optimizing a site with all new URL`s, categories, titles, descriptions. All URL's will change but I've old URLs with a lot of backlinks, SEO juice. What is better for SEO with them: 1 - Change those URLs and 301 redirect traffic to the new page.
    2 - Keep the URL and work just on new title, description, etc. In option 1 I understand that I'll lose some SEO juice because of the redirect, but the new URL will be correct. In option 2 everything will be strong except from the URL that will make less sense than with option 1. It will not exactly match the product name, title. It`s a reuse of a strong URL.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • Hey there, My website shows Wrong Search Queries in Google Search Console, Also Shows URLS which are not there in my website, Which Shows in crawl Errors. here i have attached Screenshot  . Please Help me out how i can Deindex This type of URLs From Google index, & make My main pages crawl First in Google Search. because of this my website Ranking Also lost, Please any Expert can help out.. Thanx in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pooja.verify03

  • Hi Folks! You might have seen my discussion on What Is a Good Keyword Difficulty Score, and this is a continuation of the same vein. Keyword Organic CTR is probably my favorite score we developed in Keyword Explorer and Moz Pro. It looks at the SERP features that appear in a set of results (e.g. an image block, AdWords ads, a featured snippet, or knowledge graph) and then calculates, using CTRs we built off our partnership with Jumpshot's clickstream data, what percent of searchers are likely to click on the organic, web results. For example, in a search query like Nuoc Cham Ingredients, you've got a featured snippet and then a "People Also Ask" feature above the web results, and thus, Keyword Explorer is giving me an Organic CTR Score of 64. This translates directly to an estimated 64% click-through rate to the web results. Compare that to a search query like Fabric Printed Off Grain, where there's a single SERP feature - just the "People Also Ask" box, and it's between the 6th and 7th result. In this case, Keyword Explorer shows an Organic CTR Score of 94, because we estimate that those PAAs are only taking 6% of the available clicks. There are two smart ways you should be using Organic CTR Score: As a way to modify the estimated volume and estimated value of ranking in the web results for a given keyword term/phrase (KW Explorer does this for you if you use the "Lists" and sort based on Potential, which factors in all the other scores, including volume, difficulty, and organic CTR) As a way to identify SEO opportunities outside the normal, organic web results in other SERP features (e.g. in the Nuoc Cham Ingredients SERPs, there's serious opportunity to take over that featured snippet and get some great traffic) OK, so all that said, what's actually a "good" Organic CTR score? Well... If you're doing classic, 10-blue-links style SEO only, 100 is what you want. But, if you're optimizing for SERP features, and you appear in a featured snippet or the image block or top stories or any of those others, you'd probably be very happy to find that CTR was going to those non-web-results sections, and scores in the 40s or 50s would be great (so long as you appear in the right features).

    Moz Bar | | randfish

  • Hi there, Are there any guidelines for using meta data for web apps, specifically meta titles and meta descriptions?

    On-Page Optimization | | AllenJaffe

  • Is there any harm to SEO having a homepage url that is not clean like  For example citi uses  Does that matter in any way?  Would a company like citi benefit from changing to as their homepage?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kcb8178

  • I see that the gap uses, and  Wouldn't a better approach for SEO to have, and all separate?  Is there any benefit to using the approach of, etc?  What are the pros and cons to each?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kcb8178

  • Hello, We have some local business sites where we have user submitted reviews. We then post those reviews on that business' page and use the schema aggregate markup.  Works like a charm in getting stars in SERPs on branded searches for these location. We already have information about the persons who work at these locations and are about to work out a process where we can get even better data on these persons. Right now they are marked up as employees on the local business pages. Right now the ratings are for the business as a whole, but we are looking at expanding where you can not only submit a location review, but designate which employee you worked with. We work in the health care industry and so you can see why this would make sense. Right now we mark up a local clinic and employees in the following way Local Business > Employee > Person > Name of Person Person Bio > Person info etc We are going back and forth on if this would be worth marking up reviews at the employee level as well. So, on a page each employee would have an aggregate rating and then the location would have an aggregate rating that consists of all of the reviews for that location - a combination of all employees. As I looked through the schema standard for person there is nothing there that shows a markup for the aggregate rating of a person.  Also when I look at other more specific business types same thing.  It looks like schema has rating tied to a business vs a person. Right now - the markup validates. It shows up in the SERPs. People are happy. So, I am inclined to say, if it aint broke ... but we are always looking for better ways to present our data to user and to Google. My gut right now, based on how Google is reading things, to just keep the aggregate rating on the location, but start to track reviews on a per employee basis for potential future use. Lemme know what you all think!

    Reviews and Ratings | | HeaHea

  • If I add /amp to the end of any of my posts, I can see that the plug-in is working. It's been months since I installed it, though, and Google hasn't indexed any of the AMP pages. Am I missing a step?

    Content Development | | DeanRamadan

  • Reading up it seems like there's complete free reign to enter what you want in the meta description and they are not considered a direct ranking signal However I have added contact numbers to the meta descriptions for around 20 reasonably high ranking pages for my company and it seems to have had a negative effect (taken screen grabs and previous rankings) More strangely when you 'inspect' the page the meta description features the desired number yet when you find the page in the serps the meta description just does not feature the number (page has been cached and the description does not carry on) I'm wondering whether such direct changes are seen as spam and therefore negative to the page?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Jacksons_Fencing

  • Hi Everyone, My company's site went from Http to Https and responsive design last year. After 6 months passed, we noticed a 40% decline from direct visits but revenue saw an increase. Could the 301 redirects from Http to Https cause the drop in direct traffic? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JMSCC

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