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  • Hi Moz Community, The keyword that is ranking for is "custom sign", the keyword difficulty is 38 (according to Moz Keyword Explorer). Here are the link metrics for the page and domain: Page authority: 27 Domain authority: 18 Facebook shares: 50 Linking RDs to the page: 7 Linking RDs to the Root Domain: 8 From the SERP, a lot of its competitors have better link profile than this guy. How come the page can rank 6th for the keyword "custom sign". Are there any important "hidden factors" behind the scene? Thank you for any help and support. Best, Raymond

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | raymondlii

  • Hello fellow Mozzers! Quick question:
    We have been looking into changing our domain name into something a bit easier to read and recite. I think that we have found one, and it has a very long history. The issue is that the new domain name removes one of our keywords. Example, current domain name:
    We have built a lot of branding around this name. Example of domain we are considering: (blank is to protect the domain name we are considering) The new domain is over 20 years old, whereas ours is only around 7 years. I am wondering if we are shooting ourselves in the foot by removing the word "web" since that is a primary focus of our business. The issue is that the current domain and business name are not very catchy, and hard to say in a phone call and remember. Feels keyword heavy and generic, but it ranks well. Really well. We would be doing a 301 redirect if we decide to change it, and we have Yext and Moz to help clean up all the listings. My question is: Is it worth it to switch? Would the removal of the word web make it harder to rank number 1 or two, since people search for web design? Or since we would be leaving all the titles and meta the same, and that the domain is older than ours make that not an issue? THOUGHTS?

    Branding | | David-Kley

  • My current employer was using one previously, at my previous employer we never bought PBN links. Are there certain companies that are safer than others?

    Link Building | | RikkiElliott

  • Hi all, I'm looking to implement sitelink search box mark-up in Google Tag Manager in JSON-LD format. This would be popped into the Custom HTML tag and would look a little something like: The above option is great if you have one query string for your search term, but what if you had a URL that triggered two query strings - for example: Would you need to amend the code something like the below: Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers, Sean

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seanginnaw

  • I'm doing SEO for a medium sized client whose area of business is targeting a very niche audience, in an almost monopolistic market. We're currently in top 3 ranks in our head terms. However, market research has indicated the threat from an upcoming competitor. The competitor is relatively larger and is well established in other countries. Is there something I could do from my end to defend/maintain our current position?

    Competitive Research | | iQuanti

  • Hello, While Google could not read JavaScript, I created two versions of the same page, one of them is for human and another is for Google. Now I do not want to serve different content to the search engine. But, I am worry if I will lose my traffic value. What is the best way to succeed it without loss? Can you help me?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | kipra

  • Hi everyone, In the last dashboard email received from my analytics account I clickked on the "opt-out" for a mistake. I want to receive again this schedulated weekly email. How can I resolve this problem? Nothing is on the web about this problem. It looks like my email  has been removed from the my analytics account database and for this reason I don't receive the schedulated email. Please help me! Thank you. Massimiliano

    Reporting & Analytics | | vanGoGh-creative

  • Hi all, Anyone have experience with using Schema for restaurants other than the normal local business NAP? Is there a way to use Schema markup for food menus as well? Examples and schema code much appreciated 🙂 Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RickyShockley

  • One of our clients have two business names.  Alpha Paving Industries and Alpha Roofing Industries. -- both have the same address. Couple questions- 1.They changed their address a few months ago.  On your listing for both companies show a "Suite A".  Google and Facebook do not that the "suite A"....why does it show up still? 2.  One each- there are inconsistencies.  On Alpha Paving, Alpha Roofing shows up...same thing with Alpha Roofing, Alpha Paving shows up as inconsistent.  This affects the score I imagine?  How can it be resolved so the inconsistencies are gone. 3.  To get on the "snack pack" your citations have to be perfect.  Will this keep both Alpha Paving and Alpha Roofing from getting in the "snack pack"? Thanks you! Craig

    Local Listings | | WalkieTalkie

  • Hey all, I've just started at a new company. We spend quite a bit on Adwords and I'm tasked with seeing how that is going and assessing that spend. The problem is, Adwords and Youtube ads have been given to a third-party advertising agency. They are only willing to share the number of clicks, cost and conversions, stuff like that. They refuse to give us access to the account. Is this legal? I mostly want to get in there to look at keyword history, see what we have bid on, how often it was searched, stuff like that. But they won't let us in and I'm wondering if they are required to let us look at our account as I would think they are. Please help!

    Paid Search Marketing | | DanDeceuster

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers. So, here is the situation: Let's say someone comes to the website through Organic Google Search, and first thing they see is the banner on the website, on a click of which it takes you to a promotional landing page. I have this banner being tracked with GA campaigns. Now, here are my questions: If that user makes a purchase, which source / medium it will be assigned to? Organic/google or website/banner? (as far as i understand it assigns it to website/banner) If that's the case, is there way to find out afterwords where the website/banner sessions came initially from? If there is no such way, how shall i setup the tracking to be able to see wherre the initial visit to the website came from, yet also track how many people clicked on the banner and made a purchase? Thanks 🙂

    Reporting & Analytics | | DmitriiK

  • We have an embedded twitter feed on our blog and we're seeing that every time we create a new post, a twitter url is created, thus resulting in duplicate content. Example:
    Blog post URL:
    Duplicate URL automatically created: What is the best way to fix this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | annie.graupner

  • The site crawl is registering duplicate page content for our storefront site, but the pages aren't the same.  They're ascending pages within the same category (ex: Featured, Featured pg2, Featured pg3, and so on).  What can be done to fix these errors or prevent them in the future?

    Moz Bar | | MGuid55

  • Lets say there is a brand that has one primary product type at different optional tiers. (Think something like SMB/Enterprise/Individual) Lets also say that 1 year ago this brand migrated from having everything under 1 domain (Domain A) to moving 2 of their product tiers to another domain (Domain B), a new domain.  They have done some initial SEO work on this domain and had a pretty successful migration but it has also been decided that they are going to no longer offer one of these product tiers and they intend to eventually migrate everything back under the 1 domain (Domain A)  They just are not sure whether they should do this now or later.
    During this next year or so there is also going to be some likely re-branding/design, etc...stemming from this decision, on the domain, meaning content changes and all that fun that goes into a migration/re-design/re-branding strategy. The timing of this has not been fully decided on. Here is the question: Should they a) Migrate back to Domain A first and then do the re-design or b) Keep 2 separate domains for now, figure out the re-design/re-branding, make content changes and then migrate Site A over in a year or so after all changes have been made? My concern with option a) is that they migrated a little less than 1 year ago and will be migrating back which I feel could have a negative impact on the content and the domain.  The positive side I see here is that this impact could be just as large even if we waited so doing this now might be a better, more efficient use of our time if we can migrate and make content changes fairly close together or concurrently.
    My concern with option b) is that the tier they no longer offer makes up the majority of that sites business and traffic, leaving us with not much in terms of content that ranks well and garners much traffic.  Trying to optimize for the remaining product tier by itself on it's own domain could be quite hard and then having to migrate it in a year or so back to Domain A could negatively impact any small organic impact I can make on applicable pages/domain. Does anybody have any input here?  I am leaning towards Option A and but wanted to get some other opinions. Thanks Everybody! Edit: So far, this has received a lot of views but no input.  I am hoping to have a bit of a dialog on this so any ideas or input is welcome.

    Algorithm Updates | | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hi All, Recently acquired a competitor company. This acquired company is small in size but is the exclusive UK distributor for a gigantic Swedish company. This is the way the current domain structure is divided. (Not owned by us - swedish supplier ) (owned by us, operating as the swedish supplier in the UK) (owned by us) The supplier doesn't want us to have two websites as they keep getting confused customers. Because of this we have agreed to remove and solely sell the product at However,  because of the sheer size of the Swedish supplier, a lot of traffic comes through to My question is, how can we work together with the supplier to remove this domain and still maintain a good amount of UK traffic? Should we point back to the suppliers original translated web site and have them pass enquiries onto us or should we point it to our website? & What's the best way to go about it? Thanks, Danny

    International SEO | | DannyHoodless

  • Much of my reporting process relies on data directly from Search Console. Is MozPro integrated with Search Console? Can metrics such as impressions be built into custom reports? How can I aggregate organic avg time /session duration and bounce rates? I see major inbound link data discrepancies between Search Console and Moz - is this normal? Where can I find indexed page volumes?

    Getting Started | | Juanne_C

  • Hello, We are finding that our Ecommerce categories are very important along with our blog and product pages in one niche. How do we deck out a category description so we can have 10X content for that category? For example, if it as "blue running shoes" here's what I have designed so far: A short description at the top that is like two sentences with a "Read More" expansion div that drops down to a menu. The menu is anchor links to BELOW THE PRODUCTS description (rarely read thus the problem) to things like 1. What you should know about blue running shoes 2. Best blue running shoes in this category, a highlight of top product too 3. Features of blue running shoes in this category 4. a table comparison table of the top 5 products 5. FAQ 6. 1 minute video overview of blue running shoes The thing is, I don't think anyone reads the product description in our niche so I won't benefit much from "Time on Site". What can I do to get people to spend time reading my category descriptions and benefit from some "Time on Site" and other similar factors and thus move up above less comprehensive competitors?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • If an agency has recently been acquired by a new organisation, it will need to be redirected to the new organisation's website as soon as possible. We are aware of the need to 301 redirect all pages (domain authority) across to the current domain of the new organisation's website. The new organisation has less pages than our Agency site however, so we cannot point 301 redirects at page level. Would you therefore advise, A, B or C?: A) Redirecting all pages including all blog posts/services pages etc across from the agency site to the new organisation's domain? * new organisation does not have /blog or /services pages. -Will we lose authority if redirecting from pages of our agency site to the new organisation's top level domain? B) Ensure that the new organisation secures hosting of the agency website, and place a holding page on the Agency website directing visitors through to the new organisation for the interim, until we have a /blog, /services page on the new organisation's site? C) Place 301 redirects from agency across to new organisation, and look moving forward (when pages have been put in place on new organisation website) to retrospectively repoint 301 redirects from top level domain of new organisation's site to the new pages which have just been created on the new organisation's site? Any pointers here would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tangent

  • Good morning everybody! I have a page in my web site that it's optimized for two specific keywords. At the same time, in the same web site it exists an other page better optimized for one of this keyword, that it would  obtain a better position in search engine. The problem is the famous "Keyword Cannibalization", Can you help me with any suggestion to address Google through this defined page when people searches this keyword. Thanks, Giulia

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DByers

  • Looking to the community for any insights on our situation.  We moved a decently ranked domain name that was ranking between 3rd-6th in organic search results to a new domain that we thought would serve us higher position in the long term.  We went through Google's change of address tool and over a period of 2 to 3 weeks we went from being off the map with our new domain to showing up again around page 2 - 14-18th position.  It seemed that our climb back corresponded to Google indexing our new urls.  Each time a large batch was indexed we seemed to jump back up.  But, in our last report we noticed that we didn't budge any higher and some of our non-branded keywords actually dropped a little. The old domain was "" and the new domain is "".  We were thinking that the latter would be a stronger domain in the long term. Any insights on why we haven't fully retained our former ranking value at this point or anything I should be focusing on? We are trying to rank for this phrase "churches in bloomington, in".   Thanks!

    Local Website Optimization | | a_toohill

  • Happy New Year! I have a .com site that does well on But we would like to rank on (switzerland) for English terms. There is a large expat community, living in Switzerland that would benefit from our services. Any ideas how I can improve organic SEO on the SE? Many thanks! PM me for website. Otherwise I'll get lots of spam to my client 🙂

    Local Listings | | SolveWebMedia

  • Hi... Please tell me how to remove web cache link given below. I have changed my SEO title but it can't be changed...Any other methods for without using webmaster tools. Kw3arat

    Technical SEO | | Thilak_geo04

  • Hi, My Website is down for almost now 2 years. I was receiving the good traffic before this but now the traffic is almost down. I want to again do something to get my Traffic back with some consistent efforts. So what efforts should i do to make this back.Pls suggest.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rahulsoni25

  • Many of the keywords for which I'm trying to find volume information in Moz's Keyword Explorer have "no data." This makes it difficult to determine the value of the keyword compared to other options. What tools / techniques do you use as a stand-in for this data?

    Keyword Research | | Kevin_P

  • For some reason, we have been fighting and fighting to get a website to rank and no matter what we do- nothing seems to work. I'm just taking over the website handle it personally, but was curious if anyone here had advice on what the issue may be. It isn't even ranking for its brand name, any ideas?

    Local Website Optimization | | spadedesign

  • Our website is receiving 15 links that I believe are negatively impacting us. The problem is, this website linking to us no longer exists. The domain is not even hosted. The website linking to us is: thepurpleelephantboutique . com/ How do we fix/resolve this issue?

    Technical SEO | | spadedesign

  • MOZ Campaigns has been displaying a blank page in the last 2 hours. Is anyone else experiencing this outage? I have attempted to access MOZ via an iPad and an iPhone using Safari and Chrome. My geographic location is France.

    Feature Requests | | Kingalan1

  • Please could you help? My old website is written in php.  I've created a new design of the website in Java.  I'll be using the same domain name though. and I'd like to pass my link juice to my new redesigned website.  When I turn the domain name to point to my new website how do I make sure pages that are ranked in google that don't exist on my new website transfer 301 from my old website to a similar page on my new website. Old Website Example New Website Example Many Thanks, Rob

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | puamethod

  • Does Google count it as an organic session in Google Analytics when a searcher clicks on the "get directions", "call" or even "website" from Google's Knowledge Graph. Are the articles that prove or disprove this question? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | SearchOpt

  • Since 2006 has promoted my commercial real estate brokerage business. I have been the sole broker listed on the site. As a result, the same phone number has appeared consistently throughout the site. Now I will be adding a colleague to the site (in addition to me) and I am struggling with how to best display my colleague's phone number. The 2nd broker will be adding property listings and blog posts. It was agreed that  my phone number would be replaced by my colleagues phone number on his listings and blog posts. Pages that existed before would remain with my phone number. The idea being that leads generated by the 2nd broker's new content get directed to him rather than me. My concern is that having a new phone number listed will introduce an inconsistent phone number and harm our local SEO. I have read that it is absolutely critical that NAP (name, address, phone number) must be 100% consistent otherwise it can cause harm search engine ranking. What are best practices for displaying different phone numbers for different personnel on the same website without harming local SEO efforts? This situation is certainly common, so I would think there must be some work arounds. I have seen "Contact" icons that when clicked show phone numbers. Is there any standard solution for this issue that keeps NAP data consistent? Also, what if we keep the same number in the header but use different numbers in other locations? Is the header a location where we should be extra careful to display the same phone number? Thanks, 
    Alan Rosinsky
    Metro Manhattan Office Space, Inc. An example of inconsistent listing pages are: -
    (Broker "#2) -
    (myself) An example of inconsistent blog pages are: -
    (Broker "#2) -

    Local Website Optimization | | Kingalan1

  • Hello, on one of our sites, we have filtered via the hostname. We have done this on other sites quite happily but on this particular new website, when we add in the hostname filter, we still get loads of direct and referral traffic which is junk - and the hostname of these junk referrals are the website's domain. So it seems that this filter is not working or the spam are now using the hostname? Not sure what is going on or how to solve this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | AL123al

  • Hi, We have created a new page on our website for same keyword in slug but the page is not showing up for same keyword even combined with website name: is new page and not listing on top of results for exact search query "website keyword". This page is listing as 3rd result and other pages are making on top even they don't match with page title, h1 tags and URL. This new page is indexed. How long it'll take to Google to adopt this? I don't think it'll remain same forever. Is there anything we can do from our end?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • I've read through the forum, but I'm confused as to what "Number of Linking Root Domains" means in the Linking Domains report. For example, if the root domain is and the number is 135,000 does that mean there are 135,000 links from Moz pointing back to my site or does it mean there are 135,000 sites linking back to Moz? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    Link Explorer | | karrabarron

  • I'm receiving 404 errors on my site crawl for  They seem to be generating only from our blog posts which sit on Hubspot.  I've searched high and low and can't identify why our site URL is being added at the end - I've tried every link in our blog and cannot repeat the error the crawl is finding.  For instance: Referer is: 404 error is: I agree that the 404 error URL doesn't exist but I can't identify where Moz is finding it. I have approximately 75 of these errors - one for every blog on our site. Beth Morley Vice President, Operations Messina Group Staffing Solutions
    (847) 692-0613

    Moz Pro | | MessinaGroup

  • I run a very niche blog on getting section 8 housing. I've had the blog for about 6 years and have paid attention to it on and off. For the past few months, I've been ON again. What's appealing to me is the amount of potential traffic the keywords have and small competition. I have knowledge on the subject. I've read Moz seo guides, etc... The problem is government sites rank high (understandably) or other sites that are nonsense / scams when you search 'section 8 application'. It's very hard to find active bloggers to do link exchange is with as the sites that rank high are trying to scam people and obviously I can't get government back links. I've tried reaching out to people with no avail. I think I have good informative content. All of my adsense goes to charity but at this point it's not much. I'd like to get it out there, white-hat style, but I'm having difficulty. Any suggestions (please be specific), on how I can target sites that would be relevant to this topic and not do generic back-linking (unless you think news submissions, etc will work)? Thanks!

    Link Building | | sstrick

  • Our brand name also happens to be a common German word and when I ran FWE for the first time this week, I was surprised to see hundreds of returns for the German word rather than our brand name. Does this affect our SEO in anyway and if so, what can we do to mitigate this? Appreciate any insights! Thanks in advance.

    Moz Bar | | karrabarron

  • Doing a small SEO project for a local dermatologist and when reviewing competitor link profiles I found one site that was earning a TON of links from other doctors throughout the country. From what I can tell, it looks like this web development company builds medical practice sites, then puts a page on each site that links to all other practices they created site for. Does this actually work? What would the name of this be? Recipricol links? Link farm? Thanks! Ricky

    Link Building | | RickyShockley

  • Hi there I have been contacted by a health consultant based in London who has recently acquired a health retreat in France. Since she can't commute between the two countries she wants to focus most of her time on promoting the health retreat in France. Her current GMB profile is based on her consultancy practice in London which uses her UK NAP but also points to the retreat's website. She is using the retreat's site to promote her services in the UK as well as the retreat in France. Since she wants to spend most of her time promoting the retreat I feel she should create a GMB specifically for the retreat and have complete different NAPs for both business entities. (could she keep the website for both businesses if she wants too?) Would having a NAP for the retreat located in France make a difference in local search if they are conducted in the I have done a few geo-located searches for health retreats in specific cities in France and couldn't see any GMB profile come up or snack packs. Any advice would be very useful. Many thanks

    Local SEO | | coolhandluc

  • It's been three months since my agency has assigned to me the task of completing citations for our clients. Some of them have Yext powerlistings and some don’t. So I am going and looking at all the citations my clients don’t have, and without bright local that is pretty time consuming. You really have to know what you are looking for. It got me curious, I went into my Yext and I wanted to know what exactly does yext give me with these power listings that I cannot get myself, and which of these directories do I really need? Of course they do some good ones like Mojopages and Citysearch (are people even using those anymore? I sure as hell haven’t even seen someone use either of those). But over half of those power listings is stuff like this: What the heck are these stupid sites and why the heck would I ever pay them for a listing? My point is I need to figure the perfect citation build out process for onboarding new clients and I want every reason to convince my company to leave Yext. Why do we even need these crappy directories? Even directories like hotfrog and citysearch, what quality are they providing? I know a lot of your are going to say, “Well your competition has it and you need it to rank in Gmaps.” But I would rather put my time into getting reviews on the top Ten directories where people actually go! So when we onboard a client. Maybe it should look like this. Top 25 directories Location specific directories All Web 2.0’s (I can get a fiverr guy to do it for 40 bucks). Boom done with citations now let’s get back to making some good content! What do you guys think?

    Local Listings | | Meier

  • I have an idea that might help people evaluate casually the strength of backlinks. I'm thinking of building an upvoting list of backlink pages. People can vote on how they feel the strength of the backlink site has personally helped them. This would not be algorithmic or scientific, just a community of people rating their actual success with the strength of the backlinks for particular sites. Thoughts? Thanks!

    Link Building | | sstrick

  • Our companies, Vulcan Information Packaging and ATC both live under the domain “”. This is a great thing as far as us dominating in the binder industry. However, in the next 2-3 years and forward, we want to build our presence as a company who offers packaging products such as boxes, marketing kits, and other forms of packaging. Obviously, the “” brand/domain does not contribute much to this effort and can be confusing to customers visiting the site. Essentially, we want to build an additional branding for our company in the packaging industry. Keeping this in mind, we own the domain “” and we are considering building a new website using this domain which contains the word “packaging”. This new site would only promote and contain packaging related products. This new website will advertise and direct traffic to our company Vulcan Information Packaging, which is the same company “” directs traffic to. So my question is to determine whether doing this might be a practice that Google and other search engines might frown upon. I tend to think it will be fine because we will be promoting and driving traffic for non-binder products where as, is heavily in binder related products. thank you, Dominic Zaidan

    Branding | | dzaidan

  • Stats- Webmaster Tools Indexed Pages- 96,995 Site: Search- 97,800 Pages Sitemap Submitted- 18,832 Sitemap Indexed- 9,746 I went through the search results through page 28 and every item it showed was correct. How do I figure out where these extra 80,000 items are coming from? I tried crawling the site with screaming frog awhile back but it locked because of so many urls. The site is a Magento site so there are a million urls, but I checked and all of the canonicals are setup properly. Where should I start looking?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tylerj

  • I was under the impression our site had a mobile dedicated design, but my developers are telling me we have an adaptive design. The mobile site is set up different and has different content and the url is as follows: Can it still be considered adaptive if the URL is not the exact same? Hopefully this make sense and I appreciate anyone's input!

    Web Design | | AliMac26

  • Hello All! In an international website, it is recommended to have a copy of every image for every language in the website (with translate filenames)? or it is better to use only one copy of each image and change only the alt attributes? Thanks for the help.

    On-Page Optimization | | dMaLasp

  • Hi all! For a healthcare website we have setup AMP. Google Search Console suggests to use article markup for several pages and I am not sure if this is correct. There are two kind of pages:
    1. News pages
    2. Information pages, for example: symptoms alcohol addiction  or Binge Eating Disorder There's no doubt the article markup will be correct for the news pages but I am not sure about the information pages. Do you guys suggest to implement article markup on these pages as well or only use this for real news/blog posts? Hope you can help me out. Thank you in advance and happy holidays! Regards, Anouk van de Velde

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DeptAgency

  • Hi there! I have .photography domain. The domain is 3 years old. We know we have a lot of backlinks. However, the DA and PA are still 1. Also the number of linking root domains shows as zero. Can someone help me with it?

    Link Explorer | | Tatiana3000

  • I'm still trying to wrap my head around rel=canonical and its importance. Thanks to the community, I've been able to understand most of it. Still, I have a couple of very specific questions: I share certain blog posts on the Huffington Post. Here's an example: - Of course I post these on my blog as well. Here: - Obviously the HuffPo has a huge DA, and I'll never match it. However the original post is mine, on my blog, and not on the HuffPo. They wont - obviously - add a rel=canonical just for me and for the sake of it, they have a million other things to do. QUESTION: Should I add a rel=canonical to my own site pointing to the post on the HuffPost? What would be the advantage? Should I just leave this alone? I share blog posts on Go4TravelBlog too. Example: - but, once again, the original post is on one of my blogs. In this case, it's on another blog of mine: QUESTION: Well it's pretty much the same! Should I beg Go4TravelBlog to add a rel=canonical pointing to mine? If they refuse, what do I do? Would it be better to add a rel=canonical from my site to theirs, or do I fight it out and have a rel=canonical pointing to my own post? Why? Thanks a million for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | cedriklizotte

  • Hello all, I'm looking at something a bit wonky for one of the websites I manage. It's similar enough to other websites I manage (built on a template) that I'm surprised to see this issue occurring. The xml sitemap submitted shows Google there are 229 pages on the site. Starting in the beginning of December Google really ramped up their intensity in crawling the site. At its high point Google crawled 13,359 pages in a single day. I mentioned I manage other similar sites - this is a very unusual spike. There are no resources like infinite scroll that auto generates content and would cause Google some grief. So follow up questions to my "why?" is "how is this affecting my SEO efforts?" and "what do I do about it?". I've never encountered this before, but I think limiting my crawl budget would be treating the symptom instead of finding the cure. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! *edited for grammar.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brettmandoes

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