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  • Hi everyone I was running a competitor analysis in Moz Pro of my site and 3 competitors that are ranked above me. One of the things I noticed is that my # of total links is very high compared to 2 of my competitors(please see attachment). Other seo tools are telling me the same. This is mainly due to a few affiliate sites that have us in their footer. I was wondering if this could impact our ranking if some of these sites have very low domain authority and have thousands of backlinks to our site? I am looking into starting the disavowing process. Walau

    Competitive Research | | wdsguy

  • One of our clients looking to redesign their website since we're redesigning the whole website we thought it would be good idea to separate services into individual pages so every service will have it's own page (currently there is 1 page that describes all of the services). what we're planing to do is to write unique content for each service page (about 300-400 keywords), but we also want to use some of the existing content which is kind of explains the process of provided services. so here i need your help! what would be the best practice to use same part of existing content on every service page without getting penalized for duplicated content? here is how we want to structure the page with h1 and h2 <main> Service name (same as page title) Subline new and unique content about 300-400 keywords Part of old content which is going to be placed on every service page </main> any help would be much appreciated!

    Web Design | | MozPro3

  • What's the difference between the Page Title and the H1 title? It seems like both summarize the page. Is it a wasted opportunity to make them the same? Should they be similar but slightly different?

    On-Page Optimization | | amybethmegjo

  • I need your help to settle an argument here in our office. It boils down to improving our ranking for “driver education course Michigan.” One guy is convinced that if we want a site to rank for a multi-word keyterm like that, we need to use those exact words, in that order. He keeps creating pages with really awkward H1 titles and H2 subheadings using that exact phrase. H e claims appeal to search engines, but I think the cumbersome syntax is off-putting to any potential people who come to our site. Another guy claims that search engines are more sophisticated than that. He says we don’t need those exact words; it’s enough that the text on the page include “Michigan,” “driver education,” and “driver education course” a few times each. Even related terms like “drivers ed,” “driving school,” and “driver education classes” will help us to rank higher for “driver education course Michigan,” according to this guy. Neither of them can convince the other, and meanwhile I don’t know which to believe. Can you help?

    Keyword Research | | dbcooper

  • Hello everyone, I am working to create sub-category pages on our website, and I'd like to have your thoughts on using a combination of images and text as anchor text in order to maximize keyword relevancy. Here is an example (I'll keep it simple): Let's take our violin sheet music main category page located at /violin/, which includes the following sub-categories: Christmas Classical Traditional So, the idea is to list the above sub-categories as links on the main violin sheet music page, and if we had to use simple text links, that would be something like: Christmas
    Traditional Now, since what we really would like to target are keywords like: "christmas violin sheet music" "classical violin sheet music" "traditional violin sheet music" I would be tempted to make the above links as follows: Christmas violin sheet music
    Classical violin sheet music
    Traditional violin sheet music But I am sure that would be too much overwhelming for the users, even if the best CSS design were applied to it. So, my idea would be to combine images with text, in a way to put those long-tail keywords inside the image ALT tag, so to have links like these: Christmas
    Traditional That would allow a much easier way to work the UI , and at the same time keep relevancy for each link. I have seen some of our competitors doing that and they have top-notch results on the SEs. My questions are: 1. Do you see any negative effect of doing this kind of links from the SEO standpoint? 2. Would you suggest any better way to accomplish what I am trying to do? I am eager to know your thoughts about this. Thank you in advance to anyone!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • We have a professional level subscription for 5 company listings on Moz Local. These listings seem to have synced everywhere except for Google My Business. 1 out of 5 of these synced with Google My Business. When I try to import the listings that aren't synced, nothing happens. I would try the option "push to Google my Business" but we already have listings there. Any ideas about why these aren't importing/syncing?

    Moz Local | | Data_Foundry

  • Hi - I'm just looking at the text on a redesigned homepage. They have moved all the text to the very bottom of the page (which is quite common with lots of designers, I notice - I usually battle to move the important text back up to the top). I have always ensured the important text comes at the top, to some extent - does it matter where on the page the text comes, for SEO? Are there any studies you can point me to? Thanks for your help, Luke

    Web Design | | McTaggart

  • I know that SEO uses H1 and H2 mainly and there should only be one H1 and there can be multiple H2 tags. But the site I’m reviewing generally has no H1 on a page and multiple H2 tags. The Page Title reflects the title of the page, so maybe this is okay as is? They have the styling down just so, so I don’t want to make them change it if it’s okay.

    On-Page Optimization | | amybethmegjo

  • I would like my product urls to be /category/manufacturer/name/part#. This would be the only url the item uses and how the product is accessed. It would also be used for product feeds. My first attempt was to use This creates a single url but I can not customize it. Sometimes it selects the manufacturer and sometimes the category. My second attempt was with I have it installed but it doesn't change the urls. Has anyone been able to do this successfully?

    Technical SEO | | Tylerj

  • We have a site that was ranking top 10 for 15 KW and top 20 for about 40. We decided to restructure the site to create silos. The old site used a plugin to create ".html" pages and the juice in Google was all on those pages. We asked our developer to eliminate the plugin / .html and forward the .html pages to our new structure. Instead, he took a shortcut and did a mass forward in code which resulted in all pages - such as "" now forwarding to "" - He then did a 301 redirect from those pages with the "/" such as to "". He did this for over 500 pages. To make matters worse, he mis-mapped about 100 pages and Google saw them as 404s, then in fixing those errors, new ones kept popping up. Those are now fixed. The net result is that we dropped like a stone on all of our rankings. Moving forward, do you think we can regain ground by manually doing 301s for the original .html pages to their new locations and eliminating the interim step? What would be your suggestions to recover as quickly as possible?

    Moz Pro | | kramerico2

  • We're planning a full migrate to HTTPS for our website which is accessible today by both **www.**, **http://** as well as **https://** After the migrate the website will only be accessible by https requests and every other request (Ex. www or http) will be redirected to the same page but in HTTPS by 301 redirects. We've taken a lot of precautions like fixing all the internal links to HTTPS instead of HTTP etc. My questions is: What happened to your rankings for HTTP after making a full migrate to HTTPS?

    Technical SEO | | OliviaStokholm

  • Hi there, I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I work on a lot of webshops that are made by the same company. I don't like to say this, but not all of their shops perform great SEO-wise. They use a filtering system which occasionally creates hundreds to thousands of category pages. Basically what happens is this: A client that sells fashion has a site ( They have 'main categories' like 'Men' 'Women', 'Kids', 'Sale'. So when you click on 'men' in the main navigation, you get Then you can filter on brand, subcategory or color. So you get: Basically, the url follows the order in which you filter. So you can also get to 'brand' via 'category': Obviously, this page has the same content as or even /shoes/brand/black and /men/shoes/brand/black if all the brands' shoes happen to be black and mens' shoes. Currently this is fixed by a dynamic canonical system that canonicalizes the brand/category combinations. So there can be 8000 url's on the site, which canonicalize to about 4000 url's. I have a gut feeling that this is still not a good situation for SEO, and I also believe that it would be a lot better to have the filtering system default to a defined order, like /gender/category/brand/color so you don't even need to use these excessive amounts of canonicalization. Because, you can canonicalize the whole bunch, but you'd still offer thousands of useless pages for Google to waste its crawl budget on. Not to mention the time saved when crawling and analysing using Screaming Frog or other audit tools. Any opinions on this matter?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Adriaan.Multiply

  • We've recently taken on a new client that has a very large Disavow file.  I'm wondering if any good backlinks are being disavowed in the list and want to do an audit but wondered if there was a tool I could use that could give me some high level stats on each of the domains in the Disavow? Ideally, I'd love to be able to drop a list of domains into a tool that can tell me PR, DA, Spam Score, Citation Flow, Trust Flow in an exportable table. Does such a tool exist?

    Link Building | | Marketing_Today

  • Hi!, I've looked through multiple topics on this but none quite seem to fit what's going on - hopefully someone can help! I get the error message 'Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible.' when I copy and paste a url from my site into the search e.g. However if I edit this to https the search completes fine. Since we redesigned our site approx 6 months ago, we've found most of our rankings have completely dropped off, and now I'm getting this error I'm wondering if it has something to do with how our site is structured? If I'm getting this error with Moz does that mean Google could be having issues too? Or is it all just a strange quirk? Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | JennaOrbus

  • Hi all, I have a client that is debating changing their URL from to I'm searching around trying to find an argument as to why they shouldn't do this, but I can't find anything concrete. I know the difference between a subdomain and ccTLD, but the push back I'm getting is that it will be better to switch to because the subdomain is country specific. Personally, I think that is bull. Does anyone have a good argument to help back me up? (or prove me wrong!) Thanks, Virginia

    Local SEO | | Virginia-Girtz

  • Hi, I watched a video about long tail seo and it was mentioned there that finding keywords that have 0-10 search volume or no data at all  may potentially have super high value for your specific business. Since opportunity score will tend to be high because there’s minimal searches or no data at all, the trick is to check the top 10 SERPs and if none of the 10 used your keyword then you may have found yourself a great long tail seo opportunity. Could anyone please clarify why that would be a great long tail seo opportunity? Thank you.             -Michelle

    Whiteboard Friday | | tanahoy

  • Hi, Need some help. 
    So this is my website _  _
    If you hover over any of the products, there's a quick view option..that opens up a popup window of that product
    That popup is triggered by this URL.  _  _
    In the URL you can see the parameters "view=quick" which is infact responsible for the pop-up. The problem is that the google and even your Moz crawler is picking up this URL as a separate webpage, hence, resulting in crawl issues, like missing tags.
    I've already used the webmaster tools to block the "view" parameter URLs in my website from indexing but it's not fixing the issue
    Can someone please provide some insights as to how I can fix this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ImranZafar

  • Hello, moz users. Has anyone confirmed that keyword ranking dropped since last few days? I've tracked several keyword ranking by Moz and SEMrush and the ranking dropped big time on both tools today. one of the keywords dropped its ranking from 10 to out of SERP. Mozcast has shown high temperature so I assume there is or has been algo update but I would like to know someone encountered the same issue. Thanks.

    Algorithm Updates | | Yuki-hero

  • Hi everyone, I'm currently doing some audit on an Seeking Job Ads site, and having some problems on what to do with ads that are imported from a "news paper" that have so little information to add. A regular ad has enough information to difference itself from another with the following data: Summary
    Qualifications On the other hand, an imported ad from a news paper since it has little room for content, it may look like this: "Company N" looking for an engineer with 2 years of experience call us at: 923xxxxxx Since there is little information, i'm getting some trouble on moz crawling - duplicated content due to the lack of content which makes this kind of ads look way too similar. So I'm wondering what can I do with this kind of ads. Option 1: Adding No follow | No index
    Option 2: Making a random mix of other related job ads Any help would be much appreaciated it. Joao.

    Technical SEO | | JoaoCJ

  • Hi! I'm newbie and I really don't know which info is best to dial in with the keywords. Google tells me that my keyword is in high competition, but Moz suggests that I have very high opportunity and potential with low difficulty with the same keyword... Maybe I need some sleep and come back later :-). Many thanks!

    Getting Started | | PapaMilicia

  • Tracking conversions via phone call can be challenging. The Adwords phone ads only register a conversion if someone clicks on the phone number from their mobile phone. In many cases a landing page on a website has a lead/contact form AND a phone number displayed. The user calling that number would not be registered as a conversion unless you setup multiple virtual forwarding phone numbers for prominent keywords, ad groups and/or campaigns. This can be costly for smaller advertisers. Has anyone done or know of any empirical data on the average percentage of leads generated via phone call versus online form on a landing page. I know it can vary from business type to business type (and the form layout itself will have a modest effect.) More specifically I'm interested in the professional business services industry such as Engineering, Surveying, Commercial Real Estate, Accounting, etc. So for example if you conversion rate for online form submission on a landing page is 3%, and your phone number is prominently displayed, what would be a realistic ballpark estimate for the actual conversion rate including phone calls? 25% more? 50% more? Double? "Ballpark" is the keyword here.  Just seeing if anyone has measured this and what their results were.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | JCCMoz

  • I'm looking at Google Search Console data in Google Analytics, specifically Average Position as given in the Landing Page report, and the same metric broken out by mobile and desktop in the Devices report. In the Landing Page report, I see an aggregated average position that's much higher/worse than an actual average of what is reported for mobile, desktop and tablet traffic under the Device reporting. For example: Mobile: 5 Desktop: 5 Tablet: 5 So the average still should be roughly 5, right? Why would the Landing Page then show an aggregate Average Position of 8? I wouldn't expect to see a precisely same average given that different device types have different proportions that could render differently when the buckets are combined, but this is a huge swing. In fact, the aggregate Average Position as given in the top level Devices report is closer to 5 than to the 8 shown in the Landing Pages report. (These aren't actual numbers, but are illustrative of what I'm seeing, by the way.) Unless I'm missing some vital difference in the way that Average Position is reporting for the Landing Page report versus the Device reports, it doesn't seem like this should be possible. What am I missing?

    Reporting & Analytics | | BradsDeals

  • Hello everyone, We have recently moved our entire website from http:// to https:// and now we are facing a question about images. Here is the deal: All webpages URLs are properly redirected to their corresponding https if they are called from former http links. Whereas, due to compatibility issues, all images URLs can be called either via http or https, so that any of the following URLs work without any redirect: Please note though that all internal links are relative and not absolute. So, my question is: Can that be a problem from the SEO stand point? In particular: We have thousands of images indexed on Google, mostly images related to our digital sheet music preview image files, and many of them are ranking pretty well in the image pack search results. Could this change be detrimental in some way? Or doesn't make any difference in the eyes of Google? As I wrote above, all internal links are relative, so an image tag like this one: Hasn't changed at all, it is just loaded in a https context. I'll wait for your thoughts on this. Thank you in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • Hello everyone, My Insurance agency ranks high in searches, but the key words in our Title Tag aren't very well optimized at all. It's too long, in the wrong order, there's duplicate's and the Key words aren't even in there?! So, I want to update the home page, as well as all the other pages that are having the same problem. I'm hoping that because we've been ranked in the top 3 for over 3 years and I blog 3-4 times a month, and all my Off-page seo is on point, I shouldn't see to much of a drop? I'm changing my title from this: General liability, Commercial building, Workers Comp, Truck, Auto Insurance in Dallas, Texas - - Thumann Agency **To this: **Business & Home Insurance Dallas, Texas | Thumann Agency. Please share you thoughts with me, good idea or not? Many thanks in advance! )

    Keyword Research | | MissThumann

  • I have a client that is redeveloping their website in Magento and is interested to know what their target page load time should be. I've read some stuff on this that's over a year old and curious if anyone has a census on what the averages are or what we should aim for. I know the simple answer is "as fast as it can be", but wondering if anyone has additional insight. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | aedesignco

  • My client is expanding and opening up separate locations and I will be getting all their online business listings up and running. The client wants to use a single 1-888 number for all locations, however, it was my assumption that they would need a local number for each location to improve their ranking. Could I suggest using free Google voice numbers that get forwarded to their 1-888 number or will Google discredit us for this?

    Local Listings | | aedesignco

  • We have a client in the heavy equipment industry that is trying to "push down" images in a Google image search that are associated with an accident over ten years ago. This client has launched a new website, and we have applied the best practices of on-page SEO (page titles, unique meta-descriptions, alt-image tags, focused keyword targeting, etc.). The challenge we have is with Google Image results. It seems the image results shown in the Google Image search rankings are often not inline with how images have been labeled in the alt-tag section. I have checked these images with the Moz Chrome extension, and I have often found the way the image is labeled in the alt-tag is not related to the search query made within the Google image search bar. I certainly may not be factoring in other weighted items when it comes to how images are ranked. Are there other ranking factors associated with Google Image results outside of the Alt-Image Tag? If so, what are those factors? Our ultimate goal is to provide a strategy that would allow us to tag images within this specific sector that are relevant to this specific heavy equipment product, and at the same time, "push down" the rankings of the images that have a negative association to them. We certainly want to take the right approach here, and want to earn these rankings. However, the way Google ranks images seems to be a mystery of sorts. Is there a specific strategy relevant to Google Image rankings that would fall inline with the challenge listed above? I appreciate any advice on this topic. Thank you.

    Image & Video Optimization | | JaredBroussard

  • Hey all, I have an SEO conundrum that seems to have no right or wrong answer.   If you have 2 minutes I’d love to hear your opinion. The Situation
    Our client has 4 ecommerce sites (Sites A, B, C & D) all selling the same products.
    He wishes to to merge all 4 sites into a single site (Site A) Options
    In order to maintain maximum SEO authority do we: A - Choose a single site (B, C, or D)  with the most SEO authority/juice/power and 301 re-direct it into Site A
    B – 301 re-direct all 3 sites (B, C & D)  into Site A Our experience says that 301’ing from a single site works well, but from multiple sites feels spammy and risky. Really keen too hear your thoughts.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PamelaH88

  • Hi, I'm currently adding alt tags to my images but the Yoast SEO plug in in Wordpress states on all my pages “No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.“ while I do have images on my pages. What could be the problem? Best, Rik

    On-Page Optimization | | bbuildingbusiness

  • Hi, Asking this on behalf of a client:"I know Google recommends setting up a separate GA property for AMP which they note in a few places:
    From what we can tell this is because the tracking for AMP will measure things differently than the current analytics.js library. I also think it's related to the GA cookie and how it's set differently for AMP pages.But won't this cause drop-off in user journey information? For example, if a user views an AMP blog article but then clicks to our site from a link within the article. I think we would then track this as two separate users and the pages/visit would be off. I found this article which explains a tech way to connect AMP to the same website GA property but it seems a little too much of a work-around: Do you think we should just do what Google recommends and set up AMP as a separate property in GA?" --> Does anyone know if there could be any issues with this workaround?Thanks,

    Reporting & Analytics | | MediaCause

  • Hi, We've received the following Href Lang errors in Google Search Console. After much research and playing around with the tags we're still no closer to fixing the issues. ERRORS; AND As you'll see, Google is telling us that some URLs do not have return tags, but they do seem to! Does anyone know of a pro that can provide a service to fix this for us? Many thanks in advance, Lee.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Webpresence

  • Hi what is the code to redirect wordpress blog from   to We are moving the site to a new server and new url structure. Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Taiger

  • Hi. Moz is showing 18 mentions of the keyword 'street furniture' on this landing page But I can only count 6 in total in the body copy and 13 if you include navigation links. This is the same on other pages too for that keyword. Does anyone know where it's counting these extra keywords from? I don't want to fall foul of keyword stuffing but as far as I can see we're not! Could Moz be miscalculating? Any help appreciated! Thanks Joe

    Moz Bar | | iweb_agency

  • Our website is active in many countries and we are considering if it is worth it to switch from ccTLD to subdomains.The reason is that our domain has a domain authority of 65 and some of the ccTLD's like and etc have a domain authority of 30. From what I have read, moving these to a subdomain structure like and will give them all the same domain authority (of 65 vs 30) which is considerably higher. 1. Would a subdomain with domain authority 65 rank better than a ccTLD with authority 30 (considering all else is the same)? 2. When we 301 redirect all ccTLD's to the subdomains, will our domain authority increase (to more than 65) for, given that it can benefit from all redirected links to our ccTLD's? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | rens.vd

  • Hi, My card was just charged today because my trial membership expired. I really haven't been using any of the trial features and unfortunately I completely forgot to cancel the membership! Could anyone help me with this? I was looking for a phone number or contact information but I couldn't find anything. Thanks! UPDATE: Just found the contact forum!!!

    Product Support | | ikahbod

  • Our website serves a global market and over a year ago, we launched 8 language variations of the site and implemented hreflang tags. These language variation pages are proving difficult to maintain, and in Search Console they're triggering thousands of errors. I have double checked our implementation and it's not perfect, so I understand the errors. Here's the question though... the 8 language variations of the site are receiving less than 1% of our web traffic despite 40% of our web traffic coming from countries outside of North America every month. I want to know if we can eliminate the headache of these 8 language variations altogether, remove our attempt at hreflang, and simply rely on the browser settings of the user to dictate what language the website appears in for them? If not, is there a simpler solution than hreflang and attempting to maintain a very large website in 8 languages? Thank for your input! Niki

    International SEO | | NikelleClark

  • What do you guys think? What's more accurate? GA queries data or Moz/SEMRush keyword data for rankings? Any thoughts appreciated.

    Reporting & Analytics | | znotes

  • Hello, I am new in SEO and I am trying to understand the basics in URL parameters. Let’s assume that I have an ecommerce site with Categories (Category1, Category2) Views (listview=1, listview=2) Orders (OrderBy=1, OrderBy=2) Pages (pg=1, pg=2) Why should I add google to index pages with different views and Listing orders? What is the benefit for the site to have the same content with different order? I am not sure but maybe only need pages in order to google to “travel” between the pages? For example: =1 The products in pages (pg) will always include products in order and listview? Why should google index again the content? Furthermore, from the last time that google index the pg=1 the products has changed. Thank you in advanced

    Technical SEO | | ArisGast

  • Hey Guys, Alternatives to Link Prospector? Is anyone using Link prospector/DIBZ or Ontolo to find new Link Building opportunities? If so what are your thoughts? Would love to hear any other alternatives to link prospector that you guys find helpful and why.

    Link Building | | PoweredbySearch

  • Hi, I am using the On-Page Grader to improve the SEO for certain keywords on certain pages. I have received the notification that the "Exact Keyword Used in Document Text at Least Once". Well from the looks of it I have already done this but I want to make sure that im checking the right thing. What does it mean when it says document text as I assumed it was text on the page but its not reading it as that. Any feedback would be appreciated

    Moz Bar | | charlessimmons

  • Hi, I have a question about the title tags and meta descriptions of my domain I've updated them about 5 days ago but the new versions don't show in the search engines. However it does show when you check with the facebook developers tool . Does anyone have an idea why they're not updated in the search engines and how I can resolve this? Best, Rik

    On-Page Optimization | | bbuildingbusiness

  • We just moved our domain from http to https.  We have been at a solid 89 for domain authority for the past year, but this month we are now at 88.  Does changing to https cause the domain authority to go down and is this just a temporary fluctuation?

    Moz Pro | | greenjane

  • I have created a new website and need to redirect all of the previous pages to the new one. The old website was built in coldfusion and the new site is built in wordpress. One of the pages I'm trying to redirect is to This is what I have in my .htaccess file <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    Redirect 301 /products.cfm</ifmodule> The result of this redirect is How do I prevent the .cfm from appending to the destination URL?

    Technical SEO | | MarketHubb

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