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  • Hi All, This is a layman question but would like to get a concrete answer for. I would like to know how to answer the questions like "Why our competitor is ranking for keyword ABC but not us"? What metrics or data can I showcase that gives logical answer. Please help in this regard. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Avin123

  • Hi All, This is a query regarding what keyword should be placed in URL. Below is the scenario. I have marketplace website where I can service providers with users. I have a page with a list of Dance providers and want to rank it for Dance Classes, Dance Coaching Classes keywords. Since these keywords represent same business purpose for us, should I keep the URL as or What is SEO best practice in this scenario? Kindly suggest.

    On-Page Optimization | | Avin123

  • Hello, We have a new store  where an internal category page (our biggest category) is moving up ahead of the home page. What could be the reason for this? It's an exact match .org. Over-optimization? Something else? It happened both when I didn't optimize the home page title tag and when I did for the main keyword, i.e. mainkeyword |, or just Home Page. Both didn't help with this. We have very few backlinks. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • Hi all, I was recently doing some competitive analysis on external links/DA and came across something peculiar. A competitor of ours had their external links go from 175,179 in August to 1,141,365 in September. I've attached a screenshot showing the increase. The competitors domain authority also increased from 82 to 89 in the same time span. Has anyone else come across such a large link increase in such a short period of time, while also being rewarded for it? Obviously at first glance it seemed extremely black hat and unnatural, but I would love to be proven wrong. Thanks! Cw5tN

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | mstpeter

  • Hello, I'm new in the seo word, but I have worked hard the last year and get good feedback on the rankings. Now I just wondering what to do? Need some help from seo experts, please give me feedback and tips to the next steps for my webstore. I want to rank higher in google, like everyone. Please check it out: Thank you Preben

    Technical SEO | |

  • A bit of a strange one, a client's .com site has recently been losing rankings on a daily basis, but traffic has barely budged. After some investigation, I found that the domain (which has been 301 redirected for some years) has recently been indexed by Google. According to Ahrefs the domain started gaining some rankings in early September, which has increased daily. All of these rankings are effectively being stolen from the .com site (but due to the 301 redirect, the site loses no traffic), so as one keyword disappears from the .com's ranking, it reappears on the's ranking report. Even searching for the brand name now brings up the version of the domain whereas less than a week ago the brand name brought up the .com domain. The redirects are all working fine. There's no instance of any URLs on the site or in the sitemaps leading to the domain. The domain does not have any backlinks except for a single results page on The site hasn't recently had any design or development done, the last changes being made in June. Has anyone encountered this before? I'm not entirely sure how or why Google would start indexing 301'd URLs after several years of not indexing these.

    Technical SEO | | lyuda55

  • Happy Monday everyone! We recently received a unique lead on our site and I was wondering if there was anyway to pinpoint the exact behavior flow and/or specific referral source they came from on Google Analytics. I know you can view the general behavior flow for all or segmented users based on what pages they viewed, but I wanted to see if I can track by unique sessions to see where this person exactly found us. Any insight is appreciated! Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | KathleenDC

  • Am new to SEO. My clients site was completed using Yoast premium and then used Google search console to initiate the crawl. Initially setup an http:// property and all seemed good.  Then i removed that under search console an created an https:// did the render and it appears google has put a block and placed their own robots.txt file which basically has rendered the site useless. Feedback most appreciated.

    Web Design | | BoostMyBiz

  • Hi, I got: "Unnatural Links To Your Site — Impacts Links  Google has detected a pattern of unnatural artificial, deceptive, or manipulative links pointing to pages on this site. Some links may be outside of the webmaster’s control, so for this incident we are taking targeted action on the unnatural links instead of on the site’s ranking as a whole. " I don't see any dropping at rankings, could the best solution here to be, just to leave everything as it is and be more careful with the link building in the future? Or is there a danger that Google gives further penalties if I don't act on this one do something? I am little afraid that if I start removing links, my rankings will drop, even though they have remained same if don't do anything? Any help is appreciated.

    Link Building | | pok3rplay3r

  • My website - has dropped from being top10 rankings for all of my keywords to not even being in top 50 after just checking now. It used to be hosted on:
    It got migrated to Sitground servers about a month ago See attached screenshot - would moving hosting provider cause such a huge drop? Or would there be anything else I should be looking at ? J2ahi

    Web Design | | IsaCleanse

  • Hey there, can any one please tell me the Best plugin i can choose For joomla?? I am going use sh404ref  & 2nd one i am thinking is EFSEO. If besides This do u know any Good One, Please Help to choose Best Thanx in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | poojaverify06

  • I have recently started working with a client with bad reviews on Google (2.1/5). Apart from the fact consumers are likely to see these reviews and decide against buying the service the company offers (causing a decrease in traffic), are there any other negative effects on the SEO?

    Reviews and Ratings | | sophiecrosby97

  • I automatically think yes... but nofollow links will be safer - that would be my choice as I always err on the side of caution... If I reached out to the entire network with quality content, as I would through a PR campaign, I am wondering whether the pre-existing business relationship would mean the link wouldn't be seen as truly independent by Google. Your thoughts would be welcome, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • Hi, Our company has a .com website which we target various countries from. Its a young company with little or no SEO pedigree, and under 50 external links. We dont rank highly for anything except the company name. Here is the company website: We are now expanding in the UK and I was wondering if we should be owning the website and targeting that or should we continue with a .com url and try and localise it (UK address, phone number, etc). Finally, if you do suggest that we stick to .com, would you recommend we buy the local urls (, .de, etc) and then put a redirect 301? Please suggest. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | ShishirPulse

  • We have recently updated our website ( and created new pages  like "". we have internally linked all the pages, but when I check the crawl report from MOZ it shows internal links as 0 and these pages have the PA of 1 and not increasing. I am unable to find out the reason why is it happening?

    On-Page Optimization | | payu_india

  • Hi, Need help on how to exclude traffic for a specific mobile device in Google Analytics view. I have been searching and the only information available is excluding IP address of internal traffic. Is there any way to exclude traffic through a mobile MAC address?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Khadija_K

  • Hi All, Our hosting provider have their IP address range in Melbourne but offers servers in Sydney or Melbourne..  If we were to take a server in Sydney and an IP address from their Melbourne range (only IP range offered) will the new localisation updates to the Penguin/Possum Algorithms serve less up to our clients in Sydney thinking we are located in Melbourne? Sorry if im confusing.. I know I am 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CFCU

  • From a Local SEO standpoint, wouldn't hiding a business address on Google Places for Business create an SEO disadvantage in that I would expect in the local portion of the search results, there would be a bias to showing businesses that have not hidden their address as then you can place a pin on the map at the location?  Or from a Local SEO standpoint does it not matter if you hide your address or not?

    Local Listings | | Jazee

  • Hello, I manage, with a dedicated team, the development of a big news portal, with thousands of unique articles. To expand our audiences, we syndicate content to a number of partner websites. They can publish some of our articles, as long as (1) they put a rel=canonical in their duplicated article, pointing to our original article OR (2) they put a meta robots 'noindex, follow' in their duplicated article + a dofollow link to our original article. A new prospect, to partner with with us, wants to follow a different path: republish the articles with a meta robots 'noindex, nofollow' in each duplicated article + a dofollow link to our original article. This is because he doesn't want to pass pagerank/link authority to our website (as it is not explicitly included in the contract). In terms of visibility we'd have some advantages with this partnership (even without link authority to our site) so I would accept. My question is: considering that the partner website is much authoritative than ours, could this approach damage in some way the ranking of our articles? I know that the duplicated articles published on the partner website wouldn't be indexed (because of the meta robots noindex, nofollow). But Google crawler could still reach them. And, since they have no rel=canonical and the link to our original article wouldn't be followed, I don't know if this may cause confusion about the original source of the articles. In your opinion, is this approach safe from an SEO point of view? Do we have to take some measures to protect our content? Hope I explained myself well, any help would be very appreciated, Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fabio80

  • Hi everyone, in a case for a site with two languages like spanish and english, how would do you deal with it? I can see 4 cases, which is better?? 1. With differents domains: (for spanish version) and (for english version). 2. With subfolder and 3. With Subdomain: and 4 With URL translation (any url is translated in ther languages but not use of subdomain or subfolder): and Thanks very much for your answers (i love this forum). 🙂

    International SEO | | webtematica

  • I am suspecting that Google often hesitates to index pages that have registered trademarks on them that are marked with a ®.   For example EGOL® used in the title tag or in the tag at the top of the page. Registered trademarks are everywhere and most retail product pages contain at least one of them.  However, most people use the registered trademark names as text in their writing without adding the registered trademark sign of ®. Have you experienced a problem getting such pages indexed or have you read any articles about how Google treats registered trademarks?

    On-Page Optimization | | EGOL

  • I wanted to get an opinion of whether a new strategy is wise or profoundly idiotic. Here is the scenario. We have a branded site that offers villa rentals around the world but we also have  separately branded geo specific websites that focus on villas rentals at a specific destination meaning the villas are mutually inclusive on the sites but we try to differentiate them with different descriptions and markups. This is what we did. We have a magazine associated with the global company that posts articles 1 to 2 times a day and it is set up as a subfolder on the global website.  The articles have revelant links to the global company landing pages as well as relevant villa pages. Additionally, we embed links to the geospecific websites as well if an article features a destination, topic or villa that is relevant to both the geospecific and global website. Moreover, In we have aggressively cross linked relevant keywords from specific villa pages (ie villa xyz on Barbados) to the magazine as well as to the root domain of the global website and other relevant pages. But we do not link the geospecific site back to the magazine or global site. Since we implemented this strategy, the rankings on our global site have dropped and the specific villa page on the global site (villa xyz on Barbados) has dropped precipitously for that villa xyz keyword. The complicating feature in all of this is that we have been launching new sites and fixes in the past month so I am not exactly sure what is the cause of the drop but I have a suspicion that the aformentioned issue may be a contributing factor. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Link Building | | Isle_Blue

  • We are about to migrate an ecommerce site to a whole different platform and we are facing a pagination dilemma. The new platform has a view all page for each category where all the individual pages point with a rel canonical to the view all page. What would be best to to as for the redirect. should we do the 301 redirect to the view all page ? Considering that the view all page takes quite a time to load, wouldn’t it be good to drop the view all an implement the rel-next, rel-prev and point the 301 redirect to the first page. If we do the view all page, wouldn't be a problem if all the natural backlinks that we'll get will not be for the page view all page, but for the page1, page2 etc?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lvt

  • Hi everyone, i´ll try to explain a situation is happening to me, i´m goint to try to explain the case (im writing the sites without links for explication purposes. Site 1: Adventurerooms Site 2: Adventureroomsmallorca Site 3: Adventureroomsmadrid (the new site) What happen is that at first there was only Adventurerooms and Adventureroomsmallorca, Adventurerooms was for Madrid and linked to the one in Mallorca too, was kind of giving the information for Madrid but in first page split with a link to Mallorca. In a new strategy we create Adventureroomsmadrid for Madrid, and leave Adventurerooms for Spain (with links to Adventureroomsmadrid and Adventureroomsmallorca. We redirect the info for Madrid in Adventurerooms to Adventureroomsmadrid with 301 redirections. We work during this 3 months in Adventureroomsmadrid making content in the blog, and improving (now Adventureroomsmadrid is Moz 15 (perhaps even more), and Adventurerooms is Moz 10. Surprising Adventurerooms is getting better in its search rankings, even when we took away content from it and even without working well. Adventureroomsmadrid is also improving but not as much as Adventurerooms (i know that is a new site, only 3 months), but Adventurerooms gets better results with no content and only DA of 10. I hope i´ve explain the case with my english so the question is: "Is it posible to improve site rankings working only with an other site?" Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | webtematica

  • I used to be able to see google seller ratings of my sites at Now I just see it for sites with a couple of hundred reviews. 
    Is there still any other URL or other way how I can see the seller ratings that google collected so far for my sites (even if I did not reach the threshold of 200 ratings in last 12 months)?

    Reviews and Ratings | | lcourse

  • Hi, Should the front page target a mixture of the most important keywords for the whole site (on page optimization)
    Or should we choose 1 or a few that are extra important/natural and optimize for this?
    Each important keyword already has it´s own dedicated page (single keyword optimized) either way the front page would "compete" against another internal page on a specific keyword, but maybe that´s the wrong way of looking at this?
    Almost all external backlinks are pointing to the front page so I guess that´s the real strength of the front page but it does not provide in depth good value for a specific keyword. Thanks!/Anders

    On-Page Optimization | | Agguk

  • Where is that guy with the mustache in the funny hat and the geek when you truly need them? So SEL (SearchEngineLand) said recently that there's no such thing as "duplicate content" penalties. by the way, I'd love to get Rand or Eric or others Mozzers aka TAGFEE'ers to weigh in here on this if possible. The reason for this question is to double check a possible 'duplicate content" type penalty (possibly by another name?) that might accrue in the following situation. 1 - Assume a domain has a 30 Domain Authority (per OSE) 2 - The site on the current domain has about 100 pages - all hand coded.  Things do very well in SEO because we designed it to do so.... The site is about 6 years in the current incarnation, with a very simple e-commerce cart (again basically hand coded).  I will not name the site for obvious reasons. 3 - Business is good.  We're upgrading to a new CMS. (hooray!) In doing so we are implementing categories and faceted search (with plans to try to keep the site to under 100 new "pages" using a combination of rel canonical and noindex.  I will also not name the CMS for obvious reasons. In simple terms, as the site is built out and launched in the next 60 - 90 days, and assume we have 500 products and 100 categories, that yields at least 50,000 pages - and with other aspects of the faceted search, it could create easily 10X that many pages. 4 - in ScreamingFrog tests of the DEV site, it is quite evident that there are many tens of thousands of unique urls that are basically the textbook illustration of a duplicate content nightmare.  ScreamingFrog has also been known to crash while spidering, and we've discovered thousands of URLS of live sites using the same CMS. There is no question that spiders are somehow triggering some sort of infinite page generation - and we can see that both on our DEV site as well as out in the wild (in Google's Supplemental Index). 5 - Since there is no "duplicate content penalty" and there never was - are there other risks here that are caused by infinite page generation??  Like burning up a theoretical "crawl budget" or having the bots miss pages or other negative consequences? 6 - Is it also possible that bumping a site that ranks well for 100 pages up to 10,000 pages or more might very well have a linkuice penalty as a result of all this (honest but inadvertent) duplicate content?  In otherwords, is inbound linkjuice and ranking power essentially divided by the number of pages on a site?  Sure, it may be some what mediated by internal page linkjuice, but what's are the actual big-dog issues here? So has SEL's "duplicate content myth" truly been myth-busted in this particular situation? ??? Thanks a million! 200.gif#12

    Algorithm Updates | | seo_plus

  • Hey Guys, I recently noticed that our Christmas Gifts landing page was ranking twice in the Google serps for the query "Christmas Gifts." One of these pages is an old url that has already been 301 redirected to the new url page which is also showing up in the search results. In the results, the following shows up in position 2 & 3 for the Christmas Gifts query: <cite class="_Rm"></cite> <cite class="_Rm"></cite>The url with "occasions" in it has already been 301 redirected to the url above it. Not sure why this is still showing up. I know it takes Google some time to index 301s and sometimes they show old urls, but it's been a few months since the old "occasions" url was redirected.The title tags for these pages are different but they are actually the same page. The new "gifts" version of the url was made live in the Navigation of our site just last week and before that it was hidden from our Navigation. Would this be the reason it's now showing up in search?Any ideas on why this might be happening? ThanksExplanations?

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • We have a good sub domain like**** which currently sells custom canvas art. We have owned the domain since 2013 but it has only been live for the past few weeks. We want to redesign & repurpose the page to continue to sell custom canvas art but will eventually include other merchandise like mugs, tshirts, etc which wouldn't be custom. Would it be best to keep since is a shorter/more memorible & older sub domain or would it be best to update the name to something that encompasses our new products? Our marketing team has suggested

    Technical SEO | | sb1030

  • Hi all, I’m really running into a challenge internally lately in that we have a lot of teams redesigning or building new pages (specificially one team) that do NOT loop our teams in. When we finally get them to work with us, to drive traffic to the pages, they disagree that there must be other ways of optimizing the pages than focusing on keywords with search volume that are relevant to the page. We usually land that they will choose a keyword or two they think a user will search for, we do keyword research and pick something close (because they don’t want to utilize a term that doesn’t make much sense, as they have written the content without involving us from the beginning, but then our search volume is declining). They keep saying there are other ways than changing the paired down content on their page and adding in keywords to the H1 headers, content on page. they mentioned semantic search at one point. For example, currently ranks around #10 for "single sign on solution."  This keyword was on the previous page quite a few times in headers and body copy.  Now it appears on the page 3 times after the redesign and is not in the h1.  The team does for example want to optimize for this term, but there’s lots of pushback as they want a page with minimal content and little design. Just wondering your thoughts on this. IS this a common challenge you deal with too and any idea on answers as I've tried many with the teams? Thanks, Laura

    Keyword Research | | lauramrobinson32

  • Will 301 redirect will have immediate impact once the website or that redirected link got indexed? We have recently redirected few links in the process of link reclamation and ranking dropped few days later. Every link we claimed is related to our topic (matched in content and URL) and they have good DA. Even though why it has happened? What are the general rank dropping factors in the process of link reclamation? Thanks, Satish

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi everyone, any news of making Moz Local avalaible for contries like Spain. Thanks in advance.

    Moz Local | | webtematica

  • Anybody seen this too? We have a webpage with tiny different title tag and H1.  If you search for let's say "Renovatie", you get to see the title tag "De kostprijs van je renovatie". However, when you search with the search term "Wat kost een renovatie", we see the H1 title in the SERP, which is "Wat kost een renovatie". So that's normal when you search a term that's exact the same as the H1 tag, Google ignores the title tag? N.

    Technical SEO | | nans

  • Moz is showing all many of URL's as duplicate URLs. I put canonical for all the pages but still it showing all as duplicate page. These are URL's Their is a lot of pages like this. How can I get rid from all this issues.

    Moz Pro | | crystalize

  • I'm currently doing a backlink audit for our site with a LOT of backlinks. Some of the linking sites are legitimate business websites in our industry who have linked to us for a totally legitimate reason (we have good content!). However, these businesses themselves have a spammy backlink profile—that is, the only sites linking to that site are obvious link farm sites. Here is an illustration:;;   ==all link to==>  ==links to==> Should I disavow this backlink? I guess it's not really giving me much SEO worth since it surely been branded a spammy junk domain, but then again, it's a real website that we've earned a link from because we're doing stuff the right way. Is it hurting or helping me?

    Link Building | | THandorf

  • Hello, We have an Ecommerce store. We have a lot of content on the home page and product pages and we are going back and forth between which one to use between a toggle "Read More" "Show Less" toggle for each section and a anchor linked menu. We have long product pages We're thinking a read more toggle is more appropriate for category descriptions so that they can go at the top of the category and not take up space. But the read more toggle with lots of content scrolls the page down and doesn't scroll it back up when you hit "show less" We're leaning towards a linked menu for the home pages and product pages for this reason, but an accordion type set of toggles would look nicer. What do you recommend, and how have you set up your read more toggles if they have lots of info so that they are not confusing? Are there other options? ' Not looking for code (I can do that) I'm looking for ideas on the cleanest home page, category pages, and product pages when they have tons and tons of textual content. Wanting to trim it up and make it look compact and neat! Thanks!

    Web Design | | BobGW

  • We upgraded our site to a new platform the first week of August.  The product listing pages have a canonical issue.  Page 2 of the paginated series has a canonical pointing to page 1 of the series.  Google lists this as a "mistake" and we're planning on implementing best practice (  We want to implement rel=next,prev. The URLs are constructed using a hashtag and a string of query parameters.  You'll notice that these parameters are  &parameter:value vs &parameter=value. /products#facet:&productBeginIndex:0&orderBy:&pageView:grid&minPrice:&maxPrice:&pageSize:& None of the URLs are included in any indexed URLs because the canonical is the page URL without the AJAX parameters.  So these results are expected. Screamingfrog only finds the product links on page 1 and doesn't move to page 2.  The link to page 2 is AJAX.  ScreamingFrog only crawls AJAX if its in Google's deprecated recommendations as far as I know. The "facet" parameter is noted in search console, but the example URLs are for an unrelated URL that uses the "?facet=" format.  None of the other parameters have been added by Google to the console.  Other unrelated parameters from the new site are in the console. When using the fetch as Google tool, Google ignores everything after the "#" and shows only the main URL.  I tested to see if it was just pulling the canonical of the page for the test, but that was not the case. None of the "#facet" strings appear in the Moz crawl I don't think Google is reading the "productBeginIndex" to specify the start of a page 2 and so on.  One thought is to add the parameter in search console, remove the canonical, and test one category to see how Google treats the pages. Making the URLs SEO friendly (/page2.../page3) is a heavy lift. Any ideas how to diagnose/solve this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jason.Capshaw

  • Does Google differentiate between keyphrase structures such as Mens Sunglasses & Men**'**s Sunglasses? I.e. does the inclusion/exclusion of an apostrophe make any difference when optimising your main keyword/phrase for a page? Keyword explorer appears to give different results..... I.e. no data for Men's Sunglasses, but data appears for Mens sunglasses. So if I optimise my page to include the apostrophe, will it screw the potential success for that page? Thanks 🙂 Bob

    Technical SEO | | SushiUK

  • Hi Mozzers, Got a quick question and while it is partially answered in Moz Q&A I have an answer to the contrary on another site so I wanted to get an opinion. I have a UK and US site - I have tagged the home pages with the relevant tags to the US doesn't rank in the UK and vice versa. Do I need to tag every page with each URL at category and product level or is the home page sufficient along with targeting the UK or US in Google Webmaster tools. Any feedback welcome - thanks b

    International SEO | | Bush_JSM

  • Hi, We were thinking of adding markup language to our site. We have been reading about it to understand the actual benefits of doing so (we have seen many brands are not using it, including So I have two questions: 1- Would you recommend using it for our site? 2- If yes, would it be better to create a snippet of code for our home page as an "organization" and then different snippets for our product pages as "products". Looking forward to your comments,

    Technical SEO | | Kilgray

  • Hi, I'm just setting up my first campaign and would like some advice please. I have a website and also within it a a number of pages in a sub folder. These are technically a different business to the main website and I would like to track them separately in Moz so they can have their own keyword lists and competitors etc. How do I do this? Do I set up two separate campaigns I understand the first one might still report on the subfolder but I guess I could just ignore this. Thanks

    Getting Started | | craigramsay

  • I am trying to optimize my website for multiple locations. I have setup a landing page for each location. Now I want to optimize services we offer at those locations such as floor scrubber rentals. I'm confused on the best approach for this for ranking locally. I offer the same equipment for rent at each location. So... should I have a link on the location landing page that takes you to an individual floor scrubber rental page for each location optimized for that locations city or should I have just one floor scrubber rental page and would I optimize it for both cities or just optimize it for floor scrubber rentals in general? I have many different categories like this that are offered @ both locations. If I do individual pages all the products and rates will be duplicate but I could change the areas we deliver to and description to be more geared towards that city.

    Local Website Optimization | | CougarChemMike

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