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  • Hello, First of all I know that all the links which come from Pinterest are no follow. However about 4 years ago we made a campaign to pinterest for one of the websites we are managing. Although the thing was going well we had to stop it for various reasons. Right now, 4 years later, this thing has grown big without any move for us! All these years our pins, which were great in many aspects, were continuously reppined. This has lead to the point where the Google Search Console is reporting that about 500.000 links are linking to our website from Pinterest. We know how this has helped us or not concerning the actual refferring traffic from Pinterest but our main question, and this where we want the Moz's community help, is how is this helping from a SEO aspect. Thank you!

    Social Media | | Tz_Seo

  • Dear Moz Community. I'm looking at moving from in-line Microdata in the HTML to JSON-LD on the web pages that I manage.  Seems a far simpler solution having all the meta data in one place - especially for trouble shooting! With this in mind I've started to change the page templates on my personal site before I tackle the ones for my eCommerce site.  I've made a start, and I'm still working on the templates producing some default values (like if a page doesn't have an associated image) but have been wondering if any of you have any rules/recommendations for using BlogPosting vs Article? I'd call this type of page an Article: Whereas this page is from the /blog so that should probably be a BlogPosting: I've used the following resources but it would be great to get a discussion on here. I'm keen to get this 100% right as once this is done I'm going to drive through some further changes to get some progress on things like this: Kind Regards andy moz-screenshot.jpg

    Technical SEO | | andystorey

  • Hello Experts, Can you please throw your knowledge on How to analysis Responsive VS Dynamic site? Also please suggest best tool to optimize both type of sites plus if I have to optimize manually then what is the best way? It will help lots of people as currently google focusing more on mobile site so we can optimize our responsive and dynamic site. Pls suggest. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | adamjack

  • Now that Moz has retired the social element, I'm at a loss as to what to use instead. What have you all switched to? We use Hootsuite to schedule Twitter and LinkedIn posts for our clients, and Facebook native mode for scheduling there. At the end of each month I produce an SEO report for each client and up to now, that's always included the social report from Moz. I want to be able to report on the following for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. what traffic has come to the client's website from each social channel growth in followers/fans engagement for the month eg how many retweets, likes, shares etc best performing posts on each channel I've looked at Sprout, but it seems to me that in order for Sprout to give you all the reporting info you need, you have to use it to manage all your social media channels, and as mentioned above, we already use Hootsuite for this. I don't want to switch completely. Twitter Analytics gives me the info I want for Twitter, but doesn't output this to a pdf style graphical report. I just want a nice summary to give my clients every month. Any ideas as to the best way to report on all this while still using Hootsuite to do the scheduling? My feeling is that I just want a flexible, easy to use and comprehensive reporting tool that covers all social channels, and not a social media management tool.

    Social Media | | mfrgolfgti

  • I asked the person who manages my server to take a look into my 803 errors. But he does not find anything in the logs. Is there a way to find out what causes these errors. And what is meant with  803 error in Search Engine blocked by robots.txt column?

    Technical SEO | | koendezutter

  • Some of our searches are coming on the first page at Google, which is great (these are New Product Watch pages ) .. and yet some (particularly Home Tested Section ) have very poor results, ie no where to be found: .. we are often either nowhere to be found, even if we have hundreds of reviews for these products… and seem to be often beaten to the punch by the likes of: / / do you think that these other sites just have more sites linking to them, and so stronger natural page ranking? Any insight would be helpful..

    Reviews and Ratings | | Amorg

  • Hi Mozers, We recently switched servers and it came to my attention that we have two sitemaps a XML version of the sitemap and a .aspx version of the sitemap. This came to light as the .aspx version of the sitemap is causing the site to come to a screeching halt as it has some complex code and lists over 80,000 products. My question is do we need both versions of the sitemap? My understanding is that the XML version is for Search Engine bots and the .aspx version is for customers. I can't imagine that anyone is using our .aspx version as it is basically a page with 80,000 links and it's buried away on the site, so we were hoping to kill off the .aspx version of the sitemap and keep the .xml version for Search Engine Bots. I wanted to check here first to make sure we did not any negative search engine implications. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks so much! Patrick

    Web Design | | gatorpool

  • We're working to improve the ranking of one of our product landing pages. The page that currently ranks #1 has a very simple, short layout with the main keyword many times on the page with otherwise very little text. One thought we had was to make a more comprehensive page including more info on the features and benefits of the product. The thought being that a longer form page would be more valuable and potentially look better to Google if the other SEO pieces are on par. Does that make sense to do? Or would it be better to keep the product page simple and make some more related content on our blog linking back to that landing page? Thanks in advance to any help you can provide!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bob_Kastner

  • In just the last week, it seems like Google has removed reviews for businesses in our industry (staffing), which is unfortunate since we've been working hard for those reviews. The effect has been to be completely left off the local google business results. One week, we're at the top of the business reviews with our location prominently featured on the map and the next, we aren't even listed. It seems like there must be list of industries in which Google takes reviews into account (or if they do, then at least displays the reviews in the results). For us, up until last week, if you searched "temp agencies", these reviews were included in SERP. Now, nothing. Is this fairly normal behavior for Google?

    Reviews and Ratings | | Parker818

  • A Facebook page targetted to US Hispanics (with content in Spanish and English) is showing me a hindi sitelink underneath the main Facebook link when I google (in the US, English) for the page [ page name facebook]. We don't have any content in hindi, or targetted to that audience. If I click on the sitelink while logged out of facebook, I can see it takes me to a facebook subdomain of hi-in. When I'm logged in it just redirects me to the same page. Any idea why this could be happening?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | M_8

  • Hi all, I just noticed a potential issue with our websites. We have two ecommerce websites, one is a very large one selling all sorts of products, while the microsite focuses on a small segment of products. All products sold on the microsite are also sold on the main website. In the beginning of September, we upgraded the microsite to the same script that the main website uses to make it mobile friendly and update the design. They now look very similar. Before, both websites used to rank on page 1 for a specific keyword. I have noticed that since we upgraded the microsite, the two websites have been taking turns ranking for the keyword. For a few weeks the microsite ranks and the main website doesn't rank for the keyword. Then for a few weeks only the main website ranks and the microsite doesn't. I think the reason this is happening is that Google understands that the content is the same and the websites are both owned by the same company. Fair enough. I remember reading an article about this phenomenon before but can't remember where. Does anyone know which article I'm talking about (it would have been on an SEO blog/website, e.g. Moz, SEJ, SE Roundtable etc)? I'm not even sure what this phenomenon is called. If we can only have one of the pages rank, we would prefer it to be the microsite at all times. Would a canonical tag on the main website referring to the URL on the microsite fix this? I think at the moment the product descriptions are either very similar or identical. Would it help to make them more different to get both to rank again if that is what we wanted to do? In the end it is still the same product being sold by the same company - after Google has already sort of merged the two, would they "un-merge" them if the content was more different? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | ViviCa1

  • This site ranks well in the States and Austraila. Would rel language tags help with search for both states? Separating duplicate content. Or how would you go about increasing ranking? The site ranks higher in the states than Austrailia but they want to increase their presence in AU. US Position 4.9k AU Position 1.3

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AaronRainsSEO

  • Hi, we are amplifying our site, but one of the things we can´t include on our AMP version is the Facebook comment box. Some of our articles have hundreds of comments on them and we noticed that Google was crawling those comments and using them as a ranking signal (the more comments the better we discovered). Now we are wondering if these articles would drop if we launch the AMP version without the comment box. As this would reduce the written content on those pages a lot. Anybody tested this before or has an idea on that would work out? Thanks for your help!

    Web Design | | guidetoiceland

  • Hi, I need more information about Guest Posting Service, any well known, reliable ones to share ? Thanks

    Link Building | | jboniface

  • Hi One of the pages of my website was starting to gather some real traction in Google rankings and hit 3500 visitors per day. This is the page: On 11th January search traffic to this page fell to virtually 0. The rest of the site rankings were unaffected. Yesterday I tried searching for some of the main keywords I was ranking for and instead of my search listing, this was appearing: Image: It is in the exact position I was ranking in, but instead this evn . moe site has stolen my ranking. Upon opening the website, it is simply my original article page in an iframe. If you look at the source code of the offending website, you will see what I mean. Hopefully now you are getting a 403 forbidden error as my host blocked referrals from that site but they still hold my rankings. Has anyone ever seen this before? How was this done? And how can I get my ranking back? Thanks in advance, James

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | JamesPenn

  • Hi Mozzers, I was just looking at the dwell time tip from Mike Arnesen and have some difficulties understanding it. This is the formula: (Words on page)/15*1000 Why is he using 15? Where does the number stand for? What is it that I'm actually calculating now? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • I have a question for the links in a sitemap. Wordpress works with a sitemap that first link to the different kind of pages: pagesitemap.xml categorysitemap.xml productsitemap.xml etc. etc. These links on the first page are clickable. We have a website that also links to the different pages but it's not clickable, just a flat link. Is this an issue?

    Technical SEO | | Happy-SEO

  • Hi Moz Peoples! We have a small site with a simple site navigation, with only a few links on the nav bar. We have been doing some work to create a new page, which will eventually replace one of the links on the nav bar. The question we are having is, is it better to rename the existing page and replace its content and then wait for the great indexer to do its thing, or perm delete the page and replace it with the new page and content? Or is this a case where it really makes no difference as long as the redirects are set up correctly?

    On-Page Optimization | | Parker818

  • Hey Guys, I normally set up Rich Schema for ecommerce, but wondering your thoughts on rich schema for B2B, specifically a consulting firm. I was thinking: address hours open events We have pages for services, a testimonial page, a page with all the partners, contact us, blog posts. Any thoughts on this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vetofunk

  • I am moving my site from Volusion to Shopify.  The domain remains the same but the URL paths are different.  With respect to my Google Shopping feed, is it best to send old URLs (with 301 redirects) or to send the new URLs?

    Paid Search Marketing | | vgusvg

  • HI all,  have also Question One, i don't understand how is this website : competitor website  http://hack-clash-royale. com/   beter them my website  i analze i have more more backlink and my website is strong have good seo  but not on first position, you can tell me what is problem, my website is 4-5#  and competitor 1-2# .. thanks

    Link Building | | Fahad5Saleem

  • For my Ecommerce site suddenly following errors occurred while I test my homepage in structured data testing tools - Error - image- A value for the image field is required. Name - A value for the image field is required. On right side of tool it's show me - Warning - address - The address field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. pricerange - The priceRange field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. telephone - The telephone field is recommended. Please provide a value if available. On right side of tool it's show me - Please let me know how to solve this errors and warnings? I have implemented schema via micro data. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | adamjack

  • We have a website we are working on that was ranking well in Google but since having a hosting upgrade has completely dropped in rankings. When a hosting upgrade was made, the developer added an incorrect robots.txt file that restricted the site from being found, hence resulting in lost rankings. We have since sorted out that issue so the robots.txt is OK. However, ranking results have yet to be reclaimed. We are unsure why these rankings haven't rebounded back, as it has been a while now. The site is We have since also attempted to add a sitemap however to help the site be better crawled and to regain rankings, however, it appears that sitemap generators are having problems creating a sitemap for this site and we are not sure why. And we are not sure whether this may relate to why Google has not picked up on pages and ranking results have not be restored. If you have any ideas as to how we can reclaim rankings to the strong positions they were  in previously, that would be much appreciated. We believe we may be missing something here that is not allowing webpages to be picked up and ranked by Google.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavo

  • Just noticed that my website just dropped 50+ places on basically all the keywords I'm following.
    I can also see, that today there almost havent been any new sign-ups so something happened.
    I didnt change anything. On issue, which might have something to do with it, is that I own several "copies" of the same site, just in different countries (domains). I host the websites myself, and they are all on the same server. The text and design in the same in some of the countries except that "jobs" are unique for the country. I also have: (english) (english)
    and more coming So, could that be the reason, that google somehow now decided, that it wont accept the "allmost same site"?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | KasperGJ

  • Hello everyone, If your website is in English and if you have backlinks in different language website, does it still affect the SEO in a good way or the websites that you have backlinks has to be in English for getting better position on SEO? I look forward to your answers.

    Local SEO | | gyesilkaya

  • What's currently the typical time, ON AVERAGE, it takes to see ranking changes when significant improvements are made to significant ranking signals on a long-established (as opposed to brand new) website? Does the rank update associated with on-page optimization happen sooner than addition of quality backlinks?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JCCMoz

  • Im running a castingsite today, where the jobs-overview page is the highest ranked on google on the important words. There is a big of reasons for that, it's updated daily, the domain is old and wellknown and so. Anyways, the today is this: (Yes it's ugly and old-school :))
    Current design: I've created a new design, which is much nicer and with added pictures. The pictures in the new design, will be somewhat unique to the specific jobs, so the current ones are mostly for testing New design: (Not implemented) Question:
    So my question is. Do you think this NEW design could affect my site / page in a bad way in SEO or?
    I'm planning basically just to overwrite the old auditions.asp file with the new code. What do you guys think.

    Web Design | | KasperGJ

  • I have two campaigns on Moz and they were doing fine until I made the decision to rewrite my URL to remove www so, becomes   Moz sees this as a error it seems and I am now getting error code 902. I tried to change my campaign setting but it won't let me change the URL because it's got historical information that doesn't pertain I guess.   What should I do?  Was it a mistake to remove the www? Thanks for any advise, Greg

    Product Support | | Banknotes

  • I was exploring my company's visibility in Google News results, and I noticed the author byline in a recently published article was being pulled into the page title in the SERP. See the attached image for a screenshot. It makes it sound awkward: "How to Find the Best Cannabis Experience and High for You Patrick..." - as if we're explaining it to some guy named Patrick? We have the byline the same way in all other posts, but this is the first I've seen this happen. Has anyone seen/had this happen, and if so, have any ways to prevent it? Thanks in advance for any insights! Here's the post URL: csvmF

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | davidkaralisjr

  • Hi All, Does anyone have insight on any repercussions from Google if many title tags are changed at once on a site (we're talking 500 to several thousand)? Appreciate any input. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AliMac26

  • Local Listings - We need to change the phone number. We made a new Facebook but the old one keeps syncing so I need to know how long before we can have the new phone number showing up on all of our other listings

    Moz Local | | chroma_marketing

  • I performed a change of address for one of our sites to go to a new domain. In the process we left out the submission of the old site's sitemap at the new property in google webmaster console and realize now that we need to do this step.  The old site has all these domains still getting indexed: .  I believe that I should be making a static xml sitemap file, upload it to the new domain's root directory, and then test/submit it to google on the new domain's GWM property.  Question, should the xml sitemap contain entries for all the old domain's links that are currently still being indexed and what is the fastest way to generate this sitemap?  Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | a_toohill

  • Hello, Could you please tell me if there is a fixed time for report update? Is it possible that the metrics change, but it shows that report is not updated.

    Getting Started | | OpsGenie

  • Hello, I'm a little new to SEO, but I recently was featured (around 2 yrs ago) on some MAJOR tech blogs. For some reason however, my links aren't getting picked up for over 2 years - not even in MOZ, or other link checker services. - By now I should have had amazing boost from this natural building, but not sure what happened? This was completely white hat and natural links. The links were after the article was created though, would this effect things? - Please let me know if you have any advice! - Maybe I need to ping these some how or something? - Are these worthless? Thanks so much for your help! Here's some samples of the links that were naturally given to And a LOT more... Not sure if these links will never be valid, or maybe I'm doing something completely wrong? - Is there any way for Google to recognize these now, and then they'll be seen by MOZ and other sites too? I've done a LOT of searching and there's no definitive advice I've seen for links that were added after the URL was first indexed by Google.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DByers

  • I have a personal blog that has a good amount of back links pointing at it from high quality relevant authoritative sites in my niche. I also run a company in the same niche. I link to a page on the company site from the personal blog article that has bunch of relevant links pointing at it (as it's highly relevant to the content on the personal blog). Overview: Relevant personal blog post has a bunch of relevant external links pointing at it (completely organic). Relevant personal blog post then links (externally) to relevant company site page and is helping that page rank. Question: If I do the work to 301 the personal blog to the company site, and then link internally from the blog page to the other relevant company page, will this kill that back link or will the internal link help as much as the current external link does currently? **For clarity: ** External sites => External blog => External link to company page VS External sites => External blog 301 => Blog page (now on company blog) => Internal link to target page I would love to hear from anyone that has performed this in the past 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Keyword_NotProvided

  • Would any developers who have worked with CPA/Accountants know if QuickBooks Proadvisor provides an API feature for reviews? Asking for a client and I can't get through ProAdvisor support without being a customer!

    Web Design | | marketingmediamanagement

  • Hi Everyone, If you look at the first listing on, you will see this under the listing: Mineral Class‎: ‎ZoisiteLuster‎: ‎VitreousChemical Formula‎: ‎Ca<sub>2</sub>Al<sub>3</sub>(SiO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(OH)Crystal System‎: ‎OrthorhombicI tried to run a test against the page and it shows no schema. How are they doing this as we would love to provide the same information.Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vetofunk

  • We currently rank #12 for a competitive term. Every now and again we'll drop below rank #50 for a day and then we'll be back at #12 the next day (as was the case yesterday and today). We also dropped in the same fashion for two other terms that are arguably a little less competitive. There were no alerts or messages on Search Console and no major site changes. What could be the cause of this? Is it a suspicious flux and if so, what could be the root of it?

    Technical SEO | | EdLongley

  • Hello! When googling our company's name, the Google Local profile comes up on the right hand side with the reviews, address, phone number, etc. Those are all fine but the main photo being used is not the one specified in the Google My Business profile but it seems to be pulling from a 3rd party site that recently added a link and an image to our website. Why is this happening and can we specify the image that shows up? Your help will be very much appreciated!!!

    Image & Video Optimization | | uniseo1

  • Hello, We were searching for some evidence regarding this and couldn't find much so the question. We have a service that is related only to the USA market. If we buy a .us domain name with the service we provide in the domain name will google treat it the same with a .org? We did searches regarding this but didn't see too many .us domains popping up. Unfortunately the .com is not available. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | anitawapa

  • Hi, community. I have a problem with the ranking of my blog and I hope anyone could help me to solve this problem. I have been trying to rank my blog post for a keyword for almost 6 months but still getting no success. My URL is: this blog post
    Target keyword: best laptops for college The interesting fact is that the post has been on page #2 of BING but nowhere on google. It was on page #3 of google for about one month, but it's been 1-2 weeks gone(not ranked anymore but it's still well indexed). The post has been replaced by another post of my blog(let's say post A) which doesn't have any link. The Post A is ranking on page #4 right now.
    The weird thing is my post which ranks for this keyword frequently changes. One day the Post A was on page#4 then after a few days it changed to the post B. Yesterday I searched on google for a keyword "number one on bing but nowhere on google" and then I
    come across to read this article on MOZ community and one of the people here said that it was over optimization issue. I think my post has been suffering for an over optimization penalty algorithm. Just for your information, I have been building backlinks to this URL for the last  5 months(it's 1+ year old). It has backlinks only about 1,5k from 200 domains(according to ahref). I have used the exact match anchor only under +/-  2%. The rest is branded, naked URL and generic anchors.
    So, in this case, I thought that I haven't done any over anchor optimization.
    I have checked the keyword density and I found it was "safe". One important thing I can remember before the post has gone is I add a backlink from post) with exact match anchor.
    I suspect this is really the cause because 2-3 days after doing that then the post is gone(dropped) and replaced by another post of my blog(as I've mentioned before). But it's very strange because the amount of the anchor keyword(including the long tail) is only about 10(from 200 domains) or only  5% which mean it should be safe. I'm so Sorry. It's a long story 🙂  So, What is actually happening to my post? and How to fix this problem... Please..please help me... Any hep is appreciated. By the way, Sorry for my poor english.. 🙂

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Airsionquin

  • I have two live websites, which have both been live for over 10 years, so we have plenty of backlinks to & Domain 1 and all urls is being merged into So 301 redirects will be setup for every page of the to > In Google analytics for we want to be able to see which visits we have received as a result of a redirect from It is possible to see these visits that come in via organic, referrals and social etc, as those will come to us with the referral as However, with direct traffic, i.e. if someone types into their search bar, these visits will be assigned as direct and we are not able to tell in GA if those users have typed in, or to get to our webpage. There are some suggestions in forums of adding utm_source tracking to all redirects (and add canonicals to those urls pointing to the non utm_source version), but my concern is that Google is going to have to go through one extra step to reach the page on the redirected domain. So without the utm source code Google will follow this route to With the utm source code Google will follow this route to then see's canonical, so moves to So essentially I am giving Google one extra step to follow before it gets to the equivalent page on the new site. Is this an issue, and/or are there any other ways to track this redirection without adding extra parameters to the url?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Sayers

  • Hi, I work for an e-commerce company in the fashion sector. As you probably know/can guess it is very popular for bloggers and other influencers to link to our products. But the problem is that our products often have a lifespan of only 2-3 months before they expire. Is the best solution to do a 301-redirect to the closest category page for expiring product pages? To make sure we don't lose these links to 404-pages. Or are there any other good solutions popular among e-commerce companys? Thanks for taking your time!

    Technical SEO | | Mattiasj89

  • Granted the Local 3-pack is heavily influenced by the distance between the user and the business, when you actually include the city name in the search, the local 3 pack result doesn't center the map at the city in the search and not the user's location so it is much more consistent despite the searcher's location.  So my personal opinion is that it is worth tracking local 3-pack when you use a keyword such as "Home Inspection Seattle Wa" With that said, which rank tracking services includes the local 3-pack in their tracking results, other than of course Bright Local?

    Local Listings | | JCCMoz

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