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  • Hi, we've moved our old site to a new domain but in a subdirectory (the shopping site has been consolidated into overarching company website's shopping section, thus the move to sub dir). Are 301 redirects from old URLs to new domain's subdirectory ex sufficient for site migration? I wasn't able to use Google's site address change tool since we're moving to a subdirectory on the new domain. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | SoulSurfer8

  • I am creating a small business website for a friend in Recruitment. It’s very small and mainly just a shop window for the business. There’s no login area for the website, but there are two areas were users can enter information: General contact us form (giving email and phone number) Applying for a job (attaching a resume) The forms are using Ninja Forms – which I believe are secure in passing information. But am I missing anything? Do I need to make these pages https at all? I’m quite new to building sites from scratch. Thanks for your help

    Technical SEO | | joberts

  • Hi All, Has anyone experienced the home page meta title indexed with their Brand coming up first before their actual Meta title? I know google overrides the meta title sometimes when the title is not relevant, I understand that. This just started happening 6 months ago. I thought I would leave it to see if it get corrected. but no luck! Any suggestions? Many thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | summer300

  • Hello, I've got a new Ecommerce site I'm jumpstarting. It's one of those sites that takes a while to rank for. Here's what we're doing: 1. Creating a beautiful, mobile friendly site. 2. Adding a long detailed home page answering all the questions that people come to our industry keyword results with. 3. Adding detailed, beautiful cateogy pages. 4. Adding detailed, beautiful product pages. 5. Adding beautiful, long About Us & Resource Sites list pages. 6. Offering straight up obvious free shipping and no tax even though that's taking a hit in our industry. 7. We're going after the 2 main informational terms (keyword explorer) in the industry with a vengance - 20X as good as the competition for the main term. 8. We're adding 20-30 pages of articles to help our customers and hit major keyword search terms, although there's not much in our industry. What else would you recommend doing to jumpstart a new Ecommerce site that has difficulty being in the top 50? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • I did a test recently with a sponsored article for some of my products, including my most popular product ( and it just so happens that recently this very product dropped from 2nd position to 51+, I have since managed to restore it to 6th position but I am wondering if this article is damaging my efforts? SEMrush is showing a page score of 4/100 and a trust score of 3/100, which is obviously very low. Is this helping or hurting my SEO?

    Link Building | | moon-boots

  • I have a site with a few hundred thousand backlinks and many of these are are legitimate, but the source site of the backlink often has a low authority and is broken, causing a spiral of bad backlinks from pagination, comment replies, etc. For example one site may have 4 legitimate backlinks with a spiral of 400+ bad backlinks, this is happening across dozens of domains. My site is more authoritative than these broken backlinks and regularly receives highly authoritative backlinks, because of this would it be best to disavow these spiraling low authority domains, attempt to contact the webmaster and add a nofollow, or any other solution?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | FPD_NYC

  • Hello, This is pretty frustrating. This is the third time Yelp has hidden a review for my business. I don't know why. I am trying to get lots of reviews on different platforms but I feel at the mercy of  Yelp as they decide what to show and what not. I think it was triggered when I actually replied to the reviewer on Yelp. I should have done nothing I think. Any hints or reasons why this might be happening?

    Reviews and Ratings | | AL123al

  • Hi, We have a brand website under which we plan to develop various apps. We think that putting each website on its own sub-domain would be a good option. E.g. Main website –; app1 website –; app2 website – etc. Would it be the right way to do it or should we put the apps in a sub-directory. E.g.; etc. These apps would either be totally unrelated or may be in future we may provide something so as to enable their integration. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | IM_Learner

  • Hi there. I am looking at a site that currently has 2 <title>elements present on every page through out the site. They have a main Title with appropriate optimization. Then they have another <title> that appears to be empty. It looks like this; <span class="html-tag"><title></span><span class="html-tag"></title> I know having 2 <title>elements is not ideal. But if the second one is empty, can it still have a negative affect? </p> <p>Thanks</p></title>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ciceron_main

  • Hey everyone, Has anyone seen a drastic change in clients Google Rankings, we have one which has dropped from 9.5% visibility to 5.4% in one month.. It's extremely worrying as I have never seen a drop like this before since I've managed the account, in fact rankings have increased month on month since we took over the account. I've also looked at google, no penalty showing, I've started removing spammy sites who link to us and also added no follow to some of the links on the site which linked out to try and keep some link juice in the site. Anything else I can try / do?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Unbranded_Lee

  • Our website CMS is wordpress. Due to the Genesis Framework; below 4 phrases tuned into h2 tags: Skip links, Header Right, Main navigation and Footer. How to remove these?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • We had a strange thing happen to our website. We have a website that ranks for top keywords for some years. Last week we lost alle of our rankings for one day. The strange thing was, that the rankings were only lost on the homepage, the homepage didnt rank anymore. Even when i googled for '' google showed '' and not the homepage. After some reading i checked for the following: no-index sources in the source code - but no results checked for http respons code - 200 ok status checked for downtime in pingdom - no downtime With no rankings on the homepage i was losing 90% of the traffic, i went to GWT and did a fetch as google request, the website looked okay. After that i request a new indexation request. After this the website was back in google with all the old rankings. But what has happend, is still a question for me. Can this be an hack or a wordpress problem or is this realtime penguin with a hit. I also read things about Google flux, but it didnt happen before and it was just the homepage, with no index at all. What happend?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | remkoallertz

  • Hi Moz! We are having some trouble passing along referral data to our linked websites. We are an advertising platform that counts on our clients seeing our traffic in analytics. We recently switched to HTTPS and implemented the meta referral <always>however, we are still experiencing issues with clients not seeing our referral traffic. Are there other ways to make a full-proof fix so they will always see us as a referral? I know the referral tag should help but it isn't supported by all browsers. </always> Also, would there be an issue if we have our site (https) linked to their http site that redirects to https? Even with the referral tag, we are seeing issues. I feel so lucky that our actual transition to https went fine but now with all this referral traffic on clients analytics, I am concerned we are losing the credit we should get for the traffic to their site. Thanks Moz Community!

    Reporting & Analytics | | GoAbroadKP

  • Hi folks, I know the majority of you are based in the US, so won't be experiencing the same problem as me. I have set up a Google My Business account for a company here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The only problem is that I can't verify it using the normal methods like a postcard being sent out as the UAE doesn't have a postal service, so there are no postcodes to target an address. Basically I go through the process of creating a GMB account, setting the address details and map marker, then try to verify the account by postcard (this is the only way). I wait 14+ days but still no postcard arrives for obvious reasons - no postal address! So - my question is, how do we get round this problem? I know it can be done as there are plenty of businesses out there in Dubai that are verified on Google maps and GMB. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Local Listings | | SeoSheikh

  • Hi, I have a client with three companies selling the same products on each. Two brand sites and One which shares all the products. Currently, they are all using the same description and imagery. How damaging will this be for duplicate content? Thanks, Ashleigh

    Content Development | | Ashcastle

  • I would love to get you all's take on Gotch SEO.  I am gearing up to link build for a site in the next several months, and have been reading up from sources other than Moz, in preparation.  (Need to re-read Moz's guide, too, but I have already read it last year)  I'm reading Gotch SEO's main link building method articles right now, and am wondering what you all think.  Do you think they have a good approach and are generally reliable? Likewise, has anyone used their service for getting a link?  What was your experience?  Or if you haven't used the service, any quick takes on it?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | scienceisrad

  • Hi guys, I have a massive list of URLs and want to check if the primary keyword for each URL has been optimised. I'm looking for something similar to Moz on-page grader which grades the URL and primary keyword with a single metric e.g. grade a, b, c However, Moz doesn't offer an API to pull this score automatically. I was wondering does anyone know of any tools which you can access their API to do something like this? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jayoliverwright

  • I have a site that is hundreds of page indexed on Google. But there is a page that I put in the footer section that Google seems does not like and are not indexing that page. I've tried submitting it to their index through google webmaster and it will appear on Google index but then after a few days it's gone again. Before that page had canonical meta to another page, but it is removed now.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | odihost

  • I keep getting the following error in my Campaign Dashboard: “Our connection to your Google account was lost. Don’t worry, you won’t lose any data”. Please reauthorize now. I do reauthorize but by the time I log out and log back in, the same message gets displayed. Any ideas? Thanks, Alan

    Product Support | | Kingalan1

  • Hello, We have been using Moz Pro for over a year on our site and in the last month noticed that our site is not being crawled anymore. I took a look in Google Search Console, and everything seems to be fine there, so I think it is just the Moz tool that is not working. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any tips for troubleshooting it? Thank you, Adam

    Product Support | | cwells

  • I redesigned two websites last year and and didn't suffer any drop in rankings. About a month ago we redesigned again but this time merged the two sites into one, All was well and we were #1 ranked for "recording studio san diego" UNTIL today. (Suddenly we are off the front page at #12. We are still in the 3 pack from my view.) I'm trying to figure out what happened. We did 301 redirects. Could I have been penalized? I'm trying to work on my Google Business pages, there were too many, maybe that affected it? What's the best way to check if I'm penalized or otherwise figure out what happened?

    Moz Bar | | amybethmegjo

  • I’m fairly new in an in-house role and am currently rooting around our Drupal website to improve it as a whole. Right now on my radar is our use of http / https, canonicals, and our use of Google Search Console. Initial issues noticed: We serve http and https versions of all our pages Our canonical tags just refer back to the URL it sits on (apparently a default Drupal thing, which is not much use) We don’t actually have https properties added in Search Console/GA I’ve spoken with our IT agency who migrated our old site to the current site, who have recommended forcing all pages to https and setting canonicals to all https pages, which is fine in theory, but I don’t think it’s as simple as this, right? An old Moz post I found talked about running into issues with images/CSS/javascript referencing http – is there anything else to consider, especially from an SEO perspective? I’m assuming that the appropriate certificates are in place, as the secure version of the site works perfectly well. And on the last point – am I safe to assume we have just never tracked any traffic for the secure version of the site? 😞 Thanks John

    Technical SEO | | joberts

  • Hi there! We are currently evaluating data visualization / charting tools for rich content. Are there any open source solutions that work best in your opinion? Why? Some specific questions: Are static image / svg rendered images better than a javascript dynamic chart (canvas/HTML5)? Which gets indexed better? Is there any proven or perceived benefit to using Google Charts API that gives you an SEO boost? Are there tools for progressively enhancing HTML raw data tables to generate charts? Looking at a couple of solutions: Google Charts API C3.js Chartjs Thanks for your feedback!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | insurifyusa

  • I have a Magento site and just realized we have about 800 review pages indexed. The /review directory is disallowed in robots.txt but the pages are still indexed. From my understanding robots means it will not crawl the pages BUT if the pages are still indexed if they are linked from somewhere else. I can add the noindex tag to the review pages but they wont be crawled. Should I remove the robots.txt and add the noindex? Or just add the noindex to what I already have?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tylerj

  • How come that our subpages all have a PA 1 if the home got DA 50? technical specialities: Megamenue opens on click only Category pages dont exist (home/i-do-not-exist-as-page-category/PA-1-subpage) All subpages have a high amount of links to ressources (over 200) what would be the most obvious cause for the low PA? would the external link profile be the main reason? thanks in advance. I would be happy to answer your questions Kind regards

    Technical SEO | | brainfruit

  • Hello Experts, For Ecommerce site we do have navigation path like Main Category - Subcategory - Products. That means Men as Main Category and then subcategory Cloths, shoes, bags then product in each subcategory. After implementing enhance ecommerce I am getting this report - "Product Category (Enhanced E-commerce)" in Product Performance section. Now my query is my all products are linked with sub category i.e. cloths, shoes, bags etc so in Product Category (Enhanced E-commerce) I can see Revenue, transaction related to Cloths, shoes, bags etc but how to judge performance of Main categories like Men, Women, Children etc? Because google works with this method i think - name':, // Name or ID is required.
    'price': productObj.price,
    'brand': productObj.brand,
    'variant': productObj.variant,
    'position': productObj.position

    Reporting & Analytics | | dsouzac

  • I have a client who is a general practice Lawyer. This particular client refuses to acquire free profiles from legal sites such as AVVO, Super Lawyers, and Justia. I have been working with this client for a year and have had a tough time getting him to rank in an ultra competitive marketplace. The other law clients I handle have all secured these backlinks and traffic is produced, domain and page authority is much higher. My client say that he has heard from other lawyers that sites like AVVO produce bad or little results, so he wants no part of them. I feel these lawyers are giving him bad advice. They are competitors and each of them have their profiles on these sites. I thought I would get some thoughts from the community to maybe help back my thoughts on these particular back links. Thanks

    Local SEO | | donsilvernail

  • Hi there, I had a website that has been live since July.  It contains both content and eCommerce. I am now separating out the content so that; 1.  The master domain is (content) pointing to a new site 2.  Subdomain is (ecommerce) - pointing to the existing site. What do you advise I can do to minimise the impact on my search? Many thanks Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mjmaxwell

  • Hello Expert, I am doing lots of tracking for my ecommerce site but I am not sure reason for increase in bounce rate as my traffic also increase but I want to make sure that my tracking not affecting my bounce rate. I do tracking via page views, events, custom html, etc so for all the applicable tags Non-Interaction Hit - I set "True" so I am right here? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | dsouzac

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm building a new campaign for a business start-up, and search volumes with the industry are HUGE! I want to target high commercial intent keywords, to maximise the number of conversions / sales from my paid search campaigns. Using the forecasting tool in Adwords, it looks like I can [exact match] these high commercial intent keywords and still get the click volume I'm aiming for. Would you, therefore, use this approach - where you only match at an exact level to control the quality of traffic coming through from the paid search campaigns? I plan to achieve relevance by having ad groups broken down into clear themes with around 10 - 15 exact match keywords per ad group. Let me know your thoughts... Thanks!

    Paid Search Marketing | | Zoope

  • Just to give you a bit of background - we are going out of our way to get bloggers to talk about and link (we are not paying for them) to our products.  We recently noticed that a number of these bloggers have signed up to skimlinks and are using shortened URL's ( and are no-following these (is this correct procedure?). It's a little awkward, as it's devaluing our PR teams work, as we aren't able to see the sites generating revenue, GA simply shows the affiliate number (skimlinks) and that's it. has anyone else had similar issues with skimlinks and if so how did you deal with them?  Are the links they are "hijacking" harmful to our site?

    Link Building | | PShez

  • I have been searching through these forums and haven't come across someone that faces the same issue I am. The folks on the Google forums are certain this is an algorithm issue, but I just can't see the logic in that because this appears to be an issue fairly unique to me. I'll take you through what I've gone through. Sorry for it being long. Website URL: 1. In early February, I made the switch to https with some small hiccups. Overall however the move was smooth, had redirects all in place, sitemap, indexing was all fine. 2. One night, my organic traffic dropped by almost 100%. All of my top-ranking articles completely disappeared from rank. Top keyword searches were no longer yielding my best performing articles on the front page of results, nor on the last page of results. My pages were still being indexed, but keyword searches weren't delivering my pages in results. I went from 70-100 active users to 0. 3. The next morning, everything was fine. Traffic back up. Top keywords yielding results for my site on the front page. All was back to normal. Traffic shot up. Only problem was the same issue happened that night, and again for the next three nights. Up and down. 4. I had a developer and SEO guy look into my backend to make sure everything was okay. He said there were some redirection issues but nothing that would cause such a significant drop. No errors in Search Console. No warnings. 5. Eventually, the issue stopped and my traffic improved back to where it was. Then everything went great: the site was accepted into Google News, I installed AMP pages perfectly and my traffic boomed for almost 2 weeks. 6. At this point numerous issues with my host provider, price increases, and incredibly outdated cpanel forced me to change hosts. I did without any issues, although I lost a number of articles albeit low-traffic ones in the move. These now deliver 404s and are no longer indexed in the sitemap. 7. After the move there were a number of AMP errors, which I resolved and now I sit at 0 errors. Perfect...or so it seems. 8. Last week I applied for hsts preload and am awaiting submission. My site was in working order and appeared set to get submitted. I applied after I changed hosts. 9. The past 5 days or so has seen good traffic, fantastic traffic to my AMP pages, great Google News tracking, linking from high-authority sites. Good performance all round. 10. I wake up this morning to find 0 active people on my site. I do a Google search and notice my site isn't even the first result whenever I do an actual search for my name. The site doesn't even rank for its own name! My site is still indexed but search results do not yield results for my actual sites. Check Search Console and realised the sitemap had been "processed" yesterday with most pages indexed, which is weird because it was submitted and processed about a week earlier. I resubmitted the sitemap and it appears to have been processed and approved immediately. No changes to search results. 11. All top-ranking content that previously placed in carousal or "Top Stories" in Google News have gone. Top-ranking keywords no longer bring back results with my site: I went through the top 10 ranking keywords for my site, my pages don't appear anywhere in the results, going as far back as page 20 (last page). The pages are still indexed when I check, but simply don't appear in search results. It's happening all over again! Is this an issue any of you have heard of before? Where a site is still being indexed, but has been completely removed from search results, only to return within a few hours? Up and down? I suspect it may be a technical issue, first with the move to https, and now with changing hosts. The fact the sitemap says processed yesterday, suggests maybe it updated and removed the 404s (there were maybe 10), and now Google is attempting to reindexed? Could this be viable? The reason I am skeptical of it being an algorithm issue is because within a matter of hours my articles are ranking again for certain keywords. And this issue has only happened after a change to the site has been applied. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | fenixbazaar

  • Hello Expert, For my ecommerce site I am tracking "Retrieve My Basket" button as event tracking. Now I want to know after retrieving basket did my customer reached to thank you page? So how should I track such goal? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | dsouzac

  • I have a question about the best way to optimize a photographer's homepage for SEO. It's a simple answer if you specialize in one or two things but in my experience many beginner (and even seasoned photographers) will shoot whatever they can get their hands on. Perhaps you mainly shoot weddings and engagement sessions but you also shoot newborns from time to time, family photos, high school seniors and generic head shots. Granted the short answer may be to simply suggest that they specialize however coming from the photography world that isn't always feasible. Of course we'd suggest that they should create a page for each specialty to optimize for that specific keyword, but I'm talking mainly about the home page. Dallas Wedding Engagement Family Newborn headshot photographer looks pretty spammy and I'm sure Google won't like that either. In some cases you can definitely group things together, like family, senior portrait and new born could feasibly be grouped into "Dallas family portrait photographer" etc, but in other instances where you shoot everything not so much. So with that being said, in terms of optimizing both the title tag and content on the page (easier to separate out) what would your advice be?

    Keyword Research | | GNeil

  • Hello, I was reading hobo s post on duplicate content. Our web is in the classified advertisement industry and our site is built up like this Homepage (last 200 ads)  category 1(has the name we want to rank our homepage and around 350 ads) category 2 (around 100 ads)  category 3 (around 60 ads) Now our homepage has 200 ads that also appear mostly in category 1 but also in others. We are ranking our homepage as 11 th now on Google. I'm worried a bit that the 200 ads on the homepage are not unique, because they will appear in one other category. Is this OK? Is this duplication? Should we do something? Issue is that we at first started ranking our homepage where all ads were, now there are too many so we show 200 latest on homepage and then they are split into category pages.

    On-Page Optimization | | advertisingcloud

  • Hi, I'm using Keyword Explorer to prioritise keywords. This is really hard as most of my keywords say 'no data' when I import them. How can I get this data please so that the Potential column is more accurate? Thanks

    Link Explorer | | Barn2Plugins

  • Hi Moz community! I'm wondering the best places to get a local service area business listed online? I'm working with a client who installs synthetic grass around Vancouver, but could apply to any local SAB ... I found this resource from Local Visibility Systems but it's almost 5 years old at this point ... I started setting up an Apple Maps Connect account but it doesn't seem like they support the concept. Is there a way to hide an address in Apple Maps Connect? Is it worth submitting at all? Does anyone have a comprehensive list of modern directories that matter for local SEO that support SABs? Thanks very much everyone! - Paul

    Local Listings | | paulz999

  • Is it just me or is there a considerable lack of keyword Volume data for UK Google search terms on Moz? I have 53  keywords and not a single one has any keyword volume data - these are not obscure terms and include the following as examples... leather satchel, leather laptop bag, satchels, leather bag, leather backpack,  leather school satchel. Without this information aren't a lot of the services offered by Moz rather academic as it is impossible to know which terms are really worth targeting. What is the solution?  I could use US data and hope it is similar but this seems close to a deal breaker for UK subscribers.

    Moz Bar | | MrFrisbee

  • When someone searches for our brand in US, instead of only US links, users are served with canadian or iranian sitelinks. Despite we have properly implemented xml sitemaps with hreflangs, even we have implemented lang attribute in the head section of source code for every country. I'd be thankful for any advice.

    Technical SEO | | eset

  • Hi all, We always mention "brand & keyword" in every page title along with topic in the website, like "Topic | vertigo tiles". Let's say there is a sub-directory with hundreds of pages...what will be the best page title practice in mentioning "brand & keyword" across all pages of sub-directory to benefit in-terms if SEO? Can we add "vertigo tiles" to all pages of sub-directory? Or we must not give same phrase? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hello, Recently We have a taken a project " " and are responsible for the Digital Marketing for the website. FYI, we have been following the best On-Page SEO practices ever since we took the project: Performing Keyword Research, Finalizing the Keywords,Using those in the Page-Title, Meta-Descriptions, Heading Tags and of course in the Content as per MOZ suggestions & SEO standards. But, we are unable to rank in first page; all the considered keywords have a ranking of 51+ which is a serious matter of concern for us. We have also checked whether the Domain / URL has been blacklisted, but it's not (Not even by Google). We are therefore unable to figure out what is going wrong even after following so many best practices to get the keywords a good ranking (1st & 2nd page of SERPs). Therefore I would like to request you to provide your expert opinions in this regard by checking what is it that we are not getting right. The website url is As this is a high-priority issue for us & the client is a prestigious one of course, please help. Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Thanks & Regards,

    Technical SEO | | Harini.M

  • We have a client with an old domain which was spammy (bad links).  Until two months ago, it was forwarding to his current domain and (I believe) causing a penalty. Two months ago we transferred ownership of the spammy URL to a third party and setup an unrelated blog for Google to pick up on.  Google did pick up on the URL. After two months Google Webmaster Tools is still showing 200 links from the old domain, to the new domain (from the spammy domain).  Also, when you search the company name, the spammy domain still appears in the results (page two). Is there a faster way disassociate the old domain entirely from the business?  I.e., just delete the domain, forward the domain to another website, etc.? If you have experience in this, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mgordon

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