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  • Recently I had to install reCAPTCHA on my site. The site contains domain name generators and they were being misused, in the words of my host: _Addition of a Captcha will go one of two ways - hit the bruting on the head as intended - OR it will increase the load and the impact by rendering the Captcha's. _ Have noticed that reCAPTCHA adds a fair amount of code 32% of page size and 5 requests. I want to replace reCAPTCHA with an alternative, has anyone got any ideas? Cheers. Justin

    Web Design | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi Guys I am going to be putting some powerpoint presentations up over time.  I have a couple of questions regarding slideshare. If I add links to the slideshare are these crawl able by Google etc...? If I places the powepoint presentation on our website and slideshare would this be counter productive i.e duplicate content? Love to here your suggestions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Hi all, I'm having a problem with Moz crawling our site. We use Cloudflare and I'm getting the 804 SSL error. What should I do? If anyone can advise that would be great.

    Getting Started | | Naomi_AE

  • Anyone interested in a reciprocal knowledge sharing opportunity?  Does your team have experience with BloomReach Organic Services? We’re considering testing it out and are unsure of the long-term payoff given the substantial monthly fees for the SEO add-on.  We're a pure e-commerce shop already using BloomReach’s merchandising solution so the technical integration is behind us.

    Industry News | | znotes

  • Good Afternoon We've been having problems with a site for a little while now. It had a penalty (partial link) a few years ago and never really recovered back to it's full potential despite the fact that the penalty was eventually removed and we've since changed the domain completely as well as moving over to https and left behind / disavowed bad links. In the Moz ranking stats now, I'm seeing that some of our lower level pages are ranking for core terms and the erratic nature of the ranking graph seems to indicate that Google is confused and not knowing what page to pull. For example, the top level page would be Hotel in Spain but the page that is ranking for that term is one of the individual hotel information (lower level) pages lets say the Holiday Inn . The lower level page has info on the individual property but also makes reference to it being a "Cheap Hotel In Spain" My suggestion to resolve the problem is to scale back the references to the top level terms on the hotel pages and reintroduce breadcrumb links to help Google follow the structure of the site again Does this sound reasonable or would anyone be able to suggest anything else to try?

    Technical SEO | | Ham1979

  • Hi there again, I found a major cloaking hack in our client's website that is really well camouflaged and all the seo tools that I tried to help me check for cloaking couldn't find it. I know that screaming frog is a great tool and I want to use it to help me, however, I can't seem to get my way around their system that I downloaded. Can you help me with the screaming frog program? Do you know where I can make a full site check for cloaking, maybe there are more links that I wasn't notified about? I would really appreciate if you could help me with that. Thanks so much, Ruchy

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Ruchy

  • Hi There I am just three weeks into my SEO career and I bumped into this issue with one of our clients. I found a massive cloaking hack. In google search console I was shown 404 errors for many links and that is what everyone can see, however, when I crawled the site as a google bot I got 200ok messages and was shown a full page of essays, videos, links etc.. This obviously caused a significant drop in the website's ranking. This looks to be a professional and well hidden hack. I googled many different tools to check for cloaking all of then said no error, here are some of the tools I checked for hacking: seo tools, bruce clay, webconfs, web tool hub, small SEO tools, and many more and none of them found the problem. The issue only came up when I manually searched the site as a google bot. What can I do in this situation? I am stumped. Whats with all these tools? What should I do as a next step? Thanx for  your advice, Ruchy

    Reporting & Analytics | | Ruchy

  • Could unusually large number of links from Pinterest cause issues? Would Google categorise them as spammy links or site wide links? I have a small site with Urls around 800-1000. But webmaster shows 5321 links from and 1467 from Please see attachment. ffNLF

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | riyaaaz

  • Got a local search question for you here. Google will automatically redirect most users to their country's google product of choice - if you're in Canada. However, I'm seeing a ton of organic traffic to our website that is ranking poorly in, but ranking well on This is a local HVAC business in Alberta. Is there a way to see the amount of traffic coming from as opposed to in analytics?

    Local Website Optimization | | brettmandoes

  • I've asked this to dozens of people already, but I still haven't found a satisfactory answer... perhaps someone here can help me: I keep hearing how important it is to update product descriptions to avoid duplicate content, decrease thin content and improve conversion rates - but for any new eCommerce sites like ours, with thousands of listings going up at once, this is nearly impossible to control. Outsourcing is clearly a bad idea from an SEO standpoint as well as a UX standpoint... But are there any other options? Should I let go of my other responsibilities and focuses as an in-house SEO manager and virtually stop, drop and roll out unique product descriptions? That would be a project that would take me at least a year to complete. Do I just give up? Do two descriptions a day and hope for the best? What do you guys think? What have you recommended for others? I can't imagine our company is alone in this dilemma. Thanks in advance! Hanna

    Content Development | | whiteonlySEO

  • For the past few days, every time I try posting a comment, no matter how long or short, how informative or simple, I've been getting the error message that the comment isn't being allowed. I only tried a few times, once on several different posts (not spamming, God forbid!), and I never include links in my comments... So what's wrong?! So frustrated, I am so not up to this right now. Why can't I share my insights and questions on Moz anymore? Gaaaaaaa!

    Product Support | | whiteonlySEO

  • I have a site with a handful of links that are ranked. One of those links was ranking for "pantsuits for sale". The slug was  I decided to rename the slug to and used the term "pantsuits for sale" twice in the page which it had not been appearing before. I did a 301 redirect old page to new. I then organized 5 pages below Pantsuits-for-sale in a silo. Before they were all at the same level. I ran 301s for those also. I suddenly lost 40 spaces in rank a few days later! Clearly Google did not like these changes. So do you think I can regain my position by reversing the silo and changing back to the old slugs? Other thoughts/ recommendations?

    Technical SEO | | dk5

  • Can a canonical URL redirect? I'm doing country specific urls with the www. redirecting to the country (i.e. if you go to you'll redirect to in france). If the canonical is www. then  all the spiders will go to the correct place but I don't know if search engines recommend against a canonical that redirects.

    Algorithm Updates | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Hi Moz Community, I am working at a branding company. Currently, we found our ranking for main keywords (branding company) is dropping a little.  I am suspicious of the new blog posts that we published lately. We wrote different kind of stuff, such as company culture, how to inspire employees, the importance of leadership and some other stuff that is actually not as related to our main keyword - branding company. My question is, will these irrelevant posts hurt our ranking for main keyword, to some extent? Thank you. Best, Raymond

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | raymondlii

  • Hello Mozzers, I have a client with a unique situation that I am hoping I can get some feedback on. One of our service industry clients has a location that is claimed on all major sites (Google, Bing, etc., etc.) - so all is good there. They are experiencing an issue, however, because their check-in building is actually located at their conference center across the street, which has a different address. The issue is mainly that it is confusing and a pain point for customers as they get to the destination without realizing they need to actually be at the building across the street first for check-in. The client is considering changing their primary address to the conference center address across the street, which was previously not a separate / claimed entity. They would still maintain the main business listing and just adjust the name. Their thought process is that Google would bring people to the conference center / check-in building first rather than to the main business building. I personally have major concerns about making the switch. I feel like this would be potentially confusing to both users and search engines. And, the main business listing has already acquired a ton of reviews that we would be starting from scratch with. My immediate recommendation would be to better communicate the check-in process to guests and not go through the change of address process, but I figured I would throw it out to the community for feedback. Thoughts?

    Local Listings | | mbochic

  • Hello Everyone, We're having a serious Problem with the ranking of our website so we started testing the website in different Tools. Almost all of the tools say our website works great and in comparision to our competitors we win in almost every test – but we rank behind them. The only thing that makes me wonder is the fact that our website has only 2 Inbound links (Open Site Explorer) when the link source is set to only internal. And the only links shown are 2 links that come from the old http (we're using https) and redirect 301 to our https. No other links – in other tools we have around 80 internal links to our rmain https-webadress. Does anyone have an idea where that comes from? I'm afraid this might be our issue in ranking behind of lots of our competitors. Lokking forward to your ideas and suggestions.
    Greets Frank

    Moz Pro | | Franksen3o3

  • If Website A is ranking 19th position in Google for a specific keyword, and Website B is ranking 30th position for the same keyword, What would be impact after 301 redirect? Will Website A drop to 30th position because of 301 or existing position would improve because of link juice?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | riyaaaz

  • eCommerce site rendering their services globally but primary market is India. Below approximate traffic coming for countries India - 50% USA & Canda -20% Europe -20% Rest of the world - 10% We are not in a position to go for country specific TLD. What would be the appropriate option to be selected in Google Webmaster tools from the following? Enable Geo-targetting and select "India" Enable Geo targeting and select "Unlisted" Disable Geo targeting (uncheck checkbox) Please note that the site runs on Shopify hence server located in Canada and there are no plans to shift the server or platform.

    Local Listings | | riyaaaz

  • When we cannot rank for multiple keywords; can we try creating landing pages for some long-tail keywords and put all such landing pages at footer menu to rank for search queries? Will this helps and sound spammy to Google?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • I have two websites with identical content. Haya and ethnic Both websites have similar products. I would like to get rid of ethniccode I have already started to de-index ethniccode. My question is, Will I get any SEO benefit or Will it be harmful if I 301 direct the below only URL’s https://www.ethniccode/salwar-kameez -> https://www.hayacreations/collections/salwar-kameez https://www.ethniccode/salwar-kameez/anarkali-suits - > https://www.hayacreations/collections/anarkali-suits

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | riyaaaz

  • Hi Moz Folks, I'm new here and am loving all the information! Can't wait to dig in more. Folks, I have a situation and would love to hear more about your experiences here and what advice you all have to give. I have a client whose SEO I helped out with about 4-5 years ago. It went well and they had historically been ranking on pages 1-2 for the majority of their targeted keywords. Client and I lost touch over the years, but now we are in process of working together again. What I learned today is that my client redesigned the entire old site without placing any redirects and entirely creating new URL structures (I already hear the gasps of air of those reading this). Long story short - you guessed it - rankings/traffic has dropped and the old pages have fallen out of index. Considering that I was hired to re-do and re-audit the SEO of the site and also considering that the domain had a relative decent standing in the rankings in the past, I'm wondering what exactly I should do of the following options (or please do suggest other options): 1. We have the ability to completely revert back to the old site with all the old keywords and and search optimized URLs. The new site was launched just 2 weeks ago and the owner has said that he is willing to revert back to the old site while we audit the new site and get all of the proper optimizations in place. This would be a great option if it will help us because at least we can get a site up that we know ranked well with Google in the past. 2. 302 redirect the old URLs to the somewhat appropriate page on the new site while - in the meantime - I work on the new site structure and keywords/SEO optimizations. I say 302 because a 301 redirect from the old pages to the new pages may only do me so good because I would plan on changing the keywords/URL structures of the new site anyway. Once finished with the optimizations, I'd then 301 redirect to the new appropriate pages 3. 301 redirect everything from the old site to the somewhat appropriate page on the new site right away. Then, once I've completed all the appropriate optimizations, I'd need to re-301-redirect to the new pages I've created. As you can see, I'm in a bit of a jam. But, considering that the new site was launched just about 2 weeks ago, maybe there's some hope here. Thanks fellow Mozzers! Hopefully that all makes sense. Cheers!
    Nickname: "P-drama"

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | pfarsaii

  • I have used several and had some good results. Am wondering if I can find one that is more cost effective than who I am using now, as they just doubled their prices.

    Content Development | | RoxBrock

  • I'm migrating sub-domains to sub-folders, but this question is likely applicable for most URL migrations. For example: to and any child pages. Bear with me as it may just be me but I'm having trouble understanding whether internal links (menu, contextual etc and potentially the sitemaps) should be kept as the pre-migration URL (with .301 in place to the new URL) to give Google a chance to process the redirects or if they should be updated straight away to the new URL to provide a 200 response as so many guides suggest. The reason I ask is unless Google specifically visits the old URL from their index (and therefore processes the .301), it's likely to be found by following internal links on the website or similar which if they're updated to reflect the new URL will return a 200. I would imagine that this would be treated as a new page, which is concerning as it would have a canonical pointing toward itself and the same content as the pre-migrated URL. Is this a problem? Do we need to allow proper processing of redirects for migrations or is Google smarter than this and can work it out if they visit the old URL at a later date and put two and two together? What happens in-between? I haven't seen any migration guides suggest leaving .301s in place but to amend links to 200 as soon as possible in all instances. One thought is I guess there's also the Fetch as Google tool within Search Console which could be used with the old URLs - could this be relied on? Apologies if this topic has been covered before but it's quite difficult to search for without returning generic topics around .301 redirects. Hope it makes sense - appreciate any responses!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AmyCatlow

  • Wanted to ask everyone a questions: So our company is going to be doing a website that is going to be full of videos. The url path will be We redirect the user when they go to the different country. So if you're in spain on a train to france your URL will change from to Each country can listen to each video in all languages. My question is with hreflang tags and canonicals. Aside from targeting users in a certain country via Google Search Console, how do I eliminate duplication and tell Google which I'd like to show up via which country. In spain I would like to show in Google and would have hreflang tags on each of the es.domain pages but what about since it would show the same content? I can't canonical to one of them since I need them to show in their respective country. How do I show the difference in language and country without showing duplication?

    International SEO | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • Have a new client who hired a fly-by-night backlinking company. They made 500 links from directories and 160 of these are on domains that have been deleted. So should I inlcude the 160 dead links in my disavow?

    Link Building | | dk5

  • Currently we have direct links to the top 100 country and  city landing pages on our index page of the root domain. 
    I would like to add in the index page for each country a link "more cities" which then loads dynamically (without reloading the page and without redirecting to another page) a list with links to all cities in this country. 
    I do not want to dillute "link juice" to my top 100 country and city landing pages on the index page. 
    I would still like google to be able to crawl and follow these links to cities that I load dynamically later. In this particular case typical site hiearchy of country pages with links to all cities is not an option. Any recommendations on how best to implement?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • Hi there, I am currently reading and learning about backlinks and I find myself stumped as to where I can submit my website to. I understand the logic's and methods for backlinks but just don't know how to find good quality websites to submit my website to. I appreciate any help in advance. Jay

    Link Building | | VoodooCreativeLtd

  • I have installed AMP Plugin in my WordPress website but when I check pages with /amp/ it shows 404 error. But for blog pages, for the example it shows amp version of the particular page. Also, nothing is showing in search console Accelerate Moile pages.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO-Stephanie

  • Is link juice passed from a website that has been intentionally de-indexed by webmaster? The scenario is I had 2 websites with similar content. I decided to get rid of one by de-indexing. I also did a 301redirect from my de-indexed site. Not the whole domain but just the 2 URL's which I believe could pass on link juice. In this case how long the link juice would flow via 301 redirect?

    Link Building | | riyaaaz

  • I'm getting error messages that a website cannot be crawled and it might be due to the following issues: Couldn't access the webpage because the server either timed out or refused/closed the connection before our crawler could receive a response. How to fix: Please contact your web hosting technical support team and ask them to fix the issue Could Possibly Be:
    1. DDoS protection system.
    2. Overloaded or misconfigured server They asked me to talk to my hosting company about this issue and he's at a loss (I don't think he knows everything he needs to know potentially). Have you seen these issues before? Where is the best spot to start troubleshooting this issue?

    Web Design | | PrimeMediaConsulting

  • Hey gang. So I am a writer/amateur SEO/outreach guy for my agency. We have a client that fixes garage doors only in the the city of Portland Oregon. I wrote him a blog (this is not the real title) Called 5 ways to fix my garage door fast. It is doing pretty well and getting over a thousand visitors a month. But we all know that people coming to that blog could be from anywhere in the world, and most likely are not going to purchase garage door repair service from my client. We all know that. And that's why the page has a 98% bounce rate, but an overall good time on page. My superior sat me down and told me that I have to stop writing content like this, because all the content we write should be location focused. He said having a high bounce rate like that is actually bad for the site and is not helping at all. What do you guys think? Is he spot on? Thank you!

    Link Building | | Meier

  • i saw advice that even if you are already top in the serp you should anyways buy the google ads for it. it doesnt seem to make any sense to me can anyone explain it to me??? thanx

    Paid Search Marketing | | Ruchy

  • I read the Moz guide intensely, and I gained tremendous knowledge the problem started when I don't cant see any live work or examples is there anywhere that I can watch examples see the tutorial and is there any way for me to "practice." thank you, experts, i appreciate your help

    Moz Pro | | Ruchy

  • We are considering changing the phone number to our website to one of those 1-800-eat-cows. How will changing a phone number we've had 10 years affect our SEO. Do we need to change all citations, Google maps, etc etc? What if we don't? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | RoxBrock

  • I'm a bit confused about what Schema markup should be applied to such regular, informative web pages.
    We have a few pages describing our technology and solutions. These pages are not products or news articles. And they are not something that should be reviewed/rated. What Schema markup should be used for a standard run-of-the mill web page?
    Is there a good reference / tutorial for optimizing the schema markup of an informational website? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | gray_jedi

  • Wanted to ask everyone a questions: So our company is going to be doing a website that is going to be full of videos. The url path will be We redirect the user when they go to the different country. So if you're in spain on a train to france your URL will change from to Each country can listen to each video in all languages. My question is with hreflang tags and canonicals. Aside from targeting users in a certain country via Google Search Console, how do I eliminate duplication and tell Google which I'd like to show up via which country. In spain I would like to show in Google and would have hreflang tags on each of the es.domain pages but what about since it would show the same content? I can't canonical to one of them since I need them to show in their respective country. How do I show the difference in language and country without showing duplication?

    International SEO | | mattdinbrooklyn

  • If you have the following keywords in an Ad Group advertising for a product, let's for example call it "target" product [target product] "target product" +target +product I've found that the exact match keyword has the highest conversion rate in almost all circumstances.  So it would make sense to have a higher max bid on the exact match then phrase or broad batch.  Even with lots of negative search terms to maximize conversion on the broader matches, if the bid is the same as exact match, the cost per conversion will be much higher (too high.) However in chatting with an Adwords Support Rep (on a different matter) they stated after looking through my account at the end of the chat: " duplicate keywords will impact on quality score. your all keywords will compete with each other" However many of the ad groups in question these duplicate keywords have quality score of 9 and 10.  So obviously if there is an effect it seems it may be minimal. I thought it was pretty common for people to bid higher on more exact match and lower on more broad match.  What's the real story here?  Was this support rep not seeing the big picture?

    Paid Search Marketing | | JCCMoz

  • Hi Moz Community, According to Google Search Console, the main keyword for our website is undergoing a low click through rate, even though we have good ranking for that keyword (top 3). Currently, our homepage's title tag is "Brand Name: Primary Keyword". I am thinking about adding a secondary keyword or other keyword variation to differentiate our company from others in order to possibly increase the click through rate. Will this affect the current ranking for the primary keyword? Also, is the clickthrough data in Google Search Console accurate? Thank you! Best, Raymond

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | raymondlii

  • Hi all, I'm having trouble with getting Rich Cards to show for my site and am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Here’s an example for Louis CK. His bio is pulled from Wikipedia, but the tour dates are drawn from elsewhere. I coded in a basic card for one of our events and nothing showed up (several weeks ago at this point so not just a crawl issue), and never registered with Google Webmaster. Honestly, I haven’t seen an example of an endurance event using a card. Sports-wise I’ve only seen them for major sports teams, but I’m hoping we can take advantage of it somehow. When submitting a search query on Google, once you add any event name beside Vermont, our business card doesn’t display (we’re based in Vermont), so it would be great to have something that can show up for each event. We also can’t get our social profiles to show up in our business card, after adding the code for Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. I’m wondering if that’s partially because our social accounts are named Wrenegade Sports when everything else is Farm to Fork Fondo. (Not personally a proponent of that name difference and I suspect it hurts us). Thanks!

    Local Listings | | rpence.sandiego

  • Hello, We run Facebook ads for 30+ companies each month. We have not found a way to quickly monitor relevance scores from all our clients in one reporting format. Right now, we're still going into the ad account for each client, then into each ad to check the relevance scores, either in Ads Manager or Power Editor. Is there a way we can pull up relevance scores from all ads across clients in one fell swoop using Business Manager reporting features?

    Social Media | | ReunionMarketing

  • Even I search for exact h1 tag heading from our homepage, it's (homepage) not been showing up on TOP of the results. Other websites with partial match of search query are ranking above us; why this is happening? And other website with same text as normal paragraph is ranking on top. But not out h1 tag from homepage? How come normal text of unrelated website is ranking above h1 heading from homepage of own website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Just looking to get some opinions on this. Some coupon sites use "coupon" in all of their URLs - this is a practice I would avoid, as to me it is a little spammy. For example:
    ... and so on for thousands of other brands. I don't think this is necessary, as Google will understand from the content, backlinks and the domain name (including the word "coupon") that brand pages are coupon-focused. Any other thoughts on this?

    On-Page Optimization | | vanessakohl

  • I have been sourcing content from a news publisher who is my partner for publishing content online. My website deals with sourcing content from a couple of websites. I did use a canonical tag pointing towards the respective syndicated source but I have not seen traffic for those articles. I did some research and found out that Google does have a tag for news publishers which is the "original-source" tag which helps news publishers to give proper credit for their work. Here's a link to the official word by Google" Although Google has officially stated that the "syndication-source" tag has been replaced by the "canonical" tag. However, there is no mention about the "original-source" tag.
    Can I still use the "original-source" tag to syndicate content from my partner site instead of the "canonical" tag? P.S.: The reason why I am not convinced with the use of the canonical tag is because:
    1. As per what Google says, duplicate content won't harm my website unless it is spam. (And since we are rightfully content from our partner'website and showcasing it to a larger audience by hosting it on our website as well, we are thereby not indulging in any unethical practices) 2. The canonical tag could possibly hamper my crawl bandwidth issues as it would essentially need the crawler to crawl the whole page to figure out that the canonical is present, post which any possible valuation that my site could have garnered gets lost.3. Moreover, since I am from the news, media and publication industry, content republication is a widely accepted practice and in such cases simply including a link to the original source of the article or using the original source tag should suffice, That being mentioned, I do not want to go ahead without taking a second opinion about this. Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Starcom_Search

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