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  • I am running a linkbuilding campaign for my company.  I am mostly focusing on guest blogging opportunities and responding to emails from HARO.  How many links would I have to acquire each week or month to be considered doing a good job over a 6 month or a year time period? Thank you,

    Link Building | | fersu

  • Hello Experts, When I search in google any keyword like abcd in search results for one website after meta description there are showing few links of website ( image attached ) Can you please let me know what is this & how to achieve such type of links? Thanks! mdJBLYb

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wright335

  • Hey all, I’m looking to move a site from non-www to www and was wondering if anyone knows of a list of things to check and update after making the switch in WordPress (i.e. updating preferred domain in GSC). Anyone ever done this before who can lend some advice? Thanks! Dan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | danielreyes

  • Our site checks whether visitors are resident in the same country or live abroad. If it recognises that the visitor comes from abroad, the content is made more appropriate for them. Basically, instead of encouraging the visitor to come and visit a showroom, it tells them that we export worldwide. It does this by IP checking. So far so good! But I noticed that if I look at cached pages in Google's results, that the cached pages are all export pages. I've also used Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console) and rendered pages as Google - and they also render export pages. Does anybody have a solution to this?
    Is it a problem?
    Can Google see the properly (local - as in UK) version of the site?

    Technical SEO | | pulcinella2uk

  • Hey Everyone, I am looking for some recommendations on the best Facebook Advertising guides that are available. I have been advertising on facebook for some time but want to hone my skills to get better value and I am looking for the best guide. Hope some of you can throw me some recommendations. Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | TTGDavid

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking for a specific answer, so I'll give some specifics to help get some information. After looking through Open Site Explorer we've noticed one of the links from has a 10/17 spam score. This link is a 301 redirect from a previous login URL, so users can be redirected to our current site and login from there. I don't know how to approach this situation or what the correct fix is. Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Link Explorer | | ccox1

  • This seems really odd to me. It appears to be a fully working Google+ page and I can access the links that are other Google+ pages, but it is a subdomain of Reach Local. Any ideas?

    Link Building | | LocalEnthusiast

  • I have created a number of lists in the new Keyword Explorer tool, and finally had a chance to put them into my company documents. I noticed a drop in some keywords which I assumed (rightly so) was incorrect. For example, in my "list" I have the keyword mixed media. When I export the CSV it shows a volume range of 0-10. If I type just that keyword into the explorer I get a range of 4.3k-6.5k for mixed media, which is where I would expect it to be. ( This issue happened to about a dozen keywords at least in my list, and most of them are that major of a difference. Any idea what is going on here?

    Moz Bar | | M_D_Golden_Peak

  • Does anyone else hate the new SERP Features section? Well, let me start over.  I do not hate that section, I hate that that data was removed from the main rankings page.  It was very convenient to be able to see that my site was ranking # for organic and also listed in the Local listings.  All in one place.  Now, I have to go to 2 different places to get that data.  When you are tracking more than 5 keywords, going back and forth will make your head spin.  (Yes, I know you can get all the data in a cv file.  That's still an additional, unnecessary step when you need a quick ranking update). Also, when the local/image/video/etc. emblems were shown on the main ranking page, you could hover over the emblem and see who was ranking on the first page for that vertical.  Now that data is completely gone.  Suggestions for where to find this data?  A bright local membership? Thanks for listening to me rant.  Moz, if you are listening, please bring back the old ranking page!

    Feature Requests | | DBL07SEO

  • Hi, my ecommerce site used to rank #2 (my homepage) for my primary keyword on Google for over a year. #1 has always been my competitor's homepage. Since Monday 10/10, my competitor's Shop page -- which uses this keyword only 6x within the content of that page and has NEVER been ranked -- is #2 bumping me down to #3 😞 I feel this is a result of the last Penguin update. My best guess is their homepage popularity -- due to backlinks and being #1 SERP rank -- has transferred popularity to their Shop page. Is that normal for Google to do that? Any advice or guidance would be much appreciated.

    Algorithm Updates | | Taylorw

  • I've decided to write my own sitemap because frankly, the automated ones pull all kinds of out of I don't know where. So to get around that, manual it is. But I have some products appear in various categories, should I still list every product in each category in the sitemap, regardless of some being duplicates, or should I choose the most relevant category and list them there? I do have a canonical URL extension which should resolve any duplicate content I have.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • Hi All, For my ecommerce site I have optimized my product pages very nicely like good images, detailed information about products, good reviews, implemented schema for my product and reviews and very perfect onpage. Now my query is if my products pages performing well in google then there are chances that my category page rank well in google too? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | wright335

  • I am trying to put forward a strategy for my company on how to create content, then follow it up with link building and social posts in hope to build the page rank in search engines like Google. Can you please take a look at this and let me know your thoughts? I have read the MOZ help documentation about search and want to see what you guys think. This is not a local search, we are a national website selling products throughout multiple offices. So we are trying to rank for certain keywords. This is what we have come up with. Any help/opinions would be greatly appreciated! Step 1: Create a page around the keyword that we want to rank for. The page must be well written, contain content which is engaging and may be hard to get this content elsewhere. The page may contain a video with further information on the topic. Of course the correct tags must be present (H1), page titles, etc. Step 2: Once the page is created it is time to start getting people to see the page. This is where we start with social media. Making a post about the page and getting people to see it. (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, etc.) Step 3: Press release. When sending out press releases on topics related to the page, we can link to the page in the release. Step 4: Articles on industry websites. Try to get industry websites to write an article on a certain topic that we specialize in. If they can link to the page we created in the article, it would help. (Sites with high page ranks and .edu websites are extra powerful.) Thanks for reading.

    Link Building | | trumpfinc

  • For example if the website is and the hosting would be on Amazon Web Services. Thanks for your help!

    Local Website Optimization | | IrinaIoana

  • Hi I've been reading the following article about Google's quality signals here: They mention - 3) All your categories should be accessible from the main menu. All your web pages should be labelled with the relevant categories. Is this every category? We have some say 3 levels deep, and they aren't all in the menu. I'd like them to be, so would be good to make a case for it. Thank you

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • I am looking at moving my site from HTTP to full HTTPS, so i will 301 redirect any HTTP requests to their HTTPS counterpart. All my pages in the Google index are HTTP, so will that 301 redirect reduce the value of the pages? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOhmygod

  • I'm getting reports of duplicate content for pages that have different sorting options applied, e.g: /trips/dest/africa-and-middle-east/
    /trips/dest/africa-and-middle-east/?sort=title&direction=des&page=1 I have the added complication of having pagination combined with these sorting options. I also don't have the option of a view all page. I'm considering adding rel="nofollow" to the sorting controls so they are just taken out of the equation, then using rel="next" and rel="prev" to handle the pagination as per Google recommendations(using the default sorting options). Has anyone tried this approach, or have an opinion on whether it would work?

    On-Page Optimization | | benbrowning

  • We run an ecommerce website... approx 8K products. When using the page grader, MOZ tools consistently tell me that I have too many Internal Links on the page.
    These are caused from our fairly large menu system, and probably from the sub-category links on the category landing pages as well. I was reading an article that mentioned a no-follow on these Internal links would not really solve the "Too many internal links issue", so wanted to check if anyone has ideas or should I just dis-regard this MOZ suggestion that there are too many in this type of environment?

    On-Page Optimization | | Ampweb

  • Hi all, Do you think that is possible to have duplicate content issues because we provide a unique image with 5 different URLs ? In the HTML code pages, just one URL is provide. It's enough for that Google don't see the other URLs or not ? Example, in this article : The same image is available on: Thank you very much for your help. Julien

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Julien.Ferras

  • Moz is alerting me that there's about 60 duplicate pages on my Shopify ecommerce site. Most of them are products. I'm not sure how to fix this since the coding for my site is in liquid. I'm not sure if this is something I even need to be worried about. Most of these duplicate pages are a result of product tags shopify sites use to group products you tag with characteristics that the user can select in the product view. here are a couple URLS:

    Technical SEO | | Mamadoux

  • Which is the best API call to return external backlinks for a URL?

    API | | silvacarl

  • Does anyone have an example of using the Moz API with curl in bash?

    API | | silvacarl

  • Our xml sitemap is divided up in to many smaller xml sitemaps so we have fewer products per sitemap, in order to easily identify errors. A couple of weeks ago, we changed our xml sitemap by reordering some of the products. However, this has left some old xml sitemaps without any data, and they are no longer appearing in our xml sitemap. But, Google is still identifying these sitemaps since they once existed, and they are giving errors since they can't locate them. Should we 404 those xml sitemaps, or is there a better way to handle this?

    Technical SEO | | ang

  • Brand A and Brand B are merging to form Brand C. Brand A has a great search presence (prominent rankings, answer boxes, and impressive organic traffic). Brand B has a good reputation in real life but their web presence was extremely weak (we've been helping with that over the past few months and it is improving). What are the steps we need to take? The previous domains from Brand A and Brand B are going away and we need to promote the newly minted Brand C website. This Q/A summarizes what we want to do but with one exception: They only discuss merging Brand A into BRand B and there is no Brand C.

    Branding | | CommandPartners

  • We have a client who before us, had a website that was blacklisted by Google. After we created their new website, we submitted an appeal through Google's Webmaster Tools, and it was approved. One year later, they are still unable to rank for anything on Google. The keyword we are attempting to rank for on their home page is "Day in the Life Legal Videos" which shouldn't be too difficult to rank for after a year. But their website cannot be found. What else can we do to repair this previously blacklisted website after we're already been approved by Google? After doing a link audit, we found only one link with a spam score of 7, but I highly doubt that is what is causing this website to no longer appear on Google. Here is the website in question:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rodneywarner

  • I have a div on my website with around 500 words of unique content in, automatically when the page is first visited the div has a fixed height of 100px, showing a couple of hundred words and fading out to white, with a show more button, which when clicked, increases the height to show the full content. My question is, does Google crawl the content in that div when it renders the page? Or disregard it? Its all in the source code. Or worse, do they consider this cloaking or hidden content? It is only there to make the site more useable for customers, so i don't want to get penalised for it. Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOhmygod

  • Hi, We have been approached by a potential client. They are a UK company whose website is hosted on a .com domain (the forwards to the .com). They also have a German website hosted on a .de domain. Both the .com and the .de are hosted in the UK. We believe that the .de website should be hosted in Germany. You agree? Anyway, they now need to target the US market. They are planning on duplicating the UK (.com) website and creating a US version of the site on a .us domain. They would rewrite the content for the US site to avoid duplications, and add Href Lang attributes etc. They are also debating whether the new US site should be hosted in the US or the UK. We don't think this is the best strategy. Would it not be better to host both the UK and US website on the .com domain. using reginal folders? i.e., and Obviously we would setup Href Lang accordingly and change the Google Search Console geo targeting options for each of the sub-sites (/uk and /us). Or we could suggest hosting the UK site on the domain, and the US on the .com domain. So, what is the best strategy to target the US audience, whilst maintaining UK rankings? Many thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon 🙂 Lee.

    Branding | | Webpresence

  • Hi All, In Google Search Console -> In Search Analytics. I can see Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Position. I want to know all these 4 - Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Position gives information related to google organic only? or combine or google organic and google adwords? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | wright335

  • I utilise the Moz bar quite rigourously as a content marketer but i'm having an annoying popup every second. Moz kept bugging me with a popup bar saying: "authentication required" asking me to input my username & password. Though filling it in correctly, it keeps bugging me every second. Sometimes even when I have disabled the toolbar it keeps poping up! How to resolve this?

    Moz Bar | | iPrice_Marketing

  • A site we're working on has hundreds of thousands of inventory pages that are generally "orphaned" pages. To reach them, you need to do a lot of faceting on the search results page. They appear in our XML sitemaps as well, but I'd still consider these orphan pages. To assist with crawling and indexation, we'd like to create HTML sitemaps to link to these pages. Due to the nature (and categorization) of these products, this would mean we'll be creating thousands of individual HTML sitemap pages, which we're hesitant to put into the index. Would the sitemaps still be effective if we add a noindex, follow meta tag? Does this indicate lower quality content in some way, or will it make no difference in how search engines will handle the links therein?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mothner

  • Hi Everyone I am wondering how Google handles the read more tag in Wordpress. I pasted the link to a blog post on Google and found nothing ( Then I paste the version without #readmore ( and found that Google indexed the page but with the option to click "read more" to read it. The full blog post is not in their index, just the version asking you to read more. Is this because Google hasn't gotten to it or is Google ignoring it. I am not sure but ideally I rather have the full blog post indexed, not the read more version. I am curious to whether this will cause duplicate content issues. What are your experience with this and is it advisable to use an alternate method for read more. Maybe with a Wordpress plugin. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | gaben

  • Hi all, I was wondering what SEO value, if any, there is from user comments on my WordPress blog. A lot of them seem to be from bots or incredibly generic. So I guess, aside from possibly adding to the 'trust' factor and the possibility of facilitating a potential relationship with another relevant website, is there any value here? I can't wait to hear from you all!

    Algorithm Updates | | maxcarnage

  • I have a site that is based in the US but each page has several different versions for different regions. These versions live in folders (/en-us for the US English version, /en-gb for the UK English version, /fr-fr for the French version, etc.). Obviously, the French pages are in French. However, there are two versions of the site that are in English with little variation of the content. The pages all have a tag to indicate the language the page is in. However, there are no <hreflang>tags to indicate that the pages are the same page in two different languages.</hreflang> My question is, do I need to go through and add the <hreflang>tags to each page to reference each other and identify to Google that these are duplicate content issues, but different language versions of the same content? Or, will Google figure that our from the tag?</hreflang>

    Technical SEO | | InterCall

  • Hi all, Unfortunately, getting into a bit of a p*ssing match 😞 with a company trying to compete for the business of one of our clients and just wanted to some feedback from the community here. The company competing for the client's business claims to have spent $1 million to replicate Google's algorithm so they create a replica site (not sure I understand this) of the client site, then test and optimize on-page SEO changes in their software to determine whether the on-page changes are ideal. Sounds fishy to me. Thoughts?

    Algorithm Updates | | RickyShockley

  • We recently built a page for a client which consisted of a one paragraph of about 30-40 words, We weren't expecting this to rank, but it has ranked at #3 on UK Google. So, we are now trying to work out the likely reason for this, as pages which we have optimised do not rank this well. We realise there are a number of factors which influence ranking, but on this particular page we have a news module at the bottom of the page containing 8 short intros to other related content. Could it be that  search engines are ranking for the main content shown by the menu link and the 8 short intros associated with that main content? Hope that makes sense. Thanks Ian

    On-Page Optimization | | Substance-create

  • Hi, We are updating a site and creating new separate pages for each coworker (app. 50 coworkers). Each page will include picture, short description, cv and also a subtitle/"keyword list" called: "areas of expertise". Each keyword (area of expertise) has it´s own in depth page on the subject, would it be wise to anchor text -link these? or is this something that is likely to be picked up by google as spam? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Agguk

  • Hello, We are optimizing our mobile (responsive) website at this moment and we want to change some elements on the productpage of our webshop in order of rank. This is the outcome of a data analysis which proves a change in rank of order will result in a higher conversion rate. No doubt. By technical limitations there is no other option but duplicating the element 'product description' in the source of the page to be able to show in on the spot on the product page we like to. Because our webshop is responsive we can not just move the element to the right spot for mobile because the tablet and desktop version then will change as well. My question is: will it be a problem for Google if we hide the original element of the product description on mobile pages by using the bootstrap class "hidden-xs" and duplicate it on another spot in the page to show it with the "visible-xs" class? My concern is that this will create duplicate content and hiding content for Google is not particularly good. On the other hand, I think Google is smart enough to understand that this is not to manipulate visitors or rankings, but this is only for a different look of the mobile website. I hope you guys can give me some good advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | MarcelMoz

  • I am trying to get more keyword ideas for one of my project. For example the seed keyword is computer virus and the results which i get is keywords related to  the phrase computer virus such as virus in computer , virus threats but actually i am trying to get search details on actual threat names or types of viruses and i expect output such as malware, trojan etc.. ( Currently using ad words keyword planner to fetch keyword data ) Is there any way to achieve this ? Even if i  use "types of computer viruses" as seed keyword i am not getting the types of viruses people searching for instead i get keywords ideas such as computer viruses, computer threats etc... ? Can somebody suggest a solution ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NortonSupportSEO

  • We have many incoming links to a non existing pages of a sub-domain, which we are planning to take down or redirect to a sub-directory. But we are not ready to loose pagerank or link juice as many links of this sub-domain are referred from different external links. It's going to be double redirect obviously. What is the best thing we can go to reclaim these links without loss of link juice or PR? Can we redirect all these links to same sub-domain and redirect the same sub-domain to sub-directory? Will this double redirect works? Or Can we redirect all these links to same sub-domain and ask visitors to visit sub-directory, manual redirection? How fair to manually redirect visitors? Any other options? Thanks, Satish

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Like quite a few sites recently we've seen some large fluctuations for our domain the SERPs over the past 6 or so weeks. One thing ive noticed, is that when the site seems to rank higher in the SERPs we get a lower bounce rate. If the sites average across all of its main keywords in #5 the bounce rate is c. 40% (this site is a creative portfolio site, so i guess the niche has a slightly higher bounce rate than normal as you will get some people who click through an notice straight away that the style of the portfolio isnt what they where looking for) But when the sites ranking averages #2-3 the bounce rate tends to be about 25%. (The thing is that we tend to always drop back down after a fews days or so) Has any one else noticed this ?

    Algorithm Updates | | jpeg80

  • Id like to be able to drill down into the local search traffic for a site in google analytics, i know i can get some analytics data via google's local places dashboard, but id like to see a more detailed chart in google analytics. I read this article and installed this filtered view dashboard from Local U, but it seems its stopped working since it was originally published back in July 13. Is there a more up to date method for capturing this data ?

    Local Listings | | jpeg80

  • Hi community friends. Ive have started to work on our 2.0 e-commerce store mostly when it comes to design and the ux.  Its a woocommerce setup and in total we have 34 products! We have e niche site where we sell products as a system towards the building industry. Each product served its purpose within a construction detail and needs some explanation for a first time user/customer. So, first thing  we did now was to ad the short description to our loop to bring some more info to the user and guide them in the right direction quick. Now the products are divided in to four categories. We actually gain a lot of traffic from those category landing pages and i am not so eager to change the way the products are categorised. The old menu where built up by a sidebar with links to the different categories and to tags pages. Where the category where for example "Adhesive" and the Tag "Seal a window from the outside". The category gives the broader direction, and the tag gives the final usage/solution/purpose with the product. In the 2.0 we would like to remove the sidebar in the product pages in favor for a full widht product page with more focus on the product and the specs. This leads us to put our navigation up in the main menu part for the desktop version. Now to the questions. 1. Do you think that we are doing it the right way, to niche and set the final usage/path to our products with tags, or should it be done in another way? 2. For the UX, do you think that removing the sidebar navigation on the product pages will lead to a worse user/shopping experience? Attached you can see some pics from our dev server where the new menu are being built up, and also the new product page layout. Please give me some feedback! 🙂 // J open?id=0BzS3SfsD0lmcSFR4a21rRlVBcjA open?id=0BzS3SfsD0lmcM0djUi1pcXdrOWM

    On-Page Optimization | | knubbz

  • Hello Experts, 1) Do Website Engagement Rates Impact Organic Rankings? What does Website Engagement Rates means? Is it a visitor stay on my page long time? Can anyone guide me what things we can include in website engagement rates Specifically for "Ecommerce Sites" ? Can I consider - 1) Reviews 2) Video's  3) Good Images and informative description 4) video's 5) highlighting relevant blog posts at category pages  6) email subscription etc as website engagement? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wright335

  • Hi all mozzers, I am having confusion to understand the fact and importance to target a single or related grouped keywords which is quite broader in terms of relevancy being found within our business. Let's explain more in detail:
    Suppose we have a website: deal businesses in "Party Supplies, Party Decorations" Where the term "Party Supplies" being used exact or randomly many places, please see below finalized Titles respective to each landing page:
    title - Birthday Party Supplies - Kids Birthday Party Decorations Ideas
    title - Wedding Favors - Wedding Party Decorations & Centerpieces
    title - Buy Baking Supplies - Cupcake & Cake Decorating Supplies
    title - Special Occasions Parties Supplies & Events - Party Time My main concern is, do our keyword party supplies gets stuck with "Keyword Cannibalization" ? If yes then what is the best advice you folks like to input here in order to safeguard and optimize best our landing pages for the such broader related search terms within the businesses. I am looking for best answer here

    Search Behavior | | KammySEO

  • Hi Moz community, A quesiton about our dutch travel insurance website. Two weeks ago we had a ranking drop from 17 to position 35. The project is still fresh (we started in may this year). I quess penguin 4.0 didn't like our rapid linkbuilding. But we also receive a message in page optimization tool for keyword stuffing. When we analyze the homepage for reisverzekering (meaning travel insurance) Moz suggests to avoid keywords stuffing. But I dont understand, we don't use the keyword that much and Yoast doesnt give this message. How much key

    Moz Pro | | remkoallertz

  • Because of regulatory reasons,  a stock trading site needs to be blocked to United States visitors Since most of google datacenters seem to be located in the US, can this site rank well in the other countries where does business despite being blocked in the US? Do U.S. Google data centers influence only US rankings?

    Algorithm Updates | | tabwebman

  • Hi Moz Community, I am in charge of the Spanish SEO for an international company, related to security. A couple of months ago, I realized that my Spanish/keywords/post all vanished from Google, Yahoo, Bing and Duckduckgo. Then I noticed that somebody in command of the main website used a disavow all! I was in shock, as all of you can imagine. Knowing that all the inbound links were spam score under 4, highly relevant and so. Later on, I was informed that the website was hacked and somebody took that action. Of course, it did not solved the issue. I continue researching and found those pages - "Online%20Games%20-%20Should%20Parents%20Worry%20Or%20Celebrate%3F" - all of them like this one. I informed the owner of the website - he is not my client - my client is the Spanish Manager. They erased the pages, of course plus sent all those, to avoid the 404 responses, to the homepage with a 301. My heart stopped at that point! I asked them to send all those with a redirect 301 to a new hidden page with nofollow and noindex directives. We recover, my keywords/pages are in the first page again. Although the DA fell 7 points and no inbound links for now. I asked for the disavow file "to rewrite it", not received yet. Any better ideas? Encountered a similar issue? How did you solved it?
    Thanks in advance.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Mª Verónica B.

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